Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!

Chapter 473: Season Finale (Part One)

Chapter 473: Season Finale (Part One)

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Liu Ronghua hastily begged for the female villagers" help, figuring that they should sympathize with her since they were all women. They could at least provide her with some food so that she could regain some energy to continue her escape.

The teary-eyed Liu Ronghua pleaded for food; even a sip of porridge would help greatly. She even mentioned that she would reward them handsomely if they could a.s.sist in her escape.

However, the women became angry after realizing that Liu Ronghua attempted to escape and dragged her back to where she belonged.

Hunger and thirst gnawed at Liu Ronghua and she barely had enough energy to even walk, so how could she fend off these women?

Thus, they took Liu Ronghua back to the house and one of them even went to the field to explain Liu Ronghua"s attempt to flee.

This raised an uproar, and Crippled w.a.n.g and his mother rushed back home in an instant. The ferocious mother entered the house and fed Liu Ronghua with punches and kicks. She even tightened her grip on Liu Ronghua"s hair and slammed her foot onto Liu Ronghua"s abdomen with all her might.

A woman"s abdomen was very fragile and could be damaged fairly easily. The constant kicks made Liu Ronghua feel nauseous, but nothing was ejected from her mouth due to an empty stomach after prolonged fasting.

Crippled w.a.n.g did not want to miss all the fun. He walked over with the aid of his walking stick and smashed the crutch on Liu Ronghua"s body. Liu Ronghua had never suffered such physical torture before this and there was nothing she could do except to curl herself up like a prawn while tears and snots smeared across her face.

On the other hand, the women who took Liu Ronghua back home showed no sympathy at all. They merely stood aside and glanced coldly while scolding that Liu Ronghua was a discontented wife.

They also commented that Liu Ronghua was a foxy woman who did not behave like a wife and merely knew how to hook up with other men.

Liu Ronghua lacked the energy to beg for mercy at that time. In fact, she was too weak to cry or even sniffle. Thus, tears and snots streamed down her face like a river escaping a dam.

The mother continued her reprimand, “Go ahead and run! Come on, run for your life! We"ll teach you a lesson every time you try to escape. Let me tell you this, once you"re in, you can never go out of this village anymore, so accept your fate and work for us. Serve us well and we can let you have your meals. No one will bat an eye if you"re beaten to death! For your information, many wives have died after suffering from tortures, but none came to punish us. Even the police could do nothing against us!”

Liu Ronghua lost consciousness again.

It was midnight when Liu Ronghua woke up, disturbed by the strange sensation on her body. It almost felt like her world was spinning and her reaction time was a fraction slower due to prolonged hypoglycemia, and it was after her conscious mind a.s.serted control again when she realized that someone was humping her crazily.

Liu Ronghua could even hear the disgusting pant of ecstasy and smell the foul stench of long term tobacco usage mixed with halitosis. All these made Liu Ronghua feel like throwing up.

Liu Ronghua felt an excruciating pain down her body but she was too exhausted to resist. Tears rolled down her cheeks due to overwhelming humiliation as the man on top of her continued his exercise to release his s.e.xual tension.

In the end, Crippled w.a.n.g let out a foul breath of euphoric bliss before turning over from Liu Ronghua"s side and started snoring.

The duo finally gave Liu Ronghua food the next day, but it was just a bowl of rice water with a few rice grains floating on it. It was pathetic to even consider it as a bowl of porridge.

The mother went to the field after finis.h.i.+ng her meal while Crippled w.a.n.g stayed at home to watch Liu Ronghua, who was expected to wash all the dirty clothes and prepare lunch.

However, these were all Greek to Liu Ronghua. When there was any slight lagging in her movement or even a mere expression of reluctance, Crippled w.a.n.g would punish her with more beating with his crutch.

Liu Ronghua"s previous injuries had not healed with no medication to hasten the healing process, and she had to endure Crippled w.a.n.g"s s.e.xual a.s.sault in the middle of the night. How could she possibly endure more beatings?

