Tokyo Ravens

Chapter 27


Like ants swarming on candy.

The black group of shikigami began eroding away at the Onmyou Academy building.

The barrier covering the academy hadn"t completely disappeared yet, but it had already lost the majority of its function, and the shikigami would only receive "lag" effects if they touched it. Many shikigami broke through the gla.s.s, infiltrating the interior of the academy one by one.

The sound of shattering gla.s.s, the strange noise of the flying shikigami, and the screams of students resounded through the whole building.

"......What is this......"

The"s shikigami breathed.

The only bet she had made was that the barrier would be able to maintain until a.s.sistance arrived, or at least win enough time for the students to take refuge underground. The ease with which the barrier had been broken completely exceeded her expectations.

"Then, excuse me."

Doman walked up the stairs after saying this. The cat came to its senses, retreating backwards nimbly.

The two automatic doors at the main entrance opened from the outside.

The cat stopped in front of the inner automatic doors, glaring at Doman with its fur bristling. The two komainu to its left and right guarded this small s.p.a.ce between the two sets of automatic doors.

"...Release magic! Alpha, Omega! Stop him!"

Along with the"s command, the two mechanical shikigami underwent "lag".

"Lag" was originally a phenomenon received by materialized shikigami when they received strong physical interference, causing their materialization to become "unstable". In this aspect, mechanical shikigami whose vessels were their actual forms didn"t have a materialization process, and of course they were una.s.sociated with the "lag" phenomenon.

But, Alpha and Omega were different. As mechanical shikigami, they were usually in a state of "mimicry".

"...Our master."

"...As you command."

As if they had received image interference, the two komainus" bodies were covered by intense "lag".

Then, what appeared from the komainus" "mimicry" were metal dogs formed with complex movable joints.

Their size was about enough to cover the "mimicked" komainu. Then, they immediately stood up from their pedestals with a sound, their bodies extending almost twice as far as their komainu form. Their postures after transforming weren"t like komainu, but more like steel Dobermans, filled with a lean, st.u.r.dy beauty.

A pentagram was etched into the forehead of their finely carved bodies. These were the true vessels of the two mechanical shikigami - Alpha and Omega.

Alpha and Omega bent their bodies, leaping off their pedestals.

The cat switched its place with the two shikigami, itself walking into the inner automatic doors.

In the next moment,

"...Ho, ho..."

Came Doman"s laugh. Immediately after, a sudden, terrifying gale blew into the building from behind the old man"s back.

The pitch-black gale was like a jet of ink, and it had a sense of weight that could be felt. It was more like the flow of a liquid than wind.

The outer automatic door was smashed and the inner automatic door was instantly shattered. Of course, even the calico cat couldn"t resist, being swept up like a fallen leaf and tossed easily into the air.

In moments, the cat was blown to the first-floor stairway.

But Alpha and Omega wouldn"t be so easily shaken.

They stood powerfully on their four limbs, enduring the pitch-black gale. Baring their teeth, they jumped into the wind to attack Doman.


Doman sighed joyfully. At the same time, two oni appeared in front of him.

The shikigami Doman released resembled black oni drawn in ink. These were Doman"s defensive shikigami. The two oni blocked the charging mechanical shikigami with a crash, then hurled them towards the academy interior.

The thrown Alpha and Omega twisted their bodies in midair and dropped to the ground. In this moment, Doman"s two oni moved forward, finally stepping into the academy building.

Watching Alpha and Omega with interest:

"......That form contains barrier magic inside. Similar to the "Armored Juggernaut". Could it be Yakou"s work?"

The cat which had crashed into an inner wall stood up shakily, staring daggers at Doman.

Doman"s conjecture was correct. Alpha and Omega were originally vessels Yakou had created, and later the had infused them with magical energy, ordering them to protect the Onmyou Academy. In short, the vessels were originally products of Imperial Onmyoudou.

"Hmph...... Well, considering the Onmyou Academy"s predecessor, there"s nothing unnatural about it."

Doman didn"t wait for the"s reply, murmuring knowingly to himself.

On the other hand, Alpha and Omega had each been confronted by one of the two black oni in the middle of the floor.

From their appearance, Doman"s defensive shikigami weren"t servant shikigami. They were probably his own creations. Their magical energy was much stronger than the shikigami that had been released from the sedan trunk. Doman had deliberately set aside these as his guardians, and hence one could surmise the special significance of these two oni.

"Priest! I have already explained, the "Raven"s Wing" is not here!"

The cried out loudly. Doman just glanced at her without interest.

"This old man also explained that he would investigate as he wanted. There"s no meaning in continuing to be noisy. Don"t be an annoyance."

Doman"s att.i.tude made the cat"s fur stand on end.

Just then:


Four teachers hurried over from the second-floor staircase. They were teachers responsible for practical skills, and Fujiwara stood at the front of them. After seeing the terrible situation on the first floor and Doman along with the two oni, he unconsciously stopped his feet, holding his breath.

After quickly picking themselves up, Alpha and Omega moved over and the other three also followed behind Fujiwara.

"Stop them. I"ll leave this area to you."

"......Leave it to us. I won"t die here."

After a quiet conversation, the cat walked the other way towards the staircase. Doman didn"t pursue the"s shikigami, looking towards the newcomer Fujiwara and the others.

"......Ashiya Doman...... Priest Doman?"

Fujiwara checked with a tense face. "Indeed", Doman replied majestically.

While watching four teachers:

"You power looks average."

Speaking to Fujiwara:

"Though that is true, I can"t see any specific degree. How will you welcome this old man?"

"......Though it will be difficult, we can"t give up. Even if you visit so suddenly, our side has made the relevant preparations."

Fujiwara took out a charm and the other three also adopted various stances for magical battle.

But Doman turned to look in the direction of the stairs, unconcerned about the movements of Fujiwara and the others.

"That man--"


"Where is the one-legged brat? Why hasn"t that man come."

Fujiwara suddenly showed a surprised expression.

"......Are you interested?"


Doman took a short time to find the words to respond to Fujiwara"s cautious question.


"Well. After all, I have something to find."

Right after the words left his mouth, he slowly spread his arms for some reason. Fujiwara and the other immediately focused their concentration. Two of them had already begun chanting incantations.

Doman"s speed was faster.

Doman flapped his sleeves. A large quant.i.ty of charms spilled forth from his short flapping kimono sleeves like a magic trick, making one unable to help but doubt his own eyes.

Before the charms fell to the ground, they quickly materialized in midair, their external appearance the same as the shikigami that had appeared from the trunk. The black shikigami formed a torrent, covering the floor in moments. They gradually advanced along the stairs to the upper level like an avalanche in the hallway.


