Tokyo Ravens

Chapter 37


She learned about this "family tradition" a short time before she advanced to middle school.

Even when she was asked to be "male", it was hard to do so suddenly. After ruminating, she planned to practice acting as a male through a simple shikigami.

At the beginning, she created a simple shikigami that looked like a boy. Hence, she understood that, unexpectedly, people only judged outer appearances. Even if she, who was the one truly acting through it, was a girl, no one would suspect anything if it was a boy on the outside. At least, it seemed that there was no risk of her true self being exposed in her daily life - at least for how Natsume was normally, as she seldom interacted with anyone and lived an uneventful life.

But it was Natsume herself who had to act like a male, not the shikigami. She still had to be perceived as a male even with a feminine appearance.

Consequently, Natsume created a shikigami modeled to be a girl her own age.

Although she had considered using a personality similar to her own, she felt that it would be more suitable for its actions to be boyish, so she tried practicing with a different style. The reference she used was a girl idol on television that Harutora had liked before. Drawing from the impression - "so you like that kind of girl" - she remembered after feeling inadvertently interested, the simple shikigami was born. Even though it was just the second attempt, it was very well crafted. It even felt cute to her feminine sensibilities, and it was very suitable for a cheerful smile. But when she thought that Harutora would probably be attracted to her, an anxiety that had sprouted recently began creeping through Natsume"s heart.

During the last few years, Harutora came to play at Natsume"s house less frequently. She was well aware of the cause. The two of them had become acutely aware of each other and couldn"t play around innocently like before. And right now it was the same. Maybe Harutora also had this kind of cheerful, cute girl in his middle school. The current Harutora might be having fun with her right at this moment. She couldn"t help but obsess over those thoughts.

Harutora would become Natsume"s shikigami as per the branch family"s family tradition. But that was a tradition at best, nothing more than a mere obligation. Even if Harutora became Natsume"s shikigami, that didn"t mean the two of them would regain the familiarity they had in the past.

The family tradition indeed existed. She also remembered their childhood promise. But unlike the main family, the current branch family wouldn"t be as dedicated to the "Tsuchimikado" as her father was. Even if Natsume firmly remembered their past promise, she wasn"t certain whether Harutora still remembered it and whether he would seriously comply with it. As the time they spent together dwindled and their relationship grew distant, anxiety rooted itself in Natsume"s heart and slowly grew.

She wanted to see Harutora.

But she didn"t have the courage to say it. When exactly had she stopped being forthright with Harutora?


She had this simple shikigami. Maybe she should try it in the town Harutora was in. She could be an unreserved girl with a bold appearance and a cheerful boyish att.i.tude.

If she met with Harutora with that kind of att.i.tude, she could definitely express herself better. She could regain her innocence and childhood familiarity from before.

......She couldn"t.

Natsume"s eyes widened when she happened to meet Harutora by chance, and she tried to talk but ended up running like the wind.

Then, the two of them formed a brand-new relationship.

Afterwards, that summer day began--

This unremarkable clinic that could be mistaken for an ordinary home blended into the scenery of a residential area.

It was close to dawn, and a short-tailed wild cat strolled through the front of the courtyard. The surroundings were still tranquil and asleep, and the noise of truck engines as they drove close by sounded occasionally.

There was only one person staying at this clinic. But this patient was planning on leaving on his own without the permission of the hospital manager.

"......So you"re saying that we still don"t have any information on Tsuchimikado Yasuzumi?"

"It"s true that we don"t have any information, and we don"t actually know his whereabouts - we can"t contact him. Well, there"s still time. Also, he didn"t have much of a connection to the Onmyou Agency in the first place......"

He had white hair and crude The bathrobe that served as his sleepwear had already been removed and he had changed to a well-worn suit. Ohtomo held the phone with one hand while roughly packing the things next to him into his suitcase.

This was more like an escape at night than the departure of a resident patient. Actually, Ohtomo had decided to leave on his own several minutes ago - when he had received a phone call of his former co-worker and close acquaintance since his student days, Kogure Zenjirou. More specifically, he learned of the fire that had occurred an hour ago in the old home of a student, Tsuchimikado Natsume, from the cla.s.s he was responsible for.

"Anyway, I don"t have any detailed information either. All I can confirm is that the Tsuchimikado family residence is completely burned down. This will be broadcast on television and other media in the morning."

Ohtomo"s expression was extremely grave.

Though the Tsuchimikado family had already declined, in the end it was once a prominent Onmyoudou family. The news that the residence of the family that could be called the head sect had been burned down would definitely be a great shock to the magic community. Of course, the Tsuchimikado family had long since left the upper echelons. Even if it would shock the community, it wouldn"t carry any tangible effects. The Onmyou Agency would still be able to act unimpeded. This incident essentially wouldn"t change anything.

But, Ohtomo gradually realized that this was only the surface.

There were changes. No, he feared that this incident itself was the result of changes that had already happened. Currently, something was happening in the Onmyou Agency. He couldn"t uncover it, and most people didn"t notice, but there were indeed certain definite, real changes going on. It was among the higher-ups - more accurately, the "depths" of the Onmyou Agency organization.

Moreover, Ohtomo believed that those in charge of the changes had decided to leave him behind.

It was decisive - and probably deadly.

"......I know about the main family. Then what about the branch family? The main family head went into hiding, but is the branch family still running their Onmyou doctor business?"

"We can"t get in touch with them either. The Mystical Investigators seem to be moving......"

Kogure, on the other end of the phone, was also very confused. Though he had immediately reported on the business concerning Natsume, he didn"t know any details. Kogure was an exorcist, and he had no way of immediately obtaining more information. Furthermore, he was still at the Exorcist Bureau on standby in order to guard against any spiritual disasters that happened during the night. Even as part of the Onmyou Agency, what he could do was very limited.

"If Amami-san was still around now, he"d definitely have more detailed information......"

Ohtomo, who was preparing to leave the hospital, paused when he heard the disheartened words that Kogure inadvertently said. But his expression remained unchanged and he immediately started packing again.

Ohtomo noticed the "changes" within the Onmyou Agency because of Amami"s disappearance.

According to Kogure"s information, the Mystical Investigator Chief Amami Daizen had suddenly disappeared without a trace the night that the operation against the Twin-Horned Syndicate ended. On that day, which had begun with a forced investigation by the Mystical Investigators, there had been a magical battle in the Exorcist Bureau Shinjuku branch with the Twin-Horned Syndicate and a battle in the Meguro branch against the multiple spiritual disasters. These events that occurred successively from morning to late in the day could be described as a towering tsunami. In particular, the spiritual disasters had caused widespread destruction, which led to the Onmyou Agency falling into an enormous mess and caused the disruption of the Exorcist Bureau"s business for several days. Most of the agency members were forced to deal with other emergencies and had to go all out. Amami had "vanished" amidst that chaos.