Liu Ronghua yielded without a choice, but the desire to escape this h.e.l.lhole persisted. She lived a wonderful life in B City previously and was forced to endure inhuman tortures in this G.o.d-forsaken village at present. How could she possibly find peace at such a huge contrast?

Any normal human being would not spend all of his life in such a desolate place, not to mention being touched by that wretched man.

Liu Ronghua was disgusted and nearly puked after taking a good look at Crippled w.a.n.g in broad daylight. Never in her life had she been touched by such a grotesque man!

This routine persisted for a few days with the mother working in the field while Crippled w.a.n.g stayed at home as a guard. She would consume a bowl of rice water for three meals each day and Crippled w.a.n.g would dip his wick on her every night.

The mother mentioned that there was not enough rice for the three of them, but Liu Ronghua figured that they disallowed her to eat her fill on purpose so that she would not have enough energy to flee.

On the other hand, the mother and son would always have a full bowl of rice to consume each meal with no meat but a plate of greens as the main dish. Even so, Liu Ronghua was craving for a bowl of plain white rice after drinking rice water all this while.

After living such a miserable life for quite some time, the mother figured that Liu Ronghua gave up her attempt to escape and instructed Crippled w.a.n.g to work in the field together with her. Liu Ronghua, who appeared ten years older than her actual age, sallow and emaciated due to prolonged hunger, had not given up on fleeing this place. She would not beg for those women"s a.s.sistance anymore as her consequence would be disastrous once she was caught.

Thus, Liu Ronghua had no choice but to fight the urge to escape. An escape plan needed to be formulated beforehand and if possible, she would scout for escape routes personally.

Liu Ronghua pretended to have given up hope and accepted the fate that she was going to live here for the rest of her life. She performed her work in the day honestly and would eat some rice or a few vegetables stealthily while she was preparing lunch.

After the mother and son dropped their guards, Liu Ronghua seized the opportunity and tried to stop by each house to grasp the routes on this mountain.

However, it was unexpected that the women considered Liu Ronghua"s behavior as trying to hook up with their men at home. They remained silent in her presence but would complain to the mother and son secretly instead.

Thus, the mother and son resumed their beating on Liu Ronghua every meal and scolded. “Hook up with men! Not perform your duty well! h.o.r.n.y! l.u.s.tful!”

Liu Ronghua pleaded for forgiveness and begged for mercy. “I won"t do it again!”

However, Crippled w.a.n.g and his mother refused to believe Liu Ronghua. She would receive a beating from them if she s.h.i.+fted her gaze ever so slightly to the side even though they were alone outside.

If someone dropped by the house and the visitor was unfortunately a man, Crippled w.a.n.g and his mother would still torture Liu Ronghua if the man nodded or even peeked at her for a very brief moment, not to mention if it was just a simple chitchat.

Although Liu Ronghua became sallow and emaciated after constant tortures, she was still the most beautiful woman as compared to other women in this village as she took care of herself well before this. Even though there were young women aged between eighteen to twenty years old in the village, none looked as pretty and delicate as Liu Ronghua.

All the women had become rough after living in this village for so long.

Thus, the men could not help but glanced at Liu Ronghua subconsciously, which Crippled w.a.n.g and his mother remained silent about this in the visitors" presence. Instead, they would punish Liu Ronghua terribly once the male visitors left the house.

Liu Ronghua suffered from physical tortures in the day and aggravated s.e.xual tortures by Crippled w.a.n.g at night.

Those physical injuries left Liu Ronghua drained of all energy to escape and nearly descended into insanity.

Days went by and Liu Ronghua was driven to the edge of lunacy, but on the bright side, she became tough and hardy with a tremendous increase in her physical strength after all those training sessions.

Finally, a group of people visited the village yesterday and insisted on bringing Liu Ronghua home.

Initially, fear struck Liu Ronghua since she had no idea who these people were, worrying that they were kidnappers or human traffickers in charge of bringing her to a worse h.e.l.lhole.

In the end, Liu Ronghua was informed by the leader that they were from the Wen family and responsible for bringing Liu Ronghua back to B City.

Even though Liu Ronghua did not encounter the Wen family before this, she had heard rumors about them. At least none dare to impersonate the Wen family to swindle and bluff nowadays.

