Universe's Ultimate BOSS

Chapter 84

In his room, w.a.n.g Hao asked for the System"s recommendations while he took a shower.

〈〈This System recommends the Sky Breaking Sword Art.〉〉

"The Sky Breaking Sword Art?" w.a.n.g Hao mumbled. The skill sounded dominating and must be very powerful.

"Show me the Sky Breaking Sword Art," w.a.n.g Hao said to the System.

〈〈The Sky Breaking Sword Art: It"s of divine level and contains seven moves. Every move is destructive, and the strongest move can destroy everything. Price: 100...…0.〉〉

w.a.n.g Hao was dumbfounded. How many zeros were there? He certainly couldn"t afford it.

However, the all-destroying move aroused his interest.

〈〈System reminder: The host has enough points to purchase Sky Slash, the first move in the Sky Breaking Sword Art!〉〉

w.a.n.g Hao took a deep breath and nodded heavily. "I"ll exchange for it!"

〈〈Ding-dong. The host has exchanged 30,000,000 Villain Points for Sky Slash. Because of the host"s Sword Proficiency, it"s been automatically upgraded to Perfect.〉〉

Thirty million… It"s not too much… w.a.n.g Hao patted his chest and sighed a long breath of relief. His remaining 22,000,000 should be enough to improve Sky Slash to Natural.

"Improve Sky Slash to Natural," said w.a.n.g Hao.

〈〈Ding-dong. The host has paid 20,000,000 Villain Points to improve Sky Slash to Natural.〉〉

In the next second, w.a.n.g Hao stiffened, and his head went blank. He was no longer in a bathroom but was standing on the peak of a mountain.


Surrounded by rumbling thunder, a man in white descended from the sky with a giant sword in his hand.

"Sky Slas.h.!.+" the man in white roared and smashed his sword into the ground.


With an enormous explosion, cracks spread out on the ground.

In the meantime, the mountain below w.a.n.g Hao"s feet collapsed, and a storm swept overhead, filling the air with dust and making it impossible to see anything.

When the storm died down, w.a.n.g Hao discovered that there was nothing on the ground anymore except a deep crater.

When w.a.n.g Hao moved his eyes to the man in white, he awoke and found himself back in the bathroom.

It"s… It"s really powerful… w.a.n.g Hao s.h.i.+vered in excitement. The divine-level sword art was truly remarkable. Its very first move was already destructive beyond anything he"d ever seen.

But I don"t have points anymore. w.a.n.g Hao rubbed his eyebrow. Just now, he had 52,000,000 Villain Points, and now he only had two million.

There"s still a long way to go! w.a.n.g Hao scratched his chin, wondering how he could get more points.

Ding! Ding!

Suddenly, his smart wristband rang. He opened it, only to discover that it was a message asking the students to gather.

"Gather?" w.a.n.g Hao snorted. He was certainly not going to give away his points easily.

Millions of students had been gathered outside of the command tower.

Some were frustrated, some angry, some helpless, and very few of them were excited.

"w.a.n.g Hao poisoned everybody and collected all the points. I"m definitely going to make him pay."

"I didn"t know until I was back that w.a.n.g Hao earned 500,000 points at the beginning by working with the prisoners."

"He"s a stain to all the high school students to cooperate with such unforgivable prisoners."

"I"m told that the prisoner who was not poisoned escaped."

"Then, w.a.n.g Hao will be guiltier. Many more people may be harmed now that such a criminal has escaped."

"What does the law of the Universal Federation say? Helping a prisoner escape is punishable by death."

"Death? Are you dreaming, bro? Everybody has seen w.a.n.g Hao"s talent. Do you think they"ll execute him?"

"That"s so unfair!"

The people nearby shook their heads. Fights would be unnecessary if everything was fair. Those students still had so much to learn!

At this moment, the students suddenly clamored.

"w.a.n.g Hao is here!" someone cried, and all the students went on a rampage.

A pair of foul socks were thrown at w.a.n.g Hao, followed by more, overwhelmingly.

"Shoot!" w.a.n.g Hao screamed in fear and took shelter in the crowd with his Lightning Gait.

"d.a.m.n you, w.a.n.g Hao. If the law can"t punish you, I will with my socks!"

"w.a.n.g Hao poisoned me and made me miss the final battle."

"I only needed one more point to be admitted by the Four Focused Colleges, but I didn"t find a prisoner after two days of searching. It"s all w.a.n.g Hao"s fault!"

"I planned to go big in the final battle, but I was poisoned by w.a.n.g Hao and didn"t even have a chance to show my talents."

"I set up a team of seventeen people, but all of us lost our points in the end. w.a.n.g Hao, we"re not done yet!"


All the students were beyond infuriated when they saw w.a.n.g Hao.

If w.a.n.g Hao had earned the points with his skills, n.o.body would complain.

But what had w.a.n.g Hao done? Conspired with prisoners, poisoned the students, and claimed all the points without leaving any to them.

Had w.a.n.g Hao never heard that destroying one"s future was like killing their parents?

What p.i.s.sed the students off even more that w.a.n.g Hao sought more points greedily when he would certainly be admitted by the Four Focused Colleges with his 500,000 points. It was like he did not want other people to win at all.

So, at this moment, w.a.n.g Hao was labeled as a shameless scoundrel by millions of students.

〈〈Ding-dong. The host has been spat on by millions of people. Reward: 10,000,000 Villain Points.〉〉

w.a.n.g Hao felt like crying. The reward was generous enough, but how was he going to survive in a world where he had absolutely no reputation?

In the command tower, the four headmasters burst into laughter when they saw w.a.n.g Hao who was a public enemy.

"All right, all right. The lesson is good enough." Su Mu saved his hand and asked Zhong Li to speak to the students.

"This boy is really a great troublemaker!" Hua Zixu smiled.

w.a.n.g Kunlun stroked his beard and said, "I, for one, find the boy agreeable. You will inevitably offend other people when you pursue greatness. But w.a.n.g Hao has offended too many people because he wants too much."

"How old do you think he is?" Wu Tianlun shook his head in amus.e.m.e.nt. "Are you expecting a seventeen-year-old to be as sophisticated as we are?"

"He"s not like his father. People can"t take advantage of him in the future." Sorrow appeared on Su Mu"s face as he recalled w.a.n.g Tianyi, who was still missing…