Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 808

This time around, Chu Yang really made a big fortune!

Adding on to the 300 purple crystals that he cheated from Qin Baoshan when he was dressed up as a shorty fatty, he now had a thousand purple crystals in his Nine Tribulations s.p.a.ce! And 200 cracked purple crystals…

These were all the personal properties of Divine Doctor Chu!

Adding on to more than 400 purple crystals that Chu Feiyan took to release the tasks, that would be almost 1700 purple crystals! And all of these were his income after opening the medical center for only five days.

And in these five days, there were actually two-thirds of the time when he did not go to work…

As for where the purple crystals should go to… return them to the clan? That would be ridiculous and absolutely impossible! How could rabbits that were caught fly away? Did they even have wings? Obviously, no. So, Divine Doctor Chu must of course fill them in his own pockets…

After Chu Yang left, both Sha Xinliang and Qin Baoshan started to get busy. How could they not be busy? It"s a matter of their lives or deaths.

After they handed the tasks to their subordinate officers, both of them heaved a sigh of relief. Of course, both of them were not completely without wits. They had jumbled up the medicinal ingredients that each of them needed and asked each officer to look for one or two of them.

Of course, the first step was to extort them from the few big clans. The more they could extort, the better…

The ones they couldn"t extort would then really cost efforts.

After they finished busying over their personal interests, the duo finally penned a letter. It did not mention the exact matter but only mentioned that a major situation had occurred in the Flat Mountain Ridge and this required the law-enforcement master to deal with it personally. The letter mentioned the matter as a big conspiracy that concerned the survival of the law-enforcement organization, and it could even subvert the entire Nine Heavens, but the details couldn"t be mentioned etc…

Anyway, the matter was described as seriously as possible. All in all, the central idea in the letter was: It would be extremely terrible if you, the law-enforcement master, didn"t come, as even Dharma Supreme would not see the sun next year…

This letter was delivered immediately.

What was left remaining was, of course, wait.

Sha Xinliang and Qin Baoshan were very excited.

Chu Yang didn"t know all of these, but he wasn"t concerned about them at all. He was in the luxurious carriage at this moment, crossing his legs and humming, as the carriage traveled slowly to the Chu clan which was tens of miles away.

And he even had a good sleep in the carriage. He did not know that the Chu clan was in a mess now.

But let"s put aside this matter for the moment.

Not more than two hours after Chu Yang was taken away, galloping sounds of horses were suddenly heard on a big street of Flat Mountain Ridge. From the fiery galloping sounds, one could tell how anxious the hors.e.m.e.n were!

As everyone on the street of Wujin Town raised up their heads, the horses had already arrived in front of them.

There was a huge force of warriors with fresh red capes on the horses. There were 200 of them, and all of them looked valiant and murderous. As their capes fluttered in the air, it looked as if a huge stretch of blood cloud had dashed into Wujin Town of the Flat Mountain Ridge!

On the s.p.a.cious street, the horses galloped straight towards the Chu clan! These warriors and their horses seemed to have no qualms at all. They were simply das.h.i.+ng forward unscrupulously!

Along the way, they stepped over the granary of the Bao clan and the plaque which belonged to the Liao clan. Just when a few people from the clans came out in a bid to confront these brazen people, they only saw blood-red shadows shrinking in front of them.

The two people that led the cavalry wore white robes and capes that were completely white and clean.

One of them had a beard which had the same color as his cape. He was an old man with a square face, wide nose, mouth, a fiery pair of eyes and a st.u.r.dy body. He looked arrogant and ill-mannered. At the moment, his face was filled with excitement and anxiousness, and he spurred his horse frantically, "Yeah yeah yeah! Yeah yeah yeah!…"

Next to him was a man in white who was in his prime years. They looked like a pair of father and son. But this man seemed to be more than 40 years old. His whiskers even covered his eyes. He had a really huge size and was even st.u.r.dier than his father. As he rode on the horse, he looked like a black iron tower!

Fortunately, this horse was a one-of-a-kind dragon colt. If it was an ordinary war-horse, it could have stopped galloping with this fierce horseman riding on it.

There were three big carriages within the cavalry. While the cavalry sped like a bolt of thunder all along the way, the carriages were extremely steady and did not endure big jolts. One could see that the postilions were really experts!

There were also a few riders in red next to the carriages. Whenever they encountered a gully, they would extend their hands. The horses, along with the carriages, would be off from the ground. Then they would fly over it smoothly and continue galloping the second they touched the ground…

Such coordination was really amazing.

Sweet scents wafted out of the carriages along the way. Obviously, within the carriages were women.

The old man who took the lead gazed around with pride and laughed, "Small Bear! I"ve given you sufficient face this time around. How is it? How about showing this off in front of my poor grandson?"

Well, the name of the st.u.r.dy, bear-like man was "Little Bear". This name was really… fitting in the literal sense, but it wasn"t that suitable…

That macho laughed like a thunder, "That"s obvious!" Then he lowered his voice, "Father, can you not call me Little Bear in front of so many people?"

