Tokyo Ravens

Chapter 53


"I"m going to hide underground from now on. Though I don"t know what I can do like that, I can"t let them catch me no matter what."

The one who went along with Kurahashi and announced his future plans was Amami, who sat on the sofa. "But......" The shot him a worried look due to the words Amami said through the "Trick Spider".

"You can"t even move or talk on your own...... Hiding and escaping underground is quite reckless."

"Even if you say that, I have no room to choose otherwise. I"ll truly be done for if they catch me again. Though I can"t tell you not to worry, fortunately I have some connections with the underground world from almost the past half-century. There are a few routes I can trust."

Amami was a pure Mystical Investigator who had climbed to the position of Chief by honing himself on the frontlines. Just like the"s broad connections in the financial sector, he was extremely well versed with the magic community, especially its underground. It was because he had been in a position for many years where he had suppressed magic criminals and underground organizations that he was so adept with tricks on both the escaping and pursuing sides. There were no pract.i.tioners harder to deal with than former Mystical Investigators once they slipped underground.

"Oh, I"m like this after all, so I want an "underling" until I recover. So Miyo-chan, I have something I want to request of you, could you lend me a high-level shikigami that can move on its own and has magical energy aplenty? For now, it"s fine if it doesn"t have any fighting power. Rather, it should be low-expenditure and versatile - also, it would be best if it looked human. Are there any suitable shikigami of the Kurahashi family?"

"You mean for it to be responsible for caring for you? That can be done. Exactly that kind of shikigami is in this villa right now. It was originally a shikigami that I entrusted with maintaining the villa - cooking and cleaning are its specialties. It"s perfectly suited to a.s.sist you when you can"t move."

"I"m truly grateful." Amami responded to the"s words. But the"s expression still didn"t brighten.

"But no matter how much you infuse it with magical energy beforehand, it can"t hold much at once. Though it"s good at regulating its magical energy expenditure, even so, there are still limits. In the end, it won"t last until your body recovers."

There were several bandages wrapped around Amami"s forehead at the moment. Underneath those bandages was a giant crossed scar - an "X" seal. It was a magical seal from the hands of Kurahashi Genji that completely sealed off Amami"s magical energy.

Hence, the current Amami couldn"t use any first-cla.s.s magic. In fact, even his spirit-sensing ability was sealed, and he had lost the power to "see" aura. He wasn"t even able to use shikigami or infuse them with magical energy from his body outside of the extremely unique "Trick Spider".

Also, destroying that seal was extremely difficult. After all, it was a seal cast especially carefully by the most prominent modern Onmyouji. The only one who could completely remove it was the one who had cast it himself. Even if Amami"s physical injuries had recovered to some degree through Onmyou treatment, regaining his magical abilities was impossible at the moment.

"All we can do is take it step by step. Or maybe I can have someone supplement it with magical energy; I"ll think of a way. Rather, I can only think of a way."

A rebellious smile filled Amami"s gaunt face.

But basically, only its master could give a shikigami magical energy. In other words, the shikigami responsible for taking care of him would have to be the shikigami of another Onmyouji. Also, keeping the shikigami of another Onmyouji next to him was equivalent to having his life constantly being held by that Onmyouji.

Amami probably knew several Onmyouji whom he could trust. But there definitely weren"t any people he could trust enough not to betray him, even if he was in a position where the Onmyou Agency was pursuing him.


"......That works out. Chief Amami. Could you allow me to accompany you when you hide underground?"


The"s eyes widened in shock at the student who suddenly proposed this. Kyouko and Tenma were the same. Even Suzuka"s face was of surprise.

"Hey, Touji!?"

"T-That"s too reckless. Hiding underground, how can you......"

"I"ll find a way." But Touji replied calmly to his friends who doubted their ears.

"I haven"t had any plans of returning to the academy up to now. Most importantly-"

He cast a challenging look at Amami who sat on the sofa.

"It seems like Yashamaru is eyeing me for personal reasons. Chief Amami. Did you know that I was a living spirit?"

"......Yeah, I"ve heard."

""This" oni is the oni that "possessed" me when I was pulled into the "Great Hinamatsuri Purification" spiritual disaster terrorist attack where Yashamaru - Dairenji Shidou - transformed into an oni. So it seems that I have some connection with that guy. "Same boat", he called me. He said "we"ve ended up in the same boat"."

The eyes of Amami narrowed tightly into slits as he listened. "......So?" Even his urging voice held a solemnity different from before.

"Of course, he told me especially to my face that "I have no reason to ignore you". In other words, I also have to hide in a place where that guy"s eyes and ears don"t reach. Becoming the charging station of the shikigami responsible for taking care of you is fine. Would you allow me to accompany you?"

Though Touji made the proposal lightly, everyone present understood that he was speaking seriously.

Before this conversation happened, when it had only been the four students talking, Touji had been the one who had said "We"ll probably split up after this. We can"t stay together like before anymore". Without a doubt, Touji had already decided to leave the others and hide himself at the time.

Then, Touji had continued like this. He had said "But even so, we have a common goal. To find Harutora - and Natsume - and to lecture them".

"......My goal is to find Harutora and Natsume. Also, I want to get in touch with Ohtomo-sensei. In that area, my goal should be the same as Chief Amami"s. So, we have a reason to move together. Isn"t that right?"

Touji spoke fearlessly to the former Onmyou Agency veteran. Kyouko, Tenma, and Suzuka swallowed and stared nervously at Touji.

"Also...... I need to train myself. As fast as possible. As much as possible. I can feel from last night that if I stay as I am, I won"t be able to do anything afterwards even if I find Harutora and Natsume. Since it involves the two of them...... the "Tsuchimikado", then the situation from last night will definitely happen again. At that time, I"ll need the strength to "express" myself. I can"t bear staying a student."

Words and a tone that seemed to a third party to be finding faults and deeply embedded with anger. But of course, Touji wasn"t finding faults with Amami. It was directed towards himself.

Amami sank into the sofa, gazing at Touji.

"......Touji. Though you"re quite determined, the task of training you isn"t something that the current me can do, you know?"

"I have some thoughts regarding that. If possible, please let me consult with you."

Again, Touji looked straight back at Amami who stared at him.

Then, after a long silence.


Amami accepted the student"s proposal. Kyouko and the others stared at the two in shock. The"s expression was solemn, but she didn"t interject.

"Just like you said, I also need "someone mobile". I"ll use you. Follow along."

Amami announced in a chilly voice without any trace of a smile. That wasn"t the att.i.tude towards a "student" like Touji expected, but rather, the att.i.tude towards an underling.

