Tomorrow, I Will Die. You Will Revive

Chapter 18


The cold season arrived, and it was a holiday in October.

“If you promise me that you won’t get angry, then I’ll tell you the truth.”

“Where did this come from?”

When I got out of bed and flipped open the shared diary, I found this sentence written in it. An ominous feeling struck me at full throttle.

“You have to solemnly swear, that no matter what you hear, you won’t get angry.”

“Alright, alright, I get it. What kind of trouble did you get into this time?”

It was probably just another stupid mishap of hers anyways.

“You swear you won’t get angry?”

“I swear I won’t get angry.”

“Are you sure? Are you sure?”

“Yes, yes.”

“If you do get angry, then I’ll reveal that [Hatsune Miku Striped Panties] search history on your computer.”

“I’ll definitely get angry if you reveal.”

Why would this idiot know about that? Please, just get to the point already.

“I think it was Monday? Kasumi invited me out, ‘Let’s go out on our day off.’ Sorry, I forgot to tell you.”

“Wait, is that all?”

My cla.s.smate, Kasumi.

She was a young maiden who possessed large-b.r.e.a.s.t.s, kept biting her tongue when she talked, and had her hair braided into pigtails. It looks like I have a date arranged with her.

“And then, since I have a very important promise that I must take care of on Sunday, I told her, ‘Then let’s meet up in front of the train station at 11 on!’” Isn’t that today?

So that’s what happened. Was she just worried because she didn’t tell me, and made an arrangement without my permission?

“But then, this is the important part.”


This kind of trivial thing wasn’t that important——I thought in that moment, but what came next was the important part.

“On Wednesday after school, I was enjoying a parfait at Cafe Moonleaf, and then Misaki said, ‘I want to go buy some clothes for my little brother on our day off, and I hope that you’ll come with me.’”



An undercla.s.sman who worked at the coffee shop named “Cafe Moonleaf”. She was a two-faced witch, who would use her extraordinarily beautiful legs to take advantage of men. So she too invited me out?

“So then, what about it?”

Feeling skeptical, I continued reading,

“Hikari here told her that Hikari would be busy on Sunday, but at that time, Hikari had forgotten that she’ve already arranged a date with Kasumi… and then Hikari told her… ‘Let’s meet up in front of the train station at 11 on!’”


Ah, that previous ominous premonition that should be long gone, was coming back with full force.

“In other words, Kasumi and Misaki will both be waiting in front of the train station for Sakamoto at 11’o clock on, an extremely thrilling situation will happen in front of the train station. And so, now then, um…”


“Uhm, as such…”


“Do your best, boy”


I slammed the desk with both of my hands, and yelled towards the ceiling. This was the worst possible situation!!

“Hikari Yumesaki, look at what you’ve done now.”

I directed my complaint towards yesterday’s me, and after letting out a huge sigh, I looked towards the window, gazing at the blue sky, while also recalling another certain thought.

It must’ve been been half a year already.

On a certain rainy day in the beginning of April, the young girl named Hikari Yumesaki died in front of me.

For some coincident reason, I was at the scene, and I was questioned by a mysterious figure wearing a long, black robe, “Will you share half of your lifespan with her?” I agreed to those conditions, and Hikari Yumesaki, who should’ve been dead, was revived.

As a result, well, Hikari Yumesaki would take control of my body every other day, reviving in this sense. Ever since then, we would rely on the exchange diary to communicate with each other.

However, the problem is…

“But don’t you worry, all you have to do is tell them, ‘My heart is big enough to take in both Kasumi’s large b.r.e.a.s.t.s and Misaki’s thighs!’, and then you’ll have a happy ending. Hikari’s amazing to be able to think of such a good excuse!”

“Like h.e.l.l you’re amazing!? What kind of two-timing, double s.e.xual hara.s.sment phrase is that!?”

I continued raging towards the diary, and let out a painful groan. This idiot was still saying stupid things as usual.

Continuing on to the next page, she was still looking for excuses, “But the truth is, you’re actually really happy, right?”, and even included a group of ill.u.s.trations after this sentence of me, with an evil grin, in bed embracing a completely naked Kasumi and Misaki in my arms, and I couldn’t help but lightly click my tongue. You purposely double booked my dates!

…I was a little stunned, but honestly speaking, this much was still within the range of my expectations, and for me, it had already become a common occurrence. However, this way of life has recently encountered a new problem. This was because…

“Sakamoto, I’m really sorry. But you won’t get angry, right? There shouldn’t be any reason for you to get angry anyways.”


