Two Penniless Princesses

Chapter 2

"Only a boy to lead my horse to gra.s.s," replied George, giving a peculiar whistle, which brought to his side a shock-headed, barefooted lad, in a shepherd"s tartan and little else, but with limbs as active as a wild deer, and an eye twinkling and alert.

"He shall be put in better trim ere the English pock-puddings see him," said Douglas, looking at him, perhaps for the first time, as something unsuited to that orderly company.

"That is thine own affair," said Sir Patrick. "Mine is that he should comport himself as becomes one of my troop. What"s his name?"

"Ringan Raefoot," replied Geordie Sir Patrick began to put the oath of obedience to him, but the boy cried out- "I"ll ne"er swear to any save my lawful lord, the Yerl of Angus, and my lord the Master."

"Hist, Ringan," interposed Geordie. "Sir, I will answer for his faith to me, and so long as he is leal to me he will be the same to thee; but I doubt whether it be expedient to compel him."

So did Sir Patrick, and he said- "Then be it so, I trust to his faith to thee. Only remembering that if he plunder or brawl, I may have to leave him hanging on the next bush."

"And if he doth, the Red Douglas will ken the reason why," quoth Ringan, with head aloft.

It was thought well to turn a deaf ear to this observation. Indeed, Geordie"s effort was to elude observation, and to keep his uncouth follower from attracting it. Ringan was not singular in running along with bare feet. Other "bonnie boys," as the ballad has it, trotted along by the side of the horses to which they were attached in the like fashion, though they had hose and shoon slung over their shoulders, to be donned on entering the good town of Berwick-upon-Tweed.

Not without sounding of bugle and sending out a pursuivant to examine into the intentions and authorisation of the party, were they admitted, Jean and Eleanor riding first, with the pursuivant proclaiming-"Place, place for the high and mighty princesses of Scotland."

It was an inconvenient ceremony for poor Sir Patrick, who had to hand over to the pursuivant, in the name of the princesses, a ring from his own finger. Largesse he could not attempt, but the proud spirit of himself and his train could not but be chafed at the expectant faces of the crowd, and the intuitive certainty that "Beggarly Scotch" was in every disappointed mind.

And this was but a foretaste of what the two royal maidens" presence would probably entail throughout the journey. His wife added to this care uneasiness as to the deportment of her three maidens. Of Annis she had not much fear, but she suspected Jean and Eleanor of being as wild and untamed as hares, and she much doubted whether any counsels might not offend their dignity, and drive them into some strange behaviour that the good people of Berwick would never forget.

They rode in, however, very upright and stately, with an air of taking possession of the place on their brother"s behalf; and Jean bowed with a certain haughty grace to the deputy-warden who came out to receive them, Eleanor keeping her eye upon Jean and imitating her in everything. For Eleanor, though sometimes the most eager, and most apt to commit herself by hasty words and speeches, seemed now to be daunted by the strangeness of all around, and to commit herself to the leading of her sister, though so little her junior.

She was very silent all through the supper spread for them in the hall of the castle, while Jean exchanged conversation with their host upon Iceland hawks and wolf and deer hounds, as if she had been a young lady keeping a splendid court all her life, instead of a poverty-stricken prisoner in castle after castle.

"Jeanie," whispered Eleanor, as they lay down on their bed together, "didst mark the tall laddie that was about to seat himself at the high table and frowned when the steward motioned him down?"

"What"s that to me? An ill-nurtured carle," said Jean; "I marvel Sir Patie brooks him in his meinie!"

Eleanor was a little in awe of Jeanie in this mood, and said no more, but Annis, who slept on a pallet at their feet, heard all, and guessed more as to the strange young squire.

Fain would she and Eleanor have discussed the situation, but Jean"s blue eyes glanced heedfully and defiantly at them, and, moreover, the young gentleman in question, after that one error, effaced himself, and was forgotten for the time in the novelty of the scenes around.