Then, the meaning of Amami"s att.i.tude also reached Touji.

Touji grinned, in contrast to the cold Amami.

"...Many thanks."

He thanked him briefly.

After Touji and Amami left the apartment, they rode a van to relocate.

The one driving was Touji"s shikigami, Suisen. But though she was Touji"s shikigami in name, Touji was just the provisional master who just gave her magical energy. Amami was the one who actually controlled her. A shikigami that Miyo had prepared to be responsible for taking care of Amami"s physical disabilities, who had originally been a high-cla.s.s shikigami serving the Kurahashi family.

She was a shikigami with the form of a beautiful girl, with a young appearance but a mature air. Hence, her age looked to be both twenty and thirty. Her clothing was out of Amami"s interests, and although Touji had called it glaring and spoken against it, that was negated since Suisen could use stealth magic. Other than taking care of Amami, Suisen was also responsible for all the household like cooking, cleaning, and washing, maintaining and creating magical tools, and driving. Also, she performed various duties in place of Touji and Amami, who hoped to stay away from others as much as possible. By now, she had become an indispensable ent.i.ty to Touji and Amami"s fugitive life.

The car left Roppongi and headed to Shibuya. The destination was the ruins of the old Onmyou Academy. More accurately, it was the first-cla.s.s magic training location near the derelict academy building.

The academy building currently in use was a new structure that had been built three years prior. The old building that had been used before that was also in Shibuya. That old academy building had long since been torn down and a different structure had been built, but the nearby practice field had been sealed and left there. Touji and the others were heading to that practice field.

"......Are you coming too this time?"

"Hah. Isn"t it inconvenient if I"m with you?"

"Our supervisor friend makes me uncomfortable."

"Ha. That"s because of your current power. If you"re dissatisfied, why don"t you hurry up and improve."

Amami, who sat in the backseat along with his wheelchair, smiled wickedly. His a.s.sistant Touji cursed "tch", Amami"s expression emerging in his mind even without needing to turn his head.

...Well, no helping it.

This was also customary proceedings. Touji"s eyes housed a powerful light, and he sincerely accepted Amami"s words.

He had already lived a fugitive life with Amami for a year and a half. Though Amami had the intense personality of a rotten old man, he was a rotten old man with backbone, a rotten old man who could be trusted. Also, he was surprisingly gentle to the immature youngster Touji. But personally, Touji was very unhappy.

For example, Amami had been Ohtomo"s boss in the past. But the relationship between the two during their time in the Mystical Investigators was probably completely different from the current relationship between Amami and Touji.

The situation of Amami and Touji"s current relationship was actually no different from boss and subordinate. But Amami and Ohtomo had both been in the "Twelve Divine Generals". Powers who recognized each other. There had undoubtedly been no politeness and apprehension between them. But there ought to have been trust towards each other - whether personally or in terms of ability.

After that incident, Amami had escaped the eyes and ears of the Onmyou Agency while making a request of an Onmyou doctor that he called an old friend, doing his best to recover his wounded body. Amami, whose burned throat hadn"t been able to make a sound for some time, had now recovered to the point where he could be a constantly-jabbering rotten old man. And he had even thought of a way to connect the cut tendons of his hands, making his fingers movable.

But even if he relied on magic to recover his "wounds", he couldn"t deny that his strength had weakened.

Amami was already old. Recovering would naturally take time - rather, it was quite debatable whether he would even be able to recover to a state similar to before. Though he could move his fingers, in the end he couldn"t expect to rapidly form seals like he could in the past. Even walking with his own strength - though it wasn"t that he couldn"t walk at all - was difficult in his current state.

Of course, with their spirit-sensing abilities sealed, even Onmyouji were no different from ordinary people. Amami and Touji were moving together now not because leaving Touji alone was worrisome, but rather because Amami would be unable to successfully escape at all without Suisen in case something happened.

Even in that kind of situation, he was indifferent - or rather, he was even bold. Though that was admirable, Amami"s burden would undoubtedly be substantially less if Ohtomo were the one with him instead of Touji.

In the end, even if Amami was being pursued by this level of adversity, he could still overcome it and stride forward. The one who had recovered his body was an Onmyou doctor, but he was the one who had the connections with that Onmyou doctor, and more importantly, he had the reliable charisma to make the doctor happy to treat him even when he was a fugitive from the Onmyou Agency. In other words, that was Amami"s "strength". Amami was the one who had raised funds for their escape, and Amami was the one who had made various preparations. Amami was also the only one who gathered new information, established plans, and gave orders. There was no opportunity for Touji to take the stage - rather, there wasn"t a single thing that Touji was more useful than Amami at right now. Honestly, all he had was maintaining Suisen"s level of magical energy.

Of course, maintaining Suisen was also an important job. Most importantly, if he considered the gap in experience between himself and Amami or Ohtomo, then the comparison itself was extremely foolish.

But even though he wasn"t a professional, Touji was no longer a "student". No matter whether he had credentials, he was already standing in the same territory as Amami and Ohtomo. That meant he was relying on himself. He made his own choices.

Then naturally, being inferior was no good. Though Amami was generous, Touji couldn"t allow that.

...Hurry up and improve...... Huh.

That"s right. As Touji thought that:

"... The leap of a horse does not surpa.s.s ten strides.[1]"

"......What. Confucius or Laozi[2]?"

"Xunzi[3], actually. Aren"t I an intellectual? Right, Suisen?"

"Yes. Daizen-sama is quite knowledgeable."

Holding the steering wheel, Suisen laughed pleasantly with a bell-like sound and replied. Amami proudly waved his fan with a "right, right?". Touji gazed at the windshield, cursing.

Touji didn"t know the meaning of Amami"s words.

But he understood the intent of that statement. He was so good at seeing through other peoples" hearts, that rotten old man.

"Incidentally, Xunzi also had the saying "drive a slow horse ten times"[4]. It means "work ten times harder if you"re falling behind"."

"A soul-cleansing idiom."

"It"s an educated plaything. Right, Suisen?"

"Yes. Daizen-sama is extremely educated."

The proud Amami, the pleasantly-smiling Suisen, and the frowning Touji. What was educated about that old man who was fanning himself in the middle of winter. Though he felt that way...... Joking around at this kind of time really was Amami"s gentleness, and could even be called indulgence in some sense.

Work ten times harder, as he said. But if he continued to lag behind, it was futile no matter what he did. It wasn"t one step at a time, it was two steps at a time, three steps at a time, or else he wouldn"t be able to fill the hopeless "gap" that existed right now.

