Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 160: Heads Started to Buzz

Chapter 160: Heads Started to Buzz

Lin f.u.xi frowned. “You don’t have any problem with this, do you? It’s only to double-check your mark. You don’t mind this, right?”

Tan Mo tilted her head and asked, “Why would I have any problems with this? You have already forcefully asked me to show you my history. Your att.i.tude is shockingly bossy, and it seems as if you can’t bear to see someone achieve more than you do. If this isn’t the case, why else would you overreact when I said I’d get full marks?” Tan Mo had started babbling.

Lin f.u.xi had no reply to this.

How can she keep on babbling like this?

And Tan Mo continued babbling. “But, of course, I can’t ask for different terms and conditions just because the cla.s.s president is like this, can I? I’d be coming off as offensive if I did so.”

Once again, Lin f.u.xi stayed silent.

What do you mean by using words like this?

Do you mean that I’m being offensive?

“Even if the cla.s.s president’s att.i.tude is poor and ill-mannered, I can’t act the same.” Tan Mo put on a well-behaved look as she spoke, earning sympathy from those around them.

Meng Yuxi almost felt like hugging Tan Mo.

Tan Mo hadn’t finished. “I have nothing to hide. If the cla.s.s president wants to see my history and my grades, go right ahead. I have no problem with that. But could the cla.s.s president tell me about her grades first?”

Tan Mo tilted her head and looked as if she was the most well-behaved person on the planet. “I don’t need to see the cla.s.s president’s history. Just her grades will be enough. It’s just like what sister Yuelin said. We will be able to see everything once the ranking lists are refreshed. There’s no need to lie. The cla.s.s president is smart, so she wouldn’t do anything this stupid.”

The voice of Tan Mo was soft and slow, so very pleasing to everyone’s ears.

In addition to that, she was younger compared with her other cla.s.smates. Other than Lin f.u.xi, everyone else in the examination hall nodded along vigorously, as if they were agreeing for Lin f.u.xi herself.

Tan Mo’s head was still tilted.

She never missed with this technique.

“Exactly, Cla.s.s President. You can just tell us. There are only six minutes left until the ranking lists are published,” a student from the Finance Department commented.

Other cla.s.smates also chimed in, “Yeah, you should just tell us. It’s not that big of a deal.”

“You’re called Lin f.u.xi. We all know that already. We’ll all be able to check later once the list gets released.”

“Tan Mo doesn’t want to check your history out, so just tell her your grades, and she’ll believe you.”

Lin f.u.xi had nothing to say.

What did that mean? Just tell her your grades, and she’ll believe you…

As if Lin f.u.xi would lie.

There is no point in lying in situations like this.

Lin f.u.xi would never have thought that she’d be stuck in a situation like this.

She had initially thought this out and would’ve answered that she performed averagely. When the ranking lists were published, most cla.s.smates who didn’t know her wouldn’t have cared less. Only those from the first Finance cla.s.s would matter. They would come to realize how high her marks were and that she had just been acting humble. Then they would be shocked, startled, and filled with admiration. That’s what she’d initially thought.

What she had not expected was that Tan Mo would sweep in and ruin everything.

Even if she did blatantly tell everyone her actual grades, it wouldn’t have the effect that she’d wished it had. Not only that, but also they would have no reaction at all.

She really had been forced into a dead end.

“98,” Li f.u.xi begrudgingly said.

“That high?” Tan Mo looked extremely surprised.

The other cla.s.smates must have thought, ‘Why is Tan Mo this kindhearted?’

This mark was high…

And, of course, no one’s marks were anywhere near hers. Then again, this did not stop them from despising her either.

Just look at how Lin f.u.xi has forced Tan Mo to show her grades, yet now Tan Mo is praising her for her good grade.

Lin f.u.xi felt as if she had been humiliated, but she couldn’t say it out loud.

Tan Mo’s words seemed genuine. She had thought that Lin f.u.xi’s marks would turn out high.

But to Lin f.u.xi, Tan Mo’s words seemed to be sarcastic. She heard Tan Mo’s voice again. “It was off by ten points from the pa.s.sing grade.”

Lin f.u.xi stayed silent.

She was giving the crowd a show watching her pent-up irritation.

“There’s a pa.s.sing mark?” someone asked. “I thought being in the top ten would be enough.”

“No, that’s not what I meant. I don’t think there’s an actual pa.s.sing mark.” Tan Mo laughed. “But if the pa.s.sing mark for 100 is 60, if 180 was the total mark, then so to speak, 108 would be the pa.s.sing mark.”

The crowd heard Tan Mo loud and clear. She was right.

Suddenly, there were no objections.

Lin f.u.xi had nothing to say.

‘Were you all a bunch of idiots?’

There were no pa.s.sing marks at all. It was just something Tan Mo had made up on the spot.

“So that’s still ten marks away from the pa.s.sing mark, isn’t it?” someone asked quietly.

The voice sounded foreign. She didn’t recognize it, so it definitely wasn’t someone from the first-year Finance cla.s.s.

With this many people here, Lin f.u.xi really couldn’t pinpoint who had exactly said what.

Tan Mo clicked into her history directly. “Oh. You see, I did get full marks.”

Lin f.u.xi put on her She was worried that her poor eyesight might have betrayed her.

Indeed, the screen displayed the number 180.

And, upon further checking, the name was indeed Tan Mo.

Lin f.u.xi started to feel some sort of terrible grievance growing up in her, one that she couldn’t seem to properly explain. Tan Mo really did get full marks?

How…how exactly had she done it?

How much did she study for this exam?

Lin f.u.xi almost blurted out that question. This was nothing. These questions weren’t all that difficult or obscure. Everyone who had answered these questions knew that.

“The ranking positions are out!” It was right then that someone reminded them.

The crowd immediately rushed to click onto the link

Tan Mo raised her head and looked at Lin f.u.xi, who was standing next to her. “Cla.s.s President, are you finished looking? If so, I’ll be closing the tab.”

Lin f.u.xi turned around swiftly and returned to her seat without saying a word.

Tan Mo shrugged her shoulders.

The cla.s.s president is so unpredictable. She left without saying goodbye. How improper and ill-mannered.

Once Tan Mo closed the tab, she then clicked into the ranking lists.

The words Tan Mo were impressively in the top spot.

180 marks, full marks!

No one was paying attention to her actual score, but rather looking at her name plastered on the top row of the list.

Not only that, but also the words “of the first cla.s.s in the first year within the Finance Department” was right behind her name.

A first year, from the Finance Department, had beaten out the rest of the students from the Chinese Department with full marks!

Everyone stared at Tan Mo with their mouths wide open.

With everyone chattering about Lin f.u.xi, no one had really paid much attention to Tan Mo’s marks.

However, now they all s.h.i.+fted their attention to her.

She really had gotten full marks.

She’d really answered all those insane questions correctly.

Right below Tan Mo was w.a.n.g Yuemu from the Chinese Department with 161 points.

Of course, everyone knew that Professor Guo’s students would have good grades.

But even so, none of them could beat Tan Mo?

How exactly does her brain work?

Everyone was startled to the point that their heads started to buzz.

On the other hand, Lin f.u.xi just stared at her computer screen. The white glow stung her eyes and brought them to tears.