Tokyo Ravens

Chapter 36


The elementary and middle school Natsume attended was a traditional school that was on the verge of being shut down.

She was the only student in her year, and she didn"t have a good relationship with her senpais and kouhais either. It was a stifling place. Because the Tsuchimikados were both local celebrities and a family of unknown origins, the other students - and the teachers - avoided getting unnecessarily involved with the child of this family. Natsume was always alone.

She learned of the rumor that she was Tsuchimikado Yakou"s reincarnation in elementary school. That rumor led Natsume to forgo taking the initiative to interact with others. She shouldn"t involve other people. She was scared, alone and helpless.

So, Natsume used her alone time to practice magic, calmly accepting her father"s increasingly strict tutelage. That was her fate for being born into the Tsuchimikado family. A solitary life where she couldn"t get close to others.

But that Natsume had an important friend. Natsume was only no longer alone when she was with that boy. No, even if no one were around her, Natsume could just think of that boy to forget her loneliness.

It might have been because of that boy that she was able to endure the strict training. Natsume had once made a promise with the boy. That promise ensured that Natsume would never be truly alone.

...Okay. I"ll become Natsume"s shikigami.

One person living alone with magic. That was the fate of a Tsuchimikado.

But she wasn"t the only one born to the Tsuchimikado. It was only because she was a Tsuchimikado that she was able to meet that boy, and that was the only reason the boy would stay by her as a shikigami.

Then, that was enough. She wouldn"t object to such a lifestyle.

Even if all she had was magic, even if there was nothing around her. As long as Harutora was with her, Natsume was satisfied.

This residence seemed to have been constructed in the highland by a county road in order to be hidden in the forest.

The residence of the Tsuchimikado, the once-great Onmyoudou family.

Because of its old age, this residence here had already become part of the scenery. It definitely didn"t have a gorgeous appearance, nor was it so solemn that it deterred visitors. It was old and venerable. But it gave off a difficult-to-dislike style.

An altar was set in one of the residence"s twenty-odd rooms, the one called the "Bellflower Room".

The Bellflower Room faced one of the many courtyards. The normally completely closed sliding doors and barriers were opened wide that night.

The night air was mostly-covered in clouds, and the moon showed its face from the gaps in between. The sound of insects came from the moonlight-filled courtyard.

A man sat alone in the center of the Bellflower Room.

The Tsuchimikado family head, Tsuchimikado Yasuzumi.

His hair was already tinted white, and it was hard to see his true age from his external appearance. He wore a kimono, as always, and wore metal-framed His face gave off a knowledgeable impression, but it revealed a bit of darkness.

The lights weren"t on in the room, and the Bellflower Room was even darker than the courtyard. Yasuzumi, who sat on the floor, watched the "boards" in front of him. It was a thin tool formed by two boards. There was a rectangular board that represented the "earth" and a round board that represented the "sky". This was an ancient magical tool used in divination called the Liu Ren Board[1].

Also, there was a tall wooden box large enough to hold a kettle next to Yasuzumi, wrapped up as if it had just been delivered. From the gaps in the packaging, it could be glimpsed that the wooden box appeared to be sealed with j.a.panese paper.

Yasuzumi stared motionlessly at the boards in the darkness. Only the noise of insects waxed and waned like a tide in the heavy silence of the night.

The sound of insects suddenly stopped.

At the same time, the noise of many footsteps arose. Immediately afterwards, a tense atmosphere swiftly spread.

"He"s there!"

Several suit-wearing men walked into the courtyard in front of the Bellflower Room.

Right behind the speaker were dark-blue swallows flying through the air, and the shikigami charms he cast out became a giant green cat. The binding shikigami "Swallow Whip" and "Cat Bandage". These men were Mystical Investigators of the Onmyou Agency.

But it wasn"t just them.

"...Tsuchimikado family head Tsuchimikado Yasuzumi. We"re here to arrest you."

A young female voice.

A woman walked up from the encircling Mystical Investigators. She had medium-length hair held up with a barrette[2], a streamlined nose, clever eyes, and wore a jacket and a tight skirt. But upon careful inspection, her upper clothing was exorcist miasma protection clothing that had been cut short for more ease of movement.

She was probably in her mid-twenties, and she was clearly younger than the Mystical Investigators behind her. But her resolute posture exhibited the special arrogance and dignity of a front-liner, without a trace of negligence or indulgence. The aura from her body was the most prominent.

But that was natural. Because she was one of the Twelve Divine generals, a National-First Cla.s.s Onmyouji.

Yasuzumi slowly raised his head from the board.

His gaze pa.s.sing through his turned towards the courtyard whose image was cut into a square[3].

"......Independent Exorcist Yuge Mari......"

The woman - Yuge - lifted an eyebrow, somewhat surprised.

"You recognize me? I heard that the Tsuchimikado Family head was a recluse...... We don"t want to make things troublesome for no reason either. Sorry to bother you at this time, but I hope that you can behave and come with us. Alright?"

Yuge persuaded him with respectful words.

At the same time as that businesslike opening, she stared at Yasuzumi in the darkness with a sharp gaze. The Mystical Investigators behind her had long since taken battle-ready stances.

But Yasuzumi didn"t move a muscle.

"Could you tell me your reasons?"

He briefly asked back with a calm voice, beautifully controlling his emotions.

"Unfortunately, I don"t know the circ.u.mstances either. However......"

Yuge looked at the wooden box next to Yasuzumi.

"......Though I don"t know what"s inside that, it looks like you know better than me from the fact that you especially prepared it, right?"

Yasuzumi didn"t reply to Yuge"s question.

Yuge waited a moment, then nodded as if checking with herself.

"How about it? If you have a clear conscience, please cooperate with us. Moreover...... To be honest, I myself can"t understand our mission this time. If possible, I hope to hear an explanation from you."

"Independent Officer."

"What is it? Don"t you have the same questions?"

Yuge leisurely looked back and asked the restless Mystical Investigators.

"Why would anyone want an Independent Exorcist to leave her original post and lead a team of Mystical Investigators out of Tokyo to arrest a member of a once prominent Onmyoudou house? Though I shouldn"t look for faults in this mission, it"s hard not to feel suspicious."

The Mystical Investigators also looked unhappy upon hearing Yuge"s indifferent words. Just as Yuge said, they hadn"t been told the reasons for arresting Yasuzumi. Although the Mystical Investigators hadn"t even been informed of the objective of their mission before arriving at the scene, deliberately exposing their discontent to the target they were trying to arrest violated the traditional methods of the Mystical Investigators.

Of course, they couldn"t force the exorcist Yuge to comply with the Mystical Investigator"s operational methods either.

