Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!

Chapter 238: Song Yu Sniffed His Body Twice. “You Are Smoking Again?”

Chapter 238: Song Yu Sniffed His Body Twice. “You Are Smoking Again?”

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“I have to warn you about this, don"t simply touch the wound. There are plenty of bacteria on your hand, what if your wound was infected? You couldn"t stand seeing a suture on your face and thought it had ruined your appearance, but if your wound is infected and become ulcerated, you should give up on having a decent look,” said the nurse who did not have any other choice but to take some alcohol-soaked cotton b.a.l.l.s to help her disinfect the wound again.

However, Mu Sisi did not give him any response, she took the mirror on the table again.

Just now, she put her attention on the suture only. This time, although the suture was still extremely disturbing, she forced herself to bear with it and observed it closely. Finally, she saw the sunken part that could be seen with the naked eye.

Mu Sisi went crazy. “Waah!” She burst into tears.

“My face… My face!” Mu Sisi"s finger was still touching the wound softly, she could not stop quivering and crying when she looked into the mirror. “Argh——! Waah, my face! It"s dented, how could it be dented! Argh——!”

Mu Sisi was unable to accept it, she hysterically threw the mirror on the floor and the mirror had a few cracks after it dropped onto the floor.

“It"s not perfect anymore! Isn"t this too ugly to be seen? My face is ruined, waah! There is no way I can face anybody in the future!” Mu Sisi was crying profusely and her whole face had turned into a bright red color, even the veins at the neck became prominent.

She crouched down and cried with her face covered by her hands. The nurse was standing beside her holding an alcohol-soaked cotton ball with a pair of forceps and could not proceed further.

“Miss Mu, please calm down, I"m helping you disinfect your wound so that I can bandage it. Otherwise, it would be troublesome if it was infected,” said the nurse, but her voice was drowned out by Mu Sisi"s wail.

“There"s no need to disinfect or bandage it already, can"t you see that my face is ruined? Is there any use for disinfection?” Mu Sisi pushed the nurse away and scolded the doctor while pointing at his nose. “You"re a quack! Look at how you"ve ruined my face, how did you become a specialist with this level of skill! Don"t you feel guilty sitting in this position?”

“That"s enough!” Mu Huaisheng pulled Mu Sisi out. “If you refuse to disinfect or bandage your wound, that"s your business, but don"t vent your anger on the doctor and nurse.”

Mu Huaisheng dragged Mu Sisi out of the consultation room. The nurse picked up the mirror and threw it away. There were a few pieces of shattered mirror on the floor, so she took a broom and dustpan to sweep them away. Then, she took a medical folder to call for the next patient.

No matter how Mu Sisi tried to struggle, Mu Huaisheng still grasped her wrists tightly until he managed to drag her into the car.

Mu Sisi was crying and screaming on the way back. She let loose of her hair so that it could cover up her forehead.

After she was in the car, Mu Sisi thought of the proper thing to do. She said, “That Gui Rongxuan, I want to sue her! She ruined my face, n.o.body would be able to return it to normal again. How should I compete with Song Yu then? I must sue Gui Rongxuan, I"ll sue her till she meets her end!”

“Just forget about it.” Mu Huaisheng said indifferently with a calm expression.

“Why should I forget about it! Mu Huaisheng, what are you saying!” Mu Sisi shrieked at Mu Huaisheng. She exploded with rage after she heard what he said.

Mu Huaisheng frowned as his ears were aching after being yelled at by her. “It was you who did something wrong first, there"s no need to make a big fuss over it.”

“What did I do wrong? I criticized her with a few words only, right? Were the few words serious enough to make her destroy my face? Just because she didn"t like what I said, she decided to hit me, it was truly unreasonable. I was bullied by her to this extent, but you do not plan to avenge me. Now you even ask me to forget about it. Mu Huaisheng, what the h.e.l.l are you talking about?” Mu Sisi was incensed, she was unable to vent her anger which felt like it was inexhaustible. She was resentful when she thought of the wound on her forehead.

She was pus.h.i.+ng and hitting Mu Huaisheng with both of her hands. “Since when was it so difficult for me to sue a person? My face was damaged to this degree, how could I resign? Why can"t we make her receive the punishment that she deserves? Waah, Mu Huaisheng, you"re not a human being at all, you"re a jacka.s.s. Waah, my face…What I gonna do with it? Who would avenge me for the injustice I suffered? Before we came here, Mum and Dad asked you to take good care of me, but you are treating me like this, waah!”