The sub-warden of Berwick, mindful of his charge to obviate all occasions of strife, insisted on sending a knight and half-a-dozen men to escort the Scottish travellers as far as Durham. David Drummond and the young ladies murmured to one another their disgust that the English pock-pudding should not suppose Scots able to keep their heads with their own hands; but, as Jean sagely observed, "No doubt he would not wish them to have occasion to hurt any of the English, nor Jamie to have to call them to account."

This same old knight consorted with Sir Patrick, Dame Lilias, and Father Romuald, and kept a sharp eye on the little party, allowing no straggling on any pretence, and as Sir Patrick enforced the command, all were obliged to obey, in spite of chafing; and the scowls of the English Borderers, with the scant courtesy vouchsafed by these st.u.r.dy spirits, proved the wisdom of the precaution.

At Durham they were hospitably entertained in the absence of the Bishop. The splendour of the cathedral and its adjuncts much impressed Lady Drummond, as it had done a score of years previously; but, though Malcolm ventured to share her admiration, Jean was far above allowing that she could be astonished at anything in England. In fact, she regarded the stately towers of St. Cuthbert as so much stolen family property which "Jamie" would one day regain; and all the other young people followed suit. David even made all the observations his own sense of honour and the eyes of his hosts would permit, with a view to a future surprise. The escort of Sir Patrick was asked to York by a Canon who had to journey thither, and was anxious for protection from the outlaws-who had begun to renew the doings of Robin Hood under the laxer rule of the young Henry VI, though things were expected to be better since the young Duke of York had returned from France.

Perhaps this arrangement was again a precaution for the preservation of peace, and at York there was a splendid entertainment by Cardinal Kemp; but all the "subtleties" and wonders-stags" heads in their horns, peac.o.c.ks in their pride, jellies with whole romances depicted in them, could not reconcile the young Scots to the presumption of the Archbishop reckoning Scotland into his province. Durham was at once too monastic and too military to have afforded much opportunity for recruiting the princesses" wardrobe; but York was the resort of the merchants of Flanders, and Christie was sent in quest of them and their wares, for truly the black serge kirtles and shepherd"s tartan screens that had made the journey from Dunbar were in no condition to do honour to royal damsels.

Jean was in raptures with the graceful veils depending from the horned headgear, worn, she was told, by the d.u.c.h.ess of Burgundy; but Eleanor wept at the idea of obscuring the snood of a Scottish maiden, and would not hear of resigning it.

"I feel as Elleen no more," she said, "but a mere Flanders popinjay. It has changed my ain self upon me, as well as the country."

"Thou shouldst have been born in a hovel!" returned Jean, raising her proud little head. "I feel more than ever what I am-a true princess!"

And she looked it, with beauty enhanced by the rich attire which only made Eleanor embarra.s.sed and uncomfortable.

Malcolm, the more scrupulous of the Drummond brothers, begged of George Douglas, when at Durham, to write to his father and declare himself to Sir Patrick, but the youth would do neither. He did not think himself sufficiently out of reach, and, besides, the very sight of a pen was abhorrent to him. There was something pleasing to him in the liberty of a kind of volunteer attached to the expedition, and he would not give it up. Nor was he without some wild idea of winning Jean"s notice by some gallant exploit on her behalf before she knew him for the object of her prejudice, the Master of Angus. As to Sir Patrick, he was far too busy trying to compose Border quarrels, and gleaning information about the Gloucester and Beaufort parties at Court, to have any attention to spare for the young man riding in his suite with the barefooted lad ever at his stirrup.

Geordie never attempted to secure better accommodation than the other lances; he groomed his steed himself, with a little a.s.sistance from Ringan, and slept in the straw of its bed, with the lad curled up at his feet; the only difference observable between him and the rest being that he always groomed himself every night and morning as carefully as the horse, a ceremony they thought entirely needless.


"Ours is the sky Where at what fowl we please our hawk shall fly."

