Uncle Sam's Boys with Pershing's Troops

Chapter 11

"Untie that bridle and buckle the ends together," d.i.c.k ordered.

This done, the captain mounted, taking the bridle in his left hand, retaining the automatic pistol in his right.

"March ahead, Mock. Don"t try to bolt unless you want me to shoot."

In this manner they proceeded back over the road. Mile after mile they covered, meeting no one until they had come in sight of the camp, nestling in the broad valley below.

At this point such an extensive view could be had that d.i.c.k felt sure there was no eavesdropper. So he dismounted, calling the soldier to him and asking in a whisper:

"Mock, you were simply a poor, shirking soldier, weren"t you?

You are, at heart, loyal to your country"s Flag, aren"t you?"

"I"d die for the Stars and Stripes, sir!" Mock declared, in a voice choked with emotion.

"But I felt tired, the other day, and I got a notion Captain Holmes was down on me. So I went bad and got busted. Then I hated Captain Holmes, sir, and ached for a chance to get square with him. Then that accursed carpenter fellow hunted me out, talked with me, and made me think he was my friend. If I had known he was a Kaiser-hound I"d have split his head open at the first crack out of the box."

"I didn"t doubt you as a loyal man, Mock," d.i.c.k continued, in a whisper. "I spoke to you the way I did back on the road because I was sure the fellow was near and listening. I didn"t care much about catching him to-night because I hope to catch him later on, and get him even more red-handed. Mock, you"re loyal, and I"m going to put your loyalty, if you consent, to a hard, bitter test."

d.i.c.k went on in an even lower tone, Mock listening in growing astonishment, without replying a word, though he nodded understandingly.

"So, now," Prescott wound up, "I"m going to continue into camp with you still a prisoner and be mighty hard on you. However, I won"t hold the pistol on you any longer."

Into camp d.i.c.k marched the soldier, then over toward the buildings of the Ninety-ninth, and thence along to the bull-pen.

"Sergeant of the guard!" Prescott called briskly, and that non-commissioned officer appeared.

"Take charge of Private Mock as a prisoner, charged with being absent from camp without leave or pa.s.s," d.i.c.k ordered. "I will report my action to Captain Holmes, who will dispose of his case."

From there d.i.c.k led the horse back to B company barracks, turned the animal over to an orderly and went into the company office, where, as he had expected, he found Greg immersed in a grind of paper work. For a few minutes d.i.c.k talked earnestly with his chum in low tones, Captain Holmes frequently nodding.

"And now, I think I had better go down to the adjutant"s office, to see if he"s still at his desk," d.i.c.k finished, "and, if so, make my report."

"You"ll stagger him," Greg predicted.

One of Greg"s orderlies had already ridden the major"s horse to the stable, so Prescott walked briskly along the street until he came to regimental headquarters. As he entered the adjutant"s office he found Colonel Cleaves seated on the corner of his subordinate"s desk, in low-toned conversation with his subordinate.

"Am I intruding, sir?" d.i.c.k inquired, saluting the colonel.

"No," said Colonel Cleaves. "In fact, Captain, you may as well know the subject-matter of our conversation. Captain Prescott, this camp would appear to be infested with German spies! This evening sixteen men in F company were taken ill after supper.

They are now in hospital and some of them are expected to die.

The surgeons have examined some of the food left over from that supper and report finding ground gla.s.s in some pieces of the apple pie served as dessert. Later the captain of our machine-gun company, which has only one machine gun so far, had the piece taken into the company mess-room to demonstrate the mechanism to his lieutenants so that they might instruct the men. He found the mechanism of the piece so badly jammed that the machine gun refused to work.

I have inspected that piece, and in my opinion the gun is ruined.

As if that were not enough sixteen rifles belonging to G company have been found with their bolts broken off. It is very plain that German spies and sympathizers are at work in Camp Berry, and the scoundrels must be found, Captain."

Colonel Cleaves spoke under the stress of great excitement, his eyes flashing, the corners of his mouth twitching.

d.i.c.k went to the door, then to the doors opening into the rooms on either side. Then he came back, saying in a low voice:

"Colonel, I met one of the German spies tonight. Perhaps the ring-leader. If I see him again I shall recognize him and arrest him instantly. Do you see what this is, sir?"

d.i.c.k held up the weapon that the carpenter had hurled at Private Mock.

"It is a 45-caliber, United States Government automatic pistol,"

said Colonel Cleaves.

"Exactly, sir; and the spy I have mentioned had it in his possession.

How he obtained it, I do not yet know, but I hope to find out. And now, sir, I will tell you what happened and what action I took."

Thereupon Captain d.i.c.k Prescott narrated the amazing adventure of the evening, winding up with:

"So, sir, I have placed Private Mock in arrest at the guard-house, and through his detention there I hope to gain the clues that shall lead us to the ferreting out and arrest of the whole crew of German spies at Camp Berry!"



New barracks buildings continued to spring up at Camp Berry. Drafts of men for a National Army division began to arrive, besides a brigade of infantry, a regiment of field artillery and a machine-gun battalion of regulars.

Brigadier-General Bates arrived to take command of the regulars, while Major-general Timmins a.s.sumed command of the National Army division and became commanding general of the camp as well.

New batches of recruits, constantly arriving for the regulars, soon gave the Ninety-ninth an average of a hundred and eighty men to the company, or forty-five men to each platoon. Drill went on as nearly incessantly during daylight as the men could endure.

"In my opinion it won"t be very long before the Ninety-ninth goes over and reports to General Pershing," d.i.c.k told his chum. "At the rate our ranks are being filled up we"ll soon have a full-strength regiment."

"But most of our men are still recruits," Holmes objected. The regiment really isn"t anywhere near fit for foreign service."

"It won"t be so many weeks before we"re ordered abroad," d.i.c.k insisted. "Wait and see whether I"m right."

Wonderful indeed was the speed with which buildings were erected.

The record time for constructing a two-story building with an office, supply room, mess-room and sleeping quarters for two hundred and fifty men was ninety minutes!

Fast, too, was the work done by the Regular Army regiments, which had this advantage over the National Army regiments, that most of their officers were trained regulars and a large proportion of them West Point graduates.

Of the sixteen men made ill by eating powdered gla.s.s not one died, for the gla.s.s had been ground too fine to do the utmost mischief.

However, the camp was alarmed, and all food was kept under close guard and was regularly examined with care before being served.

Soldiers bearing German names were in some instances suspected, and unjustly. Officers tried to undo this harm by talking among the men. Yet all wondered what would be the next outbreak of spy work in camp.

Private Mock, sentenced to two weeks" arrest for being off the reservation without leave, served his sentence moodily, usually refusing to talk with his fellow-prisoners.

One Private Wilhelm was also serving a term in arrest at the bull-pen.

His name was held against him Wilhelm as a brand-new man in the regiment, and one of the few with whom Mock would talk.

One morning the latter was overheard to say: