Tokyo Ravens

Chapter 13



Harutora"s face paled and he hastily reached out to the side to support Touji"s shoulder. Once he touched Touji, a chill accompanied by pain coursed through his body as if he had touched ice-cold subzero air. Only then did he realize that this was his first time seeing Touji fall into this kind of state with his own eyes ever since he had gained his spirit-seeing ability.

"H-H, Harutora-sama! T-Touji-dono is...?"

Kon, Natsume, Kyouko, and the three teachers who didn"t understand the circ.u.mstances all didn"t understand what exactly had happened to Touji. Harutora couldn"t add an explanation either, only able to bite his lip in silence.

Just then-- "......Ha! This is really too interesting......" Kagami spoke, and Harutora"s anxiety abruptly increased a bit.

"That brat"s been possessed by something, right? ...No, it"s none other than an "oni". To think I would encounter a living spirit here...... Haha! Not bad, you group of brats are really interesting!"


Harutora ground his teeth, but he was helpless. Touji had long since lost consciousness with a dark expression.

Examples of spirits "materializing" using some object as a vessel weren"t rare. Objects exposed to large amounts of aura for a long time, especially those affected by aura with specific natures, would often be used by a spirit as a vessel when it materialized. Actually, among the spiritual beings that Onmyouji used, many were magical tools used for many years that had become vessels and formed shikigami. They would be materialized from "ambiguous and volatile spirits" by using objects of "solid existence" as catalysts.

Spiritual disasters had similar principles.

When spiritual disasters entered phase three - when they "materialized" - they would absorb or "possess" objects, obtaining a vessel. Though the growth and development of phase three spiritual disasters would slow down because of this, it would show a tendency towards long-term stabilization. In addition, even though the aura could be corrected, to entirely disperse the distortion or complete purification would be almost impossible.

"You"re just like Dairenji."

Kagami spoke, gazing intently at Touji.

"In the spiritual disaster attack two years ago, that old man turned into a demon using himself as a vessel, leading to a spiritual disaster. Hahaha...... I feel it, I feel a dangerous air. According to what the headquarters said, the condition this time is exactly the same as back then... this is called "fate". And even a living spirit came out...... Hey, brat. You"re called Touji, right? When did that condition start? You couldn"t have been possessed by an oni two years ago, right?"

Kagami laughed confidently and walked towards the collapsed Touji, and Harutora"s hair stood on end over his entire body.

"......Dairenji Shidou became a demon - and at the time, that person developed into a phase four. It wouldn"t be strange if there were people dragged into the spiritual disaster who became living spirits. How is it, Touji? Were you a victim of that spiritual disaster attack?" Kagami asked, and things were just as he expected.


Harutora shook, gritting his teeth.

Two years ago, Touji had been involved in a spiritual disaster terrorist attack incident, leaving after-effects. These were the after-effects that the spiritual disaster had left behind in Touji"s body.

A "living spirit" normally meant someone who had partially become a demon, but it was also used in General Onmyoudou to indicate people who had become a vessel for spirits but who still maintained their own consciousness.

Ato Touji"s body had been possessed by a "Type-Ogre" mobile spiritual disaster - or perhaps it should be described as being left behind inside him. Of the people close to him, only Kurahashi, Ohtomo, and Harutora knew this fact.

"......Even so...... What does it matter!" Harutora left Touji"s side, blocking Kagami"s path.

"It"s true that Touji"s a spiritual disaster victim, but he"s not a spiritual disaster! It has nothing to do with exorcists, so you should hurry up and go chase the Nue!" He roared out loud, trying to conceal his trembling voice.

"You should let a specialist decide whether an exorcist should get involved or not. An outsider like you has no place to talk." Kagami spoke with a level head.

"M, My dad is Touji"s primary physician! A specialist Onmyou doctor decided that there was no problem with Touji!"

"An Onmyou doctor from the Tsuchimikado family? Things are getting more and more interesting."

Thrilled with joy, Kagami replied to Harutora"s angry roar. The distance between the two was gradually shortening, and it finally reached a range where he could reach him by putting out his hand.

Once the opponent used spirit language, he was bound to be unable to move. Just as Harutora bit the bullet and planned on preemptively taking a battle-ready stance, Kagami swung an empty fist one step faster to shift Harutora"s attention, then took advantage of his openings to kick him without taking any extra trouble. The sole of his engineer boot kicked into Harutora"s stomach.


Harutora"s body bended and he was sent flying backwards by the kick. Natsume cried out "Harutora!" in surprise, and Kon"s face went white from surprise, hurriedly dashing to her master"s side.

...Th, This b.a.s.t.a.r.d......!

Harutora had been careless, and he hadn"t expected that Kagami was long since used to using violence, as well as magic, to resolve his problems. Come to think of it, he hadn"t used magic to deal with Natsume either. Judging from the fact that he believed he didn"t especially need to use magic, he was quite good at exercising violence.


Harutora borrowed Kon"s strength, struggling to stand up, when--

"......Let me see." Kagami had already knelt next to Touji. He grabbed Touji"s hair, pulling his head, and then uttered the words: "This is in the way," pulling the bandanna on Touji"s forehead off with a yank.

In the area, not only did Kagami gasp, but also Natsume, Kyouko, and the teachers had the same reaction. Kagami hmphed, then whistled implicationally.

"Hahaha...... What an incredible living spirit. Isn"t he one step from becoming "fallen"?"

After taking off the bandanna, a pair of two-to-three centimeter horns had sprouted from Touji"s forehead, showing weak "lag" reactions. In addition, his lips were opened, with fangs jutting out that had gradually grown from his canines.