Chief Kurahashi, upon learning of Amami"s disappearance, had quickly taken command of the Mystical Investigators himself and dealt with the various issues of the aftermath. That state of affairs was still continuing now. That meant that Kurahashi Genji was simultaneously the head of the Mystical Crime Investigation Department, the Onmyou Agency Chief and the Exorcist Bureau Chief. Though it was a temporary arrangement, it currently couldn"t be determined when it would change.

"......How"s the Onmyou Agency with regard to the Tsuchimikado fire?"

"If you"re asking about their reactions, most people still don"t know right now."

"I"m not asking about reactions. I was asking what it"s "like". To put it clearly, I"m interested in how it was before the incident happened."

"......There weren"t any unusual occurrences before the incident, I think? Sorry. At least, I didn"t notice any, as I"ve been busy purifying spiritual disasters all the time recently."

"......You don"t know about the current state of the Mystical Investigators either?"

"I"m not clear on the details. As for my personal feelings, although the Chief"s disappearance was shocking, they aren"t having any problems operating......"

"What does that mean?"

"Of course, the Mystical Investigators I know are feeling confused. But their deployments aren"t visibly disordered and they"re functioning well. At least from the outside, the Chief"s command seems solid, though I"m not sure whether it"s just that the problem areas haven"t reached the ears of outsiders...... What should I say, it"s like they themselves are being used without knowing why either......"

Ohtomo listened to Kogure"s mixed feelings with a serious expression.

Ohtomo had been extremely furious in his hospital room after he heard about the Meguro incident. Especially when he heard that Kagami"s shikigami, Shaver, had gone out of control and attacked the students, he had wanted to immediately rush out of the hospital room and curse Kagami to death. Of course, he also felt angry at the Onmyou Agency for loosening Kagami"s shackles and at Amami for allowing him to guard Natsume in the first place.

But after he heard that Amami had disappeared, he had completely pushed aside his personal feelings. The brunt of his anger and impatience instead turned towards himself, who didn"t know anything at all.

The situation was extremely serious.

"Anyway, all we can do right now is wait for the reports afterward. When the sun comes up, we might find out that it was just an ordinary fire......"

"Are you an idiot?"

"......You"re right. Forget what I said just now."

Amami"s disappearance wasn"t Amami"s own problem. Of course, it couldn"t be a simple fire that had burned the Tsuchimikado residence. In fact, it could be evidence that the Twin-Horned Syndicate, the organization acting in the shadows, had even deeper roots. Also, there was the Onmyou law reform the Onmyou Agency was currently pushing for and the widened jurisdiction it would bring to the Agency.

He shouldn"t rush to a conclusion. But, it was clearly very suspicious that the second most powerful person in the organization had mysteriously disappeared without any clues and without causing any panic in the organization itself. That meant that Amami had already been "removed" from the important duties of the Onmyou Agency. It could also be put a different way. The "former Onmyou Agency" that Ohtomo and Kogure were familiar with was currently in turmoil. A "different group" had established itself inside the organization and was using the confusion within the "former Onmyou Agency" to absorb the agency as it continued its normal duties.

The uncomfortable feeling Kogure felt from the Mystical Crime Investigation Department probably had the same origins. This could also be proof of what kind of level the "change" inside the organization had already reached.

Resigning from the Mystical Investigators and living a calm, easy life was probably better for him.

Amami had vanished. Kagami was in confinement - it seemed that he was being imprisoned inside the Onmyou Agency. Then he didn"t have to pay attention to matters that wouldn"t affect the current situation right now. There was no need to feel agitated about each and every thing. Right now he had to be calm and act with precision.

"Then, Jin."


"I know that you"re making a lot of speculations in this kind of situation...... Don"t cause too much of a scene."

Ohtomo"s mouth revealed a bitter smile as he listened to his old friend"s worries.


After that brief reply, Ohtomo hung up Kogure"s phone call.

It would have been better if he had taken action immediately after hearing the news that Amami had vanished. He hadn"t done that because he wanted to temporarily stay out of the fray and clarify the situation.

But, although indirectly, he had already started to neglect the students he was responsible for, so he had to act. He could only break into the storm. Ohtomo put away his phone, closing his luggage.

But just then, Ohtomo shuddered and froze.

He felt a jolt of tension and killing intent. A dangerous gleam sparked from his eyes beneath the

But Ohtomo"s fingers that deftly reached for charms went limp before he could grab any. Instead, his reaction was replaced with regret and a cold sweat.

"......Are you trying to scare me, Priest? I"m easily frightened, so this isn"t good for my heart."

He complained half jokingly and half seriously.



A soft sigh came from the corridor outside the hospital room. Then, the sliding door opened by itself.

A young boy stood in the corridor.

He was probably still an elementary schooler, and he wore old-fashioned black clothing under a vest, cropped trousers, and black leather shoes. Also, he wore a bowtie. He was dressed in all black - except his red teashade[1]

The quiet sound of footsteps came from the boy"s black leather shoes as he walked into the hospital room. Ohtomo stopped packing his luggage, leaning lightly against the bed as he faced the boy. With a bitter expression, he endured the boy"s upward gaze through his

"......This time you"re a kid? Pardon me, but don"t you think that"s in a bit of bad taste?"

"It"s because the "possession" has to meet many conditions, and also because my circ.u.mstances didn"t offer very many options."

He said with a satisfied smile. Ohtomo also felt that there was nothing to do other than smile wryly.

"Ah, this time you smile pretty normally."

"It"s because the body is still new. ......Ah, let me first explain to quell your worries, I didn"t kill this child. He would have been burned to death regardless if I didn"t touch him, so I just repurposed him."

The boy leisurely answered Ohtomo"s question. The words the boy spoke seemed extremely strange, but Ohtomo believed that they were probably true. Ohtomo himself had pondered whether he could use a soulless corpse as a vessel.

A stool in the corner of the hospital room suddenly glided behind the boy on its own. The boy jumped and sat on the stool. It was as if there was an invisible helper, and actually that was indeed the case. The boy"s shikigami were also here, and there were probably two. Ohtomo didn"t have the confidence that he could win even against one of them.

"......Could that be that "oni" that attacked the Onmyou Agency building?"

"Huh? Oh, those guys? Yes. Come to think of it now, it would have been fine if I brought one along with me. In that case, that "compet.i.tion of magic" would have become even more exciting."