Fujiwara immediately spread a barrier to protect them. But in the time he took to cast, the shikigami had already grown significantly.

"You shall search for the "Raven"s Wing". This old man... will have a bit of fun."

Tenma"s eyes widened in stupor and regret.

His gaze was fixed on something in midair - the place that the paper that had just flown out of Tenma"s pocket had given off light. His face was drained of blood, his lips were tight, and he stared intently at the place.

As he was dumbstruck, the cafeteria"s windows were shattered one by one, and black shikigami invaded from the outside one after another.

The shikigami let out hideous laughter, jumping back and forth. They jumped to the ground, pushed over tables, flew out of the cafeteria, and continued infiltrating the interior of the academy. It wasn"t just here. This scene was probably also playing out in the various other rooms of the academy. The sound of students" screams came from all directions along with the shouts of teachers.

The barrier had been broken.

Moreover, what had broken it was--

"Get up!"

Touji roared. Tenma shrank back in fright.

The shikigami that had just spoken had suddenly descended from around the ceiling, its target Harutora.


Kon shouted. She released fireb.a.l.l.s at the shikigami approaching Harutora.

Kon"s fox fire hit its head. The shikigami wailed, thrashing in midair. Its upper body burned, and every time it flapped its wings, sparks scattered towards the surroundings. Using this time, Harutora quickly condensed his aura.

He infusing his magical energy into the shakujou. The rings on the front of the shakujou began spinning rapidly.

"Take this!"

He stabbed outwards.

Lag appeared over the shikigami"s entire body, and it flashed unstably, finally exploding loudly. Afterwards, all that was left was a scorched charm floating down to the ground.

"...W, We did it!"

"No! There are still a lot. Everyone, leave the windows and form a circle!"

The black shikigami still invaded the cafeteria. Listening to Touji"s instructions, Harutora, Natsume, Kyouko, and Suzuka immediately complied.


"Tenma, what are you doing!"

Kyouko cried.

Tenma didn"t move.

His mind was blank. He couldn"t understand the situation just now. No, his mind refused to understand.

"Tenma! Get back!"

Harutora shouted, his face pale. The sound of shattering gla.s.s came from behind him a gain and he unconsciously looked back. A black shikigami broke the window and descended behind Tenma"s back.

Its extremely hideous exterior was like a monster from a nightmare. But Tenma"s mind was still paralyzed and he couldn"t react for a while.


Kyouko called forth her defensive shikigami. This shikigami resembled a knight clad in white armor. It was a "Model G2 Yaksha" created by the Onmyou Agency.

Hakuou materialized in front of the shikigami about to crush Tenma, hitting it with its equipped katana by a hair"s breadth. The cut shikigami showed lag and stopped moving. In this time, Kyouko rushed to Tenma, grabbing his arms and forcefully pulling him up.

"Idiot! What are you s.p.a.cing out for! Snap out of it!"

The shikigami that had been cut by Hakuou let out an angry bellow, pulling away from the Yaksha. But it didn"t show any signs of fleeing. It flew above a table and bared its fangs and teeth, threatening Hakuou - and the six students. Kyouko summoned her other defensive shikigami Kokfuu, which raised its spear next to Hakuou.

Harutora and the others adjusted their positions, adding Tenma and Kyouko into the circle.

"Tenma-kun, are you hurt?"

"Be careful, Tenma! This is a real battle right now!"

Natsume quickly checked Tenma"s condition and Harutora kept watch over the surroundings while anxiously scolding Tenma. After hearing the words of the two people worried about him, Tenma"s brain finally regained its function.

With his arm still being grabbed by Kyouko,


He spoke words of apology.

"Sorry, I"m really sorry. It was all my fault that......"

Tenma muttered with a pale face, unable to face up to Harutora and the others.

The reason the academy"s barrier had been destroyed was extremely clear. Tenma had unknowingly brought Doman"s charm - that small piece of paper - into the barrier. Just as Doman said, barriers were basically all used to stop enemies entering from the outside, and they couldn"t endure an attack from the inside. The barrier the Onmyou Academy had prepared to deal with Doman had been completely demolished by Tenma"s mistake.

The outcome he had brought was the situation before him.

"What should I do. It was all my fault...... I never knew anything. Sorry. I, I......"

The other five people had also noticed the reason the barrier had been broken. Kyouko let go, murmuring "Tenma......". The sympathy audible in her voice p.r.i.c.ked Tenma"s chest like a needle.

His shame and self-disgust had reached a level where he wanted to die. It a.s.saulted him like a tsunami.

In order to help everyone, or at least to not become a burden, he had desperately worked hard up to now, but in the end he had ended up here with no way of turning things around. It wouldn"t help no matter how much he apologized and regretted.

He had let the enemy invade the Onmyou Academy.

If this went on, there would definitely be injuries and deaths among the teachers and students. But Tenma didn"t have the strength to stop this situation from occurring.


Apologizing couldn"t resolve the problem, but he had to apologize. Tenma continuously repeated himself as if he were talking in his sleep.


"Hah? What"s up with you?"

Suzuka suddenly scowled and scolded him ferociously. "...Eh? Tenma unconsciously raised his head.

Suzuka didn"t hide her anxious feelings, glaring sharply at the surrounding shikigami while glancing at Tenma:

"Tricks like hiding a charm to destroy a barrier from the inside are the oldest tricks in the book. It was just coincidence that you were chosen as the p.a.w.n. No, it was because you were related to this guy that he set the trap, right? This guy"s his target. You just come along with him. Frankly, you"re too self-conscious!"


Her words were indeed reasonable. The enemy wouldn"t possible target a small fry like him. Doman had also mentioned that he had "specifically chosen someone near the Tsuchimikados".

But he had been chosen as the target of the trap because he was the weakest link in Harutora"s group. Tenma was somewhat self-conscious, but he still hadn"t left Harutora and the others. It was proof that he didn"t have strength - that he was naive. He was useless, nor did he have any talent.


"The opponent"s "D", right? I already said many times, he"s so powerful that the Mystical Investigators were shocked. Someone of your level couldn"t possible cope if he eyed you. So what exactly are you thinking? What remorse, you"re just acting disappointed and way too arrogant. Enough,, hurry up and pull back so that you don"t impede us!"

Suzuka"s words were merciless. But because of this, the words clearly didn"t have any deliberate sympathy or consolation. Her unconcealed rough tone blew away all of Tenma"s gloom.

Touji smiled upon seeing the speechless Tenma.

