Ultimate Antihero

Chapter 7

Part 1

The prefectural border between Saitama and Tokyo life sphere.

Because the place had been turned into a city of abandoned rubbles, the trainee soldiers of the trainee platoon that were patrolling with the national defense army spread out their defensive line here.

From the gaps of the rubbles, from the cloudy sky, ―they intercepted the approaching atypical swarm.

The appearance of the 27th platoon that accompanied the duty of patrolling j.a.pan could also be found in that foremost line.

Anna who was taking a position atop the steel tower that had rusted, rotted, crept up by ivy from being abandoned for five years, with her use that was her style, a white bolt action-type rifle in her hand, she sniped the demons that flew in the sky of far beyond.

Her skill was exactly of one-shot, one-kill.

In addition her contracted heroic spirit was the Simo Hayha.

He was the hero of Finland with the highest recorded war results in history.

Against the harpies and gargoyles, Anna’s bullets accurately pierced the enemies’ vital spot and shot them down.

“Yosh, with this it’s the seventeenth one! Oh man, aren’t I in perfect form, this me!”

The finger that pressed the trigger was light.

Anna took a little guts pose for her own great condition.

“The number of the enemy also cannot be counted here, like this maybe I can reach the high score~?”

Thereupon―a display frame made from magic power element appeared in the end of the girl’s field of vision suddenly.

It was a mind communication. Inside the display frame was the face of Rozalind.

“Oy, what’s the matter Roze?”

“Anna. Sorry to disturb you when you are on fire, but I request your a.s.sist. The carapace of the earth spider is hard, the blade isn’t effective.”

“Okay okay~. Just leave it to big sister.”

Answering so, Anna called out the map for the whole battlefield in her field of vision.

And then at the marker that was indicated on the map, she confirmed the position of her teammate.

Moving her eyes to that direction, using her contracted heroic spirit’s Heroic Skill , she confirmed by sight the situation two kilometers ahead.

At the end of her sight was Rozalind and Koga Ayumi battling an armored spider with length around five meters.

That was the target she was asked to a.s.sist with, an earth spider.

Anna didn’t even use the scope, she accurately determined the aim in an instant, ―and fired a bullet that was filled with a certain sorcery.

The fired bullet rushed ahead tearing through the air.

It impacted the flank of the earth spider that currently was going to swing down its sharp blade attached front leg to Rozalind.

However, the carapace of the earth spider that was even harder than t.i.tanium alloy lightly bounced the bullet.

The armor of earth spider that boasted outstanding defensive power even among the demons would repel even a direct hit of a tank cannon.

Something like a rifle wouldn’t even scratch it.

But, that was already calculated.

The objective of this shot was not at the bullet, but to hit the sorcery that was attached onto the bullet into the earth spider.

The sorcery that Anna entered into the bullet was―earth element second grade sorcery・Acid Seal(Oxidation Charm).

Its effect could immediately be seen by the eyes.

The earth spider’s solid carapace was beginning to smolderingly dissolve accompanied with a smell that made the nose wrinkle.

If it became like this then even its prided armor would become meaningless.

“Clad in the wind, my sword―”

Without wasting time Rozalind increased the sharpness of her -style

“Fujin Reppa―!” (TN: Dust Destruction)

Borrowing the power of wind, she slashed and bisected the earth spider into two.

Originally was an opponent that even adult national defense magicians would have a hard fight against, but the level of this 27th trainee platoon was high to easily defeat it.

However―as expected they also had childishness because of their age.


Rozalind that finished the earth spider relaxed her attention completely for an instant.

In that instant, a small strange shape leaped at the girl out from the gaps of the rubble.

“Rozalind-chan! Behind you-!”


The small strange shape that leaped at her was― goblin.

The number was four goblin.

The goblins first had one of them struck at Rozalind’s

When she became unable to escape to the sky, one goblin clung at her right leg, and the remaining two at her dominant hand that was holding the katana, restraining Rosalind in place.


It was already too late when she said that.

Even among the demons, goblins were especially powerless small fry that couldn’t even use sorcery, but it had shrewdness like performing this kind of team play.

And then, if this was a team play―naturally there existed the finishing player.