The entry emitted an ominous premonition, and I braced myself as I continued reading.

“Because Sakamoto is always such a tough guy, but for Hikari-chan… Kyaa! Kyaa! So you wanted to pet my head and hug me! Sakamoto is such a closet pervert!”

“Ugh… This idiot…”

Seeing those words, I could only tightly bite my lips, unable to say anything. The reason was simple, it was just as she wrote, because of some unfortunate accident, the incredibly top secret that I like… like… like Hikari Yumesaki was exposed. Afterwards, that idiot would use this piece of information to tease me every single day.

“What should I do~ Should I be his girlfriend~ But the thing is, if he wants to be my boyfriend, then he’ll have to know that I don’t like people who get angry over these kinds of small things~ Who knows what Sakamoto’s response will be~ (stares)”

“Dammit, stop getting so full of yourself.”

There were three choices below, “Forgive/Not Forgive/Tsundere”——What does the last one even mean——Dammit, give this idiot an inch and she’ll take a mile. I better steel my heart and scold her a bit. Steel my heart… steel my heart…


After racking my brain for a while, I circled the word “Forgive”, and this action unsurprisingly made me feel dejected. It wasn’t like I was afraid of her hating me. It wasn’t like that… right.

“I’m always being dragged around on a leash by her.”

As such, I continued reading the ending of this incredibly long entry.

“I know for sure that Sakamoto will forgive me, so I’ll say good night for today! Don’t just mope around and yearn for me, but make sure to do your best for the day!”

Looking at that last line, I couldn’t help but retort, “It’s… It’s not like I’m yearning for you or anything.” and after playing the tsundere, I firmly closed the notebook. Aaahhh, I’m always being lead around in circles by her. Love is blind, just who came up with this phrase in the first place?

Ugh, even though at the end of the day I have to clean up for Hikari Yumesaki’s mess, the feelings of joy in my heart were also noticed by her.


I set the notebook down, and looked around the room.

My uniform was hanging from the clothes rack, my manga were arranged in the bookcase, the candy that was originally scattered around on the floor, everything was perfectly arranged nice and clean. It looks like she has slightly realized the the fact that she was a girl. So she has a cute side too after all.


“My entire life span huh…”

——Are you willing to give up the rest of your life span to let her revive?

I suddenly recalled what had happened one morning a couple of days ago. I didn’t know what these words meant, but it probably had something to do with the problem that we were struggling with.

The problem of Hikari Yumesaki’s time——being reduced by thirty minutes.

A long time pa.s.sed since then, and for the moment, the reduced time remained at thirty minutes, no more, but who knows if it would still be like this in the future. Although Hikari Yumesaki pretended to not care, she was probably feeling afraid. Because of this, maybe I should tell her about the phone call from the black-clothed person…

“I can’t say it.”

The vague words weren’t nice in any way. I decided to try to avoid causing any chaos.

And so in the end, I still have yet to tell Hikari Yumesaki, nor find any solutions. “Just what kind of solution would work,” in the end, each time I could only reach this conclusion.

“…Let’s just eat breakfast first.”

I may have been sweeping things under the rug. I also couldn’t help but feel disgusted with myself.

Our life of two souls sharing one body may appear peaceful, but there was trouble hiding in the shadows. I remained frustrated with this fact, but Hikari Yumesaki couldn’t possibly feel at ease because of this. On this autumn day, I will obviously be drawn in another troublesome and more dangerous situation.

And so, two days later, such a situation quickly occurred.


“I lost my memories.”

“You spent a pa.s.sionate night with your girlfriend until you lost your memories? Now this is why you’re a delinquent.”

“I lost my memories…”

“Also, why are you not calling me Miss? Now this is why you’re a delinquent.”

“I lost… my memories…”

“Goodness me, why must you be born with such a terrifying face? Now this is——”

“Memories… sob… sob…”

“Ah, Akitsuki, what’s wrong? I’ll pay close attention to what you have to say, so don’t cry anymore.”

Sunday had gone by, and during the lunch break on the Monday after, I came to the nurse’s office, and I was crying manly tears in front of the school nurse, Higumo. The reason was because of the overlapping dates incident. Afterwards, I tried asking both of them to cancel the dates.

“I went to the beauty salon. It’s definitely not because I’m about to go out with Senpai by the way.”

First I received this text from Misaki, and immediately after came Kasumi.

“I’m really looking forward to our date. I can play until whenever, even until tomorrow morning…”

Getting this kind of text, how am I supposed to ask, “Can we move the date to a later time?” Furthermore, I didn’t want to pa.s.s up theses chances for a date with a girl with big b.r.e.a.s.t.s and a girl with beautiful thighs, as any virgin male would hesitate when faced with a moment to act without restraint.

And so in the end, I took a risk, and thought up a battle plan to stall time.

“Sorry, since I have something to do afterwards, let’s just end at 4:00. I’ll make it up to you next time.”

Anyhow, first I’ll send this text to Misaki, and then for Kasumi.

“Sorry, since I have something to do beforehand, let’s meet up at 5:00, so I can stay with you until it gets really late.”

After sending the texts, I would meet up with Misaki in front of the train station, ride the train into town, eat lunch together, and pick out clothes for her younger brother. Eventually the time became 4:00, and so we would return to the front of the train station and say goodbye, and then I would meet up with Kasumi at 5:00——It was supposed to be a perfect plan.

But I was too naive. Kasumi was a very innocent and kind-hearted girl.

I had clearly changed the meetup time to 5:00, but the true and steady Kasumi unexpectedly came one hour early to the meeting place. As such, my plan was an utter failure, and so when I returned to the front of the train station with Misaki at 4:00, we b.u.mped into Kasumi and I was caught red-handed.

“Eh? Didn’t you say that you would be busy in the afternoon beforehand, so you changed the meeting time to 5:00…?”

Kasumi said, and when Misaki heard this, she had a similar response.

“Eh? Didn’t you say that you would be busy later this evening, so you could only stay until 4:00…?”

As Misaki said this, my face grew more and more pale.

Countless seconds of silence went by, and it felt like it lasted an eternity.


The two maidens spoke in unison, and then they each tightly grabbed onto my arms, one on the left and one on the right. Both of them wore a cold smile, and as they walked they would add in a “Heheheh” and a “Huhuhu”, dragging me into a karaoke room. Then at the same time, both of them raised their legs——

“Sakamoto, hold onto the microphone♪”

“There’s a song that we want to sing for you, Senpai♪”

“Eh? …Wha… What song?”


And with those words, I immediately suffered two ferocious kicks directly below my hips, while also losing conscious. When I woke up, I discovered that I barely had any clothes on.

This pain apparently continued onto the next day, for written in this morning’s entry was, “Sakamoto, your b.a.l.l.s are screaming out, what happened? Don’t tell me that you spent all night with Kasumi and…” and I could only tearfully retort back into the diary, “It was the complete opposite, okay!? You idiot!” Dammit.

I endured all of the pain that I’ve suffered to this day, which still hasn’t decreased, and ran back into the nurse’s office like before. It’s because if I had stayed in the cla.s.sroom, Kasumi would keep showing me a scary look in her eyes.

“You boys have it rough too huh, but a crying Akitsuki is also quite cute. Hey, can I comfort you?”

“What the h.e.l.l are you talking about…”

After I responded, Higumo looked like she was ready to rush forward and comfort me, so I inspected Higumo’s appearance.

She had a tall, slender body figure, her black hair tied up into a ponytail, her well-rounded b.r.e.a.s.t.s bursting at the seams, and the thighs below her mini-skirt dazzlingly blinding. Anyone would rate it as a perfect body figure. If only her personality was more decent, then there would be nothing else to nitpick. It truly was a waste. What’s more, she wears a scarf all year round, not taking it off even during summer vacation, which really surprised me.

These pointless thoughts cluttered my mind.

“Now that I think about it, Akitsuki, how has your condition been lately?”

“Huh, my condition?”

“Didn’t you come crying to me in the spring about having multiple personalities? I’m asking about how your condition since then.”

Higumo picked up her mug, talking as she walked towards the nearby coffee machine. Oh, that did seem to have happened.

I remembered back when Hikari Yumesaki had just entered my body, I was completely terrified by how I would lose my memories every other day. It looks like Higumo is still worried about that.

“You don’t have to worry about it anymore, I haven’t been losing my memory since then.”

“Is that so…alright then. I can finally be at ease.”

I casually brushed it aside, and Higumo easily accepted it.

It was because of this topic that I remembered another thing.

“Oh right, there was something that I wanted to consult with you.”

With her back turned towards me, Higumo turned her head towards me as she poured her coffee and responded with a “Hm?”, and so I asked a question that I have always been meaning to ask. Although it wasn’t anything important, I still had to ask about it.

“When I was struggling with my multiple personalities problem, you told me about that one case right?”