"Wait until all of the people in front of you are dead"[5] - Touji hadn"t been granted that kind of time.

Then, Amami"s frivolous words still continued and Suisen carefully responded, an elegant smile emerging on her. Touji put his elbow on the car door, wordlessly continuing to stare forward.

Not long afterwards, the car reached the destination.

Though he had often taken note of the surroundings while moving, he had "watched" the surroundings particularly carefully since they reached the vicinity of the destination.

The closed training area had an appearance similar to a countryside cultural center or athletic stadium. Because they visited this place often, it was easy to detect any abnormalities. There were no abnormalities tonight, just like it had been up to now.

But he couldn"t feel the presence of the person who should have been here first at all. He couldn"t detect aura either. It wasn"t that he hadn"t arrived, it was stealth magic.

It was a high-level stealth magic that he still wouldn"t be able to see even if he were inside. Touji suppressed his faint anxiety.

The current Touji could easily use that level of stealth magic. But even for the same stealth magic, the gap between them was abundantly clear.

That was probably the biggest difference between a student and a professional. The Onmyou Academy students were required to "use" magic. However, professionals were required to "proficiently use" magic. Only the latter cleared the pa.s.sing line on speed, power, finesse, and the skill of use to perform competently from the start. For example, no matter how a Mystical Investigator used a stealth magic that a magic criminal could see through, it had zero value. Or, even someone who could use the Fire Realm magic couldn"t be recognized as an exorcist if he couldn"t use it to purify a spiritual disaster.

Onmyoudou - at least "General Onmyoudou" - was a "practical field of study". There was no meaning in anything that wasn"t useful.


..."On the other hand, Touji. Even low-skill stealth magic or second-cla.s.s magic that"s mere lip service can become outstanding "magic" if it"s "useful". The sound of this waving fan can set back and disrupt the chanting of the enemy in certain situations. Also, that area of "magic" can"t be learned no matter how you read or train your magical energy."

Words that he had heard from Amami before flashed through his mind.

..."Depending on how you use your brain, you can get as much as you want out of your training methods. There"s a saying that "the stupid can succeed through persisted study"[6], but that"s not the whole truth."

Amami was very hands-off about this "exchange". No, he had clearly opposed it at the start. To be honest, it was Touji"s egoism that had forced it through. Hence, Touji was uncharacteristically ashamed of forcing Amami to take the risk of accompanying him every time.

...Power, huh......

The amateur who had dropped out of the Onmyou Academy halfway through had no words to refute his power being called insufficient by the Divine General who was the former Chief of the Mystical Investigators. He could only improve with all his might.

Touji walked off the car. Suisen quickly got off and circled around to the back, preparing to let Amami off. Suisen definitely wasn"t powerful for a shikigami, but she possessed a physical strength superior to a grown man, unlike her gentle appearance. After waiting for Suisen to deftly put Amami down, Touji walked towards the practice field.

The other party ought to have noticed them already. But Touji still couldn"t catch his aura. That was natural considering the difference in strength between the two, but the blame for that being natural was on him for being unable to improve. That difference was his weakness, as well as a disgrace. He couldn"t gloss over that fact or avert his eyes.

The training area had been locked after being closed, but since he had started secretly using this place, he had broken the original lock and replaced it with a new one. The magical barrier was also the same. Touji, Suisen, and Amami on the wheelchair that Suisen pushed, entered the training area in the dead of night.

The interior was quite dim, since the lights were out. Touji lit a portable flashlight that he carried for Amami. They entered and pa.s.sed through the hallway, heading towards the stadium in the depths.

Of course, there weren"t any sounds inside the training area. The footsteps of the two of them and the noise of the wheelchair resounded loudly in the dark corridor. The fact that he was extremely concerned about that noise proved Touji"s nervousness. At the end of the hallway was the entrance connected to the stadium. Touji opened the double doors and peeked inside. Then, his expression stiffened slightly. No one was inside.

The stadium was vast, with the area of about three basketball fields. Because light outside shone in through windows placed high up, it was quite bright compared to the hallway. But immediately getting a grasp of its entirety was very difficult.

After Touji beckoned to Suisen for her to wait, he turned off the light from his portable flashlight and entered the stadium alone.

He carefully surveyed the vast, dark stadium.



A scornful voice came from behind him. Right next to the double doors. Touji ground his teeth and rapidly looked behind his back.

"You"re slow no matter how much time goes by, Touji. Are you really a living spirit? Also, don"t make people wait, trash."

A man stood with his arms crossed and his back against the stadium wall next to the door that Touji entered. A young man who was slightly older than Touji.

Cropped-short silver hair and with tinted lenses. Earrings, chains, and other crude jewelry. He currently wore a furred down jacket, with black jeans and work boots below.

Also, an "X" mark similar to Amami"s was carved on the man"s forehead.

Touji suppressed his emotions, snorting lightly.

"......It looks like you already heard about the business between Ohtomo-sensei and Kogure-san. So anxious you started getting frantic, huh."

"A brat who won"t shut his mouth, just like always. Ah, though it"s actually praiseworthy to still talk s.h.i.t even after being kicked over so many times. ......If not, there would be no value in it."

The man wore a smile similar to a ferocious hound"s, slowly leaving the wall behind his back.

"So? Did you come after checking it out?"


"Alright. Then, let"s "exchange"."

Kagami Reiji casually announced to Touji who nodded in response.

Kagami had started to carry out "exchanges" with Amami and Touji last fall. It just happened to be slightly after the time when Kogure transferred from the Exorcist Bureau to the Mystical Investigators.

At the time, the Mystical Investigators had major issues. Tsuchimikado Harutora, who was viewed as the reincarnation of Tsuchimikado Yakou, along with the "Shadow" of the Twelve Divine Generals, Ohtomo Jin. The two were to be arrested. But that wasn"t anything simple. That was because both were powerful Onmyouji, and they led multiple powerful shikigami on the level of spiritual disasters. Even if their locations were found, teams of Mystical Investigators would have an extremely hard time capturing them. That was clear in the eyes of the higher-ups alongside the reports regarding them that were submitted from the frontlines.

So, the Onmyou Agency higher-ups decided to give that mission to powerful Onmyouji who could oppose them. They decided to place an Independent Exorcist of the Exorcist bureau in the Mystical Investigators.

At that time, Kagami had raised his hand first.

Kagami had quite a few connections with Harutora and Ohtomo. He craved a clear conclusion with the two of them. To Kagami, the mission of capturing Harutora and Ohtomo was a wish come true.

