Tokyo Ravens

Chapter 47


The Onmyou Agency, which supervised the Onmyouji of the entire nation based on Onmyou law. Actually, it could be called the government body commanding the magic community. Its headquarters was in Tokyo"s Akihabara. The headquarters of the Exorcist Bureau, which headed the purification of spiritual disasters, was in the nearby Kanda.

Though the headquarters had been attacked by Onmyouji a year ago, it had been long since repaired by now and the traces of damage from back then had long since vanished. Right now, it still ushered in a man with an immovable heart, who still fulfilled his duty as the central figure in the magic world.

He was the Onmyou Agency Chief, Kurahashi Genji.

It was already past 10 o"clock in the morning. Kurahashi, who was immersed in work day after day, didn"t show any signs of fatigue on his face as he moved about his business.

He kept up a steely appearance and an unshakeable will, walking to the executive office. His figure seemed like that of a king returning to his castle.

But Kurahashi only kept up that steely, stern att.i.tude until he entered the executive office.

"Ah, good morning~" The man lying lazily on the sofa used for receiving guests casually greeted Kurahashi.

Kurahashi"s gaze moved to the man on the sofa and his eyebrows raised slightly.

"Don"t come in whenever you want. How many times do I have to tell you for you to understand?"

"Didn"t I also say so many times not to be so unfamiliar?"

"What happened to your duty?"

"I just got some permission to come rest a bit."

"Shikigami don"t need anything like rest."

"That"s so cruel. Even though I"m a shikigami, I also have human rights... Ah... I guess I don"t..."

Though he also admitted his mistake, he didn"t intend to get up from the sofa at all.

Kurahashi snorted quietly to end the meaningless conversation, then walked over to the desk in his room.

The two of them contrasted sharply with each other.

Kurahashi was a man from the fiftieth generation of his family. He had a st.u.r.dy frame and gave off a forbidding air when he was silent. He possessed a mature dominating air and a wise intellect, and the impression he gave others was absolutely not the kind that would do things half-heartedly. Rather, he had an overwhelming feeling of might.

But that might wasn"t just natural talent. Kurahashi was the head of a famous Onmyouji family as well as being the Exorcists Bureau chief and the Mystical Investigator Chief. He was someone whose power and achievements were at the apex of the magic community - out of all Onmyouji.

On the other hand, the young man lying on the sofa looked only sixteen or seventeen from his appearance. A trendy young man. But strangely, he wore a round crystal lens over his right eye. That strange fashion style had an aristocratic air, as if he gave off an aura of unconcern, decadence, and profligacy from all over his body.

His name was Yashamaru. He was a shikigami now, but his name in his previous life had been Dairenji Shidou. He had been a National First-Cla.s.s Onmyouji nicknamed the "Professor", and had once been the director of the Imperial Household Agency Lingering Spirit Division.

He was also the mastermind behind the "Great Hinamatsuri Purification" spiritual disaster terrorist attack three years ago, and had been a leader of the Twin-Horned Syndicate, a now-wiped out secret society of Yakou fanatics.

It was very strange that they were together, as they clearly ought to be enemies.

But right now the two of them were "comrades". The two of them had secretly been "fighting together" since Dairenji Shidou had been resurrected as Yashamaru not long ago. Well, it wasn"t just the "two of them". The Kurahashi and Souma families that they served had been allies since the ancient Warring States Period.

Yashamaru laid down leisurely, his head covered by the newspaper he was currently reading.

"You"re as busy as always."

"You"re quite free."

"Didn"t I say I was resting? Don"t always say such irritating things."

"Unfortunately, manpower is insufficient right now, as after all, there are three National First-Cla.s.s Onmyouji who are not in Tokyo. Daily affairs are troubled, and I have to prepare for my work. I don"t have the time to chat with you."

Kurahashi placed the files he was organizing in his hands on the desk while speaking.


Yashamaru lay down lazily, moving his gaze from the newspaper as he replied.

"Miyoshi and the others only left from Tokyo yesterday. There was Yuge too, and who else?"


"Oh, that guy. Yeah, he"s serving as the contact with the dark temple."

Yashamaru finally stood himself up, neatly placing the newspaper on the table.

As he snickered, the eye beneath his monocle flashed with cunning.

"How is he? Is your disciple useful?"

"That depends on how I use him."

"Ah, so in other words, it depends on what you decide. Incidentally, it seems like his t.i.tle isn"t hidden like "Shadow"s."

"Not every Mystical Investigator"s name is hidden."

"Does it depend on how those people are used?"

"That"s right."

It was Kurahashi who was commanding the Mystical Investigators right now, so it wouldn"t be too wrong to say that this was his policy.

"Hmmm." Yashamaru replied vaguely with an extremely pleased appearance.

"Well, it"s enough if he"s usable. You know about his ability as well as anyone. But the Mystical Investigators really have heaps of work right now."

"It"s not just the Mystical Investigators, we"re severely lacking talent in the Agency."

""Talent" and not "members", huh. What a pain."

Yashamaru chuckled with an unconcerned demeanor.

Last winter, the jurisdiction that Onmyou law set down had finally been widened after several spiritual disasters. The Onmyou Agency"s influence had been steadily growing every day since then, whether on the legal or illegal side of things.

At first, when Onmyou law was enacted for the first time, people had extremely negative impressions of the world"s Onmyouji. In the first place, magic was an unknown technique in the eyes of people who had nothing to do with magic. Moreover, the former organization that led the Onmyouji, the Onmyou Agency"s predecessor - the Onmyou Bureau - had been a military organization revived by the old j.a.panese military. It was an organization meant to deal with the intimidating, fearsome spiritual disasters that happened frequently. The background set by Onmyou law was meant to legally bind the Onmyouji in place. At the same time, it was also the truth that it was that way in order to obtain "approval" from the public. To take it to the extreme, Onmyou law was a "purification" ritual against the Onmyouji that could use magic capable of affecting a war.

And now, that "purification" that had lasted half a century was finally over, and magic and Onmyouji were able to spread their wings and soar high in society again. Of course, they hadn"t taken any openly power-hungry actions in order to avoid agitating the world - or more accurately, the other ministries and agencies. But the improvements in Onmyou law were focused on expanding the boundaries related to magic and Onmyouji. However, the Onmyou Agency"s size hadn"t expanded in proportion to its rapidly expanding jurisdiction. The Onmyou Agency had many ordinary workers, but they all had various duties. Only professional Onmyouji could a.s.sist with the "current" situations. Resources of talent like professional Onmyouji couldn"t be supplemented immediately. There were already very few people with the talents to be pract.i.tioners, and there were even fewer with the talents to be professional Onmyouji. Moreover, one had to acc.u.mulate first-hand experience in order to become independent. The expansion of an organization of pract.i.tioners required a long amount of time and lots of manpower.

