To Deprive a Deprived Person

Chapter 281: LunChapter box

Chapter 281: LunChapter box

The sausage rolls like a dance, with a crackling sound of oil popping. Immediately a fragrant scent began to drift around.

"If you need a lunch box at school, say it early. How have you been doing this?"

Yuu complains while roasting sausages in a frying pan in the kitchen in the mountain castle early in the morning. In the Nameless kingdom, three old men of the human race teach their children to study as teachers, but at noon they have lunch as a matter of course. Each child brings their own lunch. However, Namari had never informed Yuu that she needed a bento. Yuu, who just learned about it the other day, was preparing a lunch box in this way.

"This is my bento and that is Momo´s bento"

However, haven"t she heard Yuu"s words? Namari smiles happily, comparing her own lunch box on the table with Momo´s small lunch box.

"Odono-sama, why shouldn"t I put it in the item pouch?"

"It would be awkward for you to have a freshly made bento. Don"t cover it until the rice cools down. I"m afraid of food poisoning. Oh and the sausages are cooked and boiled. Tell me which one was better later"

"All right!"

Namari, who doesn"t understand anything, replies cheerfully. Aside from Momo, it is doubtful whether the undead Namari will become food poisoning in the first place.


Nina, who strokes a cat, rubs her body against Yuu.

"I also want a lunch box~. I taught everyone with Kuro-chan yesterday~"

"Nina-san, please stay away from master"

Marifa scolds as usual.

"Mari-chan also wants a lunch box, right?"

Nina"s words stop Marifa´s scolding. At the entrance of the kitchen, Koro and Ran sit down and tingle their noses because they are scolded when they enter. They´re expecting a spill.

"Even if you don"t tell me, I"m making something for everyone, so please tell me what you think later"

Not only Nina and Marifa, but also the slave maid apprentices working in the mountain castle, receive lunch boxes from Yuu. Just as Nina banzaied 「Yes!」, the slave maid apprentices who were helping Yuu were banzaiing in their minds.


"So even if you say fire magic like this――"

An old man writes an explanation of magic theory on the board. The other two old men are patrolling among the children, looking at whether they understand.

"Sensei, it"s about time for lunch"

A child of the fallen demon tribe appeals to an old man while rubbing his stomach.

"Muu. Is that time already?"

When the old man looks up at the sky, the sun is directly above. The old man stares at the brilliant sun, blocking the sunlight with his hands.

"So why don"t we have lunch"


"Lunch, lunch!!"

"Finally lunch!"

As soon as the teacher said those words, the children became noisy. And each one divides into a close group.

"Next to Sensei"

"Sensei, my bento today is filled with whale tail"

"Uee! Kaa-chan, I didn"t want vegetable~"

The three old men lower their eyes surrounded by lovely children.

"Namari-chan, do you have a lunch box today?"

"Is it there?"

Inpika and Mururu are surprised to see Namari laughing 「Muhuhuu」. This is because she usually shares Inpika´s lunch box. Other children are also gathering to see if they are interested in Namari"s lunch box.

"Namari-chan, what"s that?"


"rice ball!"

Inpika and the children look at the white triangular ma.s.s in the hands of Namari and Momo with interest.

"That"s not good? It wasn"t very delicious"

A beast boy who has eaten rice gives his impressions at that time, but Namari and Momo don"t care. The rice b.a.l.l.s are sandwiched between seaweed that Yuu has prepared separately.

"What is that black?"

"It"s black, can you eat it?"

"It"s not delicious at all"

Aside from the children who make noise as much as they like, Namari and Momo open their mouths wide and cling to the rice b.a.l.l.s as they are. Both of them flutter their legs and immediately take their second bite. You can hear a rumbling sound of someone swallowing.

"He, Hehh. My bread is more delicious than that! You see, there"s whale tail in the bread!"

"My lunch box is better!"

"My lunch box"

The children were starting a rivalry, but Namari and Momo were far from it. You can see the body of Boncour salmon from the rice b.a.l.l.s. The moderately salty Boncour salmon is loosened and used for the rice b.a.l.l.s. There are still two rice b.a.l.l.s in the lunch box. Since it"s Yuu, it is likely to have a different ingredient respectively. Just imagining what"s next will make Namari feel happy.

"Namari-chan"s lunch box looks delicious"

Inpika murmured unintentionally. Namari and Momo, who eat rice b.a.l.l.s and sausages and omelet, are crazy about eating them. And when you pour it all at once with the tea in the water bottle.


Next to Namari, Momo does the same cute 「Puhaa」. And lunch time the next day.

"Hmm, do you have lunch?"

Just like yesterday, the children are all holding lunch boxes and split into groups.

"Namari-chan, do you have a lunch box too today?"

"Is it there?"


Everyone looks at Namari"s lunch box.

"Good smell"

"Its light brown"

"Yeah! It"s a fried rice ball!"

The true ident.i.ty of the fragrant scent was fried rice b.a.l.l.s. While everyone"s eyes are on them, Namari and Momo bite into the fried rice b.a.l.l.s.


Can"t make a voice? Namari only fluttered her legs. The next day――

"Today is cooked rice!!"

Children"s interests at school were all about the contents of Namari"s bento.

"I, I"m not envious of that!"

The beastman boy says so, but does he care about Namari"s bento? He glanced at it.

The next day――

"Waa. Yellow"


Inpika and Mururu mutter their impressions as soon as they see Namari"s bento. The beastman boy is relieved by the voice for some reason.

(I did it. That color is an egg. It"s not rice)

Aside from the red sauce on the egg, the egg dish is also included in other children"s lunch boxes. It is not a rare ingredient. But the problem was the size.


"Monster eggs?"

"This is omelet rice!"

""Omelet rice?""

When Namari scoops the omelet rice with a spoon, chicken rice appears from inside.

