Tokyo Ravens

Chapter 34


The world he could see was filled with aura.

Harutora"s stunned self was left where it was, while his soul flew to a distant place and slowly spread out. The feeling of gazing down upon his ant-like self was extremely inexplicable.

He could see many things. Tsuchimikado Harutora"s aura, the aura of Tsuchimikado Natsume who leaned against him, and the aura of Kon, who was connected to Harutora. Ato Touji"s demonic aura, not too far away. The various kinds of aura that his cla.s.smates carried. And the aura and miasma revolving through the room, the flow of magical energy that magic had left behind.

The savage shikigami in front of him, Shaver.

Shaver"s aura was frighteningly strong. He gave off an overwhelming sense of presence compared to the surrounding aura. Harutora finally understood exactly what kind of enemy he had been fighting against.

Harutora"s vision became even wider.

It even encompa.s.sed Suzuka who had come from the corridor to a.s.sist, along with Tenma and Kyouko next to her. The exorcists of the thirteenth team were hastily approaching from the courtyard and there were also other teams across from them. In addition, several mobile spiritual disasters surrounded the exorcists. At some point, Harutora was overlooking the entirety of the branch. Everyone"s auras drew out an image like a mandala[1] with Shaver and the spiritual disasters as the center. Harutora was fascinated.

Then, he suddenly noticed a certain "movement".

It was above. Harutora"s attention moved to the sky far above his head. The boundless, vast s.p.a.ce, the origin of the vast world that he was aware of.

Harutora saw them. Several huge "existences" that were hidden in this vast world. No, they couldn"t be expressed with the concepts "huge". Because they reached him from distant places, from everywhere, they were "existences" that transcended "s.p.a.ce". Even a single one was endless. Harutora knowledge and the knowledge of humankind couldn"t understand such means of existence.

But, he understood that it was an "existence" and he could feel that it "moved".

Harutora felt that this kind of feeling that he couldn"t understand had nothing to do with him. It might be a pure mistake, or a feeling that could be called a near-death experience. Of course, it was also possible that the circ.u.mstances were different...... Anyway, Harutora couldn"t understand it.


Even if it was only for a moment, Harutora"s wings indeed touched the sky......

Harutora came back to his senses when his face felt a blazing offensive aura.

...Just now.

What had happened?

He didn"t understand. But there was a more urgent crisis before him before he started thinking back to it.

Shaver"s face showed a mocking smile as if he were playing with his prey.

He stopped his body and lifted his blade, about to leap over.

The current Harutora couldn"t block his overwhelming aura no matter how he struggles. At least, that was true if he fought him head-to-head, but......


Harutora confirmed the magic of the charms clutched in his hands. He didn"t need to check with his eyes, as his spirit-seeing ability didn"t rely on his sight to begin with. He felt it using his own aura, choosing the necessary magics and flowing his magical energy into those magics. This time wasn"t an ordinary flow like the past. His flowing aura was instantly refined into a "suitable form", instantly compressing and filling the charm.


The water-element charm in his hand flew out like a beam of light. Rather than a torrential flood, it was more like a water cannon shot at an extraordinarily high pressure. His target was Shaver"s left eye. The concentrated attack made Shaver unconsciously show a surprised expression, and he twisted his body to avoid it.


But, Harutora threw out a wood-charm again, which slid under the legs of Shaver as he twisted his body. Thin vines, yet tough as metal cord, constricted around Shaver"s ankle that supported him as he landed on the ground. Shaver lost his balance, and:


A third charm flew out, a fire-element charm, but the charm magic had already been overwritten. The fireball that swelled in front of him compressed, becoming a shining arrow of pale blue light. This was the original fire charm magic that he had learned from Suzuka.

Moreover, just then, the water bullet produced by the first charm altered its trajectory after it was dodged, hitting Shaver"s leg.

The entwined vines absorbed the water aura of the water bullet, leaving his ankle and extending branches into the air.

The arrow of light pierced those branches.

The branches instantly ignited as they were simultaneously absorbed by the arrow of light. The wood-aura that had been strengthened after absorbing the water-aura was reabsorbed by the fire-aura, and the arrow of light gave off a blinding radiance. All of this happened in instants.


Shaver"s blade hacked back and forth, blocking the arrow of light that was stabbing at him. But in that moment, the arrow of light split into countless beams of light, hitting Shaver like lasers.


Natsume raised her head to look at Harutora in surprise from his arms. But Harutora didn"t respond, continuing to watch Shaver as he suffered from lag. At the same time, he rapidly rose while carrying Natsume.

He put his remaining five charms back into his charm box and took off the jacket of his uniform to drape it over Natsume"s shoulders. Natsume tightly held onto Harutora"s hand.

This little trick couldn"t defeat him, and Shaver"s aura actually hadn"t weakened at all.


...It could work.

Harutora could currently "see" everything clearly.

As if his anxiety before had been an illusion, as if the details of aura and magical energy were in front of him, he seemed to be able to freely manipulate the strength inside his body. He was probably broken for good. The nerves underneath his skin seemed as sensitive as if they were outside his body, and his strength seemed to overflow like blood after his artery had been cut.

Harutora didn"t know what this feeling was.

But at least he could fight like this.

He could ferociously beat down that b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

"This is finally worth it!"

Shaver shouted out and slashed at him. Harutora threw out protective charms.

Harutora"s magical walls were as weak as paper in front of the blade Shaver swung. So, he narrowed and compressed his strength, to become a shield rather than a wall. He continued to shrink it down to about the size of a fist, and then overlapped several along the path of "Higekiri"s blade. Shaver cut apart all of these defenses, but his momentum was greatly reduced. Harutora avoided the enemy"s attack while carrying Natsume.

Shaver, whose slash had been avoided, swung his sword a second time as his face distorted. Harutora avoided it again. He dodged back and forth while carrying Natsume while keeping a close eye on Shaver"s movements.


Shaver and Hokuto were both shikigami. Their movements would become very simple without their master"s instructions.

...I need more detailed "observation".

Harutora searched for Shaver"s movements, Shaver"s breathing, and Shaver"s true nature. He couldn"t be confused by his outer appearance. This thing wasn"t a human, but rather a shikigami, a spiritual existence that could penetrate and cut apart everything. Its true nature was--

...A blade!

Harutora"s eyes widened. The katana in Shaver"s hands, "Higekiri". Come to think of it, although lag had appeared on his body several times, only Higekiri hadn"t suffered from lag. It seemed like Shaver was a spiritual ent.i.ty, but Higekiri was a physical ent.i.ty.