The next instant, as if waiting for that restraint, a gargoyle flying at low alt.i.tude, slipping through the eyes of the was approaching near, flying out from the shadow of a building.

And then, it stabbed a trident spear at Rozalind.

The aim was Rozalind’s heart. ―But, that spear tip was repelled away as if hitting an unseen wall in the air.


“Le, leave it to me!”

Ayumi, who cut in between Rozalind and the gargoyle, with the -style

{Gya gya!}

The mechanical staff that was a weapon of the didn’t have the function of a weapon like the weapons of the or the .

But in place of that, elaborate magic mechanisms were built-in in the internal of the staff, heightening sorcery chanting speed and the power of the spell rapidly.

With only the power of a , it was impossible to pierce through this solid protection.

Therefore the gargoyle’s attack was repelled and its posture was broken in the air.

Ayumi didn’t miss that opening.

She immediately formed a chantless Photon Bullet and created three shots―


She shot toward the gargoyle that was hovering in the air.

But, a gargoyle was a demon whose selling point was its mobility in the air.


‘Just try it if you think you can chase me.’

As if saying that, the gargoyle fiercely moved in the air in order to shake off the approaching Photon Bullets.

That movement was irregular yet quick, it was extremely difficult to follow with the eyes.

However―Ayumi had already learned how to deal with that kind of problem.

(Homura, san……!)

She recalled. His words, his teaching.

There was no need to be led around by the enemy’s movements.

Her field of vision should not chase, but fix the enemy in it.

She should not match the movement of the enemy, it is her side that should control the enemy’s movement―!


Yelling with a voice filled with spirit, Ayumi let flew three shots of Photon Bullet with her trajectory instruction.

First was one shot, she raised its speed and directed it straightforwardly to the gargoyle.

Of course the gargoyle evaded that, but that was―a movement that Ayumi made it do with the first shot.

Ayumi had already directed the other two shots at the trajectory where the gargoyle was evading.

The gargoyle moved by itself into that firing line―


Its body burst and scattered apart from the direct hit of the Photon Bullet.

(I, I did it!)

At the same time, behind her―

“Hands off me immediately-!”

{Gya gyaa―――!}

Rozalind shook off the goblins that clung at her with all her might and cut them down, setting herself free from the restraints.

Rozalind immediately said her thanks towards Ayumi who had protected her.

“You saved me. I’ll return the favor for sure, Ayumi.”

{Koga-chi, nice a.s.sist-!}

Anna who was witnessing the sequence of Ayumi’s actions also sent her praise towards the girl using mind communication.

“E, ehehe…”

Hearing those words, Ayumi’s expression burst open in a smile.

Until now the 27th trainee platoon was Anna and Rozalind’s two-top.

These two possessed motivation and ability that surpa.s.sed the student standard by far, honestly there were a lot of times where Ayumi was just a burden to them.

They were together only because they were friends.

Ayumi was always feeling guilty for such situation.

For that reason, this battle result and her friends’ words made her unbearably happy.

(Thanks to, Homura-san…)

When she went back, she was going to talk about this to him.

And then she was going to thank him.

Ayumi decided that in her heart.

She decided… and she noticed how her heart leaped that she could converse with Homura.

{27th trainee platoon! You guys really did it huh! It’s rare for a trainee platoon to show this much result you know!}

Suddenly, a new communication came to Ayumi and co. who just repulsed a group of demons.

The face that was displayed in the display frame was a middle-aged Arabian that grew his beard.

He was the division commander of the j.a.pan National Defense Army’s seventh division that was currently performing the battle, Ha.s.sad.

{Hehehee―! Aren’t we aren’t we? It’s fine for you to rely more on us you know?}

{Haha-! Then after this help out at the defense here! They are being pushed back a little.}

The commander talked with fluent j.a.panese while making a part of the mission map display in Ayumi and co.’s view, shining red.

That place was the area that needed reinforcements.

Anna who was the captain of the 27th trainee platoon confirmed it and,

{Okey-dokey~, then we will quickly―}

When she was going to return an acceptance reply, it was at that time.

Suddenly, an emergency transmission with a sound that was like a scream cut in.

{Mission map point C-4, a huge magic power reaction right in front of the defense line-! Something is coming-!}