Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!

Chapter 462: Don"t Even Think About Making Fun of Us

Chapter 462: Don"t Even Think About Making Fun of Us

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Mo Yuxin stared at her husband on the sickbed and her mind wandered to Chang Jingqiu who remained unconscious after the operation in the sick room opposite theirs. “Who could"ve expected things to turn out this way?”

“Why are you guys here?” Suddenly, the thunderous roar of an elderly lady traveled into the room. Her voice became high-pitched as anger and surprise fuelled her.

Those in the room turned toward the door and saw Liu Xiangwen supporting Grandmother Chang at the doorstep with Chang Zhixing standing behind them.

“Why did you come here?” Something in Grandmother Chang snapped the moment she saw Ruan Danchen, and she started acting like a rabid dog.

Ruan Danchen frowned at the sight of Grandmother Chang"s ferocious look. This elderly lady was Ruan Danchen"s grandmother, but there was no way she could greet Grandmother Chang under such circ.u.mstances.

Ruan Danchen could not come up with an explanation because it was obvious that Grandmother Chang would not believe anything that came out of her mouth and may retaliate with harsher words toward her.

Thus, Mo Yuxin wanted to disclose Ruan Danchen"s true ident.i.ty, but her attempt was interrupted by the ferocious, sharp voice of the elderly lady. “You"re here to make fun of us, right? My eldest son"s unconscious and Jingqiu is badly injured, so you came here on purpose to make fun of us! Humph! You have such an evil mind at such a young age, karma will find you one day!”

Ruan Danchen merely wanted to say that she had not done anything that gave her a guilty conscience, thus there was no need to worry about karma at all. However, it was obvious that karma seemed to have found its way to Chang Jingqiu at the moment.

“Mom, Danchen isn"t here to make fun of us!” Mo Yuxin was fed up with Grandmother Chang. “She"s—”

“That"s enough, you ungrateful woman!” The exasperated Grandmother Chang glared at Mo Yuxin like she was an enemy of the Chang family and interrupted, “My son is unconscious right now and Jingqiu"s in the room opposite us, badly injured and unsure if she can accept her fate once she wakes up. Yet, you"re speaking on Ruan Danchen"s behalf? You allowed an evil-minded woman to enter the room, make fun of us and gloat over our misfortune;, can you face Zhiyuan in the future without feeling guilty?”

“Do you have any respect for me when you interrupted me before I"m finished with my sentences? Is it because of Zhiyuan"s unconsciousness that made you think that you"re finally free from all restrictions and that"s why you dare to bully an elderly lady like me right now? Since Zhiyuan is unconscious at the moment, decimate me all you want then!” Grandmother Chang glowered at Mo Yuxin.

Grandmother Chang pressed on her chest and acted as if she was being treated very unfairly.

“Zhiyuan normally treats you so well and protects you to the extent that he was unwilling to hear my slightest criticism toward you. He would praise you every day in my presence so that you"d make a good impression on me, and yet you treated me harshly right after Zhiyuan became unconscious!” the aggrieved Grandmother Chang yelled.

Ruan Danchen was wondering whether Grandmother Chang would sit on the floor and wail like a kid playing tantrum.

Grandmother Chang did not sit on the floor in the end. Instead, she held onto her youngest son"s hand and wept, acting as if Mo Yuxin was an unfilial daughter-in-law who tortured her after Chang Zhiyuan"s death.

Liu Xiangwen was comforting Grandmother Chang at the side, which made the situation a whole lot worse since her way of comforting was utterly futile and merely added insult to injury.

No, at least Liu Xiangwen"s attempt fuelled Grandmother Chang"s raging fire.

Mo Yuxin pursed her lips tightly and refrained from arguing further due to the overwhelming anger which made her whole body tremble.

Ruan Danchen was Grandmother Chang"s biological granddaughter and Chang Jingqiu was merely a fake, and yet Grandmother Chang was scolding and criticizing her long-lost biological granddaughter for the sake of a totally unrelated outsider at the moment. Mo Yuxin wondered if Grandmother Chang would regret her decision when she finally realized the truth?

