
Chapter 4.1 – It is said that I am very beautiful

 Chapter 4.1 – It is said that I am very beautiful

(1) Jun Lin Tian Xia’s wife’s beautiful picture

That day, peasant Yao Yuan got off work and her cousin came to find her to go hang out. After eating dinner and watching a movie, when the two people were heading to the place where they parked their car, Yao Xin Ran finally couldn’t resist teasing her younger cousin and pulled her to her side, “I say, you really don’t have enough courage, he only forced himself upon you [1], do you really need to go into hiding? Looking at it from another perspective, if he wanted to take advantage of you, you should also take advantage of the opportunity. At any rate, he’s a Great Master of Great Masters, you can also consider it to be picking up treasure. There are so many people who would be envious, jealous, and hateful.

[1] 被霸王硬上弓 (bèi bà wáng yìng shàng gōng): to force oneself upon somebody, to rape

Yao Yuan nervously said, “What ‘forced himself upon me’ ah?”

“I’m not as eloquent as you, please put up with my way of expression, anyways, as long as the meaning is pretty much the same.” Yao Xin Ran pulled her cousin and walked slowly, “Truthfully speaking, this can also be considered a certain sense of meat pastry falling from the sky [2].”

[2] 天上掉馅饼 (tiān shàng diào xiàn bǐng): similar meaning to the English idiom of money growing on trees, literally means meat pastries are falling from the sky

Meat Pastry

Yao Yuan was speechless, “Such a big meat pastry will crush me to death.”

Yao Xin Ran laughed, “Being crushed to death is still better than starving to death.” Then she asked her, “When do you plan on going online again? Everyone in the clan is waiting for you to go online to gossip about the Great Master, don’t make me, the esteemed clan leader of Hundred Flower Hall, clean up your mess.”

Yao Yuan couldn’t help but stop in her footsteps when she heard this and said: “Cousin, I seem to recall that I’ve always been the one cleaning up messes in our clan.”

Yao Xin Ran replied seriously: “Ruo Wei Jun Gu, you must remember, one cannot be too selfish.”

Yao Yuan was dejected.

The theatre where the two cousins watched their movie was in the Higher Education District where Jiang Ning University was also located, so there were a lot of students on the street that they were walking on. Just a moment before, a man heard the last three phrases of their conversation, then blankly stared at Yao Yuan and Yao Xin Ran walking away. A long time later, he jumped up and rushed straight to the dormitory, “My G.o.d!! I saw eldest sister-in-law! Who is better than me now?!”

Yao Yuan thought about it for a few days and finally decided to sign in to the game. Mainly because her cousin said: “Cousin, quickly come and save the situation ah! I am being hunted down by someone again, I can’t do without you ah!”

Yao Yuan: “……”

Ruo Wei Jun Gu signed in to the game, then, N number of messages flooded over, “Sister Jun, rumour has it that you are stunning ah stunning ah!”

“Little Jun, someone said that they saw your beautiful pressence on the evening of the 23rd at the tree-lined boulevard in a certain Higher Education District in Jiang Ning City!”

[3] 林荫大道 (lín yīn dà dào): boulevard/street that is shaded by trees

Tree-lined boulevard

“Jun Jun, is this true? You are a beauty in fluttering white clothes? Is my imagination correct or not?”

Yao Yuan froze in shock, the 23rd? She was wearing a thick coat that was similar to an autumn style. Although the coat is white, it really can’t flutter.

Then came a private message, Shui Shang Xian: “You came! Hurry hurry, open the clan chat.”

Yao Yuan had originally wanted to ask her cousin, what’s with these rumours? As well, doesn’t she need me to save her? As a result, she exited the two messages without replying and was forced to open the clan chat.

Ya Xi Ya: “Sister Jun is online? Begging for pictures, begging for pictures!!”

Hua Kai: “Clan Leader, finally got your cousin to come out ah.”

Shui Shang Xian: “I’ve already called her over, hold your horses, I’m going on the world chat first!”

Ruo Wei Jun Gu: “……”

Ya Xi Ya: “Ah ah Sister Jun you’ve finally appeared, I’m begging for pictures!”

Amid the clamour, Yao Yuan reluctantly interjected: “May I ask what happened that led to this?” Why is a perfectly normal person begging for pictures?

Ya Xi Ya: “Sister Jun, it’s like this, someone from World Clan said that they saw you in the flesh two days ago, said that you are a stunning beauty. Anyways, the news came from World Clan, then the news spread like wildfire [4], once started, it just couldn’t be stopped! But that person didn’t take a picture of you, regretted for two days, haha! Sister Jun, we are curious to death, just let our own clan see your beautiful picture?