Tears of joy and excitement rolled down Liu Ronghua"s cheeks. All the emotions which acc.u.mulated within her after all those tortures—grievance, agony, peace and various emotions—exploded at that instant.

Liu Ronghua returned to B City this morning. Those from the Wen family brought her straight to Chutian Hospital"s main entrance without providing her with any change of clothes.

Qi Chenglin, who was waiting for Liu Ronghua at the main entrance, gave her a chance to seek revenge on Chang Jingqiu, who was present in this building at the moment.

Liu Ronghua recalled all the humiliation, tortures and inhuman treatment during her period of stay at that h.e.l.lhole.

If it was not for the fact that Liu Ronghua feared death, she would commit suicide if she had any courage to end her life.

The nightmares gave Liu Ronghua post-traumatic stress disorder, and any flashbacks would give her the urge to vomit and welcome death. Her eyes would glow red with fiery rage whenever she recalled Crippled w.a.n.g and his evil, wicked mother. Even Chang Jingqiu"s life could not compensate for the terrors she endured during that period and calm her rage.

No, Liu Ronghua wanted Chang Jingqiu to experience the same h.e.l.l she walked through. Chang Jingqiu needed to suffer a hundred or a thousand times worse than the torment she endured even though her hatred would not be satisfied.

Liu Ronghua was once a woman of fas.h.i.+on in high society in B City but ended up in that desolate village to be tortured by the grotesque Crippled w.a.n.g. She could not wait to skin those who bullied her alive, cut their tendons, and chop their bones and flesh to mere pieces.

Liu Ronghua even wanted them to enjoy her sweet revenge while still being alive!

Even though Liu Ronghua was always in the receiving end during the beating, she became experienced and learned Crippled w.a.n.g"s mother"s powerful whacking skill.

Even the likes of w.a.n.g Lixia was incomparable to Crippled w.a.n.g"s mother. They were not in the same category after all.

Everyone in the sick room at this moment was used to a comfortable and luxurious life since young, so they merely knew how to retaliate with words to those they disliked. None of them would solve an argument with a fistfight, let alone using the fighting style of a shrew.

Chang Jingqiu could not take such a beating even in her best condition, not to mention in her current disabled state too.

There was no delicacy or feminism noted in Liu Ronghua"s face at this moment, only a cruel ferocity when she fed Chang Jingqiu with punches, slaps, and kicks.

“B*tch! B*tch! B*tch!” Liu Ronghua roared through gritted teeth, fighting the urge to bite every piece of flesh off Chang Jingqiu at this instant. One of her hands which was holding Chang Jingqiu"s hair shook violently as if trying to separate the cranium off of the cervical spine.

Chang Jingqiu"s lower half was incapable of movement and her lower limbs rested powerlessly on the floor, but her body was in the air, attached to the hair which was entangled within Liu Ronghua"s fingers, and her head seemed to be on the verge of disconnecting from her body at the current moment.

Grandmother Chang was frozen to the spot, afraid and surprised. This was the first time she witnessed such a crazy beating style, and there was nothing she could do but to scream at the top of her lungs with a chalky complexion.

“Let me go! Let me go!” Chang Jingqiu exclaimed. Her usual image disappeared into thin air as she waved her arms frantically in the air, but failed to connect with Liu Ronghua"s hands.

“Let her go!” Chang Zhixing yelled, attempting to step forward and stop Liu Ronghua.

All of a sudden, two men rushed into the room and closed the door. One of them darted toward Chang Zhixing and pinned him down while the other stood still in front of Liu Xiangwen, who was too afraid to move a muscle.

“Who are you people? Qi Chenglin, what the h.e.l.l are you doing?” Chang Zhixing struggled but his attempt proved to be futile when the stranger seemed to have blocked his acupoints by pinning his wrists down.

“I borrowed them from Wen Ren and mean you no harm. You only need to stay calm and listen to what Liu Ronghua has to say,” answered Qi Chenglin in a calm voice as he stood close to the door. “Why did she bear such a huge grudge for no reason?”