"But......" Yashamaru spoke while looking at Kurahashi next to the desk.

"Was it really good to redeploy three of the Twelve Divine Generals in this kind of situation where manpower is insufficient? Never mind the contact Yamashiro for now, but Yuge is an exorcist who"s always been dependable during long periods of insufficient manpower and one of the Independent Exorcists central to the Exorcist Bureau. I should have to say even less about a Special Senser like Miyoshi, it"s incredibly rare that he"s excused from work. Of course, the same is true of letting them leave Tokyo. We can"t even give them any other work."

What Yashamaru pointed out wasn"t exaggerated. The Twelve Divine Generals were the National First-Cla.s.s Onmyouji, human resources that couldn"t be acquired on a large scale as well as valuable fighting power that could only be acquired in small quant.i.ties. On the other hand, if they were used incorrectly, the Onmyou Agency would be inoperable.

There were currently only three Spirit Sensers among the Twelve Divine Generals, and their particular techniques were extremely important to spiritual disaster purification. Their talents were particularly scarce among the National First-Cla.s.s Onmyouji when manpower was inadequate. Originally, they wouldn"t have been selected to carry out missions in other places unless there was no other choice.


"You could say that Miyoshi himself wished to be mobilized for this mission. Just call this matter a drill."

Someone from the Exorcist Bureau would inevitably have doubts if he heard that, so Kurahashi spoke very calmly.

"I trust you"ve heard of that "sensory net"?"

Unexpectedly, Yashamaru became serious and asked with a cold tone. The sensory net that Yashamaru spoke of was an abbreviation for the "spiritual disaster early detection sensory net" that the Onmyou Agency had placed within the city.

The way the Exorcist Bureau had discovered spiritual disasters before was by actually using human observation. Spirit Sensors had been placed in various locations in the city twenty-four hours a day, constantly watching the level of aura disruption. If an abnormality occurred , operatives would immediately be appointed to mobilize and check the situation on the scene and then report to the Exorcist Bureau Intelligence Division. Right now, the "sensory net" replaced those methods.

They had only used large-scale manpower tactics because spiritual disasters couldn"t be seen or traced except by people who had spirit-seeing ability. But the "spiritual disaster early detection sensory net" plan that was currently being put into practice made it so that shikigami could detect spiritual disasters in place of and as well as Spirit Sensers. They used relatively safer, materialized mechanical manmade shikigami instead of summoned forms. These mechanical shikigami had magic to sense the flow of aura added to them and were positioned along the aura flow within Tokyo to regularly report information about the aura.

Of course, the shikigami couldn"t work unless they were supplied with a certain amount of magical energy, so it was necessary to supply them with magical energy every so often. But spiritual disasters happened for many kinds of reasons, and the mechanical shikigami were restricted from going to check out unknown situations by preset conditions on their magic. But even so, the use of this sensory net greatly reduced the burden on the Spirit Sensers, and its effectiveness was quite evident. In any case, if the sensory net truly worked, they would be able to detect spiritual disasters ahead of time and get ahold of information on spiritual disasters. With that, they expected an increase in speed with which they dealt with and purified spiritual disasters.

"The mechanical shikigami deployed now are still in the test stage, right? Regardless, their numbers are still insufficient."

"Even so, we"ve already put a portion of them into testing. If they"re truly effective, then the twins will be able to make up for the spiritual disaster sensing inside the city."

"Don"t you think the two don"t have enough experience?"

"Then it"ll be fine if they just acc.u.mulate experience. Wouldn"t it be worse if we didn"t train such valuable talent?"

Among the three Special Sensers, the two other than Miyoshi were a pair of twin Onmyouji. Their individual abilities were incomparable to Miyoshi"s, but if the two of them worked together, they were more than twice as capable as Miyoshi. That was why Miyoshi"s redeployment would become possible if the sensory net was completed. ...That was what Kurahashi thought.

Yashamaru frowned.

"We should try to keep "that" as secret as possible."

"It"ll be fine if you just change the way you think. Those kinds of things are hard to spot in the first place."

"They"re on the mountain without knowing the truth? Could it be that you made the decision that you should proceed secretly with a coin toss?"

Yashamaru smirked and mocked him, but just that much wouldn"t make his old friend change his mind. The reticent man wasn"t willing to waste his breath even if a shikigami drove him on. Yashamaru said "My, my", then laid his body back on the sofa in a slovenly manner.

"Well, I also know that the priority right now is the strengthening of the Mystical Investigators. The most worrying things right now are men, not spiritual disasters."

"It seems like there are humans who can also be "spiritual disasters", you know."

"Wow, what a revelation." Yashamaru leaned back and spoke half-jokingly.

Kurahashi just indifferently continued the topic from before in response.

"In the first place, Miyoshi was even more suited to the Mystical Investigators. Especially now, I hope that his spirit-sensing ability could be used for the Mystical Investigators instead of the Exorcist Bureau.

The ability to "see" aura was the basic ability of a pract.i.tioner. Spirit Sensers possessed excellent spirit-sensing ability, and that represented a considerable advantage in situational awareness of other magics.

Moreover, Spirit Sensers were also good at perceiving spiritual disasters.

Finally, there were mobile spiritual disasters that were called "spirits". They weren"t purely hazardous existences. There were many examples of them becoming powerful "shikigami" for Onmyouji.

"Actually, the Mystical Investigators have many targets right now. Tsuchimikado Harutora, Tsuchimikado Yasuzumi"s group of three, Shadow and Priest Doman, Amami Daizen. Even if they"re spotted, a normal Mystical Investigator would be helpless against any of them. The only thing we can do is have the Mystical Investigators act together. But in the end, it still depends on what Tsuchimikado Harutora and the others do."

After the reform to Onmyou law, the influence of the magic community had changed greatly along with the widening of the Onmyou Agency"s jurisdiction. Several powers that opposed the Onmyou Agency had slowly surfaced amidst that. For example, the Seishuku Temple that three Divine General were currently heading to for negotiations would very likely become an opposing force in the future. But the one that the Onmyou Agency wanted the most and pursued with the greatest force among these several dangerous forces was Tsuchimikado Harutora. He was currently becoming slowly known among the public as a terrorist.

This was an outcome that the Onmyou Agency was one-sidedly intentionally controlling. The Onmyou Agency had made his image into the greatest threat and the most dangerous existence to the magic community. But that judgment wasn"t caused by Tsuchimikado Harutora"s actions.

