Tokyo Ravens

Chapter 8


Underneath the Onmyou Academy building was a s.p.a.cious area rivaling an athletics field - a magic training field used for practical coursework.

The arena of the magic training field was about as large as three or four basketball courts, and it was about three stories high, with spectator seating above the two-meter tall walls that encircled it. It looked like an indoor stadium, but the biggest difference was the altar set in the back and the incantations and patterns written on the walls. In addition, there were light green pillars on either side of the entrances with magical power-infused shimenawa[1] roped across them protecting the outside against the spells cast inside the arena.

Just then, the students in Ohtomo"s cla.s.s were walking in and sitting in the spectator seats, gazing around the arena.

"......So this is where practicals are held."

"Other places also have cla.s.srooms for practical trainings, but this is still the biggest."

Touji looked around the underground magic practice field below the spectator seats, and Tenma who sat next to him replied.

"Speaking of first-cla.s.s magic training, this place could be called one of the nation"s largest altars. The outer walls of this place have undergone enchantment by National First-Cla.s.s Onmyouji, and not even the strongest magic can breach it - even a third phase spiritual disaster couldn"t destroy it. Even people from the Onmyou Agency come to borrow it sometimes."

"It"s such a luxury to come to this impregnable fortress for a quarrel."

Touji crooked his mouth, "hmph"ing ironically. However meddlesome he was, he had never expected the situation to develop into this.

He casually sized up the surroundings, searching for Natsume"s position among the students spectating the battle. She was sitting in the second row by herself, separated from the arena by a distance of one row.

Even now, Natsume still hadn"t shown any intention of coming forward to help Harutora. Though she was pretending to be calm, the restlessness in her heart was clear from a glance. Regret and contradiction was written all over her face, and she stared imposingly at the arena.

At the moment, the people standing in the arena were the warming-up, motivated Kon and Kyouko who had recalled the two Yaksha for now. Ohtomo was together with Harutora who seemed still unprepared, and they hadn"t yet appeared.

"Is this cla.s.s always this casual?"

"It"s not."

"Maybe our instructor is a bit too carefree."

"That...... I can"t say it"s not true......"

Tenma showed a wry smile and a difficult expression towards Touji"s straightforward questions.

"In the end, he originally wasn"t a teacher, and he only just began as an Onmyou Academy lecturer this semester...... Honestly, he"s not very good at teaching."

"What was his profession before?"

"He was originally a Mystical Investigator before he retired because of his foot injury, and he was quite excellent - at least he says so."

"A Mystical Investigator, huh......"

Mystical Investigators - magical criminal investigators specialized in anti-personnel magic, the Onmyouji specialty that required the most ability. Unfortunately, the only impression Touji had of them was of being brushed off by Dairenji Suzuka as if they had been minions or background characters. Of course, this was all due to their opponent at the time being too strong.

"Right, Tenma. Regarding the incident that happened just now - Harutora just called a shikigami. Weren"t the reactions of Kurahashi Kyouko and everyone else a bit too intense?"

"Ahh, if it were only a standard shikigami everyone"s reactions wouldn"t have been that surprised, but it"s because Harutora-kun called forth a defensive shikigami."

Tenma replied to Touji"s question honestly. The two of them had just met yesterday, but today they were already quite friendly.

"I remember you said yesterday that in this cla.s.s only Natsume and Kurahashi Kyouko had defensive shikigami. Is that little thing really that powerful of a shikigami?"

"Actually, it"s not that it"s powerful...... Defensive shikigami and servant-type shikigami are basically shikigami that have to be summoned all the time, so it"s an unusually heavy burden for the person they serve. Though the burden is comparatively lighter when they"re not materialized, they still have to maintain a link of spiritual energy at all times, and so anyone without particularly strong magical power is unable to control those kinds of shikigami."

"Oh, I see. Simply put, a magical power that"s not strong enough won"t be able to control one."

"Right, so servant-type or defensive shikigami are a kind of status symbol for Onmyouji."

"So that"s why everyone felt it so unexpected that an outsider like Harutora would have a defensive shikigami."

Touji nodded his head knowingly. Then, it was Tenma"s turn to lean in towards Touji.

"......Hey, Touji-kun. Honestly, how is Harutora-san"s strength? I originally believed he was an outsider, but...... Was he really helped out by the Tsuchimikado family?"

Tenma didn"t forget to be careful of the surroundings as he asked this, and the eyes behind his couldn"t conceal his curiosity. Touji hmphed, shrugging his shoulders.

"That guy"s normal expression is his most truthful appearance, and that little guardian was a parting gift his dad gave him when he left, so he doesn"t actually know how to control it well."

"He, he indeed looked like he couldn"t really control it......"


A sharp, cold light flashed across Touji"s eyes, and his mouth curved into a cold smile, bringing about an arrogant air.

"If you look down on him for that, there"s a good chance you"ll suffer for it. This summer is an example."

Touji"s tone changed, and Tenma couldn"t help but look at him and utter a "Huh?" sound. But, Touji didn"t heed Tenma"s gaze and just stared intently at the arena.

Touji hadn"t witnessed first-hand how the incident caused by Dairenji Suzuka this summer had been wrapped up, after all. Something had happened on the "Imperial Hill" altar, but he had only heard the ins and outs of Harutora"s point of view, so he didn"t understand Harutora"s true strength either.

Because of this, he was quite interested in this shikigami showdown regardless of how things would develop.

Tenma stared at Touji, his gaze rather confused, still seeming confused about what the "example" referred to.

"...On the other hand, Harutora-kun is really slow. What"s he doing?" He deliberately changed the subject as if noticing that Touji was unwilling to continue talking. Touji"s expression softened considerably from his consideration.

"......Though I shouldn"t say this in front of you yourself..."

"Huh? What?"

"If you want to make friends with an intelligence source, it seems like it"s more suitable to have a bit more of an evil heart."

"......Is that praise? Or derogatory?"

That roundabout explanation sounded incomprehensible to Tenma. Touji didn"t respond, just deliberately letting a warm smile show on his expression.

Just then--

"Ah, he"s here! ......Huh, what"s going on?"

Tenma looked at the arena and shouted, and Touji also leaned his body forward slightly.

Harutora and Ohtomo, who had volunteered to referee, showed up in the arena where Kyouko and Kon were waiting.

But, it couldn"t be told immediately whether or not the person who walked into the arena was actually Harutora.


"......Why is that guy wearing a kendo protector?"

"A, And he"s even wearing miasma-protection clothing on top of it! That"s exorcist equipment!"