That meant,

...That"s his vessel!

Shaver was a spiritual ent.i.ty that materialized using Higekiri as its core.

Then, what tactics should he use with this katana shikigami as his enemy?


Harutora issued an order to his defensive shikigami.

Now, he could feel that his connection to Kon was closer than ever before. Harutora infused a large amount of magical energy into his defensive shikigami. The magical energy flooding from her master made Kon"s blue eyes widen. Harutora"s loyal shikigami perked up her ears and tail, her whole body shaking as she absorbed as much of the magical energy that came as she could.



Kon released foxfire.

A heat wave swept through the room.

The spectacular, raging blue flame a.s.saulted Shaver like a stampede. The shikigami"s body was instantly scorched and it wailed loudly.

Shaver was a blade, and his aura was metal aura. Five Element Mutual Conquering, fire conquers metal. But Shaver swung Higekiri, scattering the foxfire on his body.

Though fire could beat him, their overall strengths were different. He needed a stronger power to conquer Shaver"s aura.

...Fire aura...... fire aura! I could use my five charms to mutually generate five auras...... No, that wouldn"t work. With my charm magic, it won"t be powerful enough no matter what. Even with mutual generation, I need a stronger...... stronger...... stronger aura......!

"That"s enough, I"m gonna kill you two!"

Shaver took the initiative to attack. Harutora had already used up his protective charms and he couldn"t dodge. But Harutora noticed a reliable demonic aura rushing towards them.

"...You"re completely open."

The living spirit put his whole body"s strength behind a fist to knock Shaver flying, and Suzuka"s charm magic continued pursuing him, hitting the shikigami. Right as his attention moved, Touji struck again.

Shaver had originally been a tough opponent to face. But since his attention was completely focused towards Harutora and Natsume, he couldn"t block Touji and Suzuka"s combined attacks.


"Students, evacuate immediately!"

The exorcists rushed in from the collapsed outer wall. The personnel of the thirteenth team.

"Use your shikigami to surround the target, and begin purification after the students evacuate!"

The exorcists" shikigami appeared one after another around Shaver. Most were "Emperors", but there were several "Yaksha". They used their numerical superiority to suppress Shaver"s frenzy.

But Shaver didn"t give up at this. His violent slashes cut the exorcists" defensive shikigami to death. As expected, although they had greatly weakened his strength, the exorcists still couldn"t control Shaver.

Harutora gripped Natsume"s hand, moving away from Shaver while thinking.

...Strong fire aura. Strong enough to be on even terms with Shaver......

Harutora suddenly stopped moving.

His eyes widened and sweat dropped from his temple.

Could he do that kind of thing? It wasn"t impossible. The conditions were met and his necessary cards were all here. All that was left was for Harutora to build it up and control it......


Harutora grabbed Natsume"s shoulders, looking straight at her. Natsume bit her lip hard upon seeing the determination that had emerged on Harutora"s face.

"Lure that guy into the courtyard. I"m going to break that dull blade."

Shaver"s target was Natsume, and he now held animosity towards Harutora - no, it was killing intent. The strategy where the two of them acted as bait should still be effective. When Shaver was lured to the courtyard, then...... he could only leave it up to fate.

Natsume looked back at Harutora"s unmoving eyes.



She nodded her head.

Right afterwards,

"Ah! These guys are all coming to bother me!"

As Shaver exclaimed, the final "Emperor" was cut down to the ground. "Let"s go." Harutora gripped Natsume"s hand, starting to run.

"Suzuka, move aside for me! Touji, throw me the shakujou!"

Touji, who had been surrounding Shaver along with the defensive shikigami, turned back to look with a "What?". On the other hand, Suzuka, who was in the corridor, also showed an expression of incomprehension, but still followed Harutora"s instructions. She retreated back into the depths of the corridor along with Kyouko and Tenma next to her. Harutora and Natsume rushed out of the practice room, pa.s.sing through the crumbled outer wall and arriving in the corridor. Kon followed right after the two of them.

The sun dyed the courtyard in golden colors.

The spiritual disaster purification teams were still purifying the spiritual disasters. The one-eyed ma.s.s of earth, the "Type-Cyclops", had already been purified, and the ushi-oni that Shaver had crushed had also vanished. The "Type-Tornado" that had appeared on the roof had almost been purified completely, but the surrounding miasma showed no signs of weakening, and there were still spiritual battles against spiritual disasters that were still in Phase Two, though they hadn"t evolved to Phase Three.

Just then,

"Trying to run?"

Shaver charged out of the bureau building, chasing after Harutora and Natsume.



He poured magical energy into Kon again and she used foxfire to stop Shaver"s pursuit, but the second time was unsuccessful. Shaver slashed horizontally, cutting apart the flame with a fearsome sword pressure. d.a.m.n! Just as Harutora clicked his tongue,

"Onbishibishi karakara shibari sowaka!"

Natsume unleashed the Unmoving Golden Chains magic the moment Shaver pa.s.sed through the cut-apart flame. Though her hand seal was a quick product that hadn"t been fully completed, Shaver"s momentum - even though it was only for a moment - was weakened and he slowed down.

Behind him, Suzuka and the exorcists hurried over to a.s.sist. After Shaver went outside, the exorcists could use magic without fear. Several charms turned into a rain of arrows and attacked Shaver. Shaver swung Higekiri above his head, trying to cut them down, but more than half of the attack still pa.s.sed through Shaver"s defenses and hit the shikigami.


Touji also rushed out from the bureau building right after Harutora. He clutched the shakujou Harutora had requested in his hands - the front end of the parts that Shaver had already cut it into.


He raised it over his head and threw it out.

This was the second time today. Harutora reached out his arm - and caught it.

...In this case, just one more thing......!

Harutora went over the state of the entire courtyard"s aura again. It was there, right by him. He could do it.

But in that moment, Harutora"s consciousness moved away from Shaver.


When Harutora looked in the direction Kon shouted in, he noticed Shaver"s aura violently swelling.


Shaver, immersed in the rain of magic, swung Higekiri around chaotically. His slashes carved open the ground, approaching Harutora. Harutora swiftly pushed Natsume away while he dived in the other direction. Right afterwards, the slash cut through the s.p.a.ce between the two of them.

Harutora swiftly tumbled on the ground and jumped up. But Harutora realized his crisis just as Natsume opened her eyes and rose after being pushed away by Harutora. Shaver instantly leaped over.

His target was - Natsume.

...I can"t let you do that!

