Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!

Chapter 495: [Interlude] Youning vs Wenxu

Chapter 495: [Interlude] Youning vs Wenxu

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It took Little Youning no time to get used to her first-grade school life since there was not much homework. Hence, Little Youning was able to remain extremely cheerful and contemptuous.

Her father forced her to watch her diet and lose weight at home, but the instant she was at school, Wenxu would replenish all the weight she had lost. Qi Youxuan"s lunch allowance was completely monitored and controlled by his parents while Wen Xu, on the other hand, was not.

Wen Xu was following the diet plans that were given to him by the Wen family in Jixia High School. His diet consisted of a mix of fruits, vegetables, and some meat. There would be no chance for him to be undernourished, and he could also enjoy as much meat as he desired.

However, it was because Wen Xu was unlike Qi Youxuan and his sister who were extremely lazy and hated sports. Every day when he returned home from school, he would be doing some high-intensity training in the gym, thus, as a result, not only was he not fat, he was extremely fit as all his muscles were obviously showing.

As a fourteen-year-old, his shoulders were toned with obvious muscle lines and he looked amazing. His eight packs were lined on his belly like a bar of chocolate.

Science cla.s.s had just ended and the next cla.s.s would be P.E. Hence, plenty of students were walking toward the outdoors. After the ten minute break, the next P.E. cla.s.s was about to begin, hence they were not required to return to their cla.s.srooms.

It was extremely lucky that both Little Youning and Little Xicheng were in the same cla.s.s, as both of them cheerfully walked alongside each other while talking gleefully.

Both of them were quite popular in school lately, and not a single person in Jixia High School was unaware of their names. On top of that, it was never because of their family name.

It was because on the first day of school, Wen Xu hugged Little Youning at the door, and they seemed cheerful as they talked. Since Wen Xu was also popular in school, everyone was aware of everything he did. Coincidentally, there was a crowd of people walking by the door of the school and plenty of students witnessed this scene, hence they were aware of this young girl"s existence in Wen Xu"s life.

The only thing was that Little Youning was still a young kid. If they had been older, perhaps everyone else would not feel that the age gap was obvious. However, since both of them were still children, and it was obvious that Wen Xu was way older than her, not a single person thought that they were dating.

Thus, plenty of students who were having a crush on Wen Xu would s.h.i.+ft their focus on Little Youning. From there, they knew who she was and what her family ties were. Thus, they would a.s.sume it was all because both their families were close friends with one another and since they have known each other ever since they were little, they a.s.sumed Wen Xu was merely talking to his sister.

Thus, ever since school started, plenty of other female students would gather outside her cla.s.sroom in an attempt to bribe her with any possible way, hoping they would indirectly grow closer to Wen Xu.

Little Youxuan was extremely furious from all of the shameless acts. How could these girls be completely oblivious to the fact that both she and Wen Xu were extremely close to one another? The audacity of these girls to show up so shamelessly in her face just to rob Wen Xu from her.

They would be dreaming if they a.s.sumed they could even use her!

It was extremely rare for her to not be swayed by the many temptations of good food and toys. However, she actually accepted those gifts with zero intention of helping them.

Thus, every single person knew that Little Youning would only accept gifts and had no intention of actually helping them.

Little Xicheng was known to follow behind Little Youning, although she usually kept an extremely low profile. However, she could no longer keep on that facade since Little Muche was being quite arrogant in school. He was following her everywhere in school, and if any boys were to bully her, Little Muche would pick up a brick before a.s.saulting these bullies.

Hence, just like that, Little Xicheng was no longer bullied by anyone.

At that very moment, as both of them were walking outside alongside one another, Little Muche pulled Little Youning aside and whispered, “I… I have to tell you. We"re having P.E. cla.s.s next right? Wen Xu would be having P.E. as well.”

Little Youning"s eyes lit up almost instantly, but she heard Little Xicheng continue, “But he"s not joining us.”