The Harutora who appeared in the arena was wearing a kendo mask on his head, with a chest protector and protective gloves on his body and also a black outer garment over it. Not only Natsume and the other students but even his opponent Kyouko and his teammate Kon widened their eyes in surprise.

Just as an uproar swept over the vast magic training field, the strangely outfitted Harutora walked straight towards the center where Kyouko was waiting.

Then, Ohtomo gave Harutora a wooden sword.

Touji couldn"t help but laugh hilariously upon seeing that scene, instantly seeing through what Harutora was attempting.

"......Not bad, it"s very like his style."

Touji delightedly spoke softly to himself beside the confused Tenma.


Those were Harutora"s heartfelt feelings.

"I"m a new student who just entered yesterday, and I"m a beginner with extraordinarily meager experience, right? Are the methods of the Onmyou Academy too arbitrary? What kind of devilish ideas is this Ohtomo person planning? Can Onmyouji be this random?"

"Harutora-kun~? I heard all of your heartfelt feelings~"

Harutora muttered complaints non-stop as he walked towards the magic practice field.

Kyouko and the other students had long since gone to the magic practice field as he was protesting to Ohtomo. Because Harutora was troublesome, he had literally forced Kon to go first and stayed behind alone to continue convincing Ohtomo - but unfortunately, he still failed in the end and could only walk together with Ohtomo and with heavy steps to the arena.

"Sensei, are you serious? You don"t plan on saying something and smoothing things over like before?"

"I don"t."

"As an educator, aren"t your methods a little too irresponsible?"

Harutora"s tone carried resentment, but that probably wasn"t anything unexpected, and Ohtomo didn"t have any intention at all of replying to that directly.

"Alright, alright, this isn"t bad. Anyway, you just entered the academy but you"re about to be isolated, right? Doesn"t everyone think of you as a fool and exclude you?"

"Uwah, to think you wouldn"t be concerned at all about the fragile heart of a transfer student, saying it that directly."

"Since you have a defensive shikigami, shouldn"t you take this opportunity to show your hand and restore your reputation? Don"t you think I"m planning this intentionally while really thinking of my students?"

"Not at all! Moreover, I"m definitely going to lose, and it"s going to be a spectacular failure!"

"You can"t make an omelet without breaking eggs, and anyway your position won"t get any worse no matter how you shame yourself."

"That"s too much! Is that something an instructor should say?"

"Don"t get me wrong, the Onmyou Academy may be a school, but it"s just a school for teaching specialized techniques."

Ohtomo spoke happily, his cane and fake leg making thumping sounds as they knocked on the ground. This person was really unredeemable. Harutora"s face sank.

"Also--" Ohtomo didn"t change his flippant tone. "Natsume-kun is an extremely excellent student, especially his servant shikigami. No wonder it"s a Tsuchimikado guardian beast, it"s one of very few spiritual beasts in the country, and it"s very strong even if it can barely be used. A normal Onmyouji can"t compare to him even among specialists."

"......Why do you suddenly mention Natsume?"

"Yeah, my meaning is that Natsume-kun is very strong, but he still can"t contend with one of the Twelve Divine Generals. He wouldn"t be able to manage if he were only by himself."

Harutora couldn"t say anything for a while and stared at the back of Ohtomo who had stopped in front of him.

Ohtomo had once expressed that he knew insider information, but Harutora hadn"t expected that he would bring up Dairenji in this kind of time.

He turned around, his mouth showing a mocking smile.

"Harutora-kun, you"re truly an outsider, but you don"t need to look down on yourself that much. You already have done an extremely incredible thing even in the eyes of a specialist Onmyouji."

"I, I didn"t do anything at all."

"That"s not for sure. So-called magic doesn"t just have to look mighty and powerful, and actually, it is the second-cla.s.s magic that is truly influential. Even outsiders who haven"t encountered magic can cast spells unwittingly."

Ohtomo spoke similar words to what the had said, but it was still incomprehensible to the ears of Harutora who couldn"t distinguish first and second-cla.s.s magic at all.

But Ohtomo didn"t seem concerned, continuing to say:

"In addition, didn"t the say something? The Onmyou Academy will not gather unqualified students regardless of how many reasons there are. More importantly, the process of judging whether someone is qualified or not is quite profound and complex, not something shallow like relying on you to decide for yourself."

Harutora stared silently at Ohtomo.

Was this person planning on fooling him with smoke and mirrors again? But, Ohtomo"s words moved his heart and he couldn"t pay them no heed.

Ohtomo strode forward again.

"Your number one goal is to become an Onmyouji, right?"

"Actually, I was finally rea.s.sured when I heard that sentence. I know that you definitely won"t give up on your goal of becoming an Onmyouji regardless of what kind of troubles you encounter in the future. Therefore, don"t worry so much. The Onmyou Academy acknowledges your qualifications, and it won"t be a problem reaching your goal as long as you just continue growing at your own pace."

Thump, thump, Ohtomo"s steps sounded along the corridor. Harutora stood still for a while and then chased after Ohtomo who was walking ahead.

The Onmyou Academy was mysterious, whether the building, curriculum, students, or teachers alike. But the most unknown element among them was the "Onmyouji".

But, it was his goal to become an Onmyouji.

In order to respect his promise with Natsume.

In order to realize Hokuto"s dream.


Harutora made his decision, calling out to Ohtomo. "Yeah?" Ohtomo turned around again.

"For the shikigami battle in a while......"

"What is it? Don"t worry, I"ll stop the compet.i.tion quickly before you get injured."

Harutora shook his head, denying Ohtomo"s joke.

"I have something to ask of you - can I talk with you?"

After Harutora made his request and the two of them spoke, the result was that Harutora put on a suit of kendo equipment and miasma-protection clothing before entering the arena.

Kyouko frowned, and even Kon looked at him dumbstruck. Harutora couldn"t help but feel embarra.s.sed, his face flushing red underneath his faceguard.

"I didn"t say I wanted to wear this exaggerated equipment."

"Idiot, since I"m agreeing to your request, protection of this level is natural. I would be the one responsible if you got injured. Here."

Ohtomo spoke distressedly, giving Harutora a wooden sword. Actually, this wooden sword was the thing Harutora had requested from Ohtomo - more accurately, he just wanted this "weapon".

"I"ve cast a bit of magic on it and on your protector too, of course. So even if you get hit head-on, you might not split in half along with your wooden sword. Be thankful."

"Y, Yes, thanks sensei."

Harutora tried swinging the wooden sword after receiving it. He had only practiced a bit of kendo during middle school physical education cla.s.s, but it was much more comfortable than fighting bare-handed.


He nodded his head to urge himself on and left Ohtomo"s side.