"No, no, no. In that case, I would have quickly surrendered."

Ohtomo maintained his smile but he still sweated as he spoke honestly to the boy on the chair - Ashiya Doman. Truly a visitor that was bad for his heart.

"......So? What"s your business here tonight, Domahoshi?"

"Hoho. What do you think?"

"Well, you"ve come for revenge - I can only pray that"s not the case."

Those were his true, heartfelt thoughts. After all, this was an opportunity. If Doman was an "" the Twin-Horned Syndicate sent, then there was no better situation than this.

But Doman frowned in slight displeasure upon hearing Ohtomo"s dark humor.

"How unexpected. Did you think this old man would treat that "compet.i.tion of magic" so irresponsibly?"

"That"s why I"m praying it"s not like that. After all, it"s hard for someone of my level to guess your intentions, Priest."

"Hmph. But you"re very candid."

"I"ve already given up resisting. I"m like a fish on the chopping block."

Ohtomo shrugged his shoulders at Doman. It wasn"t modesty, but rather the pure truth. Ohtomo had no confidence in winning against Doman in another battle - nor even the confidence that he could "survive".

Doman harrumphed, seeming to still be a bit dissatisfied.

"Revenge and such are extremely detestable. My intentions for coming here are just the opposite."


"Yes. Back then, some rude person disturbed us after the victor was decided. I"ve come again to give the victor his spoils."

Doman leaned back on the chair, swinging his legs and proclaimed in an exaggerated manner. Ohtomo"s eyes widened.

"You said give the victor his spoils...... You mean me, Priest?"

"Of course. You accepted Ashiya Doman"s challenge and didn"t receive anything after winning. That"s a disgrace to my name. No, this old man"s name doesn"t matter, but I"d feel guilty."


"Then, Onmyouji Ohtomo Jin. Ask anything you desire. Don"t be reserved."

It was indeed a bit perplexing. Ohtomo forced cordial smile as he faced Doman"s sudden proposition.

The proposition of that great Onmyouji was enticing. If he truly accepted it, it would be joyous yet unfortunate. There probably was no deeper meaning. It was probably due to Doman"s truly good intentions - more accurately, due to his integrity that had flared up for a while.

But, it was "that" Ashiya Doman. The feelings of his longtime enemy "D". Even if he said not to be reserved, he still didn"t know what would be best. Moreover, he didn"t want to be a.s.sociated with him again.

"Then, why don"t you let me go for now......"

"What? That kind of boring request can"t count as a wish. There"s nothing else? There must be, right? A lot of things."

"Then, promise that you won"t lay a hand on me or the Onmyou Academy students again......"

"What. That"s too apathetic too. Let"s not speak of the past. Come up with some other wish."

"Please don"t appear for a while......"

"No, no. Don"t you have any more clever ideas?"

"......Didn"t you say anything would do......"

"Huh? You weren"t listening very clearly. I said don"t be reserved. Be more earnest."

In the end, he was an ara-mitama, an unreasonable spiritual disaster. If Ohtomo made him unhappy, he might be killed, and he didn"t know what kind of disaster would result from irritating him. He didn"t know when it had started, but he felt even more deeply that his luck with the elderly was very bad.

Ohtomo sighed helplessly.

"Ah...... Then, Priest? Was the "rude disturbance" you mentioned just now something the Twin-Horned Syndicate did?"

"The explosion? Probably."

Doman affirmed Ohtomo"s question.

The two of them were talking about the incident after Doman had admitted defeat in the "compet.i.tion of magic". At the time, Doman"s old man body had been blasted to pieces by the explosion of a bomb set on the high-cla.s.s sedan. That was something the Twin-Horned Syndicate had done, fearing that Doman would leak information.

"Does that mean I can believe you"ve cut your connections with the Twin-Horned Syndicate?"

"Yeah. Well, they did such a barbaric thing after all. This old man no longer has any need to care about them."

"Then, can you tell me something about the Twin-Horned Syndicate? About the people in the Twin-Horned Syndicate"s shadows."

Ohtomo"s tone was indifferent, but a focused gaze shone from the eyes beneath his Doman seemed to be finally satisfied and snickered quietly.

"The shadows, huh. It"s been the Onmyou Agency holding their leash. You mostly figured that out from the commotion before, right?"

"......Well, did that commotion lure out the ones holding their reins?"

"I don"t know that. This old man was never one of their core members. Rather, we used each other and didn"t take the initiative to become more involved."

Doman replied to Ohtomo"s question.

"If this old man understands correctly, their roots are even deeper. Perhaps you won"t even be able to see everything even after digging deeper."

Ohtomo seemed to agree with Doman"s conclusion and nodded his head sincerely. Doman"s feelings were the same as Ohtomo had predicted. It would be nice if he could have revealed some specific names, but the "other side" had probably been very careful to keep from giving the volatile Doman any extraneous information.

"You can keep asking about other things."

"......Then, Priest. What was the goal of your looking for the "Raven"s Wing"?"

"Well. There actually wasn"t a particularly deep reason. I wanted it because of my disciple"s request."

Ohtomo"s mind wavered slightly as he heard Doman"s reply.


His mutter contained bit of sentimentality that was unlike his style.

Doman didn"t miss that detail and let out a laugh that sounded like a wild beast that had smelled blood.

"Have you heard? It seems that you knew each other. No, in any case, when you were still a Mystical Investigator chasing after the Twin-Horned Syndicate and closing in on this old man, you also had that woman as your target, right? Saotome Suzu, who escaped from the Onmyou Agency and came to me. Isn"t that right?"

Doman leaned forward slightly from his chair, asking happily.

"I once doubted whether I was misunderstood since you involved yourself in everything during the "compet.i.tion of magic"...... It seems like that wasn"t the case. Your relationship is quite deep-rooted."

Ohtomo didn"t reply immediately. A deep smile just emerged on his face, like he was affirming Doman"s words but at the same time denying them.

Silence continued for a moment.

Then, without commenting, Ohtomo said:

"......Is she still doing well?"

He asked Doman.

Doman showed a somewhat dissatisfied expression upon seeing Ohtomo"s att.i.tude.

But without verbally reproaching him, he said:

"Sorry. She"s already left."


"It was a few days ago. She said some polite things about being grateful for the hospitality, but it seems that her business with this old man is over. What a cheeky person. But she also did quite well, so I don"t have any thoughts of finding her and putting her straight."

"......What does it mean that her business is over?"

"I don"t know. I don"t intend to hide it, but even, no, I don"t know what that person is thinking. Well, it"s enough if it"s interesting."

