Tokyo Ravens

Chapter 31


Actually, Amami had spent almost a year preparing for his plan in the darkness.

The trigger had been last spring, when a member of the Twin-Horned Syndicate appeared in the Mystical Investigators. Since then, Amami had been carrying out a complete cleansing of the Mystical Investigators, cleaning up the department in phases. Although they didn"t reshuffle anything on the surface, they substantially enhanced the power of the public safety department.

Of course, there were members of the Twin-Horned Syndicate in the Onmyou Agency that were still left undiscovered at this time. Although they had already realized the movement of the other spiritual disaster terrorist attack - the "Hinamatsuri Repurification" incident - they hadn"t been able to stop it from happening. But on the other hand, along with the end of this incident, led by the prime suspect Mutobe Chihiro, the important members of the Twin-Horned Syndicate that belonged to the original Imperial Household Agency Lingering Spirit Division had almost retreated from the stage. After that, Amami had continued to be on alert about the unclear factor "D", and simultaneously had put the sights completely on "themselves" - in other words, the Twin-Horned Syndicate members who had infiltrated the Onmyou Agency.

Two days ago, Amami had judged that everything was prepared. When Amami had visited Ohtomo"s hospital room, everything was ready and prepared to fly like the arrow nocked to a bow.

The Onmyou Agency Magical Crime Investigation Unit"s Twin-Horned Syndicate Sweeping Operation progressed like lightning.

With the Mystical Investigators" public safety department as a center, they completely and mercilessly investigated the departments and bureaus of the Onmyou Agency. Through this sudden, executive-power inspection, they paralyzed the normal duties of the Onmyou Agency for more than half a day. The departments and bureaus that were targeted cried their grievances and scowled.

But this was just their actions on the surface.

After months of secret, detailed investigation, the Mystical Investigators had already locked on to the Twin-Horned Syndicate members beforehand. The Mystical Investigators" - Amami"s - true goal was in how they would act towards this sweeping operation. He wanted to make clear where they would move and where they were connected to.

Also, Amami had one more goal.

"Kagami? We"re going to have the "Ogre-Eater" guard Tsuchimikado Natsume?"

A Mystical Investigator who had come to report exclaimed in Amami"s base, in front of a desk of the Mystical Investigator Unit.

He was the foremost commander who had been appointed in this operation, the public safety department"s elite, Hirata Atsune.

"What"s going on?"

Hirata, hearing about this situation, questioned his boss who leaned forward over the table with a rare angry voice.

He was the star of this operation. He was young and looked about twenty-five or twenty-six. His face was good-looking, his expression was sharp, and his long black hair had a strand that was dyed crimson.

"He once clashed with the students of the Onmyou Academy - and even Tsuchimikado Natsume and his friends whom he would be guarding now. If Independent Officer Kogure hadn"t rushed to the scene to arbitrate in time, things might have gone downhill. Chief, you should know about that incident very well, right?"

"......I remember it. I was scolded fiercely by that and homeroom teacher.""In that case, then why? Independent Officer Kagami"s power is indeed amazing, but his att.i.tude towards his duty is normally problematic. Isn"t he the least suitable choice for a guard duty, especially when he"s guarding an underage person? In any case--"

Just then, Hirata lowered his voice and added forcefulness, as if he had clenched his teeth to shut out the last part.

"...This operation is just to force the Twin-Horned Syndicate to the branch. Isn"t it the most dangerous choice to leave Tsuchimikado Natsume in that kind of place?"

According to the Mystical Investigators" investigations, the Twin-Horned Syndicate-related people who were viewed as the most serious were scattered across the entire Onmyou Agency. Among them, most were gathered in the Shinjuku branch of the Exorcist Bureau. Yakou fanatics who guided the Onmyou Agency from the darkness - the Mystical Investigators currently knew that the highest-ranking member of the Twin-Horned Syndicate command system was an exorcist named Makihara Yos.h.i.taka. He currently belonged to the Shinjuku branch.

Right now, the Mystical Investigators had restricted their targets to the Onmyou Agency building and the headquarters of the Exorcist Bureau. They didn"t ignore the existence of the branches, but rather, this was to bait the Twin-Horned Syndicate"s actions.

The real game would be after they took the bait. The investigators here had already prepared for a magical battle. This operation was a raid. For this, the Mystical Investigators had to avoid having the Onmyou Academy students carry out unnatural evacuations, especially for Tsuchimikado Natsume who the Twin-Horned Syndicate had always been focused on. If they sheltered him, the enemy might see through the Mystical Investigators" intents.

Moreover, it would just be the Shinjuku branch that would become a battlefield. They didn"t believe that they would encounter intense resistance from Twin-Horned Syndicate in the Meguro branch. In that case, the "interior of the branch, fortified with exorcists" would become the area to protect Natsume. It definitely wasn"t a bad choice.

But, Hirata judged that this decision of the Mystical Investigators was very dangerous. He couldn"t simply take that opinion as a mistake. He had already put many young people in danger during "D"s attack last month.

So, he at least had to take precautions during the operation, and had proposed that Tsuchimikado Natsume be guarded.

"But the guard will be Independent Officer Kagami? I can"t accept that."

Amami just stared intently back at his tight-faced subordinate.

Then, he muttered with a bitter face: "......There"s no choice."

"That Kagami volunteered to be the guard."


"Yeah. I don"t know what he"s planning. Kogure also opposed it...... but in the end Chief gave me the final word."

Hirata pressed his lips together as if he wanted to swallow back an objection. Amami continued frowning, anxiously tapping the desk with his fan.

"First off, this also troubles me, you know? There are more potential problems than the plan itself...... If the choice of person reached the ears of that man, he would want to curse me to death even while lying on his hospital bed."

Amami muttered to himself as if raising his hands high in surrender. His expression conveyed the gloominess in his heart.

Actually, the problem was that there were quite a few Onmyouji - all of different levels - included among the suspects of this plan. Of course, they were still quite few in comparison to the entire member body, but they were definitely still enough to seriously stagnate the functions of the various departments. In a state where they would be unable to complete even their original duty, they had even less manpower to take up a special task like guard duty. That was the same even for the Mystical Investigators.

But Kagami was free for this role. Though he had the t.i.tle of an Independent Exorcist, he basically acted alone, and the higher-ups were mostly tolerant of this. In contrast, his fellow Independent Exorcist Kogure would impede the Exorcist Bureau a lot on the organizational level if he were transferred. But ironically, there were no such concerns about Kagami.

