Tokyo Ravens

Chapter 3.Referencing the guardians of the underworld that Gozu and Mezu are based off of.


"Independent Officer, preparations are complete."

Shigeoka silently raised his right hand and waited for a short while upon receiving his subordinate"s report. After all, the current Exorcist Bureau Shinjuku Branch was being swept up in a powerful magical energy. Miyachi was using the Yamantaka method on another room"s roof. Shigeoka moved his consciousness towards the Garuda again, suitably grouping the produced shikigami.

His target was the initial-version Hama H1. It was a widely-available four-wheeled all-purpose vehicle made for the American army. But Hama might be a mechanical-type shikigami. Would the Tsuchimikado family have prepared a shikigami? It would be extremely troublesome if it were a mechanical-type shikigami. He just had a deep interest in that possibility.

For now, Shigeoka surrounded the Hama, guiding the flow of events. He instructed the group of shikigami to stop the car if possible. Information obtained from the Garuda arrived continuously. Shigeoka stood up from his chair, giving an order to the subordinate on standby and walking out to the corridor. An image of the scene was being transmitted directly to him.

"Has traffic been restricted?"

"The metropolitan police ordered so, but it"s impossible for traffic to improve immediately."

"No helping it. Even though we predicted this course of events, have the shikigami go first and forcefully stop traffic."

"Eh~ But......"

"The target is an underage individual. Respond according to the spiritual disaster situation."

"Understood. I"ll make arrangements immediately. Hey~"

The subordinate making the report signaled with his eyes, and several people quickly left the area. Shigeoka walked forward, leisurely moving through the corridor.

Shigeoka had simultaneously deployed "Modified Emperors" and "Modified Yaksha", shikigami with high-speed maneuvering. It was very likely that they could match Hama. They couldn"t rush capturing the target.

"But as I thought, I can"t accept it."

"Eh? What is it?"

Shigeoka replied "nothing" without changing his expression.

What Shigeoka said he couldn"t accept was the instructions he had received from the Onmyou Agency"s and Exorcist Bureau"s Chief Kurahashi. The only thing keeping Shigeoka in this matter was his occupational duty. First off, ordering a search for the fleeing Tsuchimikado Natsume was already pushing it for his exorcist self. Of course, if there were special circ.u.mstances, he could accept using the Garuda"s multifunctionality alongside a search mission. If it were a rational order, it would perfectly fit the rule-constrained, inflexible Shigeoka.

That didn"t just apply to a search. Even a standby mission of an arrest would be another matter. Shigeoka might be willing to use his group of shikigami if Kurahashi"s arrest of Natsume were as dangerous as a spiritual disaster purification. In any case, ignoring any requests of the various organizations, it had been designated as being the same level as a spiritual disaster purification even if it brought harm to the surroundings.

Tsuchimikado was the main family of the Kurahashi. Unexpectedly, there were some problems between the two families. After all, the two families were both renowned, and it wouldn"t be strange if they knew one or two bad things about the other.

But there were other areas he couldn"t agree with. Shigeoka also knew that the report that had been spread earlier was to lure out Tsuchimikado Harutora. Then in that case, shouldn"t it have been Shigeoka"s fighting strength being matched against Harutora earlier? Of course, Shigeoka"s group of shikigami did have its weaknesses outside of the spiritual disaster purification it was best suited to. Though he couldn"t deny that he might not be such a good match with other prominent Onmyouji, fighting strength was fighting strength. What should have been chosen? Harutora, instead of Natsume. Though Miyachi, the Exorcist Bureau"s greatest fighting strength at the moment, was far away, he was putting everything into the fight.

Shigeoka closed his eyes and shook his head, saying:

"No, what a fruitless investigation."

He was just an exorcist. The mission this time was very special, but his position hadn"t changed. He ought to diligently pursue the mission he had been a.s.signed. Since he was the Onmyouji Shigeoka Shunsuke. Two minutes later, Shigeoka was sitting in one of the spiritual disaster purification team"s transport vehicles heading to the Shinjuku branch. If he left two minutes late, the situation afterwards might have become extremely chaotic.

"Master, your orders."

When Hama asked for instructions, Natsume stood up from her seat and threw charms. But there were a total of twelve Emperors and Yaksha among the shikigami summoned in front of them; their numbers were far too great. Perhaps that group of shikigami were the "Colonel"s special type. She had ultimately been unable to see his shikigami in action during the spiritual disaster purification a few days ago due to being short on time. Their capabilities were unknown.

The cars behind them braked one after another upon noticing the group of shikigami in front of them. Only Hama still moved forward.

Natsume"s charm-holding fingers trembled as she failed to think of any suitable strategies.

Tenma was the one to make a decision first.

"Hama, increase your barrier strength to maximum and break through."


Hama immediately complied with Tenma"s command. An explosion-like sound of exhaust roared out and the barrier was strengthened. Kyouko shouted from the pa.s.senger"s seat, her body going stiff.

"Hold on, Tenma."

"It"s alright. Probably."


Natsume sat back on the seat in a panic. Shocked, Akino covered her head as if to brace herself. Immediately afterwards, Hama crashed into two of the Emperors at the forefront of the shikigami in front of them.

The "G1 Emperor" was the bulkiest defensive shikigami that the Onmyou Agency manufactured. The two Emperors in front of them were large. Natsume gritted her teeth. The Emperors and Hama"s barrier made contact in an intense collision. But Hama still advanced. The four-wheel-drive tires spun on the asphalt road, a bit stuck. The powerful horsepower drove the car forward when the Emperors and the barrier hit each other. The two emperors were sent flying, unable to stand the overwhelming force.

Forcefully breaking through the two Emperors, Hama accelerated in a flash. Next it collided with the Yaksha behind it. The "G2 Yaksha" were lighter-weight defensive shikigami than the Emperors. Unable to stop Hama"s advance, they were knocked flying in an instant.

But mechanical-type shikigami, composed of physical materials rather than spirit, only had an advantage of physical strength. They had no advantages other than pure destructive and defensive power when compared to other kinds of shikigami. The Armored Juggernaut military-use shikigami was a typical example.

