Under The Veil of Night

Chapter 653

When the sun started to rise, the people that the government had prepared were heading to Lima School. They started to evacuate every citizen in the radius of several hundred meters.

Knock! Knock!

"Excuse me, madam, but something important happened here, we ask for your a.s.sistance to leave the house. This area is going to be a battlefield. We"ll give you one hour to clean up everything. Once the time is up, we won"t be responsible if something happens to you."

Knock! Knock!

"Excuse me, Sir, there"s a large battle that will occur in this place in a matter of hours. We hope that you can empty this place along with your family to avoid getting involved in the matter. We hope your understanding that this matter is extremely serious and complicated."

Numerous soldiers knocked the door of the citizen and asked them to evacuate at the shortest time possible. Some of them were already informed the night before that they would be evacuated. However, there were still a lot of them who stayed in their house, unwilling to leave.

The soldiers only warned them once about the danger. If they still didn"t want to go, they wouldn"t be responsible for the other party"s life anymore.

Several reporters were lurking around. They didn"t want to miss the chance to capture the footage of this event. It would surely be very interesting to see. Just by staying here, they were staking their life, but many of them thought that it was worth it.

"Alan, where do you think you"re going?"

The voice of his father caused Alan to stop his footsteps. He looked at his father, who stood with his arm crossed.

"I-I"m going to meet with some friends."

"Meeting while bringing your camera and recorder along?" Alan"s father asked with eyebrows raised.

"Uh…" Alan couldn"t answer his father"s inquiry. He stared at his camera as he felt reluctant to leave it behind. There was going to be a battle in Lima School. Seeing how the residences were moved away, he could guess that it must be an extremely important battle.

This type of battle would surely go down in history. He didn"t want to miss this kind of historical event.

Alan"s father knew that his son wanted to go to the dangerous place. However, there would be no one who could guarantee his son"s safety there. Many reporters would only make the video from a faraway place. After all, they didn"t want to lose their life.

"Alan, can you promise me that you"ll return back home safely?"

"I promise, Father," Alan raised his head with a hopeful expression. "I want to be a full-fledged reporter, so I want to partic.i.p.ate in recording this memorial event. Please Father, let me go!"

Alan"s father sighed. "Fine, but you better come back safely for dinner."

Alan"s face brightened. He cheered internally, but kept his face solemn outside. "Thank you, Father. I"ll not disappoint you."

Rus.h.i.+ng out of the house, Alan made his way to the restricted areas. There were only several hot headed people around. The soldiers pa.s.sed a glance at the young man, but they ignored him. As for Alan, he paid no heed as he dashed to the closest building to the school.

Climbing the stairs as the electricity was cut, he reached the highest floor.

*pant* *pant*

"I won"t climb so many floors again in the future," Alan took out his camera as he saw the soldiers encircled the school. He smiled happily as he wanted to memorize this event.

"I"ll make sure that I take enough pictures!"

After the one hour limit was over, the soldiers stood before the gate. They started yelling that Ferdinand has to come out.

"Mr. Ferdinand, please come out! You"re under arrest!"

The people inside Lima School didn"t move at all. They knew that this would come after the series of numerous news reports on the television, so they were not surprised. Besides, the main player was not these people.

Time trickled by and the leader"s voice started to turn hoa.r.s.e.

"Try to break in."

"Yes, Sir!" one of the soldiers moved forward. He was two meters away from the building when he felt something blocked him. No matter how much he tried, he couldn"t get any closer than that.

"They"re truly the supernatural human," the leader murmured when he saw his subordinate have trouble. He knew that their strength was not enough to break inside the barrier.

"That"s enough, you can stop trying."

"Yes, Sir!"

The leader picked out his phone and made a call. "Dean, tell me when you"re going to arrive. There"s a barrier outside the school."

"We"re on the way," Dean replied. He turned his head to Neo. "Didn"t you say that the barrier man is wounded?"

Neo nodded his head frantically. "From the footage, it"s clear that there are three enemies facing Kanae. Cain, the barrier man, is wounded because he overused his power. The one who died is James Wells and the other one who manages to get away is Randy."

Hacking the cameras along the way was easy for him. He had done that last night before he went to sleep and told them the enemies left. There would not be anyone catching them by surprise because of his invisibility anymore.

"The barrier should have weakened considerably, right?" Mike asked confusedly.

"Normally, yes," Patrick replied. "I"m sure that they force Cain to drink the medicine to make himself become far stronger in a short amount of time. There"s no need to think so much."

"Why would they do that? He"s an important member of their group, right?" Mike asked confusedly. If they forced the young man to drink the medicine, it would only make his death come nearer. After all, his body wouldn"t be able to sustain the force generated from the medicine.

"In his eyes, they"re not any better than tools," Neo shrugged. "Do you think you pay much attention to your pencil or pen?"

"No," Mike couldn"t remember how many times he had lost his pen during his time schooling.

"it"s the same with those people in Ferdinand"s eyes," Neo typed on the laptop leisurely. "He sees them as someone that he can replace any time once they"re no longer of any use. Besides, do you think Ferdinand will stay in this city after this incident?"

It was unlikely for Ferdinand to try thriving in this city again in the future. His reputation has become a mess thanks to the work of Laura and Jason. In addition, the government has placed them in the wanted list, making them criminals in this city.

"I see."

"We"ll be arrived soon," Dean pointed to the crowd of soldiers in front of them. "Kevin, have your men arrived?"

"They"re just behind us," Kevin pointed to the back. There were numerous people walking on the street. They wore ragged clothes or even dirty ones. Some of them brought blades, swords, or metal pipes, and so on.

Neo gulped down when he saw them. "Boss, you"re so amazing to have so many connections."

"I just post a mission that I"ll give them one thousand if they partic.i.p.ate in the battle, five thousands if they can kill more than 10 alone with the left ear collected as the prove and one hundred thousand if they can kill 100," Kevin replied calmly.

Internally, Neo clutched his heart. He could feel that the money in the Ryukalin Clan would deplete to the point of no end with Kevin"s method. He stared at the young man incredulously.

"Do you really think that we have that much money?"

"Here," Kevin handed Neo a card. On it was written a series number plus some notes. "It"s the bank that Ferdinand has plus his pa.s.sword. You can transfer them all from this."

Neo was stunned. He didn"t expect his boss to hack into Ferdinand"s account. There must be a lot of money that man had because of his position and connection. "Boss, you"re the most wic-uh smart person in the world."

The others: "…" You just care about the money, right?