Moreover, the possibility that Kagami was a member of the Twin-Horned Syndicate was undoubtedly close to zero. That was common knowledge among all the people who were familiar with him.

More importantly, his abilities were promising.

"Anyway, this is already decided. Kagami"s already gone to his task. You can"t do anything over here if you"re worried about him acting suspiciously. As you reported, "activity" has already started in the Onmyou Agency. It will be the decisive moment when the victor is decided in a few hours. Right now, we have to focus on the tasks before us."

The operation was progressing right now. Moreover, the key point of this operation was to simultaneously root out the enemies in a short time. They didn"t even have a single minute to catch their breath until the operation ended.

Hirata stood still for a moment with a complex expression.

But he suppressed his emotions afterwards.

"......Then excuse me."

He turned and left after saluting.

He left the room with swift movements. Amami, sitting on the chair, slowly narrowed his eyes, staring at the back of his subordinate.

The guard sent by the Agency to guard against the Twin-Horned Syndicate"s resistance happened to be "that" Kagami Reiji. Harutora and the others were extremely shocked when they heard of this. They couldn"t believe it at the start. They thought something had gone wrong, or that it was some malicious joke. But when they learned the truth, overflowing anger occupied their hearts.

This was because Harutora and the others had once gotten into an urgent situation after a run-in with Kagami when the spiritual disaster terrorist attack happened in the spring. At the time, a clash between the two sides would have been unavoidable if Kogure hadn"t settled the situation or if he had been a bit later. Faced with having the object of such complications dispatched as their guard, they definitely would have roared "why is it someone like you" if they weren"t in cla.s.s.

The only comforting thing was that Kagami hadn"t done anything like guarding Natsume from close by. He had vanished immediately instead. Was he still in the bureau, or did he think that listening to the Onmyou Academy lessons from the side was too boring? In place of him was a man who had been left behind after also being ushered into the meeting room, but Harutora and the others didn"t recognize him.

This man was also very strange.

He had a tall, slender build. It couldn"t be confirmed since his back was bent, but he was quite tall, perhaps close to two meters. His long hair was tied up and flowed loosely past his neck. He looked at first glance like a girl, but he was actually a slender, elegant man.

His clothes comprised of a bland shirt and pants. But he held the long package in front of his chest with both hands like a child holding a toy.

His name seemed to be Shaver.

At the start, Harutora and the others thought he was Kagami"s subordinate.

"...He"s not."

Natsume saw through him immediately.

He was Kagami"s shikigami.

"Also, he might be a servant shikigami. The same type as my Hokuto."

A servant shikigami was a type of natural materialized spiritual being that was serving as a shikigami. Though the details varied, it was like making a mobile spiritual disaster into a shikigami. They were much stronger than normal manmade shikigami. More importantly, the servant shikigami of this "Ogre Eater" was definitely abnormal.

But in terms of first impressions, Shaver didn"t look like a scary shikigami at all.

However, his demeanor was a bit gloomy and melancholy. He wouldn"t talk actively either, and just silently crouched against the wall during cla.s.s, continuously watching Natsume with a gloomy gaze. Though this was a bit unsettling, he didn"t really feel like Kagami"s servant shikigami. It seemed like a vicious monster would be more suitable - a gloomy, elegant man really gave the wrong impression.

"He"s like a difficult child."

That was Touji"s evaluation, which could be described as. .h.i.tting the mark. His body deeply conveyed the atmosphere that guarding Natsume wasn"t his main motive. But his att.i.tude of obeying his order even though he hated it made one a.s.sociate him with an indecisive child.

But after sending a text message to Suzuka, they immediately received a reply that they couldn"t ignore.

"Idiot! Stupid! Your eyes are useless! I heard that the Onmyou Agency banned Kagami from using Shaver! He"s an extremely dangerous shikigami! You definitely can"t be careless, no matter what he looks like on the outside!"

Harutora, who received that message, inadvertently gulped, sneakily glancing at Shaver in the corner of the room. The shikigami continued to crouch on the ground while holding the long package with both hands, as motionless as a decoration. He stared over with an unwavering gaze from between his bangs. Moreover, it felt like his expression was a bit inhuman, though in the end it might just seem that way after seeing Suzuka"s message. Anyway, Harutora immediately forwarded the message to everyone else and steeled his nerves again.

Moreover, the atmosphere in the Meguro branch today was a bit different from normal.

That Twin-Horned Syndicate sweeping operation was starting in the Onmyou Agency main building. The Mystical Investigators" investigations had even extended through the Exorcist Bureau headquarters, and the normal course of business had been notably disrupted. Though Mystical Investigators hadn"t showed up at the Meguro branch, the branch members were clearly uneasy, and the students could all see them visibly shaken.

The Onmyou Academy was still holding as usual while the atmosphere within the branch was restless.

Lunchtime came afterwards. The cafeteria was still packed with people, but it wasn"t as noisy as usual. In comparison, quiet conversations were taking place at all the tables, and the vast cafeteria was filled with low whispers. Harutora"s group silently traded glances and quietly walked out to the courtyard while holding their trays of food.

They finally relaxed after they all sat in their usual places in the courtyard.

"Today"s been so nerve-wracking......"

"......Yeah. Just like Ohtomo-sensei said, the investigation this time is on the biggest scale until now. It"s a personal matter to the branch members too."

They couldn"t do anything about it. Though Natsume replied to Harutora like that, her expression still didn"t look too good. Probably because of a lost appet.i.te, her chopsticks didn"t move very fast.

After all, Natsume was the one being protected by Kagami. Just this was extremely unsettling, but Natsume was also hiding her ident.i.ty and pretending to be male. It was very normal for her to be unable to relax.

Then, Kyouko said:

"Actually, reform of Onmyou law was proposed in Congress. Father was always busy preparing for that bill. It seems also related to the movements against the Twin-Horned Syndicate."

"Huh? Onmyou law is being revised? But why would that involve the Twin-Horned Syndicate? They"re not related at all."

"This reform bill permits the Onmyou Agency to expand as an organization. So before that, they have to squeeze out the pus of the organization......"

"......It"s like a purification."

Touji muttered quietly, making a simple a.n.a.logy to Kyouko"s incomprehensible explanation.

A purification was a ritual to eliminate the body"s "filth" before an important religious event. Though it was a necessary procedure, Harutora was still perplexed. He understood squeezing out pus and purifications, but he felt nervous somehow - he thought that maybe it was because he was a careless student who knew little about the organization.

"It looks like this will be very troublesome. ......Hey, is Kagami"s shikigami still here?"

"He is. Harutora-kun, look over there."