Doman spoke happily and casually. Ohtomo chewed his lip. The current Ohtomo didn"t have his normal leisurely atmosphere at all. He looked like a young, normal, immature youth.

It was silent for a while again.

Not long afterwards, Doman seemed to feel satisfied and smiled.

He dropped to the floor from the stool.

"We"ll leave it at this tonight. The sun"s about to rise."

Just like before he had sat down, the stool moved by itself and returned to its original position.

"But, that question and answer session wasn"t enough as a "victor"s reward"."

"A, no. That kind of thing......"

"Alright. Then I"ll owe you one for now. If you have some request in the future, just call for this old man and I"ll help you out."

Ohtomo was inadvertently stunned upon seeing Doman"s patronizing manner.

"......Priest. Could "that" have been your goal from the beginning? To cast a curse on me."

"Hoho. You"re the one who"s twisted for seeing it as a "curse", not I. Why don"t you treat it purely as this old man"s good intentions?"

"......In the end, is there any difference?"


Doman laughed like a maniac. Ohtomo slumped his shoulders in exhaustion.

He could borrow Ashiya Doman"s strength during a critical moment.

That indeed sounded like a valuable and useful proposition. But contrary to the good intent on the surface, the offer contained an invisible "poison" in it.

Ohtomo had started watching the stealthy movements of the Onmyou Agency, so having Doman"s a.s.sistance as a "trump card" was alluring. That had to be so. But if Ohtomo requested his aid, then he would be the first one to "rely" on Doman. Of course, though it was possible that he would be able to resist until the very end, once he heard such a sweet proposition, Ohtomo would become more and more conscious of how strong a card Doman"s a.s.sistance would be if the situation became more and more dangerous in the future. Even if he normally ignored it, the more intense things got, or when everything was on the line, that card would become salient in Ohtomo"s consciousness.

Doman had set up the curse of an unbreakable connection to him in Ohtomo"s mind.

"Then, hurry up and take out your phone. Put my phone number in."

The boy reached out his right hand. Ohtomo wrinkled his face and obediently gave out his phone.

"......It"s unexpected that you use a cell phone, Priest."

"That"s obvious. How could I not have such an interesting thing. It"s just unfortunate that every time I encounter something of this sort, I feel like "magic" will soon be unnecessary."

"......It"s hatefully convincing when the great Ashiya Doman says that."

"Kekeke. Shouldn"t we behind-the-times colleagues get along well?"

Doman recorded the phone number with swift, experienced hands and then tossed back Ohtomo"s phone.

"See you again."

Doman left the hospital room after leaving those words. The sliding door closed by itself again, and the sound of the boy"s footsteps slowly became distant in the corridor. Ohtomo stared at the phone in his hand with a sullen face.


If Amami were here, he would definitely have laughed loudly as he said that ara-mitama were no joke.

But there were a few things he had to do right now, so he put Doman"s matter to the side for now. First was...... The business of the Tsuchimikado fire. He couldn"t just ignore the students who had lost their old home.

Ohtomo went back to packing his luggage for his departure.

The night had already pa.s.sed without a sound when he walked out of the hospital room.


Their homeroom teacher smiled upon hearing Harutora"s greeting.

He walked into the magic practice field supported by his cane, his wooden fake leg thumping audibly. "Oh my, oh my." Ohtomo murmured leisurely and surveyed the arena.

"Truly a mock battle to shame a professional. Natsume-kun, you"ve gotten better these past few days."


Natsume"s eyes also moistened when she heard Ohtomo"s leisurely voice. Suzuka and Tenma, who had been taken aback by Harutora"s reaction, also showed relieved expressions like everyone else. "What an interesting moment," Touji murmured happily with a wry smile.

Ohtomo looked warmly at his students" reactions.

Then, he turned to the red-haired girl.

"You"re Souma Takiko, huh? Your skills are very amazing. There are very few kids this capable...... And you even brought such a frightening shikigami."

Harutora, collapsed on the ground, hastily looked in Takiko"s direction as he heard Ohtomo"s words. At some point - probably the moment Ohtomo appeared - a young man had stood next to Takiko with a stance as if protecting her.

His age seemed to be not too different from Takiko"s. That meant he was the same age as Harutora"s group. He gave off a gentle impression, but his body was very strong and robust. His long hair danced, tied messily behind his head. His eyes were sharp and calm, and they showed a wisdom and comprehension beyond his age. Like those of an ascetic wandering monk who pursued enlightenment.

He wore a moss-green coat that didn"t match the season, with jeans and laced long boots underneath. He didn"t look like a shikigami just based on his appearance. But the aura intertwined with his body wasn"t a human"s. A shikigami. Takiko"s defensive shikigami.


...As expected, that shikigami has......?

He wasn"t an ordinary defensive shikigami or a manmade shikigami. He might be a servant shikigami, the same kind as Hokuto. But even so, he was still unusual. While he just stood there naturally, he also produced an extraordinarily threatening impression.

Just like Hokuto, Takiko"s shikigami probably suffered quite a burden from the barrier Takiko had imposed over the spirit flow. But no such burden could be felt from Takiko"s shikigami at all. It wouldn"t be too much to say that the presence its aura gave off rivaled Hokuto"s. Even Harutora "saw" that.

"......k.u.momaru, back down."

Takiko commanded in a firm voice.

The shikigami obeyed his master"s instruction without even glancing at the master behind him. Still keeping its guarded stance towards Harutora and the others - or more accurately, it was mostly Ohtomo - it wordlessly retreated from in front of Takiko. Ohtomo looked at the shikigami with an unreadable expression.


Kon noticed Harutora"s abnormal condition and materialized, helping up her collapsed master. Ohtomo confirmed his condition and beckoned with his finger. Then, the "Swallow Whip" binding Harutora"s body released him and returned to Ohtomo with a flap of its wings, turning back into a shikigami charm.

Ohtomo put the charm back into the inner pocket of his suit and smiled.

"Then, let me perform my supervisory duty as a homeroom teacher. The will scold me if I let my students be harmed. Let"s end the mock battle here, alright? Leave the rest for later. I"ll watch it from the beginning till the end next time."

Ohtomo took responsibility with a relaxed tone and then clapped his hand as if saying that things were done here.

"Takiko-kun. You came to the Onmyou Academy today to observe their studies. It"s a rare opportunity, so why don"t I take you on a tour of the academy building? Repairs to this building just finished, and we spent a lot of money. It"s worth a look. Also, do you want to hear about the contents of the curriculum?"

Ohtomo invited Takiko with a smile as he chattered.