Little Youning looked disappointed. Although she never directly teased her, Little Xicheng found this situation hilarious, thus her heart was incredibly happy. She watched Little Youning"s face s.h.i.+ft from agitation to disappointment then back to being agitated again. It was funny since she looked like she was putting on a show of masks—she found it fun.

“You, why can"t you just say everything all at once!” Little Youning pouted and said, “If he"s not joining us, why tell me then?”

“Good lord, oh no, no. That"s not the point.” Little Xicheng grabbed onto Little Youning"s shoulder and said, “Just let me finish what I have to say. But when I do, promise me you won"t get mad.”

Thus, Little Youning remained silent as she stared at Little Xicheng with her black pearly eyes, waiting for her to finish what she had to say.

Little Xicheng winked with her huge eyes since this six-year-old girl had a star-struck dreamy look on her face.

“I"m telling you… Muche you listen closely as well. They"re gonna have an indoor swimming session. The lesson that they will be having later is swimming.” Little Xicheng winked. She continued, “So, you know.”

Before Little Youning and Little Xicheng entered this school, Little Muche was their spy in school. Even though they were both already there, Little Muche still took his role very seriously.

In order to complete the task Little Xicheng had a.s.signed Little Muche, he went so far as to even befriend the teachers in school. It had become a terrifying fact that his connections in school—regardless of friends or teachers—could not be matched by a single teacher.

Wei Ziqi was well aware of the web of connections Little Muche had formed. However, it was odd for him to not even bother to care about what Little Muche had done.

Wei Ran was once plagued by her nagging curiosity and had asked him about it. However, Wei Ziqi simply said, “No matter what the reason is, him having some sort of motivation to make so many friends is a good thing. Just look at him, any news would undoubtedly make its way to him, isn"t this awesome? When he eventually takes over the company in the future, he would be able to support his sister. We"ll encourage him and train him from this young age. It"s such a rare opportunity for him to get hands-on experience now. Such a great opportunity indeed.”

Thus, Little Muche was being "trained" under the full supervision and knowledge of Wei Ziqi.

Without the need for Little Xicheng to explain the full plan, Little Youning nodded excitedly and said, “I know, I know!”

All he would be wearing was his trunks, and he would be s.h.i.+rtless—such a beautiful and hot topless young boy!

Little Youning could still recall when she was in Wen Xu"s house back then. He was topless once and she had even buried herself in his chest, completely rubbing against his smooth skin. He truly looked extremely hot and handsome!

“I… I really wanna watch!” As Little Youning replied, she seemed as if she was about to begin drooling.

Little Xicheng rolled her eyes and said, “Oh good lord, I"ve told you already, we"ll be letting you watch! Don"t forget, there are a whole lot of girls in his cla.s.s and there are also girls in his cla.s.s who are absolutely crus.h.i.+ng on him. So when cla.s.s starts later, girls in his cla.s.s will also be able to watch him swim topless, totally benefiting those female perverts!”

Little Youning nodded violently, “Yeah you"re right!”

“Then, I"ll be going later. Remember to help me out if the teacher asks about me alright,” Little Youning said.

“Don"t you worry.” Little Xicheng patted her shoulders. “You"ll need to remember which girl was watching Wen Xu the most. That girl would totally be bad for Wen Xu!”

Little Youning nodded with an extremely serious look on her face. It was as if she had to shoulder an extremely important responsibility in taking on this task, thus she left while holding onto her tiny belly.

As Little Youning"s cla.s.s stood in a line, her spot was empty, so it was extremely obvious.

Thus, the P.E. teacher who looked quite dark and was also extremely fit asked, “Where"s Qi Youning?”

Since both Little Youning and Little Xicheng never enjoyed the P.E. cla.s.s, they were not exactly their teacher"s favorite students. Besides the fact that they never actually liked to exercise.