He had no time to think. Harutora reached his hand into his charm box, throwing out his last five charms one after another without leaving a single one. He checked the charms" magic after throwing them. There were two fire-element and one earth, metal, and wood-element charms. He used one fire-element charm to forcibly replace the earth-element charm, barely making up for the lack of a water-element charm using his own magical energy, and instantly chanted an incantation.

"G.o.d of the east sea, Amei! G.o.d of the west sea, Shukuryou! G.o.d of the south sea! Kyojou! G.o.d of the north sea, Gukyou! G.o.ds of the four seas, fend off a hundred demons and drive back the fierce disaster! Order!"

This was the Imperial-style magic that Harutora had failed at once, one originally used to fend off the Hyakki Yagyou. Though it was a magic that stopped spiritual disasters from drawing near, it constructed a defensive wall aimed at the "hostility" of spiritual ent.i.ties, also known as a barrier, so it couldn"t possibly have no effect against Shaver who was a spiritual ent.i.ty.

The five charms spread into a pentagram in midair. Though the magic had started, the process was basically a rush job. Before the magic was completed, most of the magical energy ran amok and vanished.

But. Captain Eto had taught Harutora something. Barriers didn"t have to be used in a fixed place. Harutora continued infusing all the magical energy in his body into the pentagram, and when the magic was still a repulsive barrier, he gave up his control of the magic and let it naturally run amok with Shaver as its target.

The light of the pentagram became a spear instead of a shield to attack the airborne Shaver. After it crashed violently into the shikigami, it knocked him outwards. Shaver roared, flying over Natsume"s head and falling to the ground. In that period of time, Natsume also rose.

But Natsume didn"t look at Shaver behind her back after rising. Instead, she stared at Harutora. No, it wasn"t just her, even Shaver had forgotten his anger and looked over.

Natsume"s face went pale.

"Harutora-kun! Behind you!"

A stench instantly rose around Harutora.

A giant insectile monster covered with rotting moss, vines, and weeds, a "Type-Worm". One of the spiritual disasters that had chased Harutora and the others before Shaver appeared, the nozuchi, had escaped the exorcists" purification and still lived.

The nozuchi approached Harutora from behind, opening its giant mouth to swallow Harutora. Natsume let out a splitting scream, but Shaver relaxed, laughing scornfully instead.

But Harutora had long since noticed the nozuchi"s approach.

His last card.

"...Kon, come!"

Harutora fearlessly raised his head to look at the Phase Three about to completely engulf him and spread his arms. Kon, receiving his summons, rushed into her master"s arms like an arrow from a bow.

In the next moment, the spiritual disaster swallowed Harutora"s body.

Then, the nozuchi who had swallowed Harutora burned in a blue flame all over its body.

The flame instantly incinerated the spiritual disaster and its intensity grew at an accelerating pace, becoming a giant pillar of flame. The heated air swirled into an eddy, sweeping through the courtyard. The surrounding miasma was blown away, becoming filled with flame instead - with the fire aura released by the pillar of flame.

Fire aura.


Harutora"s shout resounded through the entire area from the pillar of flame.

Harutora"s figure emerged from the center of the flame. His right hand grasped the shakujou and his left hand held Kon as she leaned against his body. Kon"s eyes were wide as her master carried her and she constantly unleashed foxfire.

The magic that Ohtomo had placed on the shakujou was still complete after it had been cut in two. Harutora borrowed the shakujou"s strength to put up a magical wall, blocking the violent flame. At the same time, he infused magical energy to his shikigami, using the foxfire to roast the nozuchi from within.

The nozuchi was a spiritual disaster formed of wood aura.

He let the wood aura generate and become fire aura. He used Five Element Mutual Generation on the phase three, and thus the blue pillar of flame that was born was a strong magical energy that no one could have imagined.

Harutora"s gaze focused on Shaver. Shaver looked back at Harutora within the flames with a dull expression. His expression slowly warped and he slowly revealed joy. "Strength" that surpa.s.sed his expectations clearly fascinated him, and his eyes lit up.

He could only leave it up to fate now.

But he hadn"t calculated the fire aura to be this strong. He had originally planned on controlling it using the shakujou"s strength, but Harutora couldn"t do it on his own. Moreover, Harutora didn"t know any magic to control fire aura other than by using fire-element charms. If this went on, the giant flame he had created would dissipate. In addition, it might even go out of control.

...What should I do?

Harutora continued holding onto his barrier, feeding the force of the flame through Kon, and simultaneously pondering with his heart and soul.

...Control fire aura...... Fire charms......?

He dug through his memories, searching for one clue after another. The magic he had seen until now and the incantations he had heard. He desperately recalled with all his power.

He had it.

How ironic. No, this was an obvious result.

Wasn"t this what that shikigami"s master, that man, was good at?

"Noumaku saraba tatagyateibyaku saraba bokkeibyaku sarabata tarata senda makarosyada ken gyakigyaki saraba biginnan untarata kanman!"

Vajrapani"s[2] most fundamental dharani[3].

Acala"s Fire Realm magic.

Obtaining the magic"s strength, Harutora felt himself link with the flame, becoming one with the fire aura as if he had also become a flame. The pillar of flame contracted in the blink of an eye.

...I"ve made you wait.

"Fire conquers metal! Order!"

Focusing the contracted fire aura, he threw the shakujou out in place of a charm. The Fire Realm magic that had been generated using a Phase Three as food ignited with the shakujou as a core, drawing straight towards Shaver in a raging wave. Shaver smiled, swinging Higekiri and slashing at the shakujou with a loud shout.

The aura and magical energy exploded.

The shockwave instantly blew away Natsume, Harutora, and Kon, sweeping the courtyard clear and shaking the bureau building after colliding with the outer wall.

A few spectacular seconds.

The air seethed as dust filled it. Harutora rose, enduring his pain.

He was completely "empty". This was the first time he had exhausted his aura to this degree. His body felt like he had to use all his power just to breathe. Harutora surveyed the surroundings.

Natsume, collapsed on the ground, moaned and moved. Kon also tried to turn around to look but only lightly moved her tail. The two of them were safe and sound.

And, Shaver...... had vanished.


There was a katana stuck in the ground, Higekiri. Aura still lingered in the blade. But Shaver himself had vanished. He had probably been unable to maintain his materialization after taking huge damage, just like Hokuto.

Harutora kneeled on the ground, his energy spent, looked up to the sky and closed his eyes with a long sigh.

