
Chapter 5

"I"m not sure about this," I told her when I came out. Her eyes widened and a smile was formed on her lips.

"You look amazing. So innocent and pure. I love it. This will sell." She stated and when I heard the word sell felt my stomach turn. I was disgusted. Grace noticed my sudden change of mood and tapped me on the shoulder lightly.

"I know how you feel, believe me when I came here I was just like you, a lost young girl who needed money. This is not the best job and I know that, but now you"re part of us and you should accept it."

But that was exactly the problem I"m not like her, I didn"t come here because I needed money I was forced to be part of this. I am just a toy in Correy"s hand and he can do whatever he wants with me.

"It"s not easy," I said.

"I know sweetie but..." She trailed off. She motioned for me to sit on the chair and I did without saying another word. Maybe she was right I had to accept it, I will never get out of here.

"I am thinking of doing something simply not too much. You already have flawless skin, I"ll just make your eyes pop a bit. I want you to look innocent with not too much makeup. Oh, and we will cover this scar here." She explained to me and I nodded before letting her continue her job. I remained quiet and waited for Grace to finish with my makeup and hair, which took about 2 hours. A lot.

"And we"re finished." She announced excitedly, the same moment that the door opened to reveal Andrew. His cold expression quickly turned to a shocked one when his eyes laid upon me, but soon after was replaced by his famous c.o.c.ky smirk. His fingers tapped on the wooden doorframe and he let out a whistle.

"You look s.e.xy as f.u.c.k, Tessi." He told me, making me cringe and roll my eyes at him.

"Oh, come on don"t be like that I just complimented you."

"f.u.c.k you, Andrew," I told him, standing up from the chair I was sitting on. He was p.i.s.sing me off. To my surprise. He didn"t look a bit angry, he actually looked amused.

"I know you would love to do that, but we don"t have time now. You see, Correy wants to see you." He said and took my hand in his without warning before starting walking at a fast pace upstairs, and towards Correy"s office.

"And remember to behave yourself, Tessi." He smiled evilly at me and then knocked on the door.

Correy"s voice was heard from inside telling me to go in and Andrew disappeared as I entered into the big room. I walked in slowly, keeping my head down and arms over my naked torso. Trying to hide as much as I could but I knew that I wasn"t succeeding, not at all. I felt ashamed and the only thing I wanted to do was curl into a ball and cry my eyes out. I didn"t want this. I hated this and most importantly I hated the cruel man who was standing in front of me now and resembled my father so much. It was really funny how they looked like, but they were the complete opposite at same time.

"You look lovely, Teresa. Look at you, such a beautiful young lady." He said, smiling at me, but I knew it was fake. This was all a mask that fooled me once, but not anymore.

"Why did you wanted to see me?" I asked him and he raised his eyebrow, surprised by my strong att.i.tude.

"Just like your mother." He simply said. What the h.e.l.l does he know about m mother?

"You know nothing about her," I whispered calmly, making him chuckle.

"OH, but I know more than you think." He stated and stood up, approaching me. He stood next to me and played with my curls a bit before pushing them away from my face and caressing my cheek with the back of his hand.

"You look a lot like her." He whispered. His blue eyes were studying m face carefully and he looked almost amazed as the words left his mouth. I pulled away from his touch and narrowed my eyes.

"Don"t worry, I"m not trying anything on you. You"re like the daughter to me Teresa."

"That"s not a way to treat your daughter, forcing her into something like this. Even if you had one you wouldn"t deserve her. You"re a monster." I said, raising my voice.

"Aren"t you sweet." He said sarcastically before putting his hands on my shoulders and turning me around to face the wall which had a large mirror on it. I almost didn"t recognize myself it was like another person was staring back at me. The small, homeless, dirty girl was no longer there, instead, her place had taken a beautiful young woman. I was scared with what I saw, but at the same time, I kind of liked it.

"Look at yourself. This is who you are now, you"re a Doll. You belong to me, you work for me and you my dear, Teresa, will bring me a lot of money. You"ll make me rich." He said, shaking my shoulders a bit. I gulped and let out a shaky breath.

I worked for him.