Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 115: Lost Her Temper

Chapter 115: Lost Her Temper

Knowing Tan Mo’s ability to get a perfect score on the college entrance examination at the age of 15, her extraordinary intelligence must have already shown when she was a child.

She must have been specially recruited by Jixia Academy.

This really made sense.

Everyone believed in this reasoning.

Teacher Hong told the group about the military training arrangements. As for the information about the beginning of school, it could wait until the military training was over.

Soon the cla.s.s was dismissed.

Jin Yuelin and Meng Yuxi took the initiative to find Tan Mo and return to the dormitory together. Tan Mo didn’t expect Lin f.u.xi to follow along.

Lin f.u.xi felt completely frustrated. At the beginning of the cla.s.s, she had been selected as the cla.s.s monitor, plus she had the honor of everyone knowing that she had a full scholars.h.i.+p.

She should have been given the most attention.

Who could imagine that Tan Mo had such a trick up her sleeve?

She held back her comments, but, when the four of them had returned to their dorm room, she asked quietly, “Tan Mo, you have received so many honors. Why didn’t you tell us about them?”

She then said, “Don’t say that we didn’t ask so you didn’t say.”

It was obvious that she was giving Tan Mo the third degree, but, because of her soft tone, she made it seem as if she was the one who had been wronged.

“When you arrived yesterday, we introduced ourselves and mentioned our respective situations, including our ranking in our provinces, and I also mentioned that I had received a full scholars.h.i.+p.” Lin f.u.xi looked aggrieved as she continued, “But you didn’t say anything except for your name and that you are from City B.

“You didn’t say that you were the top scorer in City B. If you wanted to keep a low profile, you didn’t need to mention the conditions that President Mu had given you or that he had personally invited you. But you didn’t say that you got a full scholars.h.i.+p either. We’ve all said so much about ourselves, but you wanted to conceal it. What did you mean by that?

“Also, I envied the admission cutoff scores of City B yesterday without knowing that you were the top scorer in City B, so what I said must have made you feel uncomfortable. That’s why you and your friends reacted so strongly yesterday I guess.” Lin f.u.xi bit her lip, and her eyes even reddened.

She clenched her fists and said, “In that case, why didn’t you directly say that you were the top scorer in City B yesterday? Things got to that point but you still didn’t say it.

“You hid it from us and watched us make fools of ourselves,” Lin f.u.xi said as she glanced at Jin Yuelin and Meng Yuxi. They weren’t stupid so they should be able to understand what she meant. “When you heard us yesterday, what did you feel in your heart? Were you laughing at us inwardly? Laughing at us for being conceited? Laughing at us for being in front of a true expert?”

Jin Yuelin and Meng Yuxi looked at each other, and they were a little dismayed.

Some people did like to do such mean-spirited things.

However, the two of them didn’t blindly believe in everything Lin f.u.xi was saying.

After all, the two of them weren’t stupid. In their opinion, Lin f.u.xi wasn’t a nice person.

The two of them have a good relations.h.i.+p now. They didn’t want to provoke either Tan Mo or Lin f.u.xi.

In that case, the two of them had to stick together.

At present, they both had good impressions of each other.

“Why do you say that?” Tan Mo paled and said pitifully, “I only got here yesterday and I’m only 15 years old. I really don’t know why big sister always targets me.”

Lin f.u.xi: “…”

Lin f.u.xi was so angry that it was threatening to show on her face.

You don’t have to keep mentioning that you are only 15 years old!

“You said I didn’t say that I had gotten a perfect score on the college entrance examination, nor did I mention my full scholars.h.i.+p.” Tan Mo lowered her head and fiddled with her fingers. “Because I didn’t dare to say it.”

Lin f.u.xi’s expression was soft, but Tan Mo’s voice was softer, especially since she was indeed younger. With her soft voice, she seemed much more fragile than Lin f.u.xi

With Tan Mo playing the pity card, Lin f.u.xi could no longer maintain her cordial expression. “Didn’t dare to say it? Why wouldn’t you dare to say it?”

Tan Mo acted scared and hid behind Jin Yuelin and Meng Yuxi. With only her small head popping out from behind Jin Yuelin, she said in a soft voice, “Yesterday, you were so obviously disdainful and indignant toward City B’s candidates, so I was afraid that things could be awkward after I said it. Besides, I was afraid that you would be disdainful of me as well.”

After speaking, Tan Mo hid behind Jin Yuelin and Meng Yuxi, and then whispered from behind them, “You were so fierce yesterday, so I was a little scared.”

Her soft little hands held Jin Yuelin and Meng Yuxi’s arms.

Jin Yuelin and Meng Yuxi felt a maternal protective instinct rising up inside of them.

Guarding Tan Mo, the two of them remained motionless.

Lin f.u.xi was very angry and had a feeling of being wronged but also unable to defend herself.

Had she been fierce yesterday?

She definitely hadn’t!

Wouldn’t she know it?

It had taken her many years to develop her ability to speak extremely softly whenever she spoke. Behaving timidly causes people to feel softhearted.

She got a lot of preferential treatment and resources based on this.

Even if she was upset yesterday, she would never speak fiercely.

Besides, could she possibly not remember what happened just yesterday?

Besides, with so many people from Tan Mo’s family here yesterday, would she be stupid enough to dare to talk fiercely?

Even Jin Yuelin and Meng Yuxi wondered if they had remembered things wrong.

They remembered that although Lin f.u.xi’s words weren’t very pleasant yesterday, her tone hadn’t been fierce.

But looking back at Tan Mo, they saw that her face was pale and her big eyes were blinking as if holding back tears, as if seeking their protection.

This made them both unsure.

Could it be that they’d remembered it wrong?

Lin f.u.xi really had been fierce yesterday.

While they were thinking about it, Tan Mo’s voice sounded a little frightened as she said, “Sister f.u.xi, why are you looking at me like that? You look so scary.”

While Tan Mo was speaking, Jin Yuelin and Meng Yuxi were facing Lin f.u.xi, so they happened to look over.

They saw that Lin f.u.xi’s expression really was contorted.

The two wondered, could it be that Lin f.u.xi had showed a vicious expression yesterday when no one was paying attention, and Tan Mo saw it?

Jin Yuelin took the initiative to protect Tan Mo and said, “f.u.xi, don’t do this. Tan Mo is still a child.”

Lin f.u.xi: “…”

Why did these words make her feel so infuriated?

“You made it clear that you looked down on the candidates from City B. She is young, so naturally she wouldn’t dare to say more,” Meng Yuxi said. “I can understand her thinking. Moreover, Tan Mo is the youngest in our dormitory. You don’t need to take care of her, but at least don’t make things difficult for her.”

“You…” Lin f.u.xi’s voice suddenly became louder.

Seeing the shocked expressions on Jin Yuelin and Meng Yuxi’s faces, Lin f.u.xi suddenly realized that she had lost her temper.

She hurriedly took a deep breath. Her lips trembling, she said: “I haven’t made things difficult for her. Do you two think I’m making things difficult for her?”