"......Honestly, that useless guy, what exactly is he planning......"

She complained quietly in a voice no one could hear.

But the miscellaneous affairs ended here. She immediately took up a stance, looking at Yasuzumi again.

"In any case, our requests are as I stated. Your answer?"

Yasuzumi"s reply was curt, with no plans of beating around the bush.

"I refuse."

Yuge inadvertently tensed as if feeling annoyed. But at the same time, the Mystical Investigators acted together in concert without Yuge"s instructions. It was Yuge who panicked instead of Yasuzumi, but the Mystical Investigators didn"t pay her any heed, directing all of the "Swallow Whips" stopped in the air to rush towards the Bellflower Room.

But at that moment.

"Oh my. How bold, to try stepping into the Tsuchimikado house while wearing those shoes."

Something flashed out and Yuge simultaneously erected a barrier.

A jagged trail of light left the dark room. The dozen "Swallow Whips" that flew over were instantly incinerated and became dust that dropped onto the veranda.


Yuge quickly gave the Mystical Investigators an order. Her indifferent gaze sharpened by several degrees. The Mystical Investigators instantly drew back. Yuge spread the barrier, covering all of the members inside it.

Immediately afterwards, a charm that came from who knew where flew out from the Bellflower Room as if it had waited for them to finish those actions.

The charm exploded and released a beam of light.


Along with the sound of the air being scorched, yellow lightning pummeled Yuge"s barrier. The violent impact made Yuge"s expression turn serious.

"......No one is to step out from my barrier. You will die."

Following Yuge"s command, several more charms came flying at them.

A sequence of flashes.

Sharp, slender lightning bolts leaped through the air as if to shatter the silence from before. Multiple lines of light became whips to pummel Yuge"s barrier. Forked lightning incinerated all the "Cat Bandages" that were still outside the barrier.

A deafening roar and a blinding flash. The Mystical Investigators shouted but it was hard to hear them clearly. The lightning strikes seemed to be completely automatic but didn"t harm the residence a single bit. It was common knowledge that magic that controlled "lightning" was extremely difficult, but this pract.i.tioner"s control was flawless.

Yuge motionlessly maintained the barrier.

Not long afterwards, the lighting a.s.sault abruptly ceased. Though they endured the attack, their five senses were overwhelmed. Yuge tightened her lips, glaring at the Bellflower Room but unable to release the barrier.

"...Oh my, how incredible. I was trying not to break the barrier, but I didn"t think it wouldn"t budge an inch. You"re quite outstanding."

The same voice as from before, with a calm tone unsuited to the atmosphere.

Yasuzumi was still sitting stationary in the center of the Bellflower Room. But at some point, a woman had arrived next to him. She had a hand on her hip and a happy smile.

The woman wasn"t tall and she looked to be about forty years of age, but she seemed vibrant, like the image of an athletic girl after many years. She had a headband on her forehead and wore - unexpectedly - miasma protection clothing. They were quite out-of-date and there was a lightning emblem on the chest that she seemed to have sewn on by herself.

With an indifferent tone, Yasuzumi said:

"She"s a National First-Cla.s.s Onmyouji. You"ve heard of the t.i.tle "Binding Princess" before?"

"Eh? This is the "Binding Princess"? A barrier user? I see, so it"s you. So you were a Divine General."

The woman nodded in admiration with a "no wonder" att.i.tude. Yuge didn"t relax, staring at the two who seemed to know each other.

"......Who are you?"

"Uhuhu. I"m your senpai. Though it"s a bit embarra.s.sing...... You"ve heard of the "Akihabara Ram", right?"


"Huh? Really? How strange. Then, what about the "Exorcist"s Heavenly Belle"? Or "Lady Thunder of the Flash"?"

"......It"s my first time hearing those."

"I, I see...... Well, there"s no helping it. You"re still too young. I"ve been inactive for fifteen years, so it"s reasonable that you had no opportunity to hear about me."

The woman consoled herself, seeming depressed. Immediately afterwards, the eyes of an older Mystical Investigator behind Yuge suddenly widened.

"I remember! That magic just now - that woman"s the "Human Power Generator"!"


"...Eh, huh? Hold on! Why do you only remember that insulting nickname? Who was it? Who did you hear that from?"

The red-faced woman shouted very angrily. But it was actually only coincidence that Yuge knew this nickname. Her former boss had mentioned that there was once a female team captain of a spiritual disaster purification team who was good at lightning magic. Although she never obtained "First-Cla.s.s Onmyou" qualifications, her skills - though her boss at the time had used "destructive power" to express it - could be ranked among the top five of all exorcists.

But the current problem wasn"t her history. Rather, why was such a powerful former exorcist with Tsuchimikado Yasuzumi?

Yuge didn"t turn back, quietly asking a question of the Mystical Investigator behind her.

"......Have you gotten in contact with the other team that circled around to the other side of the residence?"


"I see......"

Ending the conversation, Yuge thought for a moment. Then, she straightened her back and slowly walked forward.

She walked outside of the barrier she had put up. The Mystical Investigators panicked, quietly gulping as they saw Yuge"s aura rapidly converge.

On the other hand, the woman in the Bellflower Room blinked.

"Oh my. Are you planning on fighting me head-on? You"re a barrier user, right? Is it really alright to walk out of the barrier you barely managed to cast?"

"......I"m arresting you two in the name of the Onmyou Agency."

Yuge didn"t reply to the woman, making a one-sided proclamation.

In a calm and businesslike tone,

"Resistance is useless. Please obediently accept your arrest."


The woman smirked slightly, helplessness seeming to be written on her face.

"I"ve already made it clear beforehand, so I won"t hold back anymore."

The woman became angry, taking out a charm to deter the other party. But Yuge was unfazed, so the woman pouted angrily.

"You asked for it!"

The woman shouted and refined her magical energy. However much of her true ability she was using, this magical energy was strong enough to make an active exorcist speechless. "Hah!" With that sound, she threw the charm from her hand into the air.

In that moment, Yuge said in a split second:

"...Akada of the east, Shutakou of the west, Satteiro of the south, and Sodamani of the north--"

She chanted an incantation, and then the woman"s charm magic exploded.


The woman used a wood-element charm, but it was a wood-element charm of her own original creation. A sudden flash emerged and they were a.s.saulted by a roar. Lightning became a whip that swung straight at Yuge.

But it was the ground on Yuge"s left and right that exploded with a giant roar. The lightning that lingered in her vision had drawn out an arc towards Yuge, but it had suddenly twisted weakly before reaching her and changed its trajectory. As if the lightning had deliberately avoided her.