Perhaps the term "Wen Ren"s people" worked like a charm. Chang Zhixing stopped struggling instantly after hearing that term and stared at the two strangers with fright and doubt.

The duo wore flat expressions and their auras radiated icy cold of death.

Was this a usual aura radiated by those trained in Lanshan Inst.i.tute?

Grandmother Chang pressed on her chest again, helpless to stop Liu Ronghua. Even if there was no one guarding Liu Xiangwen, there was no way she would fight with Liu Ronghua for Chang Jingqiu"s sake too.

Liu Xiangwen was reluctant to lose her dignity, and she was too weak in comparison with the enraged Liu Ronghua.

Thus, all of them watched helplessly as Liu Ronghua rampaged like a tough and ferocious wild woman with their eyes widened in disbelief. What sort of resentment caused Liu Ronghua to acquire an entirely new appearance and att.i.tude?

Since no one dared to stop Liu Ronghua, she enjoyed her sweet revenge while making sure that Chang Jinqiu was alive to experience the agony.

Most of the time, Liu Ronghua grabbed a bunch of Chang Jingqiu"s hair and tore it apart from the scalp, leaving the b.l.o.o.d.y hairs scattering on the ground in a mess.

Whatever Crippled w.a.n.g and his mother did to Liu Ronghua at that time, she gave Chang Jingqiu the exact same way.

Occasionally, Liu Ronghua would pinch Chang Jingqiu"s flesh with all her might while connecting her foot with Chang Jingqiu"s lower abdomen fiercely from time to time, attempting to damage Chang Jingqiu"s uterus so that she would be incapable of conceiving in the future.

Chang Jingqiu"s scream of agony echoed in the room, but the outside world remained clueless due to superb sound insulation in every sick room in Chutian Hospital.

Qi Chenglin kept this a secret from Ruan Danchen since the gore and violence was not a pleasant sight for the pregnant Ruan Danchen. Moreover, the Chang family was her mother"s home. No matter what became of the Chang family, the outsiders would give derogatory comments about Ruan Danchen if she took part in any events related to the Chang family.

Some people would give criticisms from a moral standpoint on issues which were none of their concerns. Those were the people who liked to put themselves in the opposing party and find fault in others no matter what choices were made. However, they failed to realize that they might consider the same choice too if they put themselves in others" shoes. It was despicable that they a.s.sumed that they were the only sensible parties with their words always right and just.

Other than Chang Jingqiu"s body, Liu Ronghua did not spare her face too. Initially, Chang Jingqiu was able to guard her head with both her arms, but after Liu Ronghua"s constant punches, kicks and slaps, Chang Jingqiu went limp like a doll whom Liu Ronghua could punish at will.

Chang Jingqiu"s initial pretty face became badly mutilated. Her lips were swollen like two dark purple sausages with blood oozing out of split flesh.

The pain numbed Chang Jingqiu"s face, and her eyes were swollen and painful. Her vision blurred as everything seemed to be badly pixelated.

Her insensitive lips felt warm and wet, with a metallic taste at the tip of her tongue.

Crimson fluid trickled down her body and splattered onto the ground. Chang Jingqiu was dumbfounded.

Everyone in this room except Qi Chenglin and two undercover bodyguards from the Wen family were frozen to the spot.

Chang Jingqiu felt something hard with blood pooling in her mouth. Since she could not swallow them, she spat them out.

An audible click followed; it was a broken tooth sitting among the pool of blood on the ground.

Liu Ronghua"s raging fire showed no sign of extinguishment. How she wished Crippled w.a.n.g could come over and decimate Chang Jingqiu as he wished.

During those days, Liu Ronghua received physical punishment every meal daily and was s.e.xually tortured by Crippled w.a.n.g at night. The beating Chang Jingqiu received at this moment was nothing compared to those miseries.

Liu Ronghua was fully aware that this was her only chance to seek revenge on Chang Jingqiu, so how could she feel satisfied with only one round of beating?

After Chang Jingqiu was left devastated without any ability to resist further, Liu Ronghua yelled while delivering whacks on her. “B*tch, I gifted you wealth and prosperity when I delivered you to the Chang family, or else you might be sold to some shabby villages in the mountain and left to suffer.”