Though they already knew Ohtomo"s power now, it was more like his style to be dubiously reliable and leisurely. He wasn"t acting, it was just one side of Ohtomo.

But Takiko, who received the invitation, paled and remained motionless like a rock.


The shikigami named k.u.momaru quietly warned her from behind. Takiko bit her lip and was silent for a moment, then finally and slowly closed her eyes.

She deeply lowered her head, her red hair drooping down alongside.

"......I"ll go back for today. Sorry...... to bother."

Takiko calmly announced with her head lowered.

Then, she turned and walked towards the arena exit without looking at Harutora"s group again. k.u.momaru followed close behind his master, but gave them a glance.

The last person the shikigami looked at wasn"t Ohtomo, it was Natsume. In that moment, a pained expression flashed across his face for some reason. But he immediately pursued his master and it couldn"t be discerned what the meaning of that expression was.

In the end, Takiko didn"t turn around up through the point where her figure vanished from the arena.

Natsume sighed deeply after Takiko left. She raised her head to thank Hokuto while releasing its materialization.

"......Maybe I"m hated. Well. That"s probably not it. That girl seems to have a lot of secrets......"

Ohtomo murmured to himself a bit remorsefully.

Then, he looked at Harutora and the others again and smiled to change the atmosphere.

He showed a gentle and affectionate smile. Harutora and Natsume returned the smile, driven by his own. "Sensei." Then, Tenma jogged over, and Touji and Suzuka walked over as well.

"Sensei, when did you leave the hospital? You"re already fine?"

"Oh, I"ve made you worry. Tenma-kun. I left the hospital this morning."

"Your hair still hasn"t recovered. Why don"t you just dye it?"

"Maybe. It might not be a bad idea to dye it a dark brown."

"You"re so lazy, you know. It was pretty tough around here while you were sleeping."

"Haha, sorry, sorry. Spare me."

Ohtomo continued to reply to Tenma, Touji, and Suzuka with an unflappable att.i.tude. It was hard to believe based on appearance that this was the Onmyouji who had waged a great battle with Ashiya Doman. After he chatted for a while, Ohtomo attended to Harutora and Natsume.

First, he moved in front of Harutora, who still sat on the ground, and crouched down. He looked at him, matching his eye level.

"Eh? Sensei?"

To the confused Harutora, he said:

"When did it start?"

He asked in a steady voice.

But in contrast to his steady tone, the gaze Ohtomo stared at Harutora with was extremely piercing. Harutora was taken aback. Of course, Ohtomo was probably asking about the instability of Harutora"s aura.

"......S-Since the Meguro incident. At the time, I was a bit reckless......"

"I see. I heard that you performed quite outstandingly......"

Ohtomo"s gaze became even sharper as he "looked" at Harutora"s condition. Kon sat next to Harutora, holding her master"s shoulders a bit anxiously.

"What? What"s going on?"

Suzuka asked, not understanding what was going on, and Natsume briefly explained how Harutora"s magical energy had almost gone out of control when he got out of bed a few days ago. Touji seemed to have noticed that Harutora"s aura hadn"t been too stable recently but hadn"t thought it was this serious. He was stunned after hearing Natsume"s words.

"Is the reason why his aura just went berserk also due to the same cause? Honestly...... You and Harutora are always causing trouble for us."

"I"m not making trouble on purpose! ......Ohtomo-sensei. How is Harutora"s aura? Was the abnormal reaction just now......?"

Natsume asked seriously.

But Ohtomo was still observing Harutora, muttering vaguely. His gaze slowly examined Harutora"s entire body and then stopped on a corner of his left eye - the magical pentagram pattern, proof of his contract with Natsume.

Ohtomo"s eyes narrowed into slits.

"......This magical pattern......"

"Ah, ah, that star? That"s from when I became Natsume"s shikigami...... But it"s not just a simple contract mark, it also lets me see spirits. It"s a sign of the magic Natsume cast."

Harutora looked up at Natsume next to him. Natsume nodded, repeating the explanation she had given Harutora before.

Natsume had used this magic to let Harutora, who originally didn"t have the spirit-seeing ability, "see" aura. But that magic was actually a Tsuchimikado family secret, and Natsume herself had only learned it from her father and didn"t understand it.

Ohtomo"s expression tightened severely after he listened to Natsume"s explanation. Her homeroom teacher"s reaction made Natsume even more anxious.

"Is this magic really the cause?"

"......I can"t say it"s the direct cause, but this is probably the trigger. But it"s not just because of this. In the end, you"re practically a different person from before. The true reason might be......"

Ohtomo spoke evasively, his gaze became even more piercing. But in the end, he sighed and stood up as if he didn"t get it.


"Sorry, Harutora. To be honest, it seems like I can"t resolve it. It would be best to let a talented Onmyou doctor conduct a detailed examination...... In the end, it"s a Tsuchimikado family secret magic, so it"s a bit dangerous to deal with recklessly."

As he said this, he extended an arm to Harutora who sat on the ground. Harutora grabbed his homeroom teacher"s arm with a complex expression, and slowly got up.

"For now, I"ll write the magic that stopped you from going out of control just now on charms and give them to you. Well, that kind of magic basically just disperses released magical energy. We"ll just improvise for now. If something like before happens again, have Natsume come find me and I"ll help you deal with it."

"Really!? Thank you so much!"

"Right now isn"t the time to be happy. The instability of your aura might have a natural cause, and I still don"t know whether we can fundamentally resolve it with magic."

"R-Really? A natural problem... I guess I never had the spirit-seeing ability in the first place......"

"No, it"s not that kind of minor problem. Also, when I say natural, it"s just a possibility in the end. Your condition right now is extremely unnatural, and it kind of feels artificial...... No, but...... well......"

Ohtomo crossed his arms and pondered.

He suddenly looked towards Suzuka.

"Hey, Suzuka-kun. This should be your field of expertise, right? I"ll secretly release your seal again, so can you help me with an inspection?"

"Hah? Me?"

Suzuka"s eyes widened upon hearing Ohtomo"s proposal. Though her strength was limited, Suzuka was a National First-Cla.s.s Onmyouji known as the "Child Prodigy" after all. Her specialty was researching "Imperial Onmyoudou", and she was indeed more suitable than the former Mystical Investigator Ohtomo when it came to research.

"You want me to unravel the Tsuchimikado secret magic? Why should I have to do such a troublesome thing."

"It"s fine. Incidentally, you can do whatever you want with Harutora"s body, you know?"