Actually, the lighting the woman had released had indeed "avoided" Yuge. The incantation Yuge had chanted just now was a "lighting-repelling" magic from Imperial Onmyoudou. Though it wasn"t a high-difficulty magic, it wasn"t very applicable, so it hadn"t been brought to General Onmyoudou. The woman, whose weak point had been seized, gritted her teeth.

"A youngster like you using such an ancient move - let me tell you, you can"t defend against my attack with that level of "lightning-repelling"!"

Those words definitely weren"t conceding defeat. It had already been fifteen years since she left active duty, but she was still a legendary lightning user. Taking that into consideration, she probably had other methods to combat her special magic.

But Yuge had the same thoughts.

"On bishibishi karakara shibari sowaka!"

The Unmoving Golden Chains magic. Not only could this kind of magic be used to deal with pract.i.tioners, exorcists often used it to deal with spiritual disasters as well. Yuge didn"t form hand seals for this magic, it was an Unmoving Golden Chains with just a brief incantation. But the magic released scattered in midair like a shotgun, attacking the Bellflower Room like a rain of arrows.

"Eh?" Next to the surprised woman, the previously motionless Yasuzumi tapped the ground with his fingertip. Suddenly, the emergency barrier set in the Bellflower Room activated and deflected the a.s.saulting magic into the corridor.

"What was that just now? The magic shattered - n-no, it split?"

The woman widened her eyes and stared. Yasuzumi also watched Yuge motionlessly through the barrier.

The barrier Yasuzumi had activated was a seal of ancient Tsuchimikado heritage that used spiritual power to protect the residence"s Bellflower Room altar. This magic abided by ancient regulations different from General Onmyoudou, and was several times stronger than barriers set in exorcist training rooms.

"On bishibishi karakara shibari sowaka!"

She chanted the same incantation again. The Unmoving Golden Chains she released split again and flew towards the barrier Yasuzumi had put up.

This time, it wasn"t deflected by the barrier. Rather, it pa.s.sed through.


The finely-split magic captured Yasuzumi and the woman in succession. Though this magic wasn"t the strongest of Unmoving Golden Chains, it still had the function of its original magic after splitting many times. It was Yuge"s original creation.

But the most frightening element wasn"t the splitting step.

"Wh-Why? Yasuzumi-san, did you release the barrier?"

"......It seems that she "saw through" the magic and grasped its structure. The barrier wasn"t destroyed, it was rendered ineffective."

""Saw through"? ...Just now? It was ineffective right after she saw it? Isn"t the barrier here the pride of the Tsuchimikado?"

The woman was in a great panic. She had trouble moving, as her body was already seized by the Unmoving Golden Chains.

In a calm tone, Yuge said:

"Just as you said, I"m a "barrier-user", a specialist in that field. Now, why don"t you come too, "Human Power Generator"."

Only when Yuge spoke and walked towards the residence did the woman realize that she had come across a worthy opponent. Even though she knew that her opponent was a Divine General, she had gotten careless because of her age.

"......There"s no helping it."

She muttered those words and then revealed an expression more serious than before.

"Yasuzumi-san, I"m breaking through."

"Please be gentle."

In the next moment, light surpa.s.sing the lighting from before erupted from the woman"s entire body.

An explosion sounded as if the air was boiling. Yuge unconsciously put up a barrier, which repeatedly shook under the shockwave.


She frantically opened her closed eyes and stared ahead. Countless sparks and flashes of electricity burst from the miasma protection clothing on the woman"s body like decorations. Electricity came from her body, blasting away the golden chains constricting her. She had never seen this kind of magic before.

"Yasuzumi-san, the barrier!"

"It"s released."

The woman"s lightning seemed to have simultaneously released the golden chains of Yasuzumi next to her. Yasuzumi tapped the ground with his fingertip again, releasing the Bellflower Room"s barrier. The woman reached out her right arm.

She released lightning with a rumble, and electricity a.s.saulted Yuge in a torrent. Yuga rapidly strengthened her barrier, but the lightning that the woman released far surpa.s.sed her charm magic from before, forcing Yuge back along with the barrier that protected her.


Yuge instantly changed the "nature" of her barrier. From a pure defensive wall, it turned into a magic used to scatter magical energy and weaken its might.

Just then,

"Hah! Yah!"

The woman constantly released electricity. The shocking amount of light was almost blinding. Loud rumbles deafened her ears and the shockwaves made her skin tremble.

Yuge focused her mind under this violent pressure, "seeing" the enemy.

"This is...... a shikigami?"


The woman replied politely.

A shikigami, probably a defensive shikigami. It wasn"t materialized. No, it was a type that could be used without materializing, probably a manmade type. It was an avatar of the pract.i.tioner that strengthened several types of magic as per the master"s instructions - a special shikigami that acted as an "extra hand".

"Ohoho~ You asked for it, girl!"

The woman formed a hand seal. A seal of Taishakuten. Taishakuten was also recognized as the G.o.d of War Indra in the Hindu religion. Indra was the lord of heaven, and was a G.o.d who could manipulate thunder and lightning at will. His weapon was a vajra, which symbolized thunder.

"Noumaku sanmanda botanan indoraya sowaka!"

The magical energy steadily swelled along with her mantra, and electricity poured forth with the force of a bursting dam. Intense thunder rumbled and lightning billowed angrily. The woman"s magic struck Yuge"s barrier head-on, slowly incinerating it. The shockwaves even destroyed the veranda of the residence.

A lightning storm she had never experienced before.


"Don"t look down on me!"

Yuge shouted. At the same time, the barrier protecting Yuge deformed and folded on itself. Also, multiple barriers spread around the one that changed form. It endured the lightning, giving off rainbow-colored light.

She constructed a complex barrier, taking into calculation their positions, the occasion, and the magic. This wasn"t a complete, traditional defensive barrier, and its abnormal form could be a.s.sessed as a "lightning rod" she had put up against her opponent. It continuously absorbed and sealed the lightning that the woman released. "Huh?" The woman"s eyes widened.

Yuge formed a hand seal again and reached towards the night sky. The magical energy that was released into the distance covered the area in moments. The entire courtyard, no, the entire residence was sealed with a barrier.

"It seems that I"ve let you get carried away...... But it ends here!"

Yuge pointed her index and middle fingers, forming a blade seal "Ouch." The woman moaned, and then panicked, noticing that her body could no longer move.

"Huh? Hey - what"s going on? A barrier?"

The woman lowered her head to look at her own body and was taken aback.

Prismatic barriers like big gla.s.s blocks had locked the woman"s body and limbs like shackles. The areas that the barrier covered had all stopped moving.