Also, Kagami predicted two reasons for why he could be chosen.

One was that Kagami had done Mystical Investigator work.

Though it had been for a short period of time, Kagami had belonged to the Mystical Investigators when he had first entered the Onmyou Agency. He had worked under none other than Ohtomo. Because of that, he understood the basics of the Mystical Investigators and more or less had an understanding of the target of arrest Ohtomo.

That ought to be quite a big advantage for his mission as a Mystical Investigator.

But the most important factor was that "there was no one else".

In the end, since the Onmyou Agency"s reason for existence was the purification of spiritual disasters, Independent Exorcists whose power was renowned for being able to purify spiritual disasters alone were the aces of the business. Retiring these Independent Officers from the frontlines of spiritual disaster purification during this year when they had an increasing trend was a bold - or rather, quite a "reckless" decision.

But on that point, Kagami was the "backup" of the Exorcist Bureau. After all, Kagami"s daily work att.i.tude was very poor. He basically acted alone, and never mind helping out on site, he even frequently refused the orders of the Exorcist Command Room. The reason Kagami was still able to be an Independent Exorcist was because of his outstanding power and the Exorcist Bureau"s insufficient fighting power. Hence, the Exorcist Bureau could only treat Kagami like a reserve force in order to utilize his capricious self.

In other words, Kagami was the best candidate for "it"s not a big problem even if we lose him".

He ought to be the most suitable person if one Independent Officer were transferred to the Mystical Investigators. Or rather, if an Independent Officer other than himself were moved, then negative effects that couldn"t be ignored would appear in the originally-complete spiritual disaster purifications. Because he understood that, Kagami had believed undoubtedly that he would be chosen when he had announced his desire to transfer.

However, before he knew it, Kogure was the one who had been moved to the Mystical Investigators.

It seemed that Kogure was the same as Kagami in that he had also desired to transfer to the Mystical Investigators. Even so, Kogure was a pure exorcist. He didn"t have any experience as a Mystical Investigator, and more importantly, Kogure"s place on the frontlines of spiritual disaster purification was incomparably larger than Kagami"s. Actually, Kogure was undoubtedly at the forefront of the struggle of spiritual disaster purification.

Even if the person himself wanted it, the person a.s.serted by many to be the Exorcist Bureau"s young trump card couldn"t be removed at the present. It wasn"t just Kagami who believed this, anyone in the Exorcist Bureau did too. Even so, the higher-ups had chosen Kogure.

The biggest reason was - Needless to say, the reason Kogure"s transfer had become "realistically possible" was the return of an Independent Exorcist to the frontlines.

National First-Cla.s.s Onmyouji, Shigeoka Shunsuke.

One of the only five people appointed as Independent Exorcists.

Shigeoka had temporarily left the frontlines slightly before the "Great Hinamatsuri Purification" spiritual disaster terrorist attack happened the year before. Since then, the Exorcist Bureau had carried out spiritual disaster purifications with the system of four Independent Officers Miyachi Iwao, Yuge Mari, Kogure Zenjirou, and Kagami Reiji. In the end, although the burdens on each Independent Officer had increased, they had managed to maintain their normal business.

But now that the fifth Independent Officer was returning, they calculated that they would still be able to manage their business with a four-person system even if they took one away. Room to choose had appeared. With that, even taking the lack of Mystical Investigator experience into consideration, the "intensely pa.s.sionate about completing his mission" Kogure was more suited than the "it"s not a big problem even if we lose him" Kagami. That was what the higher-ups thought. Kagami"s usual work att.i.tude became a stumbling block. To Kagami, it was truly hateful.

Once the person was decided, it was irreversible even if Kagami opposed it vehemently. Kagami was extremely displeased.

Hence, at the same time as he carried out his Independent Officer mission, he started searching for Harutora"s and Ohtomo"s whereabouts on his own.

Of course, it was an action that wasn"t thought out. Maybe he could manage with Harutora, but Ohtomo was a former Mystical Investigator. Moreover, his power was first-cla.s.s. If he seriously hid underground, then Kagami definitely wouldn"t be able to find him alone. He hurried over every time they sparked incidents, then swallowed his irritation in the empty vacated area. And so on.

There was no one around Kagami that he could rely on to search, nor did he have any channels open to request that. Even his own information network wasn"t worth mentioning. No matter how excellent an exorcist he was, in the end he was an outcast lone wolf. From society"s point of view, he was just an approximately twenty-year-old "youngster".

Kagami himself poured his heart into training his own strength, but he had never once thought of acquiring means to rely on others. Because of that, when he faced something that he couldn"t deal with using magic, he became more and more conscious that he had no chance.

Kagami"s irritation and depression acc.u.mulated every day.

Then, Amami"s secret communication happened to come at this time.

"Rin, hyo, toh, sha, kai, jin--"

"...Slow as h.e.l.l."

Kagami mercilessly unleashed a water-element charm at Touji as he chanted the kuji-in. The magic torrent of water engulfed Touji, and the armor covering his body flashed with lag.

"The h.e.l.l are you lounging around for. You should have gotten nine syllables minimum in that kind of time."

A leisurely charm magic with no formal chanted incantation whose spell was close to the default specification. Even so, it could be surprisingly effective as long as a pract.i.tioner of Kagami"s level infused enough magical energy. In this situation, speed was the greatest strength.

The speed of the battle in a magic battle against a high-level pract.i.tioner was decisively different from the speed of a battle against an ordinary pract.i.tioner. No matter how "outstanding" a magic was controlled, it was meaningless if the pract.i.tioner was beaten before he used it.

At the same time as he casually pointed out his slow reaction, Kagami quickly readied the next charm in his hand. A wood-element charm. Seeing this, Touji allowed his armor to lag while leaving the flow of water. He changed to a hand seal. A basic seal. Kagami snickered slightly, flicking out the wood-element charm with his finger like before.

Touji chanted Acala"s Fire Realm magic. His thinking was extremely clear. He had seen Kagami take out a wood-element charm after a water-element charm and surmised that his intent was water generates wood of the Five Elements Mutual Generation. Water aura generated wood aura and grew into tendrils of vines. He planned on using the flame of the Fire Realm magic to counter it.

His judgment wasn"t bad, and his immediate and decisive actions also pa.s.sed.

But that was just a textbook[7] level of skill.


Kagami poured magical energy into the magic of the wood-element charm that left his fingers. Sparks flew from the wood-element charm with a crackle. Noticing this, Touji stopped his incantation in surprise, but at that time the wood-element charm had already burst into sparks of electricity and spurted forth electricity. Also, it used the prior water as a medium. The water aura generated wood aura that a.s.saulted Touji in the blink of an eye.


