Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!

Chapter 92: As Long As You Trust Me

Chapter 92: As Long As You Trust Me

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Qi Chengyue stared at him incredulously. As if a part of her strength had forsaken her, Qi Chengyue whispered in disbelief, “Jian Yi, you want to break up with me?”

“I never thought of breaking up with you, but if you keep second-guessing and accusing every woman in my life, I really don"t know how long I can tolerate it. A relations.h.i.+p requires trust on both sides. You have little to no trust in me, and frankly, I"m getting really tired of this. I don"t want to keep arguing with you over Song Yu or some other woman. Chengyue, whether we break up or not, it"s up to you.”

After delivering the final blow, Jian Yi stormed out.

Qi Chengyue gave chase but the sight of Jian Yi leading Xiao Wei out of the building fueled her bitterness. She walked back into her office and slammed the door in vehemence. Anger and resentment boiled in her with no means of escape. In the end, the negative emotions spilled over and contorted her face.

When Song Yu arrived at the project site, the workers were scattered about doing anything but the actual work. Some were drinking beer and snacking on peanuts while others were smoking and playing poker.

Her presence did nothing to deter them. They simply glanced at her and went back to doing whatever they were doing.

Song Yu went up to someone who seemed more approachable than the others and asked, “Where"s Manager Liu?”

Manager Liu was the person in charge of the site. His name card had the word ‘Manager" printed on it, so Song Yu respectfully indulged the man.

The worker who previously had an amiable disposition quickly turned stone-faced, he answered in a reluctant tone, “In the house.”

Song Yu took a deep breath and turned away, but her path was blocked.

The crowd in front of her was slowly building. The workers had abandoned whatever activity they were engaged in and were drawing near her.

Song Yu anxiously tightened her grip on her phone and bag. Her palms were starting to sweat despite the cold weather.

“What are you guys doing?” Song Yu took a step back but realized that she was being cornered on all sides.

“What are we doing? We want money!” Manager Liu finally arrived at the scene. With a cigarette in his mouth, he said loudly, “We"re stopping the work. Even my workers need money to eat.”

“Manager Liu, this was exactly what I came here to discuss. This is a big project and we would never intentionally delay payment. We will handle the talks with Qilin Property and keep you up to date. It"s my responsibility to oversee the project, so rest a.s.sured. Now, the work for this term is not complete, right? Can your team continue to work on it? I promise before this term ends, the payment for the next term will be on time and not a cent less than what we discussed.”

“No,” Manager Liu flicked his cigarette to the ground, “You don"t leave this site until we get the money.”

Before Song Yu could ask what he meant, her phone had been slapped from her hand. The device fell and hit a rock. It looked like a lost cause, with the screen cracked and the battery dislodged.

A few men s.n.a.t.c.hed her bag and threw it on the ground.

“What are you doing?” Song Yu asked in a high-pitched tone, her calm facade cracked by the show of violence.

The men dragged her by her arms and she heard Manager Liu ordered, “Lock her up! Until we get our payment, she doesn"t leave the site!”

Song Yu stood no chance, especially when there was so many of them. She was thrown into a simplistic wooden room and the door locked behind her.

Inside the room, Song Yu ma.s.saged her aching wrists and thought, ‘Didn"t think that they"d be so barbaric."

If only they had stopped to think about the consequences of their actions. This incident, if pursued, could be dragged into the courthouse and no one from the team would be spared.

As an architect, she had to liaise with the engineering and construction team. This was the case for all the projects she handled before.

Due to the lack of staff in Chengs.h.i.+, she usually did not trouble her coworkers to accompany her for site visits. However, this incident was definitely a first.

She did not know that these people were to violence when it came to payment delays. Normally, these issues would be handled quietly and without much fuss as the debtor does not want any bad press.

If they just wanted to lock her up here, she did not mind.

She only feared any escalation if the payments were not settled today. While they were fine with leaving her alone in the room, that could change later on. The thought filled her heart with dread.