She was bound firmly in midair by several tough barriers. Yasuzumi who sat next to her was also trapped in his initial posture, unable to move.

The woman frantically released lightning, but unlike the Unmoving Golden Chains, Yuge"s barriers didn"t budge. Moreover, most of the lightning she released was naturally absorbed by the "lightning rod".

Yuge hmphed lightly towards the speechless woman.

"......It"s no use. You can"t break that barrier with your strength. The entire residence has been sealed off. As I said before...... "it ends here"."

Yuge announced coldly as she fixed the hair that had been blown into a mess.

She was young but was a Divine General and even an Independent Exorcist. She usually preferred the gentle approach, but her strength was overwhelming. There were few Onmyouji who could oppose an angry Yuge.

Slowly, Yasuzumi said:

"......As expected, it"s tough to fight a National First-Cla.s.s Onmyouji head-on."

"Then you help too! Don"t just sit there!"

The motionless woman was still struggling to resist.


"There"s no need for me. My shikigami is sufficient for this situation."

Just as Yasuzumi replied leisurely:

"My, my. Just like Chizuru says, you should do something too, Yasuzumi."

That voice came from behind Yuge. Yuge looked back, stunned. Though the Mystical Investigators had stayed inside the barrier, they had all collapsed.

In their place stood a man wearing samue[4]. The first impression he gave off was of a wrestler, as he was well-built with a st.u.r.dy physique. He was very tall but wasn"t very intimidating. His hair was tied up with a cloth and he had a thin beard under his chin.

The man faced Yasuzumi and smiled slightly.

"The guys who circled around behind are also asleep for now. But, well, Mystical Investigators are really indiscreet recently. I don"t know what that old man Amami is doing."

The man spoke with a calm tone.

In addition, the man"s aura wasn"t visibly disrupted. Though Yuge"s attention had been focused on the magic battle just now, he had still knocked out an entire team of Mystical Investigators without her noticing, and was remaining calm and composed. Quite impressive.


Are you. Before Yuge asked that, the shackled woman said:


She called out loudly. "D-Dear?" Yuge reflexively looked back at the woman.

The man raised a hand towards the woman who greeted him.

"Sorry, sorry, I"m late. ......But, it"s really been a long time since you wore that. It really suits you, huh?"

"Hmph. I wore this during active duty, so I didn"t want to discard it."

"Really. I"m impressed, dear. How about we send Harutora a photograph this time?"

"Oh, come on, dear. We have to keep it a secret from that boy, right?"

The two of them suddenly chatted about their family matters, causing Yuge to give them a disdainful look.

Yasuzumi coughed lightly, still motionless.

"Takahiro, fend this woman off first."

"Nn, right."

After nodding good-naturedly, the man looked at Yuge again, quickly walking over as if to greet a friend.

Of course, Yuge wouldn"t permit him to get however close he wanted. She immediately formed a blade seal and spread the barrier that had sealed Yasuzumi towards him as well. Prismatic barriers appeared, sealing the man"s body and limbs.

But it was ineffective.

The man easily pa.s.sed through the barriers that Yuge had fixed in midair.


How was that possible? Yuge forced down her shock, constantly putting up similar barriers. She used all her power to fill the s.p.a.ce between her and the man with barriers. But the man kept effortlessly advancing. The stunned Yuge unconsciously put her hands together again and formed a hand seal, fluidly moving from a dharmacakra seal to a magic binding seal. This was the Unmoving Golden Chains magic.


"Too late."

The man reached out an arm.

Magical energy shot out from the seal formed by the man"s fingers. She couldn"t determine what magic it was, but the magic she was trying to weave encountered interference and was disrupted. Yuge swiftly retreated and simultaneously focused, refining magical energy.

"On bishibishi karakara shibari sowaka!"

Along with a powerful shout, she cleared away the man"s interference and released Unmoving Golden Chains. But the moment the magical ropes caught the man, the man"s figure suddenly vanished along with a light lag.

"What, a shikigami!?"

It had been a simple shikigami. The shikigami charm that remained fluttered down gently as if mocking her. Where was the pract.i.tioner? Before she had the time to "see" the surroundings:

"Alright, you can move now."

A voice came from the Bellflower Room. It seemed that while Yuge was preoccupied, he had freed the woman and Yasuzumi from the barriers fixed in midair.


The man had probably been in the room since the beginning. A simple shikigami could break through the barriers fixed in midair by simply dematerializing. The interference towards her magic just now hadn"t been to stop the Unmoving Golden Chains, it had been to "loosen" the already completely-formed barriers.

"......Who are you?"

Yuge restrained her urge to yell and questioned the man. After he looked at the woman and Yasuzumi with a "you still haven"t explained" expression, he showed Yuge a fearless smile again.

"We"re something like the "guardians" of the Tsuchimikado family. I"m Tsuchimikado Takahiro and she"s Tsuchimikado Chizuru. You"d understand if I said we were the Tsuchimikado branch family, right?"

"Branch family......?"

Yuge had an understanding expression, as if aware of the Tsuchimikado branch family"s business.

She glared at the two with a stern expression.

"......The former female team captain of a spiritual disaster purification team...... and you...... A former Mystical Investigator?"

"I don"t do that anymore, I"m just a countryside Onmyou doctor."

The man - Takahiro - shrugged his shoulders, affirming Yuge"s question. Yuge"s eyes became sharper and sharper.

Needless to say, Yuge was a first-rate exorcist. Her skills at purifying spiritual disasters were at the top of the nation.

But as for magic against humans, although she wouldn"t lose to a normal Mystical Investigator, it was unfortunately difficult to call her first-rate. Even Yuge knew this herself. It would be fine if they used a strong type of shikigami, but magic against humans was not her specialty. The shortcoming of pract.i.tioners who manipulated strong barriers wasn"t their own barriers being destroyed, but rather the pract.i.tioner themselves being "misdirected". If Yuge herself was trapped in the enemy"s magic, her barriers would be useless.

Yuge slowly formed a seal.

She narrowed her eyes and slowed her breathing. The Sanskrit character "अ" appeared in her head, swiftly uniting her mind. She let the aura in her body cycle intensely. This was a meditation method of esoteric Buddhism, Ajikan Meditation. She cleansed the aura inside her body, clearing away any effects of the magical interference and any magical traps that might have been placed.

Then, she formed a fire seal, a wisdom seal, and a disruption seal.[5]

"On kirikiri unhatta!"

This was a barrier protection method, one of Acala"s magics like Unmoving Golden Chains. In the end, Yuge"s best countermeasure was still a barrier, even in a fight against a highly skilled Mystical Investigator. Yuge designated the target as herself, putting up a formidable barrier and completely obstructing anything that could affect her magical energy and spiritual power.