Hama"s had extremely high abilities to supplement these mechanical-type shikigami features. Though its vehicular capabilities were very high, it was also extremely outstanding as a shikigami.

"A high-level manmade shikigami? But where exactly did this shikigami come from?"

Hama accurately operated the vehicle during Natsume"s surprise. Akino wailed. Tenma gritted his teeth and gripped the controls. Kyouko"s body was still and she was extremely surprised.

The giant Hama"s advance was difficult to deal with, and the shikigami group"s enclosure began to show gaps. The Emperors approached from the side in order to immediately fill them. But Hama avoided them, then hit the Yaksha in front of them one after another, knocking them back and forcefully opening a hole.

"We broke through!" Tenma cheered.

The wind that was whipped up blew Natsume"s black hair into a mess. Natsume tossed her hair back in the roaring wind and confirmed the positions of the group of shikigami. After they had broken through the group of shikigami, the shikigami had reformed their positions and regrouped. Normally, Emperors and Yaksha had different movements, especially as special models.

"Tenma-kun, they"re coming again."

"Hama, can you break through this time?"


Hama"s engine roared out again and it started accelerating once more. It even ignored red lights during this. Hama was the only one on the road. They couldn"t see any signs of cars in front of them either.

"Great. If that"s all......"

"Uh oh, they"re coming."

The moment Tenma shouted out, Natsume issued a warning.

The Yaksha coming from behind overtook them. Akino screamed again at the defensive shikigami cutting across the night sky. But the Yaksha were stopped by the barrier again and dropped down to the ground. The Emperors chasing from behind immediately picked them back up. Hama forced its way past two of them and Akino screamed again. The barrier stopped their attacks, but the Yaksha continued attacking. The Yaksha that had been helped back up recovered and sprinted next to Hama alongside the one other remaining Yaksha. They formed a semicircular enclosure behind Hama. Behind the Yaksha were the Emperors that continued to support them. But the Yaksha"s attacks still couldn"t break through the barrier. It looked like the barrier Hama put up was very powerful.

But if this went on......

Twelve shikigami supporting each other, with somewhat of a different atmosphere from the ones Yashamaru controlled. They were more like a pack of hunting beasts than a single organism. To put it further, they were a trained team. It was extremely draining to put up with this kind of repet.i.tive attack.

"Sorry, Master. It will be very difficult to maintain the current barrier strength for a minute. May I lower the barrier"s strength?"

"No!! If you lower the strength now, the vehicle body will be instantly destroyed."

"It will be very difficult to escape attack range during that time. Forty-nine second left."

Hama"s calm voice and Tenma"s panic made Natsume resolve herself again.

"Let me deal with them. Can you adjust the barrier to let me fight back from the inside?"


"Though I can"t change the barrier"s characteristics, I can change its shape."

"Then do that. Kyouko, please have Hakuou and Kokfuu defend on both sides.

"Got it. Tenma."

"I guess we have no choice, let"s do it. Three, two, one, change the barrier shape!"

"Understood, changing the barrier"s shape!!!!!"

With that, the barrier covering the vehicle body sagged in from the top and moved to the sides, becoming a ring-shaped defensive wall. Kyouko summoned her defensive shikigami Hakuou and Kokfuu. The two of them slashed from the center of the vehicle body with sword and spear. Observing that part of the barrier had opened, half of the Yaksha continued the attack while the remaining half leaped up again. But Hakuou and Kokfuu swung their sword and spear, keeping the enemies from approaching from the air.

Natsume also jumped up from her seat, throwing a charm and shouting "Order!".

The water-element charm formed a cannon of water and hit the jumping Yaksha directly. Though it didn"t do much harm, it made the Yaksha fall down. Natsume threw out an earth-element charm next. Sharp metal shot out like shotgun pellets, but they were deflected by the Yaksha that hadn"t leaped up. These Yaksha charged forward, forming club-like weapons and pressing in on Natsume. The Yaksha confronting Hakuou and Kokfuu took similar actions. The shikigami were unable to attack them directly due to the defensive barrier, but the Yaksha"s club attacks shook the barrier. Just then, the first three Yaksha jumped up again.

"Ah...... Tenma, let"s help too."

"Okay. Hama, I"ll leave the steering to you."

Kyouko and Tenma stood up from the pa.s.senger and driver seats.

"Akino, trade with me." Kyouko and Akino traded spots, and she and Tenma moved to the backseat.

Natsume threw down charms again, and this time Hama started to speed up. The six Yaksha also formed a group to pursue, with the six Emperors behind them.

Hakuou and Kokfuu slashed out wantonly with their sharp blades. The three people in the backseat threw charms. The actions of the group of shikigami were very monotonous, to be honest. But their coordination was certainly flawless. They didn"t give a moment of respite. The six Emperors behind them were in standby for now, but they also presented a threat. The enemy wanted to capture them using as few troops as possible.

But the battling defensive shikigami were also defensive shikigami controlled by an Independent Exorcist. They could be destroyed one by one. But Natsume"s magical power still hadn"t recovered completely. Defeating twelve defensive shikigami would be quite dangerous.

"Natsume, in front of you!"

Behind her, Akino cried out in a panic: "Garuda!!!"

The Garuda that had left the battle suddenly descended from the sky above. Could it have some means of attacking directly!? With the current barrier shape, Hama was completely unguarded from above. Kyouko, also conscious of this fact, shouted Natsume"s name. But once the Garuda appeared, the Yaksha"s actions became more numerous. Though they were simple mechanical movements, each movement had its own individual meaning.

"Oh no!!"

Hama began evading, but its range of movement was restricted by the obstructing Yaksha to the left and right. They had lost. He thought so. A pale blue light flashed from the eastern sky like a laser.

A direct hit!!

The Garuda"s outer form was distorted and its path deviated greatly. This was a fire-element charm technique. At the same time, a group of shikigami flew out and engulfed the off-balance Garuda. White-colored shikigami - paper shikigami.


A nostalgic voice came from the sky.


The world seemed to warm up when their eyes met.

Suddenly, Hama braked. Since its body"s inertia constantly carried it forward, Hama didn"t stop immediately. The moment it felt that it was going to crash, a young man full of demonic aura dropped from the sky onto the hood.