The oni in his body and the Nue"s miasma had resonated and activated. The demon transformation process had been accelerated by the oni devouring the aura spewed out by the aura flow. Currently, it wasn"t aura that was spilling forth from Touji"s body, but rather the demonic air that the oni gave off. The demonic air coursing through the surroundings covered Touji"s body, gradually materializing.

"......Since the spirit flow stabilized, he hasn"t completely become a demon. If he had just "fallen" altogether, things would be much simpler...... But as an Independent Exorcist, I can"t sit and watch the root of a spiritual disaster without minding - what should I do, hm?"

Kagami pulled up Touji"s hair, letting out a wretched laugh. Harutora"s vision went blank with anger and his heart jumped intensely, a searing agitation driving out the pain from his whole body.

"You...... despicable person......!" Harutora mustered his entire body"s strength, clenching his fists and standing up. Kagami glanced at him from the corner of his eyes, a scornful, derisive smile forming on his lips.


"......Don"t touch me, you cross-marked b.a.s.t.a.r.d......"

Touji grabbed out with his hand, tightly clasping the arm that Kagami had seized his hair with.

"......I don"t care if you"re a Divine General or whoever you are...... If you dare look down upon living spirits, careful that I don"t kill you......"

He imitated Kagami"s tone with a fearless smile on his face, then he clenched Kagami"s arm with even more force. The demonic aura that covered his arm partially materialized as it showed "Lag" reactions. A demon"s arm - a half-translucent rigid shadow vividly emerged before everyone"s eyes like a mirage.


Since his strength wasn"t under control, Touji exerted quite a shocking grip strength. Kagami quickly strengthened his arm with magical energy, forcefully throwing off Touji"s hand, and stood up.

"Touji! You..."

Harutora"s face brightened but immediately sank. After Kagami released Touji, he didn"t get up, but lay supine instead, letting out pained moans. The arm that had almost materialized returned to its original state, but the horns and fangs were still the same.

"......Hu......Wh, When someone"s desperately trying to...... suppress it...... p, please don"t cause trouble...... next to me, ugh......!"

Touji couldn"t catch his breath as he looked up at Kagami while lying in a "大" shape. Kagami who stood up looked callous as he gazed at the lying-down Touji.

By Kagami"s judgment, the progress of Touji"s demon transformation was gradually easing since the spirit flow had stabilized. But once the oni awoke, it wouldn"t be easy to suppress it again, and Touji was currently fighting for his life with the oni inside him.

"Alright, stop right there! There"s nothing left for you here, so get away from him!" Harutora roared angrily.

Then-- "......What Harutora says is right, Independent Exorcist! In any case, spiritual disaster aftermaths aren"t in the scope of your job, right? Please withdraw from this place immediately." Natsume spoke, and Hokuto above her head made a low growl like a punk threatening the opponent with "this guy still wants to fight?". It indeed seemed to hold some deep rivalry with Kagami.

Not just Natsume, but Kyouko and the various teachers also had hard looks, wordlessly expressing that they wouldn"t let Kagami do as he pleased. As for Kon, she was already prepared to defend against the opponent following up on Harutora since her master had been kicked flying. Actually, she had rapidly turned into a blade of revenge long since the moment Harutora had been kicked, and was waiting by the side, ready to go.

Harutora, Kon, Natsume, Hokuto, Kyouko, and the teachers were resolved to the death, staring at the Kagami"s arrogant, lone self. Touji opened his eyes and gasped intensely by Kagami"s feet.

"...Tch." Kagami clicked his tongue fiercely.

"You guys...... Come if you can." Aura spilled forth from Kagami"s entire body. The wrath and strength of one of the Twelve Divine Generals brought a tense feeling far surpa.s.sing that from when they confronted the Nue, as if it were a sharp blade. A chill ran down Harutora"s back, his stomach wouldn"t stop aching, and his limbs almost trembled as well.

But just then--

"Kagami! What are you doing!"

A voice suddenly came from the air. It was a caw - no, it was a high-pitched cry like a child"s. Upon hearing that voice, Kagami immediately seemed like he had been doused by a bucket of cold water.

"Tch, d.a.m.n." Kagami cursed.

Harutora hastily raised his head and looked up.

"Huh? A, A crow..."


At first glance, it seemed like a big crow was flapping its wings and flying above Harutora and the others" heads.

But a more careful look would notice that it actually wasn"t a crow. That thing had a crow"s sharp beak, a jet-black head, and could fly with its wings, but from its head down it had what seemed like a human body and limbs. It was also wearing pitch-black miasma protection clothing, an exorcist uniform - though of a slightly smaller size.

The crow stared at Harutora, showing a fierce gaze.

"I"m not a crow! I"m a tengu[1]! A crow tengu!" That thing huffily opened its mouth especially to correct him. Actually, though it wore an exorcist outfit, that thing"s appearance was exactly the same as the crow tengu of legend.

Then - "Dasai! Don"t rush forward recklessly - Uwah! Dragon! It"s a dragon!" Another crow tengu flew over. Harutora"s eyes widened in shock and the two crow tengu circled above his head in no rush.

"Kokuryuu! Never mind the dragon! Kagami"s the important one! What did Kagami do!"

"Ah, Kagami! This scoundrel "Ogre Eater"! What did you do this time!"

"And where did the Nue go? There"s a dragon here, but not a Nue!"

"Right, the Nue! Where"d the Nue go, Kagami! Did you dispose of it?"

"Ga[2]! Could it have escaped? Kagami let the Nue escape! Kagami"s all talk!"

"Gaga! If Zenjirou learns of this he"ll definitely scold Kagami to death! Serves you right! Serves you right!"

The two crow tengu cried out noisily without stopping, not heeding the local atmosphere at all. But because of the crow tengus" chattering cries, the original tense feeling gradually relaxed and Harutora lost all his energy all of a sudden. Natsume"s anger, shock, and surprise all mixed together because things were so sudden, and she showed an odd expression.