This was exactly the reason why Mo Yuxin wanted to interrupt Grandmother Chang quickly so that she would refrain from criticizing further which may bring deeper regret afterward.

However, who could have expected Grandmother Chang to criticize Mo Yuxin with all those nonsense and balderdash?

“Mom, Zhiyuan is just unconscious and will wake up soon. Don"t mention it like he"s going to… going to… depart this life!” Mo Yuxin replied with red-rimmed eyes. Was that what a mother was supposed to do? Curse her own son?

Even if Chang Zhiyuan was able to fully recover from his current condition, his recovery may fail after listening to his own mother"s curse.

“Your constant bickering is of no use to Zhiyuan"s recovery,” Mo Yuxin tried her best to contain her anger and continued, “Danchen"s here to visit Zhiyuan without any ill intention. It"s impossible for her to treat Zhiyuan maliciously too. If Zhiyuan is awake right now, the person he wants to meet the most is definitely Danchen, because she"s—”

“Ah!” Suddenly, a loud, high-pitched scream pierced through the door of the opposite sick room and traveled into the room that they were in.

None of them were prepared, thus all of them were startled by this sudden scream.

Ruan Danchen even jumped at this unexpected scream. Qi Chenglin protected her quickly since she could not afford to be frightened.

“How do you feel?” Qi Chenglin was worried even though there were no obvious changes in Ruan Danchen"s facial expression.

Ruan Danchen shook her head. “I"m fine, just a little bit shocked.”

“Mom, Jingqiu woke up. I think she realized—” Liu Xiangwen hesitated before continuing, “We should check on her and don"t let her do anything stupid.”

Grandmother Chang heard Liu Xiangwen and rushed to Chang Jingqiu"s sick room without continuing her argument with Mo Yuxin.

Mo Yuxin glanced at Qi Chenglin and Ruan Danchen. Then, Ruan Danchen said, “We should go too.”

Mo Yuxin nodded and led the way to Chang Jingqiu"s sick room. The door to Chang Zhiyuan"s room was left open so that they could react immediately if there was any sudden change in Chang Zhiyuan"s condition.

Lao Liang followed closely behind them too. Then, they saw an ashen-faced, fully conscious Chang Jingqiu upon entering the room.

“What"s going on? Why can"t I feel anything? I can"t feel my legs!” Chang Jingqiu tried to stand up, but she had undergone a surgical operation with her surgical incision sutured not long ago. Thus, her attempt to get off the bed was futile.

The anesthetic effect had already worn off, but the doctor prescribed patient-controlled a.n.a.lgesics to Chang Jingqiu so that she would not feel pain on the surgical wound site. There was only a slight discomfort on the surgical incision but it was not obvious at all.

Chang Jingqiu had no idea about her current condition at all. Despite the slight discomfort at her lower back, she did not know that there was a freshly sutured surgical incision on the site. Thus, the incision wound almost dehiscence after her sudden attempt to get up from the bed, and blood started oozing out of the wound.

Chang Jingqiu could feel the pain in her lower back but it was not as important as the lack of sensation in her lower limbs then. She could no longer care for anything else other than her legs at present.

However, there was a lack of energy in her lower back, which was fortunate because she stumbled back onto the bed after a failed attempt to get out from it.

Chang Jingqiu tried to lift herself so that she could touch her thighs with extended arms.

However, Chang Jingqiu could not feel her hands on her thighs at all. In reality, one could confirm that he had lost the sense of touch in his lower limbs without the need to use his hands for double confirmation.

Chang Jingqiu was lying on the bed with a blanket on her lower limbs, and yet she could not feel them at all. Even though her lower back was drained of energy, it did not require a strenuous effort to simply move her toes too.

Even so, Chang Jingqiu failed to perform such a simple task. Her lower limbs were devoid of any sensations and felt like they were not hers anymore.