Tenma pointed towards the building with his chopsticks. A tall young man held a package, standing with his back hunched in the dark shadow left by the sunlight in the first-floor corridor.

His unblinking eyes gave off a weak light in the shadow.

Come to think of it, they had only seen him move at the start when he had appeared with Kagami. However, when they switched cla.s.srooms, he always changed positions at some unknown time to watch over them. He was more like a supervisor than a guard.

"......So he"s called Shaver. Kyouko, have you heard of him?"

"I haven"t. But since Suzuka-chan says to watch out for him, he should be a very powerful shikigami. ......Though he"s a bit unsettling."

"It"s much better than having his master guard from up close."

Though Touji smoothed things over with that, they still couldn"t enjoy their lunch to their satisfaction with that kind of shikigami watching them in the bureau"s oppressive atmosphere. Harutora"s group naturally had much less conversation than usual.

Whether fortunate or unfortunate, Suzuka was out for the whole day today. She seemed to have no at the Meguro branch. She would probably show herself after school ended, so it would be good enough if they got through everything safe and sound until then.

Harutora stared at Shaver out of the corner of his eye while supping his udon. He tried "seeing" a bit and noticed that there was a light stealth magic cast around Shaver"s body. Though he could see his external appearance, he couldn"t see his aura.

But right now wasn"t the time to look around everywhere. Harutora"s hand accidentally slipped as he drank the soup in the bowl. "Gwah!?" He managed to grab the bowl and stabilize it, but his chopsticks therefore dropped to the ground.

"H-Harutora? Are you alright?"

"Really. What are you doing."

Natsume hastily spoke to him, but Kyouko rolled her eyes at him in exasperation. Harutora laughed and glossed it over, then put his bowl and tray back on the ground.

"Sorry, sorry. I"ll go get a new pair of chopsticks."

He left the other four after saying this, swiftly returning to the cafeteria.

But when Harutora entered the cafeteria, he noticed that the atmosphere in the cafeteria had changed slightly. He wondered what exactly had happened, but he found the reason very quickly.

There was only one s.p.a.ce that no one got close to deep in the packed cafeteria. There was clearly a s.p.a.cious table there, but no one was willing to come close.

When he met the gaze of the person at that table, Harutora"s expression reflexively became frightening.

It was Kagami. He leaned back in his chair, his legs resting on the table.

He seemed to also notice Harutora. With a grin,


He greeted him.

Harutora planned on ignoring him and moving away from the table, but Kagami didn"t let him go.


Harutora inadvertently stopped upon suddenly being called by his name.

"Why are you ignoring me? I have something to talk to you about. Come here."

Kagami glared at Harutora through his, roughly ordering him to come. It was difficult to keep ignoring Kagami after he said this much. Harutora gritted his teeth, slowly turning and walking back.

He stood across the table from Kagami, keeping a sinister expression. Kagami motioned with his chin as Harutora stood silently. "Sit."

Harutora sat with a stiff face.


"Ah? Is that the att.i.tude to take towards a senpai who"s guarding you guys?"

"We didn"t ask for you."

"Heh. You can talk, huh. Relax. I hate annoying things. I won"t go out of my way to kick a wild dog that doesn"t understand manners."

Kagami crooked his thin lips into a cold smile. What an extremely hateful person.

"......Since you hate troublesome things, it"s fine if you give up on guarding us now. Isn"t that even better for both sides? I don"t want to be related with you either, and you shouldn"t have any interest in us. Anyway, you don"t plan on guarding us seriously in the first place, right?"

"Haha. Even so, I"m the one who decides, not you guys."

Kagami arrogantly said those words. The meaning in his words was probably "I don"t plan on guarding seriously".

Anger seethed in Harutora"s heart. He had felt the first time he saw him that it was practically impossible to believe that this kind of man was a National First-Cla.s.s Onmyouji.

...But, this guy was certainly very powerful.

Kagami had easily dealt with the Type-Chimera that had terrified Harutora and the others. Moreover, that was but the tip of the iceberg of Kagami"s power. Not only was Kagami one of the Twelve Divine Generals, he was also an Independent Exorcist like Kogure. In other words, unlike a researcher like Suzuka, he was an Onmyouji whose true power lied in "real battle".

"Ah, also. Let me first say that I don"t have no interest in you guys. In fact, I"m pretty interested."


How truly unexpected. Kagami snorted at the shocked Harutora.

"You really have no self-awareness. Why would the Onmyou Academy especially plan a guard for you guys? Your little friend is viewed as Tsuchimikado Yakou"s reincarnation. As long as he"s someone who uses Onmyoudou, it"s very normal to be interested."


"Also, your other little friend is a so-called living spirit. Incidentally, you"ve also been forming a relationship with that goth loli girl Dairenji."


Why did even Kagami know about those things? But Kagami continued speaking with a calm face, ignoring the shocked Harutora.

"Hey hey, didn"t I say I was interested? How truly lacking in self-awareness. Have you thought about how abnormal it is that a student like you is being matched with a guard from the Twelve Divine Generals? It doesn"t matter if it"s the Twin-Horned Syndicate eyeing you or if the Onmyou Academy gave me the guard duty. This is a "professional organization", but they"re still preparing this much for a greenhorn brat? Do you think that"s natural? Do you think it"s natural to get "special treatment" because you"re "special", so you didn"t consider it at all?"

Kagami mocked him maliciously, making Harutora"s whole body stiffen. Kagami had already gotten information related to him and his companions, which made Harutora quite displeased. Moreover, Harutora couldn"t conceal the wavering of his heart as the circ.u.mstances of him and his companions were pointed out again.


"The same goes for "D"."

Kagami continued speaking. Harutora"s shoulders suddenly shook.

"He was looking for the "Raven"s Wing", but why was it that he was meddlesome enough to mess with you guys? Hah, how could that be. Actually, he completely ignored the other brats, right?"

"......So you even know that."

"Did you think I wouldn"t know? Even the Onmyou Agency could figure out what happened there. There are definitely even people who know inside the Twin-Horned Syndicate. ...You guys are just too focused."

As he said those last words, Kagami"s tone seemed to sharpen. Kagami"s unique way of speaking seemed to mix with a slightly different tone.

"......What does that mean?"

"Ahh? Is this the att.i.tude you should take to someone you"re asking a question of?"

Kagami snickered at the restless Harutora. He dragged his chair.

"Don"t look so bullied, Harutora. Why don"t you use your brain? It"s very normal for Tsuchimikado Natsume to attract attention just from the rumors about Yakou"s reincarnation. But if that were it, what"s up with your current situation? Or perhaps, Dairenji Suzuka. That brat"s a criminal who violated Onmyou law, you know? Why is she staying at the Onmyou Academy?"

