Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 12

"Aren"t you fast?" Amber asked after hearing his question.

This caused him to be caught off guard, her question was completely unrelated to what he was asking.

His reaction though didn"t bother her, "You were able to find out about me and my parents and the reason of our arrival here."

But before he could reply she continued, "Ah, that"s right. This country was also under your jurisdiction. It"s nice being a royal, isn"t it? You can do as you please, you can kill people and make it look like nothing have happened."

Her eyes completely lost its color after saying this.

"Let"s just get straight to the point," he answered, his face as monotonous as ever, he didn"t know why she was suddenly talking nonsense but he didn"t need it.

With a smile, "I"m just wondering. How sure were you that I am related to the couple before calling for me?"

"My parents have described the couple, they said that they will appear with such appearance when the time has come," he still replied.

Amber smiled, crossed her arms in her chest. She was relaxed despite the coldness exuding from Ashton, she was still calm.

She was not scared, after all she had faced more than what others have. So even the scariest young master of the Wright Empire was nothing to her.

This even raised Ashton"s curiosity of her. The very first time a girl younger than him was not even scared no matter how much he shows her his dark side, she just never flinch.

"You believed them just like that? I must say, aren"t you a bit too lax about that?"

With a sigh, Ashton took out an envelope and placed it in front of Amber. Amber picked it up and brought out the content, it was a letter indicating their flight and time of arrival. It also has the content of where and how they are supposed to meet.

It was two days after Amber"s arrival, in another restaurant.

"You stayed, despite them not showing up?" she asked as she put back the letter.

"The three year promise was not yet over after all."

"The younger sister must have been that precious," she thought after hearing his answer.

Ashton could have just check the flight details, but he chose not to, he was planning to still wait until the promised 3 years were to end.

If they still didn"t contact his parents or him then he will hunt them down for giving them false hope.

It was also what his parents wanted him to do.

~"They seem to be in a deep trouble. So the time and date they"ve given might change. Just try to wait until the end of the promise."~

"Stop exuding coldness will you. I am not here to joke around I"m just asking, I am here for official business you don"t have to scare me."

After a few more seconds of them staring at each other, she sighed as she decided to finally get to business and leave her bitterness behind.

"Ah, truly, why should this world be in such a condition? Why do we have royals, who can only be judged by other royals?" she added as she sighed all over again.

He furrowed his brows upon hearing this.

Amber just shrugged, "I have the medicine and I can help your sister."

Without going around in circles, she said straightforwardly. Like saying, "this is my offer to you for the business deal."

"Why are you still pursuing the promise?" Ashton instead asked after hearing her words.

"It is a promise after all," she shrugged it off.

"But you"re parents are dead. The child didn"t need to take responsibility for their parents promises," Ashton asked once again indifferently.

Her eyes flickered upon the mention of her parents being dead. After this she smiled a cold one. Ashton was once again shocked, the voice from the cellphone and the intruder behind the screen were that of a playful one. Even when she just entered, she was like Blake who was completely relax about everything.

Blake could be dark at times, but his coldness didn"t even reach the coldness she is exuding right now.

"She feels like... me..." he thought as he looked at her.

His coldness was not something their family would usually have, Wright empire is after all a bit different from the other royals. It just so happens that Ashton have seen so many things the other children of Wright didn"t see.

"What of it? If they"re dead then does that mean that I can no longer fulfill that promise," she replied, her eyes that were dead looked even more dead right now.

"The promise was protection to your family, right? In exchange of the medicine," after controlling himself, he finally asked.

"Protection? No, I have the right to change that now," she replied with arrogance exuding from her. She knows if she showed even the slightest weakness in front of him now then her plan wouldn"t work.

If you are with the two of them, you"d feel the whole place have suddenly went to Antartica. The place was so cold, even more so after Ashton heard her final words. His eyes became sharper.

"Don"t bother scaring me, I have the right to do so after all. I am fulfilling a promise my parents created, it was not me who promised. But I am the only one who can help you right now."

She didn"t back down but instead she even crossed her leg and sat arrogantly in front of him. Suddenly Ashton laughed, it feels like it was a laugh coming from the underworld.

"How arrogant of you to actually talk in such a way to me. So tell me what is your price?" he asked as he pulled out his check book.

"Oh please, I don"t need such a thing. I can earn the money on my own. What I need is something that could ensure my life. In let"s see…. 10 years," she looked up and thought before looking back at him and said.

His curiosity was once again piqued. She really does not show fear no matter what side he shows. Even the deadliest look that his subordinates would cower from, does not even faze her.

"What do you mean by that 10 years?" he finally backed down and asked.

"Marriage," one word and the temperature of the whole room dropped again.

"Oh please I was only asking for a 10 year one. The marriageable age for the both of us won"t come not until four years from now. So I will only tie you down in contract for about six years, After that I will willingly sign the divorce papers. So an engagement of four years and marital life of six years. That"s all and in exchange, your sister get"s to live longer."

Suddenly her vision changed instantly, she felt her body falling backwards. She knows her head will surely hit the floor and so she just closed her eyes but her head didn"t hit anything hard but instead it was soft. When she opened her eyes she met with his jet black one.

"Don"t take my sister"s life like a game," he said in gritted teeth. He was currently on top pf her. In one swift motion he was actually able to pull her off the sofa she was sitting in and pushed her to the floor behind it.

"Do I look like I"m playing with her life? When I am gambling even my own life in this?" she replied not planning on looking away from him.

"I am saying that I will fulfill that 3 year promise. But I would be asking some compensation. I don"t need your money and all. But what I need is your power."

"What are you planning?"

"Just going against some people. And currently I have no means of doing it let alone of protecting myself. They think I"m dead but sooner they"d know that everything was a lie and surely they would come after my life. I just need your protection until I could defend myself on my own. Just your influence is more than enough for them not to touch me."

He glared at her, "Isn"t that the same as what your parents have asked? Protection?"

"Indeed the favor or compensation would have been your family"s influence. A little the same to what I am asking now. But simple protection and the protection given to the daughter-in-law are two very very different things. That is why I am asking you to be my fiance right now and be my husband in five years span of time. See that I even lessened the amount of time for our marital life. And by the way, the floor is cold, I really didn"t like to catch a cold for lying down in so long in a cold floor, so could we speak once again… while sitting?"

It seems that her reminder was what made Ashton realize that their position is a bit awkward, especially since his rage a while ago have deflated already.

He could only stand up with her though, for he still supported her head with his hand when he pushed her down a while ago. Somehow when he pushed her down, his hand moved on its own and supported her head that should have hit the floor.

Despite him not needing to, he have hurted so many girls in the past and he didn"t even bother about them. Yet this woman who was like a storm that piqued his curiosity in so many ways, made his body to move and support her despite the rage.

After settling down. He still stared at her coldly as his mind started thinking of commanding Carl to turn her place upside down.

"Don"t bother, the medicine wouldn"t be found even if you turn that place upside down. And yes even if you strip me naked you still won"t find it," as if reading his mind, she chuckled before saying.