Chang Jingqiu yearned for all of these which were natural instincts before this.

Chang Jingqiu gritted her teeth and squeezed her thigh with all her might. The strength was enough to tear the muscles apart, and yet there was no pain at all.

“How could this be? How could this happen?” Despite the lack of energy post-surgery, Chang Jingqiu summoned up all her strength, pinching and slamming her fists vigorously on her thighs, but she felt nothing at all.

“Jingqiu!” Grandmother Chang stopped Chang Jingqiu quickly after noticing her inflicting harm on herself upon entering the room under the support of Liu Xiangwen.

“Jingqiu, what are you doing?” Grandmother Chang walked toward Chang Jingqiu, who slumped down into the bed, drained of all energy.

“You had just undergone a surgical operation, so you need to get adequate rest. It"ll be disastrous if the wound breaks down, so stop hitting yourself!” Grandmother Chang held Chang Jingqiu"s hand and advised.

Qi Chenglin and Ruan Danchen stood at the doorstep, hiding in plain sight.

Chang Jingqiu was not in the right mood at the moment, so she failed to notice them and merely stared at Grandmother Chang with an ashen-grey face.

“Grandma, what happened to me? What actually happened to me? Why is my lower back so weak? Why can"t my legs feel anything right now?” Chang Jingqiu grabbed Grandmother Chang"s withered wrist firmly with both her hands.

Chang Jingqiu"s grip strength was not enough to hurt Grandmother Chang, but Grandmother Chang"s eyes reddened at the thought of her granddaughter"s future life and felt terribly sorry for her.

“Jingqiu, don"t worry. There are no difficulties that can"t be overcome,” Grandmother Chang stared at Chang Jingqiu lovingly while stroking her hair. Ruan Danchen had never witnessed such a loving gaze on Grandmother Chang"s face before this.

“What does this mean? What do you mean actually? What"s wrong with my legs? Is this the postoperative result? Is this due to the surgery itself? Grandma, tell me, my legs will recover after adequate rest, right? It"s the anesthetic effect which causes this lack of sensation, right?” Chang Jingqiu"s face contorted out of fear and terror.

Obviously, Chang Jingqiu was just fooling herself.

How could Chang Jingqiu feel the wound on her lower back if this loss of sensation was due to the anesthesia"s effect?

However, Chang Jingqiu would rather immerse herself in lies than to face reality at the current moment. She wished someone would tell her that her loss of sensation was actually due to the postoperative anesthetic effect.

Chang Jingqiu stared hopefully at Grandmother Chang, but Grandmother Chang avoided making direct eye contact.Read more chapter on our

Liu Xiangwen noticed Grandmother Chang"s act and gestured to Mo Yuxin, but Mo Yuxin ignored her. There was no way Mo Yuxin would comfort Chang Jingqiu since Chang Jingqiu was an ungrateful and vicious lady who did not deserve others to do good to her. Moreover, every word Mo Yuxin said would be wrong and Chang Jingqiu would forget every good that she did in an instant.

Liu Xiangwen had no choice since she could not let Grandmother Chang be the bad cop.

Coincidentally, Grandmother Chang gestured to Liu Xiangwen to explain the situation. Thus, Liu Xiangwen muttered. “Jingqiu, the doctor said that your lower back was badly injured and the a.s.sociated nerves were damaged, so… your legs…”

“No! That"s impossible! I was fine before this! How could this…” Chang Jingqiu yelled.

“Your lower back received a huge traumatic impact—” Liu Xiangwen was reluctant to continue the explanation but deep down, she did not feel much sympathy at all.

Liu Xiangwen was merely trying to ingratiate Grandmother Chang when she treated Chang Jingqiu well and fawned over her. Since Chang Jingqiu would establish her superiority over Liu Xiangwen occasionally, she would be out of her mind to like Chang Jingqiu sincerely.