Though the nozuchi just now hadn"t been purified yet, it had already been weakened a lot by the spiritual disaster purification teams. Shaver had suffered a serious injury because of Hokuto"s fangs, and had been immersed in Suzuka, Touji, and the thirteenth team"s focused magic barrage after he lost his awareness, constantly acc.u.mulating injury. Natsume and Kon had also helped Harutora with all their strength. This wasn"t an outcome that he had brought with his own strength. It had only happened because of the aid of the people around him and because of constantly overlapping lucky breaks.

Even so--

"......We did it......!"

Harutora, kneeling on the ground and facing the sky with his eyes tightly closed, let out a laugh filled with energy.

This was Harutora"s moment of victory.


At the same time, the "Ogre Eater" Kagami had broken into a cold sweat in an alley not far from the location of the bureau building.

"......It looks like it"s already done over there."

He spoke to the one he was confronting.


The man replied.

"Seems that way."

Then, he revealed an arrogant smile.

Needless to say, Kagami had realized long ago that Shaver had gone out of control. He already had a grasp of the general situation. He hadn"t thought that the captain of the thirteenth team had that kind of thing hidden - that magical tool. But Shaver"s transgressing actions had also been outside his calculations. But, the point that Kagami was the sorest about was that by the time he realized the situation, Shaver had already started going out of control and the spiritual disaster had already begun. He had been too late for everything. At the time, Kagami had clicked his tongue.

There was an element of force majeure[4] in Shaver"s action of destroying the magical tool and becoming the spark that incited the spiritual disaster chain reaction. But it was still an undeniable fact that the shikigami had escaped the master"s control and gone out of control. In that moment, it was already decided that Kagami would be punished. Needless to say, considering Shaver"s actions afterward - the conspicuous impediment he had brought to the spiritual disaster purification - it would definitely be a serious punishment. Naturally, Shaver would also be taken away from Kagami and sealed again after being designated a forbidden magical tool. How truly regretful, given the present situation.

So, when he learned that he was too late, Kagami decided to just let it go. He decided to simply let Shaver do what he wanted to and make a scene. Anyway, Shaver was going to be taken back and his actions would also be limited. Then might as well use this opportunity to perform a "test".

The subject was Tsuchimikado Natsume and people surrounding him.

Like Kagami had predicted, the out-of-control Shaver had searched for them on his own. He had originally wanted to confirm first-hand, but it seemed that this had value, considering Shaver"s actions of oppositions. Unfortunately, the incident this time was a "situation completely outside his predictions". He couldn"t antic.i.p.ate being able to see how the people who held certain intents regarding them would react to this. Even so, he could still weigh what kind of level of skill they had reached.

So, Kagami escaped the scene, ignoring the occurrence of the spiritual disaster, and cast stealth magic on himself, overseeing the battle of Harutora"s group.

In the end, they hadn"t surpa.s.sed or fallen short of his expectations. The scene of the dragon still resisting after being stabbed by Higekiri made him sigh and appreciate that it really was the Tsuchimikado family guardian beast, but as a result it still ended up dematerializing. As for the rest - forgetting the "Child Prodigy" for now - they certainly showed a stunning power for students, but that was it. At the most, they could be called "more competent than he had imagined".

Anyway, this would be meaningless if it went on.

He needed to make Ato Touji fall and become a spiritual disaster as fast as possible and check exactly what kind of thing the oni inside his body was. Moreover, in order to confirm whether Tsuchimikado Natsume was truly Yakou"s reincarnation and whether he would "awaken" like the Yakou fanatics spoke of, he had to force him into a crisis of life and death. Kagami bided his time in order to let his shikigami "test" those two points.

However, when the dragon dematerialized, Shaver had gone even more out of control.

It seemed that he had been invaded by the quite thick, peculiar miasma. He had already become delirious. Kagami clicked his tongue again, changing back to his already-once-changed original method of surveillance.

He planned on taking back control of the shikigami from the shadows, letting him continue to look out-of-control on the surface while Kagami was actually controlling him. If Kagami had realized that plan, the battle of Harutora"s group just now would have ended up in a completely different outcome.

But, Kagami hadn"t been able to realize his plans.

That was because Kagami wasn"t the only one watching over Harutora"s group"s battle from the shadows.

"Hold on a bit. Why don"t we both not fight here, okay?"

Starting now, it wasn"t a question of whether Kagami acted on Harutora"s group or not. Rather, it had become a serious battle of the kind he hadn"t had for a long time. However, it wouldn"t be a so-called magic battle. No, maybe it would count as a magic battle in some broad sense. It was a kind of strategic negotiation that came before first-cla.s.s magic clashed directly - a spectacle of a second-cla.s.s psychological battle.

After all, he couldn"t even see the enemy. He had just received a warning of magic. In that moment, Kagami hadn"t been able to notice his opponent"s existence, and naturally he didn"t know his opponent"s true ident.i.ty. Instead, it was the opponent who had a hold of Kagami"s location, position, and even plans. To a pract.i.tioner, it was practically a situation of having a blade pressed against the throat...... It wouldn"t even be too much to call him hanging by a thread.

Moreover, the enemy"s warning had even been intertwined with demonic aura. This was a true demonic aura from which he could feel a power that wasn"t to be looked down upon.

Kagami thoroughly strengthened his defenses, carrying out inspections with all his power. He broke through countless disguises and stealth magics, following the trail of the one who had warned him.

He finally confronted the other party in this small alley.

Kagami couldn"t know exactly how much time had pa.s.sed. When he confronted the man in front of him, the density of the time was worlds different from usual.

The man was huge.

He was about as tall as Shaver, but his body was as athletic as a warrior, as if he had trained extensively. Short, golden hair. He had a chiseled face and eyes narrowed as thin as slits. Even though he wore a shirt, he wore no tie, and he gave off the impression of a wild beast - or perhaps it was actually the feeling of a true carnivore.

This wasn"t a human.

He could already confirm after coming this close. This was a "Type-Ogre". No, its spiritual power had already been stable for a long time. A long-lived oni.


In contrast to his right sleeve, which was bulky enough to make one a.s.sociate it with steely-bulging muscles, his left sleeve swayed gracefully, nothing at all visible inside it.

The oni in front of him had no left arm.

A one-armed and long-lived oni. There was only one oni fitting those conditions.

Excited, insuppressible trembling in antic.i.p.ation of battle rose all over Kagami.

"......I never expected the reactions of the ones around them...... I didn"t think someone big like you would be coming. Really, it"s impossible to predict what will happen next......"

The man stretched his neck slightly and replied to Kagami"s slightly quivering tone.