"......A point for Dairenji, huh. Indeed, there aren"t many people who would notice if Ashiya Doman were playing around with them. At least I don"t have that kind of confidence."

"Yeah. It"s like Dairenji and Touji said. Everyone"s the same for not having seen through the trap. Alpha and Omega"s inspections today morning were even more detailed than usual, but in the end they weren"t able to notice the charm. This isn"t the fault of Tenma alone. Though it"s regretful, the opponents" skills are on another level."

"Really. In the end, it"s always Natsume and I who trouble everyone. But you never hated us and you still get along with us fine, right? Isn"t that right, Tenma."

Touji, Natsume, and Harutora consoled Tenma.

Harutora continued speaking.

"After all, we"re just students. No one"s mature yet, and that"s why there"s meaning in working together. Isn"t that right?"


His companions" words flowed into his heart. Finally, Kyouko patted Tenma"s shoulder.

"Have you heard this? Save regret and despair for afterwards. Right now isn"t the place for those, right?"

"Yeah, I agree completely with Kyouko"s opinion."

Touji replied while surveying the surroundings.

Now, there were already more than ten black shikigami that had invaded the cafeteria and that had probably chosen Harutora and the others as targets. They didn"t charge to other rooms, instead circling around them.

Harutora raised his shakujou again, and Kon turned the blade of her wakizashi outwards in front of Harutora. Kyouko had Hakuou and Kokfuu advance forwards a step, and Natsume, Touji, and Suzuka all showed serious, fearless expressions as they confronted Doman"s shikigami.

Complying with Touji"s plan, Harutora and the others put their backs to each other, forming a ring facing the surrounding shikigami. Tenma felt that even if he were added to the group, he couldn"t raise their overall battle power.


"Sorry...... Thanks."

Tenma walked in between Harutora and Kyouko, turning around and entrusting his back to his companions.

The black shikigami shrank their enclosure. Their numbers had now increased to almost twenty.

One of them met his gaze. The shikigami"s crimson eyes rounded, its teeth gnashing audibly as it emitted a hideous laugh. It drooled as it pranced around mockingly.

He probably couldn"t defeat that shikigami. He probably couldn"t do it himself, whether it was driving away the enemy or guarding against the opponents" attacks.

But at the least, he wasn"t scared anymore.

His breathing was as difficult as if he had been buried in sand, and his chest was filled with a huge feeling of powerlessness and remorse. Still, Tenma made every effort to focus completely on dealing with the battle before him.

Suzuka glanced at Tenma again, checking that the six were all able to act.


"What do we do now? It"s fine if we defeat every single one of them."

Suzuka checked the collective opinions of everyone by way of a question.


"Natsume, you decide."

Touji said decisively. Natsume stared at Touji over her shoulder with an "eh".

Touji didn"t turn around.

"Among everyone, you"re the key person. We"ll trust your judgment. Dairenji, you don"t mind, right?"

"......Hmph. I"ll leave myself if I"m unhappy. You and I are different, I"m fine even by myself."

"I see. You"re going to fight alone against this group of shikigami? Quite a miserable scene, even if you won"t lose."

"Hey! You"ve been wanting too much since just now, headband! Why were my words twisted like that!"

"It"s alright, Suzuka-chan. No one would leave Suzuka-chan out."

"What do you mean, leaving out! I wasn"t your companion in the first place! What"s more, you"re really looking down on a Divine General! I"m really strong! One of only a dozen in the nation!"

Suzuka declared again angrily. The other five could only sigh again.

...In some sense, this was also an ability.

Harutora thought happily. Though Suzuka herself wouldn"t be willing, teasing her like this probably wasn"t a problem. Even if they were surrounded by Ashiya Doman"s shikigami without a way of turning the tables like now.

"Natsume, it"s up to you."

Harutora also gave the decision-making responsibility to Natsume.

Natsume thought for a moment, then:

"......At least Ashiya Doman said once that he wouldn"t harm other students. Anyway, it"s fine if we just worry about ourselves."

After hearing Natsume"s serious remark, Touji immediately made a joke. "Well, we don"t the time to worry about others anyway." In the enemy"s proclamation just now, only Harutora"s group had clearly been "designated as a target". For the time being, they could only focus on protecting themselves and finding a teacher for possible a.s.sistance.

"......But, it"s hard to contend with "D" with just us. The barrier was broken, so basically all we can do is wait for the Onmyou Agency"s a.s.sistance."

"Understood. So do we wait it out? Or do we just escape outside the academy altogether?"

Natsume replied cautiously to Harutora"s question.

"In the current situation, we can"t possibly escape without being noticed by the enemy. If we are noticed, he might pursue us outside the academy, and then the street outside will be damaged. We have to avoid that kind of situation."

"Then it"s decided, we"ll hold fast."

Touji nodded his head in understanding.

"It"ll probably become a protracted battle, but we can"t escape underground to the magic practice field, so--"

"......A, Are there other empty practical training rooms? Practical training rooms all have barriers, though they aren"t as strong as the magic practice field. We should have more of a chance if we go take refuge there."

It was Tenma who mentioned this plan. Natsume immediately adopted Tenma"s opinion.

"The enemy"s numbers are very large. We can"t exhaust ourselves to fight them one by one."

"Right. Our charms also have limits."

"Yeah. We should escape to a practical training room"s barrier and conserve our power. If the barrier is broken, we"ll move to a different practical training room. We"ll control our exhaustion as much as possible and continuously win small amounts of time."

Kyouko also nodded approval to Natsume"s strategy.

"Understood. Then, closest to here is - the eighth practical training room."

"Well, before that, we have to break out of here."

Touji smiled slightly.

At some point in time, the number of shikigami surrounding Harutora and the others had already grown to an innumerable level.

The shikigamis" forms were all different, but overall their forms were similar, just like a "shikigami group". They didn"t look like modern spiritual disasters, but rather like the Heian period Hyakki Yagyou that made trouble during the night.

Natsume breathed deeply again.

"......Everyone, ready? Let"s start moving slowly. Make sure not to leave your companions, and maintain the circle."

"Okay, Natsume. Anyway, there"s no reason to hurry."

"Yeah. Harutora said it. Also - Touji, how long can your "transformation" last for?"

"As it is right now, twenty minutes. But it can only last five minutes if we"re fighting at full power."

"Understood. Then, we"ll wait for a critical moment for Touji to step in. I, Harutora, and Kon will be in front, then Kurahashi-san and Touji. Kurahashi-san, position Hakuou and Kokfuu to the left and right of the circle.


Then, last is Tenma-kun and Dairenji-san. Dairenji-san, stay at the back......"