Ohtomo"s frivolous proposal made Suzuka blush down to her neck. "Sensei!" Harutora and Natsume all cried out in a wail. "It"s a joke." Ohtomo smiled irresponsibly. The still-materialized Kon"s eyes were narrowed and her hand was already grasping her beloved blade, Kachiwari.

In the end - putting aside their other effects for now - Ohtomo"s words indeed alleviated the present atmosphere.

"Well, we"ll just use the magic I prepare to manage it. I"ll go try searching for your parents in that time too. If I find them, I"ll have one of them do a thorough examination."

Harutora suddenly thought of that incident, faced with those words and the gentle look that Ohtomo gave Natsume.

"Sensei, about the fire this morning......"

Not a tinge of sadness could be felt from Ohtomo"s att.i.tude:

"......Yeah, I heard about it."

He admitted.

"It was really something. But you can"t be depressed right now. Contact hasn"t been made with Natsume"s father, but I heard that he was safe and sound. I"ll help you guys as much as I can too, so be optimistic for now."

His words were calm and positive, and he wasn"t deliberately cheering them up to win them over. Natsume quickly replied "Yeah" as if she had received some kind of inspiration.


Touji interrupted from the side.

"In the mock battle just now, we promised that if Natsume won we would be able to hear from the other side."

"Hear from...... From Takiko-kun? Why would she?"

"Who knows. Truly a mysterious person. I don"t know how much she understands, but I don"t believe she"s exaggerating."

"......Who is she?"

"She called herself someone related to Yakou"s lineage, but it"s unclear what that means."

"To Yakou?"

Ohtomo was confounded when he heard Touji"s explanation. "Lineage, huh......" He murmured those extremely vague words.

"......Well, I can"t call that Priest so soon. Well, I"ll find the for now and listen to what she has to say......"

Ohtomo mumbled some words.

Then, noticing the gazes of Harutora and the others:

"Oh, right."

He changed the topic.

"Come to think of it, I don"t see Kyouko-kun. What"s up? Is she absent today?"

Of course, his question had no other meaning. But Harutora and the others didn"t reply immediately. Ohtomo blinked upon seeing the students" silent reactions.

Touji shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

"She"s having a quarrel with this group right now. And it"s quite severe."

"Is that so? Why did you fight at this time? ......Was there some reason?"

"It"s because Natsume"s true ident.i.ty was revealed. Well, it might not be so right for me to say it after knowing but deliberately concealing it, but it"s excusable that she"s mad."

Harutora and Natsume also shrank back upon hearing Touji"s calm and composed explanation, feeling like children who had been reprimanded by the teacher.

But Ohtomo stood in amazement.

"True ident.i.ty? What"s Natsume-kun"s true ident.i.ty?"

This time it was Harutora and the others who inadvertently glanced at each other.

"Sensei, did you really not know?"

Tenma asked in surprise. Ohtomo"s expression became even stranger. But come to think of it, Ohtomo had been in the hospital until this morning. It wasn"t so strange that this gossip that hadn"t even spread to most of the teachers failed to reach him.

Tenma looked at Harutora and the others in confusion. Harutora and Natsume also traded embarra.s.sed glances.

After silently urging the other to speak, it was Harutora who ended up stepping forward.

"Well...... Actually, Sensei......"

He couldn"t speak in a businesslike tone like Touji, nor did he have the emotional sensitivity for others that Tenma did. Harutora stammered to find suitable words.

About one minute later.

Harutora"s group of five would never forget the stupid expression they saw on Ohtomo"s face for the rest of their lives.

He was too stupid. But that had indeed surpa.s.sed anything he imagined.

After hearing what Harutora said, Ohtomo was silent for a moment while staring unmovingly at Natsume. Natsume lowered her head, blushing slightly. Though he knew that staring was very rude, he couldn"t avert his eyes.

It had been a few years since he had experienced a mind blowing shock like this. Once he learned the secret, he wondered why he hadn"t noticed before he was informed - but he feared that he hadn"t even thought of it once. He despaired at his own blindness.


That was a blind spot. Now he understood that the so-called second-cla.s.s[2] could be this powerful once one was caught.

"......My usual aura is disguised. I use Hokuto - my dragon"s aura - with a magic my father created himself. Anyway, it has a very specific use and people who don"t know about it definitely wouldn"t be able to see through it."

Natsume"s explanation was in a different manner of speech than usual[3]. Though she wore a male uniform, she had otherwise completely been a "girl". Ohtomo didn"t know how to respond.

"But, that"s truly unexpected. We wouldn"t have been surprised if Ohtomo-sensei had already noticed a long time ago."

"......Uh, I"m really sorry to fail your expectations. To be honest, you almost scared me to death. How could this be...... No, that"s wrong. In short, I didn"t notice......"

Ohtomo couldn"t retaliate against Touji"s somewhat amused comment.

In the first place, he "looked" at the same time as he saw with his eyes when excellent pract.i.tioners were involved, and that had already become unconscious habit. However, vision would occasionally become a hindrance in magic battles. If he were asked which one to trust, spirit-seeing was more reliable than vision. With that, it was indeed hard to see through her false ident.i.ty if she perfectly disguised her aura.

But that was just part of the reason Ohtomo hadn"t been able to see through to Natsume"s true ident.i.ty.

Ohtomo had originally never suspected that Natsume would disguise her gender. He had never imagined such a thing at all. His thinking had never progressed in that direction. The reason for that probably was that the role of "Tsuchimikado Natsume" was a "special" existence among the students from the very start.

A normal student"s disguise would have been seen through more easily. But if it were the next heir of the famous Tsuchimikado family, a few "strange areas" could more or less be permitted with the att.i.tude "maybe he"s just like that". More importantly, Natsume was also rumored to be Tsuchimikado Yakou"s reincarnation. It was natural for her to be different from others.

Most importantly, if that Tsuchimikado had planned on concealing it until the end - if she had truly planned on fooling the people around her, she couldn"t have made such a "careless" disguise. It would have been a more perfect and complete method of deception. At least Onmyouji who knew the Tsuchimikados would believe so.

But Natsume"s disguise had just been a covering of her aura and acting as a male, which was extremely crude in a certain sense. That was why Ohtomo had felt that it was "very natural". Other teachers were probably the same.

"......Well, you really got me."

Accidentally being that effective - was impossible. The plans had probably even accounted for this. Though it was unfortunate that he hadn"t met him, Natsume"s father Yasuzumi was undoubtedly quite a cunning and twisted person. Ohtomo couldn"t help but imagine that.

This wasn"t to fool the immature students, it was clearly a disguise completely outfitted to fool the professionals of the Onmyou Academy - the adults around her.