“Yes, that’s right. What about it?”

“‘When the alternate personality gradually appears more frequently than the original, the body may get taken over by the alternate personality.’——that’s what you said, right?”


Higumo became quiet. Eh? What is it? Is there something wrong?

“Afterwards, I became more interested in multiple personality disorder, but I couldn’t find this kind of case anywhere. Do you remember when this case happened?”

This question didn’t really have any significant meaning behind it, and I only brought it up because I was reminded of our previous conversation while we were talking. That’s all it was supposed to be.


But I didn’t know why Higumo was so stiff in place.

“h.e.l.lo, sensei?”

“Eh? Oh, sorry. Uhm, you were asking…about that case?”

Higumo awkwardly moved about, turning around as she held onto her mug, with an embarra.s.sed smile on her face.

“Uhm, sorry. I actually got it from an article talking about ‘Very Similar Rumors’. I don’t really have any reliable sources, so I can’t really give you an appropriate answer.”

“Oh, so it was just an urban legend huh?”

As I faced towards Higumo and responded, I let out a sigh, while also showing a dumbfounded expression. I had already thought that it would be this way. At that time, I was thrown around in chaos so I had blindly accepted it, but after I thought about it, it must’ve been some made-up rumor.

“I’m sorry about that. Did you take it to heart?”

“No. It’s just that when I thought about this, I felt like asking is all.”

Higumo was more apologetic and ashamed than I thought she would be, but just when I was about to return with a smile——

“Ah, the bell rang.”

The warning bell for the end of the lunch break rang at this moment. It’s time to continue suffering Kasumi’s silent contempt…


I held onto that thought, and while dragging my heavy footsteps, prepared to leave the nurse’s room.

“Good luck.”


Higumo spoke with a sweet, soothing voice. What does she mean?

“Ah, it’s nothing. Now that I think about it, why don’t you cut your hair?”

“If you take off your scarf, then I’ll think about it.”

“Ah, trying to pull a fast one here. Be sure to come again next time.”

“I’m not coming back any time soon,” and as I threw down those words, I closed the door and walked away. I better mentally prepare myself to get down on my knees.

I contemplated these things as I stride down the cold, empty hallway.


Five “I will never do it again”s.

Eight “I will be more careful next time”s.

Eleven “It was all my fault”s.

Nineteen “I’m sorry”s.

One “No matter what it is, I’ll obey”.

One “A virgin can dream too! He can make mistakes too (said with tears)!”

All the aforementioned things were from a cornered guy, who was willing to risk everything, thought up in an attempt to apologize. In the end, having successfully pacified Kasumi after much effort, I employed similar appeas.e.m.e.nt tactics against Misaki, and finally obtained her forgiveness. Anyhow, by the time I got home, I was completely exhausted. Ah, I’m so tired.

After resting for a while, I gathered up my strength, and put the paper and envelope that I had bought from the stationary store on my way home on my desk. This was because of what was written in today’s diary entry.

“Your penpal, Miyamoto, has sent a letter you know. Sorry, but I sneaked a peek!”

“Miyamoto huh.”

Because of a certain incident, when I was younger, a short-haired girl saved me from drowning, and that’s Harumi Miyamoto. We’ve been friend ever since, and after we separated, we became penpals. This was the second time I’ve gotten a letter from her ever since I entered high school, and I didn’t know how she was doing lately.

I had some feelings of nostalgia as I began to read the letter that was clamped into the notebook.

“Mr. Akitsuki, how are you? The air has been quite cool and pleasant lately.

I feel like the people around me are beginning to worry about their college entrance exams.

Has Mr. Akitsuki decided upon his future aspirations yet? I really hope you will tell me.

Please remember to return a letter. And also, I still remember about that promise you know.”

“Promise, huh.”

Once I finished reading the letter, I shifted my attention back towards Hikari Yumesaki’s notebook.

“You better remember to write back! Hikari-chan here will personally help you edit this time, just be sure to clamp the letter into the notebook after you finish writing it. I’ll need to check whether this virgin wrote anything unpleasant!”

“Why don’t you just mind your own d.a.m.n business.”

I knit my eyebrows, and cursed at that self-conceited entry. Although, it looked like everything was fine, with a playfully mischievous journal entry just like always in the past. The problem was what came next.

“Now that I think about it, if I’m taking care of Sakamoto’s daily life like this, then I’m basically like a newly-wed wife! Sakamoto, look at you, you can’t hide that smile on your face~☆”

“Dammit… She’s always using that against me.”