He was suspected of using forbidden magic during the summer of the last year. Moreover, he had confronted the Onmyou Agency several times after that and had interfered with official business. He, among several magic criminals, had special attention because of his potential threat. His individual importance was similar to the "D" file in the past. But the biggest reason he was viewed as a danger was because of the circulating rumors that he was the reincarnation of the father of modern magic, Tsuchimikado Yakou. Those rumors were slowly being accepted.

And because of those reasons, it was very probable that he would become the standard-bearer for the forces opposing the Onmyou Agency. If he used Tsuchimikado Yakou"s fame as a "leader", it was possible that he would unite the currently scattered anti-Onmyou Agency forces together one by one.

...At least the Onmyou Agency worried that such a possibility existed.

"Actually, putting aside Yasuzumi-kun and the others along with Shadow for now, only Tsuchimikado Yakou is setting his sights on the Onmyou Agency. Well, I can"t say anything about Amami, but he can"t possibly be not paying attention to Yakou"s reincarnation."

In any case, Tsuchimikado Harutora required the most attention among the dangerous elements that the Onmyou Agency was minding.

They didn"t know how they would respond once he moved. That was why Tsuchimikado Yakou was the most dangerous.

"I wish we at least knew a bit about what he was thinking......"

"Can you not imagine anything either?"

"No, no. First off, the current him is both Harutora and Yakou. I don"t know whether he"s two people or one. I can"t even get a grip on his personality, so predicting his actions is impossible."

"When you saw him with the Souma princess at the end before, you indeed reported that "he gave off an impression of being Yakou."

"To tell the truth, I"m only twenty or thirty percent sure, I can"t be certain."

Yashamaru shrugged his shoulders as he spoke.

"Moreover, even if Yakou truly awakened, what would the awakened Yakou want to do to the current magical community? That"s another question.

Also, if you think about it carefully, weren"t we originally trying to inherit Yakou"s will? Why are we opposing him now? Did we get a bad impression from the incident last summer? Hmm, it indeed wasn"t that good, but how can we let the awakened Yakou"s judgment of good and evil be hampered? Also, didn"t we try apologizing for our mistakes last summer?"

The true intent of Tsuchimikado Harutora"s actions since last summer were mystifying. It was also one of the reasons the Onmyou Agency confronted him. Perhaps it was the wrong move to call him a terrorist without knowing his goal. But they still didn"t know what his true goal was, and in any case, the distribution of power would definitely change.

As expected, Tsuchimikado Harutora was still at the center of things.

"One more time......"


"We need to talk with him again......"

Kurahashi spoke calmly and resolutely. Yashamaru didn"t disagree with him, as he also felt that this was a need. The Kurahashi and the Souma had been allies and supporters since ancient times. Supporters of whom? Of course, the supporters of Yakou in the past. The king of the magic community wasn"t the Kurahashi family or the Souma family. Rather, it had been the Tsuchimikado family for centuries - the king"s bloodline descended from Abe no Seimei.

"The problem is...... How can we contact him? We have no way right now other than having the Mystical Investigators search."

Yashamaru deliberately looked at Kurahashi, revealing an evil smile.

"Could you get your mother to help? This is the kind of situation where we need "divination". Anyway, she"s very free now since she retired from the Onmyou Academy."

"I think it"s probably impossible."

"Then what about your daughter? Are there any traces of the other side contacting her?"


Kurahashi replied immediately without even looking at the shikigami. Then, he picked up the files placed on the table and started reading them with an oft used posture.

"Ah, I see." Yashamaru clicked his tongue.

"Well, the other side can"t really touch the Kurahashi family. Yasuzumi-kun and the others are quiet as usual. How annoying~ And I can"t find any clues from that living spirit boy either."

"Judging by the circ.u.mstances, it"s very likely that Shadow and Amami are moving together. Perhaps Amami......"

"Come to think of it, Shadow"s the only one moving around undisguised~ We"re not going to be able to just sit back and watch that guy anymore soon."

A cruel light instantly emerged from the eye under his monocle.

Kurahashi spoke in order to make him calm down.

"Kogure will act if there"s any movement."

"I know that. He should be used to it now, right? To the Mystical Investigator work?"

"He"s used to it, but he"s not as good as we expected. Kogure"s just an excellent watchdog, he"s not a hound. Especially when the opponent is an old fox."

"Yeah...... Hey hey, then why were we willing to move such a precious Independent Exorcist"s fighting power......"

"It was for Miyoshi."


He got it. Yashamaru nodded his head in understanding. He was still like always, a man able to antic.i.p.ate everything beforehand, make decisions, and take action.

Yashamaru put his hands behind him on the back of the sofa, waving his raised legs back and forth.

"It"s not just the industry. The organizational structure of the Onmyou Agency was mostly reworked too."

"Of course. An organization that can"t change won"t grow."

Kurahashi scanned the topics of his papers while speaking calmly. That was the power of an organization leader, one that couldn"t be stopped by a pure pract.i.tioner.

"How"s your side? Are things still going smoothly with the Souma princess?"

"Yeah, there are no problems for now. The training is going very smoothly."

"Even though you say that, you can"t come to the executive office to kill time so often. Think of the princess."

"Don"t say such nasty things, k.u.momaru"s staying with the Princess while I"m lazing - resting, so there won"t be any other problems. Also......"


"I"ve had my daughter accompany the princess to take her mind off things recently. It wasn"t easy~" Yashamaru smiled slightly as he spoke. He didn"t have an evil smile, and that was why he looked all the more chilling to someone informed.

Kurahashi looked quietly at his old friend for a moment. Then, he returned his gaze to the papers in his hands.

"She hasn"t had contact with Tsuchimikado Harutora either?"

"No. It"s really hard to think that Tsuchimikado Harutora would stay quiet to his friends for a whole year, given his personality. Is he really Yakou?" Yashamaru mused, looking at the ceiling. Kurahashi didn"t say anything at all, continuing to look at the papers before him.

Just then.

A weak vibration sounded. Kurahashi stopped the work at hand and took out his phone. It seemed that a phone call had come.



Kurahashi looked at the time while preparing to take the phone. It was probably a regular report. Yashamaru leisurely reached his hand to the newspaper on the table with an indifferent appearance.


"What?" Kurahashi"s voice wasn"t like usual. He was audibly shaken.

The action of Yashamaru"s hand as it reached out for the newspaper was relaxed, lacking tension as always.

But after he heard that voice, his expression became different from before, flashing with a sharp light.

Kurahashi continued the conversation, glued to the phone.