"H, H-H, Harutora-sama? That outfit is......?"

Kon was speechless for a long time at Harutora"s equipment. Harutora clumsily shrugged his shoulders from under his protector.

"Listen, Kon, this is my battle plan."

"Y, Yes...... Huh? Battle plan?"

"Yes, the plan"s very simple actually, you get the white one, and I"ll deal with the black one."

"......Uh, um, Harutora-sama? You mean......"

Kon"s face was full of confusion, her big tail swishing back and forth anxiously as she didn"t know how to respond.

Just then--

"What are you playing at?"

Kyouko spoke angrily, her tone extremely scornful.

"This is a battle between shikigami, a very common thing in practical training. Shikigami are the fighters in this battle, the pract.i.tioners don"t act...... but I won"t stop you if you"re still that scared about it."

"Silence, wench! If you dare open your mouth towards Harutora-sama again--"

"Hey! Calm down, Kon."

From behind, Harutora hurriedly restrained Kon who was about to charge forward, enduring the tickling brought about from her tail and lifting her up. Kon"s feet kicked around in empty air.

"H-H-Harutora-sama, please release me~"

"First, don"t interrupt me! ...Kurahashi, you meant "however I like" just now, right? So you have no opinion even if I use a weapon?"

"......How unbearable. You"re scared of my shikigami that much even when you"re ordering your shikigami from afar?"

"After all, they have katanas and spears in their hands, and I don"t have the courage to face them unarmed."

Harutora admitted it readily, and Kyouko raised her eyebrows in surprise, seeming like she didn"t understand the meaning of his words. Then, her eyes widened as she finally understood their implication.

Harutora planned on also entering himself and fighting with the shikigami.

"Th-Th-Th-That cannot be allowed, Harutora-sama!"

"Who cares about that, aren"t there two shikigami on the other side? Your size and weight can"t compare to them at all, and there"s no chance of winning at all when you make it two-against-one."

"W, What, what do you mean?! In the first place, don"t you know that as the number of shikigami increases, controlling them also becomes more difficult? Number is a test of the pract.i.tioner"s strength, don"t think having more shikigami is unfair!"

"I didn"t mean that, I was just saying that with me, it"s two against two."

Harutora spoke calmly, but Kyouko shouted hoa.r.s.ely:

"Don"t joke around! What kind of pract.i.tioner does something stupid like fight a shikigami! This is a shikigami battle, only shikigami can fight!"

"And I"m also a shikigami."

Harutora replied calmly and objectively from under his faceguard. Kyouko shook her head, stunned.

The students in the spectator seats all gaped at Harutora"s words. Of course, Tenma wasn"t excluded, and Natsume"s reaction was the same. The only one excluded from this was Touji who had been laughing since the beginning.

"Sensei agreed."

"Really, sensei?"


"Could your brain be broken?"

"That"s painful to hear, Kyouko-kun. But that spirit is pretty good."

"......To think you didn"t deny it."

Harutora let Kon down and glanced at Ohtomo. Kyouko seemed to find the situation"s development hard to accept because of the instructor"s complete confession, softly muttering "......How did this kind of thing happen?"

"It"s about time to begin. Especially since it was you who proposed a fight in the first place."

"What? I won"t oppose you if you want to stop the battle, since I was just going to play along with you for a fight anyway."

Saying this[2], Harutora smiled for a bit, and Kyouko gritted her teeth when she saw that, so angry that her whole body shook.

Then, she fiercely raised her head, looking into the spectator seats.

"Natsume-kun, is this the Tsuchimikado way? You don"t plan on stopping him?"


Natsume who had suddenly been singled out went stiff, her look becoming tense as if she were condemned to death row and handed the pistol for the execution.


Natsume didn"t reply to Kyouko"s yell. Her eyes rapidly turned to Harutora, as if fleeing.

However, Harutora didn"t even glance at Natsume.

"Don"t go too far. I"m the person fighting with you, not Natsume."

Kyouko turned her gaze because of Harutora"s unconcerned att.i.tude. She wordlessly stared at Harutora for a long time as if ridding herself of her hesitation and then finally called her guardians" names.

Two Yaksha showed themselves again.

The students in the spectator seats chattered, and Natsume who was observing the development from the side couldn"t help but stand up.

"......I won"t care if something happens to you."

Kyouko"s face was slightly pale as she gave that warning, but Harutora didn"t speak, swinging the wooden sword again to confirm its feeling.

"H-H-H, Harutora-sama. Forgive my transgression, but I cannot agree to this plan. It is my responsibility to battle with the enemy, so if Harutora-sama would please stay back......"


Harutora interrupted tersely, turning down Kon"s begging--

--But, his look then relaxed.

"In the end, I don"t understand methods of using shikigami at all either."

"D-D-Do not let that small matter bother you, Harutora-sama......"

"Sorry, but that"s meaningless. Even if I don"t understand ways to use shikigami, I still have to find some way of my own."

Saying this, Harutora put his hand on the shikigami"s small head, lightly patting her twice.

"So, I want to start trying from the most direct methods. I definitely don"t mean that I distrust you, and also there"s a good chance that I"ll be the person to retreat."


"Don"t make that face, I have a bit of fighting experience more or less. I"m counting on you, comrade."

Kon gazed at Harutora, worry emerging on her innocent face. A few moments later, she tightened her lips and silently turned towards Kyouko and her shikigami.

"......Hey, is he serious?"

"No way, that person......"

As the students watching the fight on the sidelines whispered to each other, the sound of their discussion became noisier and noisier. The voices that had originally been dissatisfied and belittling gradually turned to simple shock and excitement. Noise spilled forth from all directions, and Harutora purposefully dismissed them from his mind.

He let his consciousness focus on the fight in front of him.

He hoped to gain some useful experience through this battle.

"......Seems like both sides are prepared."

Once Ohtomo noticed, his voice rang through the entire magic battlefield, and the surroundings temporarily fell silent.

"Then - Start!"

The shikigami showdown began upon that order.

"This is terrible, I almost can"t bear to watch."

He stared intently at the fight from a corner of the arena, in the shadow of the pillar behind the spectator seats.

The two Yaksha that Kyouko controlled were currently fighting fiercely against Harutora and Kon in the arena. But Kyouko"s shikigami didn"t seem to be moving very agilely, maybe due to the fact that their opponent was human, and Kon couldn"t focus her mind on dealing with her own enemy because she was concerned about Harutora. Only Harutora himself was single-minded, but Harutora was rolling around on the ground after being sent flying by the black shikigami"s - Kokfuu"s - spear.

