Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 72

July was getting closer and the preparations for SNN to stand alone is reaching its final stages.

A vice president was already hired, she was the vice president of that same company that went bankrupt which Amber bought and made into SNN Beginnings.

She was still young at the young age of 28, but the company was also newly established back then.

It just so happens that it didn"t last 6 years before it went bankrupt.

So she has the experience of a vice president of a newly established company until it became bankrupt.

Amber and Leslie was still the one who found her after they checked the past of the company before it became SNN.

Kyla Allen and Matt Edwards were trained at the same time for the last five months.

"I say, are you lucky or what? You found two capable workers at such a short amount of time," Devon complimented after they read the accomplishments of the two newly hired personnel.

"We were just lucky that Kyla was still unemployed. Though she was skeptical at first due to the fact that SNN was also a newly established company," Amber replied, but her voice was also filled with happiness.

Kyla was invited compared to Matt that still went through an interview. That was around the end of february. Kyla didn"t accept instantly and they had to persuade her more than a few times.

Of course not Leslie and Amber but the other personnel hired by Devon.

She had after all experienced the booming of a business at the start of its life but it then slowly dropped until becoming bankrupt.

"In order to accept our offer we had to look for her past president, which is also her bestfriend. After failing in the company she went to another country to start a new."

"But then Kyla felt like she would be betraying her friend if she accepted our offer."

After saying this Amber shook her head, "Sometimes we really misplace our loyalty to the point that even our lives would be affected by our decisions. Her friend have moved on but Kyla was still stagnant."

"Anyway, since she was already with us, I felt much more at ease with focusing on the products," she happily added before drinking more from her coffee.

"Since you look so happy, shouldn"t it be time for you to help me?" Ashton spoke from his table.

"I already told you, I have told her to speak with you. She knew from grandfather that I have forgiven you, this time it is her who is adamant on not speaking with you," Amber replied knowing full well what Ashton was talking about.


After Matt was hired, Reina called for the three of them as she would be treating them to lunch. This was almost two weeks after Ashton"s birthday.

"Amber, really thank you for the opportunity you have given my brother. He said that even though the company have just started, it was already a very peaceful working environment," Reina happily said.

"I didn"t really do anything you know. I just said what I know and handed over his resume. In the end it was still his capabilities that allowed him to be hired," Amber brushed it off.

"I am not lying here, I really didn"t do anything for he was still interviewed. If he didn"t pa.s.s then that"s that," she added in her mind as if trying to remove her guilt for hiding these facts from Reina and Mikaela.

Just then her phone rang.

"What is it this time brat?"

"Hey vicious woman, I have been wondering, why did you forgive my brother so fast? Do you know how guilty I was upon knowing what he did? Even grandpa said that you were too kind," Ashley complained on the other side.

"Could it be that you haven"t spoken with your brother yet?"


After hearing nothing Amber couldn"t help but think that Ashley holds grudge longer than she did, it had been more than a week since then.

"I was indeed wronged but I myself went overboard, I couldn"t stay mad at him for I too wronged him. If I stay mad then he too had the right to remain mad at me," Amber explained before hanging up.

Ashley could only stare at her phone for Amber didn"t even gave her the chance to speak.

(End Of Flashback)

Ashton frowned upon hearing this.

"Don"t frown now, everything started from your sister as well. If she didn"t tell me to accompany you then we wouldn"t have that fight. And you wouldn"t be that cruel that even she herself felt hurt," Amber added upon seeing his look.

Ashton could only run his hand to his hair, in reality even his mother was not answering his call.

"Am I really a Wright? Or was it Amber," he complained in his mind.

"h.e.l.lo, yes it is I. Will you stop torturing your brother?"


"What, in a month span of time, your brother will return. Are you going to ignore him even at home?"


"Come on brat, don"t be a brat now."


Amber pushed the phone away from her ears, even Blake and Devon who was opposite her could hear Ashley"s voice.

"Then stop being stubborn and speak with your brother. We are doing great here and we are closer, are you going to make me guilty that I caused a rift between teh two of you?"


"Please spare me that feeling, I have so much guilt in my buggage already. More and I might collapse. And just as I have said back then, I too was wrong and he had the right to get mad."

"But in the end, it was still he, who first came to me to apologize. That is sincere enough you know."

She heard a sigh on the other side of the call before she heard Ashley agree.

She hung up and looked at Ashton, "There, I have helped you once again. It is not like I was the one who told her to get mad at you."

"Wait wait wait, are we hearing things? What fight? What happened?" Blake who was just listening from the very beginning finally opened his mouth.

"I am not a story teller, if you want to know. Ask him, I have no desire for such a trip down the lane," Amber replied before finis.h.i.+ng her coffee.

Blake and Devon looked at Ashton, but he was staring intently at his phone. Then it suddenly rang but instead of answering it instantly, he looked up with a frown.

Amber became curious because of his reaction.

"What do you want?"

"When will you be coming? Let"s meet up, it"s been three years," the other three heard the voice as well for Ashton put it on speaker mode.

Amber became even more confused, Ashton never put his phone on speaker mode when speaking with people she was not acquainted with.

"I"ll contact you when we have settled back down," Ashton replied seriously.

"Hey Xander, who are you talking with?" another voice came from the other side.

Amber who was about to pour herself another cup of coffee, stopped her movements and she slowly looked at Ashton.

Ashton was planning on calling the name of the caller but someone else beat him to it. Se he just stared back at Amber.

"It"s Ashton bro. Stop distracting me."


Amber supported her head as she felt like she was starting to get dizzy. She then looked up at Blake and Devon, both of them were looking at her seriously as well.

Amber laughed defeated, she felt it for the past month. These guys are trying to tell her something but they couldn"t bring themselves to really say it.

She smiled and shook her head, was it that difficult to tell her that they are friends with her brothers?

"No wonder you were jittery," she sighed and told the other two.

"Hmmm, I seemed to hear a female"s voice coming from your side. This is new, when did you have a female friend?" they then heard Xander"s voice.


"Woah woah woah, you really have a female friend? Now that is new, the last friend you had was a receptionist of your hotel right?"

Ashton frowned.

"You didn"t introduce that lady to us before, why don"t you introduce your new friend this time?"

Before Ashton could speak, Amber stood up and walked towards him.

"A secret makes a woman, woman. We might be able to meet someday please don"t pressure Ashton."


The other side went silent. They didn"t expect that the lady on the other side would actually speak, no they didn"t expect that Ashton was on speaker mode for that lady to hear them.

"Ash, bro, where"s the bro code now. Our image on her are now destroyed, she might think that we love to gossip," Timothy"s voice was what they heard next.

"Aren"t you one? Anyway, we"ll just contact you once we return," after saying this, Ashton dropped the call and looked at Amber.

"Could it be you all thought I would cry or something?" she then said after seeing their looks.