"Very nice. You talk so big. I"ll enjoy being at the back, then. Me, the "Child Prodigy" of the "Twelve Divine Generals"."

Suzuka heavily stressed the phrases "Twelve Divine Generals" and "Child Prodigy" in her reply. "Yeah." Natsume smiled slightly.

Harutora and the others complied with Natsume"s instructions, quickly moving to their positions. The shikigami didn"t attack, slowly narrowing their enclosure. The frontline shikigami scratched the ground with their claws, emitting strange sounds to scare them.

"...Really, it was like they were trapped in a beast"s cage.

Harutora"s hand that gripped the shakujou sweated coldly. He wiped the sweat with the hem of his uniform, then held the shakujou again.

"......Alright. Then...... let"s move."

Natsume quietly gave the instruction. Harutora and the others nodded, carefully starting to move.

The first target was the exit of the cafeteria. Harutora and the others were next to the tables by the windows, so they had to pa.s.s through almost the entire cafeteria on the way.

The shikigami surrounding them noticed the movements of Harutora and the others.

Their intimidation surged, and they even started to feign motions of charging forward. Harutora, at the front, responded to the shikigamis" movements one by one, calmly changing the direction he pointed the shakujou. Before he realized it, he was clenching his teeth so hard it hurt his temple.

Harutora had just had the thought that it was "like they were trapped in a beast"s cage". Now, it seemed surprisingly appropriate. The movements of the black group of shikigami extremely resembled hounds surrounding prey. Each individual moved chaotically, but the group they formed was extremely organized and seemed to have a "hunting rhythm".

Right now, it was just an "overture", but it was rapidly playing towards a climax - Harutora"s whole body felt so.

"......Hey. It"s almost......"

"......Ah. It"s here......"

Harutora and Touji whispered quietly.

The conversation of the two obviously also floated to the ears of the other four. Their nerves were extremely tense, and they could probably even clearly hear the sound of the people next to them swallowing saliva.

In this period of stalemate, Harutora and the others continuously crept forward. Compared to them, the shikigami"s actions became even more agitated and upset.

The balance was finally broken.

A shikigami in front - in front of Harutora - suddenly let out a roar and charged forward.

"It"s coming!"

Harutora swung the shakujou, stopping the shikigami"s charge. Kon instantly swing her wakizashi, cutting the shikigami"s leg.

But the shikigami wasn"t cowed. It wasn"t concerned about Kon"s attack, forcefully pushing away Harutora"s shakujou. Harutora hastily infused magical energy into the shakujou, using the ring-formed blade of magical energy to cut open the shikigami.

Even so, the shikigami still approached Harutora.

It was unsure whether this kind of black shikigami could feel pain or not. Its anthropomorphic, b.e.s.t.i.a.l face stared at Harutora, no feeling of pain visible on it. As it suffered intense lag, it still showed excited feelings for hunting its prey.

"...Ah, this thing!"

Harutora upped his magical energy again. Just then, Natsume"s arm flashed by from the side as she used a charm - a metal-element charm - to hit the shikigami.


The charm became sharp blades, cutting apart the shikigami"s neck. The shikigami finally stopped under an outbreak of lag.

But, other shikigami attacked again. With the first shikigami as an impetus, all of them moved to kill Harutora and the others like a surging wave.

Touji, Kyouko, and Tenma chanted incantations at the shikigami. Charms flew and magic exploded sequentially. Hakuou and Kokfuu also slashed their katana and spear horizontally.

But it was hard to resist.

The black shikigami were extremely strong. Each one was "hard to deal with".

They either avoided Hakuou and Kokfuu"s blades, or simply continued charging forward unhindered after being wounded. With Harutora, Touji, and Tenma"s levels of magic, stopping the enemy"s advance already took their full power. After they combined everyone"s" strengths and attacked repeatedly to finally defeat a shikigami, another one would charge up to replace it from behind. They had mentioned an extended battle, but they had to go all-out from the start. If they slacked for a moment, they would immediately be engulfed by the group of shikigami.

"Hey, hey! This group feels like small fry, but they"re not at all!"

"This is bad! If this goes on, our charms will be used up quickly!"

Harutora brandished the shakujou and shouted, Tenma flung charms while shouting with a pale face, and even Natsume and Kyouko didn"t have time to reply, already burdened with continuously using magic and chanting incantations. Kon, Hakuou, and Kokfuu, who were outside the ring, were overwhelmed by the many black shikigami.

"Kon! You"re getting too far from us!"

"H-Harutora-sama! I am alright!"

Even Kon"s slashing wakizashi had trouble opening up a path, and with the enemies concentrated on both sides, she couldn"t rashly use her foxfire. Even so, Kon slashed furiously to keep the enemies from approaching Harutora.

...b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! We defeated the first shikigami so easily, so we underestimated them!

Looking back, the shikigami that had become the medium Doman spoke through had constantly been touching the academy barrier while he had been conversing with Harutora and the others, unconcerned about the intense lag its body had suffered. That shikigami had received quite serious wounds at the time.

But shikigami didn"t show injury on the outside at all. Hence, Kon and Harutora had unconsciously underestimated this kind of shikigami when they had easily defeated that one.

More importantly, there was a significant difference in number between the two sides, as well as in overall magical energy. But the most glaring problem was that six could not contend against many. Never mind advancing in the direction of the exit, it already took their full strength to maintain a circle in front of these overwhelming numbers.

No, they were reaching the limits of even maintaining a circle.

"b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! We can"t conserve our power right now!"

The shikigami slashed their claws, unafraid of the thrown charms. Touji, who was almost slashed, swiped the bandanna off his forehead.

He planned on releasing the seal of his oni, and Natsume didn"t intend to stop him. She didn"t have the leisure to make an order in the first place.

But, just then.

"...Get back."

Suzuka ordered.

At some point, a book had appeared in Suzuka"s hand - a beautifully-bound scripture. The scripture opened by itself in Suzuka"s hands as if it were being turned by the wind. The pages inside flew into the air one by one, folding, sticking, and overlapping to rapidly form "shapes".

Fine shikigami with actual size were created mimicking the forms of many wild beasts. Moreover, they vigorously paced back and forth as if they had been given life. Harutora unconsciously gasped. He had witnessed this before. These were the original shikigami of the "Child Prodigy" Dairenji Suzuka.

The paper shikigami that Suzuka summoned collided head-on with Doman"s black shikigami.

Use numbers to combat the enemy"s numbers. The paper shikigami had already pa.s.sed through the circle, attacking the black shikigami through the gaps between the other five - according to their master"s orders - and beating them back.

