Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 59

"Please give me some peace for my last year here," Ashton sighed.

"And what happened to them?" seeing as he finally let it go, she walked to his table and asked.

"What they did was still bullying so of course they were still given a punishment. It was already explained as well of the reason why their vice captain was expelled."

She no longer asked and sat down in the sofa, opened her laptop and checked the database of the school. She just had the habit of checking it everyday, despite having reinforced it already.

"Give me your laptop," Ashton spoke from the side.


"Didn"t you have something you needed for your software? Since I am free right now, why don"t we just finish it now."

Her bored look lit up after hearing his thoughts. With what happened the night before, she was certain that with his help, her software would be a big hit.

Without further a do she skip towards him and placed her laptop on his table, then she went around and stood besided him looking at him happily.

She only has morning cla.s.s today and so she had all the afternoon while waiting for Leslie.

She was not antic.i.p.ating that he would help her out today. She had been pestering him for a while now after all. And the help she gave last night was for the Wright Empire as a whole.

So compared to the past days, she eagerly listened to his explanations.

Her software was a security system and the last part was about the anti virus.

Many antivirus software programs include real-time threat detection and protection to guard against potential vulnerabilities as they happen, as well as system scans that monitor device and system files looking for possible risks.

All of these had to be considered meticulously if one wants their security software be among the best.

This is also a part where Ashton was good at, something she truly lacks for she found it boring in the past that she really didn"t want to learn how to properly create it.

Their whole afternoon revolved around them finis.h.i.+ng the product and reinforcing it over and over again.

As Ashton reinforced the software, Amber would then attack it, this gives them more view on how to protect the product even more.

A knock was what broke their concentration, Carl who was outside acting as a secretary, a table with computer was also there for him, was the one who knocked.

"Young master, miss Leslie Lane have arrived."

"Let her in," Ashton nodded as Amber got up from his sit.

For her to try and attack, she used his computer, she didn"t want to borrow his laptop again for he looks like he really dreaded it. So she made him sit in the sofa while she sit on his chair.

Upon entry, Leslie saw that the two of them had just sat down, Amber on the sofa while Ashton on his chair and right in front of him was Amber"s laptop.

"Have a sit," Amber smiled.

After sitting down, Leslie looked at the two of them alternatingly.

"We were finis.h.i.+ng a product just as you came. But we can put that aside, shall we talk about the reason why I helped you last night?"


That"s when she rememered that they have indeed agreed that Amber would explain why she had helped her from that man last night.

"What do you think about working for a new and upcoming technological company?"

Amber didn"t bother going in a round about manner, instead she dove right in and asked her.


"You are among the top in the computer science department, whether it is among the freshmen or the computer science as a whole."

To be exact she was second to Amber among the freshmen and among the top fifty within the other universities. Making her among the best within the country.

These results could be seen in the internet or the newspaper. But since it is just comparison not many would look at it.

Leslie could only stare at her, she feels like a bomb was suddenly dropped on her.

Seeing her dazed look, Amber thought for a better way to put what she wants into words.

"Well let"s put it this way, I have bought a company. It was already registered and I am almost done for the first product."

Leslie nodded as she started getting back on track.

"If this product becomes a success I am wondering if you would give it a try and join my company."

"Why me?" the first question she thought of was this.

"It couldn"t be just because I am among the top in the university. There are other people out there who are much better than me."

"Indeed, but what I need is the help from miss Leslie Lane, also known as Yara, in the programming world."

"Ho- You- I-"

Amber smiled upon seeing her reaction.

"I didn"t try to pry on things I shouldn"t. I only looked on people who I know are among the best. Yara was among the best when it comes to defensive style in the IT."

Indeed, one of the reason why they were able to open a restaurant was because of the income she received during the times when she created anti virus and other security systems.

But even her friends didn"t know about this, it was only her and her family. There are other companies who want to employ her as well but she was still after all just a student.

Even with her capabilities there are still things she couldn"t do. And not all of her creations were good, some were taken down quite instantly giving her some loses.

She was only payed after all when it was already proven that the system was capable.

Ashton momentarily stopped typing upon hearing that Leslie was on the defensive side.

"No wonder she had her eyes on her," was his thought before continuing with what was in front of him.

"This is..."

"I have my own connections, that"s why I found out. But of course other than us- Oh Ashton was here as well. Anyway other than the three of us, I didn"t divulge this matter to other people."

There are obviously some IT personnel who"d rather stay in the dark than be known by the public.

"Don"t worry, I am not pressuring you to have your decision now. But I do want you to make a decision once my first software is out. You can then decide whether I am capable for this company or not."

"Is there already a name? For the company? And the software?"

Amber was first lost in her thought.

"I didn"t think about it yet. A name? Hmmmm?"

She looked at Ashton who was still busy in her laptop before an idea popped up in her mind.

"For the software, it shall be known as PS."


"The meaning, let"s just leave it as a mystery," Amber mysteriously smiled.

While Ashton raised an eyebrow. The meaning was very obvious since it was the two of them who really made it. PS meaning Pianist s.h.i.+eld.

"Your naming sense are truly uninteresting," he commented without looking at them.

"You name it then," she retorted the instant she heard his comment.

"This is yours."

Amber puffed up her cheeks as she has no other retort.

"Then stop commenting about my naming sense," she could only console herself in her mind.

"Amber?" seeing as she fell silent, Leslie called for her.

"Oh sorry, anyway let"s leave it to PS shall we?"

She smiled but still rolled her eyes towards Ashton. Leslie suppressed a laugh after seeing their interaction.

"It seems that she really is someone else," she couldn"t help but add on her mind.

"As for the company, I"d call it SNN Beginnings. Don"t you dare comment."

Right after giving the name, she faced Ashton and interrupting him whether he was going to comment or not.

Ashton didn"t bother with her any longer and continued doing what he needed to do.

"Then I shall watch over these two names. If they become something, I might accept your offer," Leslie didn"t want to stay any longer for it felt like she was but a third wheel.

"Okay, I wish I will have the chance to work with you," Amber extended her hand and shook Leslie"s hand.

Not long after she left the two of them alone.

"Sarah, Nathan, Nathalie, Beginnings?"

After Leslie left and the door was closed for about a minute or two, Ashton finally commented.

"I told you stop commenting," Amber glared at him after hearing his comment.

"Are you referring to this company as the beginning of your revenge for your family?" instead he still asked.

"What of it? I just want the name to be my anchor to the reason why I started this battle in the first place."

She harrumphed as she sat down heavily on the sofa.

"I"m not making fun of this name, I"m just asking," after saying this, he rotated the laptop in order for it to face her.

"It"s done."