Vampire In A Changed World

Chapter 25

" Okay i promise i won"t get carried away next time " ~ me

" good girl "~ Sofia

" did you find the other dungeon?"~ me

" yes we did but don"t even think about it . right now you"re coming with us home talk a bit with the family then take a shower and enjoy some beers with us "~ Amanda

" there is no room for negociation"~ me

" no" ~ amanada

So we started walking home and i explained to them how was the dungoen and how it was kinda easy for me just time consuming, and that they should start challenging it but no to go for more then 100 zombies at a time until they get better or they enter as a team. and i remebered to send an annoncement to the territory about the dungoen.

" h.e.l.lo again i"m happy to inform you we found the first dungeon and i already tested and finished it, you can find it in the x.x.xXX location, i advise you to challenge it as a team and don"t bite more then you can chew each level gives you the option to leave or pa.s.s to the next level when you feel it became to hard leave and start over until you finish it, good luck."

We arrived home and i found the fam siting at the dinner table, Aicha reserved a chair for me next to her such a cute little girl, so i sat there and we discussed our day and i explained the dungoen to them, then everyone went to do his thing.

I said good night to aicha then ported with the girls to my house and i went to take a bath.

I trully love bathing, i mean just lay down in the bath tub and let the hot water relax all your muscle and get rid of a day stress and strains.

I noticed the door opening and the girls came in Naked.

" Girls i"ll finish in few minutes if you don"t mind waiting"~ me

" Oh no we"re here to help you shower i mean there is a difference between the way boys and girls shower so we thought of helping you"~ mione

" naah it"s okay"~ me

" we"re not asking for permission"~ mione

and then two of them got inside the bath tub one on my back and one in front of me.

then they started ma.s.saging my body, i won"t lie it felt great super great, but i still can"t figure out why mione hands feels so soft and what the thing perking in between them, so i turned around to check and i found huge stuck to my back as i opened my mouth to speak she captured my lips with a deep kiss, and at the same time Sofia grabed a b.o.o.b with a hand used the other to ma.s.sage my p.u.s.s.y and started teasing my nibble with her tongue , omg i couldn"t even speak i just started moaning, then a hand grabbed my face and turned it and started kissing me it was amanda. mmmm too many hands are playing with my body.

then they took me out of the bath tub and placed me on the bath robe and joined force in pleasing me , i felt fingers sliding inside my p.u.s.s.y and others in my a.n.u.s i couldn"t even object it felt to d.a.m.n good. things became blury in my eyes i just noticed when the person kissing me is changing and i just reciproque the kiss i don"t even know whom i"m kissing that was until i felt something against my lips so i started kissing again but it felt different so i opened my eyes and i found a p.u.s.s.y in front of me, and i used all the skills i learned as a boy to eat that p.u.s.s.y and from the moans i"m hearing i"m doing a d.a.m.n good job. i wish this pleasure never stops omg. wait those aren"t fingeres getting inside my p.u.s.s.y , f.u.c.k this is mione"s tail aaaaah .

" Faster go faster i want more "~ me

" you sure ?"~ mione

" yes"~ me

she layed down on the ground and made me lay down on my back on top of her then i felt something penetrate my p.u.s.s.y and it didn"t feel like her tail so i opened my eyes and found Sofia f.u.c.king me with a strapon.

" where did you aaaaaaaaah"~ me

as i started speaking mione penetrated my a.s.s with her tail. and that"s when i stopped reasoning we kept going for hours and they f.u.c.ked me the most still wondering if it was payback.

" Holly f.u.c.k i just realized but did you just g.a.n.g.b.a.n.g me? "~ me

" ahahahahhahaha you can say so"