Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!

Chapter 515

Publishedat 28th of April 2020 03:00:44 AM
Chapter 515

515 Return to B City

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“Why are you looking at me like that?” Zhang Shanfei spread his arms innocently . “Does it not make sense? You often hear this on the news: siblings squabble and some even disowned their parents over properties, forcing the parents to buy houses . To kill for a house, I wouldn"t be surprised if it was reported in the news . ”

“My G.o.d, who will save him from his views!” Fang Zhitong from their team covered his eyes with his hands . He could not bear to look at Zhang Shanfei .

“What"s the matter? Just because the killer"s a pervert doesn"t mean that one wouldn"t commit murder for a house!” Zhang Shanfei bared his teeth . “Mr . Qi, what do you think?”

Qi Youxuan nodded slightly . “There are countless reasons for someone to commit murder . Some do commit murder over trivial matters, so it"s hard to say for sure . ”

Zhang Shanfei did not say anything else but smugly tilted his chin and raised his eyebrows at Fang Zhitong with a what-do-you-think-of-me-now look on his face .

“Let"s wait for Chengwei to return . If Liu Mingyue"s alibi pans out, these speculations are worthless,” concluded Yang Shaoqun .

Zou Chengwei returned soon with the surveillance video footage and the check-in register from the hotel . Both confirmed Liu Mingyue"s alibi .

“I interviewed s.h.i.+ Chenzhong"s wife, Li Weixin . She knew about s.h.i.+ Chenzhong and Xiong s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ . She"s been a full-time housewife for the past seven years, and if she were to reenter the workforce, it"d be hard work and for low wages . She won"t make it; she doesn"t have high-income skills . The allowance that s.h.i.+ Chenzhong gave her is quite substantial, so her material needs were well taken care of . She pretended not to know about s.h.i.+ Chenzhong"s affair and bore with it—as long as s.h.i.+ Chenzhong provides for the family . She also knew that the other woman had a family of her own . She wouldn"t get a divorce and marry an old geezer like s.h.i.+ Chenzhong; the woman just wanted money to support her family . It"s because of this that she turned a blind eye to it . ”

“Li Weixin thought she wouldn"t have the financial means to divorce s.h.i.+ Chenzhong . She wouldn"t be able to bear the legal costs . The s.h.i.+ family values her son a lot and won"t surrender custody that easily, even if s.h.i.+ Chenzhong is in the wrong . The legal battles will inadvertently affect her son . If custody is awarded to s.h.i.+ Chenzhong, it"ll be hard to even see her son again . It"s better to live like this . They"re also getting old . Why court trouble?” said Feng Songwei, shaking her head .

“I have to say, they"re both made for each other . They both have the same bizarre mentality,” Zhang Shanfei tutted .

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“Having said that, she"s still suspicious . Love kills,” speculated Fang Zhitong while rubbing his chin .

Feng Songwei shook her head . “She went with s.h.i.+ Chenzhong to the hospital last night with their son . I confirmed that both she and s.h.i.+ Chenzhong were at the hospital at the time . She didn"t have time to go to the resort to murder Xiong s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ . ”

“Then the three people with the most likely connection to Xing s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ all have alibis . What else is there to investigate?” said Zou Chengwei irritably .

“Although Xiong s.h.i.+s.h.i.+ did have some colleagues that she didn"t get along with, there wasn"t enough resentment to murder someone,” said Fang Zhitong .

It had been three days and not much progress has been made with the case . It was about time for Wei Muran to return to B City for duty—she could not stay in T City .

Qi Youxuan undoubtedly would be going with her . No matter how much Yang Shaoqun pleaded, Qi Youxuan had made up his mind not to stay .

Nonetheless, since they did collaborate, at least Yang Shaoqun considered it . On the day Qi Youxuan and the gang were due to leave, Yang Shaoqun and his team came to personally send them off at the airport .

Xiao Yiqing was very reluctant for them to leave so quickly and hugged Wei Muran and the other girls . The four girls were cuddled together in a group, it looked a little weird .

“You"ve only been here for a few days! And Muran didn"t even enjoy much at all and worked on a case,” grumbled Xiao Yiqing .

Wei Muran also felt sorry for accidentally detaching herself from the group, inadvertently ruining the fun for the others .