[4] 一传十十传百 (yī chuán shí shí chuán bǎi): one person spreads it to 10 people, 10 people spreads it to 100 people

Yao Yuan’s many emotions welled up inside: “May I ask again, saw me……in the flesh, who was it?”

Ah Mi: “Zou Na Shi Na! It was this manservant!”

Hua Kai: “Little Jun, you wouldn’t be thinking of murdering him right?”

Ruo Wei Jun Gu: “No, I want to go tell him that what he saw was actually my incarnation, that day, uh, my incarnation became human and came to the human world for a stroll, right now it already went back to heaven, amitabha [5].”

[5] 阿弥陀佛 (ē mí tuó fó): an expression similar to “amen” in English


Coming back from the washroom, Yao Xin Ran saw her cousin’s words and laughed herself silly, “This guy!”

At this time Shui Shang Xian received a new private message, after Yao Xin Ran read it, she facepalmed, then looked up to type a response. In her heart, she silently repeated that all of this is for love and justice……and money.

Right when Ruo Wei Jun Gu wanted to leave the clan chat, beside her appeared……Jun Lin Tian Xia.

Great Master, as Prosperous Century’s largest clan’s Clan Leader, is it reasonable to have this much free time?

Jun Lin Tian Xia summoned the White Tiger, then sent a “ride together” request over: “Let’s go to Cloud Forest Region for a stroll?”

Cloud Forest Region, one of the top ten place for dates in Prosperous Century.

Ruo Wei Jun Gu weakly pressed “No”: “Jun Lin Tian Xia, you……don’t have other ‘important’ things to do?” With particular emphasis on the word ‘important’.

Jun Lin Tian Xia: “I don’t.”

Yao Yuan: “……”

Jun Lin Tian Xia sent another “ride together” request: “Let’s go.”

Ruo Wei Jun Gu weakly pressed “No” again: “Can I not go?”

Jun Lin Tian Xia: “Then what do you want to do?”

The problem is that brother, I don’t want to do anything with you, too much pressure.

Jun Lin Tian Xia: “Then help me teach my apprentice?”

Yao Yuan was surprised, “You have an apprentice?”

Jun Lin Tian Xia: “Mhm, I’ll call them over.”

Yao Yuan just started to react, wanted to say there was no need. A second later, there was one more person beside her. A little level 20 swordswoman wearing starter equipment, female character, floating on top of her head was a name: Jack. It made people wonder if she was actually a male playing as a female character.

Jack was very enthusiastic right from the start: “Hi shi niang [6]!”

[6] 师娘 (shī niáng): the wife of one’s teacher or master

Yao Yuan’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch, right when she was about to tell her that she wasn’t her shi niang, this little swordswoman Jack circled around her and said: “Shi niang shi niang, you’re going to bring me to practice my skills? Big brother……this isn’t right, Master is usually lazy, he doesn’t voluntarily bring me to practice my skills.”

Jack: “Shi niang, how long did it take you to reach the maximum level?

Ruo Wei Jun Gu: “Less than half a year.” She only started playing after she returned from her studies overseas.

Jack: “Oh, then I should be able to do it in three months right? If Master andshi niang teach me.”

Jun Lin Tian Xia: “I’ll go form a team.”

Jack: “Ok ok!”

The team was formed very quickly, Yao Yuan was put in a team with the little swordswoman in front of her with whom she was chatting with.

Jack: “Shi niang, according to big brother Wen, shi niang is a great beauty!”

Yao Yuan: “……”

Jun Lin Tian Xia: “Little Jack.”

Jack: “Oh, I’ll shut up.”

Yao Yuan thought to herself, this person abused his power, keke, X power is really powerful.

Afterwards, during the levelling up process with the little swordswoman thatJun Lin Tian Xia brought, Yao Yuan gradually became less guarded, mainly because this child was too lovely. She said she was only 14 years old, it should be true, her way of speech was innocent and lively, it was very relaxing. Without realizing, time flew by, the little swordswoman was already level 24, Yao Yuan was very pleased.

Jack: “Shi niang, can you teach me more often in the future? Levelling up withshi niang is much faster than levelling up with Master.”

Uh, not surprising, that’s because your Master didn’t really care.

Ruo Wei Jun Gu: “If I have time, I can.”

Jack: “Thank you shi niang! Shi niang is the best!”

