Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 14

Both Ashton and Amber looked at the two people who suddenly came in. It was none other than Blake and Devon.

The two of them on the other hand, looked at them alternatingly before their attention was caught by the broken center table.

"I guess... we came at the wrong time?" Blake said scratching the back of his head.

"Just sit down, it seems were about to go home," Ashton told them before he dialed on his phone.

Blake and Devon looked at each other before sitting across Amber who have closed her eyes already. She feels tired, all her energy have disappeared. She was not prepared for the real reason why she was called.

She opened her eyes, she had been feeling them staring at her, "It is rude to stare. I think that was common knowledge right?"

Her question was still cold, she haven"t gotten out of her state. This state is the only way for her to remain arrogant in front of Ashton.

Blake and Devon couldn"t help but to jump for a bit, she looks like a doll but when she opened her eyes and spoke they thought they were in front of Ashton. They then slowly looked at the man speaking in the phone who returned their look with a questioning one.

They shook their head as they look back at Amber.

"Ah, that"s right. At this time, introductions should be what we are doing right?" Blake broke the ice as he finally speak up.

"I am Blake. Blake Thomas," Blake extended his hand as he smiled at her.

"He is the person Hayley was talking about. The prince of Fas.h.i.+on in Star Country. But it is also to be known that he was also the prince of fas.h.i.+on in Ceres. The main country of Wright Empire. No wonder he said that they could finally go home."

With that in mind, Amber extended her hand, "Amber. Amber Wood."

"It"s you," Blake replied as he point at her in her face.

Amber was shock by this sudden action as she couldn"t help but to move back after being suddenly pointed at. Devon on the other side slap Blake"s hand, with enough strength to make him shout in pain.

"Are you trying to break my hand?" he complained as he ma.s.sage his pained arm.

"It is already rude enough that we have stared at her, it is more than rude to suddenly point at her right in front of her face," Devon replied before looking back at Amber.

"Please excuse his rude manner. I am Devon Parker," Devon said as he too extended his hand.

"It"s fine I suppose? It"s nice to meet you," she replied.

"Who would have thought that I would meet the two idols of those two. Devon Parker, the next successor of Parker Corporation that has its main base at Ceres. They all came here for the three year promise?"

"That"s right, there"s something we are forgetting. What happened to the table?" Blake asked the question in their minds. Upon entering the scene of Ashton standing up to make a call and Amber sitting leisurely in front of a broken table confused them.

"Oh, your friend decided that the table is not a good one," Amber replied, this time she had finally left her state of being cold. She had returned to the one whom Ashton spoke with in the phone.

Blake was about to ask another question when Ashton returned from his phone call and handed his phone to Amber, "My mother wants to speak with you."

Though confused Amber accepted the phone and stood up walking towards the window behind Ashton"s table. Ashton then sat down across his two friends, where Amber was sitting.

"Amber Wood speaking..."

"Are you alright?"

She was caught off guard, the voice on the other side was gentle and warm. It was also filled with worry.


"Did I come too straightforward?"

"Ah no... I was..."

"I just want to know, are you alright?"

"I don"t think I"ll ever be alright Madam. I can only stand back up," she replied as she looked outside the window. And to her surprise, it was actually raining.

The other side of the phone fell silent. Amber waited, she didn"t speak up and just waited for the other side to ask what they really want.

After another minute or two, she heard her sigh, "Ashton already explained everything. But before we accept it, I just have a question."

"Please ask," she replied and just like a while ago, her voice was filled with respect and politeness.

"Who are you running from?"

Amber placed her hand in the window gla.s.s, "We are done running away, I am going and fight back. But with my current power, I have nothing and would instantly be defeated. That is why I have asked for a protection. But just as I said to Ashton, protection for someone you know and protection for the daughter-in-law, have a huge difference."


Liana Wright fell silent. She heard everything from Ashton and received all the information he had acc.u.mulated about Amber. She just didn"t expect that this young child have come up with this for her to fight back. She didn"t know what to say.

"I"m sorry, I know how important your daughter is to you. But just as how important she is to you, my parents are as important to me."

The hand on the window gla.s.s clenched into a fist.

"Witnessing their death when all they wanted was to leave as normal people. I"m not that good to just leave everything behind and live my life as it is."

"Normal people?" it didn"t escape Liana"s ears how Amber used her words.

"That"s right, I didn"t get the chance to tell Ashton of the reason why I needed a protection from a Royal family. And why does it have to be the best protection."

Liana glanced at the people around her.

"Price Empire."

Even Ashton and the other two looked towards her upon hearing her ice cold voice as she spoke of the family, one of the Royal families.

Liana once again glanced at the people around her before speaking, "Why are they after your family?"

"They"re doctors, they were able to invent the cure for such an unknown illness. I suppose we could say that they are one of the best among those under Price Empire. And this greedy family didn"t want them to fall on other people"s hands," she replied.

"A lie indeed, but it doesn"t matter. If the time comes and trust is built then I shall tell them the truth," she added in her mind.

"But you are just a child, would they still come after you?"

"I apologize madam, but being a Royal yourself. I suppose you know just how vicious Price is."

"But if you say that then we really can"t help you can we? Fights among the royals is just..."

She then heard Amber"s laugh from the other side of the call, "Fights are always there madam. Behind those smiles each of you give each other on the outside. There are always silent battles going on. That is also the reason why they have silently killed my parents inside a country which is not under them. Everything... was a silent... war.."

Amber"s sentence was said in a very slow manner. But the coldness of her voice was aparent that it even reached the other side of the call.

"Still..." Liana wanted to dissuade her for getting her revenge.

"Madam, I apologize once again. Seeing as you came after three years meant that you haven"t found the cure yet. Then surely I am the only one who can help you now. I am not just asking for your protection but it is in exchange of your daughter"s life."

Upon saying this everyone remembered the real reason behind the call in the first place. She was not there just to ask them, instead it was a transaction between the two of them.

"Allow me to speak to her," Amber heard a male elder voice from the other side.

"This is... Gideon Wright."

Even Amber who was composed couldn"t help but to gape upon hearing the voice.

"G- Gideon? Isn"t he the current master of Wright empire? He actually came out for this transaction?" she couldn"t help but to feel envy and jealousy towards Ashton"s younger sister.

"She was well loved indeed," a lone tear fell from her eyes, to which she wiped instantly.

"It"s a good thing my back was facing them."

"Good day sir. It is my pleasure to be able to speak with you right now," she replied full of respect.

"I don"t know if you, young miss, is just courageous or plainly stupid. But I like the way your mind works. Well it just so happens that a few people from the Price Empire has some old scores to settle with us. 5 years engagement and 5 year marriage right?"

Though she is starting to get confused she still replied, "Yes, sir."

"What are you planning for the five year engagement? We can protect you but in the end changing my grandson"s fiance is easy. We can just say that we tried to protect you but it fell short."