"That...... Because it"s her punishment for that incident......"

Harutora suddenly blurted out, but Kagami said:

"You"re an idiot."

He dismissed Harutora.

"What a naive boy. Because she"s still underage? Or education in sentiment? I shouldn"t need to say that those things are excuses. Dairenji Suzuka is Dairenji Shidou"s daughter, you know? The daughter of a crazed Yakou fanatic - the former mastermind of the Twin-Horned Syndicate. Moreover, I heard that what the brat did was Yakou"s forbidden magic, the "Taizan f.u.kun Ritual". As punishment, they"re putting that Yakou fanatic"s girl who tried to realize Yakou"s forbidden magic to the place where Yakou"s reincarnated brat is? How is that kind of thing possible."

Kagami spoke torrentially in a mocking tone as if he were spitting his words. Every one of his words deeply p.r.i.c.ked Harutora"s chest. Unconscious anger and pain ignited Harutora"s spirit of resistance.


He couldn"t deny Kagami"s remarks.

He was angry. Extremely mad. Restless. Unstable.

But his words were convincing. Though he hadn"t thought of it until now, he truly couldn"t deny it when Kagami pointed out those "unnatural" areas.

"That"s not all, the brat called Ato Touji"s the same."

"Touji? He"s not--!"

"He"s not like that? He"s just a "normal" living spirit? Don"t speak nonsense. In normal circ.u.mstances, just becoming a normal spirit would mean you would be shut into a facility and watched over."

"My dad already sealed the oni in Touji"s body! He"s safe."

"Who knows? That brat isn"t a "normal" living spirit. The oni housed in that brat"s body is the oni that Dairenji Shidou summoned. Moreover, they positioned him next to Tsuchimikado Natsume without even performing a decent investigation. That"s definitely unusual, right?"

"S, Summoned...... oni?"

"Of course. The "Great Purification" two years ago was a terrorist attack. That was a spiritual disaster brought about by people. Moreover, Dairenji Shidou was a National First-Cla.s.s Onmyouji - a top-cla.s.s Onmyouji called the "Professor". Unlike the volatile spiritual disasters that were sp.a.w.ned during the Nue incident, it couldn"t possibly "accidentally" involve someone. In short, he was "summoning a G.o.d". The Imperial Household Agency"s Lingering Spirit Division was originally a division that researched that field."


...Summoning G.o.ds?

It was his first time hearing of it. But the instant it reached his ears, a chill ran through his back.

Kagami didn"t pay any heed to Harutora"s reaction. He planned on continuing to speak regardless.

"Right now, the situation around you is very "abnormal". Anyone who can see a little bit would watch you guys closely. Just like "D". ......Come to think about it, the current Chief is having her daughter follow you guys."

"Daughter...... Y, You mean Kyouko? She"s not planning--!?"

"You"re just kids with a friendly relationship, that"s it, right? Hah. Who cares about what brats say. I was talking about your "situation"."

Kagami"s calm thoroughness and his merciless manner of speech made Harutora feel as if some hard object were his skin. Harutora gritted his teeth and glared back.

...This guy, he wanted to say Kyouko was a "spy"......

He also noticed the hard-to-control anger seething within his body. Harutora gripped the fists on his knees so hard that they hurt.

......d.a.m.n, I have to calm down.

Bickering about his friend situation with this guy was meaningless. Maybe what Kagami said about his "situation" was correct, but his point of view was obviously twisted, an effect of his fundamental personality. That just proved how extremely twisted this man was.

How maddening.

But he couldn"t lose his calm over just that.



"......In the end, what do you need from me. You probably didn"t call me to chat about those things."

Calm. Harutora reminded himself while changing the topic. Then, the mocking expression vanished from Kagami"s face.

The atmosphere changed.

A gaze shot towards Harutora through the The silence felt like it had weight. This person really was a stupid b.a.s.t.a.r.d, Harutora a.s.sured himself, but he had to admit that he wasn"t just a stupid b.a.s.t.a.r.d - although he was certainly detestable.

No matter how twisted and stupid he was, this man was indeed one of the "strongest".

"......About Ohtomo."

Kagami spoke in a low voice. Harutora asked back, "Ohtomo-sensei?", seeming to have not expected this, but Kagami didn"t react.

He spoke with a tone that he had suppressed the emotions from,

"......In the attack last month, the Onmyou Agency also claims that it was Kogure who defeated "D". He was actually the one who gave the final strike. But...... Kogure should have just barely made it. It"s a matter of time. In other words, before Kogure arrived, there was definitely someone barring "D"s bath. In that case, simple thinking tells me that only Ohtomo could be the one."

Harutora swallowed upon hearing Kagami"s evaluation of Ohtomo.

...Yeah. He also knew.

Ohtomo was a former Divine General, and the fellow Divine General Kagami also knew this. Hence, that was why he mentioned Ohtomo"s name when he brought up people who could battle against Ashiya Doman.

"......Very few people know that he"s in the Onmyou Academy. But he"s been concealing his ident.i.ty since he started active duty. Let me first check, is he alive?"

"Answer me."

He just said that phrase. But it was weighty enough to shock his heart.

Harutora forced a smile onto his mouth with all his strength. He had originally planned on making a fearless smile - but actually, it didn"t look very confident.

"Of course he"s alive. He"s still frolicking around."

Kagami grinned after Harutora said this.

"How rude you are to your homeroom teacher. That"s called frolicking around? He was your savior. You"re so cold, Harutora."

Harutora"s face instantly heated up.

"Why did you ask me specifically if you already knew!? There should be a limit to looking down on people!"


Harutora hesitated. The instant Harutora had roared, the smile had also vanished from Kagami"s face.

"......Yeah. He really was injured."

Kagami spoke lightly to himself, making Harutora freeze.

He only realized the situation afterwards and gritted his teeth.

...This guy......!?

He had been tricked. Kagami didn"t know Ohtomo"s condition. In the end, Harutora really was useless with these little tricks. It was truly unpleasant how easily Kagami had played with him.

But, on the other hand, Kagami"s reaction was also a bit unexpected.

As Kagami talked to himself, he had shown an unconcealable emotion. It wasn"t just to confirm. He wasn"t just taking a worried tone towards Ohtomo. He held some private thoughts for Ohtomo - not just as his ident.i.ty as a fellow Divine General. It was a more complex emotion, allowing Harutora to realize that there was some kind of history between the two.

...What was it?