Ruo Wei Jun Gu: “It’s my job.” Yao Yuan finished talking and vaguely felt that something wasn’t right, but this feeling was dispelled by the little swordswoman’s enthusiasm.

At that moment, the man who was sitting in front of the computer, wearing pajamas, looked at the computer screen and smiled slightly, then typed out a phrase: “Thanks for today.”

Ruo Wei Jun Gu: “No problem.”

When Yao Yuan finished typing ‘no problem’, a problem arose on her side.

Ya Xi Ya: “Sister Jun, someone just posted your picture on the forum!! Is it real? Hurry and take a look, although it’s very blurry!”

Once Yao Yuan opened the link Ya Xi Ya sent over, she saw the caption: Jun Lin Tian Xia’s wife’s beautiful picture.

Yao Yuan read it twice, her initial reaction was ‘this is it’? Because forum captions are usually provocative, it was her first time seeing such a clean and simple caption.

Yao Yaun looked very calm on the outside but in reality her heart was racing as she scrolled down, coming across all the pictures, she widened her eyes and stared for a long time. There is a silhouette of someone lying on the table and sleeping, very blurry, you can only see that the person has long hair, a pale face, zombie-like, wearing a red tracksuit. This picture is simply looking at a flower amidst the fog, but Yao Yuan scowled, this person really was her. But the picture was taken during university, because she only wore this red tracksuit for a short period of time in third year.

Yao Yuan was confused, the ID was Xiang Qian Kan Qi (putting money above all). How did this person get these pictures of her? They also know that she isRuo Wei Jun Gu! Yao Yuan thought for half a day but still couldn’t understand, because she had no clue, she didn’t even know when she was photographed.

Yao Yuan looked at the comments below the post: “This is Jun Lin Tian Xia’swife? That Ruo Wei Jun Gu? Quite good looking, although it’s a bit blurry, you can feel that she’s a beauty.”

They filtered it like this, everyone would appear to be beautiful!

“Weakly speaking, if my picture has been blurred like this, then I can also be considered a beauty haha.”

After scrolling down for a while, there was nothing more than being surprised to see Jun Lin Tian Xia’s wife or judgemental comments saying that even though the person in the picture is very beautiful, it is inauthentic after being photoshopped. Anyways, there were words of envy, jealousy, and hate.

Yao Yuan was dejected. She was the biggest “victim” alright? For no reason at all, her picture was posted. Although it was very blurry, she had been labelled as so-and-so’s wife. Although seemingly, she had already been crowned before (she was already referred to has Jun Lin Tian Xia’s wife before the post).

Before she dejectedly closed the webpage, Yao Yuan inadvertently saw a slightly familiar ID. Zou Na Shi Na: “Filtered? Filtered the hairs (meaning only filtered an insignificant amount)! Our clan’s mistress is naturally a beauty OK?! This blurry picture doesn’t even show 30% of her good looks!”

Yao Yuan was embarra.s.sed. This person really knows how to exaggerate right?

During the 3 minutes Yao Yuan was looking at the posts, she received a lot of private messages. When she opened the inbox and saw Jun Lin Tian Xia’smessage, she froze for a moment.

Jun Lin Tian Xia: “Because of me, many people have begun to talk about our relationship recently. I am very sorry about this.”

Great Master, did you forget that you’re the main culprit?

But Yao Yuan is the kind of person where if the other party is friendly, she will be even friendlier.

Ruo Wei Jun Gu: “You don’t need to feel too guilty.” It’d be great if you would pay attention and not speak nonsense in the future. Yao Yuan hadn’t typed the last phrase yet when Jun Lin Tian Xia said: “I will be responsible for your reputation.”

Ruo Wei Jun Gu: “Huh?”

Jun Lin Tian Xia: “You no longer need to worry about the 999 gold coins.”

Ruo Wei Jun Gu: “Ah?”

Jun Lin Tian Xia: “And you don’t need to worry about not having enough money to buy equipment.”

Ruo Wei Jun Gu: “Ah??”

Jun Lin Tian Xia: “Also you don’t need to worry about other people bothering you.”

Ruo Wei Jun Gu: “……”

Jun Lin Tian Xia: “How does it sound?”

The conditions were completely reflective. Ruo Wei Jun Gu: “What ‘who does it sound’?”

Jun Lin Tian Xia: “Let’s get married?”

Yao Yuan gaped at the screen. Ruo Wei Jun Gu: “Jun Lin Clan Leader…… Why do I feel like you’re threatening me?”

The other party paused for a while. Jun Lin Tian Xia: “That’s not it, I want to legally bind you.”

Yao Yuan: “……”