Her father and uncles were known for their amazing looks, not to mention their other amazing qualities. Even Yan Beicheng and the other uncles looked really good. Thus, these two kids had a great start in life, building up their inhumanly high expectations. It was also partially due to the fact that these kids did not have a huge social circle, and had always interacted within their tiny circle of people. Hence, it made them perceive the world in a false light to a.s.sume good and handsome looking people were a common thing, and ugly looking people was an anomaly to society.

The only thing that could make this worse was that these kids were so focused on the illusion of the drama series they were watching since they were extremely young that the only people they saw were the extremely good looking celebrities on TV, further reinforcing their odd perspective.

However, when they entered kindergarten, they noticed some kids who looked quite unfortunate, and even the security guard in the school was average looking.

Thus, as they finally stepped out to interact with the world a little more than before, they realized that handsome men were extremely rare since the majority of the people they met on the streets were average looking as these people did not exactly look too bad or too good. People who actually looked like her father at home were extremely rare.

Thus, both of them had attended school filled to the brim with unexplained skepticism. However, after they laid their eyes on their P.E. teacher, they had finally seen a new low for pure ugliness.

Since he was a P.E. teacher, he had a fit body and was filled with muscles. However, if Little Youning had to compare, she would prefer Wen Xu"s body. Although he had muscles as well, the tone lines on Wen Xu"s muscles were stunningly beautiful. It was not too firm but it was also quite strong—anyone would feel safe around him.

The P.E. teacher, on the other hand, had a dark skin tone, a square face, squinty tiny ASIAN eyes, wide lips ,and a nose shaped like a clove of garlic.

Little Xicheng and Little Youning could not bear to even look at his face.

Since Little Youning was called, Little Xicheng raised her hand and said, “Sir, she had a bad case of diarrhea and she"s currently in the washroom.”

The P.E. teacher frowned as he wanted to say something, Little Xicheng interrupted by saying, “Boy her diarrhea was insane. She got out once earlier, but before she was able to say anything else, she bolted right back into the washroom while clenching her belly tightly.”

“…” The P.E. teacher was speechless.

“Go ahead and report this to your homeroom teacher, hurry up and get her to the infirmary,” the P.E teacher replied.

Thus, Little Xicheng ran toward the office block, while repeatedly turning back to look over her shoulders to make sure the teacher was not looking directly at her. After making sure the coast was clear, she turned around and bolted to the indoor pool.

As she looked around to locate where Wen Xu"s cla.s.s was, she noticed Little Youning suspiciously standing by the door while periodically sticking her entire head in to look inside. There was a puddle of water underneath her feet.

Little Xicheng gently patted Little Youning"s shoulders and whispered, “So did you see anything?”

However, Little Youning was fueled by her guilty conscience; while she was blown away and got lost in absolute blissful beauty, she was worried about getting caught and this feeling of being on edge was difficult for her to describe as her heart was pounding rapidly.

Little Youning was startled by Little Xicheng"s pat on her shoulder, and she s.h.i.+vered slightly. Since she was unable to tell who was speaking to her, she screamed for a brief moment.

“Hey, hey. It"s me. Don"t have to be afraid,” Little Xicheng frantically explained.

Little Youning patted her chest and said, “You scared the living outta me. What are you doing here?”

“The P.E. teacher was asking about you earlier, I told him you"re having an awfully horrible case of diarrhea,” Little Xicheng replied awkwardly as she looked at Little Youning"s furious face. She frantically explained, trying to cheer her up, “I panicked and didn"t have time to think of a better excuse. But I think this was an awesome excuse since the teacher totally bought it. He told me to look for our homeroom teacher, to get you to the infirmary, hence I"m here.”

After Little Xicheng explained the whole situation, she proceeded to swiftly change the topic. She asked, “Did you see him?”

“You bet I did! He"s, he"s way too charming. He"s so hot!” As Little Youning replied, she proceeded to forcefully slurp her drooling saliva and then said, “Ah, Ah Xu was wearing long swim pants, it stretched all the way to his knees. His legs were so long, so dreamy, so hot!”