"Hey hey, what did you guys get your hands on, isn"t this the mechanical shikigami Hama!?"


Touji stopped the Emperors head-on with all his strength. He shouted loudly as the armor covering his body disappeared. The Emperor in front staggered, and the momentums of the two Emperors behind it were reduced, with their actions becoming confused as well.


Hama immediately followed Touji"s command. It knocked aside the remaining two Emperors. Kyouko and Tenma were extremely moved by Suzuka"s and Touji"s debuts as well. Suzuka called their names, while Touji smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Is the "Colonel" our alliance"s next opponent? Arriving at such a high level all of a sudden is like that time with Ashiya Doman, isn"t it?" Touji"s words emboldened Natsume, Kyouko, and Tenma.

As Touji said, their memories from when Ashiya Doman had attacked the Onmyou Academy were awakened again. Natsume and the others had also fought with countless shikigami back then. The situation had been more desperate than this one.

Harutora, Ohtomo, and the weren"t here.

But now she was different from back then. She possessed enough fighting strength.

"Natsume, can you give orders?"


Natsume replied to Touji immediately, becoming enlivened.

"We"ll break through here. Please lend me your strength, everyone."

Touji, Kyouko, Tenma, and Suzuka all responded with all their might to Natsume"s order. The panicked Akino looked at Natsume and the friends around her. The sound of Hama"s engine became louder. It roared like a battle cry through the nighttime road.

The Exorcist Bureau Shinjuku Branch. The Twin-Horned Syndicate members had entrenched themselves in a building of this branch during the Twin-Horned Syndicate sweep operation two year ago. Two years later, a mobile altar burning with red flame was set up on the building"s roof.

Independent Exorcist Miyachi Iwao sat wearing a ca.s.sock[1] in front of the flame, focusing on chanting an incantation. "On kirikushuchiribikiri tadanouun sarabashatorodashaya satanbayasatanbaya sohatasohatasowaka..." He repeated the chant in a certain rhythm, whose unique cadence could fascinate the listener. A team of exorcists were around Miyachi with the same mindset as their boss. The Onmyouji centered on Miyachi changed the aura of this area, making it slowly expand.

Miyachi"s strong spiritual power had been formed by training with the Yamantaka method magic. His honed spiritual power flowed into the flame of the altar, and the spell swallowed it and floated it to the eastern sky. This was the Fire Demon"s Yamantaka method.

"On kirikushuchiribikiri tadanouun sarabashatorodashaya satanbayasatanbaya sohatasohatasowaka... Onshuchiri kyararoha unkensowaka..."

The kindling burned and scattered sparks, its flame illuminating the night sky. Miyachi released his hand seal and picked up some of the stacked-up kindling, adding it to the flame. This series of movements was all unconscious.

"On kirikushuchiribikiri tadanouun sarabashatorodashaya satanbayasatanbaya sohatasohatasowaka... Onshuchiri kyararoha unkensowaka..."

Receiving Miyachi"s magical energy, the altar scattered sparks. The jumping flame was already three meters high, seeming to show some kind of pride. Miyachi continued chanting the incantation, changing the rhythm of the incantation slightly. Then, Miyachi"s lips curled into a bitter smile.


A young voice came from the rooftop. A different demon had entered.

"It"s been a while, Onmyouji Miyachi Iwao. We haven"t met like this since the summer of two years ago, have we?"

A boy stood on the other side of the flame. This boy was about ten years old and wore an old-fashioned outfit and blood-colored He was probably different from an ordinary person, to give off such an abnormal aura at such a young age.

"On kirikushuchiribikiri tadanouun sarabashatorodashaya satanbayasatanbaya sohatasohatasowaka... Onshuchiri kyararoha unkensowaka..."

Miyachi stopped the chant and sighed, standing up expressionlessly.

"It has been a long time, Priest."

"Yeah, sorry to bother with this sudden visit."

The two of them met each other"s gazes. The boy - Ashiya Doman - shrugged his shoulders.

"You should know the situation, and you probably knew I would be coming."

"I"m extremely sorry, but I was constantly hoping you wouldn"t come."

"Hmph, that only results in the opposite effect."

"Well, then it was certainly a failure. Priest, did you come alone?"

"Yes, it"s always been that way recently."

"How frightening. I wonder how great of a catastrophe it will take before "he" realizes."

"Well then, I had best prepare myself."

"Abandoning yourself and preparedness are not the same."

"Hmph, don"t be too arrogant. Will you really manage?"

Miyachi didn"t reply. Doman chuckled and the conversation ended there.

The pentagram mark that had appeared in the night sky suddenly became weak and lost its shine.

Ohtomo let out a hostile laugh. As they had planned beforehand, Doman had interfered with Miyachi"s long-range magic. A fight between trump cards was currently taking place there. The other Divine Generals, especially the Independent Exorcists, were supporting Miyachi.

Since he had escaped the Yamantaka method"s direct attack, Harutora released his barrier and sighed with Hishamaru by his side. Though Ohtomo had been a step late to the Dark Temple, this time he had made it in time to help his student.

"Student, huh."

The Harutora who stood there felt different from a certain student in Ohtomo"s memories in ways other than outer appearance. For example, Harutora"s aura and his style were different compared to before.

The way a pract.i.tioner interpreted universal nature and freely controlled yin and yang consisted of his style as an Onmyouji. The one Ohtomo saw now was the reincarnation of the legendary Onmyouji Tsuchimikado Yakou - the great Onmyouji who had revived magic - rather than his former student. The best evidence for that were the two shikigami by his side - Hishamaru and Kakugyouki, known as Yakou"s two guardians. But to Ohtomo, it wasn"t Harutora"s strength that was important.

"Oh, Kakugyouki, it"s been a long time."

The woman next to Ohtomo suddenly shouted out loudly. She was a very tall, very powerful woman. But her wording was a bit childish. At the same time, the short, fat man behind Ohtomo also waved slightly. These two were the shikigami Mezu and Gozu who served Doman. Mezu waved at Kakugyouki behind Harutora. Kakugyouki had been in contact with Doman for a long time, so he knew these two. Kakugyouki looked in the distance and said:

"It"s you guys? Isn"t Doman the one who stopped the magic?"

