Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 7

The teacher took note of her, computer science was their main department if someone excellent could be harvested in their school then that would be a great gain for them. That is why even the student counsil president was actually the...

Amber finished all the questions in an hour, that is because she was tired of writing and would sometimes rest before continuing the questions. After putting down her pen and looking at the paper two more times, checking that everything was right, she finally stood up and pa.s.sed her paper.

The other students looked at her in shock. Did she finish everything or did she simply gave up? Half of them still had half to answer, the others were about to give up. They felt like their minds are about to explode. But the person who looked like a doll have pa.s.sed her paper after an hour!!

It didn"t escape the teacher"s eyes the way she had checked her answers twice, "She is also a cautious one. She seemed to have an easy time answering the questions but she still double checked everything before pa.s.sing her paper."

He couldn"t help but to nod in agreement to this action. Only a few are as cautious as this young child.

Amber bowed to the teacher before leaving the room. She was also excited on touring the school more. It was just 11 she still has 1 hour before the exams finished and so she still has time to roam around.

She ended up coming to the gazebo in a mini park in the campus. There was also a small pond and flowers. She sat down and took a deep breath and closed her eyes, "This place is truly beautiful."

"I wonder if all schools are the same? But this seemed to be the most prestigious, even the air is so clean. So this is what school is like? It wasn"t bad at all."

Her thoughts wondered as she kept her eyes closed. She wasn"t just admiring the place but was also thinking about her plans. What steps she must take? Where should she start? There"s too much for her to do but towards the end she still ended up with having too little of money.

"I will not use that card any longer. It"s a good thing I still have that other card which mom and I created in secret. With the amount I received during my Pianist times, there"s already a huge amount. But using it for school is not a good option, well atleast they have scholars here."

"Adding to that, starting a company would mean a rather huge amount of investment, I also need to search for some investors. And most specially, I need trustworthy employees. Really there"s so much for me to do."

She gave a sigh, "Most of all, I need to search for the one whom the promise was made."

Soon she couldn"t help but frown, "I am a person, please stop staring at me," she said after a long while, she could feel a stare.

He was startled, he was curiously looking at the doll in the gazebo, thinking who would be leaving such a doll in here. Then "it" suddenly spoke and opened her eyes. Her chestnut colored hair with her amber colored eyes, she really looks like a real doll.

He just looked away and went his way. Amber looked at him curiously, he has a face that could make anyone fall for him instantly. His jet black hair and black eyes makes one to think that they were looking into a whirlpool, like it was sucking you in.

She just then shrugged and stood up going to the main entrance. There already waiting for her was Hayley and Alissa, who were talking about their own exams. Seeing their happy looks, she knew they did well and is confident in pa.s.sing

"Aaaahhh you roamed around didn"t you?" Hayley asked the moment she saw her.

Amber just smiled at them. She then shrugged as if saying, "Well I have nothing else to do."

"You should have waited for us. We wanted to tour the place as well," she pouted as she cling unto Amber"s arm.

"What time did you finish?"

"Uhmmm just now?"

"Then you really can"t tour now. After exam we still have our job to go to, it was already very nice for the manager to allow us to take the afternoon duty," Amber replied as she poke Hayley"s forehead.

Alissa just shook her head by the childish act of this cousin of hers. They then went their way.

"That was her," the teacher in charge of the computer science examination pointed at the CCTV where the three girls were visible.

In front of it was the same young man that Amber saw in the gazebo. His exquisite brows slightly furrowed, the way she sat down a while ago looks like she was someone who was more on the girly side. Who would have thought that she was actually good at computers?

Looking at the paper filled with nothing but correct answers, his lips turned into a slight smile that no one would notice. They could gain a very good a.s.set, it is good that she had decided to enroll in this school. And seeing how all of the answers were correct she obviously is the top ranked student of the department.

But a question appeared in his mind, "She seemed to be a daughter of a well off family, why did she apply for a scholars.h.i.+p?"

He then looked at the name after dismissing the teacher.


A man in his late 20"s appeared before him, "Yes, young master?"

"Amber Wood, try and check her background."

After giving the command he leaned in his chair. It was not his routine to walk around but somehow he suddenly felt like walking a while ago as he waited for the students to finish the exams. After that he met that girl in the gazebo and then by returning he found out that she became the top scorer among the scholars this year.

This man looked mature but he was actually just 18 year old this year. He was none other then the Student Council President for the Computer Science department. University A have different presidents for every department. This allows little work for them but over all the one who still receive every report was him.


After giving a terse reply, the door opened and came two of the other presidents of each department.

"Hey, Ashton, hear this we have a perfect scorer this time," a man with a clean cut black hair and dark brown eyes. His demeanor was that a relax one but his outfit was as trendy as it could be.

Ashton Harris, son of the owner of University A, or so that was his ident.i.ty here. But in reality he was someone else, he came here to check on something.

Each of them have papers in their hands. Ashton raised his brow, "What does that have to do with me, Blake?"

Blake Thomas, son of a renowned fas.h.i.+on designer not just in Star Country but in other countries as well. His mother was a model who was among the top.

"Come on Ash, this is the only way we could be better than you," another young man with chocolate brown hair and brown eyes came forward and said.

This was Devon Parker, son of the owner of Parker Corporation. One of the well known business tyc.o.o.ns of country A and have expanded on other countries as well.

The two of them then placed two papers in front of Ashton. There were already marks on it, but the scores weren"t perfect instead there were only two to three mistakes. Which is already remarkable for the exams of such university.

A smug smile on their faces as they look at Ashton, "That"s not perfect."

"Geez that is almost perfect already. *laughs* I say just how high is your top, it must be far lo....wer..." Blake"s words slowly turned into a whisper after seeing the paper on the side of Ashton"s table.

Devon followed his line of sight and was utterly shock as well. The paper was filled with check marks and the score was a stunning 100 percent.

Ashton glanced at it as well, without much of a change in his face, "I suppose that is a perfect score. Don"t you think?"

"H- How did this happen? There"s such another G.o.d after you?" Blake blurted out.

"Where did that come from? After you came, not one could compare to you. Even the seniors back then have no say to you," Devon couldn"t help but add as they stare at the paper.

"Amber Wood? What family did she come from?"

Then their eyes went to where she lives.


After placing down both papers, Alissa Coleman, Hayley Coleman, Amber Wood. All three were the top scorers and all three lived on the same hotel. Snow Fall Hotel.

"I say, that Hotel seems to be hiding quite a number of talents?" Blake asked as he looked at the other two.

But Ashton"s mind were somewhere else, "Hotel? She lives in a hotel?"