“Which cla.s.s do both of you belong to?” Suddenly a man with extremely hairy legs appeared right in front of both of them.

As they looked up, they were shocked to see Wen Xu"s P.E. teacher. Both his arms were holding onto his waist while he stared down at both of them.

“What are you two doing here when you two should be in cla.s.s studying?” The P.E. teacher asked with an awfully furious face.

Little Youning glanced at Little Xicheng; they were thinking the same thing and saw it through their eyes. Hence, without saying a word, they started to run for their lives away from the teacher.

However, unfortunately for them, since their legs were short and they were not exactly running very fast, the teacher instantly grabbed onto both their collars stopping them from running away.

“Ah Xu!” Little Youning called out as she noticed a bunch of boys walking out of the room.

Wen Xu had a towel over his shoulders as he walked toward Little Youning who proceeded to grab her over to him from the teacher"s hands. That force alone as he grabbed her back stunned the teacher.

“What are you doing here?” Wen Xu asked with a soft tone.

“We"re also having P.E. and I thought I"d drop by to see you.” As Little Youning answered, her gaze drifted downward staring at Wen Xu"s white glistening skin. He had a hint of pool chlorine scent on his body. However, since it was emanating from Wen Xu"s body, Little Youning thought it smelled good.

Since she was staring at the white smooth, glistening skin of Wen Xu, she began to drool.

“Head on back to cla.s.s, I"ll treat you to some good food for lunch later,” Wen Xu said. He then proceeded to lower his head to whisper into her ear, “If you really wanna see, I"ll show it to you in private, you don"t have to sneak in you know.”

“Then… can I see it later at lunch?” Little Youning"s eyes lit up instantly.

“Lunch… I"m afraid someone else might see it.” However, as he noticed the disappointed look on Little Youning"s face, he said, “But, just for a little while alright.”

Little Youning nodded excitedly as she grabbed onto his towel with her tiny chubby hands tightly, only allowing him to expose his neck and clavicle.

“Then… You can"t have anyone else look at you alright. Next time when you have swimming cla.s.s, you"ll need to get a diver"s suit okay, so you"ll be able to cover your entire body!” Little Youning explained as the seeds of jealousy were starting to sprout in her tiny heart, as she looked at him with an extremely jealous face. “I noticed there were a ton of girls staring at you earlier!”

“Alright, I won"t show it to them. I won"t be swimming today then. I"ll change back into my clothes later,” Wen Xu replied while nodding seriously.

“…” The P.E. teacher was speechless.

"I"m still standing here you know. How could you just decide on your own that you would not be partaking in swimming lessons. That"s not right!"

Finally, the teacher was worried that these two girls would be skipping cla.s.s again, hence he decided to send them back himself. Then, proceeded to inform their homeroom teacher.

Although the homeroom teacher never called for a meeting with their parents, the teacher spoke to Ruan Danchen directly through a phone call. Even though it was nothing too serious, the teacher wanted her to at least know about the situation that was going on. After that, the teacher did the same thing with Qi Chengyue.

The entire conversation was obviously kept from both Little Youning and Little Xicheng, hence they had no choice but to return to their P.E. cla.s.s.

Wen Xu"s P.E. teacher on the other hand was, shocked to see that Wen Xu actually changed back into his clothes.

“…” The P.E. teacher was speechless.

“Do you actually not plan to join the rest of the cla.s.s in swimming?” the P.E. teacher questioned him.

“Yep. Besides, I already know how to swim anyway,” Wen Xu replied. He continued, “My fastest record for a hundred-meter swim was forty-nine point one-eight seconds, fifty meters was twenty-three point seven-two seconds, and a thousand five hundred meters was fifteen minutes thirty-two point one-two seconds.”

“…” The P.E. teacher was once again speechless.

“I"ll join after I get myself something else to wear,” Wen Xu replied with a serious tone.