"......Shut up." Kagami spat unhappily.

"...Kagami! Where did the Nue go? Its presence vanished, but it didn"t seem like it was purified!"

A motorcycle sped into the small plaza where Harutora and the others were.

An eagle-eyed man flew forward like he was riding a steel stallion. He wore an old aviator jacket coupled with a pair of jeans whose knees were covered with holes. For some reason, he wore woven sandals on his feet. His robust physique seemed lively, and his keen expression clearly showed strictness but also masculinity - a straightforward air.

Harutora noticed that there was something strapped to the belt on the man"s waist, and with one glance he instantly remembered this man"s ident.i.ty.

...I know him!

The man on the motorcycle wore a katana on his waist. The image of this blade"s scabbard was still deeply imprinted on Harutora"s mind. He had seen the live broadcast of a spiritual disaster purification on television, and it was this man before him who had cut down an ancient tree back then, easily exorcising a phase three spiritual disaster.

One of the Twelve Divine Generals.

Harutora"s memories were not mistaken. Everyone present - anyone who was related to magic had probably seen this man.

The rising star of the Exorcist Bureau, Independent Exorcist Kogure Zenjirou.

"Big trouble! Big trouble, Zenjirou! This idiot Kagami let the Nue escape!"

"Shameful, shameful! Kagami is all talk!"

Kogure"s shikigami - Dasai and Kokuryuu, the two crow tengu, scrambled to report to their master.

As he looked around inspecting the site of the spiritual disaster, Kogure couldn"t help but furrow his brow at the strange situation before him. In particular, his gaze went even more befuddled when he noticed Hokuto, murmuring the words: "How did a dragon come out?" Then, when he noticed the collapsed Touji and "saw" the foreign aura on his body, his face became even more confused.

"Hm." After pondering for a while, "...Kagami, what"s going on?" He requested that Kagami explain the current situation with a grim tone. Kagami turned a deaf ear to the little reports of the two crow tengu, shrugging his shoulders doubtfully.

"The Nue escaped, we won"t catch it even if we chase it."

"......You somehow didn"t deal with it?"

"Someone intervened. I think it"s definitely the work of the Twin-Horned Syndicate."

Kogure quickly frowned upon hearing those words. But, he didn"t continue asking about that topic.

"I want to know the actual situation first. Something got in your way and you let the Nue escape. Where"s the person who obstructed you?"

"Who knows, that person messed up the spirit flow and disappeared without a trace right afterwards. He seems very capable."

"......I understand. Then, what"s up with that boy?"

"Wait!" Once Kogure asked, Harutora who originally hadn"t even dared to breathe loudly immediately shouted: "Touji - he"s a spiritual disaster victim! He has nothing to do with the spiritual disaster just now, he just has after-effects because of the spiritual disaster two years ago, but he"s receiving treatment from an Onmyou doctor who also guaranteed that there definitely wasn"t any danger, so you don"t need to worry! Please believe me!"

Harutora spoke frantically. Kagami scratched his silver hair in annoyance, but Kogure frowned, looking perplexed. He stared right at Harutora, looked at Touji, looked up at Hokuto above his head, and then shifted his gaze to Natsume, Kon, and the others, seeming to still not understand the current situation.

"Independent Officer Kogure! We"re teachers from the Onmyou Academy and these are all Onmyou Academy students. Today we were holding a practical exam when we were attacked by a Type-Chimera spiritual disaster, but fortunately Independent Officer Kagami extended a helping hand. However, the situation is as Independent Office Kagami described. Because of the interference of a third party, the Type-Chimera has already escaped from here." The old instructor called out with a straight back.

Upon hearing the specialist"s report, Kogure looked shocked.

"Could it be that you were an exorcist before?"

"Correct! In addition, the youngster named Ato Touji that was mentioned just now is an academy student, and there is no need to trouble you Independent Officers with him right now. As for how to deal with him, the Onmyou Academy will take full responsibility!"

The old instructor fought wearily and awkwardly, but he still laid down an ironclad promise. A sliver of surprise flashed across Kogure, and then he nodded his head as if he suddenly saw the light.

"The Onmyou Academy. So that"s how things were, now that you mention it, it was brought up before...... So in other words this is the Tsuchimikado dragon?"

Kogure straddled the motorcycle, looking up at Hokuto with a look of sudden realization. Kokuryuu and Dasai also flapped their wings, looking at Hokuto who flew in the same sky with "Wah! Wah!" and "This dragon is the Tsuchimikado shikigami!". Hokuto tilted its head, confused and uncomprehending.

"As for the victim of the spiritual disaster two years ago...... I remember there was a kid......"

Kogure gazed at Touji with quite a grim gaze, pursing his lips. A specialist"s gaze was sizing up Touji to see how big of a threat he had as a spiritual disaster. Upon seeing this, Harutora couldn"t help but swallow.

But, Kogure just lightly said: "...Alright." then, he revved the motorcycle engine, saying to Kagami:

"Kagami! We"re chasing the Nue together."

"What? Didn"t I say we couldn"t catch up? That Nue was probably manipulated by humans, and it has a bit of intelligence. More importantly, it"s related to the terrorist attack, and it"ll probably use stealth."

"Wait until we catch up to it to confirm those things. Get to work!"

Kogure reb.u.t.ted Kagami"s mutters of complaint in a breath. Kagami"s face twisted from anger, clicking his tongue violently.

"...Excuse me, senseis! I"m sorry, we"re going to head out to pursue the spiritual disaster. Kagami has probably caused you a lot of trouble, but due to the emergency situation, please confront the Exorcist Bureau about it later. Also, the Meguro branch has already sent out a spiritual disaster purification team headed here, and they"ll be responsible for dealing with the aftermath. Do you have any other issues?" Kogure spoke.