The room was barren and chilly, providing little protection against the cold winds. Song Yu s.h.i.+vered. With her phone gone, she did not have any means to get help.

Song Yu stared out the small window to get a sense of what was going on. Not long after, she saw a car drive into the site and down came Manager w.a.n.g.

Song Yu immediately knocked on the window to attract attention but the room was too far away for Manager w.a.n.g to notice the noises she was making.

From her limited view, it looked like Manager w.a.n.g was in a heated argument with Manager Liu. The workers were circling around Manager w.a.n.g, making him visibly uncomfortable though they had not attempted to seize him.

Song Yu felt the chill in her bones. She sustained some injuries to her hands when they threw her onto the ground. Blood dripped from her palms, and the pain prevented her from rubbing her arms to gain warmth.

She kept a close eye on the situation with Manager w.a.n.g. Suddenly, a police siren was nearing their location. The police cars entered the site and stopped—police officers strode out from their vehicles. The police officers shouted warnings and threats as the workers tried to flee, but at the end of it, they were all subdued and interrogated.

Song Yu could not catch what the police officers were asking. A moment pa.s.sed and she saw a slender figure. The figure seemed out of place among the dirty and dusty worksite.

Qi Chengzhi took great, hurried strides across the dirt and sand.

Underneath his black coat, he was dressed in a formal suit. The moment Song Yu recognized him, she let herself breathe a sigh of relief, almost faltering to the ground.

When she was locked up, her heart filled with such fear and dread but she kept the tears at bay. She was afraid that once the tears started flowing, she would crumble.

Now that Qi Chengzhi had arrived, Song Yu"s eyes blurred and the tears streamed down uncontrollably—her sobs no longer contained.

Once she saw him, she realized that Qi Chengzhi was the person that she had been waiting for this whole time.

While she was fearing the worst, she did not cry as she believed that Qi Chengzhi would always be there to rescue her.

‘The person I love is the greatest hero on earth. One day he will ascend the iridescent clouds and marry me."

The familiar line entered her mind and reflected what she was currently feeling.

Someone unlocked the door and forcefully kicked it down. Qi Chengzhi strode in. Inside the low-ceiling room, his tall frame seemed to take up the whole s.p.a.ce and the filthy air became heavier with his breath.

She saw the worry etched deep on his scowling face. His eyes were locked onto her. While his face was cold from being outside, his eyes smoldered—they were filled with concern for her.

Song Yu abandoned all pretenses and ran into his arms with a choked sob.

She felt herself being hugged tightly, like a baby who was lost then found. The strong arms held her in such a tight embrace that her body ached.

However, the unwavering strength was exactly what she needed at the moment.

Her arms circled around his waist and held firm. She buried her face in his chest—her tears staining the well-made suit.

Qi Chengzhi tightened his embrace and felt Song Yu"s face pressed against his heart. The woman of his heart was in his arms.

He looked down and saw her tear-soaked eyelashes, which were darker than usual.

A pair of dry and thin lips landed softly on her eye. The dry lips, which were battered by the cold winds, were moistened by the tears.

He kissed all her tears away. The taste of it was warm and sharp on his tongue.

Qi Chengzhi took a deep breath and lifted Song Yu into his arms.

Song Yu wrapped her arms around his neck, uncaring of what other people might think. She clung to him with desperation—her face buried in his chest as she listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

Manager w.a.n.g was giving his statement to the police officers as Qi Chengzhi appeared with Song Yu protectively in his arms. Qi Chengzhi said nothing as he stoically carried the woman into his Range Rover.

Manager w.a.n.g thought to himself, ‘No wonder Song Yu was the only person that could receive orders from Qilin." Sometimes w.a.n.g Liwei"s theories were baseless, but this time she hit the nail on the head. It seemed like from now on Chengs.h.i.+ had a new Buddha.

As Chang Lai drove the car, Qi Chengzhi did not let go of Song Yu. She sat in his lap and rested her head in the crook of his neck.

While Jian Yi and Xiao Wei were on the road, a police car convoy pa.s.sed them in a flurry. In the middle of the convoy, a familiar Range Rover sped down the road.

