Two Boys of the Battleship

Chapter 21

"It"s our gun that"s going to be fired!" exulted Frank.

Like clockwork the men in the turret prepared for the work ahead of them. Frank took his place at the firing trigger, and waited for the range.

"Sight her at ten thousand yards," came the command. "Aim at that hill back of the town. We"re going to blow it apart!"

"Aye, aye, sir!" Frank answered.

"Fire!" came the command.

"Fire she is!" echoed Frank.

And the big gun boomed.


The great ship trembled with the vibration of the immense gun, and when the smoke had cleared away and the gases been blown from the cannon by the compressed air, Ned looked out of the turret, which had not been completely closed on account of the heat, and cried:

"A hit, Frank! A hit!"

What he saw was a cloud of dust flung into the air, and slowly drifting about in the wind.

"Well, I couldn"t very well help hitting that," said Frank. "It was a big enough target, and it was stationary and so were we."

As yet none but the officer who had given the direction for the training of the big gun, and his superiors, knew why the hill had been shattered by the shot.

"Another sh.e.l.l, sir?" asked the blue-jacket who, with Ned and some others, had charge of the ammunition hoist.

"No, not from this turret. We"re going to fire another, but from the after one."

Frank and his mates were a little regretful, for there is a wonderful fascination about working the big guns. But still he did not want to monopolize all the glory, if such it can be called.

So Frank"s crew cleaned the immense gun to have it in readiness for use when it would again be needed, and went back to their usual positions. A little later there was another terrific report, as the second fifteen-inch gun in the after turret sent a second 1500-pound projectile toward another hill back of Pectelo.

This time Ned and Frank and some of their friends had a good view of the flight of the sh.e.l.l as it sped on its mission of destruction, if not death. They were out of the turret now. Screeching through the air went the projectile. It struck the hill squarely, the gun being aimed as well as had the one Frank served.

An instant later there was a veritable fountain of earth and stones sent into the air, and then dust hid the scene from view.

"I wonder what the game is, firing at those hills?" questioned Ned.

"Maybe just to give the revolutionists a scare," suggested his brother.

"Sort of expensive scaring," commented Tom Dawson.

"Well, we"ll know in good time, I guess," was the opinion of Hank Dell.

The effect of the two big projectiles, other than that the tops of the hills had been smashed, was not discernible from on board the _Georgetown_.

But there was no mistaking the effect on the populace of the capital of the little republic. Through Frank and Ned could notice wild excitement in the public square which came down to the water"s edge.

Men, women and children seemed to be rushing about without any special object in view.

"Maybe they think we"ll bombard the town next," Ned suggested.

"The old man wouldn"t do that," declared Frank. "It isn"t a fortified city, and by the rules of civilized warfare an unfortified town can not be bombarded."

"That doesn"t always hold-not in the European war," said a sailor. "But the people here needn"t worry. We won"t send any among "em. Why, we could take the whole place without using anything larger than one-pounders," he boasted.

"I wish I knew what it was all about," Frank said, and he wondered whether there would be a chance for him and his brother to go on sh.o.r.e and make some inquiries about their own and their uncle"s fortunes.

"Though if this battleship is going to shoot up the place after the inhabitants get out, I guess our chances for saving any of that money will be pretty slim," he reasoned.

"I guess so, too," a.s.sented Ned. "I wonder what the situation is, anyhow?"

But they continued to wonder, as no word came from the captain or other officers regarding the situation in Uridio. That it was momentous might be guessed from the fact that the commander and his officers still had serious looks on their faces.

When the second gun had been cleaned after the one shot, and all made ready for quick action, if need be, there was a period of waiting. Then a few small boats put out from the town and approached the _Georgetown_.

Those in them seemed somewhat in doubt as to the reception they might meet with, and it was noticed that all of them carried the national flag of the little republic, and in addition a peculiar banner, made in pennant shape, and colored red, white and green.

"I wonder what that flag is; revolutionary?" asked Hank.

"No, not if the cruiser that escaped from us was the navy of the revolutionists," Frank remarked. "Their flag wasn"t the same shape or color as the flag on these boats. I guess these folks must belong to the party that is fighting the revolutionists."

And this, later, they found to be the case. And as it was against the revolutionists that the battleship had come to make a demonstration, the other side was to be made welcome.

None from the battleship was allowed on board, however, and no sh.o.r.e leave was granted that first day or night. No one who has not been kept on board a vessel for several weeks, knows what a longing there is to go ash.o.r.e, especially when it is within viewing distance.

But orders had been issued, and no one was allowed to leave. Many of the natives brought out fruit in their boats, and this was very welcome to the sailors. A brisk trade wind was soon under way. Uridian seemed to be a sort of Portuguese, that being the language of Brazil.

Toward evening a small launch containing some of the native officials came up to the battleship. There was an exchange of signals, and a ladder was lowered, a number of the dark-skinned, but brilliantly uniformed, Uridian officials coming on board. They were taken to the captain"s cabin, where a conference was held.

"A whole lot of mystery about this," commented Hank Dell.

"Oh, I guess we"ll find out about it in due time," Frank said.

"Double the number of sentries on guard tonight," was an order Frank overheard after supper had been served, and the crew prepared to take their ease before turning in. "And instruct everyone of them to be unusually watchful."

"Is something likely to happen?" asked the officer who had received this order.

"There is no telling. A rumor is afloat that the cruiser we chased is coming back. And she does carry torpedo tubes. That much is certain."

"Well, as long as they haven"t a submarine it will be pretty easy to spot them."

"Yes, but take no chances."

It may well be imagined that a spirit of uneasiness and anxiety was aboard the _Georgetown_ that night. An attack in the open is one thing, but watching for the unexpected, especially when it may be a torpedo that will rend the stoutest battleship in an instant, is very different, and it gets on the nerves of even the bravest.