"Oh my, you won"t be able to catch us by hiding like a tortoise, right?"

Just like Chizuru said, this barrier would also completely block any magic she released while inside. In other words, Yuge couldn"t attack......

"......I said before, my barrier completely sealed off this residence. You can"t escape either."

"Is that so, dear?"

"There should still be room to try, dear. Try using something stronger."

Hearing what Takahiro said, Chizuru nodded in high spirits.

She came to the courtyard with Takahiro, forming a seal Yuge had never seen before and chanting an incantation she had never heard before. It was Imperial Onmyoudou magic. Yuge tensed up.

Chizuru chanted the incantation single-mindedly, and fine electricity flowed through her body - and on the surface of the old miasma protection clothing - again. The magical energy was constantly refined and Chizuru"s spiritual pressure rose.


"Thunder, fill the sky for nine days!"

Thunder roared.

Chizuru extended her arm, pointing into the sky. Magical energy instantly flew into the sky--

Lightning struck as if the G.o.d of lightning had slammed down his hammer.

The impact shook the earth and the blast shattered the sky. Light and darkness inverted and her five senses were momentarily cut off.

"Hah~ The barrier looks simple, but it"s very solid. I couldn"t even break it by using my trump card."

Chizuru, who "looked" above her head with an open mouth expressed her feelings in a surprised tone of voice. Takahiro next to her seemed to feel deep admiration.

"But with this, we"ll succeed as long as I keep striking the weak spots with your lightning, dear. ...Yasuzumi, looks like your "preparations" were unnecessary."

Yuge angrily gritted her teeth upon hearing Takahiro"s words.

But his prediction was correct. Just as Chizuru said, the barrier sealing the residence had been completed in haste, and it was just a simple, insufficiently strong magic. If Takahiro used his skills to keep hitting with Chizuru"s lightning magic, it was very likely to break.

What should she do? Yuge thought with all her power.

The three of them might escape if this went on. But it was very dangerous for Yuge to release her barrier protection and fight them directly. Takahiro had probably deliberately asked Chizuru to use her trump card to shake Yuge up. Wouldn"t she be easily tricked?

Sweat trickled down Yuge"s forehead.

But before Yuge could make a decision, the battle changed again.


Yasuzumi, whose gaze had returned to the board again at some point, slowly rose.

"As expected, it"s "far from good". Kurahashi seems to be serious too."


Takahiro asked Yasuzumi.


"Oh, you"re almost finished. As expected, the Tsuchimikado crowd is too much of a burden for one person alone."

A new intruder strolled into the courtyard.

He was a small, middle-aged man who gave off an atmosphere of both unhappiness and kindness. A beard covered his mouth and chin, and his face, tensed like an actor, revealed a faint bitter smile.

Chizuru was taken aback.

"Tch, Miyachi!"

"Hey, hey, Tsuchimikado. Don"t use a tone like "Tch" with your former coworker."

The director of the Exorcist Bureau Command Room, Miyachi Iwao, whose authority and power were above all of the exorcists. He had given command of the mission to Yuge prior and waited downhill of the residence.

Apologetically, Yuge said:

"Director! Sorry, I ended up bothering you......"

"Ah, no problem, no problem. I thought it would end up this way. You worked hard, Maririn."

"I am deeply ashamed. ...But please stop calling me Maririn."

Miyachi replied lightly, but Yuge glared at him angrily. Her stupid boss laughed and looked towards the Bellflower Room.

"It"s been a long time, you three. It"s so much like old times that even I"m surprised."

In response to Miyachi"s familiar tone, Yasuzumi was unresponsive, Takahiro tensed up, and Chizuru frowned even more unhappily, hiding behind her husband. "You guys......" Miyachi protested, as if hurt.

"Even if you"re just acting, can we at least share some nostalgia? What"s up with those disgusted expressions?"

"Shut up! Stupid Miyachi, can you not use such fake words of familiarity?"

"You"re the one using hurtful words. Don"t say things like Stupid Miyachi."

"Don"t argue with me! Also, why did you only show up now! You"re an eyesore, go away! Or just quietly let us go!"

"That"s pretty tough on me. But you"re as lively as ever."

Miyachi"s bearded face twisted into a bitter smile.

But unlike his easy-going att.i.tude, the moment Miyachi appeared, the advantage turned to their side. Ignoring his subordinate Yuge, Yasuzumi, Takahiro and the sharp-tongued Chizuru all focused their attention on Miyachi as if watching the grand finale.

Actually, Miyachi often appeared in the "finale" of magic battles. In many situations, he single-handedly changed the tide of battle.


Takahiro called out with a tense voice.

"Are you...... alright with this?"

That brief question held deep meaning. Miyachi briefly showed a confused look of not knowing how to respond.

Then, he relaxed his shoulders and sadly shook his head.

"Well, it"s not too bad, right? Someone like me has to listen to the Chief"s orders."

"......"Someone like me", huh. After we haven"t seen you for a while, you"ve become very dignified."

"Really? I"m quite sorry."

Yasuzumi turned to Takahiro after seeing his reaction, and solemnly spoke.


"Ah, I haven"t felt this feeling of walking a tightrope in a long time. Well......"

Takahiro smiled wryly. It was somewhat of a scary smile. Chizuru"s expression also tightened after hearing her husband"s words. Miyachi stroked his beard with a finger, watching the reactions of the three.

At the same time, he turned to Yuge and instructed her.

"Then, Maririn. Can you help me out and strengthen the surrounding barrier as much as possible? I"d feel really sorry for the neighbors if this turned into a wildfire."

Late at night.

The lights were still on in the executive office of the Onmyou Agency building. The person who sat at the heavy desk was Kurahashi Genji, the Onmyou Agency Chief as well as the Chief of the Exorcist Bureau, the most important person in the modern magic world. The iron-like impression he gave off never faltered. The severity he still gave off in silence highlighted his presence even more than his t.i.tle.

Kurahashi was still seriously dealing with his business.

The ring of a phone call broke the silence.

"...Sorry for the wait. We have the "Raven"s Wing"."

Kurahashi nodded heavily upon hearing the report that came over the phone. Then, he hung up the phone, calmly returning to his work without revealing any particular emotion.

"Kyouko-dono, you"re not looking too well today."

"Yeah. Is something bothering you? Do you want to talk with us?"

It was the morning following the day the Onmyou Academy reopened. Kyouko was greeted at the entrance of the Onmyou Academy. It was the komainu shikigami sitting on the left and right of the automatic doors, Alpha and Omega.