"No, we shall comply with Independent Officer Kogure"s orders!"

The old instructor saluted, and Kogure quickly returned the salute, then deftly manipulated the heavy motorcycle, turning around in place.

"Ga! Zenjirou, you"re always too nice!"

"Naive! Zenjirou, you"re irredeemably naive! No wonder Kagami is defiant!"

"Shut up! You guys look for the Nue, go on!"

Kogure"s motorcycle sped out with a rumble, but close observation would notice that there was something off about this motorcycle"s movements, as if the motorcycle ran of its own will.

Before he left, Kogure urged again: "Kagami!" Kagami muttered impatiently, taking a strange step for some reason. Finally, he stared at Harutora, who was the closest to him, through his, saying:

"Harutora, Touji, Natsume, I"ll remember the names of you brats......" Afterwards, his figure vanished.

Harutora gaped and was speechless for a while, doubting his own eyes. Kagami had vanished rapidly, like a shikigami dematerializing.

"......Far Step, moving in the aura flow...... How incredible......" Natsume spoke, the same expression as Harutora"s on her face.

"M, Moving inside the aura flow...... What does that mean? Instant movement? Can humans do such a thing?"

Harutora didn"t know that Far Step was one of the Imperial Onmyoudou magics, unused by General Onmyoudou. Imperial-style integrated Far Step with the magic art of "shukuchi[3]", an extraordinarily difficult magic. It was one of the most difficult stunts of Imperial-style that hadn"t been included in banned magic.

Kagami dove into the spirit flow, and the motorcycle Kogure rode departed in the blink of an eye. Harutora, Natsume, and the others stood still. Then, as if the battle had finally ended after a year of hardship, their bodies collapsed in an instant.

"That was...... They were Divine Generals......" Harutora murmured listlessly. Then, he immediately came to his senses. "Touji! Are you alright?" He hurriedly turned to the collapsed Touji.

There was no reply. Touji had closed his eyes at some point, losing consciousness again.

The horns on his forehead were still there, but his fangs had already returned to the size of his original teeth, and his condition was gradually recovering. Harutora finally relaxed when he saw this.

The old instructor"s legs were strengthless, and the other two teachers helped support him by the arms. Natsume and Kyouko stared with dignified faces at Touji whose secret had been exposed. Kon"s ears twitched anxiously, only returning Kachiwari to its scabbard after confirming the surrounding situation. Hokuto swayed its long body, like it was asking: "Are things over?"

Night had fallen over the surroundings before anyone had noticed.

Five more minutes pa.s.sed after the storm subsided until the exorcists Kogure had mentioned finally arrived at the scene.

"......How could this be, Touji-kun is......" Tenma who had regained his consciousness was stunned when he heard Harutora"s explanation.

"I knew the spiritual disaster left after-effects in his body...... but I didn"t think it would be like this......" Tenma had a difficult time concealing his shock, since, after all, he had just experienced the fearfulness of a spiritual disaster first-hand. Moreover, Tenma wasn"t the only one like this, as Natsume and Kyouko were probably the same. Harutora lowered his head downheartedly.

Harutora and the others had returned to the Onmyou Academy building.

At the moment, the students who had been involved in the spiritual disaster were still being carried into the Onmyou Academy. They had more or less received spiritual trauma - they had developed the so-called spirit enc.u.mbrance[4] - and the teachers were currently performing treatment with all their power.

Of course, Touji was also one of the students receiving treatment.

Though his condition had stabilized, there was still a spiritual disaster residing in his body, so the Onmyou Academy had prepared a separate practical training room enchanted with a barrier for him, separating him from the other students, and specially having the teachers qualified as Onmyou doctors responsible for his treatment.

Treatment - more accurately, it was re-stabilizing the seal that Harutora"s father had cast. Harutora and the others had originally stayed by Touji"s side, but had been sent away after the teachers told them "Leave the rest to us to deal with", and could only move to the room Tenma was in.

"...Natsume and Kyouko as well, I"m sorry for always concealing it from everyone."

"Whatever, that kind of thing isn"t so easy to talk about......"

Natsume stayed silent after Harutora apologized, but Kyouko awkwardly replied.

Two hours before, Touji and the others had still been cla.s.smates with a decent relationship, but after he suddenly became a living spirit before their eyes, it was no wonder they wouldn"t know what to do.

But it was because they were Onmyou Academy students with accurate knowledge that they didn"t overreact to this unveiling. If the situation happened in the ordinary high school that Harutora and Touji had studied at before, the others definitely wouldn"t just feel "troubled" like Natsume and the others.

Because of this, Harutora and Touji had chosen never to mention this matter when they were in high school, and they had continued taking the same att.i.tude after they transferred to the Onmyou Academy.

"After entering here...... I finally felt like Touji and I got together with everyone." Harutora spoke tirelessly with his head lowered.

"We got along with everyone better than I thought at the start, so it became harder and harder for me to mention it...... I thought in my heart that it would be good to just stay like this...... I was scared of destroying the atmosphere that was so hard to build up......"

When he said this, the continually silent Natsume"s shoulders suddenly trembled and her eyes slightly widened, like she had thought of something. But, Harutora didn"t notice her reaction, and continued to speak:

"Please don"t blame Touji for hiding this. He actually had no intention to hide it, but didn"t say it for my sake. He definitely saw that I was very satisfied with my current life - especially my relationship with everyone." Upon saying this, a self-deprecating smile that was pained and a bit sorrowful emerged on his face.

He thought of Touji and Hokuto, and it wasn"t the dragon that emerged in his mind, but the girl - Harutora"s and Touji"s good friend, the shikigami with the body of a girl.