"I just came by chance because I happened to hear some words in a bar. I didn"t think it would become this kind of situation...... Perhaps this is fate."

"Hey, hey...... If it was only "chance" and "fate", I won"t be able to stand it. There was definitely some reason that interested you to make you take a special trip here. Moreover, it"s almost certain what reason interested you."

Kagami suppressed the excitement in his tone. The eyes under his flashed with light.

"Now it"s certain. Yakou"s reincarnation...... it"s true."

The man didn"t reply to Kagami"s words, nor did he make any other reaction.

Kagami focused his mind and took a stance.

Sizing up the man"s face:

"Right? ...Kakugyouki-san?"

Kagami had originally wanted to strengthen his tone as he said it, but when it truly left his mouth it had become a low murmur that was only barely audible.

His excitement and a similar level of tension were crashing against each other inside Kagami"s body. In the moment he took his next breath, in the moment he blinked, there was a possibility that the curtain would open to a fierce battle, to which the battle that had happened in the branch would be a skit in terms of intensity. Just bending a single finger, just shifting his body a little, was enough to make him lose his calm.

But the man kept silent, just staring at Kagami"s reaction. It seemed that a powerful light flashed in the depths of those narrow eyes for a moment, or was that just an illusion?


"......Your name?"

"Kagami. Kagami Reiji."

"I"ve heard of you. The "Ogre Eater"."

"What an honor. I didn"t think you would notice me. It should be an unsightly nickname to you, right? How is it? Want to test it out?"


The man smiled. Kagami"s excitement and tension also reached their limits.


"I"ll have to wait until next time."


"I"ve already seen enough interesting things today."

In contrast to Kagami, the man replied in a tone without any intent to battle.

When the man turned to leave, Kagami inadvertently took a step forward.

But the man spoke without even turning around.

"Bring it with you next time."


Right after Kagami asked back, he immediately realized his meaning. He meant Shaver, or more accurately, "Higekiri".

Kagami laughed.

"Haha. It seems like "that rumor" is true. The legend having to do with Kakugyouki. In that case, isn"t it more convenient for you that Shaver"s not here? After all, you tasted bitterness once before!"

He deliberately provoked him. To be honest, without Shaver present, Kagami didn"t have the confidence that he could win against this man. But it was too pitiful to just let him run away like this.

Even if Kagami endeavored to provoke him, the man didn"t plan on making him into an opponent.

He just turned over his shoulder and said:

"Brat, when the time comes, we"ll see who"s stronger between you and Watanabe no Tsuna[5]."

Then, he didn"t stop again, slowly and leisurely leaving the alley.

Kagami didn"t budge an inch until after the man"s figure vanished and until even the miasma had completely disappeared.

Only after the man left did he finally show a smile from the bottom of his heart.

Kagami murmured along with that smile.

"......What a ruthless man."

This was an incident within thirty minutes after the Meguro branch spiritual disasters had all been purified.

Upon receiving the report from the Meguro branch after the sun set, the Onmyou Agency fell into a commotion like a disturbed beehive. Since the spiritual disasters had happened so suddenly and the information was complex, the spiritual disasters in the branch had already been almost completely purified by the time the Exorcist Bureau submitted a formal report. This was also after the Twin-Horned Syndicate sweep operation in the Shinjuku branch had ended.

The Onmyou Agency"s functions had originally been dampened because of the shockwaves from the sweep operation. When the Meguro branch "fell" as well, they were completely paralyzed. Quite a portion of the agency employees had to stay overnight to deal with the aftermath work in order to be able to at least restart their normal duties in the morning. That day that started with the Mystical Investigators" forced investigation would remain in their memories as a disastrous day for the Onmyou Agency.

But the final scene that stayed in the agency employees" memories hadn"t begun yet. Rather, this was the impetus for a scene that not many knew about.

This was the Onmyou Agency building, very close to Akihabara.

Amami strode quickly through the agency building corridor with a solemn expression.

In front of him was the executive room. It was the office of the Onmyou Agency"s highest officer, Kurahashi Genji. Even if Amami understood the Onmyou Agency"s current condition, he still had to find the time to report to Kurahashi confidentially as soon as possible. Amami had given the clean-up of the Twin-Horned Syndicate sweep operation to his subordinates and had left the scene.

But, just as Amami was hurrying over, the sound of a phone ringing came from his suit pocket. It seemed that he had forgotten to turn his phone off. Amami clicked his tongue, looking at the name displayed on the screen.

"What. It"s Miyo-chan."

The phone call was from the Onmyou Academy Kurahashi Miyo. Presumably, it was for a dressing-down related to the Meguro branch commotion.

She always failed to understand the difference in jurisdiction between the Mystical Investigators and the Exorcist Bureau at this kind of time. Anyway, her usual practice was to scold Amami first and ask questions later.

Amami held the phone he didn"t want to listen to as if he had drawn the joker[6]. Though he would have to endure an even greater anger after the negotiations here adjourned, he would still have to wait and see. Amami waited for the phone to stop ringing and then muttered the second-cla.s.s incantation "may I avoid disaster" while turning off the phone.

Just then,

"Oh? Amami-san."

A bearded man in a suit greeted Amami in surprise. He was a short man who always appeared to be dissatisfied - but magically who also felt amicable.

This was the director of the Exorcist Bureau Purification Command Room, Miyachi Iwao. Even if it couldn"t be seen from his external appearance, he was in a position of command over all of the exorcists in the Exorcist Bureau as well as a powerful Independent Exorcist.

"Why are you here? The Mystical Investigators should be super busy around now."

"Oh, Miyachi. Why have you come? I heard about the Meguro situation."

Amami asked the surprised Miyachi a question back, but Miyachi just responded with a weak "Well..." and showed a bitter expression.

"We really failed. The details aren"t extremely clear, but it"s said that the scene had already reached Phase Four...... Moreover, I don"t know what he was playing at, but Kagami who should have been nearby seems to have left the scene. Also, his shikigami - that Shaver - went out of control...... Fortunately, he was dealt with before aid arrived."

"Ah...... I should be the one ashamed about that. The Mystical Investigators missed Captain Eto. To think he would be connected with a magical tool that created spiritual disasters. It seems to be a remnant that Mutobe left behind during the spring...... What a disaster. The Lingering Spirit Division still hasn"t been dispersed."

"It"s both of us. But it"s really a fortune among misfortunes that this incident could be dealt with while limiting the damage to within the bounds of the branch. Anyway, we shouldn"t receive too much criticism from the outside."