They readjusted their almost completely crumbled formation. In moments, the two sides had already become evenly matched. Putting aside Harutora and Touji, who had witnessed it before, as well as Natsume, who knew her power, Kyouko and Tenma, who witnessed this scene for the first time, looked back at Suzuka, stunned. The "Child Prodigy"s magic was this shocking. Finally catching his breath, Harutora cheered loudly with a huge smile.

"Amazing! Amazing! Suzuka!"

"Ha, so easy."

"As expected of Suzuka. You"re making my heart race!"

"Gya! I-I-Idiot! What are you saying all of a sudden, you idiot!"

Suzuka"s retorts also became disorganized as her face suddenly reddened down to her neck. Fortunately, Suzuka"s shikigami could probably move independently, and they weren"t affected by their master"s embarra.s.sment, indifferently holding fast to their duties.

She was young and had originally been a researcher, but the power of a Divine General really was deserving of their fame. She was fearsome as an enemy, but after becoming a companion, she was extremely reliable. Harutora couldn"t help but feel grateful.

...Yes. I never thought the day would come to fight alongside this girl.

His battle with Suzuka before the "Imperial Hill" altar seemed to have already become a distant memory. Thinking carefully, it hadn"t even been a year. If he told his past self about the current situation, he definitely wouldn"t have been able to believe it.

No, it wasn"t just Suzuka. Maybe Touji could have pa.s.sed, but a year ago he couldn"t possible have imagined facing enemies in battle together with Kyouko, Tenma, and Natsume. Come to think of it, who would he be with one year later, and what would he be doing? These incredible emotions spilled forth from Harutora"s chest as he fought alongside his cla.s.smate companions, surrounded by the shikigami released by a legendary Onmyouji.

Touji, who didn"t release the seal, put his removed headband into a pocket of his uniform.

"......I see. You just wanted to prove that you could "deal with them easily alone". But, Dairenji, has your magical energy really been sealed?"

"O, Of course! Let me make it clear, this is all I can do! You have to think of something yourselves!"

Suzuka replied, the redness still not vanished from her face.

Come to think of it, Suzuka had only summoned only about a dozen shikigami. It was indeed a bit insignificant compared to the torrential numbers she had displayed last summer.

But this dozen was already enough to bring about an even battle against Doman"s shikigami. To Harutora, who had only thought about buying time without any intention of driving away the enemy, this fighting power was enough to rejoice over.

"Also, why don"t you start fighting for real too! Indeed, these things aren"t all idiots, and they have some frightening numbers. But no matter what, they can"t reach the level of the Armored Juggernaut as an enemy, right?"

Suzuka glared over his shoulder from behind him with a fearsome gaze.

The one she was eyeing angrily was - Natsume, at the head of the group.


Natsume looked ahead and replied with that.

Using her "original" voice that she forgot to hide:

"I finally understand thanks to you. If we"re defeated, our strategy of buying time will lose its meaning. Rather than continuing to exhaust everyone, it"s better to escape into a barrier as soon as possible."

Suzuka gasped, and Harutora and Touji muttered "idiot", their cheeks twitching. Kyouko and Tenma, who didn"t understand what Natsume was talking about, seemed to doubt their own ears.

Natsume wasn"t concerned about the surrounding reactions.

She focused her entire concentration:

"I"ll make an opening - Come, Hokuto!"

Natsume summoned her shikigami. Ahead of them - behind the backs of the black shikigami that formed an enclosure - appeared a golden, dazzling light.

The light source carried a majestic aura. Doman"s black shikigami howled in consternation upon touching the aura.

On the other hand, the light source suddenly extended, becoming a shining golden ribbon of light, and then contracted.

A dragon appeared.

Its body was about ten meters, completely covered by golden scales and with two horns and a mane. This was the Tsuchimikado family spiritual beast that Natsume used, Hokuto.

At the same time as Hokuto took form, it showed a look of surprise as if to say "how cramped". This cafeteria could be called s.p.a.cious, but in the end it was indoors. In particular, the height of the ceiling was only the level of a normal building, and Hokuto"s horns would hit the ceiling if it just slightly raised its head. From Hokuto"s point of view, this s.p.a.ce was stifling.

More importantly, there were a large number of Doman"s shikigami in this narrow place. Hokuto stretched its long body. The terrifying presence that the shikigami gave off seemed to also make Hokuto feel unhappy.

But compared to the shikigami, who suddenly lost its vigor, the current Natsume was raring to go.

"Hokuto! Obey your master! Strike down these black shikigami! Open a path ahead of us!"

An awe-inspiring and aura-filled voice commanded Hokuto.

The dragon"s body shuddered for a bit, and it changed expressions.

The change was so obvious that even Harutora and the others could even see it clearly from behind.

Hokuto floated in the cafeteria while looking down upon Doman"s many shikigami.

Ssssss... It took a deep breath, and then roared loudly.

The air in the room shook intensely as if there had been an explosion, the roar becoming a shockwave. Harutora, who stood with Natsume at the frontlines, seemed to feel his own heart momentarily stop beating.

Hokuto"s roar carried an indignant draconic will and a n.o.ble aura. Doman"s shikigami showed intense lag just from being immersed in the roar.

Using this opportunity, Hokuto attacked.

Its level of agility was completely unfitting for its gigantic body. Its golden scales flashed sharply as it sped through the narrow room.

It moved like lightning.


An appalling pressure made Harutora hold his breath. Hokuto cleanly swept away the shikigami before Natsume and Harutora.

Moreover, it utilized its whole body, using its claws, body, and tail to strike down the black shikigami surrounding the ring. The strong aura pressure that was released at a close distance even almost blew away Harutora and the others. "Uwah!" Tenma fell on the ground, hastily standing back up.

Probably because its momentum was so great, Hokuto planted its claws into the ceiling and floor, carving out long gashes before stopping. Then, it did the same thing again. It charged towards the area where the shikigami were numerous, defeating the enemy with impunity.

Harutora and the others were dumbfounded.

"Th, That thing"s so incredible......"

Harutora had already witnessed the dragon"s strength, but this time Hokuto was brave and cruel. It was extremely rare for the capricious dragon to immediately follow its master"s orders, and even Suzuka, who had urged Natsume to use her real abilities, widened her eyes, unable to speak.

"Hurry! Let"s leave the cafeteria now!"

Natsume commanded, rushing towards the entrance first. Harutora and the others came to their senses, following behind Natsume while maintaining the circle.

