Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 21

After entering her room, Amber"s anger slowly dissipated as she sighed and squatted down.

She then started hitting her head with her fists, "Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, just how much more stupid could you get? The contract is the most important to you and you just let it go just like that?"

She wanted to cry as she kept hitting herself, her anger a while ago get the best of her and now the contract would surely be gone.

"Think of many ways to get back at them? What many ways are there?"

She sat on the floor crosslegged, "I must start thinking of a way to really begin the company. If the contract will not push through I can only depend on myself now. I might even have to leave this place, I just infuriated another royal family. I feel like a fugitive now."

She then look at her hand that held Ashley"s neck, "But if that girl remains as clueless as she is, surely one day, she"ll only suffer from every possible betrayal out there. With the way she thinks, I can tell that she knew some people are just speaking good words in front of her because of her family. But malicious people can still gain her trust."


Her thoughts were then disrupted by two knocks in her door.

Her brows instantly furrowed, they still didn"t leave? She then stood up and opened the door. There she saw Ashton holding his phone and looking at the side. When she look where he was looking, it was actually the dress she displayed out in the open.

Ashton looked back at her and pushed his phone to her, "Phone call."

With that he handed her the phone and walked back to her couch sitting there like he owns the place. She looked at the caller and found out that it was Gideon Wright.

"Amber speaking," she said with respect.

"Hi there young lady, I have witnessed what you have done to my grand daughter," Gideons voice were void of emotion as he spoke.

"Are you going to kill me now then, sir?" she asked nonchalantly but still politely.

"Why do you think that I would kill you? There should be torture first right?"

Ashton looked at Amber and saw her eyes turned dead after listening to the answer from her question.

"That"s right, there should be torture first, typical way indeed. But sir are you sure about that? You can torture me all you want but i can tell you, my mouth will forever be closed with where the cure is," as she replied, her eyes were looking straight at Ashton.

"How sure are you that your mouth will never be pried open?" Gideon still asked.

"Pain is nothing to me after all. That"s why even my neck that has been bruised by your grandson didn"t even caused me pain," she answered truthfully.

She had been numbed to it, physical pain that is.

Silence followed after and after another minute, "Why did you do that to her?"

Amber walked towards the gla.s.s case where her dress was displayed, she placed her hand on the gla.s.s, "Betrayal is a painful thing. She must always be wary of everything, someone who was seemingly kind could only be wearing a mask and was actually a ruthless person. Someone who looked so hideous and scary could be someone who has a kind heart."

"If she is that much spoiled that all her confidence was because of her blood, then surely a few years from now, she will be in pain because she had trusted the wrong people. She is smart, despite her age, but a spoiled brat will always be a spoiled brat."

Gideon looked at Kyle and Liana as if saying, that"s what I told you. He loves his grand daughter so much, but he was different from them.

If Kyle, Liana and Ashton always coax her and protects her under their wings. Gideon have shown her the true faces of some people. But since she was still a child he could only do it a few times.

He could only keep on reminding her that the world is vast and that they can"t protect her forever.

And yet it seems that that was still not enough, she still daringly went to a stranger.

"Allow me to thank you in behalf of my grand daughter. What happened today shall be a valuable lesson to her," Gideon finally said full of sincerity.

Even Amber who had turned numb once again, became fl.u.s.tered, "But I just hurt your grand daughter. Why are you thanking me, sir?"

Once again Gideon heartily laughed, "Just accept it. You know that we are the most eccentric royal family."

Amber was lost for words, she really didn"t expect this outcome. She was ready to be tortured and all but she was actually thanked?

Indeed she had done what she did in order to help Ashley but despite that she still went over board didn"t she?

After that, she was asked to return the phone to Ashton and was told that the contract shall push through. Once the call ended, she was sitting across him and the whole place was silent.

She didn"t know why he was still staying despite fiinis.h.i.+ng his business, but she has no desire of asking him first. So she could only sit there and wait, yet 10 minutes have pa.s.sed and he still didn"t speak.

She pouted before standing up and making herself some breakfast, her first plan of eating downstairs was thrown out of the window because of the arrival of Ashley. As she stood in the kitchen counter she finally looked back at him.

"Did you eat or do you want to eat? I can only offer you what I have though."

Ashton stared at her for three minutes before finally replying, "I"ll eat."

"Is he also shameless? Isn"t it that it was his sister who looked for trouble a while ago? I just asked because he was already sitting there, but he actually accepted it. Does weirdness run through their blood? They-"


"YES YOU!!" her thoughts were disrupted and she was startled upon hearing his voice near her.

She didn"t notice him approach her, and now he was on a high stool in the kitchen counter. After she shouted in response his brows instantly furrowed.

"It"s because you startled me, don"t look at me like I murdered your ears," she defended as she continued preparing for some fried rice.

"You purposely left the door open, a while ago didn"t you?" without minding her words, he continued his question.

She heated the pan and added the oil, "How will you enter if I didn"t?"

He remained silent and just watch her cook. Not long after she was done with some simple fried rice, bacon and sunny side egg. After she placed them in the kitchen counter she prepared some coffee.

"Are you drinking coffee? I only have milk here otherwise," she looked up at him after she turned on the coffee maker.


She shrugged his one word answer off and served two mugs of coffee, after everything was done, she sat down on the high chair beside him and started eating. Seeing as he was still staring at everything.

"If you want to eat, then eat. If you don"t then just drink your coffee. If you still don"t the door is just over there, you"re free to go."

Ashton looked at her first before picking up his spoon and fork and started eating. She glanced at him and studied his face.

His thick brows complimented his black eyes very much, giving them a charm that couldn"t be compared. His long nose and thin lips were exquisite enough that no one could resist. A mole right under the corner of his right eye gave him additional charm.

Even his face looks so smooth that anyone would want to touch. Even the way he eats was enchanting enough, causing one to stare at him inappropriately.

"It"s rude to stare, that came from you right?"

She jolted out of her thoughts when he suddenly looked at her and spoke.

Instead of shying away she grinned at him, "Admiring your looks while you eat is payment for the food."

After saying this she finally returned to her own food and enjoyed her own cooking. She loved cooking since she started learning it. Her parents didn"t stop her either so she was able to explore the world of cooking without holding back.

After they ate, the two of them silently sip their coffee and the silence between them weren"t that of an awkward one.

"That," Ashton once again spoke and pointed at the gla.s.s case.

It was opposite the kitchen counter so he was facing Amber as he pointed at it with his right hand. She looked at him before looking where he was pointing.

"Oh that"s my reminder, I already told you, I entered a contract with you to have my revenge. And that is my anchor to keep going, after all this *points at her heart* and this *points at her head* are actually in so much mess."

She smiled without it reaching her eyes, "If I look at that, I can somehow rein in everything and become clear of why I am still living."

Not long after, Ashton finally left and she stood right in front of the gla.s.s case, looking sadly at the tattered dress.