The two often noted the students" appearances and conversations, and could be called quite emphatic. Actually, Kyouko was indeed looking poorly today, but she just smiled weakly with a "thank you", walking past the shikigami without stopping.

After entering, she sighed deeply.

...No good. I"m still fl.u.s.tered.

Unable to make herself calm down, she pushed the b.u.t.tons of the elevator. But the image she had seen on the news this morning reappeared in Kyouko"s mind, making her effort useless.

..."Fire spotted early in the morning......"

She had doubted her ears at the start and then doubted her eyes afterwards.

News of a fire suddenly came as she got up. The Tsuchimikado family residence had been burned. That was a trove full of recollections where she had once confessed to Harutora, as well as Natsume"s home.

...Why was a fire there......

In any case, it was the residence of the famous Tsuchimikado family, so it couldn"t possibly have had no fire countermeasures prepared. Also, there should have been a barrier set up too for protection against criminals and other purposes, along with several resident shikigami. Maybe a small fire was possible if worst came to worst, but it was obviously impossible for a fire to burn such a vast residence without even triggering any magic. What exactly had happened?

She also didn"t know whether it was fortunate or unfortunate that Natsume"s father hadn"t been present. Though he hadn"t been caught up in the fire, he probably would have used magic to extinguish the fire if he had been home.

...But, the news said that there had been no contact with him...... Could he have gotten caught up in something else?

She didn"t understand. Anyway, there was too little information. Kyouko"s grandmother, Kurahashi, had left already, probably due to today"s morning news. All Kyouko could do now was patiently wait for the subsequent reports.

No, there was something else she could do.


Natsume should have heard of today"s morning news. After all, the fire had started in her old home, and she was undoubtedly shocked. Not only Natsume, but also Harutora should be the same.

The att.i.tude she had taken towards Natsume yesterday and her talk with Harutora reappeared in Kyouko"s mind. Also, there was the conversation with Suzuka yesterday after school and her verbal commitment at the end.

That had been yesterday at this time. Honestly, she hadn"t even organized her own feelings yet.


...Get a grip, Kurahashi Kyouko!

Right now wasn"t a time to wallow in her own emotions. Natsume and Harutora must be feeling worse - they had it the hardest. For now, she should put her own troubles aside and at least help do something for them.

Of course, she couldn"t help Natsume and Harutora with much right now. But she hoped that at least she could cheer for them on the side. She hoped she could speak properly with them, face-to-face. With that, Natsume and Harutora would definitely feel happier. She should be able to bring them a lot of comfort.


Right now wasn"t the time to talk about things like gloom and anxiety. It was hard to understand, and she wouldn"t be able to resolve the problem no matter how long she puzzled over it. She might as well just think of Natsume right now. He - no, she - was definitely tormented by the news, so Kyouko definitely had to support her.

She didn"t want to abandon Natsume in this kind of situation. She didn"t want to pretend she didn"t know her cla.s.smate, especially a good friend she had been in danger with and with whom she had experienced several crises together. She wasn"t faking her emotions, nor was she trying to pretend to be a good person. Kyouko truly believed so. If she could imagine it, then there was no problem. She could definitely do it.

Kyouko hardened her resolve, slightly hastening her strides as she walked towards the cla.s.sroom. Natsume and the others had probably already arrived in the cla.s.sroom. She was so nervous. But Kyouko endured those feelings of tension.

Kyouko walked wordlessly into the corridor where students shuffled back and forth.

But, her gaze was suddenly attracted by something along the way.

Before she was conscious of it, her gaze inadvertently caught up to "that". It wasn"t just Kyouko. The other students also inadvertently looked over.

An unfamiliar scenery was mixed into the familiar corridor.

It was a red-haired girl who gave a strong impression.

"So? The students here should all recognize him, right? Tsuchimikado Natsume. I want to go to his cla.s.sroom, could you tell me where it is?"

The girl accosted two female students in the corridor and questioned them. The girls being interrogated traded glances in confusion.

Kyouko unconsciously stopped upon hearing Natsume"s name. The girl noticed that there was someone standing behind her and turned around - meeting Kyouko"s gaze.

That girl she had never met wore a white Onmyou Academy female uniform; however, she wasn"t a student. It would be impossible for Kyouko to not remember a student who gave off such a strong impression.

Her flowing red hair was studded with small ornaments, like serpents of flame twined around precious stones. Her stern eyes exuded an elegant and mysterious air. She might have been mistaken for a boy if she wore the jet-black uniform. The girl had androgynous facial features, but the atmosphere she gave off still held the purity and vigor of a teenager.

"Huh? Perhaps you know it? Tsuchimikado Natsume"s cla.s.sroom."

The girl bluntly asked the stunned Kyouko.

Her words were direct, but the girl"s movements, voice, and even actions had the grace of a nation"s prince, steeped with an inexplicable temperament. As if Kyouko had been engulfed by the girl"s personality, she said:


She replied vaguely and nodded.

The girl"s face suddenly brightened.

"Great! Can you guide me? I want to learn the layout of the building, but I still don"t know which cla.s.sroom is Natsume and Harutora"s cla.s.s."

Natsume, Harutora. Upon hearing the girl refer to them with such familiarity, Kyouko felt a sharp reaction in her body. Before she was conscious of it, her body had already shifted into a stance.

"Well...... Who are you?"

She asked in a somewhat defensive voice.

Then, the girl showed a naive, innocent smile, like a blooming sunflower.

"Right, nice to meet you. I"m Souma Takiko. I came to observe the Onmyou Academy today."

Kurahashi Genji entered the Onmyou Agency building after ten in the morning.

Yesterday night, he had stayed in the agency working until two. After he returned home, he rested only for a few hours before returning to his workplace. But not a trace of exhaustion could be seen. To him, who was both the Onmyou Agency Chief and the Exorcist Bureau Chief, working this intensely was a common occurrence. After entering the agency building, he listened to reports from his waiting secretary while making a beeline to the executive office.

Kurahashi showed a bit of unease after he pa.s.sed the secretary sitting before him, opened the inner door, and walked in.

A guest was already here.

The executive office was very roomy. The high-rise scenery surrounding the JR Akihabara station could be seen through the windows. In front, there was a desk used for his work and next to it was a sofa and tea table used to receive guests. The guest who had come sprawled on the sofa, reading a newspaper.

He saw Kurahashi enter and raised his head.


An indifferent greeting.

Kurahashi silently stared for a moment, sighing with still no change to his expression. Someone close to him would probably realize that this was his expression for surprise.

"......What are you here for?"

"Why are you asking that, I just came to greet you. It"s been a while. Please look after me."

"You took the effort to break through the executive office barrier for this?"