Behind their backs, Hokuto defended against countless enemies, showing a brave fighting spirit. Now that he thought about it, this was the first time Hokuto had flown around indoors. If Doman"s shikigami were monsters, Hokuto was a beast, and they didn"t even dream of coming close. Harutora and the others couldn"t even figure out whether they were fleeing from Doman"s shikigami or avoiding Hokuto.

"Hey, it"s going too far! The floor won"t even stop shaking!"

Hokuto was merciless, wantonly twisting its body. Every time the dragon"s horns. .h.i.t the ceiling, a large amount of dust fell from the ceiling, and every time the dragon"s tail struck the ground, it would shake like a ripple beneath their feet, practically like a ride in an amus.e.m.e.nt park. Harutora had actually bitten his tongue three times while saying the words just now.

Every enemy was very strong, so maybe Hokuto couldn"t be merciful. If this went on, the cafeteria itself might be destroyed before they drove out the enemy shikigami.

"What are we going to do about the reparations afterwards?"

"Bakatora! Enough, hurry up and run!"

Touji"s voice came from behind his back. Harutora clenched his teeth and continued to sprint.

Then, they escaped the cafeteria.

They arrived in the corridor. There were also Doman"s shikigami here. But, here there was distance between the two sides. Kon threw fireb.a.l.l.s and Natsume also threw charms. After using wood-element charms to bind the burning shikigami, Harutora mustered his strength and swung his shakujou.

The shikigami that had been smashed against the wall fell to the ground alongside intense lag. Even so, their materialized bodies still didn"t disappear......

"We don"t have to force ourselves to destroy the enemies! Right now we need to avoid expending extra energy!"

Harutora and the others complied with Natsume"s instructions, swiftly pa.s.sing through the corridor. The bound shikigami still wanted to obstruct them with their bodies. Kokfuu stabbed them directly with its spear as they pa.s.sed by, while Hakuou was responsible for checking the shikigami that appeared in front of them. After Kyouko used a protective charm to erect a defensive wall to stop the enemy"s movements, they pa.s.sed by them.

Their goal, the eighth practical training room, was downstairs. They couldn"t use the elevator right now.

They could only take the stairs.

Harutora and the others rushed down the stairs headed by Natsume. Kon was in the front, and Suzuka"s shikigami took the rear.

Right after they finished walking down a set of stairs, they ran into Doman"s shikigami again. This time there were three. When one of them charged forward, Harutora swung the shakujou, then Kokfuu hit it flying. But the other two seemed to have seen through the moves of Harutora and the others, circling around to the next set of stairs.


At the same time, Natsume threw out two water-element charms. The magically produced water poured towards the shikigami. As they were cowed, Kon used Kachiwari and Harutora attacked with his shakujou, but the black shikigami held fast, not retreating a single step.

The shikigami that had been knocked flying by Kokfuu attacked again. Kyouko had Kokfuu block it, but because the s.p.a.ce in the staircase was too narrow, Hakuou and Suzuka"s shikigami couldn"t come to the front to join the battle.

"b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! Each one is so tough!"

Harutora and the others had stopped moving forward. If this dragged on, they would probably be surrounded by the enemy shikigami again.


"First seal, purge!"

Touji chanted an incantation. The first level of the seal in his body was released, and simultaneously, the presence of the suppressed oni strengthened in a flash.

On his forehead from which the bandanna had been taken off grew horns flickering with lag. Sharp fangs extended from his mouth that showed a fearless smile.

The demonic aura gushing out covered Touji"s body, condensing and forming armor. Flashing, half-transparent armor and a helmet. This was Touji in his living spirit state.

The transformed Touji advanced towards the shikigami that attacked Harutora and Natsume to counterattack, flying out between the two of them and spreading his arms, grabbing the heads of the two shikigami.



He repelled the shikigami with a shout. Touji charged down towards the platform between staircases, smashing Doman"s shikigami into the wall.

The wall shook. The two shikigami were embedded into the wall, lag covering their bodies.


"...I"m fine. We can rest once we enter the barrier!"

Touji replied angrily to Harutora"s shout.

Though they had escaped the danger of the cafeteria, they still couldn"t be careless right now. Natsume pursed her lips, rushing down the stairs past Touji. Harutora also hastily followed behind, and Touji, who was holding down the shikigami, quickly returned to the ring.

"Natsume, switch with me. I"ll take care of breaking through."


Harutora was more suitable for frontline combat with the shakujou for a weapon. That was why he wanted to switch with Natsume. Natsume quickly stepped back, and Touji took the empty position.

Now Harutora and Touji became the vanguard of the formation. They continued moving down after pa.s.sing over the staircase platform.

They ran into several black shikigami again midway. Harutora checked them with the shakujou, and the transformed Touji freely released his demonic power. After he, who had originally been extremely good at fighting, became a demon, his strength was enhanced by orders of magnitude, quickly becoming unmatched in terms of strength. Putting aside magical battles for now, Touji"s skills could be fully utilized in the current, completely close-range battle.

"Touji, don"t overdo it!"

"What nonsense are you saying. I can"t waste this valuable battle experience!"

Touji laughed after hearing Harutora"s warning. Judging from this extremely Touji-style reply, he was still extremely calm.


Touji himself had said that the time was limited to five minutes. They didn"t have time to spare. Harutora and the others descended the stairs at almost their full speed.

But, there was still another staircase between them and the eighth practical training room. Kon, who flew above their heads, suddenly widened her eyes.

She flew down the stairs ahead of them.


"...! This is bad, Harutora-sama!"

She returned to Harutora"s side while crying out. The moment Harutora asked her "What"s wrong", a certain "activity" emanated from the base of the stairs.

Doman"s black shikigami. But this time it wasn"t one or two. The number of shikigami completely covered the staircase. They couldn"t see the walls, nor could they see the ceiling. They filled the s.p.a.ce down below along the stairs.


Even Harutora and Touji groaned, stopping their steps. They didn"t know that this was a group of shikigami that Doman had released into the building after he had invaded the academy.

"...Hey! Harutora, let me borrow that!"

Touji quickly grabbed the shakujou from Harutora"s hands.

He left Harutora, charging forward alone.


"...Is it enough?"

Touji raised the shakujou level, filling it with his magical energy.

The demonic power swelled in the shakujou and extended out of both ends, colliding head-on with the group of black shikigami that approached.

"Ah - ugh!"

Touji held onto the shakujou, stopping the group of shikigami in their tracks. Inauspicious demonic aura flowed out of Touji"s entire body, and the armor covering him flickered with intense lag.

But, "it wasn"t enough". No matter how narrow the staircase was, a single shakujou couldn"t completely defend it. The shikigami in the back climbed up using the shikigami that Touji blocked as stepping stones. Black shikigami broke through Touji"s defense from the walls and the ceiling, almost engulfing Touji.



