Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 63

Their days went by just like that, SNN have started hiring two weeks after launching its first product.

Most of those who sent their resumes were either freshly grad or have not work in the past.

Still with the help of Devon and Ashton, they were able to hire the appropriate amount of people.

They of course used some adults to do the interview. As for the CEO, Leslie was still young so they still decided to leave it as a mystery.

A mystery over another mystery. Amber"s ident.i.ty was once again hidden into two masks.

At first the people were skeptical but after the work really start, they found that despite being new. The company have the same policies as those that were already established.

Of course, they also hired more IT personnel, even computer science majors and computer engineers.

The second and third software products were then launched faster compared to the first one.

It was through video call that Amber and Leslie gave the idea and details of the product.

It still focuses in security since that will gain them more customers.

Amber decided that if a fifth product were launched and it was also a success, then they will start going deeper into the technological world.

That"s when they"ll start hiring for engineers that has better understanding when it comes to hardwares.

Slowly but surely the company started climbing up.

Together with it was Snow Fall Hotel, the renovations were undergoing but the guests were still flowing.

Despite it being just a small 50 floor hotel, sometimes it was fully booked compared to the Fire Empire Hotel that was just across the road.

Though they still have guests, the stocks are either slowly falling or stagnant.

They could only grit their teeth and could only watch as the Snow Fall Hotel started climbing up.

Blake and Devon"s name were a great help to it. They knew that they couldn"t just touch it for these two would be able to search for them as the perpetrators.

Somehow there are times that both Amber and Leslie started dozing off in cla.s.s but the teachers couldn"t do anything for their grades were still at the top.

Her friends would also be worried for her, but Leslie explained that she had to help more in the restaurant and all.

Despite them being her friend, they only met in the university. So they couldn"t call each other as bestfriends but they are close enough to hang out.

Days pa.s.sed, turned to weeks, turned to months.

The new year pa.s.sed, the three young men tried to invite Amber but she declined.

Instead she actually spent her night in the hill where her parents were buried. She watched aas the fireworks went off from the distant city.

She didn"t feel like celebrating it but she also didn"t want to hear so many people happily celebrating it.

Ashton and the others could only send her there before returning back to City A.

She also brought with her a tent and a generator, it was big enough but not noisy either.

Since she was spending the night there, she needed something to charge her laptop and phone.

The next day, she was once again picked up by Ashton and the others. Since she rejected them in celebrating new year together, the group brought her to a restaurant for lunch after picking her up.

Since it was still the first day of the new year, it was not too crowded and they were able to eat peacefully.

A week after new year, the fourth product was launched. And just like the first three, it was still a hit.

Other companies started wondering who was behind the company for them to be able to launch four products in less than a year.

Of course reporters were also finding out about him. But how will they know if no one have met the CEO from the very beginning.

It"s just that the current secretary and vice president were under Devon as well. So managing this little stuffs were fine.

Both Leslie and Amber were still looking into some applicants and other people that may be of help. After all sooner or later, these two will have to leave as well in order for the company to really stand on its own.

Amber sighed heavily followed by Leslie.

"Tomorrow is valentines day and the two of you are sighing heavily, what is the matter with you?" Reina, one of Leslie"s friend, asked them.

Around november when Amber and Leslie became even closer, she started spending time with Reina and Mikaela. They were among the upper cla.s.s family so they were not scholars.

Amber and Leslie both placed their chins on the table, it is currently lunch break.

"*sighs* There"s only five months."

"Well we both forgot about it, who should we blame," Leslie replied.

Reina and Mikaela both looked at each other before looking back at them.

"That"s why we are asking what is wrong with the two of you?" Mikaela asked this time.

"A very very big problem," Leslie replied with another sigh.

"Okay enough enough, both of you sighing in front of us are too depressing. We already said, valentines is tomorrow. Do you have no desire on making any chocolates at all?"

Of course these two have noticed that Amber and Leslie have quite a good relations.h.i.+p with the top three idol of the university.

And during these months, it was not only one time that some girls would gang up to beat them up. Only to runaway crying because the two of them actually knew self defense.

"You know, you can give chocolates as thank you to the three seniors," they then recommended trying to divert the attention of the two of them.

"Oh please I"ve had enough of those girls. If we go ahead and give them chocolates, my freshmen year wouldn"t end peacefully at all," Leslie replied with a wave of her hand.

She had to admit that the three of them were indeed the dream of so many girls and she too had a crush on them but that was just that.

After spending time with them due to Amber, she got used to their presence and no longer have that kind of admiration.

She also knew that they are way up above her, so why bother? The trouble of being acquainted with them was already more than enough.

Just then Amber"s phone rang, when she looked at it, the call came from Ashley whom she named Brat in her contacts.

"What do you want brat?"

"Vicious woman, my brother"s birthday is tomorrow and since you are his fiance, spend time with him."


Ashley became more and more straightforward to her after they called each other for a good few times.

After another minute of silence, "Did you hear me?"

"I did, but isn"t it that Devon and Blake are here. Why do I have to do it?"

"Because you"re his fiance?"

"Yeah right, that was just on papers."

"Fine... I"m begging you to spend time with him."

Amber sat straight after hearing her say the word begging.

"What"s going on?"

"Didn"t you want to pry when it didn"t come from him?"

"*clicks her tongue* Just tell me if the day is difficult for him or not."

"It is."

Ashley"s voice turned sad upon saying that word.

"*sigh* Fine, text me all his favorites then I"ll come up with something."

"Okay, okay, wait for it," Ashley suddenly brighten up after hearing her agree.

Ashton have always celebrated his birthday on his own after coming to Star Country.

He didn"t even want Blake and Devon, even Carl to come to him and greet him.

More like, he was not celebrating it at all. He just wanted to spend it on his own.

Not long after a long list was sent to her.

"What happened?" Leslie asked upon seeing her troubled look.

"Well, just a bit of a choice that I must make."

Leslie knew that there are still things she must not ask. So she just pat Amber"s shoulder before finis.h.i.+ng her hot and spicy chicken.

Reina and Mikaela noticed that somethong have changed and the two of them are no longer thinking about their problem a while ago so they no longer asked.

Meanwhile, Amber was in a dilemma. When she needed to be alone during the new years. Ashton and the others let her be.

But now, she needed to barge in his place and eat with him when he obviously wanted to be alone.

But she already gave her word to Ashley. At the same time, it seems that his family are very much worried about him.

"Well I suppose I could just console myself with the fact that they knew the reason why I wanted to be left alone while I don"t."

That"s when she realized that she actually knew very little of him. She only knew of his family and background, which one could actually search once they go online.

With this thought, she decided to barge in him tomorrow morning, "If he gets mad, then that"s just it. Let"s just see what will happen tomorrow."