"......Incidentally, Natsume. Has the fact that you"re a girl already spread?"

"Yeah. At least the students in our cla.s.s all know. Other students too, probably. I"m not sure about the teachers."

"I, I see. ......Anyway, I understand. The fact that Natsume-kun"s a girl was exposed, and hence Kyouko-kun felt estranged? Harutora-kun and Touji-kun knew already, right?"

"I also knew. The only two of our friends who didn"t know were Kyouko and[4]."

"I see. That"s quite curious. It might be a bit terrible to say this, but in Kyouko-kun"s eyes it"s as if she were excluded......"

"......Also, there are some other reasons...... Kyouko always strongly believed that Natsume was a boy, and well......"

"Oh, oh. I see. Ambiguously intimate relationships and even this kind of delicate problem...... You all are sensitive youngsters, I guess...... Yeah......"

Ohtomo echoed his students with a mangled sentence.

In this kind of time, he poignantly felt how insufficient and powerless he was as an educator, not as an Onmyouji. Sleuthing and deception were the skills he was adept at, and he had confidence in his stealth magic, illusion magic, and bluffing second-cla.s.s magic.

But being in front leading others without hiding or deceiving was a different matter altogether, and it wasn"t something that could be compensated with techniques. He had to reflect on his ability as a teacher. He couldn"t rely on cleverness. He had his own style as an "adult".

Come to think of it, Amami and the indeed had that kind of "strength". His current self couldn"t be compared to them.

Ohtomo glanced at Natsume out of the corner of his eye.

In a daze, he asked:

"......When Kyouko-kun learned that you were a girl, what did she say?"

He reflected as he asked the question. Maybe he had been too blunt. Like he expected, Natsume was speechless and her expression seemed as if she were about to cry.

"......She said...... "Liar"......"

"......I see."

He didn"t need to hastily express his sympathy. For now, Ohtomo just responded in an emotionless tone.

At the same time, he thought calmly while trying to stay objective. If it were Kyouko...... If it were the girl Kurahashi Kyouko that Ohtomo knew, she would probably "forgive" the other party when she learned that she had been tricked and understood that there had been no ill intent as well as a reason that it had to be concealed. But it would only be "momentary". It was just on the surface. The reason for that was that her personality emphasized "harmony". She put more priority on the feelings of those around her than on her own inner feelings. She would act for the people close to her, even by suppressing what she herself thought. She had that kind of gentle spirit of self-sacrifice.

But this time, Kyouko had said something like "liar" to Natsume"s face when she learned of Natsume"s true ident.i.ty.

Then...... This was actually a good disposition.

Kyouko didn"t hesitate to violate her own principles and had expressed her true feelings. This reversal proved that Kyouko had completely accepted Natsume. To Kyouko, the relationship between her and Natsume - and by extension, her and Harutora - was important enough for her to betray her original nature, and forced her to act according to her true feelings. The best proof was that she hadn"t been able to gloss it over with an excuse like "you had no choice".

In that case, wasn"t that just tying more chains from Kyouko to Natsume and the others? Wasn"t it because of the closeness of their relationship that they had gotten into a small conflict now?

Ohtomo a.n.a.lyzed calmly and objectively.

Then, he reached a conclusion. No problem. His a.n.a.lysis wouldn"t be wrong.

"......Hey, Natsume-kun."

Ohtomo himself was also a bit fl.u.s.tered as he spoke to Natsume. Natsume pressed her lips together and listened to what Ohtomo had to say.

"Do you still remember what I said that evening during the day of the camp?"

Ohtomo watched Natsume"s face, seeing from her expression that she still remembered that event well.

The practical skills training camp that they had held near Lake Yamanaka after they had advanced to the second year. That evening, Ohtomo had said to Natsume that the more she treasured her relationships, the more important it was to be honest with each other. Even if it would bring them trouble for the moment, they should still face each other honestly.

"Well, though I said that, it"s actually very difficult. Normally, it would seem really brazen to bring trouble to someone else without hesitation and still want to convey your own thoughts."


"But, Natsume. I still believe this. Leaving at a suitable time and selfishly forcing others to accept your feelings might be crazy in some regard. But I still think that it definitely won"t become an obstruction to convey your true feelings to the ones you want to treasure. Even if the outcome will be tragic, you should be patient and endure, get over some trouble, and finally finish things up happily. Human relationships are very misleading, right? Then, you can"t take shortcuts. You have to handle them with your best effort......"

This lecture couldn"t completely wash away the anxiety that had risen. Ohtomo couldn"t easily a.s.sert that his suggestion was necessarily correct.

But even so, he had to tell them. The girl before him was even less mature than his immature self, and no matter what, she needed suggestions from someone more capable. She was seeking aid in her confusion.

Then, he could only guide her. He couldn"t seem lacking in self-confidence. He had to believe in himself out of his own responsibility.


Ohtomo strengthened his tone. Natsume naturally straightened her back.

"Go find Kyouko-kun and apologize. Right away."

Maybe this was also Ohtomo teaching his "past self". Natsume"s eyes heated up.



A powerful reply. She rushed through the arena exit with all her energy.

"Natsume, I"ll......" Harutora also wanted to chase after her, but he was stopped by Ohtomo grabbing his lapel.

"Wait until afterwards."


"It"s alright. You should stay behind."

Ohtomo didn"t think that he was qualified to tell his students what to do like this. His plans might have consequences for Harutora and the others. Ohtomo had never experienced this kind of fear until now...... But he could only endure it. Believe and accept.


Ohtomo forced a smile. This was the first time smiling had been this tiring.

"For now, let"s go make some charms for Harutora. What? They"ll definitely be fine. Natsume and Kyouko can definitely reconcile."

In the end, they hadn"t been able to talk. Kyouko gloomily thought back over the day.

...Idiot, what am I even doing......

After she had heard the news about the fire this morning, she had felt so deeply that she needed to go console Natsume, that she had to become Natsume"s support. But before she realized it, school had ended before Kyouko had even spoken a word to Natsume.

One of the reasons was Takiko"s arrival. In front of the naive, sincere att.i.tude she showed Natsume and the others, Kyouko had inadvertently feared entering their conversation.

...Who exactly is that girl......

The "red-haired girl" they had spoken of once before. Though Takiko showed an extremely familiar att.i.tude to Natsume and Harutora, they should have only met once. The two of them seemed to be very confused as well, but Takiko didn"t care.

Moreover, Takiko didn"t just recognize Natsume and Harutora, she even knew about Kyouko. It seemed like she had met Kyouko"s father and heard about her from him. She had even been taken aback when Kyouko had given her name.