The dark stadium lit up with flashes. Touji yelled and was knocked away by the impact.

He dropped to the ground with a loud sound. Then, his limbs were momentarily paralyzed and unable to move. The armor wrapping his body lagged intensely and half had already disappeared.

Amami, who observed in a corner of the stadium, moved instantly. But Kagami stuck his hands into the pockets of his jacket with an uncaring look.

"......Wood-element charms are surprisingly convenient. Outside of lightning, wood aura has very good characteristics of "wind", much like metal aura. In the sense that it conquers earth aura, it"s also connected to "earthquakes". It has a very wide range of use. Of course, you have to watch out for the balance in water generates wood of Five Elements Mutual Generation."

"......Really, thanks a lot......"

Touji gritted his teeth, forcing the words out in a groan. Then, he put his hands against the ground and staggered up.

Never mind the toughness at being okay after being unilaterally beaten down like that, it was incredible that his eyes still hadn"t lost their fighting spirit. But if he wavered at this level, this kind of exchange wouldn"t have any value at all. It had already been more than a whole year since he was requested to train Touji. The results of that showed clearly - at a pace slightly surpa.s.sing Kagami"s expectations. Honestly, he was quite outstanding.

Kagami cast a gaze in Amami"s direction.

The lights weren"t on as usual, and hence the stadium was dark. Amami sat on the wheelchair on the other side of the darkness enclosing the vast s.p.a.ce, gazing over at them.

He wasn"t "seeing", he was purely "looking"[8]. But even so, Kagami had no intent of looking down on him. There wasn"t a single fool in the Twelve Divine Generals who would look down on the man Amami Daizen no matter what kind of condition he was in.

Kagami indifferently recalled when he had first received Amami"s communication.

He had been thoroughly shocked at the time. He hadn"t been able to believe it immediately. After all, Amami had suddenly vanished without a trace after the Twin-Horned Syndicate sweeping operation had happened last summer, and his whereabouts had been unclear since then. Amami had been the Chief of the Mystical Investigators at the time and had been essentially the second-in-command of the Onmyou Agency. It was a huge incident for that kind of VIP to suddenly vanish. Actually, a search led by the Mystical Investigators was still continuing.

But it was a fact that the tremors within the agency had been minimized since Chief Kurahashi had managed the Mystical Investigators directly. Then there had been the overlapping incidents around Tsuchimikado Harutora and the movements of the Onmyou legal reform, and Amami"s disappearance had slowly vanished from the memories of the Onmyou Agency employees. Amami had come in contact at that kind of time.

A sudden contact in the silence five months after he vanished. Moreover, he had contacted Kagami. It was totally natural for Kagami to feel shocked and doubtful.

But on the other hand, the instinct "that"s why it must be the genuine article" flashed by. That method of bluntly bypa.s.sing the surroundings evoked Amami"s feel in Kagami.

Kagami had directly met Amami afterwards through a number of stages. At that time, he also realized that Touji, whose whereabouts had become unclear after Harutora"s incident, had also been moving with Amami.

Also, he learned the reason for their hiding.

"......So that"s it? The mastermind behind the Twin-Horned Syndicate was none other than the top of the Onmyou Agency, Kurahashi Genji?"

Amami had affirmed Kagami"s confirmation with a serious look.

He understood that it wasn"t a simple lie or joke by seeing the magical mark carved into Amami"s forehead. Because the same mark had been carved into Kagami"s forehead. A seal laid by Kurahashi Genji. Also, Amami"s completely cut off his magical energy. Since that kind of thing was on his forehead, then it was certain that at the least, Amami and Kurahashi were hostile.

But if this wasn"t a lie or a joke, then Amami"s words were a truth that would shock the Onmyou Agency and the magic community. No, it wasn"t just the magic community that would be shaken. The Twin-Horned Syndicate had led to two spiritual disaster terrorist attacks in the past and had brought many deaths and heavy damage to Tokyo.

Amami also spoke of the connection between the Kurahashi family and the Souma clan.

According to Amami"s words, it seemed that the Kurahashi family and Souma family were old allies who had a.s.sisted Yakou together in the Pacific War era. That incident - the series of incidents where Harutora awoke as Tsuchimikado Yakou - was a plan of the Kurahashi and Souma to resurrect Yakou, but they had failed and ended up with Yakou opposing them. That wasn"t just unrelated business to Kagami. After all, Kagami had confronted and fought Harutora before he vanished. He had witnessed the two shikigami gathering by Harutora"s side - the scene of Hishamaru and Kakugyouki.

The link between the Onmyou Agency Chief and a fanatic terrorist group. Also, that link stemmed from a connection even before the war. This was no longer something at the level of a scandal. It was an incredible bomb that could blow the entire Onmyou Agency away.

However, Kagami was more interested in the intent of Amami for disclosing this to him than that problem.

"......What"s your goal? Don"t tell me you want me to tell the police and expose Kurahashi Genji"s crimes...... You"re not thinking that, right?"

Since the incident had developed this large, even Kagami couldn"t act recklessly.

Most importantly, he had no interest.

Even if what Amami said wasn"t a lie or a joke, Kagami wouldn"t take it as one hundred percent true. Because he had no actual evidence. But verifying its authenticity would take quite some work, and would be extremely dangerous, and there would be no benefit. Even more importantly, he didn"t have the enthusiasm.

If he opposed Kurahashi Genji and fought with him and the Souma clan - to be honest, he did think "I want to try". Targeting worthy enemies was the meaning of Kagami"s life as well as the source of his strength. The stronger the enemy was, the more there was "value in acting".

However, even so, Ohtomo was first, and then was Harutora. To the Kagami back then - no, it still hadn"t changed now - coming to a conclusion with the two of them was the top priority. He had no thoughts of deliberately getting involved in the conspiracy within the Onmyou Agency.

But it seemed that Amami had already realized Kagami"s att.i.tude. So, Amami brought an "exchange" for Kagami.

That was to "train Touji".

It seemed that Amami had fled the Onmyou Agency - rather, Kurahashi Genji"s eyes and ears - with Touji and hid underground to pursue traces of Harutora and Ohtomo. In other words, he had the same goal as Kagami in "finding the two". But in the end, he was the former Chief of the Mystical Investigators, so even if his magic was completely sealed, Amami was still better than Kagami in the field of pursuing fugitives.

Then, Amami offered to inform Kagami of the information the two of them obtained in their search.

Amami and Touji would inform Kagami of their information as they pursued Harutora and Ohtomo.