"That"s the shikigami chosen by the king?"

"......The King of the North Star hasn"t awakened yet and is only an immature child right now. It"s a human emotion to want to keep close acquaintances by your side."

"But to think he would choose such a low youngster, how dissatisfying."

"Quite so."

He was indeed quite unhappy, even feeling angry. He felt that not only the King of the North Star"s radiance but even his own ideals and loyalty that he dedicated to the king had been trampled upon and soiled.

Once the king awoke, he would definitely immediately rectify this ugliness.

But regardless of how soon that would be, he couldn"t make the king do such a lowly action. He couldn"t tolerate such an act.

There had to be someone by the king"s side leading his actions until the king awoke.

Moreover, he believed that he was the only one for that heavy responsibility.

"What were you thinking!"

Harutora had taken off his kendo protector after the fight had ended and was sitting on a bench in the locker room. Natsume charged in from the spectator seats with a momentum that almost sent him flying. Harutora and Kon were the only ones in the locker room. Touji also came to visit Harutora in the locker room, but came later than Natsume.

"What was I thinking...... What do you mean?"

"Of course I meant the fight just now! To think you would take the field and fight against shikigami yourself, are you crazy? What would you do if you got hurt?"

"That"s why I dressed up like this."

"That"s just pointless! Especially since your opponents are Yaksha, you could have lost your life if you were careless!"

Natsume was so angry her face was flushed as she scolded him in a torrent. Harutora knitted his brow and shut his mouth as he sat on the bench, since after all he had been beaten black and blue just now and was in no position to refute.

The result of the fight wasn"t out of anyone"s expectations, and Harutora had failed spectacularly.

Kyouko"s defensive shikigami Hakuou and Kokfuu weren"t opponents Harutora could contend with in either movement or combat skills. The "G-model shikigami" sold by the Onmyou Agency had extraordinary combat skill and techniques even unarmed, and Hakuou and Kokfuu had mastered the sword and the spear respectively.

Of course, they relied on their pract.i.tioner"s control to be able to use those abilities. Kyouko"s skill at controlling the Yaksha was quite good even if she was using two shikigami at once. Kyouko was obviously somewhat hesitant at the start due to having a human as her opponent, but either she changed her thoughts soon or got annoyed at Harutora"s games, as she stopped being merciful and Harutora and Kon were completely unable to parry the violent attacks. Of course, Kyouko had been hitting with the back of the blade since the beginning. She had her shikigami deftly use the spear tip as it attacked Harutora, throwing him around, pressuring him, and knocking him over however she pleased.

The spectators in the stands who had watched with bated breath at the beginning ended up constantly laughing and joking ironically; among them, Touji was the one who exploded into laughter the most unscrupulously......

"Why don"t you fight back a bit seriously! I don"t agree with what Kurahashi Kyouko says, but swinging that wooden sword and standing on the battlefield together with your shikigami are laughable actions!"

"I, I was very serious."

"Did you truly think that battle just now was very "serious"!? You were mocked and the people watching laughed at you...... Could it be that you don"t feel bad inside?"

Natsume roared with a red face, seeming quite mad. But, Harutora felt a bit confused rather than introspective or disagreeing. He didn"t really understand what Natsume was mad for.

Moreover, though Natsume had asked him "could it be that you don"t feel bad inside", Harutora actually didn"t feel one bit discontent at all, even if he had lost this fight. At the least, the powerless and empty feeling from after cla.s.s yesterday hadn"t overflowed his heart.

He wasn"t dissatisfied with losing, nor was he showing off, but rather he had an enriched feeling as if he had grasped his own pace for the first time. Harutora"s att.i.tude of altogether accepting his loss had completely enraged Natsume, but the immature shikigami wasn"t perceptive enough and was unable to notice the subtle changes in his master"s heart.

"......H, H-Harutora-sama......"

Kon lightly tugged on the hem of Harutora"s uniform from behind his back.

"......I-I-I, Is it alright to allow her to wantonly abuse you like this?"

"Whew, idiot...... Didn"t I say it very clearly yesterday? She"s the next heir of the main family, and I"m currently her shikigami."


A look even more discontent than Harutora"s emerged on the shikigami"s innocent face, not only for losing the fight, but also for being unable to rebut Natsume"s angry words.

Natsume wordlessly stared daggers at Kon as the two of them whispered. Even Kon couldn"t help but silence herself when that curse-like, vicious gaze stared at her.

Harutora had told Kon about the circ.u.mstances relating to Natsume yesterday, and Kon was definitely able to clearly distinguish Natsume as being from the main family, even if her att.i.tude towards people other than Harutora didn"t change.

Even so, she still tried to defend her master.

"......J-Just now Harutora-sama lost all because of th-th-that wooden sword prepared by that smiley fake Onmyouji...... It"s definitely not because of H-Harutora-sama"s skill......!"

"Wooden sword?"

Natsume couldn"t help but ask upon hearing Kon"s defense, and Touji who had originally been crossing his arms silently on the side spoke as if he had thought of something surprising:

"So the problem was there? That trick truly was a bit unfortunate. Harutora, you originally planned on using that opportunity, right?"

"W, Wait up, what are you saying?"

"You didn"t notice? Before the fight ended, that black shikigami"s attack rhythm became quite monotonous, perhaps because of habit or carelessness. At that time, this guy was busying himself with defense while secretly gauging the distance, planning on avoiding the spear attack and taking advantage of that opportunity to get close to the enemy."

Kon nodded her head vigorously from behind Harutora as she heard Touji"s explanation, but Harutora turned his head embarra.s.sedly.

Actually, Harutora had used the difference in range of the two weapons, shortened the distance between the two of them, had even succeeded in drawing and avoiding Kokfuu"s attack, and charged over in a flash.

But, just as he was going to pull out all the stops and strike with all his power, the wooden sword he was swinging suddenly fractured in midair from the blade to the center - and moreover, it had fragmented from the inside out.

"......Didn"t it fracture because he attacked the opponent"s armor?"

"Nn...... I was focusing on attacking at the time, and actually I"m not really sure what happened. But sensei truly said that he had "cast magic" on it, and it"s probably a result of the gradual acc.u.mulation of the shocks that it had endured before. That just goes to show that the opponent"s attacks were just too powerful, so I can"t make any dispute."

"Th-That is not the case, it"s the fault of that f-f-fake Onmyouji!"

"Fake Onmyouji...... When the wooden sword fractured, I also got angry at that rotten teacher. But anyway, it"s just more of that misfortune."

Harutora smiled wryly, trying to calm the raging anger of his shikigami.