Yashamaru sat up properly on the sofa, straightening his body and putting his hands on his knees. His white gloves covered his fingers and slowly clasped tightly together before him. He waited like that.

"Understood, I"ll send people to deal with it immediately. But it will be evening at the earliest. Until then, I"m counting on you." Kurahashi hung up the phone.

Yashamaru spoke in an erratic tone.

"Who?" The same question as before, but in a tone several times more pressing than before.

Kurahashi spoke bitterly and helplessly.

"We"ve found out that Tsuchimikado Harutora recently made a brief visit to the Seishuku Temple. Things are really developing in a bad direction......"

Clouds still hadn"t appeared by dawn, but by noon clouds had already covered the sky above them.

In the end, no one was paying attention to the weather even if the clouds enveloped Seishuku Temple. That was because clouds even denser than the ones in the sky were swirling inside the monastery.

Tsuchimikado Harutora was coming.

At first, that information had been banned from being discussed among Jougen"s group of ajari. But by the time breakfast had finished cooking, that matter was being quietly discussed among the "disciples". Then, it spread to every corner of the monastery like piled-up dominoes collapsing.

The rumor that the boy was Tsuchimikado Yakou"s reincarnation had reached the isolated Seishuku Temple from the world. The person who had brought forth commotion in the magic community since last year. That person"s appearance wasn"t something that could simply be called an "incident", as anyone in the monastery could realize.

Then, at noon. The first clash finally exploded in the monastery.

The location was the main hall"s courtyard. In front of an audience gathered inside the courtyard, Rian asked Jougen for the truth of the situation.

Was Tsuchimikado Harutora coming?

"I heard he was already here." Jougen replied uncharacteristically.

"He"s a criminal wanted by the Onmyou Agency." Rian shouted and ran towards him from inside the courtyard.

Jougen listened to Rian"s reply, his voice clearly very unsettled.

"Fortunately, there are Divine Generals in the monastery right now. It"s a divine blessing. We"ll use all our power to capture him and give him to the Onmyou Agency."

"Ridiculous!" Jougen faced Rian, speaking with an ice-cold tone from the very beginning.

"This monastery does not refuse anyone, no matter who they are. Also, even those Divine Generals must comply with the monastery rules when they are here."

"Don"t be ridiculous! You can"t even be flexible in this kind of situation?"

"No matter what the circ.u.mstances are, "this place" is truly different from the outside. In the first place, if we follow the rules of outsiders, there will be no newcomers to the mountain. There are quite a few criminals here already. The first people we ought to hand over to the Onmyou Agency are our own people."

"That"s just sophistry! The Onmyou Agency accepted us, and didn"t they make us a proposal? But Tsuchimikado Harutora wasn"t in it. We"re the comrades of the Onmyou Agency, but he"s an enemy! We should do our best to capture him to gain the Onmyou Agency"s favor!"

"Enemies and comrades make no sense from your ajari mouth. We never refuse anyone who comes to this monastery. Even for the Onmyou Agency and Tsuchimikado Harutora, this monastery will treat them equally no matter how they fight with each other."

"Enough is enough! Alright? Isn"t this a good opportunity? Supposing we"re able to restrain him here, it would be a great favor for the Onmyou Agency. It could be a huge benefit for our future."

"As an ajari, you shouldn"t keep making trouble by complaining. Rian, you"re extremely disappointing."

"Priest Jougen!?"

"That"s enough!"

Jougen snorted in contempt at Rian"s attempt to persuade him. His half-narrowed eyes looked at Rian, their gaze as intense as fire. Even if his old bones were wrapped in robes, he made the younger Rian feel as if he were being pressed down on by quite a bit of strength. Rian clicked his tongue and Jougen suddenly raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of killing intent.

All of the monks and "disciples" watching this held their breath as they looked at the dispute between the two.


"......Excuse us."

The atmosphere in the area changed.

The three from the Twelve Divine Generals had appeared. They had probably heard the clamor.

Miyoshi stood in the front with his two hands behind his back, looking as hard to figure out what he was thinking as always. Yuge and Yamashiro waited by his sides, and both had bitter, solemn expressions.

The emergence of the Divine Generals threw the people in the monastery off balance.

But some of the ajaris" expression stiffened as their bodies swelled with magical energy. They took stances in preparations for a clash.

Their faces showed that they were resolved to not hesitate once something happened, even if it spurred on a magic battle.

Moreover, the Divine Generals also had their resolve.

...At the same time, the Divine Generals and the ajaris" inconsistent opinions were clearly laid out on a pedestal.

As if things would explode at the slightest touch.

However, Jougen still looked at Miyoshi with a proud att.i.tude in the tension-filled air.

"Another disturbance again. I"m extremely sorry for all of this."

Jougen bowed his head as he said this, his robes swaying.

In the end, although he bowed his head in apology, the other side didn"t feel a deferring att.i.tude at all. Without missing a beat, Jougen supported his apparent strength with "etiquette". A decisive att.i.tude he took up because his opponents were inferior to himself.

"Please don"t be concerned." Then, Miyoshi replied extremely politely.

"Rather, the source of this commotion is the matter that you received prior notice of Tsuchimikado Harutora"s arrival, right? Is that the case?"


"Is that true?"

"Well. This insignificant monk[1] doesn"t really......"

"Are you sure, Priest?"

"Hoh. I have no idea why you believe that. ......This insignificant monk just wants to maintain the status quo."

"Do you know the goal of the other side?"

"It wasn"t mentioned in the message."

"When did he say he would come?"

"The message wrote "today"."

"He is coming quite quickly."

"It"s as you say."

Miyoshi and Jougen concisely confirmed with each other.

Neither side showed an att.i.tude of facing an ally. But from the point of view of a third party, the brief conversation indeed supplanted the awkward atmosphere. But the tense atmosphere present wasn"t alleviated at all, and the tension in the atmosphere increased instead.

"......Tch!? Miyoshi-san! Please speak for us. This concerns both the Onmyou Agency and Seishuku Temple." The restless Rian, no longer able to express arrogance, approached Miyoshi.

Miyoshi"s expression didn"t change as his gaze shot towards Rian.

Then, Jougen opened his mouth this time.

"People of the Onmyou Agency. I understand your position, but even if you are in esteemed positions right now, you are still visitors. You need not speak about the matters of this monastery." Jougen announced resolutely in a calm tone.

Yuge turned her wrist, forming a hand seal, and Yamashiro rapidly surveyed the surroundings. He moved his body slightly, making preparations to act at any moment. The exorcist and the Mystical Investigator entered a state of battle together.


"That"s true." Miyoshi slowly opened his mouth to speak.