Harutora hadn"t mentioned Touji"s circ.u.mstances to Hokuto either, his reason being exactly the same as right now. He liked it when the three of them messed around together and didn"t want that relationship to change. Because of this, he hid things from his high school cla.s.smates and didn"t tell Hokuto the truth. Thinking back on things now, maybe Touji actually wanted to say it and let his good friend know about his true self, but since Harutora didn"t reveal it, Touji, understanding his good friend"s feelings, went along with Harutora and hid the secret in the depths of his heart.

Harutora lowered his head without a word. After a while, he suddenly looked seriously at Natsume, Kyouko, and Tenma.

"...Sorry, I apologize for always hiding it from you." Harutora spoke with a lowered head, bowing deeply in apology.

"But he...... You don"t need to worry that Touji will become a danger. After encountering the spiritual disaster, he stayed for almost a year in a related treatment facility to be treated. My dad and I went several times together, and the treatment process was really hard...... At the time, he actually couldn"t control himself...... He almost became an oni, but I promise that there are definitely no problems right now."

Harutora lowered his head, speaking the truth as if muttering to himself. Faced with these serious facts, the others didn"t know how to respond for a while.

Then, Harutora raised his head without warning. "On the other hand, my luck is really bad." He forced a smile, trying to alleviate the present atmosphere. "Today was pretty much a disaster. My exam went terribly, I got attacked by a Nue, got involved with an extraordinarily powerful Divine General, and Touji had problems...... and I made everyone else get involved. There"s really no helping me......" He laughed casually, not like his usual smile at all. Instead, it made Kyouko and Tenma feel even worse.

He couldn"t think of any other ways to remedy things. The current him was truly desperate.

"I"m really, truly sorry. I know just apologizing can"t resolve any problems, and this was all my fault, so--"

"Harutora." Natsume, who had been keeping her silence, interrupted Harutora"s words as if to give him a sharp warning. "As your master, I order you not to continue saying such things."

Harutora suddenly lost his words, and it wasn"t just him, as Kyouko and Tenma also gazed at Natsume with bated breath. Those words had touched the heart of all the listeners present, almost a kind of spirit language... Even if it wasn"t first-cla.s.s magic, it could still be cla.s.sified as a second-cla.s.s spirit language.

Natsume shot a sharp gaze towards her own shikigami, but she smiled lightly immediately afterwards, asking back in a naive tone: ""Sorry for always hiding it from you"?"

Then, she leaned extremely naturally towards Harutora"s side, whispering into his ear. "...With that, things are settled, Bakatora."


Not comprehending this, Harutora"s face flushed. When Natsume saw this appearance, she quietly sent him a coy wink from an angle that the other two couldn"t see. Then, she moved away from Harutora whose heartbeat was rapidly accelerating, turning to face Kyouko and Tenma. The pink ribbon in her jet-black hair danced lightly in the air.

"Harutora and Touji, you both think we"re all idiots. It"s really maddening."

"Uh, that......"

"N, Natsume-kun?"

"You agree, right?" Natsume"s sudden action stunned Kyouko and Tenma, but she didn"t pay any heed to that, slightly smiling at her two cla.s.smates.

"To think they would worry that our att.i.tudes would be completely different after learning Touji was a living spirit. What kind of joke is that, aren"t you treating us like complete fools? Regardless of whether he"s a living spirit or a demon, Touji"s Touji, isn"t that natural?" Natsume declared with a smile, her tone firm and free from doubt.

"......That"s right." Kyouko immediately showed an earnest gaze upon hearing that, replying happily.

"But you can"t blame him, guys always get things wrong in that area. Of course, Natsume-kun"s an exception, right, Tenma?"

"Huh - Oh, yeah! That"s right, you two are way too mistaken!"

The conversation was pa.s.sed to Tenma, and he hurriedly expressed agreement with Natsume and Kyouko"s a.s.sertion. Harutora murmured a "You guys......", then couldn"t say anything more.

Natsume giggled at Harutora"s awkward appearance. "......Whatever, I"ll forgive you this time, since after all - everyone has times when it"s hard to reveal things." After saying this, she showed a happy smile as if secretly enjoying a secret that only she knew about.


His childhood friend"s words warmed Harutora"s heart.

He had always felt a dismal weight in his chest since Touji had mutated, but this depression now gradually melted because of the heat Natsume had ignited.

"......Thank you." He faced Kyouko and Tenma again. This time, it wasn"t to apologize, but to say thanks.

Kyouko shrugged her shoulders unconcernedly, and Tenma scratched his nose bashfully. Harutora noticed that he had always been mistaken, and his own luck wasn"t bad at all. Rather, he was one of the rare lucky people in the world.

Finally, he cast a grateful gaze towards Natsume. His childhood friend grinned spiritedly, a sunflower-like innocent smile on her face. Harutora felt a sense of deja vu when he saw this.

"So this is where you were, Natsume-kun."

Just then, a teacher ran up to Harutora and the others.

Harutora saw the teacher"s stiff expression and momentarily froze, thinking that something had happened to Touji.


"Principle Kurahashi wants you, could you go to the"s office right now?"

"......What exactly is going on?"

Ohtomo asked on the phone with gritted teeth. He lowered his voice, but he didn"t try to hide his anger.

But it was hard to blame him for being enraged, since until just now he had been mustering all his strength to treat students - students from his own cla.s.s, those students who had developed spirit enc.u.mbrance when he wasn"t there.

Ohtomo was in an equipment room of the Onmyou Academy building, which was a room storing magical tools for student use like paper for charms, pens, ink, and equipment. He had made sure that the students" treatment was wrapping up and sneakily slipped inside while avoiding everyone"s gaze. As for the person who he was tightening the screws on, it was the person who had called him out today - the Mystical Investigator Chief Amami.

"Just let me go already." Amami complained on the other end of the phone.