However, he unconsciously glanced at Natsume and noticed that his childhood friend"s face had become paler than before.

"......This is way too ridiculous." Natsume trembled as she spoke.

"Huh? W, Why?"

"I don"t know what magic Ohtomo-sensei cast on the wooden sword, but he should have strengthened the wooden sword to endure the Yaksha"s attacks, right?"

"Ah, if I remember, he said something like that...... So what?"

"Are you stupid! To think you would enter a fight where even a magically strengthened wooden sword would split in half! You should have some self-awareness, right!"

Natsume"s roars sounded even more angry now than when she had charged into the locker room just recently. Harutora flinched in surprise, looking at Natsume, but she didn"t seem willing to even look at Harutora.

Her symmetric face was twisted from anxiety and other emotions.

"You"re too full of yourself, can you even consider yourself a Tsuchimikado like that? Magic is extremely dangerous! Since you"re stupid, use that stupid brain of yours to think a bit before acting!"

Her tone shook near the end and her tone became more and more furious.

Harutora finally couldn"t stand it upon hearing this scolding.

"......Is that an "order", master?"


"......I"m very sorry I humiliated you again, but unfortunately, these are my methods, and if you aren"t satisfied, then you"d better hurry up and fire a shikigami like me."

Harutora pouted and turned his head after saying that. Natsume"s eyes widened and she stood still, stunned and almost unblinking, unable to stop her shoulders from twitching.

Tears started filling those eyes that stared at Harutora from her hysterical emotions.

Then, she repressed her emotions with all of her remaining willpower.

"......If you think those methods work, then why don"t you just go......"

Saying this, Natsume turned her back towards Harutora and the others - She ran out of the locker room without looking back, her tied hair flying around.


Kon looked at Harutora, not knowing what to do. Even Kon who had been dissatisfied with Natsume"s tough att.i.tude was helpless upon encountering this anger. Harutora"s face sank, and he decided to ignore his fl.u.s.tered shikigami.

Touji sighed lightly.

"......She said that because she was worried about you."

His agitated emotions cooled off momentarily because of those words.

"I know."

Harutora replied, his tone having long since lost the enriching feeling of having grasped his own pace that had been audible in it just recently.

The second day since he had entered the academy ended just like that. Harutora sighed deeply in front of his good friend and the shikigami who worried about him.

Actually, the situation had already started changing by this time.

Things happened in a form that Harutora and the others had never expected and in a place that they were not aware of.

The next morning.

Harutora had stuck on more healing charms for the bruises left from yesterday"s injuries. Once he walked into the cla.s.sroom, he instantly felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange. Though he couldn"t say why, it was different from the previous two days.

He didn"t really know where that abnormal feeling came from, even thinking that he was to blame as he walked past the podium in wonder.

Natsume was already sitting in her old seat. She immediately turned her head towards the window after glancing at Harutora as he entered the cla.s.sroom. In the end, this kind of reaction wasn"t unexpected after their big argument recently, but Harutora had still felt a heavy heart since the morning.

Touji planned on keeping a set distance to observe the situation today as well, so Harutora sat by himself in the same seat as yesterday.

He prayed from his heart, hoping that he could pa.s.s a smooth, uneventful day today.

"......G, Good morning, Tsuchimikado-kun."

"Huh? Ah, good morning......"

After Harutora sat down, three female students walked over together.

Harutora had seen them before since they were cla.s.smates, but he had never greeted them before since he didn"t know their names. He surveyed the faces of the three in surprise.

"Hey, are you free now?"

"......Uh, I guess so...... W, What is it? Do you need something?"

"No, we actually don"t......"

One of them spoke shyly. The other two egged her forward from behind, urging her to hurry up and thereby making Harutora confused.

Could they be here to bully a new student? Maybe the cla.s.smates had finally started moving on the third day after he had entered. What if they felt he was an eyesore? But just as Harutora was worrying by himself--

"Y, Yesterday"s fight was wonderful, but your injuries aren"t bad, right?"

"What? Oh, thanks. These small wounds are nothing."

"That"s great. But I was really surprised, I never thought there would be someone fighting a shikigami with a wooden sword."

"I, Indeed...... No one would do that."

Harutora replied in a stammer, and the two who had been standing in the back suddenly moved forward upon hearing that.

"And the opponent was Kurahashi-san"s defensive shikigami, right? That"s so incredible!"

"I, I don"t know much about that. But I think...... It"s not that incredible?"

"Then why else did you yourself fight?"

"Why...... In the end I don"t know how to cast magic, and I don"t get how to control shikigami for battle...... So I wanted to at least help out directly a bit - that"s it."

"No way! You fought because of that?"


The three girls cried out softly side-by-side. Harutora, who still wasn"t sure what was going on, was surprised into showing a perplexed expression.

Then, two male students who were watching from the distance called out to the three girls and took the opportunity to approach Harutora"s seat.

They smiled a bit stiffly at Harutora.

"......Hi, yesterday was truly unfortunate, Tsuchimikado. You"re pretty courageous to not run away like a chicken."

"Right, I"d quickly run away at the start if I were fighting with Kurahashi."

The two male students seemed to feel a bit ashamed about not having spoken with him over the past two days, unlike the carefree girls. Even if they couldn"t hide their embarra.s.sment, they still showed sincere goodwill and spoke interestedly with Harutora. This action made Harutora unable to help but feel surprised from the bottom of his heart.

"I haven"t seen Kurahashi"s defensive shikigami in a long while, aren"t they basically professional level? And there are even two!"

"But didn"t the Kurahashi family specially create those to conform with her? That"s not too unlikely, right?"

"Most defensive shikigami are tailored to conform to the pract.i.tioner, doesn"t that cost a lot of money? It"s incredible of you to go and fight just relying on a wooden sword."

"Ohtomo-sensei is way too random, I even thought he was joking at the start."

The students circled around Harutora, freely chatting about their feelings regarding yesterday, even treating Harutora like he wasn"t there.

Just then--

"Huh, Harutora-kun?" One of the few familiar faces came to find him to talk.

It was Tenma. Even if he was surprised at the circ.u.mstances Harutora was in, he still instantly noticed the situation and intervened.

"Ahh, T-Tenma......"

Save me - Harutora pleaded wordlessly. Tenma couldn"t help but laugh since his appearance was so pitiful.

"Yesterday was really tough on you. But you really surprised me, is your body alright?" He spoke with a casual tone.

"I"m fine, sorry for making you worry."

"Don"t say that. But, Harutora-kun, so you had a defensive familiar, huh. And moreover that isn"t a familiar sold on the market, right?"

"Uh, yeah......"

