
Chapter 10 - I Want to Kiss (Part 3)

Regular update is here! ^o^//

Last night, I had already finished translate chapter 12 (Thanks G.o.d ^O^). But my regular schedule still once a week. Do you want to read all my stock piles? Even if it"s still not yet proof read? Please tell me your opinion…

Feel free to comment. If there any mistakes, please tell me. I"ll fix it.

Well, enjoy then! Happy Reading!

Chapter 10 - I Want to Kiss (Part 3)

Had Yao Yuan been present at the moment, she would have probably sighed, “No matter who he is, it"s common for him to be speechless as if having a fish bone stuck in one"s throat (TL: very upset and needing to express one"s displeasure) when facing the Deity ah!”

Sitting in the waiting room of Jiang Ning airport was Yao Yuan. She was waiting for the flight to Beijing. Even though sooner or later the Deity needed to be faced, she still did not know whether to laugh or cry when she remembers his phone call last night.

As soon as he had come up, he stated, “Come here, be it the earliest or the latest. I can"t stand another sleepless night, I"ll ask someone to book you a ticket for tomorrow, ok?” 

She just said, “Oh? So urgent…” had not she made her point clear early in the morning that she would only meet him when she got the mood to? He gently interrupted her: “Yes, I"m dying here.”


Who is, solving who? Then, only heaven knows OK!

Two hours later, Yao Yuan got off the plane. The sun was shining outside, but the temperature was much lower than that of her city"s. Hence, she had to wrap her coat and scarf tighter. Before she got on the plane, she had received a message from him saying that he would have someone to pick her up. Yao Yuan was still feeling a little overwhelmed. Coming here and eventually meeting him. All of them were quite incredible. But it gave the impression akin to where water flows, a ca.n.a.l is formed. (TL: when conditions are right, success will follow naturally).

Someone did come by and asked where she was heading to, and whether or not she would like to take a bus. Yao Yuan barely got the chance to say “No, thank you” as someone had come to her rescue and even helped her to get through the crowds. The one helping her was a middle-aged man donned in a black coat. He looked dignified. He said to her, “Miss Yao, right? Xiao Lan asked me to pick you up. This way, please.”

For a moment, Yao Yuan seemed to have difficulty processing all the things that happened all at once. First, the uncle looked very domineering. Second, how did he know that she was “Miss Yao”?

The uncle seemed to sense her doubts and explained, “Xiao Lan said that Miss Yao has a good figure, good growth, of good temperament and conspicuous presence .”

Actually, the fact was not that dramatic. Jiang An Lan had showed a picture, and then said all that to the driver.

Yao Yuan got into the car without saying anything. When she settled into the car and saw the people sitting on the other side, she was shocked, “How come you…”

Jiang An Lan had first gone home to change clothes. Now he was wearing an iron-gray British close-fitting suit, a long woolen coat on the outside, and a ring of black sable hair on the collar. On ordinary days, he had already looked n.o.ble, cool and elegant. Now his appearance had gone up to another level. Yao Yuan suddenly had the illusion of seeing the ancient times prince, until the young master says, “Isn"t Furen here to see me? Why, surprised to actually see me? “

“No… just haven"t seen you for a while. Senior, you sure are an evildoer.”

Jiang An Lan smiled. “Furen, I"m flattered.”

The uncle also got into the car and started the ignition. When he caught upon this, he was surprised. It was rare for Xiao Lan to tease people with  such a sweet way of speech.

Yao Yuan failed to notice the attention the uncle at the front was giving them. When Jiang An Lan was there, her mind was easily led by him. Originally, she was a very simple person. What was  more, having Jiang An Lan, a high-level evildoer who had been cultivated since childhood, as her opponent.

When the car was fully heated, Jiang An Lan helped her to untie her scarf and said gently, “First, go to have a meal with me, and then go back to my ancestral home.”

When Yao Yuan heard about ancestral home, she was somewhat stunned. Nowadays, common people would not still use the word, did they? Also, “back to the ancestral home” or something, it implied to meeting the family members, right?

“Take you to say h.e.l.lo to Grandma and Grandpa.”

Sure enough, Yao Yuan expressed weakly: “Need not to see your parents, right? “

Jiang An Lan answered in his usual unhurried manner: “How come? Furen only wanted to play the underground affection?”

Yao Yuan raised her hand and surrendered. “I"m hungry. Let"s eat first, Hero.”

Jiang An Lan stared at her and smiled faintly.

Jiang An Lan took Yao Yuan to a private restaurant. It was a two-story building with simple decoration. Later, Yao Yuan knew that the owner of the restaurant was one of  the offspring of a big government official of the Qing Dynasty, and the seats in the restaurant were notoriously difficult to reserve. But when the two of them went in, upon seeing Jiang An Lan the waiter did not even ask more questions and simply lead inside in a very respectful manner.

When they arrived at the entrance of the private room called “Plum Fragrance”, coming from the other end of the corridor were a man accompanied by a woman. Upon caught sight of Jiang An Lan, the pair smiled and said, “Xiao Lan, what a coincidence. Are you coming here to have a meal today?”

Jiang An Lan nodded, “Have you eaten?”

“Yes, just about to leave.” The man said, finally looking at Yao Yuan standing beside Jiang An Lan, “This is?”

Jiang An Lan stated, “My girlfriend.”