Tidal Wave

Chapter 23

Denise and Marty could only stare at Darya from the sh.o.r.e of the cave with their legs and arms bound. This is not the visitation they had imagined when they received the call from Raj the other day. The moment Denise saw Johnson pulling up in a boat behind them was the moment she knew things were going to be way worse than originally imagined.

He was supposed to be out this far, even for their work. They were recording data on the other side of the town and the path to this particular spot was not on the route what so ever.

She grabbed Marty"s arm and told him to follow her lead when her lap partner came ash.o.r.e. Neither one of them completely knew what was going to happen but they knew he couldn"t find out about her daughter and the other side of the family.

They especially didn"t expect for Johnson to knock either of them out and tie them together right at the edge of the pool inside of the cave.

But here they were tied up and in fear for Darya and Raj"s life. Denise never once thought her partner and friend would ever do something like this. She"s known him since she was nineteen, they even dated a few times until she found out about Darya, when she found out they would be working together she was happy. It was her first day at the career of her dreams and she was friends with her lab partner, why wouldn"t she be happy? But now, now she had no idea what to think of him.

He was threatening her daughter"s life and the secret of half of Darya"s family, she couldn"t let this stand.

Denise wiggled her wrists until the robe began to feel a bit loose, the knot was not tied as well as Johnson thinks. As soon as her wrists were completely loose from the knotted rope she tried to form a plan in her head. She could jump up and push him into the water? Then he would know the secret for sure. They couldn"t just kill him, they weren"t those type of people. She kept thinking of ways to protect the secret and get them out of the situation.

"I"ve waited so long for a day like this. As a kid, I saw something that no one believed...And as an adult, I tried to put it behind me and study the one thing I"ve loved for so long; the ocean. But now the intrigue and secrets have pulled me back in and I have proof now!" Johnson shouted making Darya slowly drift over to where Raj was treading water. He pulled his protective arms around her and tried to shield her the best he could.

"Get out of the water. I"m taking both of you to the lap and running some tests. I"ll photograph the proof and take blood, a lot of blood. They can"t deny my theories with actual proof now!" Johnson shouted scaring Darya even more. Denise was still working on her plan and she hadn"t found anything better than just pushing him into the water of the pool.

Darya could feel something push at the back of her mind when she realized it was the mind link she let her father"s voice fill her head again.

"Your mother had her hands free I can see it in her eyes. She needs a plan and I don"t think she"s thought of one yet. We need to help her. Even if it means he finds out the truth." Raj spoke through the link making sure he didn"t change his facial expression and give himself away.

"What do you mean? You want to give ourselves up? You can"t do that, the kingdom needs you. Grandmother needs you. Even Gemma..." She spoke sadly through the link there was a plan brewing in her head but she wasn"t going to share it with anyone because it was going to be the hardest thing she would ever do. She just needed Raj to think she would go along with what he wanted; for them to give themselves up.

"We will come with you, just let Marty and Denise go first," Raj spoke up, surprising the two that were tied up. Denise"s eyes went to Darya"s when she heard the news. She didn"t want them to comply, she didn"t want them in harm"s way.

"Fine, as soon as the two of you, and your tails have come out of that water I will let them go. They have to leave in their boat first. Deal?" Johnson complied slightly with their wants and the plan floating around in Darya"s mind was poking at her in the most horrible way. She didn"t want to do this but she didn"t see another way. At least he would make it out.

"Dad? How would I turn my tail back into legs?" She asked through the link. It wasn"t that weird of a question but he was still a bit concerned.

"Since you are a royal you can do it by just concentrating hard enough. Why?" He asked through the link. The only reason he didn"t suggest it was because it would mess with the deal and ran the possibility of Denise getting hurt. He still loved her deep down but that wasn"t something to think about right now.

Darya did as he said and she could feel something flow through her veins. The itch came back and she could feel her legs change and the gills on the sides of her throat begin to close up. She looked to Johnson this time and started for the edge of the pool.

"I may need help getting out. Can I have a hand?" She asked him creating curious looks on everyone else"s faces. She reached out and he complied with his own hand. He was almost giddy at the thought of seeing a real mermaid"s tail. He pulled Darya"s hand until she was nearly out of the water. The second his eyes. .h.i.t her bare legs he nearly threw her back into the water.

"How can this happen! He saw your tail! You"re in a spot that can only be accessed through two points, one of them being deep underwater and I was covering the other point! You have to be a mermaid!!" He shouted and the second her feet touched the rock she looked at Denise and she took the signal and jumped up with her tied legs and grabbed Johnson by the back of the shirt and dragged him down to the stone floor.

Darya turned and finished her plan.

"Leave Raj. Leave here and don"t come back. It"s not safe." She shouted at him. Worry and confusion littered his face he didn"t understand what she wanted.

"Darya...What-" But he was cut off.

"Leave Raj, your kingdom needs you more than I do and that man over there wants to expose everything! Leave...before I change my mind!" She shouted again as the tears broke free from her eyes. Denise let her do what she needed to do while she took care of Johnson and freed Marty. After the ropes fell from both of them Marty stood up quickly and went to Darya.

Raj took one last look at his daughter before slowly dipping back into the water and swimming away.

Marty peeled his shirt off and gave it to Darya to cover her now naked body. Luckily it was long enough for her. Denise would have to grab a blanket from the boat for her in a while.

She stood at the edge of the pool and cried. She didn"t want her father to leave forever but it was the only way to keep him and their family safe. She had to keep telling herself that otherwise she would jump back into the water and go after him.

"Are you okay Darya?" She could hear her mother ask her in the background. She couldn"t answer her at the moment, she felt a pull at her mind.

"I love you, Darya. My daughter, we will be a family again." His words through the link only made her cry harder.

"No mom, I"m not okay." She finally answered her.