Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 153

"This is hard for me to say…" Chu Yang said with hesitation. "There are hundreds of thousands of people in Iron Cloud Citadel. There are five major areas in it. While the affluent area is easy to search, the slums are definitely not easy at all. Even if a thousand people were to hide in the slums, they would be like fish in an ocean or tigers in a deep forest. If we want to find him… I am afraid that we will have to mobilize the entire force of the citadel. All of the soldiers, and perhaps even civilians, will have to join in the search and we would have to do a complete investigation. The efforts and resources that we will have to spend would be tremendous…"

"If you can find this guy, I will promise to deliver one favor on behalf of the Hei Mo clan!" Hastily, the Saber King interrupted Chu Yang. If he had allowed Minister Chu to continue in the direction of his speech, he was sure that the entire Hei Mo clan would have to toil away and never be able to pay off this great debt…

"Hey, how can senior say such a thing? I am not the type of person that helps people in hopes of getting a repayment." Chu Yang replied in an unsatisfied tone, "Your words have really undervalued me!"

The Saber King thought angrily, "You are clearly opening your big mouth, waiting to be fed, and yet you dare claim that you don"t need any form of repayment…"

King of h.e.l.l Chu"s eyes s.h.i.+fted and the conversation took a turn. Immediately, his countenance became contemplative, "However, Iron Cloud is currently dealing with enemies both from the inside and out; the situation is uncertain. Golden Horse Riders Department of Great Zhao is constantly eyeing our Bu Tian Pavilion. Moreover, they have King level leaders as well. This is too difficult..."

"You wish for me to help you deal with Golden Horse Riders Department?" The Saber King was immensely shocked, "I can"t do that!" He was both frustrated and troubled. This punk"s statements had just gone from heroic and moral to simply being complaints.

"No, no! Not like that!" Chu Yang replied a.s.sertively. "Very soon, Golden Horse Riders Department will definitely make their move against our Bu Tian Pavilion. Not many will come, perhaps just a dozen people or so. Senior, all you need to do is to help me kill those guys."

"Only a dozen people? Well, that"s not too many!" The Saber King contemplated for a moment, before deciding that it was feasible. Just killing a dozen secular officials or ordinary martial masters in exchange for the death of one Mo clan King level master… This deal was definitely worth it.

"Can I take it that you agree, then?" Minister Chu asked sternly; he had to be sure of this.

"Uh… I agree!" The Saber King thought for a moment before he finally agreed.

"Senior, you are indeed a great man! You have saved thousands of people from having to boil oil and reversed the tide of a dangerous situation. Your righteousness reaches the heavens and your honor puts me in great awe! Millions of people in Iron Cloud will be thankful for your great deed!" Minister Chu appeared so touched that tears had begun to form in his eyes… Motherf*cker… I have finally managed to solve the problem that I have been worrying about for such a long time!

"Ah, rest a.s.sured! While we are not able to help you deal with the entire Golden Horse Riders Department, I can promise you that the people who are sent here will not be able to make it back alive! If one person comes, one will die; if two comes, a pair will do!" The Saber King said imposingly.

Chu Yang laughed and replied, "Yes! Your greatness is truly out of this world. Even if Golden Horse Riders Department was to send a few hundred people, they would only receive more ancestral tablets!"

"A few hundred people? Didn"t you just say a dozen people?" The Saber King frowned instantly.

"This lowly official meant to say… this group of people…" Chu Yang sighed heavily, "Who knows if there would be one, ten, or even a hundred people… This is truly difficult to figure out…"

The Saber King was infuriated! This punk had just mentioned that there would at most be a dozen people. Within the blink of an eye, this number had just been multiplied by a dozen times from his very own mouth. Worse still, he"s not even sure as to the exact number.

Motherf*cker, is this even a mouth of a human? He was speaking without any coherence. First, it was black, and now, it was white...

It"s no wonder that he has managed to become an official at such a young age. Furthermore, he"s a minister. d.a.m.n, just by using his mouth, he could easily become the Prime Minister!

As he left Bu Tian Pavilion, the Saber King looked as if he was trying to escape! His face had become completely pale!

After this deal, I will sever all ties with this King of h.e.l.l Chu! He is too much of a hustler! Everything that Minister Chu said initially seemed reasonable and legitimate! First, he placed me in such a high place, as if I was a hero and a savior; his praises blew me right into a fog. I could only discover that he was actually praising himself a while later.

I was supposed to do him just one favor. However, after going back and forth… I somehow ended up having to do him a few favors!

Especially those last words: "Senior, you can rest a.s.sured! While I have limited manpower and weak strength, I will risk my own life, shed blood, climb a mountain of sabers, and walk into a sea of fire just for you. I will not relent, even if I were to be stabbed by swords and slashed by sabers! Is there any need for a reward? Is there any need for a conditional exchange? These words not only belittle me but also serve as an insult to you, senior! Senior, don"t you think that I"m right? We have only just met one another, yet I feel as if I have known you my whole life. My only regret is that we"ve met too late into our lives. Between the two of us… is there really any need for differentiating ourselves…"

Just by thinking about King of h.e.l.l Chu speaking of them as being good friends made the Saber King cringe and he felt as if his entire body was having seizures. Ultimately, was this not a conditional exchange?

Eventually, King of h.e.l.l Chu added something that made the Saber King run for his life, "Yes… There is one other thing that has been troubling me for a long time…"

Before he could even finish what he had wanted to say, the Saber King stood up and bade farewell swiftly… Motherf*cker, you have already told me seven or eight things that have been troubling you and I have even agreed to all your requests. Now, you have even more… Are you not going to let me live in peace?

Finally, Chu Yang heaved a sigh of relief.

It was done!

