Through Palestine with the Twentieth Machine Gun Squadron

Chapter 15

From "Daily Mail," July 28th 1919.



Cairo, Dec. 10th 1919.

In accordance with arrangements with the Government concerned a change has been made in the military administration of Syria (north of Arabian Desert, including Palestine and Cilicia), the Valley of Adana, and Tarsus (which since the Allied occupation have been under the Commander-in-Chief of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force).

The administration of Cilicia and the area known as "occupied enemy territory (west)," including Lebanon, Beirut, Tripoli, and Alexandretta, has been handed over to General Gouraud, the French High Commissioner.

The British military posts in the Marash, Aintab, Urfa, and Jerablus areas, where the administration remains under the Turkish authorities, have also been relieved by the French.

The territory known as "occupied enemy territory (east)" including Damascus, Homs, Hamah, and Aleppo, has been handed over to the Arab administration under the Emir Feisul (whom the Syrians welcome).

All the British troops have been withdrawn from Syria, and the military administration of Syria by the British Commander-in-Chief has ceased.--Reuter.


Names and Addresses of the Members of the 20th Machine-Gun Squadron.

NOTE:--_A copy of this list has been sent by post to the address of every member for verification before going to Press._--AUTHOR, _1st June 1920_


Major L.F. ST. JOHN DAVIES, M.C., Antringham Rectory, North Walsham, Norfolk (Died 10-11-18).

Major R.H. FAIRBAIRNS, M.C., 63 Alleyn Park, Dulwich, S.E.

Capt. E. DAVIES, c/o Messrs. c.o.x & Co., 16 Charing Cross, S.W.

Capt. D. MARSHALL, M.C., Margaret Place, Dollar, Fife.

Capt. J.B. OAKLEY, Grimston Hill, York.

Capt. F.A. SPENCER, M.C., c/o Messrs. Sir C.R. McGrigor, Bart., & Co.

Panton St., S.W.

Lieut. E.P. CAZALET, Brunswick Rd., Sutton, Surrey.

Lieut. E.B. HIBBERT, "Babworth," Watson Ave., Mansfield, Notts.

Lieut. A.O.W. KINDELL, Rolle Cottage, Bourne End, Bucks.

Lieut. G.M. KING, York House, Headroomgate Rd., St. Annes-on-Sea, Lancs.

Lieut. C.D. MACMILLAN, Brackenhurst Hall, Southwell, Notts.

Lieut. A.G.P. MILLMAN, Liskeard, Cornwall.

Lieut. H.A. PRICE, M.C., "Homewood," Branksome Ave., Bournemouth (killed).

Lieut. R. RAYNOR, Jingewick Rectory, Bucks.

Lieut. F.R. WILGRESS, c/o The Bank of Montreal, Waterloo Place, London.

Second-Lieut. J.K.W. ARDEN, "Mayhills," nr. Petersfield, Hants.

Second-Lieut. J.W. c.u.mMER, 1221 13 Avenue, West Calgary Alta, Canada.

Squadron Sergeant Majors.

FISHER, H., 65 Crosby Rd., West Bridgford, Notts.

FLEET, T., M.M., 32 Trinity St., Dorchester, Dorset.

JACKSON, J.B., M.M., "Denstone," Rocester, Staffs.

LARWOOD, E., D.C.M., Thorpe Farm, Shadwell, Thetford.

PHILLIPS, H., 21 Sutherland Rd., Bow, London, E.

SALTER, E.G., 16 Grays Rd., Henley-on-Thames, Oxon.

Squadron Quartermaster Sergeants.

CRISP, J., 14 Spencer Rd., Mitcham, Surrey.

FISHER, H., _See_ under S.S.M."s.

HARRISON, N.M., Pocklington, Yorks.

Staff Farrier Sergeant.

ROBERTSON, T., 85 Bo"ness Rd., Grangemouth, Scotland.


ANDERSON, W. (Farrier), Steetley Farm, Whitwell, nr. Mansfield, Notts.