"That"s right."

"This is pretty nice. Lend me a hand, Brother Ibaraki[2]" Gozu said after Mezu.

At the same time, Ohtomo and Harutora were staring blankly at each other. Both of them wore wry smiles.

"Harutora-kun, is it? You won"t give your name this time?"

"Yeah, that"s me." Harutora laughed and said:

"Sensei, you"re always helping me out."

That laugh was different from that of the Harutora from before. Even so, this was Harutora"s smile. Ohtomo clearly sensed that this was the Harutora he recognized. It was also very fitting for Ohtomo. The acc.u.mulated doubt in his chest were finally released, and a sense of mission and responsibility welled up instead. Even now, Harutora was his student.

Harutora"s actions of hiding his whereabouts were a mystery. But since he had already confirmed that he was Harutora, he had already decided what he ought to do. Ohtomo finally glanced at the two young shikigami[3]. He had recollections of both of them. Though they weren"t very clear, his mind still held remnants of memories.

"Are you the Imperial Household Agency Lingering Spirit Division"s Mutobe Chihiro, and the Chief of the Lingering Spirit Division, "Professor" Dairenji Shidou?"

After Ohtomo checked, the monocled young man laughed coldly.

"Nice to meet you, "Shadow" Ohtomo Jin. Or should I call you "Three-leg" or "White Yatagarasu"[4]? It"s just as you say. But now, he"s k.u.momaru and I"m Yashamaru."

"Yase Doji serving the Souma line, huh."

"Hmph, did you ask Ashiya Doman? He"s a troublesome person too."

Mezu glared angrily at Yashamaru as he engaged in a verbal joust with Ohtomo.

"What"s your deal!? I can"t forgive you for speaking Doman-sama"s name directly and insulting him!"

"Hmph, you"re just a dog raised by the Souma."

Doman"s two faithful defensive shikigami immediately showed their hostility, but Yashamaru smiled coldly and said:

"You"re just an Ox-Head and Horse-Face.[5]"

Yashamaru continued his taunting and looked back at Ohtomo. Ohtomo didn"t react. Both of them had been prominent Onmyouji before death. Now they had become Yase Doji and possessed both the abilities of pract.i.tioners and the power of shikigami.

"Harutora-kun, though I have a lot of things to ask you, I"ll talk with you later. There are a couple troublesome things here, so leave them to me." He spoke with the same calm tone, but his head rapidly spun around.

"I have a lot of things I want to ask about the Souma. Like the Spiritual Disaster Early Detection Sensory Net and the stupid altar."

Yashamaru"s eyes twitched and showed a cold light when he heard Ohtomo say this. k.u.momaru"s expression also tensed up behind him.

"Was that Ashiya Doman as well......? It looks like the pairing of you and the Priest exceeded our imaginations. No, it seems that you"ve exceeded them by a troublesome amount."

Ohtomo"s expression didn"t change when he heard Yashamaru say this. It seemed that the speculation that Doman had made to Ohtomo before had hit the mark. Perhaps Kogure, who was the Onmyou Agency"s match for Ohtomo, would be heading here, but there was no time. Still, it would be almost impossible to meet the Souma again. They were taking a dangerous risk, which to Ohtomo was a critical juncture for victory.

"...Ah, Chief!?"

Suddenly, k.u.momaru who had been silent the entire time crashed into Yashamaru from behind. He grabbed Yashamaru"s body and leaped out to the edge of the overpa.s.s as if to tumble down. At almost the same time, Hishamaru, who had silently approached with simple shikigami, released her stealth and attacked from behind. Though they avoided her first strike, she still chased after the enemy. k.u.momaru dodged Hishamaru"s attack in midair. Yashamaru was forming a seal behind him. But Kakugyouki, who had silently flown above them, expressionlessly commenced an attack, and Yashamaru quickly defended himself with a barrier. Hishamaru and Kakugyouki cooperated to attack the two Yase Doji. Suddenly, there were four defensive shikigami fighting above the river.


Ohtomo was stunned. The sneak attack had completely taken him by surprise.

"Hold on, Boss."

Mezu stamped her feet in displeasure, and Mezu was also clearly very upset. Ohtomo immediately moved to tell them to join in the fight. But......

"Please don"t move."

Harutora alone spoke from the overpa.s.s. It was a slightly tense voice, and seemed to restrain Ohtomo.

The four shikigami collided with each other, bounced back, and moved apart. It had just been Yashamaru and k.u.momaru on the edge of the overpa.s.s, and now it was Hishamaru and Kakugyouki. The two Yase Doji moved cautiously in the direction opposite to the river. Ohtomo also checked the battle situation. Both sides hadn"t gone all-out, but it was obvious that Ohtomo ought to help out if they didn"t want to stall for time.


Ohtomo wanted to ask what Harutora"s reasons for stopping him were. Although his heart told him there was no need to ask, he said it anyway. But Harutora"s reply was completely opposite from what Ohtomo antic.i.p.ated.

"Ohtomo-sensei, though I want you to help us, I can"t rely on you. I"m extremely sorry, but to be honest, I can"t trust you right now."

"What are you saying, Harutora-kun. How could I......" Ohtomo was extremely surprised.

"Sensei, you"re currently destroying the balance of yin and yang." Harutora calmly replied.

"Sensei, you"ve started relying on Ashiya Doman"s shikigami since last summer. That"s quite a terrible thing."

"I know that......"

"No, that"s wrong. Although you"re self-aware, I can only judge it to be completely insufficient."

"Is that what you have to say after seeing my actions?"

Harutora didn"t reply immediately. He sighed deeply and said:

"Disturbance of yin and yang isn"t only a problem of aura. The mind and soul also have effects. Have you not considered it? Sensei, when Doman attacked the academy building, you were courteous until the very end. And now? You"re driven by impulse without knowing it. That"s right, like an ara-mitama."

"Ara-mitama aren"t things that can be dealt with so easily. Your methods are no good. That"s why they are ara-mitama. Sensei, you probably could have noticed it before, but your current self cannot."

Harutora smirked. His voice gave away what he thought about Ohtomo.