“That"s enough!” Mu Huaisheng pushed Mu Sisi away. “Don"t you think you"ve created big trouble this time? Don"t you know who Gui Rongxuan is?”

“How would I know? I was beaten up by a woman I randomly met on the street! My shoes almost hit her, then she hit me until I was disfigured, was that fair for me?” shouted Mu Sisi.

Mu Huaisheng clenched his teeth and said sternly, “She is the eldest daughter in the Mu Family which is one of the Eight Great Families. They are as powerful as the Qi Family and the Wei Family. You have offended Qi Family, and just now you"ve also offended the Gui Family. You offended two of the Eight Great Families in a short period, and you"re thinking of getting your revenge? If you sue Gui Rongxuan, Gui Family could make us unable to survive in the capital, not to mention growing our business here. The other first-tier companies had entered the market here before us, we are a few steps slower compared to them. If we offend the Gui Family now, we can just pack our things and return to the States. We are outsiders here, and our family is not even very influential in the States. We are nothing in this city and you are still behaving arrogantly, what do you think you"re relying on?”

“Just because of your personal matter—a matter so trivial—you chose to offend the Gui Family? Even if you complain to Mum and Dad, they would never side with you. Isn"t it just a minor wound on the forehead? Why are you making a fuss about a small matter like this? Just now the doctor said you could undergo a scar removal surgery. It"s only a small dented area on your forehead, n.o.body would have noticed it without staring at it closely. Even if you think it was making you uncomfortable, the plastic surgery field is so advanced now, can"t you just get it filled so that it is not visible anymore? Why must you make enemies for the Mu Family everywhere you go?” said Mu Huaisheng coldly. His gaze and expression were frigid and did not show a tinge of sympathy for Mu Sisi"s situation.

“Compared to your personal conflict which was trivial, the interest of the Mu Family is more important. Are you going to allow the Mu Family to offend the Gui Family because of your trivial matter? Besides, it was your fault from the beginning, why should we avenge you? To be honest, helping you get revenge is the same as helping you bully others. If the interest of the Mu Family is affected, you"re going to suffer losses too. You should consider carefully what is more important now.”

Mu Sisi was clenching her teeth as she listened to him, the muscles of her chin was contracting and twitching. “So, I should just forget about my sufferings? If I let her bully me without bearing any consequences, then she would think that I am a pushover and the Mu Family is powerless. She would feel that I am nothing, that I"m biting off more than I can chew. Mu Huaisheng, you keep on saying that what you"re doing is for the good of the family, but is it fair to let me suffer? Isn"t her family only powerful in this area? I was bullied by her, but you ask me to tolerate, how could you! Just because the Gui Family is more powerful than us here?”

“You"re right.” Mu Huaisheng admitted frankly. He twitched his lips coldly and snorted softly. “You have to bear with it just because of that. Are you talking justice with me now? When you framed Ruan Danchen, what did you say? You said that she deserved to be bullied by you because she isn"t from a good family or a powerful background. Since she has nothing, she could only accept that she was unlucky when she got bullied. It"s the same as how the Gui Family is treating you now. You can"t afford to offend Gui Rongxuan, therefore you should tolerate her when she bullied you, isn"t this your theory? The strong prey on the weak, you"re weaker than her, so you should accept that you"re being unlucky. When you bullied Ruan Danchen, she was incapable of seeking revenge, that"s why she resigned and accepted that she was unlucky. However, this is your turn to be unlucky now.”

“This is your true motive, to avenge Ruan Danchen. You let your sister suffer because of her,” said Mu Sisi with her teeth clenched.

“You can think as you like, I"m just judging the matter as it stands with the purpose of taking care of the Mu Family"s interest. If you don"t trust me then it"s your call,” said Mu Huaisheng coldly, he did not want to be pestered by her endlessly.

“The unluckiest thing that has ever happened to me is having you as my brother! Interest, interest, interest, all you know about is interest, you"re thinking of interest only no matter what happens,” said Mu Sisi as she started to cry. “You don"t even allow me to find Brother Chengzhi, just because you"re afraid to offend him and cause him to be unhappy, then it would be difficult for the Mu Family to expand our business here. All the talks about your friends.h.i.+p with him are bulls.h.i.+t!”

After Mu Sisi finished talking, she opened the door and got out of the car.

Mu Huaisheng just looked at her frigidly and did not stop her.

On the contrary, after Mu Sisi slammed the door shut, he immediately started his car and left. He did not show any attempt to coax her to get back into the car.

Mu Sisi did not expect Mu Huaisheng to leave in such a quick manner, she could only scream and cry hysterically at the leaving car.

