Undying Phantasia

Chapter 7

This power...I feel its flowing through me..." said Apolion as his body felt lighter and stronger with more stamina.So far no changes have being made.He felt a little calm as an emotional change.

"Well indeed you match for this power" said Thariel calmly looking at him as if he was an statue.

"What exactly is this power and how does it work" said Apolion perplexed.

" Well it has to do with light and the stars,however,this power is also unique in a sense that it makes the union of darkness and light possible more easily and no backlashes as well as able to change your physiology more easily like metamorphosis -a transformation and gain certain abilities or even combine them.Quiet impressive as a power isn"t it?." said Thairel with hint of confidence in his tone.

" Well can"t you.." before finishing the line from Apolion"s mouth Thariel interrupted .

"I can"t go into specifics go discover it yourself...even thou you have 99% of chances dying.." responded Thariel with indifference.

" Ehh? are you mad?!! why would you bring me here?! to die?!" said Apolion panicking and angry with a loud voice.

"No you idiot! Nothing is fake there is no reason murder you! We have lives to take care of.

And, thou.. you have high chances of dying, we put emergency backup when that happens so you can survive well only be triggered 3 times and so if you die after this.... sorry you became a failure and we have to send you back to earth with all your memories wiped and in the same place you were in the same timeline, don"t ask me how and by the way don"t worry you will be back after spending years here or the time needed till you finish the mission, to Earth in the same time you left as if nothing has happened." said Thariel.

" However, if you failed you must be humiliated that even thou you were chosen you have to have send back again and chose another and you won"t accept that are you? added Thariel in a serious tone.

"I know that saving the world is a privilege other don"t have but there is high risks because of it." Apolion got serious with a smile.

" Indeed a humiliation I can"t wash away, so let me do what i have to do.Go on, tell me what I have to do after all saving the world sounds a great responsibility and since I was chosen I should be grateful." demanded and remarked Apolion as serious as ever.

" That"s the spirit!" said Thariel very happy and confidently.

" So your job is to defeat the group called "Holders" .They are an elite group hidden behind the powers of many countries, they want world domination and make this world nothing else but a place to pleasure themselves solely for them alone with the cost of making others suffer.By pleasure I mean they feed on peoples negative energy and want world domination according to the data so far. Their true goals are unclear, so I need you to investigate and eliminate them with your companion or you can do it alone if you are skilled but I recommend go in a group as you don"t know what will happen." said Thariel giving Apolion the main missions with a serious tone and clearly.

Also there is this other named "Satkhalsha" meaning ,burning dark fire in the ancient languages of this world.He is a danger to humanity and the other races here as he is attacking them without discrimination in hopes to achieve a world domination to posses resouces and people to get stronger and conquer other lands and he believes that with a united strong leader the world will progress.His ideology is twisted as he wanted to unite everybody and do immoral acts or break some ethical codes of this world saying its fine and he has no mercy on anyone who he comes across. I want you to slay him with the other and bring his soul to us or send him in our realm.Also remember he is not human or of any other races seen here before" added Thariel in along monologue who has no end or so it seems with calmness as water.

"Don"t tell me i have to fight with a similar character to the demon king like in j.a.panese animes.." said Apolion with a sigh and depressed state he seems disappointed.

"Well life is life so just get on your things in the place down there I left for you, also I get this thing which is red in colour and it looks like a small cube.There i left the languages of this world which will naturally get you knowledgeable instantly through a transfer in your soul and give you a map of the world as well" said Thariel as he pointed at the little gigantic box almost the size of an elephant near the forest which has being cleared a little for it.

"Also you might die anyway I have to go and the rest in up to you and also to recognize the other 12 individuals you will naturally know as you will feel a connection that will leave you perplexed..its a hard feeling to understand but you will know.And something special might happen who knows...? " said Thariel in a hurry and leaving instantly in a flash of light.

"Like seriously....I am here in this valley...with a rather strange forest down there and a little village i see far away from here..all alone. and high chances of dying ,probably because of monsters or creatures down there i never knew about...Seriously???!!!!!!!!" said Apolion in a rage.