In any case, Liu Xiangwen was Chang Jingqiu"s aunt—an elder after all.

Chang Jingqiu was frozen to the spot. Where there should be memories was blank s.p.a.ce and her mind was in a whirl after waking up to such a shocking realization.

After listening to Liu Xiangwen, memories started flowing back to Chang Jingqiu slowly but surely like broken memory shards piecing themselves together in her brain.

Chang Jingqiu recalled the village where Huang Pinggui stayed, how she inflicted harm on herself to gain Chang Zhiyuan"s trust and rolled down the slope on purpose when Chang Zhiyuan shoved her aside near the declivity.

It was supposed to be a good plan, but who could have expected Chang Jingqiu to ram into a tree trunk with such a huge force.

Finally, Chang Jingqiu recalled the excruciating pain in her lower back when she came to an absolute stop beside the tree, which sent s.h.i.+vers down her spine. She must have injured her lower back at that time.

There was no way Chang Jingqiu would decide to roll down the slope on purpose if she knew this was the outcome.

Then, Grandmother Chang advised after a while. “Jingqiu, you"re still young. We"ll live through this together. Besides, medical technologies are advancing every year. Look at the current medical technologies and equipment, they were invented only recently! There may be a cure for your condition a few years later and you can finally walk at that time, so the most important thing right now is to get better yourself. That way, your recovery will be better when the opportunity arises.”

However, Grandmother Chang"s advice ended up being futile as Chang Jingqiu was immersed in her train of thought, fixing her mind on an image of her cras.h.i.+ng into a tree trunk.

“It was uncle… uncle wanted to shove me aside, that was why…” Chang Jingqiu mumbled absent-mindedly. Then, she held onto Grandmother Chang"s hand firmly and said bitterly, “Grandma, what should I do? What will become of me? I"m paralyzed! Not crippled, but paralyzed! Even a crippled man can walk!”

Grandmother Chang sighed and tried to avoid direct eye contact while Chang Jingqiu continued, “Is that how I"m supposed to live in the future? Grandma, I"m only twenty-seven years old, I don"t want to sit in a wheelchair for my whole life! Who"ll think highly of me in my paralyzed state? Uncle… how can he be so cruel toward me… what… what will become of me? Grandma, I don"t want to end up like this! I don"t want to sit in a wheelchair or lie down in bed my whole life like a useless person! I want my legs to become normal again so that I can stand up myself! Boohoo! How I wish I didn"t roll down the slope, I want to go back in time to reverse everything! Boohoo… What should I do? What should I do! My legs! My legs! Let me stand up! Let me stand up!”

Grandmother Chang"s heart wrenched at the sight of Chang Jingqiu"s pathetic state, and she directed her anger at Chang Zhiyuan after realizing the reason why Chang Jingqiu rolled down the slope. However, she seemed to have forgotten the fact that Chang Zhiyuan remained unconscious with his fate unknown.

On the other hand, Mo Yuxin was well aware of the situation.

Mo Yuxin had enough of Chang Jingqiu"s selfishness and complained coldly, “Since you mentioned Zhiyuan, did you ask about your uncle"s condition after you woke up? He was trying to save you and ended up rolling down the slope together with you at that time.”

However, Liu Xiangwen grabbed Mo Yuxin"s arm and said, “Sister-in-law, don"t make a fuss about this with Jingqiu. Understandably, she had forgotten to inquire about her uncle"s condition since she had just taken a huge hit herself too.”

Grandmother Chang expressed her dissatisfaction too, but Mo Yuxin sneered at Liu Xiangwen and mocked, “Now you"re siding with her, but will you continue your unfailing support on her after realizing that she isn"t the granddaughter of the Chang family?”

Liu Xiangwen was at a loss at the moment, puzzled at Mo Yuxin"s baffling statement. “Sister-in-law, I know you"re not in a good mood after big brother got into an accident, so why don"t you take a rest and accompany him in the meantime?”