"We were dispatched as envoys, or actually "emissaries". Though we are civil workers belonging to the Onmyou Agency, the circ.u.mstances right now are slightly different. Right now, we shall follow your customs."

"What!?" Rian groaned.

"You flatter me." Jougen smiled slightly.

A serious declaration.

The tense atmosphere alleviated a bit. But Yuge hadn"t relaxed. Even if she released her hand seal, she sighed deeply.

On the other hand, the others were the same as being unable to relax from just that. Jougen and Rian confronted each other, the sound of their teeth gnashing practically audible. Then, Miyoshi stared at Jougen. After that, Miyoshi averted his gaze and finally faced Yamashiro.

Needless to say, Yamashiro and Rian had been unable to respond to this occasion. He had been seen as immature by the Divine Generals again. Yamashiro"s calm expression never changed.

But the moment he heard Miyoshi"s words,

"...Tch." He clicked his tongue quietly.

But everyone present knew that this definitely wasn"t over. That was because Tsuchimikado Harutora still hadn"t appeared.

The clouds filling the sky hadn"t dissipated because of this first clash. Rather, their density slowly and steadily increased.

As expected of that day, even the monastery were far from routine.

Though Jougen"s faction - in short, the conservative ajari - kept up their normal actions, they couldn"t hide how much they were shaken even by reproaching those below them. The fact that lunch preparations were completed smoothly seemed like a miracle. Most of the "disciples" stopped working and training afterwards.

Of course, Akino was also restless.

She hadn"t thought that "that" terrorist would come to their monastery......

To be honest, she was truly terrified. Though there were many people in the monastery with powerful magic, they couldn"t be careless. If a magic battle broke out in the monastery, she wasn"t sure how much damage would come of it.

People might get hurt - or maybe even killed - because of that. She felt extremely terrified just from imagining it.

Even so, the factor that made Akino the most anxious was Hokuto.

Hokuto had clearly been strange since she had learned that Tsuchimikado Harutora was going to visit the monastery. Though she hadn"t done much yet, she seemed absent-minded.

After noontime, Akino and the newcomer Hokuto, who were at the bottom of the food chain, quickly cleaned up lunch amidst the seniors. During this time, they heard about the dispute that occurred in the courtyard between Jougen and Rian. Hokuto finally became restless when she heard of the fight. Also, even when Hokuto silently looked at Akino like before, Akino felt chills from her ice-cold gaze. It was like when she had confronted Jougen in the morning. A solemn att.i.tude as if she were ready for war.

Then, in the end,

"Sorry, Akino. I"m going to go see."

Apologizing, she abandoned her while walking to see the situation in the courtyard. Akino had also been with her at the time with a worried look.

... "I came here with a goal".

Hokuto had said that this morning. If her goal was related to Tsuchimikado Harutora, then she had only said that because Tsuchimikado Harutora would appear at the monastery.

After parting with Hokuto, Akino slowly finished cleaning up alone. Then, she moved to the courtyard as if escaping from the noisy atmosphere inside the temple.

She headed towards the place she always went. In the direction of the dilapidated temple. On the third step of the stairs attached to the temple floor was Sen, smoking a pipe. Akino"s steps faltered as she approached, but Sen still noticed her.

"Oh, Akino, are your done?" His voice stopped.

Even in this kind of time, Sen was the same as always. Akino herself was also shocked at how Sen was able to be this at ease.

"Yeah." The voice she replied with gained a bit of vigor.

"Sen-jiichan, here, water."

"It"s almost out, huh."

"Tobacco is really precious, it"ll be gone if you keep smoking it."

"Ah, well, it"s just once in a while." Sen replied in an extremely rare instance of embarra.s.sment, his beard concealing his moving mouth.

He let go of the pipe he was smoking and blew out thin smoke. He looked different from usual because the monastery was so clamorous.

Akino moved next to him and Sen made room. Akino also slowly sat down on the step the old man sat cross-legged on.

Though they were inside the monastery, there was no difference between their surroundings and the outside mountain. Old cedar trees were lined up, growing on the empty exposed ground. In the first place, it was a place that sunlight wouldn"t even reach during the day, and it was even darker because of the clouds. The cry of a mountain bird came from somewhere, echoing deep within the mountains.

"Hah~" Akino sighed.

"......Sen-jiichan, have you heard? Tsuchimikado Harutora will be visiting today."

"Oh, I knew since yesterday that we would have a guest since everyone"s in such an uproar."

"Is it alright?"

"What do you mean?"

"After all, isn"t that person a bad man? I wonder what will happen if that kind of person comes."

Akino spoke anxiously. In contrast, Sen smiled cheerfully.

"Akino, didn"t you know? There are all sorts of "evil people" in this monastery. You"re also "evil" in some sense." Sen leisurely smoked as he spoke.

"......Me and Sen-jiichan too?"

"Of course. This old man is able to eat every day thanks to his "evil" companions in the monastery. So this old man is also the same."

Sen"s words suddenly made Akino confused.

"But......" The topic continued.

""Good" and "evil" are words relative to the time, place, and position. For example, Akino. Have you thought of whether killing animals is "evil"?"

"Eh, but, of course......"

"Then what if that animal is a poisonous snake? What about a bee that attacks people or a wild beast that destroys fields? If we didn"t have clear rules about hunting, killing would be "evil", right? But should we reproach people eradicating things harmful to them as "evil"?"

"That"s because people are being hurt, right? They were wrong."

"Is that so? That"s all spoken from the position of humans. From the position of those animals, aren"t the humans that kill them "evil"? Hunting too, we actually kill the livestock we eat as well. Standards of good and evil are different depending on various circ.u.mstances and reasons."

"I guess."

Sen smiled upon seeing Akino who didn"t know how to react.

The so-called "good" and "evil" are also affected by circ.u.mstances, reasons, and factors. Things like murder are "good" during wartime and are common during wars. Similarly, the "evil" outside and the "evil" inside the monastery naturally change depending on the circ.u.mstances. The ways we express our reasons are different too.

Akino frowned at Sen"s words. She hadn"t heard such words, and she felt a bit happy as a result.

"......Anyway, Sen-jiichan, so you could say that Tsuchimikado Harutora isn"t a bad person?"

"Depending on what you judge to be "evil"."

"......I don"t know."

"Haha..." Sen laughed again, continuing to smoke the pipe in his mouth.

She was being teased. Akino stared at Sen, pouting her cheeks. Her mood had become quite a bit happier.

It was a question that Akino didn"t know the answer to in the first place. No, it wasn"t just Akino. The others in the monastery were also feeling restless because they didn"t know. If they had never known, thinking and worrying were inevitable things. Of course, there was almost nothing that she could do.