In return, Kagami would train Touji each time.

That was the "exchange" that Kagami established with Amami and Touji.

"......Ah, I can"t find any motivation......"

Right now, Touji was on alert for the next attack while watching for openings in front of Kagami.

To be honest, Touji was "pretty good". The special training Kagami was carrying out now was like actual battle, even a professional exorcist wouldn"t be able to keep up quickly. Even given that Touji was a living spirit, he had merit.

But even so, that wasn"t a reason for Kagami to help him.

No matter how much of an exchange this was, Kagami couldn"t confirm how much Amami was giving him of the information he obtained. Amami also ought to know that Kagami was searching for Harutora and Ohtomo in order to defeat them. Then he couldn"t possibly straightforwardly give them all the information. Though he certainly didn"t have any other sources of information, that wasn"t to say that he would help Touji with special training for some unclear information. From Kagami"s point of view, this wasn"t worthwhile.

However, that said, Kagami had agreed to the exchange and was teaching seriously. This was because of a certain "condition" that Kagami had added on to the exchange.

Also, there was another reason.

That was that Ohtomo had once been a teacher.


Kagami muttered quietly.

Touji had already released his own seal and wielded the strength of a living spirit. The armor covering his body was proof of that.

In other words, he didn"t need to worry that he would die easily.

"I"m starting."

Right as the words left his mouth, Kagami released consecutive magic.

Unmoving Golden Chains. Charm magic. Various magical walls. First-Cla.s.s Spirit Language. And Fire Realm magic. Touji desperately fought back against all of it.

But it wasn"t enough. Because Kagami was regulating himself - that said, even though he was throwing things out casually and although their magical energy outputs were balanced, Touji couldn"t keep up in speed.

"Hey. How many times do I have to say it before you understand. It won"t possibly be of any use if you refine your magical energy after you finish selecting your incantation. Think while running, seeing, and continuously refining your magical energy. Ready enough for the next go when you"re using your magic."

As he said that, he also unleased Unmoving Golden Chains without an incantation or hand seal.

When playing around with an excellent student from an academy, the most effective method was to use "mixed" magic.

That wasn"t limited to the Onmyou Academy. The growing newcomers who weren"t yet serious pract.i.tioners would always use magic "carefully". But that was natural, as if they made a mistake and let first-cla.s.s magic lose control, the pract.i.tioner as well as the surroundings could easily be harmed. Hence, when mastering magic, one had to get used to being careful and attentive before a magic had been completely formed. That was common instruction.

But in a magical "battle", that carefulness would often become shackles.

Even if "accuracy" - or "safety" - was the basic of the basics when using magic, a magic battle was only a magic battle with an opponent. If in the time that one readied an "accurate" and "safe" magic the opponent attacked with "quick", "imprecise", and "dangerous" means, they would be the one to lose. At most they could only pray that the opponent"s magic would lose control.

One could only act crudely in order to win against such an opponent. You would have to use magic even at the cost of safety. Of course, at the same time, you would have to stay above the bottom line of not going out of control - or, even if control was lost, it had to be within an acceptable range.

For a comparison, it was a technique like arriving at the destination without getting in a crash or letting the engine overheat. In the professional world, everyone was equipped with a high-performance engine. Given that, how could one win even a bit more speed than the opponent? "Imprecise" yet "quick" magic was the answer.



Kagami released a fire-element charm. Touji immediately pulled out a water-element charm to try to suppress it.

However, the magic of the first-element charm that Kagami released didn"t activate, it just floated to the ground. "Wha?" As Touji"s eyes widened, the Unmoving Golden Chains that had been released without a sound caught the living spirit and sealed his movements.

"s.h.i.t!" Touji struggled with all his might, exhausting his demonic aura to forcefully shake off the Golden Chains. During that, Kagami looked at Touji with a wicked smile.

"You were slow this time. Reacting and using all your power wasn"t bad, but you"re done if you expose yourself like that, Touji."

Honestly, he had just used a fire-element charm and chanted an incantation, but hadn"t sent it any magical energy and had simultaneously thrown out a soundlessly-released Unmoving Golden Chains. In other words, it was just a simple diversion. But it was significantly effective against a newcomer rashly trying to keep up with the speed of the magic battle.

Also, he did things like use fire aura instead of water aura to block fire aura. Or deliberately making a mistake in his Unmoving Golden Chains and diverting that spell onto wood-aura vines and such.

"Unconventional" tactics, and undoubtedly tricks. But tricks had limited methods of use depending on the time and occasion. Things like conventions were only effective in a battle of similarly-skilled people. If the opponent changed their fighting style, then the balance would instantly change. That was the concept of yin and yang that comprised the Five Elements.

"How is it? It"s tough to keep up your pace against a high-level opponent, huh? But you won"t be able to win against anyone stronger than you right now as long as you can"t do that."

"Ha. You finally don"t have any of that frivolous talk you"re so good at anymore, huh? Your friend"s gonna lose his other eye if you"re slow, you know."

An intense fighting spirit ignited in Touji"s eyes again when he heard that.

Kagami had fought Harutora and cut his left eye with his blade "Higekiri". He had already told Touji about that - or rather, he had actually been lured by Amami"s wordplay and inadvertently gave it voice. After Touji learned of that incident, he had buried their past relationship in his heart and had asked Kagami to teach him.

But it seemed that his anger at a friend being wounded still hadn"t vanished. That unconcealed anger reached him from Touji as he started to attack again. Kagami dodged while continuing to speak.

"Listen, Touji. You"re basically the power-hitter type. I said before to always keep refining magical energy. Just like breathing. It should be natural, not conscious."

Kagami frankly taught Touji everything he thought of without any modification. Though he didn"t know whether it was the correct answer, he was instructing him extremely seriously.

Kagami thought this way. He knew that Ohtomo had been a Mystical Investigator. But after Ohtomo resigned from the Mystical Investigator, he had become a teacher at the Onmyou Academy.

Then what exactly had that person been thinking while he had been teaching students as a teacher? That kind of things had he been thinking about? What had the man who had climbed into the Twelve Divine Generals been pondering as he taught immature students about magic?

Maybe that was completely useless thinking for the purpose of defeating Ohtomo.

However, it was worth a try.

It wasn"t all because of Touji. He had to try everything in order to win against a high-level opponent.

And as for the other reason Kagami accepted the exchange.

"......Well. It"s about time. That"s enough warm-up."

After he said that, Kagami stopped the battle and slowly moved away from the area in front of Touji.