Even if he were a fellow Divine General, Ohtomo had already resigned from the Onmyou Agency and retreated from the frontlines. Moreover, one was a former Mystical Investigator who acted secretly, and one was an Independent Exorcist who belonged to the Exorcist Bureau. The difference in their responsibilities should be huge. But he still had some kind of reaction. Maybe there had been some contact between the two before.

Harutora couldn"t read Kagami"s expression, as he was blocked by the reflective-plated The two of them maintained a brief silence.

Not long after,

"......You can tell me the details."


"What happened in Ohtomo and "D"s magic battle. Make it clear and thorough."

"......Wh, Why?"

Kagami didn"t answer Harutora"s question. He just continued staring intently at Harutora.

The atmosphere between the two became tenser and tenser.

Upon seeing that Harutora was still hesitant,

"Then I just need to force you to talk."

Kagami threatened in a smooth and intimidating voice. He wasn"t just talking. In the next moment, pain flared from the mark under Harutora"s left eye.

Just then, a young girl appeared above the table, in a position between their lines of sight.

It was Kon. Even though she had already prudently repressed her actions out of consideration for her master"s position, she had judged that the current situation had already crossed the line. She confronted Kagami with her back to her master, holding Kachiwari"s hilt tightly in a reverse grip. "Stop!" Harutora barked roughly at her during this critical juncture.

"Stop, Kon! That"s an order!"

Kon didn"t react to Harutora"s command.

But nor did she make any further actions.

Since her back was to him, Harutora couldn"t confirm Kon"s expression. But her small back conveyed the absolute resolution that she definitely wouldn"t spare the one who endangered her master - or perhaps a resolution that she would naturally sacrifice herself.


Kagami suddenly laughed.

He still had his feet propped on the table. He looked at Kon in front of him, his shoulders shaking with mirth.

"You really brought your guardian. Hoho. That"s a pretty good shikigami, Harutora. You really are lucky. If I hadn"t put up a barrier, Shaver would have already charged over ecstatically by now."

Harutora only noticed that the reactions of the other members in the cafeteria were very slow upon hearing Kagami say this. They knew that Harutora and Kagami were at the same table, but didn"t notice the oppressive atmosphere. It was probably because Kagami had put up some sort of barrier, separating their interaction from the outside world.

"There"s no reason to read into it too deeply. I just want to understand how "D" - that mitama monster called Ashiya Doman - fought with that Ohtomo. You, who actually were there, should be able to understand my feelings, right? After seeing that little shikigami of yours, I take back what I said about forcing you. So why don"t you talk too. Don"t fake it. Don"t worry, I won"t do anything to you guys."

Kagami laughed as he spoke.

How inexplicable. He hadn"t been able to trust him until now, but Harutora instinctively felt that he wasn"t lying. Harutora thought deeply again for a moment with a bitter face. However, very unfortunately, right now was clearly not a time he could easily defy Kagami.


First was to lift Kon"s state of alarm.

After the shikigami heard her master"s order, she slowly withdrew while releasing the hand that gripped her wakizashi.

Then, she silently sat on the seat next to Harutora. She stared grimly at Kagami out of the corner of her eye. She didn"t dematerialize - that was her bottom line as a guardian. Harutora didn"t force her to either, returning his attention to Kagami.

"......In the end, it"s going to be limited to what I can understand."

"Fine, talk."

Harutora took a deep breath - then began describing the magic battle between Ohtomo and Doman.

Afterwards, it became a narrative much longer than he had expected.

Harutora also knew that he was a bit over-the-top. When he recalled the scene at the time, and turned it into his own words to be expressed, he became serious for some reason. It was really upsetting that Kagami was the first recipient, but Harutora"s speech became pa.s.sionate at some point, directly conveying the shock and emotion that he had experienced. That magic battle had an important value to him.


Unexpectedly, Kagami accepted all of the emotion that Harutora slowly let slip.

He had just listened while leaning back at the start, but at some point he had taken his feet off the table and leaned in partially to listen carefully. Even if he saw and knew that Kagami was highly concentrated, Harutora didn"t even want to leave out a word.


"...And then?"

He seemed to be urging Harutora to keep talking.

"Idiot. That"s definitely just a diversion."

Actually, he was explaining the subtleties in the magic battle that Harutora couldn"t understand for him.

In fact, Harutora had also investigated several of the incantations from back them by himself. Of course, the results of his investigation were full of places he didn"t understand, but Kagami - thought it was just at his convenience - resolved these questions.

As a result,

"Hold on. What? Bamboo leaves? He chanted "these bamboo leaves"? And what he brought out were some things wrapped with pieces of bamboo leaves? Are you sure? In that case...... I know. He was scattering salt. An eight-holed bamboo cage...... Right, it"s the "Eight-Holed Soul-Locking Cage magic"!

"You know it?"

"How could I. It"s just the name, dumba.s.s. It was certainly in the records...... Right, it appeared in ancient records, a Shinto curse. But from what I heard just now, it seems to be an original creation of that man. ...And then? How did Ashiya Doman counter the curse?"

"No, Doman didn"t know how to counter it. He just laughed happily. Then--"

Harutora was also surprised himself by how keen he was to discuss. He had been unwilling just before - no, right now he certainly still felt a sense of disgust, but the atmosphere still became animated. Even if it were just a portion, only partway, he could feel that their feelings were united. This was practically two boys pa.s.sionately discussing what they looked forward to or topics that they cared about but couldn"t honestly express to everyone.


"Tch. ......It seems like your descriptions are always lacking in the crucial places. Your focus wasn"t bad, but your explanation"s too shallow. I"m almost in despair over your brain."

Even though it was Kagami, he had to admit that it hurt to hear this remark to his face from a Divine General.

"Th, There"s nothing I can do. I originally wasn"t even able to see spirits. There"s a limit to how much I can "see"......"

"What? You said you couldn"t see spirits?"

Kagami raised his voice in surprise upon hearing that extremely unexpected fact. Harutora noticed that the eyes beneath the were staring at him. When Kagami took this expression, the impression he gave off also became more youthful. Harutora only now realized that Kagami was just twenty or so.

"......How strange. But that makes sense too."

"Wh, What does that mean?"

"I"m talking about your magical energy."

Kagami said leisurely. Then, he leaned back against his chair again.

"Your spiritual abilities are obviously strong. But on the other hand, your use of spiritual power is extremely crude. It"s too imbalanced. It"s like someone forcefully put shackles on you. Your gears don"t even bite. Your horsepower and your gears aren"t matched up at all."