But Akino, who had regained her cheerful expression, immediately became gloomy again after hearing Sen"s next words.

"Come to think of it, how"s the newcomer today? Is she still with you?"

Akino"s shoulder suddenly slumped. Her ears seemed to almost touch the ground.

"Woah!" Sen put on a shocked expression.

"What"s wrong? Did you fight?"

"......No, but......"

Hokuto had come here with a "goal", and that secret was something that was only between the two of them. She couldn"t tell Sen.

Akino stopped herself from revealing the secret that she was a dragon living spirit - even if the person in question didn"t care.


"......How should I put it? Hokuto became extremely concerned when she heard the news about Tsuchimikado Harutora. She"s by herself watching the movements in the surroundings right now."

"I see, she left you behind and went out by herself."

"T-That"s not it."

Akino instantly denied it. But maybe it could be expressed that way. That kind of irritation felt too superficial compared to Hokuto, Tsuchimikado Harutora, and the groundless news that might seriously trouble the temple"s future.

Akino"s face reddened.


"That"s great." Sen said this upon seeing the flushed Akino.

"Eh? W-What?"

"You only met the day before, but she knows your secret and she"s deliberately avoiding you. That"s probably because she thinks of you as a "friend"."

Akino frowned while blinking as this was said of her.


Indeed, the anxiety that the current Akino felt was something she had never felt before. This was anxiety that she only had because she was a friend.

Hokuto had left her pain. She had managed to become happy. That was the main reason she felt anxious at Tsuchimikado Harutora"s arrival.

Hokuto had managed to put her pain behind and become friends with Akino. Because they were friends, she was still unable to get over those feelings.

"Alright, alright, since Akino doesn"t have experience, let me teach you a way to make friends."

"Eh, what is it......!?"

"Well. It isn"t anything too hard. Alright? Take all the hateful things, the tough things, the painful things and troubles, and properly convey your thoughts to the other person without enduring them on your own. Make your feelings clear."


"Yeah. Convey happy, joyful things to the other person at the same time. All you need to do is properly convey your feelings of treasuring her. Don"t be shy and don"t feel bothersome."

An obvious, ordinary suggestion without any sentiment behind it at all. But at the same time, maybe she recognized it again as those words pointed out.

I heard that Hokuto wanted to become friends with Akino no matter what you did.

Why had Akino run out without saying anything at all, and why had she entrusted her with such things. She didn"t have any idea what Hokuto was thinking of. That made Akino feel even more agonized.

Then, she would convey those feelings of hers and definitely hear Hokuto"s reply. Maybe Hokuto wouldn"t even be able to respond, but even so, she would know what her friend thought.

Akino went speechless.

Her depressed self slowly regained its vigor. Her eyes sparkled.

"Sen-jiichan, thanks, I"ll go find Hokuto."

After saying that, Akino sprinted out without even waiting for a reply.

The soles of her shoes struck the ground hard and she accelerated in a flash. She sprinted like the wind as if to take off. Her figure instantly vanished in the forest. Sen chuckled, tenderly watching Akino"s departing back.

He inhaled smoke.


"That"s also fate, I guess." Sen said suggestively.

Yamashiro was a Mystical Investigators. Even if the pract.i.tioners in Seishuku Temple were rather peculiar, it was impossible for him not to see that Tsuchimikado Harutora was going to visit in this kind of commotion. Originally, one of the goals Yamashiro and the others had for coming to this dark temple was to gather information regarding Tsuchimikado Harutora.


"......So, in the end we haven"t accomplished either "gathering information" or "arresting"."

They immediately questioned him after returning to their quarters. It couldn"t be inferred what Miyoshi was thinking from his reply.

It wasn"t just Yamashiro, Yuge was also stunned. She shook her head, unable to take it.

"Hold on, Officer Miyoshi. Aren"t you being a bit too unreasonable? Tsuchimikado Harutora is a magic criminal wanted by the Mystical Investigators. If he appears in Seishuku Temple, we couldn"t possible pretend that we didn"t see him."

"Then Yuge, what do you say we should do? Do you think you can capture him?"

Yuge became upset when this question was returned to her.

It was very possible that Tsuchimikado Harutora was Yakou"s reincarnation, which was the reason the Onmyou Agency viewed him as dangerous. Moreover, it wasn"t just that he was a magic criminal, it might have political implications as well.

But judging from the several incidents this year, they could ascertain that Tsuchimikado was quite a powerful magic user. Even if it was unclear whether the two defensive shikigami he brought around were the true Hishamaru and Kakugyouki, it was certain that they were two very powerful shikigami. It was impossible to capture him easily.


"......I don"t plan on showing weakness. I don"t plan on overstating my ability, but at the same time I don"t plan on being excessively modest."

Yuge was no exception among the Twelve Divine Generals. She was an Independent Exorcists who could easily purify a spiritual disaster. Moreover, Yuge had the name of "Binding Princess" and was an absolutely first-rate barrier user. The job of "capturing" suited her perfectly.

The key point that Miyoshi had mentioned rested on Yuge"s ability.

"Yuge, this is Seishuku Temple, you know?"

Jougen, who led Seishuku Temple, had openly declared his intentions of welcoming Tsuchimikado Harutora. With that, the probability that Seishuku Temple would try to stop them once Miyoshi and the other Onmyou Agency people expressed their intent of arresting Tsuchimikado Harutora was very high.

They were outnumbered like this. Even if Yuge could defend, they couldn"t win if Seishuku Temple"s capable people surrounded them. Especially Jougen, who Miyoshi had hailed as "a person far more powerful than us".


Yamashiro quickly interjected.

"Let"s let things move in Jougen"s direction and pull Rian who spoke out before over to our side. If we have him become the leader and split Seishuku Temple in two, we might be able to limit them from getting involved in other things."

"Priest Rian, huh? Is he that respected in the monastery?"

Miyoshi spoke indifferently. He seemed to be uninterested, or perhaps Rian was just that shallow. Yamashiro smirked.

"I"ll express our support. If he has the Onmyou Agency backing him, there might be a good amount of people who choose our side instead of Jougen"s. ...But, there"s no time. This job ought to have been completed by the Mystical Investigators, and this time I"d like to request support from Officer Miyoshi and Independent Officer Yuge."

Tsuchimikado Harutora"s message had stated that he was going to come today. In the first place, they couldn"t distinguish whether that message was true or false, but even if Tsuchimikado Harutora didn"t come, this could develop into an opportunity for his work inside Seishuku Temple to progress.

But Miyoshi didn"t nod.

"Yamashiro, it"s good for young people to be motivated, but Chief Kurahashi will get angry if you go too far."