"Don"t speak so unpleasantly. No worries, I won"t sit in the chief"s chair whenever I want."

After saying that, the guest smiled with a bleary-eyed look and sank into the sofa again, looking at the newspaper he had been reading before. Kurahashi sighed loudly this time. Then, he slowly walked towards the sofa.

The person sitting on the sofa looked like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old teenager.

The teenager was slender, his black hair carefully combed and his soft white skin was incompatible with outdoor work. His features were proper, and he wore a vest over a high-cla.s.s white shirt instead of a jacket. Below, he wore gray pants and leather shoes decorated with clasps. He had white gloves on his hands and a cloth resembling a tie around his neck. That outfit was enough already, but for some reason he also wore a monocle on his right eye, like an aristocrat from the previous century.

But judging from the teenager"s att.i.tude and actions, he indeed seemed aristocratic, although unconventional. He gave off a lax aura from his entire body and wasn"t nervous at all as he relaxed on the sofa. His mouth even often curved into a faint cold smile.

But the most surprising thing about him was that an obviously underage youth was relaxing on the sofa in the executive office, and moreover his tone towards the Onmyou Agency Chief Kurahashi was familiar like an old friend"s. However, Kurahashi didn"t mind.

To the two of them, their att.i.tudes towards one another weren"t anything special. They were "former" Onmyou Agency coworkers.

Kurahashi stood behind the sofa that the teenager sat on, staring at him with a look devoid of all emotion.

With an unaffected tone, he said:

"......You"ve become quite young."

"It"s not my desire, it"s just to match the princess."

"Where did the Souma family princess go?"

"She said that she wanted to meet the next heir of the Tsuchimikado family earlier no matter what. She was quite excited early this morning."

Kurahashi made a bitter face as he heard the teenager"s reply. The teenager raised his head again.

"Hmm? Is there a problem? Wasn"t it your plan for her to go to the Onmyou Academy and partic.i.p.ate in the studies?"

"......The schedule hasn"t been determined yet. It should have been later on."

"Really? We didn"t know."

"Please be careful when acting on your own. I think I"ve sternly warned her before."

"The princess? Sorry. After all, the princess was incredibly happy when she heard yesterday that the "Raven"s Wing" was in our hands."

The teenager snickered and continued reading the newspaper, drawing back his neck in humor.

"But, the "Raven"s Wing" is intact although the residence was destroyed. Did Miyachi go a bit too far?"

"It wasn"t Miyachi."

"Eh? Really?"

"Yeah. The opponents wouldn"t make the mistake of clashing head-on with Miyachi. I heard that they set fire to the residence near the end of the magic battle and took the opportunity to flee. They used the Raven"s Wing as bait, so it looks like they had prepared beforehand."

"Wow, they"ve really got guts......Isn"t that right, Yasuzumi? Well, we should praise his "divining" ability."

The teenager laughed happily. Kurahashi snorted coldly, leaving the back of the sofa and walking to his desk.

The teenager was still laughing.

"Could it be that you"re worried about the princess going to the Onmyou Academy? The possibility that the Tsuchimikados might contact their sons......"

"I"ve already placed my subordinates by Tsuchimikado Natsume and the others. If Yasuzumi and the others come in contact with him, I"ll know immediately."

"Wow. Then there"s no problem. Well, the princess"s actions are often uncertain. Mutobe-kun"s also with her right now, so it"s fine~ it"s fine~"

The teenager returned the newspaper, relaxedly making a guarantee. Kurahashi, sitting in the chair next to his desk, didn"t say anything about this.

He just coldly looked at the teenager.

"......So? It looks like the contract with the princess succeeded."

"Me? Well, it"s probably okay. Of course, it feels completely different from before, but I"m very happy myself."

"It doesn"t seem like I need to ask about your personality...... Are your memories the same as before?"

"Yeah, up until I died. That"s why I"m trying to make up for the gap between then and now like this."

The teenager raised the newspaper he was reading above his head as he said this. Upon closer inspection, the headline was news from last year. He was reading an old newspaper.

"Well. I got to realize part of the research results from many years first-hand...... I didn"t feel anything particular when I reincarnated, probably because I"m no longer human. I really want to hear from Yakou about how it feels to reincarnate completely."

The teenager leisurely expressed his feelings. Kurahashi watched the teenager without a word.

Not long afterwards,

"......It seems that your "strength" has also increased."


The teenager turned around.

His proper, aristocratic face revealed a deep smile. In that moment, the impression that the tongue-wagging youth gave off suddenly changed. A cold, strange light flashed from deep behind the monocle from the wrong era, like the savage breath of a ferocious, ancient dragon buried deep beneath the ice--

"......I was surprised too. That"s what"s scary about the Souma family secrets, or does it just show how incredible that great man is...... Well, maybe it"s both. But as for the latter, if even someone like me is like this, it"ll be even more amazing when the princess brings back our lord. History will change because of this, no joke."

The teenager laughed secretly with a cold gaze.

Kurahashi calmly watched the teenager"s att.i.tude.

"......It won"t change."

He murmured to himself.

"Not bad, the best we could have hoped for was for there to be no problems. But there"s something I want to confirm - Dairenji. What should I call you from now on?"

Kurahashi asked candidly.

The teenager"s - Dairenji Shidou"s - strange manner from before dissipated and he sank contentedly into the sofa again.

With an indifferent tone, he said to his former coworker:

"It"s fine if you call me "Dairenji" like just now. For now, my name as a Yase Doji is "Yashamaru". Though it overlaps a bit with the "Model G2"[6], well, there"s no helping it...... Incidentally, Mutobe-kun"s "k.u.momaru"."

"I see. Yashamaru. And k.u.momaru. Understood."

"Ah, also, because the two of us joined as replacements, our predecessors have resigned."

"What did you say?"

"There"s no helping that either. After all, they already worked for more than a thousand years since the Johei Tengyo Rebellion, so they can"t possibly keep going on. Souma"s secrets aren"t immortal. Rather, they"re incredible for lasting so long."

The teenager seemed to be talking about things that didn"t concern him.

But he immediately smiled evilly, looking at Kurahashi out of the corner of his eye.

"Well, Kurahashi. Let me ask, wouldn"t it have been better if you didn"t revive us? If you wanted to keep hold of the princess, wouldn"t it have been more convenient not to have me around?"

That was quite a straightforward question. After all, the two of them stood on the same side right now. He shot provocative words - more than just pointed - at his companion.

But something of that level wouldn"t faze Kurahashi at all.

"There aren"t enough pieces."

His direct words were cut apart. "Ahaha, how tactless." The teenager laughed.

