Undead Seeks Warmth

Chapter 17

.... eh ...... ? 



Outside my view, I can feel that nee-san’s expression froze.

Perhaps, the words that I said, was really outside her expectation.

Or maybe, it was the words that she doesn’t want to heard the most.

Most likely, .......... it was both of them



But no matter what nee-san will said, I didn"t have any intention to change my mind.

My own feelings that I mustn"t know, I already know it.

I"m sure, the me after this, wouldn"t be able to treat nee-san just like what I will normally anymore.

yes, I can"t 

why, it’s because even the me right now is already hesitating to even touch nee-san.



The time when I tried to touch her golden hair, splashs of blood flashed into my mind.

The time when I tried to touch her tender hands, I remember the sensation of my sword piercing through the meat of monster.

Me in this condition, there was no way for us to be together.



My soul will be eaten by the strong smell of 『death』, and finally I will crumble.

If I become like that, I am sure she also wouldn"t be able to keep her sanity anymore.



that"s why. that"s why, it"s better for us to separated.

right now, when we still able to regain ourselves.

Before the both of us, tied with the layers of chain that tied us together even stronger than now, before we depended on each other.



wha ..... what , are . what are, you saying ........ ?



I"m sorry, nee-san.

I return your good will with evil, I"m sorry.

However, this is the only way.

Unless we take this road, I can"t do it.



The pain in my body won"t soften.

The pain that felt like gnawing into me, right before i collapsed, was already gone but, the dull pain that felt like my body was wearing a cloth made from nails, coiled around my body.

perhaps this was because of the guilt of not returning her goodwill, or maybe the anxiety and grief because I have to leave nee-san’s side.

The feeling inside me was in chaos and overflowed, even I myself cannot understand it anymore.



.... just one, the thing that I understood.

If I kept on dragging on and stayed at this place, I will end up not leaving nee-san.

Being beside her, was indeed smeared with blood.

However, at the same time, it was so pleasant that I felt I could drown in it.



You .... are joking right ? right, hina ..... ?



With unsteady movement, I rose from the bed and moved closer towards nee-san.

And then as if she clinging onto me, she looked up to me with eyes that even now looked like they were about to cry. 



Don"t forsaken me.

Don"t leave me alone.

Even without any words, that feeling got transmitted that it felt painful.



However, ...... but even so am I.

I averted my eyes from her swayed scarlet pupil.

I went pa.s.sed beside her, and started to walked towards the door.




A terrific anger that made even my soul felt the penetrating cold piercing me up from behind.



I also felt this when I was attacked by a low-cla.s.s demon.

No. it was more than that, the peak of anger, and sadness that came from the deep of her core.

Even among the emotion that came out from human, her emotions were thick with strong negative factor of 『Anger』and『Sorrow』


............  Don"t.


Even though she was right behind me, she muttered a faint voice that almost could not be heard.

However, the feeling inside that word .....  made me felt great fear.



.......... I won"t let you go. I will never let you go, I will never let you go, I will never let you go.



And the feeling, raised even more.

From somewhere inside the room, it was increasing so fast that it could wrap up the whole entire castle.


only you. I will never.


*zap*, the danger signal that ran down my spine. (TL : the body can differ when yandere goes yan )

I shall take a distance from her, and so when I wanted to jumped to the corner of the room.



As I turned my head, my right arm was blown away.



Never ! you will never, leave my side ! ! 



*clang clang clang clang*, the sound of metal hitting each other resounded.

nee-san changed her mantle into red chains, and launched it.

Binding me up in the blink of the eye, the tip of the chain connected to the corner of the room.



It was chains that were created from my blood, you cannot destroy it you know.


While saying that with uninterested tone, nee-san stood up in front of me.

Her small pupils of her eyes widen, it was giving off some dangerous light.

The area around me, she released a huge peerless magical power that she always suppressed, showered me with strong pressure of intimidating air.



---- this is .... the demon king.

one of the king of the monsters that only 5 lived in this world, vermouth = Erzalord"s power.

It"s not like I am taking it lightly.

But now that I see it with my own eyes, it was greatly exceeding my expectations.



Her hands, slowly caressed my face.

Her eyes’ alluring glaze dwelled inside it, met with mine.


If you, wanted to part with me.

I will make it, so that you will never leave me.



Nee-san who said that, slowly moved her face closer to mine.

Our lips met.

The thing that was felt after that, was a discomfort to my body.

Her magical power directly flowed into me, slightly after that I understood that.



my body ..... can"t, move ..... 


.... slowly slowly, it took some time.

As if licked, you will be dyed with my colour

That"s right .... 100 years.

If there"s 100 years, all of you will become mine.

Until that, it saddens me but I have to lock you right here.



You"re at fault here. it"s because you said, you wanted us to be separated.

Even though I love you. Even though I only think about you.



that"s why, so that you will know how much I think about you, I will slowly make you understand about it

When you understand it, you will surely love me too, right?



If that happen, how happy will it be.

Until we are drowned in it, let"s love each other.

If it"s to you, I will give everything of me.

That"s why, first.



Will you give all of you to me .... okay ? 



(TL : lesson kid , never try to said you don"t want to be together with some yandere nee-san demon king blonde vampire princess ... )