It looks like Hikari Yumesaki still wasn’t tired of using my secret crush on her.

Following it were things like, “What should I do~ Should I be his girlfriend~” or “I can’t feel like any dependability at all from Sakamoto~” and other kinds of self-conceited stuff. Sakamoto here is completely fed up with it. There was even an ill.u.s.tration of a newly-wed wife included on the side. A Hikari Yumesaki wearing an ap.r.o.n was showing off a flirtatious look saying, “Do you want a bath first? Or maybe dinner? Or perhaps brush your hair?”. That last part, what do you mean by brushing my hair!?

“Although, Hikari Yumesaki as a wife huh.”

I couldn’t help but blush at these provocatively suggesting words, while also beginning to imagine it in my head.

I didn’t know what a newly-married life would be like with that idiot. I’ll probably just get fed up with her. However, ignoring that side of Hikari Yumesaki, she was honestly just a girl who was afraid of being alone. At night, I might be able to catch a glimpse of her tender and affectionate side. For example, after she takes a bath with a bathrobe draped over her body——

——Sakamoto, I probably won’t be able to call you a virgin after today…

——Eh? Why?

——Because Hikari-chan is going to take away your virginity.

(※At this moment, the bathrobe needs to flutter down. It’s very important!)

——H-Hikari Yumesaki!

——Sakamoto, let’s warm up a bit…

“H-Hikari Yumesaki, we can’t! We’re still kids, it’s too early for us to do this kind of thing!”

But, but! If you really want to, then right now we can give birth to a son, two daughters, and become a happy family… Wait! Three children! Turning that around, the least would be——AAAaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!

Following my burst of excitement, I laid down on the ground, and rubbed the floor for around 10 minutes. My little sister entered the room and interrupted, “Brother, can I borrow some white glue… Oh… I see that I’ve disturbed you. I didn’t think that you would be in the middle of lying on the floor. Make sure to be careful so you don’t get white glue all over the floor…” Even though I’ve been subjected to such words, I didn’t care at all. Ahhh, marriage huh… What a beautiful thought…

——After wasting a huge amount of time, I finally recovered. With the piece of paper in front of me, I began to write.

“Uh, what should I write about.”

At first, I was going to write something short and simple, but taking Hikari Yumesaki into consideration.

“Any girl would find this kind of letter boring! This is why you’re still a virgin!”

She would definitely nitpick about it like this. But even so, even if I were to spice it up…

“It’s pretty obvious that you’re just pretending to be cool. This is why you’re still a virgin!”

I guess no matter what, I’ll still get chastised by her in the end.

“Whatever, I’ll just try to look nice.”

And so, I spent thirty minutes of effort trying to look nice.


“Dear Miss Harumi,

Long time no see, and thank you for sending me a letter, I was very happy to have received your letter.

College huh. Although I haven’t spent much time thinking about this question, it’s probably about time to face it.

If it’s possible, I hope that I can attend the same university as you, so we can share a happy college experience together.

However, before that, I’ll need to work hard to make it happen, haha (LOL).

But if it’s for you, I’ll feel more motivated to work hard. Yes, I’ll try my best.

Well then, I’ll just stop here for now. See you next time.”

“This should do for now.”

Surely even Hikari Yumesaki, who understood other girls’ hearts, would approve of this letter. Yep, I did a good job.

After feeling a sense of satisfaction, I included, “I’m done, so I’ll leave it to you to edit.” and finally closed the notebook.

“Alright, let’s do some homework.”

And like that, I quickly and easily pushed this issue to the back of my mind, and returned to my normal life as a high school student.

…However, it turns out that I made a mistake at that moment.

Two days later, a heavy curtain would be drawn open on an unimaginable image of tragedy.



Two days later on Wednesday, the image could be seen with a naked eye.

“My room is a mess.”

I said as I looked around my bedroom.

My uniform was thrown on the ground, my manga was disordered, instant ramen was left unfinished, and the TV wasn’t turned off. My room, which was only recently cleaned up, was quickly returned back into its memorable state.

“Why did this happen?”

In order to check the diary, I got out of bed, and flipped open the notebook. And then——

“Wha… what is this…?”

A shiver ran through my spine.

The letter that I wrote two days ago was clamped inside the notebook.

No, it “was” the letter that I wrote——that was the correct way to put it.

That letter was unrelentlessly marked over by a red pen, and I could clearly feel the marker’s annoyance.

“‘Miss Harumi’, why would you refer to her as that? Are you messing around?

