Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!

Chapter 184: Song Yu, You Are Just Bluffing!

Chapter 184: Song Yu, You Are Just Bluffing!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After she hung up the phone, Cheng Dongge did not ask but gave her a questioning look instead.

Thus, Song Yu explained Qi Chengyue"s situation to him. Since Qi Chengzhi had Cheng Dongge investigate Jian Yi, there was no reason to hide this from him.

Once at Qilin, Song Yu rang up Qi Chengyue.

As Qi Chengyue emerged from the front door, Song Yu got out of the car. Cheng Dongge followed.

Qi Chengyue was shocked to see Cheng Dongge. Composedly, he nodded at her. "Miss Qi."

"Let"s get in the car first. I"ll explain everything then," Song Yu instructed, already seated back in the car.

Qi Chengyue had no choice but to get in as well.

Song Yu explained, "Chengzhi has lunch to attend to this afternoon, so he had Cheng Dongge drive me to his office for lunch. Basically, anywhere I go, he has to have someone following me around."

Only then would Qi Chengyue look at Cheng Dongge who was sitting in the driver seat. Song Yu asked, "Where did Guan Xiaolin ask you to meet her?"

After Qi Chengyue uttered the name of the restaurant, Cheng Dongge frowned.

The restaurant was not bad, but the ingredients they used definitely could not compare with the fastidious Dynasty. If Qi Chengzhi found out that Song Yu did not have a good lunch…

Song Yu suggested, "Can you call Guan Xiaolin and ask her to meet you at Dynasty instead?"

"That would work too. However, isn"t it too late to make reservations now?" Qi Chengyue asked.

"That"s alright, we can use Chengzhi"s room. If Guan Xiaolin is here for a showdown, we have to do something to let her know who"s the owner." Song Yu laughed. "Besides, the food here is more delectable."

She was suffering from morning sickness, yet for some reason, her nauseousness was less severe when she ate from Dynasty. She could even eat more.

Qi Chengyue took out her phone and dialed Guan Xiaolin"s number. As she was waiting for her to pick up, Song Yu suddenly grabbed the wrist of her hand which was holding the phone.

Perplexed, she turned her head around and heard Song Yu said with a small smile, "Use the tone you used on me last time."

Awkwardly, Qi Chengyue turned away. She did not know what to reply. However, when Guan Xiaolin picked up the phone, she indeed announced the change in meeting spot with a cold and distant tone.

The person on the other side of the phone must have been just as surprised. Song Yu heard Qi Chengyue said with much detachment, "If you want to meet up, come to Dynasty. Otherwise, you can forget about it."

After Guan Xiaolin said something, Qi Chengyue hung up and declared, "She agreed."

Cheng Dongge drove them to Dynasty. Song Yu and Qi Chengyue entered Qi Chengzhi"s room while Cheng Dongge stayed in the dining hall and ordered some food to eat while he waited.

Just as he finished ordering, Guan Xiaolin waltzed in with flats, a baseball cap and a pair of shades. She did not have any makeup on.

As Guan Xiaolin entered and saw Song Yu, she was stunned. With a sneer, she taunted, "The ex-girlfriend together with the current wife, how interesting."

"I"m not the "ex-girlfriend". Jian Yi and I were never together," Song Yu corrected with a cold tone of voice. "Today, I am here as Chengyue"s sister-in-law. I"m sure you would have noticed, this is Chengzhi"s room."

Qi Chengyue dumbfoundedly stared at Song Yu. She did not know why but Song Yu"s words settled down her heart, as if she gained someone new to rely on.

"Are you trying to mark your territory?" Guan Xiaolin snickered. She seated herself across them and took off her cap and "Sorry I didn"t put on any makeup coming here. It"s mainly because I"m pregnant and thus, cannot put on makeup."

Qi Chengyue was dazed for a while. Her face turned pale. Even so, she was not too surprised - she was not shocked as much as she was hurt. Just as Qi Chengzhi said, she had long antic.i.p.ated a day like this would come eventually.

"Miss Qi, without saying, I"m sure you know whose child I"m bearing, right?" Guan Xiaolin said with much delight.

"Why don"t you tell us anyway? Just to be sure," Song Yu scorned.

As Guan Xiaolin opened her mouth, a knock on the door interrupted them.

A waiter brought in the food Song Yu had ordered.