Aunt Yang was shocked to see Song Yu being carried in by Qi Chengzhi. Song Yu did not seem embarra.s.sed by the whole affair but looked very weak.

Qi Chengzhi ordered Aunt Yang to get the first aid kit. She dutifully attended to Song Yu"s hand wounds. After the blood had been washed off, a close examination concluded that the wounds were not severe. Aunt Yang disinfected the wounds and covered them with some gauze.

“Are you hurt anywhere else?” Qi Chengzhi asked as he checked her.

Song Yu shook her head. “Only the cuts on my hands. When they threw me into the room, I fell and injured them. Other than that, I"m fine.”

Song Yu was not used to his gentle and cautious demeanor. Her face reddened in embarra.s.sment.

As she cherished the rare moment of romanticism shown by Qi Chengzhi, he pressed his lips together and his face turned somber.

Song Yu lowered her head like a kid who had been caught red-handed stealing from the cookie jar. Qi Chengzhi"s tone was dead serious as he said, “Don"t do something so stupid again. If you"re going to the site, bring some people along.”

Song Yu mumbled a note of agreement and pressed her forehead against his shoulder.

She felt Qi Chengzhi hug her, and he placed a kiss on her temple. “Stay here tonight.”

Song Yu did not protest. She was shaken up by the incident today and being alone would only bring her nightmares.

Jian Yi went to the worksite and found it empty. There was not a single person, least of all the one that he wanted to meet. The scene reminded him of the police cars and Range Rover that pa.s.sed him just now.

On the road back, he dialed for Song Yu multiple times but no one answered. He was worried about her.

He reached home and took out his house keys, but realized that the door was not locked. Someone was already home and he could guess who. He opened the door and a figure bounded toward him. The light scent of perfume permeated the air.

“Jian Yi, you"re back!” Qi Chengyue was dressed in a comfortable long skirt instead of her usual formal attire. Her dimpled smile graced her lovely face.

She retrieved a pair of house slippers from the shoe rack. As she bent down to place the slippers in front of Jian Yi, her long hair fell forward from her back.

Jian Yi quietly looked on. Qi Chengyue bringing the slippers to him was very domestic and gentle. However, he found himself thinking about the idyllic scene with Song Yu in place of Qi Chengyue.

Unconsciously, the figures of Qi Chengyue and Song Yu blurred together.

“Jian Yi, what are you thinking?” He stood at the door in a daze, which prompted Qi Chengyue to wave her hand in front of him.

Jian Yi woke from his daydream and gave a tight-lipped smile, “Nothing much. Just not used to seeing you like this.”

He changed into the house slippers and was dragged to the couch by Qi Chengyue. Seated on the couch, Qi Chengyue grabbed Jian Yi"s hands and started softly ma.s.saging his fingers in her lap.

“Jian Yi, I"ve thought about what you said earlier today.” Qi Chengyue raised her head and looked at him sincerely. “It was my fault. I didn"t trust you. I will do my best to change, so please don"t be mad at me. Please?”

She smiled timidly—the dimples appearing on her face made her look especially attractive. “I know I"m stubborn sometimes and have a bad temper. But Jian Yi, I love and care about you. For you, I"m willing to change all the bad parts about me. I never want to break up with you.”

Jian Yi stroked her face with one hand while the other rested in Qi Chengyue"s grip. Her skin was delicate and supple, and her sweet appearance belied her actual age. Nevertheless, she was not Song Yu and would never elicit the strong emotions in Jian Yi"s heart.

“As long as you trust me,” Jian Yi said indifferently.

Qi Chengyue only paid attention to the words spoken but not the tone it was spoken with. With happiness bubbling in her, she took the initiative and kissed him.

At night, Cheng Dongge came to return the bag that had been s.n.a.t.c.hed in the earlier commotion. Her phone was a lost cause, so he only returned the sim card along with a brand new phone. The phone model was the latest in the market, not even available in China yet. The rich people in China had to go through Hong Kong to get their hands on this model, causing the price to skyrocket tens of thousands of yuan above its original price. To think that Qi Chengzhi allowed Cheng Dongge to buy it for her, he must have spent a lot of money.