Yamashiro"s relaxed expression vanished. He couldn"t distinguish what "level" of a suggestion Miyoshi"s remark was.

Miyoshi was unconcerned about the young Mystical Investigator"s reaction.

"I said just now, the three of us are emissaries and will follow their customs. "Arresting people" isn"t an action that we here have to take."

"......You knew?"

"No, I didn"t know. But I can imagine that that person has begun preparing very quickly already."

Yamashiro smiled politely at the calmly-speaking Miyoshi.

"What"s going on?" Yuge questioned Yamashiro, unable to understand what the two were talking about.

"I"ve reported everything regarding Tsuchimikado Harutora"s visit to Chief Kurahashi. As Officer Miyoshi predicted, reinforcements should be heading here right now."


"Why didn"t you say that earlier." Yuge stared at Yamashiro in surprise.

"Sorry, Independent Officer, it"s because it was my Mystical Investigator work. But the reinforcements will arrive this evening at the earliest. So it"s not guaranteed that they"ll be here at the critical time. I mean to say that we should be of use if possible. I won"t deny it even if you say that I"m getting carried away."

Yamashiro spoke straightforwardly. He no longer had any intent of concealing it. Yuge wore a displeased expression. Even if he lowered his head, it didn"t make her feel any better. All of that was within Yamashiro"s calculations.

"Anyway, if reinforcements are coming, then we can"t descend the mountain first. Let"s stay as we are."

"Officer Miyoshi, to be honest, it might indeed be getting carried away, but we can"t just wait and leave everything to the reinforcements, that"s not wise. Since the three of us have the advantage of being onsite, we really ought to act when we can."



"That"s obvious, it"s because it"s too dangerous."

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing but the literal meaning. The two of you might be fine, but what if something happens to me?"

Yamashiro didn"t really understand even after being told this.

Yamashiro was a bit stunned. Yuge furrowed her brows, and on the other hand, Miyoshi was still as calm as always. In contrast to them, he spoke leisurely with a "this is troublesome" tone.

"This is troublesome. The two of you, listen up, especially you, Yuge. I hope you can realize the reason you were chosen for this mission."

"Hah...... huh?"

"Isn"t it something you can realize with just a bit of thought? It was to protect me. No matter what, I"m a Special Senser, a human resource that never fails in jobs like detecting magic, right? I was chosen as an envoy, and at the same time, you were chosen as an envoy as a barrier-user for nothing other than protecting me with your life."

"No, that......"

"You were only dispatched to guarantee my safety. Otherwise, how would they have put an Independent Exorcist who was very busy in the first place on this kind of remote mountain?"

Those words - "very busy Independent Exorcist" were indeed true, and she also had to admit that what Miyoshi said was probably the case.

The Special Senser Miyoshi Tougo"s abilities were the "treasure" of the Onmyou Agency. It was a fragile treasure that was unable to fight and even lacked the ability to protect itself. It was a reasonable or even natural measure to place powerful "shields" next to him.

But she was powerless to refute it when the person in question said so magnanimously that "Yamashiro and Yuge, I"m a greater, more valuable person than you, so I need you to protect me". It was like an emperor proclaiming a command to his servant.

"How unreliable. Come on, Yuge, really?"


"...Well, Yamashiro, Yuge and I have to refrain from foolish actions that provoke those around us. I won"t force you to stop if you want to act no matter what, but if you"re planning on pulling over Priest Rian without any hesitation like you said, I urge you to calmly wait instead."

It was truly shameless, but Miyoshi lectured Yamashiro without any remorse. Yamashiro also thought seriously for a long time over whether he was being taken for an idiot.

The conversation in the quarter was enveloped in silence. Only two of them were restless.

Suddenly, the third person,


Clapped his hands as if seeming to think of something and slowly turned towards Yamashiro.

"Come to think of it, I forgot it during yesterday"s confusion, there"s something I want to confirm."

"What is it?"

"The forbidden magic Tsuchimikado Harutora is suspected of using was indeed the Taizan f.u.kun Ritual, right?"

"......Is that so?"

He didn"t understand Miyoshi"s intent at all up to this point. But that said, he couldn"t ignore it. Yamashiro replied seriously.

Miyoshi heard Yamashiro"s reply and thought quickly.

"I see. That"s unexpected, but of course I might have guessed wrong. It"s very hard to determine the location."

"......Officer Miyoshi? Excuse me...... What do you mean......"

Quite weary, Yamashiro"s voice started becoming impatient as he questioned. This was an experience of being mistreated at the hands of an irritating boss, albeit the fact that he was a National First-Cla.s.s Onmyouji.[2] Those hands also made his patience drop to its very bottom limits because of their pressure.

Miyoshi"s momentary daze ended in a posed proclamation.

"Good timing, Yamashiro. I urged you to wait before. Let me give you some advice on why you ought to do so."

"Why is it like this, Rian? Shouldn"t the Onmyou Agency be backing us?"

"Also, is the matter of welcoming Tsuchimikado Harutora really seen as decided in the monastery because of the dispute earlier!?"

"The moderate ajari turned to Jougen and the others...... If we just recognize him as Yakou reborn, won"t we have no time to make our case?"

The reformist ajari gathered in Rian"s quarters, criticizing their leader with paled faces one after another. Actually, Rian had completely lost the dispute in the courtyard before. Thanks to him, their plans had been completely disrupted.


"There"s nothing we can do anymore, right? We didn"t predict that Tsuchimikado Harutora would come here at all. We definitely can"t ignore that."

"Even so, there"s no meaning in making the situation of Jougen"s side better! Also, what"s with the stance that those Twelve Divine Generals had taken?"

"That"s because the Mystical Investigator Yamashiro fled! If that brat had a bit of courage before, the result would have been completely different. d.a.m.n, that guy could have just...... In the end, he"s just an errand boy. I was truly foolish to hold expectations of him."

Rian spat bitterly.

In any case, Tsuchimikado Harutora"s arrival and the acceptance of this in the courtyard meant that Rian and the other reformists had truly been caught in a dilemma. They had to regretfully admit that they hadn"t gotten the best end of the bargain.


"Let"s end this. We have a message from Kurahashi Genji, the Onmyou Agency chief. The Onmyou Agency that he leads dominates the magic community - and always will in the future. Even Jougen and Yakou"s reincarnation won"t be obstacles."

Rian surveyed the faces of his comrades as he spoke devoted, enthusiastic words.

Of course, even if Rian had ambitions and desires, he had considered playing it safe.

But above that, Seishuku Temple ought to pick the correct choice, join with the Onmyou Agency, and open up the temple.