His merciless appraisal was like a blade hacking at Harutora"s body. But inexplicably, he couldn"t feel the venom Kagami"s speech usually carried in those rude remarks.

Finally, Kagami said:

"It feels more like a peculiarity of your body than simple immaturity. The Tsuchimikado blood shows up in a negative way. There are often such circ.u.mstances among ancient bloodlines that continue to the present."

What a truly straightforward appraisal. But it felt refreshing to be told this. Though the hair of Kon next to him was currently on end, Harutora lightly stroked her head, letting his shikigami calm down.

"Anyway, I"m just a student near the bottom. But I"ll definitely become a professional Onmyouji."

That wasn"t a proclamation for Kagami. But Harutora couldn"t hold back from clearly expressing what he had decided for himself.

Just then, Kagami smiled coldly again.

"Ho, alright. ......And then?"


"What do you plan on doing after becoming a professional?"

"Wh, What will I do......"

Fl.u.s.tered, Harutora started stammering. He hadn"t considered at all. Kagami didn"t give up that opportunity, snickering at this academy student with no self-awareness.

"Rather than a brat, you"re just a kid, Harutora. It looks like it would be better for you to just go become a civil worker at the Onmyou Agency? Or maybe be a teacher for some brats like Ohtomo?"

"Wh, what"s wrong with that? It"s also a proper job."

"Ho. In that case, why don"t you explain what division your profession will be in. Simply put, what are you going to do after becoming a civil worker or a teacher?"

Harutora immediately lost his words after Kagami asked back with a smile. But Harutora was indeed too naive.

After deciding to become a professional Onmyouji, Harutora had never grown weary of working hard for his goal. But he had never considered what to do after becoming a professional Onmyouji. It wouldn"t be strange to be called completely clueless.

The only goal in his heart was to become Natsume"s support.


"Let me first say this. After leaving the Onmyou Academy, you will go your separate ways. The world of Onmyouji is a meritocracy. People with ability can climb up, and those without ability will stay at the bottom. It"s no use talking about how you"re in last place and have self-awareness, the group in front of you is different from you. Even if you"re still convinced that this is an incredible job, you"re already walking a different path from those with ability."


The words stabbed him. No, he was deliberately aiming at Harutora"s weak points. Harutora"s "problems that he didn"t want to touch" were practically wide open to Kagami.

"Ah, or maybe it"s not like that. You might be taking the opportunity to get in the others" good graces, planning on advancing by clinging to their coattails. I see. I missed that, Harutora. It"s a reasonable life skill, to someone who"s last place."

Kagami laughed coldly. He really was good at mercilessly rubbing people the wrong way.

Even if Harutora continued to retort, Kagami would just mock him further. Harutora glared at Kagami and held back his words.

But in the end, he was unable to restrain himself from speaking.

"......You"re such a terrible person."

It was completely an insult that quarreling kids would use. If Touji were next to him, he would definitely have sighed and hung his head, unable to keep watching.

But after Kagami heard those words, his eyes widened again. Then, he straightened his body and laughed out loud.

"Hey, hey, Harutora. Your brain"s no good at all. Do you know who you"re giving lip to right now? I could get rid of you in an instant if I wanted."

Kon trembled in her chair, her face solemn. Harutora hastily reached out to stop her. But Kagami ignored their actions, continuing to laugh.

"Hahaha...... You"re the first to actually look down on me and give me lip of this degree to my face. But relax. I said at the start that I wouldn"t go out of my way to kick a wild dog who doesn"t understand manners. There"s no end to it."

Kagami stood up from his chair, still not completely finished laughing. It looked like he had already reached his goal by asking about Ohtomo"s details.

Kagami didn"t say any farewell, speeding away.

But he suddenly stopped before moving far away, turning back to look at Harutora.

"Hey, Harutora. Why don"t you just set your goal to be an exorcist."

Harutora was unable to respond, unable to figure out his intent.

"When you become a proper "hound", I"ll be able to happily kick you flying. All the way until you beg for mercy on your knees. ......Otherwise it would be meaningless."

His words and gaze were mixed with happy contempt and impulsive violence. A chill went through Harutora"s back. Kagami laughed and walked away.

Kon stood up immediately, reaching to take the shaker of salt on the table. Then, she poured salt out, sprinkling in the direction Kagami left in while shouting, "May disaster befall you!".

After looking askance at his shikigami who was red-faced from anger, Harutora sighed deeply as if exhaling all the air from his body.

Kagami was still laughing softly in the depths of his throat after leaving the cafeteria.

What a merry group of companions. A little manhunt of the Twin-Horned Syndicate members after "D" vanished was too boring. In comparison, there was more value in taking the initiative to volunteer to guard Tsuchimikado Natsume.

It looked like they hadn"t noticed themselves, but other peoples" intentions had definitely slipped into Tsuchimikado Natsume"s surroundings. Moreover, it wasn"t just one person. Many peoples" plans were entangling together complicatedly. What would happen when they were unwound? He had to be attentive.

Of course, that was also true about the Twin-Horned Syndicate. Since they had determined that "D" - Ashiya Doman - was a mitama, the probability of fighting against him again was no longer zero. But judging by the movements Doman had made when he attacked the Onmyou Academy, it wasn"t the Twin-Horned Syndicate he had to pay close attention to. Ohtomo would definitely be the first person Doman came in contact with next. And the second would undoubtedly be that group.

...Shaver, how"s the situation over there?

Kagami raised the level to which he shared senses with his shikigami, directly checking the condition of Natsume and the others that Shaver supervised.

But the key factor Shaver didn"t respond.

He was throwing a tantrum again. When the attack had happened, Kagami had partic.i.p.ated in the defensive battle at the Onmyou Academy building where the big group of shikigami Doman released had attacked. But that was just a feint. The big game he had been eyeing among the large group of shikigami had run away in the end. After that, Shaver"s rebelliousness had become quite strong.

When Kagami received permission to use Shaver and he had been allowed to return to his master"s side, Shaver had been eager to go. However, Kagami was never able to climb to a fully "active" stage, so Shaver had also acc.u.mulated quite a bit of depression. Even if he was quite strong, he was still a hard-to-control shikigami.

After the confusing Doman incidents had ended, Shaver"s usage permissions had been lengthened bit by bit. Even if he couldn"t use Shaver unscrupulously, he was satisfied. However, it was very dangerous to allow him to acc.u.mulate too many negative emotions. Though the foundation of being a shikigami was "absolute obedience", Kagami deliberately used his strength to restrain Shaver instead. Overall, he judged that his current relationship with Shaver was optimal. Though that was true, the risks were naturally very high. He had to find a suitable "enemy".