Even though his relaxed and lively words and actions didn"t suit the severity of the situation, it really was like Miyachi"s style. Amami averted the heavy atmosphere with a quiet, wry laugh as he faced the depressed bearded man.

Seeming to happen to be going in the same direction, the two of them continued through the corridor side by side. "Come to think of it." Miyachi brought the topic back.

"Amami-san, is it alright if you"re not with the Mystical Investigators? Though it"s the same for me."

"Well...... There"s actually something I"m very concerned about. I wanted to report to the Chief directly."

Amami answered vaguely and indifferently. "Huh?" Miyachi showed an unexpected expression.

"......You"re reporting now?"

"Yeah, that"s right...... What? You look like you don"t accept it."

"......Actually, the Chief also called for me."


Amami inadvertently gazed at Miyachi again.

He had something he had to "secretly" tell Chief Kurahashi. Even though he hadn"t explicitly said so, Amami obviously meant for the two of them to talk one-on-one.

But the urgency of the Meguro branch situation was even higher. Perhaps it had a higher priority than the Mystical Investigators" operation, which had already come to an end. Moreover, Amami hadn"t mentioned anything specific to Chief Kurahashi about needing to talk to him as soon as possible. Maybe the Chief planned on listening to his and Miyachi"s reports at the same time. That wouldn"t be anything strange.

Moreover, to Amami, it wasn"t particularly inconvenient to have Miyachi with him. What Amami wanted to report was an extremely sensitive matter in some sense, but Miyachi was experienced enough in this regard and trustworthy. Maybe it would even save them some effort to have him listen on the side.

On the other hand, Miyachi was also confused - actually, he was thinking about something with quite a serious expression.

He quietly murmured,

"......I have a bad premonition."


"No...... It"s just me."

The bearded Miyachi closed his mouth.

It was quite rare for the normally open-hearted Miyachi. Amami"s face also tightened.

Then, the conversation between two of them stopped. They continued walking all the way to the executive room.

The secretary"s seat in front of him was empty. Perhaps the secretary had shied away beforehand. Amami walked directly into the depths of the room and knocked.

"Chief. It"s Amami. Miyachi"s here too."

A quiet reply immediately came from the room. Amami opened the door, saying "excuse me".

The Onmyou agency building"s executive office was a room renovated correspondingly sedately. In the carpet-covered s.p.a.ce was placed a wide desk and a sofa and tea table used to receive guests. The JR Akihabara station and the nearby high-rise buildings could be clearly seen through the wide windows.

The person sitting behind the desk nodded politely after seeing Amami and Miyachi.

His st.u.r.dy physique gave off a calm, serious feeling. He was a man that could be a.s.sociated with iron.

His age was already over fifty, but his heroic spirit hadn"t decreased. Rather, he had become deeper and more mature. He showed a stern smile and simultaneously revealed sharp, calm, and penetrating eyes. The pressure from his body could make the person before him naturally straighten their back.

This was the head of the famous Kurahashi family, the Onmyou Agency chief, and the concurrent Exorcist Bureau Chief.

Hailed as the leader of the Twelve Divine Generals, the most outstanding contemporary National First-Cla.s.s Onmyouji.

Kurahashi Genji.

"Section Chief Amami. First, thank you for coming."

Kurahashi sincerely thanked Amami for his toils. This was a calm voice that one could perceive a deep heritage from. Amami lightly nodded to reply, then directly walked near the desk. After Miyachi behind him met gazes with Kurahashi, he also lightly nodded affirmation and then stopped behind and to the side of Amami.

"Pardon me for saying this directly. Chief, unfortunately, the operation this time partly failed."

After he announced that, Amami started reporting directly without concealing anything.

Kurahashi"s expression only changed a sliver upon his subordinate"s straightforward words. But that was it. On one hand, it was his immovable character, and on the other hand it proved that he understood Amami extremely well.


"How rough."

He showed a bit of a wry smile.

"Please explain."

"My plan wasn"t careful enough. The Twin-Horned Syndicate"s roots are still very deep. All we swept away were the part of the weeds growing on the surface...... But I fear that the root portion might already be a different thing than the "Twin-Horned Syndicate"."

"......Tell me the details."

Kurahashi urged him to continue reporting. In this kind of time, this talented official would eliminate unnecessary redundancies and focus on the dialogue"s efficiency. Besides, Amami was also familiar with the Chief"s practices.

Amami concisely reported on what had happened at the Shinjuku branch.

It seemed that Kurahashi had some impression of Hirata"s name. After all, he had been the biggest contributor in exposing the Lingering Spirit Division two years ago. Moreover, this biggest contributor had secretly been in the Twin-Horned Syndicate.

"As for Hirata"s circ.u.mstances, I felt that they were a bit suspicious at one point. So, I did a complete investigation on his origins. The results were very ordinary. The experience of becoming an orphan after his parents died isn"t surprising for a Mystical Investigator. I thought that there were no particular issues. Moreover, we had also investigated those issues when he chose to infiltrate the Lingering Spirit Division and carry out an investigation two years ago, and we only let him infiltrate after we decided that there were no problems. The only thing we can consider is that he was influenced while he infiltrated them to investigate......"

"......A wise man may be ruined by his own wisdom, huh?"

"That"s the kind of back-and-forth pattern of work in that area. More importantly, Dairenji Shidou was in the Lingering Spirit Division at the time. That man"s charisma was proved in the terrorist attack later on."

Amami continued speaking with a bitter expression.

"To be honest, it"s become doubtful whether that person was truly "Hirata Atsune"."

"What does that mean?"

"Exactly what I said. Actually, I also felt extremely confused at this--"

It could be seen from his expression that this was an extremely rare feeling for the Mystical Investigator Chief.

Amami opened his mouth with a flummoxed expression:

"Hirata Atsune was female. Moreover, she was only a girl of at most fifteen or sixteen."

Kurahashi"s expression tightened like a bow. But Miyachi, who silently listened to the report from behind, inadvertently raised his head to stare at the ceiling.

"Hard to believe, right? She used magic to camouflage herself. Moreover, she hid herself from my eyes."

The "Divine Fan" Amami Daizen was at any rate a master of magic against humans. He was a celebrity that could be called a G.o.d in his field, especially in his grasp of illusions. That Amami had been unable to see through the disguise of his long-time subordinate. That situation was no trivial matter.

"I never thought I would be duped. And to think it was the illusion of a young girl that fooled me. Even if we haven"t carried out a detailed investigation...... If I had to say, it"s a magic similar to those komainu. ......No, anyways."