"I can feel your sense of responsibility and your gentleness, although those are what blinded you. But you"re too dangerous right now, Sensei."

With his former pupil now lecturing him, Ohtomo stood there dumbly, unable to say anything back.

"Hah? What"s up with that guy. I don"t get what he"s saying at all." Mezu raised an eyebrow and muttered.

Harutora continued:

"Of course it"s very dangerous. Though it"s irresponsible of me to say this, I now finally understand the final warning that Kogure made back then. That person"s mostly in the right. I think that Kogure is chasing after you for the same reason, Sensei."

Harutora shut his mouth after saying this.

Hishamaru, Kakugyouki, Yashamaru, and k.u.momaru confronted each other on the two sides of the river. A tense atmosphere filled area.

Ohtomo had told himself in his heart to focus his mind on the current battle, so he had cast away his personal emotions from before.

With the shikigami against the Yase Doji, they could take their time and pay attention to crucial matters. But if Harutora impeded Ohtomo"s actions, Ohtomo would be powerless for a while. During that time, the Yase Doji could find some way to escape. Harutora"s side and the Yase Doji had thought of the same thing.

Yashamaru continued confronting Hishamaru and Kakugyouki while listening to Harutora"s and Ohtomo"s conversation.

Ohtomo didn"t move. Harutora and Yashamaru also didn"t take any actions, as if the three parties were in a Mexican standoff. But keeping this situation as it was only benefitted Yashamaru and k.u.momaru.

"Then...... Noumaku saraba tatagyateibyaku saraba bokkeibyaku sarabata tarata senda makarosyada ken gyakigyaki saraba biginnan untarata kanman!"

Ohtomo recited the Fire Realm incantation without making a hand seal, preparing to form the spell. He snapped to order Gozu and Mezu into battle. Ohtomo knew that a burst of power was the best way to resolve everything.

"On bishibishi karakara shibari sowaka!"



Seeing Ohtomo"s actions, Yashamaru issued orders to k.u.momaru. k.u.momaru rapidly formed a seal and began a spell. Hishamaru also started preparing a spell, while Kakugyouki smiled and Harutora gritted his teeth. Ohtomo"s Fire Realm magic blazed bright.

A booming sound gradually approached them from the distance. It was a helicopter. At first, they thought it was a media helicopter, but no, it was an Exorcist Bureau emergency helicopter. Ohtomo thought that they should immediately take the aircraft down.

"Princess, why!?" k.u.momaru said. Ohtomo and Harutora both stared at the aircraft, feeling very surprised. The aircraft instantly reached the sky above Ohtomo and the others. Then, a slim figure walked out from inside. It was a girl with bright red hair - Souma Takiko. Ohtomo"s eyes widened as if he had been doused with cold water, but his body felt the illusion that it was being boiled. A frightening aura emanated from all over Takiko"s body. An overwhelming presence of aura, a terrifying sensation, and an awe-inspiring manner like a G.o.d. Ohtomo didn"t notice that he had cancelled his Fire Realm magic as he unconsciously looked towards that girl. Though he had lived in the world of magic for a long time, it was certainly his first time seeing someone like Takiko.

Takiko coldly looked down.

"No, it"s too early!" Yashamaru shouted.

Takiko jumped down from the aircraft without hesitation. Like a G.o.d.


Alongside a vigorous voice and a tearing noise, the torrent of magic hit the Yaksha. Wind blew her hair into a mess.

Tenma was placing charms next to Natsume, and Kyouko was forming seals and chanting incantations across from them. Hakuou and Kokfuu dealt with the enemies to their left and right on their own, and Touji scattered the enemies in front of them. Hama was racing at full speed.

"We can do this!!"

A fighting spirit she had never felt before. Natsume and the others had been completely reinvigorated by Touji and Suzuka joining the fray. The two of them hadn"t simply increased their fighting power by two people. The aura of their friends felt like it could support and encourage them just by being nearby. Her sad past and the various emotions she had endured and acc.u.mulated in her long period of hiding were all scattered by the strong wind.

But in the end, these were defensive shikigami controlled by Shigeoka. After Suzuka and Touji joined the battle, the Emperors that had been on standby the whole time also entered the battle and finally started trying to take down Hama for real. The strength of the barrier that Hama put up had already been reduced by a half. Hama had reported that continuing to maintain the barrier would be very difficult. More importantly, the battle had already gone on so long that it wouldn"t be strange for the Exorcist Bureau or the Mystical Investigators to come by as support. They had to win as soon as possible.

"As I thought, we have to wipe out the shikigami."

Only Natsume, Touji, and Suzuka were capable of destroying the defensive shikigami. They couldn"t take Hakuou or Kokfuu off defense. Kyouko and Tenma were taking care of Akino and supporting everyone from behind. This was the optimal formation.

Since traffic was restricted, there were no signs of ordinary vehicles around them. Right now was the time to fight!

"Hama, slow down. Touji-kun, Suzuka-san, fight back."

Kyouko and Tenma on either side were also extremely nervous. Akino shouted Natsume"s name, worried.

"It"s alright."

Natsume would use her magical energy to strike the enemy with her lightning magic, and Touji and Suzuka would finish them off. Though the durability of Shigeoka"s defensive shikigami was worthy of praise, the combined power of the three of them would definitely present a problem. Most importantly, defeating the shikigami one after another would destroy the enemy formation. This would be good for Kyouko, Tenma, and Hama.

"Okay, Natsume. Let"s win."

Touji received Natsume"s instructions and leaped up, turning in the sky and stepping off the vehicle body with a shout. Akino was dumbstruck as she watched from the pa.s.senger seat. After all, the car was currently moving at high speed.

"Eh...... W-Win?"

"Yeah, we need to clean up over there."

Natsume turned and looked up, and her body inadvertently became tense. Kyouko and Tenma couldn"t believe their eyes, while Hama made an emergency brake when he saw the situation. But Touji was unconcerned as his eyes flashed and he roared "Third seal, release!!!" in midair. A dense demonic aura exploded out from Touji"s body. Armor materialized and the demonic aura radiating from him formed a layer of flame that covered Touji. When he landed on the ground with a thump, the impact made the layer of flame dance. Touji tread on the asphalt road, instantly breaking through the Yaksha before him.


