Trinity: Omniverse Traveling Cat

Chapter 131

In his office of Marineford, Sengoku was filling files when a marine suddenly barges in. Taking position and salute, the marine immediately states his business.

Knowing that no marine would barge in without motif, he stays quiet and waits for the man to make his report.

"Fleet admiral, new have come from east blue!"

Snapping his head to the man, he abruptly rises."What news?!"

Gulping the marine respond. "The crew of Kreig have been finally found, they were just escaping Calm Belt when a patrol spots them. From their report, a part of his fleet could bee see being munched on by Sea King, and the rest worth for wear. They had counted 23 ships, before giving chase, trying to keep them in sight and report. This continued until they were lost for a time.

Half an hour later, Lieutenant Fullbody, while in break immediately contact the HQ after spotting the fleet near the Baratie, a floating restaurant in the east blue. It was speculated that Kreig was attempting to take over the ships to gather another crew and stay low for a while."

Sengoku nod at this, knowing that it would have mostly been the case, but the fact that he was warned of Kreig movement back in this sea was giving him dread, who was immediately proven.

"After Captain Smoker has been sent to put a definitive end to the man, another crew had been spotted." Say him with a slight quiver in his voice.

"Them?" Asked Sengoku, barely restraining his anger.

"Yes, fleet admiral. They were spotted dismantling down the ships of Kreig while he was facing off the patrol."

"Dismantling ships? In the middle of the sea?"

"A devil Fruit use most likely, from their behaviour, the captain of the crew should be the one with it. But it, not the most worrying part. Captain smoker had been slain..."

"What?! How?!" Sengoku fist came crashing on his desk, forming a hole directly, rather than broke in entirely.

The Sweating marine does he best to continue, even if he was completely frightened.

"Kreig showed the use of a chemical weapon, a powerful poison in gaseous form. Because of the nature of Captain smoker fruit, it has immediately mixed with his being, turning fatal, this was before he falls in the sea. Not a single marine had the time to plunge an try to save him because the capsule containing the gas had been struck above the ships spreading it to them before they could react."

"s.h.i.t." Gritting his teeth, he falls back limply in his seat. Seeing that the marine was still there, he whiten. "They"re more to it?" Asked him, receiving a nod from it.

"After the death of all our men, the crew of five had taken down the rest of the Kreig crew. The captain himself, Alexander had faced off around 900 men, Kreig, and his lieutenant alone, exiting the fight as the sole winner and with barely any wound. He had show proficiency in blade-wielding, able to produce weak flying attack, while even mixing real fire in attack. After then, they immediately depart from the place, leaving nothing behind. Was it not from the witness there, no one would have known it happen."

"This is a disaster." Say the man weakly, going through the given file, containing a more in-deep report, with some pics from the Denden Mushi. It was made clear that the man was turning more and more dangerous, the stacking unknown abilities of him were starting to worry Sengoku.

"They even had to gain another crew member."

Looking at the file, he grits his teeth when he sees that it was dating back from three days already because Admiral Akainu had ordered that the commission raise the bounty fo the group.

"Wait, if this is three days late... That bad!"

Before he could even finish his thoughts, another marine irrupts in the room.

"Urgent report sire, Logue town base at been raided! the vault had vanished and the weaponry completely emptied! Evans" crew had also been sighted in the town before immediately depart twenty minutes ago!"

"f.u.c.k!" Say him causing cracks to spread from is position on the floor and walls. "d.a.m.n Akainu! If you had directly reported this, it wouldn"t have happened! Now we had the strongest crew ever from east blue, entering Grand Line without a hint of their route or able to stop them! Give the commission the green light for the bounties!"

"With any chance, they will be too overjoyed to make it in Grand Line and be caught on their first island, but I doubt it."


While the highest authority in the marine HQ was seething at the mess left for one of his men to see some people removed by offering more money, rather than directly goes for them, the girl was experimenting with their new weapons.

Kuina and Tashigi were sparing with their new katana, marvelling at the creation that hadn"t anything to envy to one of the ô wazamono blades. Should he put his hand on the appropriate material, even Saijo ô wazamono shouldn"t be difficult to create.

With the runes on, they came only a little short of the higher blades. Looking at the side, where the two sisters were also sparing, remain him that he had to work on her "climtack". It wouldn"t take him long to come with the adequate rune cl.u.s.ter for the Bô to re-create the first generation of the weapon. Once in Skypiea, it would be even greater.

Right now, he was working on the Log pose. Deconstructing one, it didn"t take him long to understand how it works. All was in the needle, made from a particular metal sensible to electromagnetic waves, it was able "copy" the frequency of the one on the island on where they would stand. Once copied, it would then be attracted to the next frequency, the next island.

From what he could see, it was able to point to the next island because they all share the same electromagnetic waves, only having a difference in frequencies. It this was true, then Shabondy would be either a mix of all the waves of the different route only a part of the complete electromagnetic wave of Shabondy.