Due to the wounds on her hands, Song Yu took a quick bath and avoided scrubbing her skin.

Qi Chengzhi was outside the bedroom balcony talking on the phone when she came out of the bathroom. She overheard the salutation used and surmised that it was Lawyer Song on the call.

Song Yu"s presence did not make Qi Chengzhi lower his voice, the words echoed loudly from the balcony.

“We will sue those people, but don"t let it turn into a media circus. That will impact Qilin and Chengs.h.i.+"s business.”


“Yes, consider it as a breach of contract. I plan to get a new construction team. Don"t let their manager run away.”


“Yes. That"s all.”

He hung up the phone and came in to see Song Yu lying in bed, looking awfully docile.

“Is it about the construction team?” Song Yu heard him utter a sound of admission.

Her eyes followed him as he walked to the side of the bed. Nimble fingers unbuckled the leather belt and the suit pants hung dangerously low on his waist. The fingers went on to slowly unb.u.t.toning the s.h.i.+rt he was wearing, revealing parts of his chest and abs. Each action served to taunt her.

Song Yu subconsciously gulped as her attention was fully focused on the fingers path. Wherever the long and slender fingers landed, her eyesight was sure to follow.

After removing his s.h.i.+rt and suit pants, Qi Chengzhi was left with only a pair of slim-fitting, black underpants clinging to his lean and muscular frame. The popular belief was that men favored long legs on a woman, but now, Song Yu felt that the opposite was also true as she stared at Qi Chengzhi.

Qi Chengzhi got into bed and as if they had done this a million times, pulled her into his arms and kissed her on the forehead. His husky voice spoke, “Goodnight.”

Song Yu"s hand lightly brushed across his firm chest. She thought back to his rescue from the room she was held hostage and felt grat.i.tude. Under her palm was the strong and steady beat of his heart—with him, she was safe.

Every woman has dreamt of a knight-in-s.h.i.+ning-armor, a man that was the ultimate goal for her.

At that moment, Qi Chengzhi resembled that ultimate goal for Song Yu. He may not have crossed any iridescent clouds but he was already the greatest hero on earth to her.

If she could stay in his embrace forever like this, all would be well.

As this thought formed in her head, Song Yu was shocked at her internal confession. She almost broke into a cold sweat and her body went rigid.

After a second, her body immediately relaxed.

Song Yu breathed in the air of calmness that always surrounded Qi Chengzhi. She snuggled against his chest in an act of complete dependence and affection.

Qi Chengzhi wrapped his arms around her waist and squeezed. “What are you worrying about? Be honest.”

‘Why is he being dense again?" Song Yu mused. She lifted her head and placed a kiss on his jaw. Worried that his five o"clock shadow would irritate Song Yu, he shaved again at night. The scent of the aftershave still lingered on his face. While the scent was not particularly appealing, on Qi Chengzhi"s skin it was alluring and unique.

As he lowered his head, Song Yu"s wide, innocent eyes were looking at him with a glint of antic.i.p.ation.

The suggestiveness in her eyes coupled with her boldness crumbled Qi Chengzhi"s defenses. The flame in his belly rose up to his throat and his voice deepened, “Teasing me?”

Song Yu"s face slowly burned up—the redness was visible to Qi Chengzhi—but she stayed mum.

“You"re becoming naughtier, aren"t you?” he whispered at the corner of her lips and smiled faintly. His Adam"s apple bobbed as his lips warned, “You"re stoking the fire, so don"t regret it later, I won"t listen. I won"t let you sleep until I"m satisfied.”

“…” Song Yu might have gotten herself way in over her head this time.

When Song Yu woke up the next day, her whole body was sore. It felt like her body had been disa.s.sembled and rea.s.sembled, but some parts did not fit as it used to.