-T. Randolph.

Beyond York that species of convoy, which ranged between protection and supervision, entirely ceased; the Scottish party moved on their own wa oftener through heath, rock, and moor, for England was not yet thickly inhabited, though there was no lack of hostels or of convents to receive them on this the great road to the North, and to its many shrines for pilgrimage.

Perhaps Sir Patrick relaxed a little of his vigilance, since the good behaviour of his troop had won his confidence, and they were less likely to be regarded as invaders than by the inhabitants of the district nearer their own frontier.

Hawking and coursing within bounds had been permitted by both the Knight of Berwick and the Canon of Durham on the wide northern moors; but Sir Patrick, on starting in the morning of the day when they were entering Northamptonshire, had given a caution that sport was not free in the more frequented parts of England, and that hound must not be loosed nor hawk flown without special permission from the lord of the manor.

He was, however, riding in the rear of the rest, up a narrow lane leading uphill, anxiously discussing with Father Romuald the expediency of seeking hospitality from any of the great lords whose castles might be within reach before he had full information of the present state of factions at the Court, when suddenly his son Malcolm came riding back, pushing up hastily.

"Sir! father!" he cried, "there"s wud wark ahead, there"s a flight of unco big birds on before, and Lady Jean"s hawk is awa" after them, and Jeanie"s awa" after the hawk, and Geordie Red Peel is awa" after Jean, and Davie"s awa" after Geordie; and there"s the blast of an English bugle, and my mither sent me for you to redd the fray!"

"Time, indeed!" said Sir Patrick with a sigh, and, setting spurs to his horse, he soon was beyond the end of the lane, on an open heath, where some of his troop were drawn up round his banner, almost forcibly kept back by Dame Lilias and the elder Andrew. He could not stop for explanation from them, indeed his wife only waved him forward towards a confused group some hundred yards farther off, where he could see a number of his own men, and, too plainly, long bows and coats of Lincoln green, and he only hoped, as he galloped onward, that they belonged to outlaws and not to rangers. Too soon he saw that his hope was vain; there were ten or twelve stout archers with the white rosette of York in their bonnets, the falcon and fetterlock on their sleeves, and the Plantagenet quarterings on their b.r.e.a.s.t.s. In the midst was a dead bustard, also an Englishman sitting up, with his head bleeding; Jean was on foot, with her dagger-knife in one hand, and holding fast to her breast her beloved hawk, whose jesses were, however, grasped by one of the foresters. Geordie of the Red Peel stood with his sword at his feet, glaring angrily round, while Sir Patrick, pausing, could hear his son David"s voice in loud tones- "I tell you this lady is a royal princess! Yes, she is"-as there was a kind of scoff-"and we are bound on a mission to your King from the King of Scots, and woe to him that touches a feather of ours."

"That may be," said the one who seemed chief among the English, "but that gives no licence to fly at the Duke"s game, nor slay his foresters for doing their duty. If we let the lady go, hawk and man must have their necks wrung, after forest laws."

"And I tell thee," cried Davie, "that this is a n.o.ble gentleman of Scotland, and that we will fight for him to the death."

"Let it alone, Davie," said George. "No scathe shall come to the lady through me."

"Save him, Davie! save Skywing!" screamed Jean.

"To the rescue-a Drummond," shouted David; but his father pushed his horse forward, just as the men in green, were in the act of stringing, all at the same moment, their bows, as tall as themselves. They were not so many but that his escort might have overpowered them, but only with heavy loss, and the fact of such a fight would have been most disastrous.

"What means this, sirs?" he exclaimed, in a tone of authority, waving back his own men; and his dignified air, as well as the banner with which Andrew followed him, evidently took effect on the foresters, who perhaps had not believed the young men.

"Sir Patie, my hawk!" entreated Jean. "She did but pounce on yon unco ugsome bird, and these bloodthirsty grasping loons would have wrung her neck."