The other ajari had no way of guaranteeing their lives other than that. Onmyou law was being changed, and the Onmyou Agency"s power was currently spreading all the way over here. They were rightly aware of the current situation.

In the first place, it couldn"t be said that the people living at Seishuku Temple were truly "living". Compared to people on the outside, why was it that only they were pract.i.tioners, and why did they have to be forced into this kind of unfree "life"? Even for their magic training, maybe they needed to learn the latest theoretical approaches of the Onmyou Agency rather than stubbornly using their stratified methods from before.

The proposition of Jougen"s conservative faction meant nothing at all. They were just purely afraid that change would happen.

"The Divine Generals from before a.s.sented to Jougen"s words. But that definitely wasn"t their true feelings. Yamashiro probably thinks the same about that. It"s understandable that they find it difficult to act. Then we need to do something to make it more convenient for them to move."

Rian spoke to his companions - and also to himself.

"If we"re successful, we"ll be able to grant the Onmyou Agency a "favor". ......Right, this is actually an opportunity. Right now, we have to muster our courage and act. Like that, we"ll carve the names of us reformists in the long history of Seishuku Temple. It"s perfect. Everyone, prepare yourselves."

Akino ran like the wind to the monastery.

Tap - at the same time she leaped off the ground, her small body flew like an arrow, the wind she whipped up made the fallen leaves dance. She fearlessly flew into the flowing scenery.

Rabbit ears had grown from her head at some point in time. A short, round rabbit tail also grew from her bottom. However, Akino didn"t realize - or maybe she just didn"t care - as she continued to run.

She searched for Hokuto starting from one end of the hall inside the monastery temple. At that time, the ears on her head suddenly changed its direction intensely, and she set out to find Hokuto"s presence.

She suddenly accelerated.

Normally, she would try not to run in the monastery, since she would be scolded for being "dangerous". But right now, those things no longer mattered. She was unconcerned about the obstacles on the road as well. With a hop, she jumped over the top of a stone lantern. With a swish, she swiftly pa.s.sed over a fallen tree, her gaze jumping in all directions as she searched for Hokuto. Crunch crunch crunch - after she tread rhythmically on fallen leaves, she crouched her body low and leaped past a small, ancient pond. Most people were just watching from afar, so they didn"t notice Akino. If they noticed the aura and came to check it out, Akino was long since gone from the area by the time they arrived. The girl ran through the monastery without being scolded by anyone.

She sensed the heavy atmosphere in the monastery as she ran here and there again.

One thing she could understand was that anxiety and confusion had emerged on everyone"s faces.

Even the ajari and seniors who were usually egotistic had become frightened, restless, and troubled by the imminent changes. Huge things had to be waiting for them in the future. It was a big event that could drag in even Akino, who could do nothing at all regardless, along with the powerful ajari and seniors.

However, Akino had stopped worrying. She ran lightly, yet freely, like a gust of wind.

She had looked around the entire temple but hadn"t found Hokuto. Could it be that she had already left the monastery? The anxiety that suddenly overflowed from her heart made her chest tighten. But Akino immediately shook her head, denying her suspicions.

Hokuto wasn"t someone who wouldn"t even inform her friends even if she did leave the monastery. Though she had only known her for a short amount of time, she understood at least that much about her personality. Since she wasn"t in the temple, then she would just have to thoroughly search in other places. Akino picked up her speed, running to and fro in the monastery.

After running everywhere and searching once, Akino finally spotted Hokuto when she returned to the area behind the hall she had been at earlier. She was surprised. She hadn"t thought Hokuto would be with the monastery shikigami - with that Tengu.

The place the two of them were was the very end of the monastery. The cedar trees suddenly parted in that area, leaving behind a broad, open s.p.a.ce. Since the ground had crumbled from heavy rains the previous year, a large fissure had parted the forest there. Though it wasn"t very steep, the surface of the ground was clearly revealed.

Before her was a large swath of ferns. Akino accelerated with all her strength and leaped.

Thump - in a flash, she jumped to a trunk of a cedar tree. Thump, thump - then, like that, she jumped from one trunk to another, leaping above the group of ferns as if performing acrobatics.

She flew like a cannonball towards the place Hokuto and Tengu were.

Akino suddenly flying out from the trees made Hokuto turn around and cry "Ah!?" out of shock. Akino still landed with her accelerated speed. She skidded on the ground while doing her best to keep her balance and not fall down.

"...Ah, ouch!"

She failed and tumbled in the other direction.

It really hurt.


"Ah, Akino!? What happened to you? A-Are you alright?"

Hokuto ran towards Akino, who had fallen from the sky. She came in contact with the same sweet aroma as before. A big had risen on the back of Akino"s head. She called out "Hokuto......" while sitting up. Fortunately, her hadn"t broken from the fall.

"Sorry. I started running without even knowing it when I was looking for you, Hokuto."

"Looking for me? What happened?"

"It"s not like that...... Ah, but why are you in this kind of place, Hokuto? Also--"

Come to think of it, Akino who had been constantly looking up at Hokuto turned her gaze in Tengu"s direction.

"Why are you with Tengu-san? Did Tengu-san say something again?"

The shikigami called Tengu was standing with a tengu mask tied around his head like always. He stood in a position slightly further away from the two. His expression couldn"t be seen on the face on his huge, abnormal body because of the tengu mask. His figure seemed like a mountain-dwelling monster in the deep cedar forest below the dim sky.

Of course, he was a familiar shikigami to Akino. Although she wasn"t wary of him...... The incident yesterday night......

Hokuto also seemed confused.

"Well, I"m not too sure. This shikigami suddenly appeared when I was returning after checking the situation in the monastery...... It beckoned for me to come without saying anything, and then I just came to look."

Hokuto"s expression when she had seen Tengu had been even more confused than Akino"s. Then, the Tengu that had called her over had stood there without doing anything after all. Akino raised her eyebrows.

Indeed, Tengu often just stood still like that or wandered the monastery when he wasn"t following anyone"s instructions. Sometimes he would also climb trees and stand on the tree branches in complete silence.

But she had never heard of him calling someone over like this. Of course, that being said, she had seen Tengu speaking for the first time last night. What exactly had happened? Akino stared at Tengu while listening carefully and furrowing her bros.

"Then Akino, why are you here? You even said you were looking for me."

"Eh? Ah, that"s because......"

Akino faltered for a moment upon being asked about this again. She lost the momentum that she had run all the way here with and felt a bit embarra.s.sed instead.

She couldn"t be like this. If she equivocated here, her words would have come to nothing.

"Because I-I"m very concerned about H