He moved to the wall of the arena and took off and tossed aside the down jacket he wore.

He stretched his neck, returned to the center, and said:

"You"ve piled up quite a bit of resentment, right? Let me help you vent that."

"......Thanks a ton. Putting aside getting hurt, try not to die, alright?"

Touji was still short of breath as he waited for Kagami. But a dazzling thirst burned in the eyes glaring at Kagami.

Anger and irritation at himself were held in Touji"s eyes. Along with a crude destructive impulse. The strength of the "oni" eagerly awaiting release.

Kagami confronted Touji again, making the many rings on his fingers. .h.i.t each other to make a jangling sound.

His eyes sharpened, and he announced in a voice colder than ice.

"......Come. Let me teach you."

Kagami had added a "condition" to the exchange.

That was that if Touji fell, Kagami would take his oni as a shikigami.

Touji gritted his teeth so tightly that his fangs ground.

The horns extending from his forehead grew even longer and wider.

Then, Touji chanted an incantation.

"Second seal, purge!"

That was something that had happened the first time Touji received Kagami"s special training.[9]

The dead of night. This was the location, the stadium of the old Onmyou Academy"s training area.

"In any case, the current you isn"t worth mentioning. But one trick is better than nothing. Let your oni out."

Back then, Kagami had abruptly opened his mouth with an undisguised att.i.tude of evaluation.

Touji couldn"t possibly have any objections either. He felt a quiet tension in his heart while wordlessly taking off the bandanna wrapped around his forehead.

In a position farther away from the two of them was Amami sitting on his wheelchair along with Suisen who pushed the wheelchair. Though Amami never showed it on his expression, his mood was probably very complex. That was also because it was actually Touji who had proposed this exchange, not Amami.

I have to train myself. Touji had told Amami this when he had mentioned hiding underground with him. Of course, those were his true feelings. Poignantly true feelings.

The night Natsume died. Touji had done almost nothing at all. If someone else heard this, they might hastily deny it, but Touji himself had said with sincere feeling that he had just frantically run around. He hadn"t been able to intervene at all.

Useless. His anxiety depressed him.

If things were like that back on that evening, then it didn"t even need to be said that even more difficult situations waited ahead in the future. Becoming strong was Touji"s priority. He had no room to choose for this.

The Divine General Kagami Reiji"s nickname was "Ogre Eater". That stemmed from the strength from a captured oni that Kagami used. He had heard that once before from Kurahashi. But according to Amami"s words, Kagami was only called that because he had purified several oni up to now. In any case, Kagami was used to oni - or more accurately, used to "Type-Ogres".

Touji had been possessed by an oni because of the first spiritual disaster terrorist attack in history, the "Great Hinamatsuri Purification". Since he was a living spirit possessed by an oni, he was close to a "Type-Ogre".

The oni had brought Touji spiritual enc.u.mbrance, but now it was a valuable "strength". Kagami didn"t need to describe it as his "one trick". Touji definitely had no way to immediately increase his strength other than by using the oni inside his body.

The most effective way to learn how methods of using an oni was by learning from someone familiar with oni. Even if that person was a senior who ought to be spat on for many reasons.

"...First seal, purge."

That incantation was the keyword that lifted the seal cast on Touji"s body.

Immediately, Touji"s oni who had been firmly suppressed by the seal slowly moved and awoke. Demonic aura mixed with his entire body"s aura spurted forth, and the density grew and then took form.

A pair of lagging yet ominously-flashing horns extended from his forehead. Inauspicious, sharp fangs appeared between his lips.

At the same time, ancient-looking armor[10] appeared. Also, a helmet symbolizing the oni. This armor wasn"t completely materialized; instead, it was flashing and half-transparent as it covered Touji"s body.

An ancient samurai flashing with crackling lag overlapped with Touji. It was a form like an undead fallen warrior.

This was Touji"s "oni".

This ought to be the first time Amami directly saw this form. Maybe he didn"t have any spirit-seeing ability at the moment, but he understood that feeling of pressure and danger and the solemnity of his expression increased. Suisen also seemed openly surprised from behind him.

But the composure of Kagami who stood in front of him was calm.

He endured the demonic aura gusting from Touji"s body as if it were a breeze, looking over expressionlessly.

Then, his face staying expressionless, he spoke.

"......You can still keep going."

It wasn"t doubtful, nor was it confirmation. It was a tone of "certainty". The corner of Touji"s eye twitched.

Touji accurately understood the meaning in Kagami"s words.

The one who had placed the seal on Touji was his primary physician and Harutora"s father, Tsuchimikado Takahiro. In the first place, a seal had been placed on Touji"s oni because Touji would have been consumed by the oni if it hadn"t been suppressed. The oni would instantly gnaw away at Touji when the seal binding it vanished. Then, it would appear as a Phase Three spiritual disaster using his body as a vessel. The so-called "Type-Ogres" referred to mobile spiritual disasters that materialized with humans as vessels.

Hence, Takahiro had overlapped several heavy seals in order to keep Touji from becoming a spiritual disaster. Right now, Touji was in a state where one of those was released. In other words, he was extracting strength from the oni inside through a gap in the seals covering it.

Also, Kagami had said "you can still keep going" at a glance after "seeing" this state.

Great. A daring smile emerged on Touji"s face.

"......Second seal, purge!"

Touji chanted an incantation again. With that as the trigger, the second seal was released.

The change was rapid.

The spiritual pressure over his body instantly grew, and more and denser demonic aura poured forth. The armor that had continued lagging before settled down and more than half-materialized. In addition, there was the illusion that Touji"s body itself grew larger. His internal pressure swelled, seeming about to burst.

Also, the presence of the oni in Touji"s body suddenly swelled greatly.

It touched the freedom it had been separated from for a long time and howled in dreadful happiness. It tried to immediately engulf its host and seize control, extending its ominous fangs towards Touji.

A violent and ferocious destructive impulse slowly tainted his mind. At the same time as it desired everything, it tried to abandon everything. An intense thirst for that kind of hedonic destruction. He hadn"t experienced "this" since the Nue. Touji intently maintained his own consciousness, resisting the rising oni with all his spirit.

But as he desperately resisted the oni, he noticed it. He noticed the "strength" that constantly poured forth. Completely incomparable to the state when he had released the first seal. A far, far stronger spiritual power.

Suddenly, Touji thought of the Five Elements Mutual Generation using a spiritual disaster as its basis that Harutora had shown in his battle with Shaver. At the time, Harutora had made the wood aura of a "Type-Worm" generate fire aura, and had used that fire aura to defeat Shaver. Touji clearly remembered the astonishing magical energy Harutora had released at the time.

