Vampire In A Changed World

Chapter 16

After i arrived home i took her to a room so she can sleep and told her i"ll introduce her in the morning, then i decided i should go and hunt for a bit it"s still early and they won"t wake up for some hours.

So i went out and started hunting like no tomorrow i tested almost all my new skills and i was really satisfied with them at a certain point of time i sent my clone to fight on his own in other areas so i can farm exp faster. i don"t know for how many hours i kept fighting but i stopped when i got a notification

"congratulations on ranking up to tier 1 check your status for the changes"

" World annoncement : Congratulations To Lilith for being the first person to reach tier 1 she recieve a territory creation token and 50000 Coins"

"a territory creation token and 50000 coins has been added to your inventory "

" you have recieved a t.i.tle : The first : all stats while fighting recieve 5% boost"

" congratulations on reaching tier 1 you"re no longer a noob, you won"t recieve new skills from the system you can develop or strengthen yours on your own"

h.e.l.l yeah, if i know getting to level 50 will be this awarding i wouldn"t have wasted all that time but i"m hapoy i"m still the first to reach it, let"s see the territory token i opened my inventory and took it out.

" choose a place and the surronding of 10 kilomètres to become your territory. monster will stop sp.a.w.ning in the zone you chose and dungeons will be erected in there to train your people , you can put tax create building or walls, and many other fonctionality.

a week After you activate this token your terrotory will be attacked if you can"t defend it you"ll loose it"

no need to think about it i popped on top of my house and i activated the token

" Choose the name :"

"The blood terretory"

"World annoncement : Congratulations for Lilith for being the first to create a terretory she recieves the following : Clan creation token and 10000 coins"

" clan creation token and 10000 has been added to your inventory"

oh i love you system ❤️❤️ so i decided to create the clan also

"choose the name :"

" The Blood Clan"

"World annoncement : Congratulations for Lilith for being the first to create a clan she recieves the following : clan upgrade token and 5000 coins"

" clan upgrade token and 5000 coins has been added to your inventory"

i didn"t need to think i directly activated the clan upgrade token. let me check my new status first then i"ll check the others.





Race:Vampire progenitor


Cla.s.s: Vampire Baronesse

Secondary cla.s.s: s.p.a.ce-time Magician(tier 1)


Str:100 Agi:100 Con:74

int:100 Wis:40 Spi:40

available points: 10

skill points:9

t.i.tle:Vampire progenitor"/ The first

d.a.m.n that"s why i feel so strong all my stats are doubled, i should push the guys to rank up real fast hmmm the system said zombies won"t sp.a.w.n anymore we"ll clean up the territory of them when they wake up. let"s check what skill did i get.



- Blood Syphoning

- Blood Wings

- Blood Rage

- Blood Magic

- Blood Manipulation

- teleport

- time slowing

- create blood slave

- Make followers

- s.p.a.ce bind

- time acceleration

- Make vampire

- Blood fog form

- Blood clone

- ma.s.s teleport

- s.p.a.ce portal

- time stop

- time bind

- blood Contract(new)

- s.p.a.ce domain(new)

- time domain(new)


- Inhanced Regeneration

- Sun immunity

- Protected Mind

- Sword mastery

- Unarmed combat

- n.o.ble authority(new)

hmml those new skills seems quite interesting, Blood Contract helps me create a contract by blood if one betrays it the punishement stated in the contract will apply nice gonna help me a lot with the management, s.p.a.ce and time domain provide me with domain around me where i control the s.p.a.ce or the time but the probelm it"s just one metre , As for n.o.ble authority it gives me the air of n.o.ble around normal people and makes my word a law for vampires .

those are nice skills yep yep i need to work on all of them a lot. but it"s time to discover the territory and clan.....