After Amami derided himself regretfully, he changed the topic.

"An old fool"s sadness doesn"t matter at this kind of time. The problem is "when it started". I said just now, I investigated Hirata"s origins clearly a long time ago. This can"t be a disguise that started from when he was born. He was definitely replaced at some point in time. In that case, the most suspicious time is......"

"......When he infiltrated the Lingering Spirit Division."

"That"s a reasonable thought."

Amami nodded in approval of Kurahashi"s reply. Just then, the chief shifted his body for the first time, moving away from the desk and leaning against the back of the chair.

His right hand was still placed on the table, drumming its surface. It seemed that various thoughts were hovering in his mind, but nothing could be understood from his expression.

Kurahashi raised his head to look calmly at Amami:

"......Mystical Investigator Hirata - the girl disguised as that ident.i.ty - made the Mystical Investigators" information public to the Twin-Horned Syndicate. And there"s definitely some force backing the girl. I understand everything up to there. But what evidence is there to prove that the force isn"t the Twin-Horned Syndicate?"

"She explained herself."

"That"s not like something Chief Amami would say. You"re taking everything she says herself to be the truth?"

Lies couldn"t be separated from work related to the Mystical Investigators. Moreover, just because the person in question believed something to be true didn"t necessarily mean that it was true to other people. All that was important was confirming the actual truth.

But Amami stretched his neck:

"Hirata abandoned Makihara."

"You can"t take that as evidence. With the premise that we can"t confirm whether the Twin-Horned Syndicate split internally, the force behind the girl might be the other faction within the Twin-Horned Syndicate - it"s more reasonable to think that people we haven"t been able to identify belong to the other group."

"......I thought so too, until I saw her shikigami."



Amami showed an extremely bitter expression.

"......Yase Doji."

Kurahashi"s expression became fl.u.s.tered for the first time upon hearing that phrase. His eyes widened slightly, a sharp light flashing in their depths.

"That girl"s servant shikigami were Yase Doji?"

"She said so too. But I haven"t seen true Yase Doji either. So I can"t say with one hundred percent certainty...... But that strength wasn"t anything to be underestimated."

Amami lowered his tone as he spoke, murmuring as if he had misgivings about the surroundings.

Yase Doji, the name of an oni.

But that wasn"t the name of a particular individual. It was the name of a certain "group of oni", as well as the name of the oni that belonged in that group.

And these oni were those who had served a certain bloodline, the souls of dead warriors, who had continued to serve their bloodline in the form of a defensive shikigami. They were the oni that were guardian spirits.

That kind of oni could be described as an extremely special type. But there wasn"t an extremely clear definition of "human souls" in General Onmyoudou, so Yase Doji were cla.s.sified as a "Type-Ogre" servant shikigami. Of course, even so, they were still extremely strong shikigami.

But right now, what Amami noted the most wasn"t the danger of the Yase Doji shikigami, nor was it because they were cla.s.sified as forbidden in General Onmyoudou, as magic a.s.sociated with souls. Rather, it was the Yase Doji"s history - the family that they served.

The family Yase Doji served was the apex of the spiritual field in the nation"s legends and history.

That is - the imperial family.

"Well, though she herself said that their "origins are a bit different"......"

Yase Doji couldn"t possibly be recreated using the General-style that had nothing to do with human souls. Moreover, since they were extremely special, there were no records related to the magic left in the Imperial-style either. Amami had never heard of the existence of a pract.i.tioner who could control Yase Doji either.

But, in case the depths of the situation included someone related to the imperial family, he feared that things would spread in a direction they hadn"t antic.i.p.ated.


"......If that girl posed as the true Hirata Atsune, the most suitable time should have been when he infiltrated the Lingering Spirit Division to investigate. Then when we mention the Lingering Spirit Division, there"s the Imperial Household Agency. The clues fit together in a disastrous way."

The situation was serious. Amami would stop at nothing to convey that information, so he had first come to report to Kurahashi.

Kurahashi was silent. He thought silently. It was extremely rare for him, as he was known for quick decisions. But that was also a normal reaction.

Just then, a knock came from outside.

Had he not set a barrier to keep away outsiders? Amami asked Kurahashi with his gaze.

But Kurahashi didn"t respond to Amami"s gaze. "Come in," he said to outside.

Amami inadvertently frowned upon seeing the person who entered. Kurahashi calmly introduced the two of them.

"You recognize Representative Satake of the New People"s Party, right? Satake-san. This is the Mystical Crime Investigation Department"s Chief Amami Daizen."

"Ah, Chief. Of course I recognize him. Nice to meet you, Chief Amami. I"m Satake Masumi[7]. Actually, I"m pretty sharp in these areas. I"m honored to be able to meet the eldest of the Twelve Divine Generals, and I hope we can get along."

Satake Masumi spoke with a frank att.i.tude and smiled slightly.

Though he was a politician, he was probably only about thirty. He looked fashionable and a bit frivolous at the same time, and it might be easier for people to understand if he called himself an actor. Amami had seen him frequently on the television recently, and he was surprised that this kind of moderate politician had appeared here. But this political faction that dared to advocate unrestrictedly in society had great support centered on young people.

Amami adopted a polite att.i.tude towards the smiling Satake - but anyone with eyes could definitely realize that it was cold - and briefly replied with "Looking forward to it."

His gaze returned to Kurahashi, asking for his intent. Kurahashi"s expression didn"t change at all, and he just gave the businesslike reply, "I had originally agreed to meet him today."

Come to think of it, the operation targeted at the Twin-Horned Syndicate that the Mystical Investigators had implemented so resolutely was preparation for the Onmyou law legal reform, and out of consideration of other agencies competing for political dominance. And this Satake was the politician who advocated for this reform.

On the other hand, the Onmyou Agency Chief Kurahashi"s duty was as the helmsman of the Onmyou Agency organization. The helmsman couldn"t just complete his work by looking at the situation at hand. Rather, he had to look ahead - outside the agency. As a result, the current Kurahashi almost never partic.i.p.ated in work within the Onmyou Agency and Exorcist Bureau. Even if when spiritual disasters appeared and the agency building was attacked, he gave complete on-site command to Amami, Miyachi, and other reliable subordinates. Kurahashi"s "battle" was in the political field outside of the world of magic.

So, Kurahashi had joined hands with Satake Masumi, the representative of the New People"s Party. Of course, more accurately, it wasn"t Satake Masumi who had become Kurahashi"s companion, but rather, the faction he belonged to which was the largest one holding office. Satake was a window into that faction - the face of that faction, possessing the position of their representative.