Her accusatory glance was countered with an amused look. Qi Chengzhi chuckled as he knotted his tie, “What are you glaring at? You"re the one who lit the flame.”

“…”‘How did she end up with this shameless man?"

Song Yu mumbled in exasperation and changed into her clothes.

She was supposed to take a day off today as Qi Chengzhi did not want her to work. He believed that she should rest after yesterday"s incident.

Song Yu disagreed with him. Yesterday"s incident was indeed terrifying if she were left alone in the aftermath, but after spending the night with Qi Chengzhi she felt much better.

Qi Chengzhi insisted to drop her off in front of the office. Arguing with him was pointless as he had made up his mind. If her opinions had any weight, she would not need to repeat herself.

He was determined to fetch her right up to the office door and no protest by her was going to change his mind.

The office door was just by the side of the road. Jian Yi watched as Song Yu came out of Qi Chengzhi"s Range Rover. Jian Yi gripped the steering wheel so tightly his fingers turned white and the bones looked as if they were going to break the skin.

A hot flash of anger overtook him and his bloodshot eyes bulged. He quickly drove up to the building as Song Yu entered the office.

Song Yu placed her things down at her desk. She took out the essentials from her bag and noticed that she had two messages on her new phone.

The message read, “What happened yesterday? Are you alright?”

The following message was by the same sender, “Did Qi Chengzhi take you back yesterday? Were you with him the whole night?”

Although there was no name to the string of numbers, Song Yu knew who sent the message.

She did not deign to reply and deleted the message.

Jian Yi waited in his car outside the office but received no reply from Song Yu. His mind kept replaying the scene of Song Yu getting down from the Range Rover. The thought of Song Yu having an intimate relations.h.i.+p with Qi Chengzhi colored his eyes red with fury. The leather on the steering wheel squeaked under the pressure of his grip.

Moments after Qi Chengzhi walked into his office, Qi Chengyue burst through the door.

“Brother, what"s the meaning of this? Why did you force me to take an extended leave?” Qi Chengyue rushed to his desk and interrogated him.

Qi Chengzhi was just about to give Song Yu a call. He put away his phone and looked coldly at his cousin.

The cold stare stopped her in her tracks as her heart tried to resume its normal rhythm.

Back when he still wore, his glare could burn a hole in a person"s heart. Now without the attenuation provided by the, the lethality of his glare increased multifold. She grew nervous under his stare and numbness crept over her scalp.

Qi Chengzhi had no scruples about smoking in front of Qi Chengyue. He lit a cigarette and took a long drag, seemingly at ease with the whole situation. He then said apathetically, “You don"t know my reason or did you think I would not see through your ploy? If it is the former, then you"re the dumb one. If it"s the latter, then you"re calling me dumb.”

Qi Chengzhi inclined his head toward her, as if challenging her to pick who was the dumb one.

His bony and pale fingers tapped the cigarette on the ashtray. “I don"t care about you and Jian Yi"s relations.h.i.+p, that"s your problem. However, if you bring your relations.h.i.+p into the office and let it affect your work, then I may have overestimated your capabilities when I made you the finance department manager.”

“The hotel construction project payments and materials were agreed upon after doing some market research with the construction team. Without notifying the Chengs.h.i.+ team or me, you made your own decision to withhold the payment. When did I give you such a right? Your actions have now led to a delay in the construction project, costing the company a lot of money. The reason why you"re still the finance manager is that you"re my cousin.”

“Letting your personal relations.h.i.+p interfere with work and taking the company"s interest as a joke. If it were anybody else I would have fired them. Now, I"m letting you choose. Either take an extended leave until this project is complete or resign from your position.”

The hotel construction project would take at least a few years to complete, did he expect her to not do anything for so long?

By that time, her position would most likely be filled by someone else.

“If you"re not satisfied, you can get uncle to come and talk to me. I have no qualms about that.” Qi Chengzhi sucked in another breath of nicotine-laced smoke.

Qi Chengyue"s face went through a series of expressions. She knew that this was her own wrongdoing. Although the family pampered her, she would not gain any favors on this issue.

