Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 101

Both of them looked up upon hearing her voice.

She was now wearing a white knee length dress and this look made Carla feel even more inferior despite Amber wearing a mask.

"Just how can she exude such naturalness?" she asked in her mind.

But her brows knit upon remembering what Amber have just said.

"What do you mean it is not needed when I AM his childhood friend, we grew up together. So my worry for him is natural."

Amber smirked as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

"I just thought you have all the means to check on him. Calls? Don"t you think that"s too little care coming from someone who deemed herself as his childhood friend?"

Carla was left with no words, seeing this Amber smiled, "Shall we eat?"

She didn"t wait for them and walked over to the table.

Ashton followed after then Carla.

The only thing that could be heard was the utensils.

But Carla was not satisfied, this girl who just popped up out of nowhere would say such things to her? Her?

With a deep breath, she looked at Ashton and smiled with pureness.

"By the way, grandma was asking me to tell you that the TWO of us, should visit her in the main mansion."

She emphasized the word two before glancing over at Amber.

She heard that Cathrine Wright was actually mad at Ashton"s fiance.

She after all took Ashton"s freedom away, that is also why she never tried to meet this girl.

And tried not to know about her.

That is Carla"s edge over Amber, Gideon Wright loved his wife dearly so at times it was Cathrine"s words that should be followed.

Though she still has no idea why is it that Amber was still here.

This is to be expected, for other than the main family, no one knew of Ashley"s sickness.

So Carla wouldn"t know that Amber have actually saved Ashley"s life.

That is why there was no opposition but it was still a fact that she didn"t want to meet Amber.

Amber didn"t bother with what Carla have just said, she was busy eating and admiring her own cooking.

"I"ll meet her myself when the time comes."

Ashton replied as he continued eating.

Carla smiled before reaching for another dish but she hissed.

Of course Ashton and Amber have noticed this since the beginning, that she would hiss at times or twinge.

It"s just that this time, she made sure to make it very very obvious.

"What happened? Your wound was so small, how come you are hissing over it?" Ashton finally asked, remembering that this person was still a guest sent by his grandmother.

"No, when I cleaned the spilled soup, I didn"t expect it to still be so hot, I actually stupidly burnt my hand."

She even sheepishly smiled as she moved her right hand.

"Oh, you used a cloth? Oh my you didn"t see the mop?"

Amber b.u.t.ted in with her own gasp upon hearing her get burnt by the soup on the floor.

"I... It actually slipped my mind," Carla was first lost with word before giving a reply.

"Well, there"s a medicine box in the bathroom, you should go and get it treated," Amber replied with a hint of worry in her voice and even her eyes looked worried.

"That"s right, you do know where it is. You should go and get it treated," Ashton followed after before continuing his food.

"Yes... I... I"ll go and treat it for a bit," Carla"s smile turned strained as the two of them said one after another.

"Go on now," Amber smiled as she urged her.

Carla could only stand up and walked towards the bathroom and since Ashton and Amber were sitting side by side and she was across Ashton, both of their backs are currently facing her.

She could only glare at Amber"s back before walking to the bathroom.

"She definitely glared at me," Amber commented.

Ashton just looked at her.

"Hey wasn"t it obvious? She wanted you to treat it for her. It was one of her hands after all," she added as she looked at him.

"That was her stupidity, there was a mop why use a cloth with your hands? She can treat it herself."

"Were you like this towards her since you were children?"

"If I remember correctly, I was."

"There was actually only one girl other than my sister and cousin that I treated better back then, most of the time I put the other girls at an arm"s length."

He then thought.

"But why do I feel like the two of you are not childhood friends at all? You seemed colder than the way she remembered, that"s what I think."

Amber tilted her head to one side before shrugging and continued her business of eating.

Ashton just glanced at her but didn"t say anything.

In reality, he would still talk with Carla with enough warmth as someone who grew up with her.

But after his own realization and the way Carla treated Amber the moment she arrived, he lost all that warmth.

Not long after Carla returned but she ate so little.

Right after eating, she still stayed and tried to chat with Ashton who would sometimes reply and at times would just give a one word answer.

Amber didn"t mingle with the two of them and instead fixed the things they used and did the dishes.

She also re cleaned what Carla cleaned for it was actually done so sloppily.

"I"ll come and visit again," Carla finally said as she bid them goodbye.

It was sundown and the sky was quite dark already.

"Hmmm, take care," was all Ashton said.

Unwillingness was visible in her eyes as she stood there for a bit before finally waving him goodbye no longer sparing a glance to Amber.

"Say, what if your grandmother choose her instead? She would object this engagement and have you be engaged with her."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I"m just thinking what would you do by then? Would you follow her?"

"What"s wrong with you today?"

"Well Carla was beautiful and her looks were also top notched."

"Could you be jealous?" Ashton furrowed his brows as he asked.

Amber didn"t answer this question but shook her head instead.

"Everyone once they were confessed to in such a way that you did, hope will bloom in their hearts. And with you who has so many people surrounding you?"

She sighed heavily, "Even with someone like me who has full of positivity and certainty. Even I would be uncertain of so many things."

She smiled at him, "Would you leave me someday as well?"

She didn"t want to have more problems but she had been relying on him too much that she would surely be disappointed and hurt once he leaves her.

And with his confession? Who wouldn"t have that little sprout in their hearts?

"Will you go out with me for a bit?"

Amber looked at him curiously, why the sudden change in topic?

"Go and get change, I"ll wait for you outside."

Though confused Amber followed and once again got changed into a knee length shorts, this is due to the burn, with a ts.h.i.+rt. She also wore a hooded jacket since it was already cold.

Upon coming out, she found him leaning on his own motorbike. It was the same black color as hers.

Ashton tossed her another helmet.

"Seriously where are we going?" she caught it easily before asking.

"Just come with me for a bit."

He rode the motorbike, to which Amber followed after.

Ashton went ahead and pulled her arms to make her hold unto his waist.

The drive was a bit cold but the wind was soothing as well. Her arms around his waist became tighter.

She closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment. She felt so secured and her uncertainties have disappeared.

Upon feeling that they have stopped, she opened her eyes only to see a very very old familiar place.


"Your parents didn"t entirely left you, they left this place to you. The place with the most memories you have with them."

"As long as you have those memories, then you are not entirely left behind by them."

She didn"t realize that the drive was that long, this place was almost half an hour away from where they live.

This place was where their family would run to in a vacation. The villa by the beach where she also saved Ashton in the past.

"You were six back then so you must not entirely remember it. But the words you have told me a while ago. You"ve said almost the exact same thing to me back then."

"When we were about to part and no one knows if we"ll meet again, you were crying non stop and was holding unto me."

Amber"s face turned red, "What are you talking about?"

"You can go and ask my parents and your brothers if you don"t believe me."

Ashton had a smirk on as he said this, while Amber"s face turned even redder.

Did she really cling unto him back then? She barely remember everything about those things, the things that happened when they spent their time with Ashton"s family.