Even if it was very troublesome, he often had to search for an enemy that could quench the anger in Shaver"s heart. In this sense, the living spirit Ato Touji wasn"t a bad prey with regard to his "type", although he was lacking in effectiveness. But no matter what, he was one of the pieces intertwined in a complex entanglement. It would be too pathetic if he were wasted just to change Shaver"s mood.


There would definitely be an opportunity if he waited. If he felt bored, he could just play around with that group of brats to distract himself. If a wild card like him just stayed near them, those people who plotted in the shadow might react in some way. Though the work of a guard didn"t fit him...... it was quite a stimulating position.

...But...... That old man Amami had surprised me.

Kagami recalled the meeting last night.

When he had mentioned that he wanted to take up the work guarding Natsume, Kogure had been the first to oppose him. Kogure knew clearly about Kagami"s history with Natsume and company, and he was the person who had stopped the two sides from clashing. It was extremely reasonable to oppose Kagami becoming the guard.

But Amami had instead chosen Kagami to hold this position. In the end, though it was Chief Kurahashi who issued the permission, Amami"s choice had been invaluable as his advisor and right-hand man.

...But, this much wouldn"t leave behind a particularly good impression of that old man.

The Onmyou Agency was indistinguishable from other public government agencies. The upper portion was a den of demons where various powers and tactics entangled with each other. Amami was the old player who had balanced that situation and kept people from doing as they pleased for many years. It was too hard for Kagami to see through his intents.

In any case, not to mention the actions to arrest the Twin-Horned Syndicate this time, the Onmyou law legal reform that was ready to go after this would definitely whip up a storm.

...Ohtomo. The world might have already changed by the time you come back, you know?

Right now was the time to start probing around. A dangerous smile hung on Kagami"s face like a shark hiding in the water as he walked through the corridor of the branch.

But the storm he antic.i.p.ated would arrive sooner than he predicted.

Perhaps because of Amami"s persistence, the Mystical Investigators actually found about eighty or ninety percent of the "suspected Twin-Horned Syndicate members" that they had been eyeing.

Their reactions could be separated into three types. Most of them surrendered on the spot. A few of them resisted, and some of them even attacked with magic, but they were suppressed by Mystical Investigators before harming the surroundings.

The Mystical Investigators viewed the final type most seriously. The people who had instantly noticed the movements of the Mystical Investigators and who began moving themselves.

They didn"t put up useless resistance, but rather they used the Twin-Horned Syndicate"s network to trade information. They moved rapidly and carefully. Of course, they were probably also uneasy because they had never predicted that they would be exposed in one fell swoop. But they had long since prepared a precautionary system of command for these rattling times. Though their abilities were very weak, they were actually effective.

First, they left their workplaces while avoiding eyes and ears. Among them, there were also some who fled from fright, and ended up getting themselves caught in the Mystical Investigators" net instead. In comparison, the people who gained information from their network would pa.s.s through the fine net that the Mystical Investigators had spread around them, which was concentrated at the Exorcist Bureau Shinjuku branch - around the top of their command system, Makihara Yos.h.i.taka. After grouping around him, they started to try confronting the Mystical Investigators" strategy for exposing them.

However, the "net" they had gotten through was actually one that the Mystical Investigators had purposefully put up. They pretended to ignore them but simultaneously watched over their network.

Then, when the Twin-Horned Syndicate members lying low in the Onmyou Agency were baited into gathering at one place.

The second phase sweeping operation led by the Mystical Investigators formally began.

The moment the Mystical Investigators appeared en in the Shinjuku branch, the exorcist Makihara Yos.h.i.taka realized that he had failed completely.

He had been completely toyed with. His side had been played with in the Mystical Investigators" palm.

At the time, he had snuck into an outbuilding of the Shinjuku branch. They should be able to occupy this place and fight while holding their ground, several of his comrades proclaimed loudly. But Makihara took the initiative to oppose them. In this kind of place, how could they stand and fight with their numbers and strength? They would just end up easily suppressed. Most importantly, that would mean there would be no hope for the future. The so-called stand and fight strategy was one taken on the premise of reinforcements or that the situation of the battle would change. A small group holding their ground in front of overwhelming numbers was simply suicide.

Then, a comrade who was red-faced from an upsurge of emotion shouted loudly and hoa.r.s.ely.

"The North Star King will inevitably awaken if we wait! Then he will descend to save us! Right now is our opportunity to rise against the Onmyou Agency that hold our lord in contempt!"

More than half of them voiced approval. Makihara was speechless - no, he was in despair.

The Twin-Honed Syndicate was a secret society formed by Yakou fanatics. The North Star King was the name they used to refer to Yakou. This was an honorific for Yakou, whose name was written with the characters for "night" and "light" and likened to the North Star which was a metaphor for Onmyoudou. This way of referring to Yakou was a beacon as well as a symbol of trust to the Twin-Horned Syndicate. When the name "North Star King" left their mouth, they would feel an intense togetherness as if they were gathered by Yakou"s side.

However, that didn"t actually mean that there were genuine ties between the Twin-Horned Syndicate members. In particular, after the Lingering Spirit Division that could be called their base had been shut down, they had only been able to communicate with the most limited means in order to avoid the eyes and ears of the Mystical Investigators. Things like a sense of unity as a group or a matured "atmosphere" had never been established.

Makihara was an enthusiastic admirer of Yakou. As he was also a lower-level Onmyouji, he respected Yakou"s feats and was fascinated with Yakou"s ability. He trusted that Tsuchimikado Yakou was the only great man in the history of magic who could be put side by side with Abe no Seimei. Because of this, he held intense indignation at the Onmyou Agency and their blind actions of labeling Tsuchimikado Yakou with the notorious world view of the culprit who brought about spiritual disasters. He had become a member of the Twin-Horned Syndicate because of these thoughts.

Moreover, he was intensely dissatisfied with the overall magic community. Other than exorcists purifying spiritual disasters, modern Onmyouji received no attention from the world. Even the exorcists were becoming increasingly low-staffed, and the on-site manpower situation was worsening. The entire magic community had become secluded and withered.

But, Onmyoudou - the "Modern Onmyoudou" that had been developed according to the achievements that Yakou had left behind - had originally been more esoteric and more diverse. It was applicable in vast areas, and was even far more effective than the current system with regard to purifying spiritual disasters. The future of Onmyoudou shouldn"t stagnate and decline in this kind of place. Right now was the time for the magic community to look back at the feats Yakou had left behind and study Yakou"s ability.