In the end, she could only accept her punishment.

At night, Qi Chengzhi had a business affair outside of the office and brought along Cheng Dongge and Jian Yi. When Qi Chengyue heard about this, she was elated. She felt that this was Qi Chengzhi giving Jian Yi an opportunity to s.h.i.+ne.

After work, as Qi Chengzhi and the others were getting into the car, Qi Chengyue called out, “Brother!” Her hair was messed up as she jogged over to them.

She soothed the unkempt strands and said breathily, “Brother, are you guys going to Dynasty? I have a school gathering there tonight, can I get a ride?”

This current Qi Chengyue had a pleasant demeanor and a smiling face—a stark difference from the daytime Qi Chengyue who was ill-tempered.

Other than Grandfather and Grandmother Qi, the family was basically led by Qi Chengzhi. Qi Chengyue was not dumb enough to shed all pretense of cordiality with her cousin. She had upset him in the morning and when she had calmed down, she felt guilty and wanted to show her goodwill.

After a glance, Qi Chengzhi nodded indifferently and got into the car.

Cheng Dongge sat in the pa.s.senger seat, leaving the three of them to squeeze in the backseat. Luckily the Range Rover had a wide backseat, though the two men that were sitting next to each other looked constipated.

Jian Yi was uncomfortable with sitting so close to Qi Chengzhi. Every time he looked at Qi Chengzhi, the image of this morning came into full view.

At this point, Qi Chengzhi took out his phone and dialed a number. He did it quickly so Jian Yi could not see who was the person on the other end.

“Done with work?” Qi Chengzhi"s tone was gentle as he spoke into the phone. The abrupt change shocked even Qi Chengyue, whom he had just interacted with the utmost indifference. Could this be the girlfriend from his stories?

“Yes.” Song Yu was just preparing to leave the office when Qi Chengzhi called. She decided to stay in the building to take the call. She noticed the gentle tone he was using and thought it odd. His usual tone when he called had the distinctive coolness and bluntness.

Song Yu blushed and looked around to see if anyone was paying attention. Then she lowered her head and continued the call.

“I have a business dinner today, so I won"t be able to take you home. You get home safe,” Qi Chengzhi said in an overtly affectionate tone that made Qi Chengyue cringe.

As Qi Chengzhi talked on the phone, he spied Jian Yi"s tightening fist on his knees, to the point where the veins were popping out on the back of his hands.

Qi Chengzhi let out a laugh and said, “Wait at home for me.”

He then ended the call.

Song Yu stared speechlessly at her phone, her attempt to object his statement cut short.

The home he mentioned clearly meant the mansion he owned in Zhijing Park, she was not that dense.

She figured she should go to Zhijing Park first so as to not displease him. They would need to discuss the living arrangements as she planned to stay in her own apartment, at least until the lease was up.

She wanted to take it one orderly step at a time. When the apartment lease was up, she figured they would be at that stage of the relations.h.i.+p where cohabitation was the next ideal step. Now, it was just a bit too much too soon.

While on her way back, she texted him a message after some deliberation, “Don"t drink too much.”

Qi Chengzhi read the incoming message openly, allowing Jian Yi to catch a glimpse of the sender and the content. His fingers clenched even tighter. Qi Chengzhi replied casually, “Alright.”

“Brother, was that your girlfriend?” Qi Chengyue asked curiously, b.u.t.ting past Jian Yi to look at Qi Chengzhi.

“Yes.” Qi Chengzhi smirked.

Qi Chengyue had never seen Qi Chengzhi in such a pleasant mood before. This made her extremely curious about this girlfriend of his. “Didn"t you say you were going to bring her home? When are you bringing her back?”

“When she"s ready, I"ll bring her home. I don"t want to pressure her.” Qi Chengzhi pocketed his phone and pretended to not notice Jian Yi"s response.

“I can"t believe that even you could dote on someone.” Qi Chengyue let slip her tongue and blabbered.