With just one strike, he smashed through a Yaksha. The shikigami stopped moving entirely. He s.n.a.t.c.hed the shikigami charm out of the air and it burned in the flames of demonic aura. Touji smiled and said: "One." The Yaksha also vanished completely as the shikigami charm was burned to ashes. Natsume was stunned.

Recognizing Touji"s power, the Yaksha to his left and right immediately changed their attack target and simultaneously commenced an attack. Touji just took the attacks from every direction, but the moment the clubs came in contact with his demonic aura, they caught fire and dropped down. Touji eliminated two more Yaksha the same way. Then, seeing that the Yaksha were no good, two Emperors came up to engage him. Touji smiled and attacked in a flaming dance.


Natsume was very shocked. She even thought that Touji had been consumed by the oni and had already become a spiritual disaster.

Just then, Suzuka said:

"It"s alright, that guy can control it."

Suzuka sat on the hood of the stopped Hama. She dropped down and shouted.

Touji had released the multiple seals that had been placed on his body. Touji"s seals were only for his own safety. But he made use of their structure to release them by the smallest degree. If he made one wrong step, the oni would slowly consume him. What a death-defying way of fighting. Normally, it might be a bit reckless, but right now the fact that they were fighting with a Divine General was reckless itself.

"But there"s a limit to how long he can maintain that state. Natsume, come help, I"m going to fight the Garuda. If we don"t take that shikigami down, Shigeoka will have free access to our information." Natsume looked up at the sky after Suzuka said this.

The Garuda circled around nearby, still unable to leave the battle site after taking Suzuka"s charm magic. The paper shikigami Suzuka had summoned still continued their attack, but they were skillfully avoided.

"Oh no, Suzuka, the Garuda......" Kyouko shouted and Suzuka looked up in surprise. The Garuda that had originally been dodging Suzuka"s shikigami scattered shikigami charms in midair. The unsealed Touji wasn"t enough combat power for the current situation. Suzuka hastily ordered her shikigami to destroy the shikigami charms around them. But Shigeoka forcefully made the shikigami charms summon shikigami, and new Emperors and Yaksha materialized again. The number of defensive shikigami doubled in a flash.

"They just keep coming......" Touji was surrounded but continued his a.s.sault undaunted. But it was still unknown how long Touji"s attack could continue for. First off, this wasn"t all the shikigami charms the Garuda carried. They hadn"t yet added in their fighting power due to constraints on the shikigami controller"s mind. Shigeoka was just calmly driving the battle, calculating accurately and strategically.

"Uh oh, this will just be a war of attrition if it goes on. Natsume, let"s consider escaping again."

"That"s why I said, we have to attack the Garuda first, stupid"

"Suzuka, your shikigami haven"t been able to catch up to the Garuda, right?"

"I"ve been trying."

A tense atmosphere hung over them. All of them were in anxious moods, but they only thought of facing the situation and not of giving up. Of course, Natsume was the same.

"Anyways, Natsume, you go support Touji. Clean up those shikigami before that guy reaches his limits."

"Suzuka, let"s ride a shikigami."

"I see, we can have three people surround the Garuda."

"No, that won"t work, it"s not a very big shikigami."

"Suzuka, can you stop the Garuda"s movements for a moment?"

"Eh, if it"s just a moment......"

"Kyouko, Tenma, prepare fire charm magic for Five Elements Mutual Generation. It"s going to be wood generating fire, not fire generating earth. Suzuka and I will save Touji and stop the Garuda"s movements at the same time."

"Understood." Natsume replied and focused her mind on forming the seal of Indra.

"Noumaku sanmanda botanan indoraya sowaka". She chanted and strengthened her defensive shikigami"s lightning. Magical energy gathered together in the blink of an eye.

"Hokuto, please lend me strength. First seal, release."

The moment the seal was released, draconic aura gathered again in Natsume"s body and her aura swelled up and exploded outwards. This time Kyouko and Tenma were stunned. Natsume"s friends were already with her, so she just needed to put out all her power. The water-element draconic aura generated wood aura. The dragon itself was the Tsuchimikado family"s guardian beast, Hokuto. Everyone watched as the Garuda was stopped successfully. Ignoring the reactions around her, Natsume"s draconic aura became greater and greater. She raised her right hand and the draconic aura poured out like a soaring dragon, shooting out towards the gathered Emperors and Yaksha.


Suzuka moved immediately and the group of paper shikigami all rushed the Garuda together. At the same time, the raptor shikigami she had prepared joined up with the group. Suzuka loudly shouted for Touji, and Touji leaped up. The raptor shikigami commenced their attack and Kyouko and Tenma threw out fire-element charms. That instantaneous exchange resonated and bore fruitful results - a beautiful combination. That moment, Shigeoka finally saw Natsume"s true target. But it was already too late.

"Thunder, fill the sky for nine days!"

Garuda dodged reflexively, but Suzuka"s nearby shikigami stopped it.

Thunder roared.

Even the Garuda"s high speed was to no avail. The spear of light that shot down from the sky instantly hit the Garuda. The flying bolt gave off a rumbling roar when it made contact and vanished without a trace. But that wasn"t the end.


Natsume swung her right hand, and the afterimage of a dragon flashed through the night sky with another imposing bellow. The sky and earth were connected by light as thunder rumbled and the wind raged. The lightning hit, and half of Shigeoka"s defensive shikigami were instantly reduced to ashes while the others were all covered with flames, reduced to appalling states. The lightning and draconic aura generated wood aura. The burning flame of the defensive shikigami"s magical energy illuminated everything around them. The shadows of a group of stunned people flickered with the flames. Not long afterwards, Akino gingerly asked from the backseat:

"Is it over?"


Natsume didn"t answer again. She uttered a brief "reseal". All that was left after the intense magic battle was Natsume"s voice echoing through the silent environment.

"Amazing." Tenma expressed his opinion. Kyouko nodded her head. Suzuka was still looking wide-eyed at the traces left by the lightning bolt.