"She took her knife to me," growled the wounded man, who had risen to his feet, and showed bleeding fingers.

"Ay, for meddling with a royal falcon," broke in Jean. "Tis thou, false loon, whose craig should be raxed."

Happily this was an unknown tongue to the foresters, and Sir Patrick gravely silenced her.

"Whist, lady, brawls consort not with your rank. Gang back doucely to my leddy."

"But Skywing! he has her jesses," said the girl, but in a lower tone, as though rebuked.

"Sir ranger," said Sir Patrick courteously, "I trust you will let the young demoiselle have her hawk. It was loosed in ignorance and heedlessness, no doubt, but I trow it is the rule in England, as elsewhere, that ladies of the blood royal are not bound by forest laws."

"Sir, if we had known," said the ranger, who was evidently of gentle blood, as he took his foot off the jesses, and Jean now allowed David to remount her.

"But my Lord Duke is very heedful of his bustards, and when Roger there went to seize the bird, my young lady was over-ready with her knife."

"Who would not be for thee, my bird?" murmured Jean.

"And yonder big fellow came plunging down and up with his sword-so as he was nigh on being the death of poor Roger again for doing his duty. If such be the ways of you Scots, sir, they be not English ways under my Lord Duke, that is to say, and if I let the lady and her hawk go, forest law must have its due on the young man there-I must have him up to Fotheringay to abide the Duke"s pleasure."

"Heed me not, Sir Patrick!" exclaimed Geordie. "I would not have those of your meinie brought into jeopardy for my cause."

David was plucking his father"s mantle to suggest who George was, which in fact Sir Patrick might suspect enough to be conscious of the full awkwardness of the position, and to abandon the youth was impossible. Though it was not likely that the Duke of York would hang him if aware of his rank, he might be detained as a hostage or put to heavy ransom, or he might never be brought to the Duke"s presence at all, but be put to death by some truculent underling, incredulous of a Scotsman"s tale, if indeed he were not too proud to tell it. Anyway, Sir Patrick felt bound to stand by him.

"Good sir," said he to the forester, "will it content thee if we all go with thee to thy Duke? The two Scottish princesses are of his kin, and near of blood to King Henry, whom they are about to visit at Windsor. I am on a mission thither on affairs of state, but I shall be willing to make my excuses to him for any misdemeanour committed on his lands by my followers."

The forester was consenting, when George cried- "I"ll have no hindrance to your journey on my account, Sir Patrick. Let me answer for myself."

"Foolish laddie," said the knight. "Father Romuald and I were only now conferring as to paying the Duke a visit on our way. Sir forester, we shall be beholden to you for guiding us."

He further inquired into the ranger"s hurts, and salved them with a piece of gold, while David thought proper to observe to George- "So much for thy devoir to thy princess! It was for Skywing"s craig she cared, never thine."

George turned a deaf ear to the insinuation. He was allowed free hands and his own horse, which was perhaps well for the Englishmen, for Ringan Raefoot, running by his stirrup, showed him a long knife, and said with a grin- "Ready for the first who daurs to lay hands on the Master! Gin I could have come up in time, the loon had never risen from the ground."

George endeavoured in vain to represent how much worse this would have made their condition.

Sir Patrick, joining the ladies, informed them of the necessity of turning aside to Fotheringay, which he had done not very willingly, being ignorant of the character of the Duke of York, except as one of the war party against France and Scotland, whereas the Beauforts were for peace. As a vigorous governor of Normandy, he had not commended him self to one whose sympathies were French. Lady Drummond, however, remembered that his wife, Cicely Nevil, the Rose of Raby, was younger sister to that Ralf Nevil who had married the friend of her youth, Alice Montagu, now Countess of Salisbury in her own right.

Sir Patrick did not let Jean escape a rebuke.

"So, lady, you see what perils to brave men you maids can cause by a little heedlessness."