The geezer became raged at once, and stared at him, "F**k your mother off! If I don"t call you Little Bear, do I have to call you Father!?"

"Whatever…" the macho shrank his neck and did not say anything further.

But somebody wasn"t happy in the carriage. An old female voice sounded with dissatisfaction, "b.a.s.t.a.r.d! You can punish your son, but why did you want to f**k his mother off? Did I offend you?"

A gentle voice sounded, "Mother, don"t be angry… Father just has this kind of violent temper…"

"This is called a violent temper?" the old woman in the carriage snorted and said, "If he has a violent temper, why isn"t he violent anymore once I scolded him? He"s just a b.a.s.t.a.r.d who bullies the weak and fears the strong!"

Sure enough, that old man did not dare to be tempestuous anymore and only shouted non-stop at his horse, "Yeah yeah yeah! Yeah yeah yeah! Why are you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds so slow! Faster! Faster! Faster!… F**k your grandma off… f**k your mother off…"

He vented all his stomach-full of frustration on those poor horses.

As such, the cavalry galloped off like an even stronger gust of wind.

The cavalry rumbled, and with an earth-shattering posture, they dashed off, leaving behind a cloud of dust that went straight into the sky! And it filled the entire atmosphere of the Wujin Town.

One person smacked his lips as he watched the cavalry vanis.h.i.+ng into the distance, "What a fine troop! Who are these maniacs? Why are they so arrogant?"

An experienced guy next to him scoffed and said, "You don"t even know this? You really live in a backwater. This is the Blood-Clothed Troop from the Yang clan! Look at them, they form the one-of-a-kind elite power! That old man who leads the cavalry is the Yang clan"s clan master Yang Bao! The macho behind him is his son, Yang Ruoxiong! And he"s the president of the troop!"

"No wonder they"re so powerful, it"s the Yang clan!" that former person stretched his tongue.

Three or four miles away from the Chu clan, Old Master Yang Bao suddenly yelled, "Chu Xiongcheng, you old brute, quickly come out to welcome your in-laws! What are you waiting for?!"

Like a huge thunderstorm, the sound scattered in all directions and reverberated through the air, "Old brute… brute… ute… ute ute… ute ute ute…"

Everyone who heard this laughed secretly in their hearts: If your in-laws are brutes, who are you?

In the Chu clan, Old Master Chu, who was in his blues then, twitched his nose in frustration as he heard this thunder-like howl.

This old rogue is coming here again!

And just like before, he had specially allowed the two words "old brute" to reverberate through the air through his Sound-Whirling Technique…

I"ve never met a second person as rude as him before. d.a.m.n it, what a stroke of bad luck to have this in-law!

The Old Master was furious and screamed violently, "I was wondering who"s here. It turns out that it"s Old Yang, you old brute!"

And he commanded, "Quickly go to welcome them. All the Chu clan members, go to the gate to welcome them."

And as he said, he hurriedly made his way out. Old Master Chu clearly knew that this in-law family had a bad temper. If he did not get out, this old creature might directly smash into the Chu clan"s door and rush in…

He cursed as he walked. After walking five steps, he suddenly cried "Ah" and stood dumbfounded on the spot.

Yang Bao, this old hooligan, has definitely come to take a look at his grandson. He must have received my message and can"t wait to take a look at his grandson.

In these eighteen years, Yang Bao had only come here a few times. Every time he had come, it was for the issue of his grandson"s disappearance. Old Master Chu would get a tongue-las.h.i.+ng from Yang Bao, and the two would put up a full-fledged fight. Then Old Master Chu would return back to his room with bruises all over his body, while Yang Bao would go off resentfully with a badly battered face…

Old b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you were upset to lose your grandson, but would I not feel the same?

This time Chu Yang was finally found, Yang Bao had definitely come in great delight. And looking from the time, he had definitely rushed over the second he received the message…

It was conceivable how excited this Old Master Yang was.

This could also be the only time that the two old masters would not fight when they met, but… where was their grandson?

Where was their grandson?

He was taken away by the law-enforcement officers…

Oh my G.o.d, why did this old b.a.s.t.a.r.d come to make a mess here at such a time? How should I respond to him…?

Old Master Chu began fidgeting like ants on a hot pot. This time, it was worse than before. In the past, the grandson from both families was lost and they were forced to accept this fact.

Now that he had finally come back, but at this moment he was arrested by the law-enforcement officers…

This time around, the Chu clan had become the losing side.

Yang Bao had come with excitement, but if the Chu clan threw cold water on him this time, it would be a wonder if the old b.a.s.t.a.r.d, by his temper, did not strip the Chu clan apart!

While Old Master Chu sighed and moaned, he dared not to be a poor host. He immediately went to the door. Halfway, Chu Feilong reported to him: Old Master Yang, together with Yang Ruoxiong, the Blood-Clothed Troop which was made up of 200 members, and all the Yang clan"s womenfolk, including Old Mistress Yang… had come for a visit.

Old Master Chu"s face turned white on the spot.

That old mistress has also come…