Touji, who had suffered the impact and fallen onto the asphalt road, smiled wryly. He was also unable to keep his energy from being drained by the resealing. Natsume took some time to investigate the surrounding aura. Though it was a bit abnormal, she couldn"t find out where it was. But Hama said:

"Master, I propose we leave this place."

"Yeah, we don"t know when Onmyou Agency men will come here."

"Suzuka, bring Touji back to the car."

Tenma hastily returned to the driver"s seat, and Kyouko dematerialized Hakuou and Kokfuu.

Since Garuda had been destroyed, Shigeoka was also unaccounted for. Natsume looked out of the car, speaking to Akino in the pa.s.senger seat:

"Akino, it"s alright." Hesitantly, Natsume spoke to Akino again. Akino was hugging her knees in the pa.s.senger seat, looking in the distance. Natsume looked in the same direction as Akino but didn"t see anything, not even any strange aura.

"Akino, what"s wrong?"

Not only did Akino not reply, she didn"t even react. Tenma and Kyouko also noticed Akino"s shocked expression. Natsume loudly called out to Akino, shaking her shoulders. Natsume noticed that the place Akino was looking had been the place where the Yamantaka method magic pattern had been drawn. She shook Akino"s shoulders again, and this time Akino moved her gaze to a place even farther away.

"What is it?" Natsume sighed. Just then, Tenma, Kyouko, and Natsume"s gazes all met. They smiled knowingly and looked in the distance just like Akino. That was where Harutora and the others were.


When Takiko visited Kurahashi alone, he had been in contact with Yuge.

"......Understood. Don"t chase. Give a detailed report later, return and stay on standby for now."

"......Are you talking about Suzuka?"

Takiko asked Kurahashi when he had hung up the phone.

Kurahashi nodded, unable to conceal it. But Takiko was affected less than Kurahashi had antic.i.p.ated.

"I saw her at the time."

Takiko said preemptively. Perhaps her expression already exposed that thought.

"......Why didn"t you stop her?" Kurahashi moved his eyes.

"Stopping her has no meaning in the first place. When I saw that news, I realized why Yashamaru and k.u.momaru left the agency building. Then I just wanted to see Suzuka. Then I happened to notice Officer Yuge "watching"."

Yuge didn"t know Takiko. It wouldn"t be good for Takiko to come in contact with Suzuka while Yuge was monitoring her. A correct judgment.

"I wanted to say something at the end at least...... But maybe this is better."



Takiko didn"t explain. Perhaps Kurahashi already knew the reason.

Maybe she was thinking of the failure from two years ago. She had tried to benefit herself and others at the same time, but had ended up bringing others even greater misfortune.

She had wanted to rely on her, and had ended up being forced to leave her. Tsuchimikado Natsume had been the same. Tsuchimikado Harutora had been the same.

That was why she felt scared.

Afterwards, Takiko and Kurahashi waited for reports together in the executive office.

Thinking back, the first time the two of them had been alone together had been when she renewed the Yase Doji contracts. Her mindset was already greatly different from before, proof of her growth and acc.u.mulated experience.

But was she herself happy about those changes? Was it fortune or misfortune for her and the ones around her?

All she could say was that she bore responsibility for the future that she was leading them towards.



"Dairenji Suzuka, Tsuchimikado Natsume, and Tsuchimikado Harutora. You"ll see them soon."

Takiko looked at Kurahashi in moderate surprise, muttering "Really......".

Then, Kurahashi got a phone call from the Shinjuku Branch. The report said that Miyachi had already started using the Yamantaka method. That meant that Yashamaru and k.u.momaru had already caught Harutora.

When he put down the receiver, Takiko stood up looking angry.

"Chief Kurahashi, I"ll go there too."

He knew she would say this. Of course, the answer was "No". The situation was extremely precarious, and he wouldn"t permit another mistake.

But unexpectedly, he couldn"t say the word "No".

He felt like Takiko"s body was surrounded by some kind of "presence" as she stood there tensely.

A spiritual presence in a higher position than him - To Kurahashi, who had been steeped in magic his whole life, such a presence could not be disobeyed.

The princess was already prepared. Kurahashi broke out into a cold sweat when he thought of Yashamaru"s words.

"I want to go there now. Can you send out a helicopter?"

"......I can, but......"

"If you can, then please do. I want to get there fast." She requested flatly.

As a result, Kurahashi agreed with bated breath. Then, he inadvertently tried asking:

"Uh...... Is that a revelation from your G.o.d?"

Takiko smiled. It was a strange smile.

"Chief Kurahashi. Our G.o.d won"t tell us the future. He only gives us the strength to open the way to the future."

They had been chased into an

Tsuchimikado Harutora"s Hishamaru and Kakugyouki, and Ohtomo Jin"s Gozu and Mezu. Harutora refused to fight together, but that didn"t change the severity of their current situation.

...It looked like today"s gamble had truly been a failure.

Yashamaru made a somewhat self-derisive appraisal.

Natsume had just managed to run into Harutora, and Harutora had just managed to run into Ohtomo. The situation had developed completely differently from the plan. He had always known this wouldn"t be easy, but now he could only press on.

But first they had to escape from this quandary.

Yashamaru racked his brains to think. He paid attention to Ohtomo"s Fire Realm chant while staring at Harutora"s every move. Supposing that there was an opening......!

The probability was low. Qualified pract.i.tioners were determined by inspiration rather than suppositions. The first-rate were not bound by "formulas".

True pract.i.tioners and Onmyouji required intuition that surpa.s.sed "formulas". Intuition for treading into the theory of yin and yang was inspiration in the truest sense.



Following Yashamaru"s instruction, k.u.momaru started forming a spell. It still wasn"t complete. Yashamaru reached out to the "answer" inside him...

But instead of an "answer" from the inside was Ohtomo"s Fire Realm magic from the outside.

Suddenly, noticing a presence in the sky that he couldn"t ignore, Yashamaru looked up and couldn"t believe his eyes.

"...Princess? Why are you here!?"

The shocked Yashamaru and the stunned k.u.momaru.

The helicopter stopped above their heads and the door opened.

It was their master.

Her hair was tinted with divine light as it danced in the firelight and gusting wind. Her alluring eyes looked down at the eyes of all present, throwing them into disarray.