‘So we can spend a happy college life together’ well isn’t that subtle.

‘Ha ha, (LOL)

‘For you’… so even you can say those words huh.

What does this even…”

She left behind these kinds of comments. What? Why are you so mad at me?

“She’s just being her usual self.”

If it was some other guy friend (other than Kazeshiro) they would definitely scold her——what the c.r.a.p are you doing? Although this time, I’ll just take a step back, since that idiot’s impulsiveness isn’t exactly a rare occa.s.sion.

As such, I stuffed both the notebook and the letter into my backpack, and headed towards school. It didn’t matter if it was during cla.s.s, during break, or after school, I would always be racking my brain on how to fix the letter, and the next thing I knew, it was already 11 o’clock at night.


“Dear Harumi,

Long time no see, and thank you for sending me a letter, I was very happy to have received your letter.

College huh. Although I haven’t spent much time thinking about this question, it’s probably about time to face it.

If it’s possible, I hope that I can attend the same university as you, so we can share a happy college experience that only belongs to you and me.

However, before that, I’ll need to work hard to make it happen, haha LMAO.

But I want to be with you, Harumi, so I’ll feel more motivated to work hard. Yes, I’ll try my best.

Well then, I’ll just stop here for now. See you next time.”


“I finished! It has to be perfect now!”

I completely revised the parts that Hikari Yumesaki marked for me. I think the reason why Hikari Yumesaki was angry is probably because I wasn’t being sincere enough. She’s always getting mad and saying, “I can’t feel any love coming from Sakamoto’s entries!” anyway.

I stuck the revised letter in between the notebook pages, and thought that would be the end of it. Surely with this Hikari Yumesaki’s mood will take a turn for the better.

…I carried this hope with me.

But it looks like I stepped on one of her landmines. Two days later, things took a turn for the worse.



The following Friday, after I woke up, what entered my eyesight was still my mess of a room, and when I read the journal, I couldn’t help but let out a cry.

“That’s not what I meant! Sakamoto is an idiot! You dense male! This is why you’re still a virgin!”

“Sigh, why is she still angry…?”

She continued complaining.

“So you would go this far to play with Hikari-chan’s feeling… I can’t believe it! I was so excited too! I’ve been tricked! Hmph!”

She left behind these words full of indignation.

“Why is she so mad…”

Although I felt an ache in my heart, it was useless to think about it. I dusted my uniform that was thrown onto the ground, and put it on. Sigh, this situation has become quite troublesome, but I couldn’t think of any way to resolve it.

In the end, I used “I’ll think about it later” as my excuse and pushed the issue aside.

…I couldn’t tell at that time just what kind of disastrous event would occur.


“Where is it… Where can it be… Sob…”

The time was 10 o’clock at night, the location was the changing room next to the bath. In order to not be seen by my little sister who was taking a bath, I was secretly looking through the panties that she had taken off with tears trickling from my eyes. Why? It’s obviously because of Hikari Yumesaki. That idiot was so angry, that when I got to school this morning, her revenge was already unfolding.

The homework notebook that I was supposed to turn in had 18+ BDSM ill.u.s.trations drawn on it, and this wasn’t even the worse part. My desk was crammed full of moe manga, my gym shoes were decorated with Pr*tty Cure drawings, and there were even BL doujins that had textbook covers slipped over them.

“Sakamoto, please read aloud page 83 from the textbook.”

“Yes. ‘Yukio , we can’t! Two guys holding each other in such a tight embrace…’ ‘Akiboshi, no one will see us. Come, bring your delicate skin into my savanna…’ ——What the h.e.l.l is this!?”

This kind of ma.s.sacre occurred.

Once I returned home, the troubles still weren’t over. My mom had received a package sent from “me”. “What could it be?” I carried that thought as I watched from the side, and it turns out that there was a t-shirt inside with “BrotherSister Incest is Wincest” printed on it, and you can’t help but wonder where they even sell those at. There was even a letter included, which read, “My dearest mother, please forgive this forbidden love.” My mother turned ghastly pale, and a panic-stricken Yukiko stuttered, “Wha… What does this mean… Are you trying to tell me something…? Could it be that you want to declare our forbidden love to mom and dad!” and it costed me a lot of effort to settle and rea.s.sure those two.

As for why I’m now hiding in the changing room and playing with the panties that my little sister just took off, it’s because I was about to face an unprecedented crisis.