The Twin-Horned Syndicate"s beliefs definitely weren"t wrong.


But right now, the comrades before Makihara were calling for a "holy war". Where exactly was the estrangement between him and them?

Only now did Makihara scrutinize their faces again.

Perhaps an outsider would imagine that Yakou fanatics were just a group of nostalgic old people. But actually, this wasn"t the case. Most of the organization members were young. Makihara himself was only thirty-five, and the others were almost all twenty-some-year-old Onmyouji.

Most Onmyouji, especially the current young Onmyouji, were already immersed in the world of magic by the time they learned about things - when they uncovered their spirit-seeing ability. All the outstanding people were like this. They didn"t understand the outside community and didn"t understand the "world". Because of this lack of understanding, they packaged everything together and came to unified conclusions.

Makihara had once felt incongruous from his current kindred. During the second spiritual disaster terrorist attack, Makihara had believed that there was no alternative other than sound the world"s alarm. With those bitter thoughts, he had watched everyone"s decisiveness. That spiritual disaster terrorist attack, which was viewed as an uplifting of the Twin-Horned Syndicate by his young comrades, had been accompanied by cheers warmly welcomed. On the surface, they acted out surprise and anger and even took up respectful att.i.tudes in front of Makihara. But Makihara had noticed his young comrades laughing happily inside many times.

Onmyouji was a profession that the world didn"t pay attention to. Even if there were people who would thank them for acting to purify spiritual disasters, they were also asked to take responsibility for damage produced, they suffered criticism, and they were sometimes subject to unreasonable accusations. This was the same for each profession, and perhaps could be called a natural thing...... But there were many people among the young Onmyouji who didn"t understand this.

Like the young people shouting loudly in front of him right now.

Perhaps their devotion towards Yakou was just a kind of expression of their "hopes to be recognized".

For the great existence of Tsuchimikado Yakou to be recognized. For the kind of strength that was the Onmyoudou he had established to be recognized. And then, for them, the Onmyouji who had used this strength, to be recognized.

In order to fight for themselves and open the eyes of the incompetent world that ignored them.


Makihara unintentionally put on a bitter smile.

It seemed that he was the same in terms of urgently trying to find a way. They all had various histories and should hold their own ideas. Wasn"t he currently someone who was packaging everything he didn"t understand together and thinking about them in unison? First off, he had to focus right now to deal with a real problem. Even if he felt estranged, it was he who had led these young people to this kind of place.

"......I understand. It seems like no one has thoughts of surrender. But, we should still choose to escape instead of holding our ground. Unfortunately, resisting as an organization is already meaningless now. We should split in all directions and then lurk, waiting for an opportunity."

"How can we! You plan on splitting our fighting power!?"

"You just want us to run!? We"ll shame the North Star King!"

Makihara endured the opposition that flocked in front of him.

"If you"re considering your reputation to the North Star King, right now we should protect ourselves in order to become the King"s a.s.sistance and act. We should beware of that arrogance. Even if the King has already demonstrated a part of his power, he hasn"t awakened to his mission. Right now, we will fail without accomplishing anything if we stay here. What is the humiliation of fleeing to those who truly hope to become the King"s subjects? Right now we have to hide and wait for the King"s awakening."

He could only feel bitter as this time-honored rhetoric left his mouth. When had he started enthusiastically arranging this kind of speech for his comrades? When had these people of his started becoming this kind of group?

He recalled that perhaps the Twin-Horned Syndicate"s days had been numbered since this spring, when Mutobe Chihiro, who had been their main leader, fell. No, the Twin-Horned Syndicate had gone astray when the Lingering Spirit Division had been crushed.

Right now wasn"t the time to regret. Makihara clearly realized, based on his deep understanding of that point, that he should have stopped them from launching a terrorist attack even if it meant betraying the "Professor"s views.

"......Exorcist Makihara! Even if you want us to escape, we"ve already been surrounded. We won"t be able to get away if we split up and act separately!"

One of his comrades reported. Makihara nodded in recognition of his opinion.

"That"s true, if we only flee. ......But don"t worry. We"ll release several spiritual disasters in the Shinjuku branch afterwards. Then, we"ll take advantage of the chaos to escape."

Makihara"s declaration evoked a commotion among them.

"We"re going to do it by manipulating the aura flow, like the "Repurification"? But that needs a lot of preparation--"

"There"s no problem. Actually, there"s a magical tool that simplifies that procedure. That Mutobe-san left behind that magical tool after considering his sacrifice. ......It seems to be a magical tool that Domahoshi created."

When Makihara mentioned Domahoshi, the name of Ashiya Doman, a flicker of hope lit up on his comrades" faces. No one here had seen Doman directly. But, the fact that he had aided the Twin-Horned Syndicate once or twice had spread to his comrades many times already.

"Unfortunately, that magical tool wasn"t entrusted to me, so it"s not here."

"What!? Wh-Why?"

"Because he wasn"t a Twin-Horned Syndicate member."

That sentence made his comrades" eyes widen. Makihara nodded again and continued to speak calmly.

"Because of that, the Mystical Investigators haven"t been watching him, so the magical tool was able to be entrusted to him. But he and I have similar ambitions. I will go ask him to activate the magical tool right now. It still needs some time to create spiritual disasters. Until then, please follow the plan and pretend to be standing your ground and resisting. However, it"s just a feint after all. In the end, we want to catch the Mystical Investigators unprepared and then lie dormant to wait for our opportunity. Understood?"

After Makihara decided their plan, he immediately gave orders to his comrades. At this time, the Mystical Investigators had already started charging the outbuilding.

In moments, a magical battle had already begun. Magical energy exploded downstairs, making the outbuilding shake slightly. Makihara continued commanding from behind while using his phone to contact a certain individual.

The other person seemed to have already antic.i.p.ated this situation.

"It"s already prepared. Though I say this, I can"t understand this procedure. I can"t guarantee whether it will activate successfully, and even if it does, I can"t guarantee that you won"t be pulled into the spiritual disaster."

"I"ve already prepared myself for that. Also......"

"If it"s within the range of the branch, at least it won"t cause any civilian casualties. After all...... There are a large number of excellent exorcists gathered here."

Whether out of mockery of Makihara"s words or because of something else he felt, the other end of the phone hung up abruptly after going silent for a period of time.

He was as lacking in emotion and as dour as usual. But thinking back now, perhaps it was because he was that kind of man that Mutobe had entrusted the magical tool to him. Even if he wasn"t well-known, the three of them had once been coworkers in the Onmyou Agency. Even in this ki