An overwhelming spiritual presence that seemed to be able to freeze nearby souls just by standing there.

Takiko had already been "possessed". Strength suddenly flew into the Yase Doji. And it was still only "halfway", still advancing to a realm farther ahead.

"Don"t do it! It"s still too early!"

Yashamaru shouted loudly.

But Takiko jumped down from the helicopter like a shaman dedicating her body to a G.o.d.

They unconsciously rushed towards their master. Yashamaru and k.u.momaru both instinctively flew towards their master without a care for the threats of Harutora and Ohtomo behind them.


Takiko"s aura exploded.

The earth"s spiritual pulse shifted and the sky shook.

Yashamaru instantly reached Takiko and "saw" the aura overflowing into the world.

Huge and indescribable. A presence that even surpa.s.sed the concept of s.p.a.ce. Its number couldn"t be described either. It was both one and thousands, surpa.s.sing the concept of "number". Humans couldn"t accurately grasp its true form.

It appeared in the world by borrowing Takiko"s "shamanic" body.

The original, most essential magic - and at the same time, the most dangerous.

G.o.d summoning.

Takiko"s descent kept slowing down and she finally stopped in midair. Her limbs were lifeless and her eyes were closed. Only her hair and ornaments were fluttering. She looked to have fallen into a comatose state already.

Tremendous aura constantly poured into the world as if a great hole had opened in some wall.

Yashamaru jumped to the building below his master and looked at her.

His heartbeat accelerated. He was so excited that his vision spun.


This agitation calmed down rapidly. Yashamaru finally noticed the chant coming from behind his back.

It was a prayer.

He turned and looked. k.u.momaru was taking a stance, keeping the enemies in check in his place. But it looked like there was no longer reason to do so.

Paling at Takiko"s spiritual pressure, Ohtomo and the oni next to him were frozen in place. This spiritual might was too much of a deterrent to the shikigami.

Kakugyouki had also helped Hishamaru back to their master. The one-armed oni stared at Takiko with his most profound expression so far.

But Harutora single-mindedly chanted a prayer under his shikigamis" protection.

A soul-protecting prayer.

Suddenly, Takiko fell down as if her strings had been cut. Yashamaru hastily caught her.

Takiko had lost consciousness. That spiritual might had vanished, and the flow of spiritual power had also stopped.

But the spiritual power that had already flown out hadn"t vanished.

"...! Not good. Hishamaru, Kakugyouki, retreat! Hurry!"

The great spiritual power that had just poured forth entered the spirit flow and even overturned spiritual layers.

The earth shook.

Then - the first spiritual disaster occurred. Then another. And the third, and the fourth......

Yin, yang, and the five elements danced.

Yashamaru looked at that scene, but k.u.momaru behind him howled, his mouth unconsciously forming a joyous smile.

His master still hadn"t summoned the G.o.d, she had just "come in contact". What kind of strength did it have to cause such spiritual ruin with just that much?


Hama avoided main roads as much as possible as it moved.

The Onmyou Agency had withdrawn, and Hama had applied stealth magic to the entire vehicle body. It raced at full speed towards the contact point that Touji had told Amami without being noticed by any Mystical Investigators.

Tenma was in charge of driving, and Kyouko had returned to the pa.s.senger seat. Natsume, Akino, and Suzuka were in the backseat. Touji hung onto the railing by the back, responsible for watching their rear.

Their reunion a year and a half later. As well as a reunion they had risked their lives for. Everyone had heaps of things to say, but they were all silent right now.

One reason was that they were exhausted after the intense battle.

The other reason was--


Akino, who had materialized her rabbit ears, looked towards the same place as she had the previous few times. Everyone looked along with Akino.

All of them had repeated that action after the battle ended. Hama didn"t know why, but he could perceive that area no matter where he moved. As expected, Harutora and the others were nearby.


"S-Sorry, I still don"t understand it, but even so, it feels......"

No matter how many times she called out to her, Akino replied the same way. Regardless of how uncertain she was, she kept staring at the same place.


Hama hesitated over whether to report or not, then said with a calm voice:

"After the recent battle, I have confirmed that the "Type AR4 Guardian" positioned nearby has had abnormal magical energy fluctuations. I"m still in contact with it. I speculate that a spiritual disaster has occurred."

"A spiritual disaster?"

"A "Guardian"...... Isn"t that a mechanical shikigami used to predict spiritual disasters?"

Suzuka gave an affirmation from the side.

Touji mostly understood the contents of their conversation from where he was in the back.

"What does abnormal magical energy mean, exactly......"

"The magical energy that the Guardian is releasing is far higher than its original threshold. I speculate that spiritual power has flowed into it from the outside, but the source is unclear."

"Flowed in from the outside? Is something like that possible?"

"In order to make timely observations, the Guardian itself has a spell that takes in magical energy from the outside. But the amount of magical energy I observed just now was more than the total magical energy the Guardian absorbed. The only possibility is that "something else" was also absorbing magical energy."

"Hey, hey, who made this mechanical shikigami?" Suzuka asked curiously. Touji was also interested in that, so Tenma started to introduce Hama.

But when Natsume looked anxiously at Akino, everyone quieted down one by one and looked at the same place as Akino.

"......That"s a spiritual disaster, isn"t it......"

Suzuka hugged her knees, silently looking over with Natsume and Akino. Kyouko looked at Natsume and Akino worriedly.

The friends gathered here continued along the road on Hama.

The road in front of them was lit by artificial light, painting a mandala of interwoven light and darkness.

Natsume and the others wouldn"t learn about the spiritual disaster chain reaction - the Phase Four - happening nearby until the next day.

On that night, the spiritual face of Tokyo started to change. Just like the last night of Pacific War"s final phase, during the great spiritual disaster that completely disrupted the city"s spiritual balance.

A Buddhist monk"s robe.Ibaraki of "ibaraki-doji", the oni that Kakugyouki is supposed to be.Yashamaru and k.u.momaru.Aliases that Ohtomo has used. See Volume 11 Chapter 3.Referencing the guardians of the underworld that Gozu and Mezu are based off of.