Five Elements Mutual Generation using a Phase Three.

He should be able to do the same thing with the "Type-Ogre" in his body. He could use this spiritual disaster - and moreover, it was a mobile spiritual disaster - that was concealed in his body.

If. If he were able to use this condition for battle, then he might be able to "get through" the battles in the future. Touji thought this as he tried hard to endure the oni"s pressure.


Kagami"s opinion was different.

"......You can still keep going."

Kagami said coldly.

Touji couldn"t help but be speechless.

"......What"s wrong? You can still keep going, right? Do it."

Kagami"s expression hadn"t changed at all since he had started releasing the seal. It was indifferent, as if this was nothing special. And then, seeing Kagami like that, Touji realized.

Actually, what Touji was currently doing wasn"t much to Kagami. Kagami was an Independent Exorcist. He had witnessed countless spiritual disasters up to now and purified every single one of them. Of course, it was the same for "Type-Ogres". Wasn"t that why he was the "Ogre Eater"?

Supposing that he would have to fight an opponent of Kagami"s league, this level of strength wasn"t worth mentioning.


Amami interrupted from where he sat on the wheelchair.

"Stop there, Kagami. ...Touji. Put the seal back."

"You wait by the side, old man. Don"t interrupt if you don"t even have spirit sight."

"Hah? Don"t joke around. If you plan on making Touji fall and become an oni, I won"t be able to fulfill the "condition" from before, right? Touji, reseal."

Amami didn"t flinch. He ignored Kagami"s words, ordering Touji again.

Amami bore the greatest danger in this exchange. After all, Kagami was an Independent Exorcist. He was a person belonging to the Exorcist Bureau - or, the Onmyou Agency. Amami would have trouble even escaping alone in front of a person belonging to his enemy"s side, but he had especially come out to meet him. He was in a position where he could be taken away helplessly if Kagami betrayed him in this moment.

Even so, Amami had agreed to Touji"s proposal in the end. Amami"s own plans were probably in this, but that still didn"t reduce the danger that he was captured.

Since Amami had burdened himself with great danger to do this, Touji couldn"t just go back without anything to show for it.


Kagami ordered Touji again.

"Do it."

Touji tightly gritted his teeth.

Then, just like before, a daring smile appeared on his face again.

"Third seal, purge!"

Touji bellowed.

The third seal was released.

The oni leaped.

His vision was tinted black. His entire body froze and ignited simultaneously. The oni gnawed at his mind, filling him with an ominous feeling.

His body seemed as if multiple bombs were constantly exploding without stopping. The spiritual pressure leaped up faster and faster, trying to whip "Touji" to bits from the inside. Touji - the samurai armor becoming flames of raging demonic aura that wrapped around his body - roared.

He struck.

At Kagami. At his prey.

Kagami"s movements were also completely different from before. He immediately clawed the air with his fingers, making a grid appear in the air. Touji collided with it. The flames of demonic aura streaked through the darkness, hitting the magic wall like bullets. Smash. An intense feeling of contact emanated as demonic aura and flickering flames danced wildly.

Kagami"s magic wall tried to repel Touji. But Touji"s feet braced against the ground, opposing the magic wall head-on.

He roared and put strength into his arms. The breath that leaked out of the gaps between his fangs was a miasma that would make a normal person faint upon contact. Even the line of sight of the burning eyes behind the iron helmet was filled with powerful magic.


The armor that was currently completely materialized shuddered and made a clattering noise as if dancing and laughing.

Touji"s strength exploded and he tore apart the grid-patterned magical wall. The magical wall dispersed and demonic aura and magical energy raged. Of course, by that time Kagami had already changed positions. "...Order!" He cast charm magic from the side. A water-element charm. There wasn"t even time to avoid it as it hit right on target. But Touji no longer even felt this slight pain. As the permanent barrier of the training area creaked loudly, he roared and kicked off the ground to pursue Kagami.

His mind was filled with hunting his prey. The soul-shaking impulse didn"t stop urging his heart forward.

p.r.i.c.king anger. Offensive impulse. A dazzling sense of release. Terror and happiness shaded dark.

The feelings of the released oni.

But the oni wasn"t completely free. Even if the "oni" was committed to rampaging, "Touji" didn"t release the last reins.

He controlled the oni like driving a galloping horse. If he let up just a bit - or if he gave it anything less than his full concentration - the reins would be stolen from him. But the remaining rationality of "Touji" bet its existence on continuing to grasp the reins.

In any case, he couldn"t stop. The demonic aura spurting forth like a volcano was released outwards by the battle. He had to reduce it, even if just a bit - he continued to lower the internal pressure. Also, he turned the consciousness of the oni towards the "enemy" instead of "Touji". You could say that the oni"s innate destructive impulse itself was being used as his weapon.


Touji punched out sharply. An uppercut slanting obliquely up. The demonic aura swirled loudly, approaching Kagami like a mixer trying to crush him into bits. Kagami put up multiple barriers that he had never seen before, using them to gradually sap the attack"s power.

In that lull, Kagami counterattacked. Four original creation shikigami charms transformed into the forms of b.e.s.t.i.a.l skeletons. The skeleton beasts worked together and formed a hunting pack to a.s.sault the armored warrior.

One bit his calf, while one sank its teeth into his arm. One circled around behind his back to look for an opening, and one leaped at his throat.

An oni"s smile emerged on Touji"s lips.

First, he smashed the one leaping at him to bits with a straight punch. Then, he kicked the one on his calf, hurling it into the one behind his back. He gripped the body of the one hanging on his wrist with his other hand, and then forcefully shredded it.

The oni - Touji - absorbed the magical energy scattered from the shikigami. He sucked in deeply and exhaled with a shudder-provoking ominous presence. He savored its blinding anger alongside its joy.

He couldn"t stand it.


He wasn"t completely suppressing the oni"s explosive power, he was just letting it burst out in the direction of the enemy. He raced to Kagami with a pure hunting mentality. Kagami also immediately stopped holding back. The Divine General continuously released magic, battering the oni and Touji.

The armor flashed with lag and the flames of demonic aura were sent into disorder.

But he wasn"t afraid. He charged through the center of the magic, heading straight for Kagami. "Ha!" Kagami made a joyful sound. Touji did the same. Joy. Battle, hunting, destruction, devastation; how joyful.

No, this wasn"t enough. He still hadn"t experienced the final thing. So he had to vent himself. His displeasure, his anger, his desire. He would show his fangs, kick the ground, release his demonic aura,