"Reports of what happens on the scene won"t be shown to me here, and though it"s indeed regretful that the Onmyou Academy students were involved in a spiritual disaster this time, who could expect something like them running into a mobile spiritual disaster attack during a practical exam? Probably only Miyo has that kind of capability."

"I"m angry about Kagami! Why did that brat come out?"

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, could you have forgotten that Kagami"s an Independent Officer? They b.u.mped into him when he was exorcising a spiritual disaster - what"s so strange about that. At the least, he didn"t deliberately go over there to find trouble. More importantly, I don"t know what Kagami did over there, but as far as I know, Kogure properly dealt with everything after he arrived. In addition, I should warn you, you aren"t the only ones who were harmed."

Amami spoke severely, and Ohtomo managed to swallow the response that he almost blurted out.

The situation of simultaneous spiritual disasters happening everywhere in Tokyo had long since sent the various big television stations" news programs into an uproar. Though it was a miracle that there hadn"t been any deaths, there were quite a few people injured, and the majority of them had been injured from spiritual enc.u.mbrance. At the moment, every hospital that had Onmyou doctor consultants was packed full of patients who had come for consultations.

"Moreover, the spiritual disaster still hasn"t subsided and we"ve already confirmed four Nue. I think you"ve already heard that these Nue separately appeared in the Demon Gate and the Rear Demon Gate, two each. Ueno and Shinagawa"s Nue have already been eliminated, but the remaining two escaped without a trace and they"re still hiding in the city. The Spirit Sensors are all being mobilized to various places in the city to search, but those Nue seem to understand stealth. Also, even if we find them, those Nue can fly, so it will be extremely difficult to capture them with normal methods."

"Can"t you just bring out helicopters?"

"The flexibility of helicopters can"t catch up to Nue at all, and even if it would be a small matter to simply transport squads, it"s troublesome to deal with a spiritual disaster in the city"s sky. It would take a lot of effort just to get the relevant units beforehand."

"Why don"t we give that small matter to the Chief with nothing to do. Anyway, your contacts are so extensive, you should be able to put them to some use."

"What nonsense is this b.a.s.t.a.r.d talking about. You"re so impudent as you call someone who"s so busy they can"t even talk."

The previous Divine General and the current Divine General had childish tempers, arguing their mouths off.

But, the situation was indeed quite grave.

The Exorcist Bureau was using all their manpower to take down the Nue, but if they couldn"t resolve things as early as possible, it was very possible that the government would announce that they would enter a state of emergency.

Two years before, Tokyo had experienced large-scale destruction due to spiritual disasters, and though the scale this time wasn"t as bad, they still couldn"t take it lightly. More importantly, the spiritual disaster this time was the behind-the-scene manipulation of the Twin-Horned Syndicate again.

"......I"m very sorry that this kind of thing happened when you were being called out because of Mystical Investigator business. We didn"t expect those helpers to take action this quickly. This is the fault of the Mystical Investigators - no, I should say it"s my fault. Sorry." Amami expressed his apology towards Ohtomo, his tone sounding quite sincere.

Amami had searched for Ohtomo today in order to request his help grasping the movements of "D" who was connected to the Twin-Horned Syndicate - in other words, Ashiya Doman"s movements. Though Ohtomo had already resigned, Amami was his past boss after all, as well as a higher-up in the Onmyou Agency, so it would be awkward to refuse, even if he didn"t have any intention of returning to the frontlines.

"Don"t say that......" Ohtomo"s momentum weakened quite a bit upon hearing his boss frankly apologizing.

"......I agreed myself to help out my old organization, so it"s my responsibility. I don"t blame--"

"Oh, I see, then never mind."

"Hold on you old geezer, what kind of att.i.tude is that? To think you"re having me work for free yet your att.i.tude is this arrogant!"

"Work for free? That"s strange, Miyo-chan told me that I"d have to pay to borrow a teacher......"

"That money-grubbing old hag! Why don"t you hurry up and die!" Ohtomo cried out angrily, and Amami laughed on the other end of the phone: "It"s really like something Miyo-chan would do", making him even more annoyed.

"Anyways, we"ve currently arrested several members of the Twin-Horned Syndicate, but the leader is still out there. It"s said that he manipulates the aura flow in the area, the exact same methods as Dairenji"s."

The former Imperial Household Agency Lingering Spirit Division had been responsible for holding demon extermination ceremonies and stabilizing the aura flow inside the city, and naturally they would be familiar with how to grasp the spirit flow. In the spiritual disaster attack two years ago, Dairenji Shidou had once deliberately disturbed the aura flow, leading to many spiritual disasters.

"I don"t have time to listen to you complain since I"m busy to death right now...... Right, there was just business to tell you. The situation was just finalized half an hour ago, and it should have already reached Miyo-chan - the Exorcist Bureau"s Command Center intends to use the same plan of action as two years ago to deal with the spiritual disaster this time."

Amami"s tone turned serious. Ohtomo frowned, a bad premonition in his heart.

"......What plan of action? What does it have to do with the Onmyou Academy?"

"Two years ago, the Exorcist Bureau used bait in order to lure in the mobile spiritual disaster. Moreover, the thing mobile spiritual disasters love the most is a high-grade "yin aura"." Amami spoke carefully.

In the spiritual disaster attack two years ago, the main suspect Dairenji Shidou had let himself become a demon, becoming a spiritual disaster. But excluding him, many other spiritual disasters also happened simultaneously, many among them even developing into phase three. Dairenji who became a demon - a "Type-Ogre" spiritual disaster - led the other mobile spiritual disasters to wreak havoc everywhere in the city, creating serious damage.

Facing that situation, the Exorcist Bureau had considered separating Dairenji and the other mobile spiritual disasters to be a priority, and hence had set a trap.