Harutora shouted, and Natsume hastily threw out a charm, but it wasn"t enough to stop the shikigamis" advance. The black shikigami pa.s.sed over Touji like a flood.


Harutora"s face paled and he grabbed all of his protective charms.

Right before Harutora was about to throw them:

"Hurry up and move aside!"

Suzuka, who felt the weight of the situation, forcefully pushed aside Kyouko, Natsume, and Harutora in front of her, letting her shikigami charge forward.

An intense collision.

The stairs where Harutora and the others were shook intensely. Natsume held on to Harutora, while Harutora quickly grabbed the staircase banister.

The moment the black shikigami and the group of paper shikigami forcefully collided, they all stopped moving along with lag. The "Child Prodigy"s resourcefulness had been effective, managing to control the shikigami that were about to get around Touji.

But this was just a momentary equilibrium. Doman"s shikigami poured forth again. Their numbers were abnormally clear, and the "defensive wall" that Touji and Suzuka" shikigami created was being pushed back before their eyes.

"Touji, are you alright?"

"You"re asking if I"m alright? Obviously no!"

He angrily roared a reply to Harutora"s question as he braced his legs with all of his might.

"I bragged a little just now, but breaking through this group is too difficult!"

In the time he spent speaking, he was almost overwhelmed. Touji hastily regained his foothold. His feet were already sinking into the staircase floor, and the shakujou that had been strengthened with magical energy was also letting out creaking noises. It was already a foregone conclusion that they couldn"t break through. Kon, flying overhead, hurriedly joined the "defensive wall", but it was a drop in the bucket.

Natsume bit her lip.

"...Let"s try other routes. Retreat for now!"

"Wait, Natsume. If we withdraw rashly, it"ll become even worse!"

"I understand. Then for now - come!"

Natsume raised her head to look up. Just then, a golden light descended from the stairs above them.

It was Hokuto. After cleaning up the enemies in the cafeteria, it had come following its master.

"Hokuto! Stop the enemy - the black shikigamis" attack. Touji-kun, Dairenji-san, make s.p.a.ce for Hokuto"s attack!"



Touji did everything he could, Suzuka controlled her shikigami, and Kon also shouted out.

They pushed away the enemy with all their might. A gap immediately appeared in the "defensive wall", and Natsume had Hokuto break through that gap.

Hokuto"s body radiated a fearsome aura. It no longer planned on using little things like its claws or fangs, planning instead on using its aura to drive away the group of shikigami. Oh! ...It suddenly twisted its body, using the recoil to leap towards the enemy, advancing as if it were drilling through the ground and charging into the group of shikigami.

Under Hokuto"s powerful a.s.sault, the area around the stairs shook intensely as if there was an earthquake. Harutora and the others hastily escaped to take refuge in the stairs above.

After seeing the attack of Doman"s shikigami gradually slow, Touji gave the "defensive wall" work to Suzuka"s shikigami and retreated.

He gave the shakujou back to Harutora. Before confirming that he had taken it:

"Natsume, what do you mean by other routes?"

"......The emergency staircase."

"Impossible!" After hearing Natsume reply while showing such a serious expression, Harutora took the shakujou, refuting her in surprise.

"It"s too narrow, it"s incredibly dangerous! If we fall, we"re done for!"

"But there aren"t any other routes."

The emergency staircase was set along the academy"s outer wall. Right now, it wasn"t clear whether the enemy had left any shikigami outside, and in the open s.p.a.ce, Hokuto could utilize more of its power.

But, it was easier for the enemy to attack in that open s.p.a.ce. It was also hard to use the two-p.r.o.nged ring formation that they were currently maintaining in the emergency staircase. At least they wouldn"t be able to have Hakuou and Kokfuu guarding their left and right. More importantly, just like Harutora said, there was the danger of falling, and there was a possibility that the emergency staircase itself would be attacked.

"Can"t we have Hokuto quickly break open a path for us to go down?"

"No. Right now, Hokuto and I are sharing vision, but when we go downstairs, we"ll be overrun by shikigami for sure. Even if Hokuto can drive them into disarray, she can"t wipe out all the enemies. Most importantly...... Hokuto can"t keep holding out, either."

As Natsume said, though the enemy shikigamis" momentum was gradually slowing, they were still approaching up the stairs. With Hokuto"s aid, the defensive wall created by Suzuka"s shikigami was able to block them. If they wanted to break through, they would have to be resolved to suffer wounds.

"Let"s move for now. Even Suzuka-chan"s shikigami won"t be able to hold on alone."

After Kyouko proposed, she muttered "sorry" to Suzuka.

But, just then.

"...Is that Kyouko-san"s voice?"

Upon hearing the sudden voice, Kyouko"s as well as everyone else"s eyes widened. The faint voice was familiar.



This was the voice of Kurahashi. Moreover, it came from the other side of the defensive wall - from the direction of Hokuto and Doman"s shikigami. The moment Harutora murmured "could it be", a calico cat jumped out from a gap in Suzuka"s shikigami.

When they had gazed down from the cafeteria before, it had been this calico cat - the shikigami that the used - confronting Doman at the main entrance.

"This is great! Everyone"s safe and sound. Hurry up and follow me!"

Right as the words left its mouth, the cat pa.s.sed by the surprised Harutora and the others, rushing up the stairs with the momentum of a dash.

"Hurry up!" It suddenly turned back while standing on the stairs above, speaking up to urge them on, and then didn"t look back. Harutora and the others stood still, stunned.

"Eh, hey - Grandma!"

"! But, up there is......!"

Kyouko and Tenma"s panicked cries seemed not to reach the"s ears.


Harutora gave the right of judgment to Natsume, who was responsible for commanding.

"Let"s go."

After a moment"s hesitation, Natsume decided this. Compared to forcefully going down the dangerous stairs, it would be more reasonable to listen to the"s opinion.

"Dairenji-san. Your shikigami--"

"...Have them stop the enemy and retreat slowly."

"Yes. We"re counting on you. ...Everyone, follow the"s shikigami. Continue maintaining the formation. We can"t be careless!"

After saying that, she began pursuing the"s shikigami, backtracking along their original route. Harutora and the others nodded at each other, following behind Natsume.

They couldn"t help but feel a sense of futility as they backtracked, but fortunately, no new shikigami appeared along the stairs. Hokuto had probably wiped them all out. Instead, the handrails were destroyed and cracks spread along the walls and steps. "Pay attention to below you!" Touji warned everyone.

After they saw the cat"s tail in front of them,


Kyouko shouted loudly.