"Right! Hey, Tsuchimikado-kun, can you let us see that little shikigami again?"

"Ah, me too! I want to see!"

The girls instantly showed a strong interest upon hearing about the defensive shikigami, and Harutora confusedly sent a questioning gaze at Tenma. Tenma nodded his head with a smile.


Though she had been ordered to hide herself, Kon was always accompanying Harutora by his side, and she also heard their conversation. The defensive familiar materialized once Harutora summoned her.

"Wah, so cool!"

"Iyah! How cute!"

The cla.s.smates" eyes sparkled, especially the girls who were even more abnormally excited, continuously praising Kon as cute and even reaching their hands to touch her. Kon froze stiff facing this sudden atrocity, panic showing in her blue eyes.


"......Forgive me, Kon. Just tolerate it for a bit."

Harutora felt like he was treating Kon like a living sacrifice, and he hid the guilt in his heart. Kon"s tail and her pair of small ears stood up in panic, and Harutora could only pretend he hadn"t seen it.

"This defensive familiar is really young, now that I"m seeing it from up close. Tsuchimikado, could this be the type that you like?"

"Of course not."

"......I recall she"s a high-level shikigami? I see, so you"re making this kind of shikigami serve you."

"I said it"s not like that!"

"He"s panicked, how suspicious."

"Could it be you bath together!"

"Iyah, pervert--"

"......Why don"t you understand the words I say."

Perhaps the panicked reactions of the master and servant were very funny, as the students encircling Harutora laughed one by one. The confusion in Harutora"s heart still hadn"t disappeared, but the faces in front of him were no longer unreadable and cold like the past two days, and instead there were smiles all around. They were indeed laughing at him, but there was naturally evolved goodwill towards Harutora hidden deep within their words.


Just then, a voice came from the back of the cla.s.sroom.

That person spat out a word with a strong provocative air. Harutora turned around to look, and it was another male student whose face he recognized but whose name he didn"t know. The male student was overlooking the noisy group around Harutora with his feet up on the desk.

"......Even this guy who doesn"t even know what a defensive familiar is has a high-level shikigami serving him? How worthy of a famous family."

The man"s tone carried disgust and the clamorous cla.s.smates went silent at those words, with the happy and laughter-filled atmosphere from before suddenly freezing.

Harutora hastily called out: "Kon!"

Kon, who had shaken off the female student"s hand and leaped up, instantly stopped in midair. Harutora"s call obviously wasn"t meant for Kon to attack, but was to restrain Kon, to keep her from teaching the rude boy a lesson. Kon had grabbed the hilt of her wakizashi in a backhand grip as if to hunt the prey in front of her, but was stopped. Her dissatisfied "Uuu~" sound was the best proof.

"...Really, do you understand self-reflection or not?"

"B-B, But~"

Harutora narrowed his eyes, staring at the imploring Kon, and Kon"s tail dropped in depression.

On the other hand, the male student who had almost been attacked hastily pulled his legs off the desk, almost falling off his chair.

He probably hadn"t expected his casual sarcasm to invite a shikigami attack, and his face was rigid from fright.

One of the female students couldn"t help but laugh at that boy"s panic-stricken appearance. The laughter spread, and not just Harutora"s surroundings but the entire cla.s.sroom filled with the sound of snickering. The student who was being laughed at got angry and embarra.s.sed, his face darkening and reddening.

However... "Sorry." Harutora stood up, bowing deeply to apologize.

The students by his side stared and gaped, stunned at the image of him apologizing. The fur on Kon"s tail shot up like needles as if she had taken a strong blow.

"Sorry to bother you, I know I"m an eyesore, but......"

He raised his head, looking straight at the male student who had fallen over in surprise from that action.

"I still want to be good friends with all of you. I also wanted to say this to Kurahashi-san yesterday, but could you please bear with me? I"ll do my best to return everyone"s consideration."

The cla.s.sroom was silent.

This was fine. He didn"t want to get mad because of a sarcastic remark and shame himself instead. In particular, he could understand the angry feelings with which the other person had spoken.

Kon floated in midair, gazing at her master in astonishment, and the expressions of the cla.s.smates circling around Harutora were similar. "Uh, that......" The boy whom Harutora had preemptively apologized to stammered, not knowing how to respond for a while.

The strange silent atmosphere gradually spread.

The girl who had first chatted with Harutora broke the silence. She bucked up her energy, saying cheerfully:

"......You"re always talking about others, but weren"t you unable to control even the simple shikigami that sensei created in the practical drill the other day? You can"t possibly use a defensive shikigami, right?"

"Sh, Shut up. I didn"t use my full strength at the time! And also, those methods are different from autonomous control!"

"You say that, but I remember you were exhausted at the end."

"Isn"t it always like that at the start! And weren"t you unable to stand for quite a while!"

The male student reb.u.t.ted after the female student had finished speaking. The atmosphere relaxed quite a bit from this since it was obviously ill founded. Harutora felt like he was the one who truly needed to be saved rather than the boy who was being teased by the entire cla.s.s.

"A, Anyway, Tsuchimikado. You better understand clearly that I can"t stand the sight of you or that fight yesterday!"

The boy regained his arrogance, fiercely firing off abusive words again, but the sharp tone from before was no longer audible.

Harutora smiled.

"I"ll remember that, and also, you can just call me Harutora."

The boy turned his head, hmphing in place of a reply.

Harutora didn"t hate that way of getting along. He didn"t want to force himself to be buddies with everyone, nor was he confident that he could do that. Even if people thought him annoying, he would rather have it said clearly and up-front rather than gossiped about in the shadows.

Harutora turned around, thanking the girl who had rescued him with his eyes.

"Right, I still don"t remember everyone"s names, so could you take this opportunity to tell me? It"s fine if everyone just calls me Harutora."

"Okay, so Tsucchi?"

"You weren"t listening to me at all."

Harutora"s wry smile made the cla.s.sroom fill with mirth again. Tenma started off by introducing himself again, and the other students stated their names following him. The boy in the back of the cla.s.sroom deliberately "tch"ed, but the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

A new scene had emerged in the cla.s.sroom.

Kon stared blankly at this scene by herself as if everyone had forgotten about her.

No, it wasn"t just Kon, there was someone else--

"......I never thought this kind of development would emerge."

The sudden words made Natsume cry out in surprise, and she was too preoccupied with hastily turning towards the origin of that voice to hide her original, higher-pitched voice.

"T, Touji......"

"Hmph, it would be truly incredible to get these kinds of results if he were doing that on purpose...... But he just went with the flow without doing any planning at all, so the people who can"t do such things must be quite jealous after seeing that..."

