
Chapter 7 consist of approx 9000 words count and the last translator made it into 3 parts. For chapter 8, it consist almost 12000 words count. So, maybe I will make it into 8 parts (ಥ﹏ಥ). I"m still editing the rest of the parts, I hope I can finish it faster.

Translated by me123chan 

h.e.l.lo guys!

Me123chan here is trying to translate one of interesting novel that I found on

You can check the previous translation on . I try to make an update once a week, I hope it could be more ^_^.

Chapter 7 consist of approx 9000 words count and the last translator made it into 3 parts. For chapter 8, it consist almost 12000 words count. So, maybe I will make it into 8 parts (ಥ﹏ಥ). I"m still editing the rest of the parts, I hope I can finish it faster.

Chapter 8 - The beauty saves the hero (Part 3)

When Jiang An Lan was 25 years old, he met Yao Yuan again and it was in a famous restaurant in Beijing. After lunch with Li Ao, he was walking out of the restaurant. Many people were waiting in line at the door to order. He frowned and squeezed through the crowd. As he was about to leave the door, he could not help stopping and looked to the right.

Coincidentally, he thought about that person last night, even if he didn"t think about her two or three times a year. Because he would frown every time he thought about that person. The result was: he went out to eat at daybreak and met her in person. Not to mention that two people are in different cities, even in the same city, the chance of such encounter is very small.

Jiang An Lan said "tsk" and turned to Li Ao and said, “I"ll go out first. You go inside and tell the manager, and arrange seats for the two people here first.”

Li Ao looked over from his boss"s eyes. He was surprised to see two girls bowing their heads and laughing. He immediately turned back to work.  Jiang An Lan was very respectable, when the waiter heard the request, he immediately arranged it. Li Ao came out to report the results. Jiang An Lan in the back seat of the car listened and said “En”. Li Ao couldn"t help laughing and asking, “An Lan, who are those two beautiful women ah?”

Jiang An Lan naturally did not answer Li Ao"s gossip, yet pondered on it.

Finally, Jiang An Lan got out of the car and let Li Ao go back to the company first.

At this moment, Jiang An Lan watched the people in the car close by. She didn"t know that encounter in Beijing, she went to a teahouse and listen to the play with her cousin after dinner. He sat at the back table, peeled melon seeds slowly and looked at her calmly. That time he chewed out a feeling that it was much more comfortable to look at her than to think of her.

Now, Young Master Jiang also looked at her calmly, and then said, “Speaking of which, I still haven"t repaid the money I owe you, School Junior Yao.”


“But I"m not going to pay it back.”


“Are you curious about what"s going on?”

Yao Yuan nodded repeatedly. As a result, the G.o.d-like person said, “Then I won"t tell you. But if you have insomnia tonight, you can call me, I can accompany you to relieve depression.”


The car finally arrived at Yao Yuan"s residence. Jiang An Lan very casual said goodbye to her. Yao Yuan could not even say goodbye.

That afternoon, before Jiang An Lan left by plane, he sent her another text message: “if you can"t sleep, call me.”

You say how bad this man is.

Before the meeting, the G.o.d gave her the impression that he was generous, considerate and invincible from inside to outside.

Nowadays, “generous” and “considerate” taste has become a little bit weird, as for invincibility, naturally still invincible.

The legendary image of Senior Jiang has collapsed in the eyes of beauty Yao, and then rebuilt. On the first brick, it says, “This boss is very black-bellied, PK must be careful.”

And the follow-up impact of this gathering is also quite invincible. The Alliance Channel talked about it day and night for two days. How interesting Jiang Ning City is, how generous and handsome the clan leader are, how everything goes on with the a.s.sistant. Every time elder Wen laughs, it makes people feel like a spring breeze, but there is murderous spirit but the crucial point is that he is a celebrity. Celebrities, ah. There are many beautiful women, especially elder sister-in-law. But elder sister-in-law is the elder sister-in-law (as in Boss"s wife), and so on.

But those two days, Yao Yuan because of insomnia and have no energy to play, so avoid this cheerful group, do not know whether to say fortunate or unfortunate? It was not until the third day that Yao Yuan was pulled online by her cousin. Because Ao Shi Chang Qiong organize 20 persons to do quest on Fairy Peak. Because Yao Xin Ran was very interested in Fairy Peak, she took Yao Yuan to sign up for it.

As soon as she entered the alliance, Wen Ru Yu greeted her hospitably: “h.e.l.lo sister-in-law, ah h.e.l.lo Shui Shang Xian.”

Shui Shang Xian: "Get lost!"

Wen Ru Yu: "hēhē" (as in gentle laughter)

Xiong Ying Yi Hao: “I said that Shui Shang Xian, what hatred do you have with our elder Wen? Ah, the speech was so impulsive.”

Shui Shang Xian: “It"s just not pleasant to see.”

Ao Shi Chang Qiong: “Understand, we all look at him disgusting.”

Wen Ru Yu: “^_^”

Ao Shi Chang Qiong: “Well, the personnel are all together. Today we are do quest on Fairy Peak. These two days, Tian Laoda is in a bit sick. So let me command this time, ok?.”

Everyone in the designated coordinates togather, Ao Shi Chang Qiong formed a team, Jun Lin Tian Xia naturally did not among them, because he did not go online.

Before entering the instance, Yao Yuan went to QQ to find him, which was added on the last request video call. Yao Yuan wanted to ask him how he was, after all… Well, consider to be acquaintance. As she sent it, his avatar was showing “busy”.

Later, Yao Yuan by all means warned herself not to disturb others when they were busy ah.

Yao Yuan: “Are you all right?”

JAL: “[Automatic reply]I love you.”

JAL: “It"s okay.”

Yao Yuan: “What?”

JAL: “[Automatic reply]I love you.”

JAL: “I said it"s okay. Don"t worry about it.”

Yao Yuan: “No, I mean your automatic reply…”

JAL: “[Automatic reply]I love you.”

JAL: “Oh, special settings.”

Yao Yuan: “………”

JAL: “[Automatic reply]I love you.”

What is the concept of this “special” setting ah?

According to Jiang An Lan, people should not be able to tolerate those who are looking for him in QQ now, are automatically answered “I love you” , right?

If it"s really only for her, does QQ have this setting?

So you must be manually sending it, right?

G.o.d, if you don"t let me have easy time, you won"t be happy, right?