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“Let"s get together again during the Spring Festival!” said Wei Muran .

Cheng Xicheng had always loved traveling and immediately suggested, “Why not go out of the country during the Spring Festival Holidays? We"re already too familiar with T City and B City . We won"t know what to do even if we got together, so might as well visit other destinations . Let"s go to an island, maybe Palau . Even cell phone signals are poor there, we won"t come across any murders there . ”

Being Cheng Xicheng"s best friend and cla.s.smate throughout kindergarten to high school, Qi Youning nodded her head enthusiastically . “Er Cheng"s suggestion is excellent . You guys would have seven days of vacation . Er Cheng and I would be on winter break, which is even longer . We can leave on the second day of the Spring Festival . We can even stay a few more days . You guys just need to apply for a few extra day"s leaves . ”

“Okay, let"s discuss more on WeChat when we get back,” chirped Xiao Yiqing .

Xiang Haorui suddenly appeared out of nowhere and gently rested his hand on Xiao Yiqing"s head and rubbed .

Feng Songwei detached herself from the police group and walked in front of Qi Youxuan . Fl.u.s.tered, she whispered shyly, “Mr . Qi, would it be convenient for you to leave me your contact information . I"d like to learn from you . ”

Behind her, Feng Songwei"s police colleague"s expression changed slightly and some were even uneasy .

It was clear that Qi Youxuan and Wei Muran were a couple, yet she had proactively asked for his number . Was she trying to break them up? It was bad enough if one intended to steal a person"s boyfriend behind their backs, let alone to Wei Muran"s face .

This gave others the impression that one possessed poor characteristics . It would be disgraceful to seduce a married man . It does not matter if they are married or not, this behavior was disdainful . Not to mention, although Wei Muran was not officially on the case, she also spent a few days in the same office with them and shared her thoughts which resulted in a few breakthroughs for them .

It had only been a few days but everyone has gotten to know each other . Although Qi Youxuan"s personality was not too likable, Wei Muran was really congenial . Everyone liked to befriend her . She was willing to help with anything . She was not treated as an outsider from a different precinct, or that she poses any threat .

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As her friend, it made it even harder to accept Feng Songwei"s behavior . They never took Feng Songwei for such a person .

Was it not distasteful of Feng Songwei?

Stealing a friend"s boyfriend . What if it cost them their friends.h.i.+p with Wei Muran?

Feng Songwei was embarra.s.sing their entire team .

Usually, Feng Songwei was just a little coy . It was common for them to do the heavy lifting . These macho-men also thought that it was not good for girls to perform these types of tasks . As men, they looked out for her . When working on cases, Feng Songwei was straightforward and did things neatly .

Who would have thought that she was such a person?

After all, they were only her colleagues hence they cannot really say much . However, perhaps they might be more wary of how they would treat Feng Songwei in the future .

This girl"s character was way off!

Qi Youxuan looked at her coldly and wanted to ignore her . Just as he was about to decline, Wei Muran rushed over and stood next to Qi Youxuan . She then took out a pen and paper from her bag and jotted down an eight-digit number and handed it to Feng Songwei . “This is my direct line . If you encounter any cases that you don"t understand, just give me a call . ”

Feng Songwei was shocked .

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She smiled stiffly and accepted the phone number . Wei Muran then said, “If you need to look for my boyfriend, I can help to convey it . ”

Qi Youxuan, who originally had a cold expression, grinned and wrapped his long arms around Wei Muran"s shoulders . He highly appreciated and praised her for being protective of her husband . His fingertips bounced atop her shoulders as if playing the piano .

“I"m sorry, it"s a custom in my family to not give out our phone numbers to random women,” Qi Youxuan snarked .

Since Feng Songwei had no shame, he did not mind humiliating Feng Songwei .

Sure enough, Feng Songwei froze, her face green and pale, obviously humiliated .

Wanting to regain some dignity, she opened her mouth and stammered, “I just want to learn so that it"ll help me with cases in the future . Don"t… Don"t get me wrong . ”

Qi Youxuan and Wei Muran smiled but remained silent . They made it obvious that they did not fall for her words and shut her down .

This behavior further cemented her attempt to seduce Qi Youxuan .

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