Saying this, Touji glanced at Natsume.

"...Don"t you think so?"

"Wh...... What nonsense are you saying......"

Natsume replied in a soft whisper, turning her head to avoid Touji"s gaze.

However, her evasive gaze was naturally drawn to Harutora. Harutora was currently the focus of attention of the people in the cla.s.s, and Natsume clearly showed surprise and irritation in her eyes as she looked at him.

"Logically speaking", those people had been her cla.s.smates for half a year, and "logically speaking", Harutora was the branch family youngster she had known since she was small.

Both sides were people she recognized, but they had become friends in some way that she couldn"t reach out her hand to touch. Natsume gazed silently, and this was the only thing she could do. Her face was inexplicably hurt, and worry managed to flit across Touji"s face as he glanced at her.

"......Don"t force yourself."

"I, I"m not forcing myself! Why have you full been of nonsense since just now?!"

Natsume shouted agitatedly, audibly forcing herself. Touji shrugged his shoulders, unconcerned.


"I see, my apologies. Actually, I had a good friend who got into a fight with that idiot this summer because she was forcing herself, and that ended up being the last moment between the two of them."

Natsume"s heart jumped and she turned to Touji. Touji watched from behind Harutora and the others, his gaze a bit nostalgic, and a self-deprecating smile unlike something he would show emerging on his face.

"That was a bitter experience for me, and I don"t want to see it repeat itself."

Natsume lowered her head, not knowing what to do, her body stiff underneath her uniform.

Her look was scared and extremely stubborn. This timid Natsume looked like an ordinary girl in his eyes because Touji knew Natsume"s true ident.i.ty. He sighed secretly, raising one eyebrow.

Then, his gaze turned towards the entrance to the room.

Kurahashi Kyouko walked into the room.

Kyouko was also visibly surprised facing the scene in the room, and after understanding the situation, she showed a stunned look. Touji almost laughed. Maybe Harutora was distressed and didn"t know how to deal with this person, but in Touji"s eyes, her emotions were clearly written on her face and quite easy to understand.

"......I should probably act soon too."

Touji murmured silently. Harutora would definitely look displeased if he heard those words. Because every time Touji was planning some devious idea, his tone was always this raptured.

After getting through the morning, it was time for the noon break.

"......Can I have some of your time?"

Harutora was originally thinking about how the yuba udon he ate last time was really bad, and this time he was going to change to tempura udon. Just as he was preparing to walk to the school cafeteria, Kyouko who was waiting around called out to him.

The events that had happened yesterday were still vivid, and even Harutora felt it unexpected that she would call out to him. He stayed wary, first quietly warning: "Kon, don"t come out." ...He was already adept at controlling his shikigami.

An unwilling presence came from around his feet and Harutora couldn"t help but sigh. Even with the defeat they had just experienced yesterday, Kon"s fighting spirit seemed undiminished.

...I never noticed that Kon had this kind of fierce personality when she appeared in the dorm......

In the end, he couldn"t just keep timidly evading it, and since the effects had already extended this far, he had to resolve it. Harutora therefore replied to Kyouko, who couldn"t conceal her surprised look: "alright, no problem," and followed behind her.

Kyouko brought Harutora to an emergency escape stairwell in the back of the academy building. Not only did people not come by this place, they didn"t need to worry about being seen either. If it were a normal high school, there would be a very high chance that juvenile delinquents would be squatting in this place to smoke in secret, hiding from the teachers" monitoring.

"......What do you need me for?"

Anyways, Kyouko had definitely come about yesterday"s shikigami fight. Harutora had originally thought Kyouko had cooled off after winning the fight, but it seemed that she still wanted to vent some.

Just as Harutora was troubled, thinking that he really wasn"t good at dealing with these kinds of stubborn girls, Kyouko suddenly spoke:

"......I"m really sorry about yesterday."

He couldn"t help but doubt his own ears.

He gazed at Kyouko, unable to say anything out of surprise. Kyouko"s face reddened awkwardly, and she turned her head, her beautiful hair whipping through the air.

"......Even though things ended up like that, I didn"t want to bring out my shikigami at first, and all of my resentment was originally directed at Ohtomo-sensei in the first place...... Anyways, I"m really sorry that I made things go out of control."

"No, please don"t say that. The entire thing was Kon"s fault for suddenly charging out, you don"t need to apologize to me......"

Kon"s discontent presence came from nearby, and naturally Harutora chose to completely ignore it.

...What was going on?

Could it be that the atmosphere in the cla.s.sroom had changed, leading to a reversal in her att.i.tude as well? No, his impression of Kyouko definitely wasn"t one that would readily yield to whatever changes. Especially since she had dared to openly challenge Ohtomo and advocate firmly for herself, she wouldn"t change her own philosophy even if the entire cla.s.s sided with Harutora.

Then, her att.i.tude had suddenly reversed into something that could even be called humble courtesy. Harutora was baffled again, and he unavoidably doubted that there was some secret hidden behind this.

...Ugh, but......

Regardless of what devious ideas Kyouko had behind her back, this was a good opportunity, since he needed to have a proper talk with her.

"......Hey, let me ask, you don"t actually hate me, you just want to use me to attack Natsume, isn"t that right?"

Strike while the iron is hot, the saying went. He asked straight to the point, and as expected, Kyouko"s face pained.

"Why do you want to do that? What reasons do you have?"

"......Those are my personal affairs."

"What personal affairs?"

"You know, when a girl talks about personal affairs, it"s polite not to continue asking."

"But you pulled me into your so-called personal affairs, right? I promise I won"t tell that person, but do you really hate Natsume that much?"

Kyouko went silent, unable to conceal her own irritation. Harutora waited quietly for her reply, which finally made her sigh in resignation.

"......I met Natsume-kun before, when we were...... very young."

"W, What did you say?"

Harutora was greatly surprised upon hearing the unexpected confession. "Really." Kyouko murmured, twisting her body, a feminine action that seemed extremely cute.

"You don"t have to be that surprised. I"m a direct descendant of the Kurahashi family, and Natsume-kun is also from the Tsuchimikado main family."

"Uh...... so you"re saying that you met each other because your families are famous?"

Harutora confirmed seriously, but Kyouko"s gaze jumped around in astonishment like she had seen an alien.

"Are you serious?"

"W, Why do you ask, did I say something wrong?"

Kyouko sighed deeply, and Harutora felt like he was becoming more and more like a fool.

"Listen carefully. The Kurahashi family was originally a branch family of the Tsuchimikado, we were just named differently from "Tsuchimikado". The Kurahashi family separated a long time ago."