Chang Jingqiu stared at Mo Yuxin with shock and fear, and at that moment, she realized that Lao Liang was standing beside Mo Yuxin too.

Lao Liang was at the scene when everything happened.

Mo Yuxin stared disdainfully at Liu Xiangwen and scoffed, “Jingqiu, why don"t you explain the reason why your uncle shoved you aside? Why don"t you explain the reason for your sudden appearance in a village in J City? That"s so far from here, and never once you went there ever since we came to B City, so why did you return suddenly after so many years to a village that you"ve never visited before? Your uncle cares for you and will try his very best to get everything that you like or want, so why don"t you explain the reason for his sudden annoyance at you, your arguments and how he ended up rolling down the slope together with you?”

Qi Chenglin lowered his gaze to Ruan Danchen, who may be affected emotionally after listening to Mo Yuxin.

Since Chang Zhiyuan"s love and affection was meant for Ruan Danchen all along.

Ruan Danchen felt Qi Chenglin"s gaze and lifted her gaze to meet his. Then, she squeezed Qi Chenglin"s palm gently and smiled softly to indicate that she was not bothered at all.

Qi Chenglin"s gaze was soft as he stopped worrying about Ruan Danchen then.

On the other hand, Chang Jingqiu"s gaze was becoming fl.u.s.tered and unsettled. Her legs were not the main concern anymore since it was her glorious future that was coming to an end. She really had no idea how to survive with such a gloomy future ahead of her.

“Jingqiu, don"t you plan on explaining? I think it"s best for you to tell the truth yourself.” Mo Yuxin gave Chang Jingqiu a chance to confess since it brought a different meaning for self-admission than to hear the truth from others.

The ashen-grey faced Chang Jingqiu"s gaze drifted uncontrollably out of fear and worry.

Chang Jingqiu stared at Mo Yuxin and glanced at the confused Liu Xiangwen who had no idea what was going on before s.h.i.+fting her gaze to Grandmother Chang and ended up looking at Chang Zhixing, who was standing close to the door. Then, she froze.

Qi Chenglin and Ruan Danchen were standing at the doorstep!

Mo Yuxin"s mock embedded in Chang Jingqiu"s mind. Chang Jingqiu shuddered and rolled her eyes before pa.s.sing out.

“Jingqiu!” Grandmother Chang yelled anxiously before Chang Zhixing pressed the nurse call bell at the head end of the bed. After the doctor examined thoroughly and concluded that everything was fine, Grandmother Chang glared at Mo Yuxin.

“What are you doing? Don"t you know she"s badly injured? What was going through your mind when you provoked her? Can you accept it if you stay paralyzed for the next sixty or seventy years of your life?” Grandmother Chang stood up and pointed right at Mo Yuxin"s nose. “I know you don"t like Jingqiu and she certainly doesn"t need you to like her, so if you don"t have any sympathy toward her, get out of the room at once!”

“You!” Grandmother Chang turned toward Qi Chenglin and Ruan Danchen. “Get out of the room! Don"t even think about making fun of us!”

“Mom, are you sure you want them out of the room? You want your biological granddaughter to get lost for the sake of a fake granddaughter?” Mo Yuxin replied coldly.

Grandmother Chang was an awesome woman during her youth, but unlike Grandmother Qi who remained unambiguous and clear-cut on any affairs. The phrase "more hair than wit" perfectly described Grandmother Chang"s awesomeness, but somehow she still a.s.sumed that she was an intelligent lady who contributed a lot to the family.

Grandfather Chang was there to control Grandmother Chang at that time, but after he pa.s.sed away, Grandmother Chang"s behavior became more outrageous and unreasonable. Her sons would not complain unless absolutely necessary due to filial piety, which resulted in her troublesome att.i.tude.

Grandmother Chang was stunned and confused after listening to Mo Yuxin as if the statement was difficult to understand.

Words finally escaped Grandmother Chang"s mouth after a while. “What… what did you say just now? What do you mean?”