Guan Xiaolin raised an eyebrow. Her face turned dark. She could not believe that they still had an appet.i.te.

Song Yu would never starve the baby inside her because of Guan Xiaolin. As the food was served, she dug straight in without a word.

Guan Xiaolin"s face grew darker. With a cold and sharp tone, she declared, "That"s right - the child I"m bearing is Jian Yi"s. We"ve been together for a long time, or should I say, we"ve been together not long after your marriage."

Song Yu stopped for a while when grabbing her food, then continued to eat.

She did not expect that right after marriage, while Jian Yi was still bothering her and saying how much he loved her when he was still kind to her-he was already hooking up with Guan Xiaolin.

Song Yu felt the urge to vomit, but it was not because of her morning sickness. It was because she could not believe such a disgusting man could exist.

On one end, he was going through marriage with Qi Chengyue, and he was already having his affair with Guan Xiaolin on the other end. Just where did he get the courage to continue bothering her?

"He also told me that since your wedding, you"ve never had a married life again." Suddenly, she stopped talking, covered her mouth and retched. Then, she continued merrily, "Sorry, I"m pregnant, so I"m experiencing some morning sickness. I can"t stand these smells."

Qi Chengyue clenched her fists under the table. She could not believe Jian Yi would humiliate her like this in front of Guan Xiaolin.

"Miss Guan, don"t you think you"ve taken this too far?" Song Yu set her chopsticks down and wiped her mouth with a serviette. "No matter what you say, you are still a mistress. Even if you are bearing Jian Yi"s child, you should watch your mouth with us. If Chengyue refuses to get a divorce and decides to be stubborn with Jian Yi, then they can only wait and see who backs down first. At any time, the child you"re bearing right now would become an illegitimate child.

"As for you," Song Yu raised her chin and pointed it at Guan Xiaolin with open disdain, "With your reputation ruined, you and your illegitimate child can go on and live however you like. Let"s see who will marry a mistress with an illegitimate child. You will be kicked out of this social circle. This may not be the n.o.blest social circle, but we despise people like you. Along with Qi family"s efforts, I guarantee you would never even think about taking a single step into the high society ever again.

Song Yu cackled and sneered. "Miss Guan, the sacrifices you"ve made for Jian Yi are undoubtedly huge. I applaud your selfless devotion to love. You bore Jian Yi"s child, yet in the end, you will not get anything in return. As long as Chengyue refuses to let go, tell me, what will you gain from this? Are you going to spend your whole life waiting for us to give up?"

"Song Yu, this is between me and Qi Chengyue, why are you meddling!" Guan Xiaolin stared fiercely at Song Yu. Her eyes were as large as copper bells. A white rim appeared around her iris as her eyes widened, which made her pupils appear significantly smaller.

"So what if my sister-in-law says a few words in my stead?" Qi Chengyue abruptly said, "A mistress like you comes and makes a fuss with me, the first wife, and you"re proud of it? Why don"t you go ruin someone else"s family? Bear the husband"s child then feel proud about it, you crook!

"Guan Xiaolin, we are cousins. My mom is your aunt, yet you could do such things and not feel embarra.s.sed about it." Qi Chengyue clenched her teeth and stared at Guan Xiaolin. The longer she stared, the more disgusting her face seemed.

Unexpectedly, Guan Xiaolin chuckled and turned to Qi Chengyue with a face of sincerity.

"In the face of love, what"s there to be embarra.s.sed about? A woman proactively chose to go after a man. She used every trick in the book and successfully reeled him in. They fell in love. No one called that embarra.s.sing. The man realized that this woman was his true love, so he broke up with his girlfriend to be with her. No one called that embarra.s.sing. So why is it, that when I do it, it becomes embarra.s.sing? All I did was fall in love with Jian Yi, and he, with me. The only difference here is a sheet of crummy marriage certificate!" It was now Guan Xiaolin who was staring at Qi Chengyue with disdain. She taunted, "Jian Yi has never loved you. He only married you for your status, and you feel good about that? I have a child with him! Even so, you won"t let go of him?

"Besides, you may still be oblivious about it, but he and I were old lovers. Now, we"re only rekindling that relations.h.i.+p. When you brought him to reunions, how do you think we both felt? We were both eyeing each-you were the only one in the dark," Guan Xiaolin said with a sharp voice.