Harutora gaped from ear to ear in surprise, only then noticing that he was even more of a fool than he had expected.

"W, Wait! ......What does that mean? Is that for real? Could it be that we"re relatives?"

"You don"t need to doubt, it"s correct that we"re relatives."

Harutora shook his head at a loss upon hearing Kyouko reply so straightforwardly.

Then, he asked quietly: "......Kon, did you know that?"

Though he didn"t get a response, he clearly felt that Kon was deliberately not replying out of worry for his own feelings. That was a positive answer. The fact that he was clueless when even his own shikigami knew of his family"s relationships shocked him greatly.

"Uh...... I, I understand! Never mind the Kurahashi family"s business for now - So what? You met Natsume before, so could it be that you had a big fight at the time, and you haven"t quelled your resentment even now?"

"......He doesn"t remember."


"He forgot that we met before."

Kyouko mumbled silently. Harutora closed his mouth without speaking, not because of Kyouko"s words, but because of the downcast look on her face.

Only then did Harutora realize that though he had seen Kyouko"s stern and angry appearances, it was his first time truly looking at that face. A sudden, unguarded depression had now taken over her face, and Harutora unconsciously panicked.

"......Was your relationship very good back then?"

"We only met once."

"What! Then you can"t blame her for not remembering! Wasn"t it just something that happened when you were small?"

Indeed, Harutora couldn"t have not known of this person if Natsume and Kyouko"s child relationship had been intimate enough to leave deep memories. Even if they had been alienated for some time, the two of them had still played together often during elementary school after all.


"I remember very clearly."

Kyouko spoke as if she had been wronged, her look quite grave.

"Because we had a promise......"

"W, What promise?"

Kyouko didn"t reply further. She didn"t reveal any words, just a regretful and sorrowful air.

Then, she suddenly cast a doubtful gaze towards Harutora.

"......Let me ask something. After summer vacation, Natsume-san suddenly began using a ribbon to tie his hair, is that......"

"Huh?" Harutora exclaimed, immediately noticing that this problem was extremely troublesome. Not only was that elegant hair Natsume had rare among males, she even tied a ribbon into it, so it was natural that people would doubt.

"Th, Th-Th, That? And that hair, you feel it"s like a girl"s, right? Actually, there"s magic inside it. That ribbon isn"t an ordinary ribbon, it"s a Tsuchimikado family tool, and so that"s why he looks just like a girl even though he"s clearly a guy, hahaha."

Harutora lied as he clumsily concealed it with a smile.

Harutora didn"t know why Kyouko seemed like she had received a strong blow upon hearing his explanation. "From the Tsuchimikado family......" Her murmur sounded like she was being forced to accept a truth she had long since had a premonition of, but was unwilling to recognize. Harutora didn"t get why Kyouko would have this kind of reaction, and he couldn"t help but wonder.

Kyouko bit her lip, completely unheeding of the confusion appearing on Harutora"s face.

"......I see, so I was right, I knew it would be that."

"W, What do you mean by that?"

"Do I even need to say? Natsume-kun doesn"t see anything other than himself and the Tsuchimikado family...... No, his att.i.tude towards Onmyoudou is the same, in the end everything is to keep from shaming the Tsuchimikado name, that"s why he trains his abilities so actively. The Tsuchimikado name is everything in his mind."

"Hey, that"s too......"

"What? Am I wrong? Everyone knows this, there"s not a single person who can"t tell. Maybe you"re excluded, but he only came forward to defend you because you were his - the Tsuchimikado family"s shikigami - right? Isn"t that right?"

She was wrong.

Harutora wanted to deny it, but he couldn"t open his mouth.

Natsume who had said "let"s do our best" with a smile, Natsume whose whole body had been shaking out of shame, Natsume who had turned a blind eye to the shikigami battle but who had run over to roar at him after it ended.

He knew Natsume worried about him, but if he were asked why Natsume worried, he wouldn"t be able to respond. He believed - he wanted to believe, but his heart stubbornly resisted.

Kyouko gazed solemnly at the silent Harutora, continuing to say:

"......Ato-kun also told me."

"Huh? T, Touji? What did he say......"

"He said you were becoming a shikigami and serving Natsume-kun to obey family tradition. That"s why I finally understood why Natsume-kun would choose an outsider like you to be his shikigami. It doesn"t have anything to do with whether it benefits him or not, nor has he considered your feelings. He just acts to comply with the Tsuchimikado family tradition, which is the most important thing to him."

Hate. Anger. Regret. Sadness. Those negative emotions were discernible everywhere in her words, completely contrasting with the first impression she gave off of straightforwardness and speaking her mind.

Kyouko looked into Harutora"s eyes. What was surprising was that her gaze showed compa.s.sion and an intriguing resonance. She pitied herself, and pitied Harutora the same.


That moment, he understood everything.

Kyouko - after listening to Touji"s words, believed that Harutora and herself were the "same" with regard to their relationship to Natsume. Harutora didn"t understand the relationship between Kyouko and Natsume, but in her heart, Kyouko had overlapped her relationship with Natsume and Harutora"s relationship with Natsume. That was why such a one hundred eighty degree reversal had appeared in her att.i.tude.


"Hold on, you"re wrong, Kurahashi."

This time, his tone was natural and sincere without a trace of hesitation, and that strength made Kyouko come to her senses.


"You"re wrong, I was the one who asked that person to let me become his shikigami."

Kyouko"s eyes widened in disbelief.


"I"m not lying. Maybe it"s not very convincing that an outsider like me deliberately chose this unsuitable road...... But it was indeed me who took the initiative to ask. That person refused at the start, believing that there was too much risk, and only permitted me to walk a similar path because of my persistence."

Kyouko"s gaze was filled with doubt. Harutora didn"t lie, every single word he said was true, and Kyouko should be able to understand. He hoped that Kyouko could understand.

"That person indeed has some intricate, complex feelings towards the Tsuchimikado name...... Like he"s proud of it and pressured by it, and sometimes he suffers because of it. But he doesn"t get carried away by it, can you please believe this?"

He wanted to peacefully coexist with everyone, of course including Kyouko, and it would be best if Natsume could join in. No, Natsume definitely had to be included.

Even if he was a useless shikigami, maybe this - creating a "place for Natsume" - was truly the strongest magic that Harutora could cast for his master.

"......What, if you say that, I......"

Kyouko spoke angrily, her gaze dropping to her feet.

"In the end it was just my unrequited love? I was just simply forgotten?"

"Huh? No...... I......"

He hadn"t meant that. Before he finished speaking, another voice shifted the pair"s attention.

"......What are you tw