"I never asked Geordie to put his finger in," returned Jean saucily. "I could have brought off Skywing for myself without such a clamjamfrie after me."

But Eleanor and Annis agreed that it was as good as a ballad, and ought to be sung in one, only Jean would have to figure as the "dour la.s.sie." For she continued to aver, by turns, that Geordie need never have meddled, and that of course it was his bounden duty to stand by his King"s sister, and that she owed him no thanks. If he were hanged for it he had run his craig into the noose.

So she tossed her proud head, and toyed with her falcon, as all rode on their way to Fotheringay, with Geordie in the midst of the rangers.

It was so many years since there had been serious war in England, that the castles of the interior were far less of fortresses than of magnificent abodes for the baronage, who had just then attained their fullest splendour. It may be observed that the Wars of the Roses were for the most part fought out in battles, not by sieges. Thus Fotheringay had spread out into a huge pile, which crowned the hill above, with a strong inner court and lofty donjon tower indeed, and with mighty walls, but with buildings for retainers all round, reaching down to the beautiful newly-built octagon-towered church; and with a great park stretching for miles, for all kinds of sport.

"All this enclosed! Yet they make sic a wark about their bustards, as they ca" them," muttered Jean.

The forester had sent a messenger forward to inform the Duke of York of his capture. The consequence was that the cavalcade had no sooner crossed the first drawbridge under the great gateway of the castle, where the banner of Plantagenet was displayed, than before it were seen a goodly company, in the glittering and gorgeous robes of the fifteenth century.

There was no doubt of welcome. Foremost was a graceful, slenderly-made gentleman about thirty years old, in rich azure and gold, who doffed his cap of maintenance, turned up with fur, and with long ends, and, bowing low, declared himself delighted that the princesses of Scotland, his good cousins, should honour his poor dwelling.

He gave his hand to a.s.sist Jean to alight, and an equally gorgeous but much younger gentleman in the same manner waited on Eleanor. A tall, grizzled, sunburnt figure received Lady Drummond with recognition on both sides, and the words, "My wife is fain to see you, my honoured lady: is this your daughter?" with a sign to a tall youth, who took Annis from her horse. Dame Lilias heard with joy that the Countess of Salisbury was actually in the castle, and in a few moments more she was in the great hall, in the arms of the sweet Countess Alice of her youth, who, middle-aged as she was, with all her youthful impulsiveness had not waited for the grand and formal greeting bestowed on the princesses by her stately young sister-in-law, the d.u.c.h.ess of York.

There seemed to be a perfect crowd of richly-dressed n.o.bles, ladies, children; and though the Lady Joanna held her head up in full state, and kept her eye on her sister to make her do the same, their bewilderment was great; and when they had been conducted to a splendid chamber, within that allotted to the Drummond ladies, tapestry-hung, and with silver toilette apparatus, to prepare for supper, Jean dropped upon a high-backed chair, and insisted that Dame Lilias should explain to her exactly who each one was.

"That slight, dark-eyed carle who took me off my horse was the Duke of York, of course," said she. "My certie, a bonnie Scot would make short work of him, bones and all! And it would scarce be worth while to give a clout to the sickly lad that took Elleen down."

"Hush, Jean," said Eleanor; "some one called him King! Was he King Harry himself?"

"Oh no," said Dame Lilias, smiling; "only King Harry of the Isle of Wight-a bit place about the bigness of Arran; but it pleased the English King to crown him and give him a ring, and bestow on him the realm in a kind of sport. He is, in sooth, Harry Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, and was bred up as the King"s chief comrade and playfellow."

"And what brings him here?"

"So far as I can yet understand, the family and kin have gathered for the marriage of his sister, the Lady Anne-the red-cheeked maiden in the rose-coloured kirtle-to the young Sir Richard Nevil, the same who gave his hand to thee, Annis-the son of my Lord of Salisbury."

"That was the old knight who led thee in, mother," said Annis. "Did you say he was brother to the d.u.c.h.ess?"