Whether in personality or external appearance, the two of them were complete opposites. But with the New People"s Party in power, the relationship between Kurahashi and Satake hadn"t broken and continued to today.

Amami glanced behind him at Miyachi.

"......Excuse me, have you met Miyachi?"

"Yeah, several times."

Satake replied straightforwardly to Amami"s question. He had only introduced Amami just now, so it seemed that Kurahashi also knew that the two of them already knew each other. Miyachi hadn"t said a single word since he entered this room. His expression was very bitter, as if he were chewing on a lemon.

Satake had come to check on the success of this operation. But Amami"s report was extremely important and was about to turn to a profound question that couldn"t be disclosed to outsiders.


"Where did you guys get to? The princess?"


Kurahashi refuted him concisely.

Amami seemed to have been struck by lightning.


Amami gave up his pretenses, interrupting them with an extremely severe tone and staring at Kurahashi.

The Onmyou Agency Chief"s face was like iron as he looked back at Amami without moving.

"......What"s going on here?"

Kurahashi didn"t reply to Amami"s question.


"How remarkable."

Satake sighed joyfully.

"With that reaction, no wonder you"re an Onmyou Agency veteran responsible for the Mystical Investigators. So, you haven"t entered the "main topic", but you realized this much just from my words just now. It"s good that you could understand so quickly."

Satake"s eyes widened upon hearing what Amami pointed out.

He really was a man whose movements were all exaggerated like an actor"s. But he was a politician, as well as one who had gotten high up in the largest faction in power at a young age. That kind of flippant att.i.tude was just a superficial mask.

"Even more and more remarkable. I really wish the old men in the party would learn from you. Chief, could you introduce them?"

Kurahashi closed his eyes upon seeing Satake propose this with a smile.

"......I have no choice."

The voice he replied with didn"t have any emotion.

Satake turned around and looked at the door he had just entered through.

"Princess, come in."

A moment later, the door to the executive office opened.

The one who entered was a red-haired girl, the girl he had seen at the Shinjuku branch - the girl who had become Hirata before.

She walked in front of Amami, who had defeated her once, her face a bit nervous.

Nervous, but with no fear. The pretty eyes that watched him from under her red hair were still unyielding. A girl with a seemingly awe-inspiring temperament - as if she were a young emperor.

"......Princess, huh."

Amami smirked.

Satake coughed dramatically:

"You should already know very well, in some sense. After all, she worked under you. But that kind of magic isn"t just sound, it even changes the movements and tone. Because the magic was too forced, we were relieved that the situation was never exposed during that long period of time. In any case, let me introduce you again. She"s--"


The girl"s stern tone interrupted the chattering Satake. Her att.i.tude was suitable for the majestic label of "Princess".

Then, she stepped forward and bowed her head, her red hair drooping downward. Amami was a bit surprised and taken aback.

"I"m extremely sorry, Chief Amami. Please forgive me for my rude actions before. h.e.l.lo again. My true name is Souma Takiko."


Amami seemed to think of something upon hearing that name. If not for the conversations just now, he probably wouldn"t have thought of it instantly.

"......I seem to remember that Dairenji Shidou"s old surname was Souma......"

Dairenji Shidou, as the Lingering Spirit Division Chief and the leader of the Twin-Horned Syndicate, had married into a traditional Shinto family[8].

Satake seemed to be greatly impressed.

"You catch on quick. Now, let me say that he was my uncle."


"The Souma family is the master of my Satake family. But my uncle was not a member of the main Souma family. As for the main family...... all that"s left is her."

Amami tightly pressed his lips together, dumbfounded. Something seemed to flash across his brain and burst into sparks.

Establishing the Lingering Spirit Division, Dairenji"s old surname, Souma Shidou. And the princess who introduced herself as direct descendant of the Souma lineage.

In an incredulous tone,

"......You said the Yase Doji"s origins were different, because of "that"?"

Satake broke out into a smile after hearing the deep meaning in those words, affirming Amami"s doubts.

Amami couldn"t hold back from groaning, various thoughts hurtling through his mind. But, though he vaguely knew their "true ident.i.ties", his current information was too little. Right now, he couldn"t make a precise conjecture - moreover, it was very dangerous.

But, there were more things he had to confirm.

Amami turned his back to the girl - Takiko - and turned to the desk again.

Kurahashi was as steady as a rock, calmly gazing at Amami.

"......What"s going on here?"

He repeated his question just now.

"Let"s leave the true ident.i.ties and goals of these people aside for now. But they undoubtedly controlled the Twin-Horned Syndicate from the shadows. Then, Chief, why are you so close with this group of people?"

His voice was very calm on the surface, but it contained a magma-like heat on the inside.

Kurahashi met Amami"s gaze head-on.

After a brief silence,

"......There"s no need to talk any further."

He made a brief declaration with that as the opener.

"In order to restore the rights Onmyouji are ent.i.tled to, amending existing legislation and expansion of the Onmyou Agency"s jurisdiction are necessary."

"So you incite the Yakou believers and don"t hesitate to cause spiritual disasters?"

The old man"s indignation shook the air in the room.

Takiko and Satake stood still, but Kurahashi accepted his subordinate"s verbal abuse head-on without issue.

He said simply,

"This is necessary."

An intense heat radiated out of the glare that Amami stared at Kurahashi with, as if it were going to catch flame.

"......Do you know how many people died until now?"

"Many, and there will continue to be sacrifices in the future. But,"

Kurahashi parried Amami"s gaze with an iron will.

"This is the decision of the "Kurahashis"."

That sentence contained many implications.

Kurahashi was the Onmyou Agency Chief. But before, since the Onmyou Agency had been established - in addition, since the beginning of its predecessor, the Onmyou Bureau - the Kurahashi family had always dominated the Onmyou Agency. It wouldn"t even be too much to say that the Kurahashi family had completely constructed the magic community after the war. The "Kurahashis" were an amalgamation comprised of a long history and many achievements, and the individual Kurahashi Genji was only a part of that.

The "Kurahashis" were the lords ruling the closed magical world.

What the Chief had just said proclaimed that it was the lord"s decision to use the Twin-Horned Syndicate to strengthen the Onmyou Agency"s power.

"......How manipulating and profit-mongering. People of this age always have to spend effort writing a script even for action movies."

Amami clicked his tongue, arrogantly smiling like a wild beast.

At the same time, it was also the smile of a wile beast backed into a corner.


Miyachi, who had been watching everything silently, spoke to him