But Kyouko"s father Kurahashi Genji could be called the leading figure in the modern magic community. A girl who was the same age as her, and of unknown background, had prior contact with her father. Her father was always very busy, and even Kyouko had few opportunities to speak with him.

...Who exactly is she?

After Takiko had attended the first cla.s.s, she had ran off somewhere for some reason. But Kyouko hadn"t been able to approach Natsume and the others after the first setback. How embarra.s.sing. To think her resolve was only of this level. She couldn"t help but grieve from the bottom of her heart.

Then, after school. Kyouko came to the emergency staircase of the academy building again, sitting alone in the staircase landing again.

"......Hah. What should I do......"

She was probably still hoping Suzuka would come. That was definitely it. She had originally thought she was so tough, but to think she was so unexpectedly weak. She still couldn"t contact her grandmother, and Kyouko become alone for the first time in a while.

"......I really got what I deserved...... I guess."

She pointlessly blamed herself. Kyouko sighed deeply, resting her elbows on her knees and her chin on her hands.

If Suzuka came like yesterday, she would hear about Natsume and the others" situation. That way, maybe she would be able to muster the courage to talk to Natsume and the others again. Feeling like she was extremely selfish, Kyouko lowered her head into her hands while staring at the entrance to the emergency staircase.

Her worrying had probably led to mental and physical exhaustion, but this state of fuzzy consciousness was actually extremely soothing. Her mind was empty and she was relieved of her problems.

Suzuka would definitely come again today. It would be nice if she could. She hoped she would come.

Hurry, hurry......

Hurry and come - Just as her mind called out the third time. The door to the emergency staircase opened. Her heart thudded as she looked at the person who came in, then she felt as if it had stopped beating.

It wasn"t Suzuka.

Natsume panted roughly, a desperate resolve on her face. But she stopped moving once she saw Kyouko, as if she had been petrified while opening the door.

Time stopped for the two of them. No, that instant felt like an eternity. Maybe she would die from the lack of air and the lack of a pulse. That was how Kyouko felt.

But Natsume"s expression tightened before Kyouko stopped breathing.

She walked resolutely into the emergency staircase and closed the door behind her. Kyouko unconsciously thought of fleeing, but whether by fortune or misfortune, she couldn"t run since she was sitting on the stairs.

Then, Natsume faced the trapped Kyouko.


She lowered her head deeply.

"I"m really sorry."

Natsume repeatedly apologized to the dumbfounded Kyouko, her voice overflowing with sincere emotions. This was the first time in her life that Kyouko had heard such emotional words.


It was Natsume.

It wasn"t Natsume-kun, the girl in front of Kyouko was the "Natsume" that she was familiar with. They had only been separated for a short while, but Kyouko felt like she hadn"t seen Natsume for a long time.

Kyouko didn"t reply at all, as if her entire body was paralyzed. She had to say something, she had to express something, but she couldn"t even manage that much. She couldn"t react to Natsume.

But, Natsume bravely looked up and stared straight into Kyouko"s eyes.

"Kurahashi-san. You should know already, but I disguised myself as a male because of the Tsuchimikado main family "tradition"."

She opened her mouth to explain honestly.

As expected, she felt pained to hear Natsume speak in a feminine manner. But even so, Natsume was Natsume. Like her impression just now, this girl was Natsume.

Kyouko motionlessly stared at Natsume. Natsume explained to Kyouko with all her might.

"I...... At least when I just entered the Onmyou Academy, I didn"t seriously think about what would come of a life of fooling the people around me. But because it was "family tradition", I naturally entered the academy while disguising myself as a male...... I thought that was enough. That way, I could conceal myself a little, so it was more liberating."

Liberating. When she heard that word, the tense Kyouko suddenly felt a pang of sympathy. She understood why she would feel liberated without it being needed to be said. Kyouko was from the Kurahashi family, and she had experienced the feelings of being immersed in the gazes of those around her as well as of being viewed through tinted lenses. In addition, her personality of prioritizing the well-being of those around her had probably developed to comply with that kind of environment.

More importantly, Natsume had always been burdened with the rumors of being Tsuchimikado Yakou"s reincarnation.

Liberating. That was obvious. She had been too harsh on Natsume. Even if she had to disguise herself as a male and live as a different person, it would definitely be far more liberating.

"Since I was small, I always lived in the countryside where the main family residence was. I almost never came in contact with anyone other than my father. As for friends...... Harutora was the only childhood friend that I was close with. My relationship with Touji was pretty rough from the start. But I never imagined I would be able to make other friends. So...... So, going to the Onmyou Academy disguised as a boy was better for me. I was too accustomed to being distant."

Natsume continued speaking painfully. Kyouko held her breath, listening to Natsume"s words and voice.

"So I also became reliant on being in a relaxing position with Kurahashi-san that I was close with and who fought together with me up till now. As a result, I didn"t consider about how much pain it would cause for Kurahashi-san. I only finally realized what I did after Kurahashi-san called me a "liar". I"ve always been going too far and betraying you."

Natsume"s feelings crept into her bitter, solemn voice. Kyouko felt the weight of every word.

"I"m not hoping that you"ll forgive me. But, please...... allow me to apologize."


Sorry - Natsume continuously repeated that.

Natsume apologized awkwardly like a broken record, and hence it looked like she was fully expressing her foolishness without any deliberation or forethought. It wasn"t an act, it was a sincere apology. It was a somewhat presumptuous apology.

Various thoughts and emotions raged like a storm in Kyouko"s heart.

But unlike Natsume, they also included deliberation, forethought, and ugly selfishness among them. Friendship and envy. Hate and pity. Remorse and anxiety. Anger and pain. She couldn"t completely control them, and her emotions exploded in a rage within her.

But Kyouko picked the purest, most primitive emotion from that.

She made her decision following that emotion.

"...Thank you, Natsume-kun."

Kyouko resolutely opened her mouth. "Eh?" Natsume gave a surprised response.

"Thank you for telling me Natsume-kun. Natsume-kun is braver than I am. If I were Natsume-kun, I definitely wouldn"t be able to do what you did. After all, I"m only crouching over here because I was even scared of talking face-to-face."

Natsume had abandoned her "refuge" and had bared her heart. Then, she should also abandon her "refuge" and face Natsume. No matter what the outcome was.


Kyouko placed all her efforts into controlling the tremble within her voice.

"So, you also let me find the courage to say this. Natsume-kun...... you"re playing dirty."

Natsume"s expression froze as if she had choked when she heard that final word. But Kyouko was merciless and believed she was justified.

"Do you think that it"ll be over if you ap