"I"m letting go, why would I not?" Qi Chengyue stated calmly and "You made Jian Yi your precious treasure. Take him then. You always say he used me, but how do you know that he"s not using you? At least I realized it and freed myself from him. As for you, you have a child with him - there"s no escape now. I sincerely hope you don"t turn into the second "me". When he finds a woman more useful than you and ditch you, you still have to bring his child with you - you can never completely cut ties with him like me."

"Hehe, Qi Chengyue, you"re just jealous! Do you know how furious I was when I had to watch you two get married with my own eyes? However, that"s alright, I knew he didn"t love you. Isn"t he dating me now? I am the true winner here. As for you, your marriage failed, your man abandoned you - you are just a pitiful woman that no man had ever truly loved before!"

Qi Chengyue had the urge to reply, "Aren"t you just the same?" but she could not muster those words. Guan Xiaolin was right. For many years she lived, it seemed like no one had ever truly loved her, just because she loved herself.

She thought she was loved by someone, but in reality, what Jian Yi loved was her status - once she declared she would not give him anything, he could not even be bothered to show his indifference.

"Since you are so confident, we will just wait and see then." Song Yu stood up and gave her a cold stare. She produced her phone from her pocket and pressed the "stop" b.u.t.ton on a recording. Callously, she said, "Thanks to the things you"ve said today, Chengyue"s divorce with Jian Yi will be even more effortless now."

Guan Xiaolin"s expression turned on a dime. Her smug face of confidence had gone. Slightly alarmed, she questioned, "What have you done!"

"What have I done? You want to marry Jian Yi. He"s the only person you love, isn"t that right? The Qi family will make sure Jian Yi leaves this marriage without gaining a single cent. He can join your family as a beggar," Song Yu said in a poised manner. "You joined hands to bully those of the Qi family; do you think they will let you go this easily? Chengyue"s mother is your aunt, so what? Chengyue is her child - how can you compete? A niece caused her daughter to suffer through so much injustice. She may be able to endure this, but Chenglin won"t, and I"ll make sure Chengzhi doesn"t either.

"Though, I am curious - will Jian Yi appreciate a penniless family like the Guan family? I think it"s better if you start saving up for baby formula now," Song Yu mocked indifferently. "Chengyue, let"s go."

Qi Chengyue stood up with a blank expression and followed Song Yu out.

Guan Xiaolin sat frozen on her chair. She stared at the doorway in disbelief, but Song Yu and Qi Chengyue had long left.

With her jaw dropped for half a day, she finally said, as if to embolden herself, "For merely a failed wedding, she wants to get revenge on the Guan family? Song Yu, who do you think you are, to be able to control the Qi family? Even if my aunt is mad, it doesn"t mean Grandpa would let her do anything to the Guan family! Song Yu, you are just bluffing!"

Nonetheless, these words were not heard by Song Yu as she had long gotten in the car together with Qi Chengyue.

Guan Xiaolin sat in front of the table full of food in solitude, but she had no appet.i.te.

Originally, she came to gloat and boast; in the end, she was the one left boiling with rage.

Furiously, she threw on her cap and and stormed out of the room. In the dining hall, she headed straight for the exit, but she was stopped by a person from Dynasty.

"Miss, you have not paid the bill," the waiter said.

"What do you mean? That"s Qi Chengzhi"s room, aren"t you supposed to just put it on his tab?" Guan Xiaolin stood in shock.

"When Madam Qi came out just now, she specifically said that you will handle the bill," the waiter said.

Guan Xiaolin"s face went dark. She asked, "How much?"

"2350," the waiter said.

Enraged, she could not believe Song Yu could be so shameless. She was the one who suggested Dynasty to Qi Chengyue, but in the end, they left without paying!

Cheng Dongge worried that Song Yu and Qi Chengyue would quickly fall out with Guan Xiaolin and come out any time, so he quickly ate his lunch and waited in his seat.

When he saw Song Yu and Qi Chengyue come out, Qi Chengyue was terrifyingly pale. Her eyes appeared hollow.

Before this, Qi Chengyue"s most attractive feature was that pair of eyes - typical of the Qi family. Those large, profound eyes were always filled with spirit. They carried an air of pride, but more conspicuously, a display of confidence and energy. They made her appear especially energetic - more active and youthful.