"What"s going on? What"s happened?"

"...It"s Ashiya Doman"s attack. I surmised that he wouldn"t come here - it seems like I failed completely. My name as a diviner is weeping."

"What does that mean? Please explain in more detail!"

"Of course. But after we escape."

The was also very anxious. She continued sprinting forward while keeping a lookout while she replied to her granddaughter.


"Priest Doman has already invaded the interior of the academy. The lower areas are full of his shikigami."

"So we"re escaping upwards? But what do we do after escaping to the top? Do you have a plan?"

After listening to Natsume"s question, the replied while running.

"To the roof."

"The roof? We can climb to the roof from the academy building?"

Harutora asked back in surprise.

The academy building"s elevator could only reach the top floor. He had never heard about the roof since he had entered the academy. But the said "yes" again, confirming Harutora"s doubts.

"There are stairs on the top floor. Originally, no one other than me is allowed to pa.s.s...... Right now is an emergency situation. We"ll use the barrier there."

That place also had a barrier. Kyouko complained "Please say it earlier if we have that kind of option" with a red face. It seemed like this was her first time hearing about the roof.

While they talked, Harutora and the others, with the cat in the lead, returned to the top floor where the cafeteria was.

After rushing down many flights of stairs and then climbing back up, the four people other than Harutora and Touji were all panting for breath. The hastened her steps instead, pa.s.sing through the corridor in a flash.


Under the cat"s guidance, Harutora and the others still stuck to their run, breathing heavily.

Doman"s shikigami appeared in front of them again. But the cat was unafraid, nimbly twisting its small body and pa.s.sing under the enemies" legs.

Then, it continued running without reducing its speed.

This action was as if she were unconcerned about the students following behind. But in reality, of course this wasn"t the case. She meant to say that they didn"t need to slow down to defeat an obstruction of this level.

...This kind of tutelage was too Spartan!

In the end, just as the had expected, the current Harutora and the others no longer felt afraid facing a few shikigami.

Kon used her fox fire to check them, and Harutora"s shakujou along with Touji"s attack sent the enemies blocking their path flying. Then, Hakuou and Kokfuu to the left and right didn"t give the shikigami an opportunity to come close, and everyone pa.s.sed through the corridor.

When danger appeared, Natsume, Kyouko, Tenma, and Suzuka released charms to ensure their safety. This was how the formation Natsume organized was effective - each member looked out for one another as they advanced.

The"s target was the end of the corridor. It looked like a dead end.



The moment the cat shouted, a metal door appeared on the wall. Harutora"s eyes widened. "Whoa!"

It seemed to be hidden with magic. This way, no one would notice.

"The lock"s already opened. Push the door open."

The finally stopped, turning back. Harutora rushed forward to push the door open in place of the cat. So that"s how it was, the purpose of this place was for stairs up.

After opening the door, the cat immediately slipped in and started climbing the stairs. Doman"s shikigami hadn"t invaded this hidden location. After the group followed behind, they quickly saw a narrow pa.s.sage - probably the door that accessed the roof.

Harutora climbed in, opening the door again.

"This place is......!"

He pa.s.sed through the door and arrived at the roof. The humid air, filled with moisture, immediately enclosed Harutora"s body.

Exposed pipes littered the ground, forming a s.p.a.ce like a maze when surrounded by the thin wire fence, practically like a giant jungle gym. The cat dashed through the complex path again and Harutora and the others chased behind the cat, their footsteps sounding in clatters. They couldn"t go side by side through the narrow path, so it naturally became Harutora alone at the head of the group.

There were two s.p.a.ces on the roof. The first was where Harutora and the others were now, a piping s.p.a.ce like a maze. The other s.p.a.ce was higher up - a raised s.p.a.ce about three meters higher. The cat pa.s.sed through the narrow route, climbing the simple steps to the raised area. Harutora also quickly chased it to the base of the stairs.

There was only the sky above him now when he looked up. Harutora regulated his rapid breathing, grabbing the handrail and climbing to the top of the stairs in a flash.

His field of vision suddenly cleared.

There was nothing bounding the s.p.a.ce before him, but it was wide and flat. There were no guardrails set around the edges; it was just covered with a low wall.

There were no structures nearby taller than the Onmyou Academy. Hence, his vision was unhindered and the force of the wind was strong. Above his head were gray clouds, low enough that it seemed he could touch them if he threw a ball with all his might. The wind made a wailing noise and changed rapidly.

At the same time, Doman"s black shikigami flew around the surroundings with the turbid, cloudy day as a backdrop.

It wasn"t just above. There were also a dozen on the roof, probably a group of the ones that had surrounded the academy at the start that had been left outside. Most of the shikigami should have invaded the academy interior, but even so, there were still quite a few shikigami that had been ordered to stay outside.

But, it wasn"t the black shikigami spread around the area that drew Harutora"s interest the most right now. Rather, it was the deepest part of the raised area, across the place that Harutora had climbed up to - on the side of the academy entrance.

There was an altar.

A stone stage with torii set in four directions. Four torii. The north side was black, the east side was blue, the south side was red, and the west side was white.

Harutora stopped moving.

He was a.s.saulted by an unexpected sight.

...This was!

The property of the Tsuchimikado main family, the altar with its back to the "Imperial Hill". The altar of the "Taizan f.u.kun Ritual".

Last summer, Harutora and Natsume had once fought with Suzuka on that altar.

"......How"s this possible!"

...It was exactly the same...... right? With that altar? Why was it here!

Harutora"s thoughts were in chaos. The cat that had led the way didn"t pay attention to Harutora"s stunned reaction, running vigorously towards the altar.

Kon, who was focused on combatting the enemies, felt her master"s condition. "H-Harutora-sama?" She turned around to look at Harutora. But, Harutora couldn"t move his gaze from the altar.

"Hey! What are you s.p.a.cing out for!"

Touji leaped, jumping past Harutora, who had stopped on the stairs, but when he saw the altar, "...What!" his expression also froze. He hadn"t partic.i.p.ated in the battle back then, but he had once seen the altar on the Imperial Hill.

Just then,

"Everyone, come here!"

A figure appeared next to the altar and shouted towards Harutora and the others, her voice exactly the same as the cat"s from just before.

" Kurahashi."

The Kurahashi that they hadn"t been able to contact since the morning appeared on the stone stage of the altar. Harutora finally came to his senses, climbing up to the raised area with a solemn expression. Natsume, who followed behind him, also momentarily paled after seeing the altar.

"How...! Why is this here!?"

After the shaken Natsume, Kyouko climbed up to the raised area. A relieved expression flashed acr