When I had just turned on my computer, there was a doc.u.ment on the desktop whose t.i.tle read, “Time of Missile Launch: 00:00” and so I opened up it to inspect it…

“I’ve already set up an automatic email that will send shotacon BL to Kaoru Kinos.h.i.ta. If you want to delete it, then you’ll have to figure out the pa.s.sword. I’ve secretly written the pa.s.sword on your little sister’s underwear.”

…and saw this utterly r.e.t.a.r.ded advance notice for a crime.

Oi oi… I opened up my email box, and there really was an email. Using the automatic sending function, it was an email that would be sent to Kinos.h.i.ta. But the most important part was…

“How long are you going to wait before you ambush me? I’m really looking forward to it. Hurry up and seize me already.”

…what was written.

“This is bad… This is bad…”

Seeing those disastrous words, a shiver suddenly ran through my spine, and even though I tried to delete the email, but then I discovered that because I lacked admin privileges, I couldn’t delete it without the pa.s.sword, which destroyed my spirit.

And so, since I didn’t have any other choice, I could only scrutinize Yukiko’s underwear.

Yukiko was in the living room watching TV, so I took advantage of this opportunity to sneak into her room and go through her wardrobe… but I couldn’t find anything.

My only option was to dump out all of the clothes in basket and look through them, but I was still unsuccessful. Because of it, I came to the conclusion that, “Maybe it’s written on today’s panties.” and so I returned to the living room. Yukiko, who was wearing a mini-skirt, sat on the sofa hugging her knees in an improper manner. I plopped down in front of her, and cautiously sneaked looks at her panties.

Where is it… Where is it written…!

——But I couldn’t focus on sneaking looks at her panties for long.

My dad who was reading the newspaper on the side increased his coughing speed, like he was trying to say something, and Yukiko was blushing as she pressed down her skirt, so I just gave up (although now that I think about it, my dad was technically witnessing an unbelievable scene of his son trying his best to sneak glances at his daughter’s panties).

“It looks like I’ll have to switch my target to Yukiko’s freshly worn panties.”

No one can blame me for coming to this conclusion, right? That’s why in the end, I was taking advantage of Yukiko being in the bathroom and sneaking around in the changing room.

“Just where is it written…”

After a series of events, now——

I flipped over Yukiko’s freshly worn panties, raised it high into the air, and brought my face closer to it, but I still couldn’t find any words. Dammit, Yukiko’s panties was the only connection to all of this!

However, only my mind was still calm and collected.

“Maybe the underwear wasn’t her panties, but her bra…”

Upon realizing that, I grabbed ahold of the small-sized bra. Where, where is it——Oh, I found it! Written on the inside of the bra was a small line of letters! This is great! Alright, now I have to quickly write it down——Kathunk——If I don’t quickly write it down, Yukiko will……eh? Kathunk?

“Sigh, the shampoo’s all gone, I really need to remember to replenish——”


In that instance, a moment of silence fell upon us. Although it may be little bit too late, right now allow me to introduce my little sister, Yukiko.

Having just entered middle school this spring, Yukiko was nothing like me. She had a small, delicate figure, and that sour look on her face was probably a plus for some people.

Okay, what is Yukiko actually seeing right now.

She was obviously completely naked from having taken a bath, and water was dripping down her smooth, glossy skin, fully showing just how delicate and supple her skin was.

Her two legs which extended down from her small, cute b.u.t.tocks seemed to have forgotten how to walk, as I only saw her remain frozen in place. The small towel in her hands and the steam covered up her most important parts, but that was her only saving grace, for the person reflected in the large pupils of her eyes was her dearest older brother.

In my left hand was her panties, and in my right hand was her bra.

Because I was extremely nervous, I let out a laugh, and in an act of desperation, I brought my face closer and looked at her——

“Yukiko, this is a misunderstanding. I have a reason for this that I can’t discuss.”


“Listen, I just need to inspect your panties real quick.”


“It’s true! I have some difficulties that I can’t say and I need your freshly worn panties!”


“Yukiko! I have some difficulties that I can’t say but I must need your freshly worn panties——”

“You hideously perverted virgin of a brother, hurry up and get out—————————————!”


With an incredibly violent tackle to my stomach, I flew out of the changing room and completely fell down onto the floor. This is a misunderstanding… I only wanted to inspect your panties for a bit… Although I lost any valuable dignity I had as an older brother, I finally found the pa.s.sword. I was saved.

And so after I returned to my room, I entered the pa.s.sword “I_Am_A_Virgin” (What kind of stupid pa.s.sword is this…) and finally deleted that email without a hitch. Sigh, I’m so tired.