“…” The P.E. teacher was silenced.

Little Youning had finally waited till her lunch hour. The moment she got out, she noticed Wen Xu waiting by the entrance to their building with Qi Youxuan.

She completely ignored her brother"s stupidly dumb behaviors. This scene alone was extremely attractive and charming for anyone since two inhumanly stunning teenage boys were just standing there.

The girls in the sixth grade were already focused on jittery feelings of love. They would have a crush on anyone who looked extremely stunning. As both Little Youning and Little Xicheng got out, they noticed a bunch of girls from the fifth and sixth grade staring at their brothers from a distance.

“Chengcheng!” Little Muche ran over as he got down the third floor.

As Little Xicheng noticed the relentless stares from the girls around them, she grunted and pouted, then proceeded to tell Little Muche, “If this many people wanted to look at you, you"re not allowed to let anyone look at you alright. No mercy! You"re only allowed to let me look at you, not them!”

“Alright!” Little Muche answered without even hesitating. He then said, “There"s a girl in my cla.s.s who was crus.h.i.+ng hard on me. I made her cry by scolding her without hesitation. So don"t you worry, Chengcheng!”

Wen Xu never bothered about them, as he immediately went over to hug Little Youning. However, Little Youning rejected his hugs, and simply extended her tiny chubby hands and held hands with him.

Wen Xu smirked and held onto her hand as the five of them made their way to the school"s cafeteria.

Before Little Youning entered his school, Qi Youxuan could only eat vegetables in pure sorrow-filled sadness.

However, since Little Youning came, Wen Xu would bring Little Youning along for amazing meals and awesome drinks. Qi Youxuan felt that since he would be Wen Xu"s future uncle, he was ent.i.tled to join his sister and his sister"s future husband for an equally awesome meal. Since Wen Xu"s future father-in-law did not exactly like him, Qi Youxuan felt ent.i.tled to him, as his future uncle to grace him a chance to suck up to him.

Hence, ever since then, Wen Xu had no objections to Qi Youxuan joining them on their awesome meal. Wen Xu had nothing to say whenever Qi Youxuan looted their food since he was able to fully satisfy Qi Youxuan"s l.u.s.t for food.

While Qi Youxuan ate together with them that afternoon, he repeatedly glanced over to Wen Xu and Little Youning. He knew that Little Youning snuck into the swimming pool just to get a look at When Xu"s body.

This news had already spread throughout the school.

His sister had no self-control!

While he chewed on his fried chicken, he kept glancing around his table, then he noticed Wei Muran walking along with her friend while carrying her lunch plate.


He was jealous that everyone around him had found their partners. On the other end of the table was Little Muche and Little Xicheng. Looking at this made Little Youning happy.

“Feed, feed me!” Little Youning looked up with her tiny face while saying nervously.

Wen Xu looked happy, as he fed Little Youning her favorite food.

She tilted her tiny cheeks as she supported them with both her tiny chubby arms. She looked extremely adorable.

After they were done eating, Little Youning excitedly grabbed onto Wen Xu"s arms and said in an awkward, nervous tone, “I wanna see… I… wanna… see…”

Wen Xu nodded then proceeded to hold onto Little Youning"s hands while he stood up, then proceeded to walk away.

Noticing this scene, Qi Youxuan, as a worried brother immediately stopped them and said, “Where are you guys going? There"s a limit to how a man and a woman should behave.”

Little Youning grabbed onto Wen Xu"s shoulder tightly and threatened Qi Youxuan, “If you insist on stopping us, I"ll stop treating you meat, brother.”

“…” Qi Youxuan was stunned as both his eyes were completely wide open. He said, “Oh well, I guess it"s a good thing to start developing a good relations.h.i.+p from a young age. I… I"ll go look for Mumu now.”

After he was done speaking, this kid bolted straight for Wei Muran.

Little Youning was impatiently nudging Wen Xu. She said, “What are you waiting for. Hurry up now!”