When Song Yu had finished working at night, she walked out of Chengs.h.i.+ and saw a familiar black Land Rover stopped at the opposite road.

She thought of Mu Sisi telling her that she had met with Qi Chengzhi during the day, and she stopped her footsteps.

She was wondering whether Qi Chengzhi knew that Mu Sisi came to find her. He should be able to guess it?

Qi Chengzhi lowered the car window and saw Song Yu standing in front of the company"s entrance and looking at his Land Rover.

He felt nervous suddenly, he was worried that Mu Sisi had found her and told her the truth, and that was the reason she hesitated and did not want to walk toward him.

He thought of calling her to ask about it during the day but he did not have the courage. He had summoned all his courage with immense difficulty and strength to confess to her about the matter, and he could not summon any additional courage to find her earlier because he was afraid that the courage he had summoned with such difficulty would collapse.

When he saw Song Yu was lifting her foot again and marching toward him, he felt like there were b.u.t.terflies in his stomach again. His emotions kept changing according to the tiny actions of Song Yu.

She stopped beside the road and waited for the cars to pa.s.s by. When she stopped, he was very afraid that she would suddenly change her mind and not come to him.

He felt relieved when the cars on the road became less, and Song Yu jogged across the road.

Qi Chengzhi finally realized he was petrified, even if he wanted to get out of the car to meet her, he could not because his legs were feeling weak.

Until Song Yu had crossed the road, came in front and smiled gently at him through the car window, only then was Qi Chengzhi a little relieved and replied to her smile weakly.

However, he still felt uneasy and nervous because he was on the verge of confessing to her about the things he had done.

Song Yu entered the car and instantly detected a strong cigarette smell. She leaned toward Qi Chengzhi and sniffed his body twice. “You were smoking again?”

From the day she had suggested to have children, he had stopped smoking. However, he suddenly started smoking again today, and from the smell of his body, it seemed like he had smoked quite a few number of cigarettes. Even his men"s cologne could not completely cover the smell of cigarettes.

He had finished a box of cigarettes today.

Qi Chengzhi did not utter a word. He turned his head around and stared at Song Yu with an unknown purpose. He noticed that she was not behaving differently and treated him just the same as always.

Could it be that Mu Sisi did not find her today?

Qi Chengzhi heaved a sigh softly, it would be for the best if he could confess to her compared to her finding out about it from others, even though she may not be able to accept it.

“What"s the matter? Song Yu was scrutinizing his face. She felt sorry for him after sensing that he was troubled.

She had never seen him so hesitant and unconfident. She knew that he was ready to confess to her, therefore she was not eager to talk about it first. From the perspective of Qi Chengzhi, it would be different if he could tell her about it first, compared to her mentioning it first. She felt that he would prefer the former, even if she did not mind which one came first.

Qi Chengzhi remained silent, he looked down slightly and held her left hand and their fingers crossed with each other. He slightly increased the strength of his grip and lifted her hand to stare at the back of her fair and delicate hand.

He then raised his head and stared at her earnestly, his left hand softly held her cheek and he leaned forward to kiss her lips gently. He was kissing with such tenderness and the kiss was full of reluctance to let her leave. It was like the last kiss by him.

Song Yu inhaled and used her right hand to imitate the action he had used before. She grabbed the back of his head and gave him a strong and powerful kiss.

When their lips were finally separated, Qi Chengzhi looked at her astonished, his thin and attractive lips were a little swollen after her kiss.

Song Yu blushed in embarra.s.sment when she saw what she had done to his lips.

Song Yu was smiling shyly and still blus.h.i.+ng, and she raised her head to kiss his lips once more. “Let"s go home.”

Qi Chengzhi"s feeling was extremely complicated, he pinched Song Yu"s hand and started the car and left.

They went back home and had their dinner after some tidying up. After that, Qi Chengzhi went to the study room.

Song Yu stared at Qi Chengzhi"s back when he left and puckered her lips, then she went upstairs into their bedroom.

After she finished bathing, Qi Chengzhi had yet to return. Song Yu was a little worried and wanted to go downstairs to have a look. Just when she reached the doorway, the door was pushed open. She retreated one step to give some s.p.a.ce, and she saw Qi Chengzhi standing at the doorway.

The cigarette smell of his body became stronger, he was definitely smoking in the study room again.

She did not mind him smoking cigarettes. When he was chasing after her, he was a very active smoker. Every time she dated him, his body smelled of cigarettes but she felt that the smell was pleasant and it had become a unique smell for him. Compared to other men who smoked, the smell he possessed was much more aromatic.