"But, in that case, it really was too rash to eliminate Amami-san. Never mind his position and his thoughts for now, it"s hard to replace someone that capable. Actually, the current Mystical Investigators are extremely disorganized. What a peculiar matter, the "mysterious disappearance" of the Mystical Investigator Chief after that newsworthy arrest operation. We managed to calm it down, but that Masumi guy had it tough."

"In my opinion, that was the fault of the Souma princess."

"Eh? Ah, yeah. She was asking for trouble."

"That"s why I"m worried."

"Well, it"s because she"s a true "princess-sama". Though she"s not a bad kid...... I can"t deny that she"s a bit lacking in worldly wisdom or common sense. Well, all "shamans" from ancient times are like that."

The teenager felt no worry, laughing irresponsibly as he flipped through the newspaper. Kurahashi stared at the teenager with an ironlike gaze. He would be shaking in his boots if he were any agency member, but the teenager was as unconcerned as if Kurahashi"s gaze was a gentle breeze.

"In any case, the useless me is going to be moving actively to alleviate our problem of having insufficient manpower. Please look after me "again" in the future, Kurahashi."

The teenager frivolously announced while casually reading the newspaper. Kurahashi silently nodded. Actually, his resourcefulness and ability would be exceedingly useful in the future.

As a piece, he was an extremely dangerous one.

But he was also a strong, indispensable piece.

Then, the teenager seemed to suddenly think of something. "Right." He looked up from the newspaper.

"I thought of it just as you said we didn"t have enough pieces, Kurahashi. How did that business go after you entrusted the Mystical Investigators to "find that person"?"

"Find that person?"

Kurahashi let out a rare voice of surprise.


"My subordinate when I was still in the Lingering Spirit Division. Though she"s treated as "missing", she was my right-hand-woman on Yakou research."

Kurahashi expressed interest in the teenager"s explanation. "A Yakou believer?" He asked this, but the teenager denied it.

"I wanted to keep her talent around if possible. Her personality was a bit defective, but she was very capable in her areas of expertise. Incidentally, she "knew" many things that she "shouldn"t have"."

"......Her name?"

"Saotome Suzu."

He seemed to recall something upon hearing that name. Kurahashi twitched.

"The woman who wrote the thesis on the Raven"s Wing. But, she vanished before the "Great Hinamatsuri Purification". I don"t believe there were any follow-up reports. Did the investigation also stop?"

"Ah, really? Well, if there are no obvious movements from her, then there"s no problem with giving up on her either."

The teenager shrugged his shoulders after speaking carelessly, his interest returning to the newspaper again. On the other hand, Kurahashi seemed to feel interested in the teenager"s words and thought for a moment.

Just then came the sound of a doorknock. "Enter," Kurahashi instructed. The secretary showed his face.

"Chief. It"s about time for the meeting."

"Got it. I"ll go soon."

He looked in the direction of the sofa as he responded.

The teenager had already vanished, and all that was left on the tea table was a leisurely folded newspaper. An inhuman stealth - the stealth of a "shikigami".

Kurahashi watched the sofa for a while. But with the urging of his secretary, he silently left the office, walking out of the room.

"......Are you sure?"

"......Yeah. I"m sure."

Harutora replied a bit obstinately to Touji"s confirmation, his voice showing strong surprise and confusion. A doubtful look also emerged on Natsume"s solemn face as she sat next to Harutora.

A second-year cla.s.sroom of the Onmyou Academy building.

The cla.s.sroom was clamorous straight from the morning. The news that the Tsuchimikado family residence - Natsume"s old home - had been burned by a fire had already reached their cla.s.smates. After her true ident.i.ty had been revealed, their cla.s.smates always put up subtle barriers when they interacted with Natsume. At least Harutora and the others thought so.

But right now, the instability in the cla.s.sroom wasn"t because of Natsume.

The reason their cla.s.smates were being noisy was in front of Harutora and the others" gazes, standing next to the teacher by the podium.

"Nice to meet you, I"m Souma Takiko. I"m here today to observe your studies and everyone"s coursework. Please look after me."

The girl on the podium cheerfully greeted the students who were curious and half-stunned.

They had met this red-haired girl on the roof one night while the academy building was being repaired. She had told them that this had once been a private school established by Yakou called the "Yakou Academy".

"I completely forgot because of the Meguro incident...... I didn"t think she would appear this straightforwardly."

Touji murmured in incomprehension. His voice was a bit happy, and he was obviously enjoying this situation. Even Harutora didn"t think they would be reunited in such a way.

"But today"s been quite the busy day since early in the morning."

Harutora felt sincere agreement as he listened to his good friend"s thoughts.

...Give me a break. What exactly is going on?

Today morning. After seeing the news that Natsume"s old home had been burned by a fire, Harutora and Natsume had tried to contact their parents through any means possible. But their efforts had been fruitless. It had always been difficult for Natsume to contact her father, but Harutora couldn"t reach his old home"s phone or his parents" phones either, and he hadn"t received a reply to his message. Also, there was the message "We"re safe, don"t worry" that Harutora"s father had sent him today morning. Could it be that he had sent that message, predicting that they would be out of contact later?

He even considered staying at the dorm today to await contact. But then he thought that he might as well ask the directly about this and came to the academy building.

After Harutora and the others arrived to the academy building, they noticed that the was absent. Moreover, it seemed that the reason she was late was related to the morning fire. It was very unfortunate that they couldn"t see her immediately, but it seemed that they would be able to hear some information from the He planned on properly attending cla.s.s while waiting, so he came to the familiar cla.s.sroom.

That girl, Takiko, was there.

".....What kind of bad day is it today."

He practically forgot about his strength running out of control this morning. And he probably couldn"t forget about the matter regarding Kyouko yesterday, but because of these incidents happening one after another, its priority had gone down.

Harutora and the others arrived at the cla.s.sroom just before the beginning of cla.s.s and didn"t even have the opportunity to greet Kyouko. Harutora kept his attention on Takiko at the podium and simultaneously glanced at Kyouko. He couldn"t see her expression because she was too far away, but as expected, she was keeping a distance around her just like yesterday - though that feeling might have just been Harutora"s preconceived notions at work.

On the other hand, Takiko who was being introduced on the podium seemed to have already noticed Harutora and Natsume. She glanced over, giving an extremely affectionate smile. Harutora didn"t know how to respond after she smiled at him, and for the moment forced himself to smile back.

Fortunately, Takiko didn"t approach Harutora and the others in front of the students. She walked off the podium after the introduction ended and sat in the nearest empty seat.

But Takiko was eye-catching even while she was just sitting. After all, that kind of hair was flashy and very p