"Even so. There were fifteen or twenty Nevils of Raby-he was one of the eldest, she one of the youngest. Their mother was a Beaufort, aunt to yours."

"Oh, I shall never unravel them!" exclaimed Eleanor, spreading out her hands in bewilderment.

Lady Drummond laughed, having come to the time of life when ladies enjoy genealogies.

"It will be enough," she said, "to remember that almost all are, like yourselves, grandchildren or great-grandchildren to King Edward of Windsor."

Jean, however, wanted to know which were nearest to herself, and which were n.o.blest. The first question Lady Drummond said she could hardly answer; perhaps the Earl of Salisbury and the d.u.c.h.ess, but the Duke was certainly n.o.blest by birth, having a double descent from King Edward, and in the male line.

"Was not his father put to death by this King"s father?" asked Eleanor.

"Ay, the Earl of Cambridge, for a foul plot. I have heard my Lord of Salisbury speak of it; but this young man was of tender years, and King Harry of Monmouth did not bear malice, but let him succeed to the dukedom when his uncle was killed in the Battle of Agincourt."

"They have not spirit here to keep up a feud," said Jean.

"My good brother-ay, and your father, Jeanie-were wont to say they were too Christian to hand on a feud," observed Dame Lilias, at which Jean tossed her head, and said- "That may suit such a carpet-knight as yonder Duke. He is not so tall as Elleen there, nor as his own d.u.c.h.ess."

"I do not like the d.u.c.h.ess," said Annis; "she looks as if she scorned the very ground she walks on."

"She is wondrous bonnie, though," said Eleanor; "and so was the bairnie by her side."

In some degree Jean changed her opinion of the Duke, in consequence, perhaps, of the very marked attention that he showed her when the supper was spread. She had never been so made to feel what it was to be at once a king"s daughter and a beauty; and at the most magnificent banquet she had ever known.

Durham had afforded a great advance on Scottish festivities; but in the absence of its Prince Bishop, another Nevil, it had lacked much of what was to be found at Fotheringay in the full blossoming of the splendours of the princely n.o.bility of England, just ere the decimation that they were to perpetrate on one another.

The hall itself was vast, and newly finished in the rich culmination of Gothic work, with a fan tracery-vaulted roof, a triumph of architecture, each stalact.i.te glowing with a shield or a badge of England, France, Mortimer, and Nevil-lion or lily, falcon and fetterlock, white rose and dun cow, all and many others-likewise shining in the stained gla.s.s of the great windows.

The high table was loaded with gold and silver plate, and Venice even more precious; there were carpets under the feet of the n.o.bler guests, and even the second and third tables were spread with more richness and refinement than ever the sisters of James II had known in their native land. In a gallery above, the Duke"s musicians and the choristers of his chapel were ready to enliven the meal; and as the chief guest, the Lady Joanna of Scotland was handed to her place by the Duke of York, who, as she now perceived, though small in stature, was eminently handsome and graceful, and conversed with her, not as a mere child, but as a fair lady of full years.

Eleanor, who sat on his other hand beside the Earl of Salisbury, was rather provoked with her sister for never asking after the fate of her champion; but was rea.s.sured by seeing his red head towering among the numerous squires and other retainers of the second rank. It certainly was not his proper place, but it was plain that he was not in disgrace; and in fact the whole affair had been treated as a mere pardonable blunder of the rangers. The superior one was sitting next to the young Scot, making good cheer with him. Grand as the whole seemed to the travellers, it was not an exceptional banquet; indeed, the d.u.c.h.ess apologised for its simplicity, since she had been taken at unawares, evidently considering it as the ordinary family meal. There was ample provision, served up in by no means an unrefined manner, even to the mult.i.tudinous servants and retainers of the various trains; and beyond, on the steps and in the court, were a swarm of pilgrims, friars, poor, and beggars of all kinds, waiting for the fragments.