However, she now appeared many years older. Those eyes were filled with pain and despair. On her doll-like face, those eyes stood out sorely, making those around her feel sympathetic towards her.

Cheng Dongge got up to welcome Song Yu. Discreetly, he stole another glance at Qi Chengyue, then said, "Let"s get in the car first."

After Song Yu and Qi Chengyue got in, Song Yu asked, "Where would you like to go?"

"I don"t know. You should get back to the company first. I"m sorry for dragging you here. I… wish to be alone now," Qi Chengyue muttered. She was looking down, so Song Yu could not see her expression. "For today… thank you."

Song Yu did not insist on staying with her. Qi Chengyue wanting to be alone to calm down was a normal reaction.

She thought that even though Qi Chengyue felt dejected, she would not do anything stupid.

Cheng Dongge drove them to Chengs.h.i.+. When Song Yu was getting out, she instructed Cheng Dongge, "Special a.s.sistant Cheng, please take good care of her. I will inform Chengzhi about this."

Cheng Dongge nodded. As Song Yu got out, she stood by the car door and told Qi Chengyue, "If anything happens, call me - no matter what time it is."

After saying that, Song Yu finally entered the company.

She did not know that just a while after she entered, Yu Keyao came too.

She looked washed-out. She wore a white-laced dress and had a palm-sized pouch carried on one shoulder. With her hands on her chest, she walked into the company.

Just as she was about to step through the front door, a man appeared out of nowhere. With casual clothing on, no one would have noticed him even if he stood by the streets.

He blocked Yu Keyao"s way. With his large stature towering in front of her, she subconsciously took two steps back.

"Miss Yu, please leave," the man said with a deadpan expression.

"You know me? You…" Yu Keyao"s expression changed.

"I know you are here to see Mistress Qi. Young Master Cheng ordered that neither you nor anyone from the Yu family should go near Mistress Qi. Miss Yu, please leave.

"From today onward, no one from the Yu family is allowed to go anywhere near the mistress," the man repeated in a cold and distant tone, like a robot.

Yu Keyao bit her lips. Her family"s company did not recover at all like Qi Chengzhi promised. Although Qi Chengzhi did stop harming the company, all he did was stop.

Nevertheless, the problems caused cannot be solved by Yu Zidong. If things continued this way, they would have no choice but to declare bankruptcy.

At the same time, Yu Zidong was going through his divorce with Liang Lihua. At home, disputes went on day after day. Moreover, those from the Liang family came over every day just to point and shout at Yu Zidong.

The studio Yu Zidong was supposed to open for her was never discussed again. Furthermore, the brand buyers and directors who had meetings set up all called in to cancel with the excuse of "something came up".

At first, she thought that once Yu Zidong divorced Liang Lihua, the company would recover and everything would go back to the way it was. That was why when Yu Zidong suggested the divorce, she stood on his side.

Now, not only did the company not recover, but her career was also falling apart. Liang Lihua constantly called her an ingrate.

Thus, the reason she appeared here today was that she wanted to plead with Song Yu, but did not expect that she would not even get to see her.

Seeing that the man blocked her way, she knew there was no way to meet Song Yu.

Yu Keyao had come here several times before. She was going to show up when Song Yu left for lunch but to her surprise, be it lunch in the afternoon or getting off work at night, Qi Chengzhi came to fetch her personally. Even when he was not there, he had someone escort her. There was no way to reach Song Yu.

When Qi Chengzhi came personally, she did not even dare to show herself.

A few days pa.s.sed without any chance to approach her, so she decided to go straight into the company and meet her during office hours. Unexpectedly, Qi Chengzhi arranged secret bodyguards for Song Yu.

The door was right in front of her - if she could just go through it, she would be able to see Song Yu. Sadly, she just had to be blocked. Unsatisfied, she stomped away, but she did not leave. Hidden nearby, she waited for an opportunity. There was no way this man could stare forever without blinking.

Nevertheless, he did. He stared indefinitely-he did not slack for even a second.

Yu Keyao had no choice but to return home first. As she walked through the doorway, the cries of Liang Lihua were heard. "Big brother, sister-in-law, please be reasonable. From the day I joined this family, I"ve been serious and responsible. I was worried sick for the family. If it weren"t for me shamelessly running to the Song family begging, what would have happened to Yu Zidong? Even so, now, for the company, for his own interest, he wants a divorce!"