The exasperated Liu Ronghua regretted her decision to buy Chang Jingqiu initially and should have let her suffer hards.h.i.+ps and tortures somewhere in the mountain at that time!

“I merely asked you for some money. Even if you were reluctant to comply, you didn"t have to be ruthless and cruel by selling me to the human traffickers who traded me to a remote village in the mountain. The tortures I endured during that period were unimaginable. Even your death can"t get rid of the hatred I have for you!” Liu Ronghua howled while sending fists and kicks to Chang Jingqiu.

Finally, Liu Ronghua"s energy was used up, and she threw Chang Jingqiu"s head onto the ground angrily.

The lateral side of Chang Jingqiu"s head slammed onto the floor which was covered by a thick carpet, so there was no loud sound produced from the knock.

However, Chang Jingqiu"s mind had fogged up after receiving constant blows. Even though her head was knocked against a soft carpet, she still experienced a dull ache in her scalp.

The exhausted Liu Ronghua panted and pointed toward Chang Jingqiu while speaking to the emotionally unstable Grandmother Chang, “I bought this piece of sh*t from a couple in a village, but I think you"re aware of this by now. I sold them to you, which there"s no need for you to know the reason, but at least I gave her wealth and prosperity. I encountered some financial difficulties so I told her the truth. If she gave me the money I requested, I wouldn"t bother her anymore or tell you the truth, but she had a guilty conscience. I don"t know from where she was acquainted with those people, but she sold me to a remote village and let me suffer!”

“She realized that she wasn"t born in the Chang family but chose to keep this a secret from you; she didn"t want to leave all this wealth and status behind after all. If Chang Zhiyuan didn"t suspect that she was a fake, she would continue to impersonate your granddaughter and lie to you for the rest of your life! She was a malicious and wicked lady and yet, you treasured her so dearly.” Rage consumed Liu Ronghua again as she delivered another kick on Chang Jingqiu.

“You a.s.sumed that she was a kind lady but in fact, she was crueler than any of us! Initially, she wasn"t aware that she had an ident.i.ty exchange with Ruan Danchen. She was just jealous of Ruan Danchen and for that reason alone, she tried to get close to me and ingratiate me on purpose so that I would provide information about Ruan Danchen"s past. Then, she exposed everything to defame Ruan Danchen.”

“Humph!” Liu Ronghua smiled coldly. “She gave quite a few bad remarks on Ruan Danchen to you, right? She pretended to do good to you and made you believe that you shared a common enemy. Only an old fool like you would believe that b*tch. Did you truly think she did it for your own good? She was jealous of Ruan Danchen initially, and you were her weapon to defame Ruan Danchen. Since Qi Chenglin didn"t accept her, she didn"t want Ruan Danchen to live a good life either. It was for the best if she could destroy their relations.h.i.+p with your own hand.”

“What about you? Stupid old fool who was used by her every single time. You even scolded your biological granddaughter for that b*tch! I"ve heard that you scolded your daughter at that time too, is it true? Ha ha, don"t pretend that you"re not a stupid old fool.” Liu Ronghua smirked.

“After that, she realized that Ruan Danchen was the actual young madam of the Chang family, so she tried her best to slander Ruan Danchen in your presence so that your hatred toward Ruan Danchen would grow stronger. She was afraid that she could no longer stay in the Chang family once the truth was discovered, so she planted the impression that she was far better than Ruan Danchen in your mind. On the other hand, you were so conceited that you were unwilling to admit your mistakes. You rather made the whole situation worse and hypnotized yourself that you weren"t in the wrong. Thus, you had walked yourself into inhumanity and injustice, all thanks to her.”

“I didn"t treat Ruan Danchen well since she wasn"t my biological daughter after all. I caused her to lose her ident.i.ty as the young madam of the Chang family since birth and used her to brighten up my future path in the Shen family, but I raised her instead of allowing her to live her life in the street. I guess we don"t owe each other anymore by now, but you tried to harm her when you didn"t even raise her yourself after all these years. You won"t have the courage to face your daughter when you die!”