"......The bait used back then was a dragon."

"Dragon?" Upon hearing that word, Ohtomo almost jumped in surprise, finally understanding the meaning in Amami"s words.

Though there were still certain types excluded from this, dragons" properties were basically yin type water aura, and they carried extremely magnificent aura. One could call dragons quite attractive "bait" in the eyes of spiritual disasters who belonged to the same type of yin energy and who fell[5] and created "miasma" due to a lack of stability. Two years ago, the Exorcist Bureau had utilized this characteristic of spiritual disaster, using a dragon as bait to lure in the mobile spiritual disasters.

When they were finalizing their plan of action, the Exorcist Bureau had settled on the legendary servant shikigami of the famous Tsuchimikado family. At the same time, they requested a.s.sistance of the dragon"s master, the head of the Tsuchimikado family at the time - as well as Natsume"s father - to borrow this true dragon.

And now, the reputed "Tsuchimikado family dragon" had been turned over to the next heir of the Tsuchimikado family, or in other words--

"I heard that the Exorcist Bureau is preparing to request the a.s.sistance of the Dragon"s master, the Tsuchimikado heir Tsuchimikado Natsume, in order to use the Tsuchimikado family dragon as bait again...... Moreover, they have already obtained permission from the current family head, or Tsuchimikado Natsume"s father."

"That"s ridiculous! Natsume-kun is still a student, what right does the Exorcist Bureau have to force him to come forward and help!"

"They requested, not forced. If Natsume-san were unwilling, I would convey his opinion to the Exorcist Bureau. Also...... Kyouko-san, please mind your manners when you speak inside the academy." Kurahashi warned her angry granddaughter.

Other than the and Natsume, Harutora, Kyouko, and Tenma were also here in the"s office. They had followed Natsume and rushed in together.

According to what the said, the Exorcist Bureau planned on using Natsume"s shikigami Hokuto when they went on the offensive against the Nue. The plan was to use Hokuto as bait, luring in the Nue. Moreover, the person the Exorcist Bureau had sent to meet her had already arrived, and was currently waiting for a reply in another room. Natsume had bitten her lip upon hearing word of it, her face paling, and Kyouko and Tenma had been dumbfounded for a while, immediately exploding with intense reb.u.t.tals.

"Excuse my rudeness, but it"s a bit too much to bring up this kind of request now when that kind of incident happened just now. The Exorcist Bureau hasn"t considered the current condition of the Onmyou Academy at all."

Even the normally amicable Tenma couldn"t restrain himself, bringing up a protest to the

This was indeed an unprecedented request. The Exorcist Bureau wasn"t requesting to borrow information or techniques, but was requesting a.s.sistance in purifying a spiritual disaster - in particular, they wanted to use an individual on the main battlefield. That kind of situation was extremely rare. More importantly, Natsume wasn"t yet of age, and it was hard to blame Kyouko and Tenma for immediately reacting so agitatedly.

The didn"t say anything more after conveying the Exorcist Bureau"s request. She didn"t forcefully hold Natsume back, just silently handing things over for her to judge herself.

Also silently waiting for Natsume to make a decision - unexpectedly - was Harutora.

He didn"t interrupt, quietly gazing at Natsume"s face. Confidence showed in his gaze, and resolve could be seen in his att.i.tude.

"My father, he......" After thinking deeply for a long time, Natsume spoke quietly to check - "My father, he...... agreed, right?"

"The Exorcist Bureau said so. Do you need to discuss with your father before making a decision?"

"......No, I don"t need to." She frowned, straightening her back and declared prudently. "I"m willing to help."

"What?", "Natsume-kun!" Kyouko and Tenma hastily spoke out to stop her.

"Why don"t you first discuss with your father, maybe you can temporarily give the dragon to your father to use......"

"......My father is in the countryside, and he wouldn"t make it in time even if he came now."

"Hold on, Natsume-kun. Maybe the Exorcist Bureau isn"t looking for you, maybe they mentioned this kind of request because they thought your father was still Hokuto"s master. If they knew that Hokuto was already in your hands, they"ll definitely pick another way to resolve things. No matter how suitable the dragon is for bait, there should be something else that can replace it!"

"......But, since my father accepted this request, it has become a problem of the Tsuchimikado family. As a member of the Tsuchimikado family, I must bear this burden." Natsume spoke firmly.

A wry smile momentarily emerged on Harutora"s face as he heard those words. Though it hadn"t been evident recently, Natsume"s burden and sense of responsibility as a Tsuchimikado was still like before, not even a bit changed.

Not only Harutora but also Kyouko and Tenma should understand very well that with her stubborn personality, Natsume wouldn"t take words back once she had spoken them, but they wholeheartedly wanted to keep their cla.s.smate away from danger, so they didn"t stop persuading her.

Just then, the calmly opened her mouth.

"......Kyouko-san, Tenma-san, it"s regretful, but I fear that the Exorcist Bureau intended on requesting Natsume-san"s a.s.sistance since the moment they decided their plan of action. Even obtaining Natsume-san"s father"s permission beforehand was just a formal action, because he is still underage after all. The plan of action this time must have Natsume-san"s dragon as bait to have meaning."

"That couldn"t be, right?" Upon hearing the"s unexpected explanation, Tenma was stunned, and it wasn"t just him, as Kyouko, Natsume, and even Harutora also stared at the in shock.

"What does that mean, Grandma?"

The couldn"t help but sigh as her granddaughter asked this.

"......I guess I"ll tell you. The spiritual disaster this time is the same as two years ago - There is a high possibility that it is a terrorist action planned by Yakou fanatics, and Natsume-san is needed to come forward because of this. The Exorcist Bureau has judged that if Natsume-san is present, at the least they will not dare to act rashly."