However, this situation was far from over! There were a few things that had to be followed up on.

Since such a large chunk of meat had fallen from the sky, he caught it instinctively.

Immediately after he had left, Chu Yang headed for the prison. It was tightly guarded and the security was tighter than it had ever been since Iron Cloud Nation was found! Nevertheless, Chu Yang still felt that the security was not tight enough.

As he walked in, Chu Yang frowned and looked at a few of the traps that they had set up and his face turned purple in an instant. He grabbed the people in charge of this prison and starting las.h.i.+ng at them, "You dare call this a trap? Are you trapping birds and mice?"

He scolded the Revered Martial Artists so hard to the point that they were gritting their teeth in agony, while their veins were popping out of their foreheads.

In King of h.e.l.l Chu"s eyes, these traps could clearly be seen from just one glance and could not fool anyone at all. Furthermore, these traps were too weak and would not give a master any difficulty whatsoever. To summarize it, there were flaws in every aspect.

One of the guards was borrowed from the prince"s manor. This very man actually voiced out, "If our arrangements are poor, why don"t you show us how it"s done? You barely do anything and talk is cheap!"

Chu Yang stared at him coldly and replied, "Watch this!"

True to his words, Minister Chu fixed the traps by himself. He got rid of the old cover-ups, leaving behind the blades in their original positions. Next, he covered them with a highly toxic poison before pouring water over it and showing just a small tip of the blade. He had even gone to the extent of mixing sleeping drugs in the water. Subsequently, he took a few branches and stripped off the leaves. He tossed the leaves, making them look like they were fallen leaves. Finally, he tossed some dust to create the false image of a light covering on top, before gently placing his foot on top to create a faint footprint…

After doing this, he placed a few traps on top, ensuring that anyone who stepped on the traps would cause the seemingly safe-looking ceiling to falter and a piece would drop down. Moreover, the was ecstasy powder inside… After arranging everything, he still felt that it was not good enough, and he finally placed a dozen powerful automatic crossbows.

East, west, south, and north, all four directions had extremely cruel traps laid out perfectly. It was essentially the collection of every vicious design in history.

The strangest thing was that there was aphrodisiac powder sprinkled all over the place…

Minister Chu"s explanation was this: Once a person"s cultivation level had reached Revered Martial Artist, most of the drugs out there would not be very effective. However, even an Emperor level master would not be able to deal with aphrodisiac powder.

Everyone started to imagine the scenario where the enemies actually fell into the traps. While trying to fight back, their nether region would become inflated, their faces would turn red, and their eyes would be filled with great desire… As they thought about this, they could not help but s.h.i.+ver with fear.

Eventually, King of h.e.l.l Chu said with a hint of regret, "Uh… It"s too bad that we are in a hurry. Otherwise, I would arrange for a few drums of boiling oil since the weather has become cold. Otherwise, I could have added in a few poisonous snakes or centipedes…"

These words made the people become dizzy!

The traps that he had laid out was already horrifying enough for everyone around. Yet, it was still not enough for King of h.e.l.l Chu…

Upon finis.h.i.+ng his set up, Chu Yang asked casually, "Well? Are you satisfied with these traps?"

"Satisfied! Very satisfied!" A bunch of masters nodded their heads as if they were pecking chickens. They were looking upon Minister Chu with eyes that were filled with fear. They weren"t just satisfied… They were terrified as well!

They knew that they should never fall into the hands of this guy, otherwise, life would definitely be worse than death…

"What is your name?" Chu Yang turned and glared at the disgruntled Revered Martial Artist.

"Qu Shao Bo!" The Revered Martial Artist answered confidently, "What order does Minister Chu have for me?"

"I would not dare to give you any orders! However, you can return to the prince now." Chu Yang said a.s.sertively, "While you"re on your way there, please help me inform His Majesty that I can"t use his people!"

"What?" Qu Shao Bo was taken aback.

"You"ve heard me loud and clear; you"re not mistaken!" Chu Yang continued, "I don"t want to see your face from now on!"

"Why? You should at least give me a reason." Qu Shao Bo"s eyes widened. He was beginning to worry about his future. If he were to return to Tie Bu Tian like this, he knew that he would never achieve anything in this life.

"My people must follow my orders! I will not tolerate those who are disobedient!" Chu Yang continued with great disdain, "You actually had the guts to go against me and question my authority! That is why I don"t need you around!"

"Do you prefer a group of obedient idiots over a master?" In his fit of anger, Qu Shao Bo mouthed these words without thinking. These words made everyone around him infuriated.

"You"re wrong! I would rather choose a few normal people over an idiot who can"t listen!" Chu Yang yelled harshly, "Get out now! If you dare to add another word, you will be killed without any mercy!"

Qu Shao Bo began panting in anger as his eyes turned blood red. He knew very well that once he left, he would not have a future in Iron Cloud!

"You… King of h.e.l.l Chu, you have gone too far!" Qu Shao Bo glared at King of h.e.l.l Chu with deep hatred, "You will regret this!"

"Kill him!" Without hesitating, Chu Yang gave the order for his execution instantaneously, "Anyone who hesitates will also be killed, along with all nine generations!" This person has disrespected me at the very moment that I needed to make an example of someone. I have to let you people see that King of h.e.l.l Chu can even order the prince"s subordinates to be killed!

From henceforth, who would dare to disobey his orders? This was indeed a glaring example!

Furthermore, at critical junctures, the att.i.tude of just one person could cause a drastic change in the outcome of his grand plans. How could Chu Yang possibly allow such a defiant person to remain here?

While he could not be kept, he could not be let off as well. Death was the only way out!

Chu Yang might have been soft-hearted in nature, but he did not hesitate at all in this instance!