“Not good, that idiot Hikari Yumesaki is really mad.”

I thought back over what happened today, and grew worried. Dammit, what should I do?

Maybe I could follow Hikari Yumesaki’s advice in fixing the letter. However, seeing how angry she is this time, I don’t think this would be enough. But even so, casually apologizing would only make her angrier.

“…I really have no idea on what to do.”

I tsked with a bitter expression on my face, and flipped open the notebook. Even though I really didn’t want to write these words if possible, I couldn’t take anymore of it.

“Please don’t be angry anymore. Making you angry is only causing me pain. You know how I feel about you, right? I’m begging you to please tell me why you’re mad. The one thing that I never want to feel is being hated by you, my beloved.”


Although I wrote those words myself, looking at them still made me blush red in embarra.s.sment. Eh? Do I really have to do this?

All things considered, Hikari Yumesaki has a kind and sweet personality, so if I write this honestly, she’ll probably forgive me. But the thing is… Ugh~

After racking my brain for a while, I ended up erasing the ending “my beloved” part. This action would probably cause her to ridicule me as a virgin again, but it was really embarra.s.sing. My cheeks were still burning red.

“Please don’t be angry anymore.”

I carried this plea in my heart, and got into bed to sleep and end this day.

Two days later, seeing my room and tidied up and cleaned, I couldn’t help but let out an “oooo” in amazement, and then opened up the notebook. What entered my sight was a tiny handwriting that lacked any self-confidence.

“………It’s because the letter you wrote for Miyamoto sounded like you were writing to a girl you liked.”


Uh… What does this mean?

Although I didn’t expected that letter would make her feel this way, what did this have to do with her being angry?


As I pondered that, I continued reading the next line.

Once I saw those words, I couldn’t speak for a moment.


“I don’t know why, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.”



Eh? Uh… Does this mean that…

I immediately felt a smile grow on my face. Could it be that Hikari Yumesaki had a bad taste in her mouth because I was being friendly towards Miyamoto? In other words——


c.r.a.p, my smile won’t stop growing.

“Heheh…… Heheheh.”

I even let out a disgusting laugh.

I don’t know why but my mood became a lot better, and I threw myself onto my bed. And then, while holding onto Hikari Yumesaki’s hug pillow, I laughed like an evil overlord for no less than ten minutes. My little sister entered the room at some point, “Brother, I’m sorry for ignoring you for all of yesterday………. Oh…. I see that I’ve disturbed you. I didn’t think that you would be in the middle of humping your hug pillow… I’m sorry for getting angry at you over my insignificant panties…” and even though I’ve been subjected to such words, I didn’t care at all. I was at the height of the moment. Banzai!

“What, she was only mad because of this?”

I smiled as I bowed my head and apologized to yesterday’s me. Hikari Yumesaki, I’m really sorry.

Once I finished apologizing, I sat back into my chair, and laid back as far as I could.

I gazed up into the sky outside my window, and immersed myself into the dawn’s light blue sky. Aahhhh, I feel so happy.

It must’ve been because I felt completely relaxed, but I suddenly spoke:

“…It’s already been half a year, huh.”

It’s already been half a year ever since my strange encounter with Hikari Yumesaki. At the same time, I remembered something else related to this.

One morning——I received a strange phone call, and words the person in the black robes said at that time.

“………My entire life span.”

Hikari Yumesaki’s time was reduced by thirty minutes, along with the meaning behind the black-robed figure’s words.

Not only did this lend to what they meant, but it also hinted at what was to come, which the current me had no clue on. However…

“I really do hate not being able to do anything and just waiting like this.”

I definitely don’t want to lose Hikari Yumesaki like this. Furthermore——

“I’ve already made a promise with Miss Hinako.”

On the night of the fall equinox, under the light of the full moon, I made a vow to Hikari Yumesaki’s mother, Miss Hinako.

I will definitely let Hikari Yumesaki revive, and definitely let her come see you.


For some unknown reason, I felt strength course through my body.

Afterwards, I kept searching for a clue that would help allow Hikari Yumesaki to revive, but I couldn’t find anything at all. But even so, I still shouldn’t think about giving up. I definitely can’t give up.

No matter what I must do, I must allow Hikari Yumesaki to revive.

“We’ll definitely go see Ms. Hinako together.”

There’ll definitely be some solution, a solution that will allow Hikari Yumesaki to be saved.

So I prayed——

And clenched my fist at the sun rising above the cloudy sky.