Each of the four students" eyes widened as they listened to the"s explanation.

The four people present - and Touji as well - had all fought against the Yakou fanatic who had come for Natsume last September, and they had experienced first-hand the absurd fate that Natsume bore.

"......So they want him to be a "hostage"?"

The granddaughter brought up that question incredulously, and the didn"t respond, just saying: "......Of course, since the Exorcist Bureau has these thoughts, they will ensure Natsume-san is safe and sound no matter the danger. In that regard, maybe acting in concert with the Exorcist Bureau is comparatively safer."

The goal of the suspect who had brought about the spiritual disaster was unclear, but if the opponent was a Yakou fanatic, Natsume could be dragged into an incident at any time. Having Natsume join the operation could subdue the Nue, and it could also protect Natsume at the same time, which could be described as killing two birds with one stone.

", would you please contact the Exorcist Bureau. I am willing to join the fight." Natsume closed her eyes, breathing deeply to calm her feelings, and expressing her willingness again.

The stared straight at Natsume, nodding lightly. Kyouko and Tenma bit their lips, saying nothing at all.

But - Harutora spoke. "Natsume...... You understand, right?"

Harutora"s tone was firm, checking with Natsume as if it were an obvious fact. "Yes." Natsume"s expression slightly relaxed, looking askance at Harutora.

"......It doesn"t need to be said. The shikigami"s responsibility is to protect the master." Natsume smiled. Harutora finally relaxed upon seeing Natsume"s smile, but the dialogue between the two made Kyouko and Tenma just look befuddled.

Harutora hadn"t opened his mouth at all while Natsume decided whether to accept the Exorcist Bureau"s request, because he had long since decided that if Natsume agreed, he would head to the Exorcist Bureau alongside her. He had been confident in Natsume"s judgment since the beginning, and he had made the decision to stay by her side no matter how dangerous the circ.u.mstances.

Just as the master and servant made up their minds, the phone on the"s office desk rang.

An old phone was placed on the table, and the picked up the receiver, uttering: "Yes." A shadow momentarily covered her face.

"Touji-san has recovered consciousness." She hung up the phone after briefly saying those few words, then notified the tense-faced students.

"Huh, really!?"

The four of them had been overcome with anxiety because of the"s reaction, but after hearing that unexpected good news, their eyes all shone with happiness.

"But after he recovered consciousness, the teacher responsible for his treatment let him slip away out of carelessness. Right now, there are several teachers looking everywhere for him - he may have sneaked out of the academy building alone, without even his phone."

Then, the dropped the bomb, and the breath stopped in Harutora and the others" throats.

"The reason is still unclear. After waking up, his consciousness was still a bit fuzzy...... Honestly, the situation isn"t so clear, and it might be that this kind of treatment method was counter-effective...... Maybe the willpower that originally suppressed the oni has weakened. Whatever the reason, we must find him as fast as possible."

The spoke, having difficulty concealing her anxiety. This was their first time seeing the with this kind of expression, and Natsume and Harutora looked at each other, not knowing how to respond for a while.

As the two of them were helpless - "......Alright, Harutora, Tenma, you go find Touji immediately. I"ll accompany Natsume-kun to the Exorcist Bureau." Kyouko announced neatly.

Everyone"s eyes widened upon hearing this sudden proposal. Harutora was undoubtedly the most fl.u.s.tered among them.

"W, Wait a second, Kurahashi! I"m Natsume"s--"

"--I know you"re Natsume-kun"s shikigami, but you"re also Touji"s friend, right? Also, I think of myself as Touji"s and Natsume-kun"s friend as well."

Kyouko spoke decisively, her eyes giving off the same light that Natsume had when she came forth for Touji before, a firm and trust-filled radiance.

"Right now, we should work together and divide the labor. Since we need to go to the Exorcist Bureau, it may be more useful if I go, and in any case, I"m the daughter of the Onmyou Agency Director and the Exorcist Bureau Chief." Kyouko spoke impressively.

Upon hearing Kyouko"s words, Harutora, Natsume, and Tenma all had trouble concealing their shock. The normal Kyouko always did her best to avoid mentioning that she was the"s granddaughter or the Onmyou Agency Chief"s daughter, and she wouldn"t talk about herself being born in the famous Kurahashi family. Compared to the long since declined Tsuchimikado family that Natsume had been born in, the Kurahashi family"s power could be said to be in its heyday, but she wasn"t willing to flaunt it at all and only wanted to have a similar, normal person status like the people around her.

Since she now brought out her father"s ident.i.ty, it was apparent how much she was resolved.

"Is that alright,"

"......There"s no other choice, but, absolutely remember not to be reckless." The nodded, smiling.

Then, Kyouko showed a mischievous, serious expression towards the stunned and wordless Harutora.

"......What is it? Didn"t you brag to Natsume-kun before, about courage and rely on us."


Harutora had trouble speaking for a while, only able to look at Kyouko with wide eyes. Kyouko"s cheeks reddened, and she embarra.s.sedly moved her gaze away.

Natsume lightly put her hand on Harutora"s shoulder. "......Harutora. Kyouko-san"s right. You don"t need to worry, I"ll certainly bear my burden - I"ll leave Touji to you." Saying this, she squeezed Harutora"s shoulder with force.

Harutora stood stock-still, gritting his teeth. Then, he reached out to the small hand on his shoulder.

"I understand. Then I"m counting on you guys. After everything"s over, I"ll get Touji to treat everyone to a good meal."

A j.a.panese legendary creature that more or less resembles a human. [1]A noise kind of like a crow"s caw, I think.Instantaneous movement.It"s not fully explained what this is, though I believe this is a series-specific term. Treat it as some sort of damage to the spirit.Like a fallen angel falls. Not like tripping and falling.