If it was true, he would have a way to found Laugh tale without the Road poneglyph, all he would need was to take all the route of the new world. The second solution was to make an eternal pose of the island named on the road poneglyph, even three would do. He already knows that Big Mom had one, Zou Island on zunisha too, and perhaps even kaido, otherwise, the two other emperors should know were to found the two others.

Even then, the One Piece wasn"t his aim, all he wanted was to travel and gather enough strength to live freely. While he had already 24 ladies, with two pregnant and three mothers of his daughter, he still wanted a few more, to widen the gene pool as much as possible.


Shaking his head to return to the task at hand, he takes out an ingot of stainless steel he had in stock, trans.m.u.ting it into a wrist.w.a.tch bracelet with the appropriate runes, he takes off the gla.s.s sphere from the wooden bracelet. Lightly touching the right rune, the opening on the wrist.w.a.tch of the bracelet, he put the sphere into the magically expanded place of its exact size.

Closing it back, after adding a crystal lens above, he was left with a Log pose wrist.w.a.tch. Protected, he won"t fear to break the fragile gla.s.s bubble. The bracelet itself was rune-made unbreakable and also provide few other services, notably the circling gauge that would indicate that the log had finished registering the island when it turns completely green. He would even be able to see the progression on. The frame of the watch had a compa.s.s installed that would be able to give the direction once he had studied the effect of Grand Line on it, to isolate them. He had also haded a digital clock just for the fun and would install communicating runes later to not be dependant on Denden Mushi and risk to be spied on by the marines.

Done with his he creates four other from the ten Log pose, but keep them until they were finished, they were no need to give an unfinished product.

Done, he starts to draw the cl.u.s.ter for Nami weapon while waiting for them to attain Red Line, and enter Grand Line.

Having seen the news coo, he knows that they only have a few days on the normal schedule. Two days were from the time that should have been pa.s.sed on the three days party on Nami island, and the other three from the time they would have wait for Kreig to appear.

But like he had seen not all fact correspond to the timeline, as Kreig wouldn"t have come later, or was it due to him changing thing? Neither less, they are five days in advance, time that they could easily pa.s.s on whiskey peak or little garden, after that it won"t matter.

The only even he would have to look for was if Ace was captured by Kurohige, an act on it.


"Everyone, it here!"

The sudden shout of Tashigi from the crew nest gather everyone attention, rising they head, they all could see the large red wall spanning on kilometres on each side. Unlike for Luffy"s time, they had a clear day and a light wind, making it extremely easy for Nami to see and set them on the right current.

Standing in the steering room, they all look with large eyes, at the "tiny" entrance in the wall of Redline.

The moment they pa.s.s the first man-made gate, the ship immediately shot forward, propelled by the strong current, that lead to the summit of the Redline.

It was only thanks to the "shock-absorption runes on the ship that it didn"t submit any damage, nor they fell it crashing back in the route of Grand Line, after the four current strikes again each other on the top.

"Fold the sails, and cut the engine, we don"t know what could be at the base of the current, better be safe than sorry." Say, Alex, knowing that there was a chance that the whale would be there.

This was also a point that wasn"t still clear for him. While the skeleton was a good musician and decent fighter, he knows that he won"t like his salacious jokes on his girls and they wouldn"t be able to be clothed as they like on the pool if they know there are pervert around.

Chopper would be another story, as a reindeer, he hadn"t any interest in human woman, even with his fruit, since he knows how he had reacted to that mink on Zou. Chopper" was safe to integrate to the crew, but other than this, he won"t add men.


As they start to lose speed once they exited the slope, the had enough to attain the lighthouse on the side.

"Let throw the anchor for now and relax a little, as long as we don"t enter any route, for now, the marine won"t be able to spot us. I will go and see if anything had fallen out of the shelves." Say, Alex, while climbing down on the staircase

{[Objective: "Future path to greatness."]

As a living being in the world, and an adventurous man that had chosen to sail the vast sea, you will be confronted to make a choice.

Objective: Join one of the four factions:




-World government agent


{Hidden objective:"Tutorial"]

You have been brought to this world, before being sent to others before your return, make it alive!

Objective: Enter the Grand Line and start your adventure!



-It has its say, it was the last mission and hidden objective realisable. Now your free to do as you like, no more mission, no more restriction. "The last travel ticket" is the last reward, it will take you and your girls to a final destination once you chose it, even them I think we both know where it would be.-

"Will he take ALL my girls?"


"What about the territory?"

-It"s your choice, but once you use the ticket, no turning back.-

"Oh... I see." His inner voice subducted." I don"t have to decide now, right?"

-Yes, it more like an end game item, only to be used once your sure all is over for you and you chose to quit. So for now, don"t worry about it, enjoy your adventure and go fetch your future women before pa.s.sing the rest of your life among them.-

"I will. And CS?"

-Yes, buddy?-

"What about you?"

-You won"t get rid of me that easily, I will stick with you until your last breath.-

"Good, I would hate to lost a friend."

-Thank Bbuddy.-

"Your welcome."

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