However, she was worried that he smoked too much because something was troubling him.

Her gaze slid downward slightly, and she saw his bony, elegant, and slender fingers holding a folder.

Song Yu"s felt her heart skipped a beat, and she took the initiative to hold his hand first. “What were you busy doing until so late?”

Qi Chengzhi was quiet for a while, then he said, “I need to tell you something.”

He held her hand back and brought her to the sofa and sat down on the side of it. He dared not sit on the bed as usual as he was afraid that she would overreact and get further stimulated by the sight of the bed.

Song Yu gently sat down beside him, her gaze was tender but firm.

Qi Chengzhi reluctantly let go of her hand, he almost gave in feebly on telling her the truth. Just now when he was in the study room, he finished another box of cigarettes. He summoned enough courage after much struggle to come upstairs and face the consequences that may prove unbearable for the rest of his life, that is to face her condemnation and fury, maybe even hatred.

She would despise him to the extent that she would never want to see him again. He was going to lose her for the rest of his life.

She would be absent from his birthdays, anniversaries and festivals in the future. He would also never celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and festivals anymore. He would lose everything.

However, the saddest thing was that she would hate herself for falling in love with him ignorantly, for sharing a bed with him for so long, for marrying him and even became pregnant with his child.

She would undoubtedly regret and detest herself, but based on her personality, she would never have the heart to abort the pregnancy. Yet, the child would be given birth by her and become the biggest enemy of her life, it was unimaginable how much conflicts and anguish she had to bear in her mind.

When he thought of her future situation, he was heartbroken. He felt his heart was gripped tightly by something, it was so painful he could hardly breathe.

Qi Chengzhi took a deep breath, his breath was trembling.

He sniffed, then he said, “This matter…”

After uttering two words, he could no longer continue talking. Those two words sounded hoa.r.s.e and dry, even his p.r.o.nunciation had become inaccurate. He also choked a little as he almost started sobbing but the choke was quite discreet.

He hoped Song Yu did not notice it.

Qi Chengzhi cleared his throat, licked his lower lips and pa.s.sed the folder to her. Then, he took another deep breath and continued talking, “Song…”

He licked his tongue again. “The truth of the Song Family"s bankruptcy is in the folder.”

Song Yu took a glance at him. Qi Chengzhi was feeling strange because it appeared like Song Yu already knew what was inside the folder and did not show any suspicion.

She took the folder and opened it. She looked at the doc.u.ments that she had read before, they were more complete than the doc.u.ments Jian Yi had given her.

After witnessing Song Yu"s calm reaction, Qi Chengzhi became more frightened. Song Yu remained calm until she put the doc.u.ments on the table. From Qi Chengzhi"s perspective, this was the peacefulness that forbode a storm.

Qi Chengzhi"s heart was quivering violently, he held his breath involuntarily.

“I"m sorry.” He said with a hoa.r.s.e voice, “I⁠ c- ”

“Sorry,” said Song Yu softly.

Qi Chengzhi gazed into her eyes blankly, his eyes had turned red and there appeared to be a suspicious puddle forming in each of his eyes as he clenched his fists tightly.

Unexpectedly, he heard Song Yu say, “I have known about this for a long time now, but I never told you about it because I didn"t want you to feel guilty and stressed. I could only pretend nothing had happened and I was unaware of it. I"m afraid that if I tell you about it, you would start to keep a vigilant eye on me. I hoped that this matter would become a secret. The reason why I dared not talk about it was the same as yours. Sorry for making you feel bad today.”

“You—⁠—” Qi Chengzhi was startled and his blank expression was quite cute. “You"ve known about this all along, and you don"t blame me?”

“Do you still remember the day when I spontaneously suggested to go for registration of marriage earlier than we planned?” said Song Yu as she pinned the hair that was falling from the above her ear back. She reached for his hands and held them.

His palms were large and good-looking, thin and skinny. The flesh on his fingers and the back of his hands were lacking, and the bones were apparent. She was unable to wrap her hands around it.

Qi Chengzhi nodded. He was relieved because Song Yu did not blame him. His mind was free of fear but left with questions.

Therefore, his attractive lips curved slightly upward. “I remember.”

Since he had been together with Song Yu, he had experienced countless happy and emotional moments. Every day, every minute, and every second spent with her was worth to be kept in his memories.

Until now, the most depressing moment he had ever experienced in his life was the moment he heard about the engagement between Song Yu and Qi Chengji.