“When you meet someone you love, you will instinctively dote on them. You"ve never seen me like this, it"s because there was never someone special.” Qi Chengzhi shot a profound look at Jian Yi and continued, “How much a man loves you, can be measured by how much he dotes on you.”

Qi Chengyue blushed and looked at Jian Yi with adoration. She slipped her hand under his palm and interlocked their fingers.

Qi Chengyue parted ways with them when they reached Dynasty. She headed toward the room reserved for the Jixia High School reunion. As she walked in, she heard a feminine voice called out, “Chengyue, you"re finally here. We heard a scandalous rumor just now and we need you to confirm the news.”

“What rumor?” Qi Chengyue walked over and everyone s.h.i.+fted to let her sit.

Xia Kewei said, “Before you came, Qianyi and Lijun said your cousin brother, Qi Chengzhi is dating Song Yu.”

Qi Chengyue"s face instantly turned thunderous. She said coldly, “Where did you hear that nonsense from? That"s impossible.”

Her words made Li Qianyi and Wu Lijun unhappy.

“We saw them with our own eyes. Also, who dares to simply spread false rumors about Qi Chengzhi?” Li Qianyi retaliated in a challenging tone. She sipped her tea and pursed her lips. “We saw them kiss in the Red Roof Club.”

“If you don"t believe us, you can ask Gao Jingqiu or Li Zhuoan. They were also at the scene. Don"t tell me you all don"t even believe Li Zhuoan"s words.” After hearing Li Qianyi"s defense, everyone believed the rumor. Although Qi Chengyue acted like she was reluctant to accept Li Qianyi"s account, a part of her could see how the pieces of the puzzle fell into place.

Li Zhuoan was not a person to spread lies and false truths. He had strong moral principles and therefore, having him as a witness was proof enough.

“Speaking of this, we"re blaming you for our revoked access to the club, Guan Xiaolin! Last time, we asked you if Song Yu was dating Qi Chengzhi, you swore that they weren"t. So we weren"t all that friendly toward Song Yu that day at the Red Roof Club, and Qi Chengzhi found out. Are you purposely trying to sabotage us?” Li Qianyi brought up the distasteful incident.

Guan Xiaolin gave Li Qianyi a frigid glare. She was about to drink her tea when Li Qianyi turned on the offensive. She set her cup down.

“How long ago was that when you asked me about them? At that point, Song Yu firmly stated that she had no relations.h.i.+p with Qi Chengzhi. How would I know if they ended up together or not? They were definitely not in a relations.h.i.+p when the two of you asked me.” Guan Xiaolin continued in an annoyed tone. “Also, if it weren"t for your habit of kicking people when they"re down, how would Qi Chengzhi even notice you? If you guys wanted to bully people, at least do it smartly and don"t get caught. Getting kicked out of the Red Roof Club is your own doing, so don"t come and blame me for it.”

“So, Song Yu really is dating my cousin brother?” Qi Chengyue turned to face Guan Xiaolin.

“That"s what Li Qianyi saw, not me. I can"t confirm anything. But I can say one thing.” Guan Xiaolin paused and took a deep breath. “You probably know of the architectural design compet.i.tion between Guanyu and Chengs.h.i.+ for the hotel construction project by Qilin. But what you definitely don"t know is that the design Song Yu submitted was exactly the same as what our firm"s architect drew. However, Qi Chengzhi accused our firm of stealing Song Yu"s design without hesitation and gave Chengs.h.i.+ the construction project.”

Guan Xiaolin laughed mockingly and said, “If there was really nothing between them, that wouldn"t have happened.”

Qi Chengyue"s expression was darkening with each pa.s.sing second. She thought of the time Qi Chengzhi announced his girlfriend to the family, the time Song Yu was on the phone, the phone call just now in the car. If it was truly Song Yu…

“If he"s really dating Song Yu, I foresee some upcoming drama,” Wu Lijun said enigmatically. “Song Yu was originally engaged to Qi Chengji. After a failed engagement, she latches on to the elder brother. This is going to be such a scandal in the Qi family!”