"Umaa, umaa!"

Namari squeezes the omelet rice while covering her mouth with ketchup.

"He, Hey. Namari-chan, give a mouthful to Inpika"

"Mururu also wants to eat it"

In one word, the children who were eating rice stopped their hands.


Namari, who always had a shared lunch with Inpika, scoops the omelet rice with a spoon and feeds it to Inpika and Mururu without showing a disliked behavior.

"It"s delicious!!"


"Huhuhh! That"s right! Odono-sama"s lunch box-――what happened to everyone?"

The children surrounded Namari, who was pleased to be praised for Yuu"s lunch box.

"I also want a share of Namari´s lunch box"

"We too"

"Then I also"

"Waa, Wawaa!? I can"t give you that much~"

Namari ran away with her lunch box from the chasing children. Meanwhile, Momo was quick to detect the crisis and was hiding behind Inpika.

"Ahaha. Namari-chan, do your best!"

"Good luck"

Next to the cheering Inpika and Mururu, Momo resumes eating.

"That"s right. Momo-chan, what"s with Lena-neechan?"

When asked by Inpika, Momo thinks for a while. Then she wipes her mouth covered with ketchup and stands up and she makes a punching action.

"What"s that?"



"Lena-chan, you should stop!"

"Yeah. Exactly as Poto says


Poto, the lord of the mercenary clan 『Silver Wolf Corps』 and his deputy lord, Apollo, desperately persuade Lena as she walks through the aristocratic streets of Comer City.

「It"s not okay! The other day, it was tattered, was it?」 In the last few days, Lena has been witnessed many times in the city. For those who call themselves 『Lena-chan Fan Club』, this is an event that cannot be overlooked.

"Speaking of Muss"s freeloaders, it"s always said that they are A-rank adventurers or people who have more ability than that. It"s impossible for Lena-chan to challenge those people"

Apollo persuades Lena with an anxious and unavoidable expression. The reason why Lena was tattered was immediately understood when Poto and his friends from 『Lena-chan Fan Club』 investigated with all mobilization. Lena was challenging Muss"s freeloaders Ranpou and Gonroya. Everyone was scared when they knew it. Speaking of Ranpou and Gonroya, the two names are also famous, but because of their high fighting power, they are feared by adventurers and mercenaries.

"......I am a super genius magician"

"No No, I knew Lena-chan was a genius"

"......Super genius"

"Uh, I know you"re a super genius"

How many times will she be persuaded? Every time they see Lena in a tattered state returning from the site of Marquis Muss to Yuu"s mansion, Poto and his friends are feeling pain in their chest. So, in this way, the people of 『Lena-chan Fan Club』 came along on a daily basis to persuade her.

"......I will win against anyone. And if it"s one-on-one――"

"Give up....... Apollo, you too――ah"

Meanwhile, Lena and her fans were in front of a large gate. It is the gate to enter Marquis Muss´s mansion. Poto´s group see at a glance that the barrier that covers the site is something that ordinary people can never develop.

"......Excuse me"

"Hey!? Lena-chan"

When Lena lightly pokes the barrier with Ryubosei"s cane, ripples spread to the barrier like water crests that occur on the surface of the water.

"Hey, I"m here again. Let"s fight"

In one of the rooms on the second floor of the building, Gonroya, who looks tired, mutters.

"Give up"

"Taku. Once......don"t be irresolute if you lose once"

"Aaah? Who lost!!"

Ranpou, who was facing away, pokes at Gonroya with his teeth exposed.

"You lost. Even if you use your cane techniques, you lost"

"That"s the difference in equipment. I would have won if I I have that cane"

"You still lost after all"

"Noisy! Lets fight!!"

Gonroya, a bear man, looks tired again to this unyielding opponent.

"Kee, I"m here"

"What!? Did that little girl break my barrier!!"

"No....... I was surprised that I interfered with your barrier and slipped through"

"It"s ridiculous! Such a little girl hangs on my barrier――you......"

Outside the window of the room where Ranpou and Gonroya were, there was Lena floating on her Mithril broom.

"......Let"s fight"

"Fight, fight, you need to be disciplined!!"

"It"s not Ranpou"s line, but I think we"ve had enough of it"

"......Two people are all right"

Ranpou and others are speechless. There are many times when it has been challenged and attacked from several times up to now. However, only that little girl, who was one or two times lower than them, underestimated them, saying that it was okay for those two to work together.

"I and Ranpou are A-rank adventurers. Do you know what you"re talking about?"

"......You"re only...A rank adventurers"

"Don"t get in the way because you beat me once in a fluke!"

"......Let"s fight"

Lena muttered the same words in front of the murderous Ranpou.

"It"s fine. I"ll kill you!!"

"Hey Hey, wait. I haven"t said a word yet"

"......No problem. I"ll try not to kill you"

Gonroya"s eyes sharpen and the magic he wears changes to an aggressive thing.

"……Come on"

Still, from the magic power that Lena wore, you couldn"t feel her upset or excited appearance.

"I can"t help it"

"I"ll sew you on the ground again!!"

On this day, one girl challenged two A-rank adventurers and won while being full of wounds, even though it is known from the mouths of Poto and Apollo of the mercenary clan 『Silver Wolf Corps』to all over the world. It didn"t take long.


Author note

Boncourt Salmon: Salmon from the Boncourt region of the Udon Kingdom.

Poto and Apollo: Although they are the leader and vice-leader of 『Silver Wolf Corps』, they are also the member number 72 and 105 of the unofficial 『Lena-chan Fan Club』.

In your home, is the rice ball in your lunch box wrapped in seaweed? I told my mother that I would wrap the seaweed myself so I would prepare it separately. I liked eating rice b.a.l.l.s with crispy seasoned seaweed.