Villain Retirement

Chapter 117: The Nightclub

Chapter 117: The Nightclub

"Sun Babies!"

"Sun… babies?"

The growing pillar of ice beneath Tomoe"s feet stopped growing as she arranged her Even from meters away, Tomoe could feel the heat radiating from the two basketball-sized spheres of fire that were floating in front of Hannah"s palms.

Hannah did say that she had been practicing some techniques… could this be perhaps one of them? But why does everything around her need to involve babies in it? Was that some sort of… inside joke she wasn"t getting? Tomoe thought as she carefully watched the situation unfold.

As for Silvie, her head was slightly tilted to the side as she stared at Hannah; her eyes, not reflecting the blinding light coming from the spheres as they were glowing red on their own.

"Don"t blame me if I scratch your perfect face!" Hannah then clapped her hands; her clap was followed by another snap in the air as the two fireb.a.l.l.s quickly exploded straight towards Silvie.

But seeing these two b.a.l.l.s of fire threatening to scorch her face off, Silvie only took in a small breath as she rushed to face them head-on, "Threat level is high… must… must… eliminate."

"No!" Tomoe was about to rush to stop the only two female friends she had from taking each other"s heads off, but before she could even propel herself from the ice pillar, she noticed that Riley was already in the middle of the two.

"What the…" Hannah blinked her eyes a couple of times, "Get the f.u.c.k out of there!"

But even with her sister"s deafening bellows piercing his ears, Riley only shook his head; his hair fluttering in the wind as its white threads reflected the light of the moon. His coat, snapping in the air as he raised both his hands… which were both holding plastic straws.

And as if a conductor ushering a song surrounded by the light of moon and fire, Riley started waving the straws around.

"What the f.u.c.k are you do--"

And as soon as he did so, both Silvie and Hannah instantly dropped to the ground-- with Silvie"s body creating a small crater, and Hannah landing ever so softly on the pillows they had set up around the campfire.

"You…" Hannah then turned her eyes towards her brother once more, only to see the two fireb.a.l.l.s she summoned about to torch him alive, "R… Riley! My babies!"

Riley let out a small sigh as he hid one of the straws in his pocket, before pointing his palm towards the approaching set of fireb.a.l.l.s. And as soon as he closed his palm into a fist, the two fireb.a.l.l.s instantly merged with one another.

"...What the?" Hannah could not help but raise an eyebrow as she saw her sun babies becoming one; and soon, becoming the size of a tennis ball.

Riley then flicked the remaining straw in his other hand, causing the now tennis ball-sized sphere of fire to shoot towards the sky. And with both his hands stretched to the side, the fireball exploded.

The fiery light rained upon them like a firework, lighting up the edges of Riley"s silhouette as he slowly descended from the air.

"M… master," Tomoe could not help but gulp as she watched everything unfold; the ice beneath her feet, not enough to cool down the warmth-- the heat that was slowly covering her entire body.

"...Showoff," Hannah then shook her head as soon as Riley"s feet touched the ground. But after a few more moments,

"Silvie!", she rushed to check on Silvie, "Are you…"

But alas, Silvie"s eyes were still violently glowing in red; the ground, cracking as she seemed to be trying to get up, but could not as she was still being restrained by Riley.

"Must… must eliminate--"

"Snap out of it, Silv!" Hannah then let out a scream to try and wake her up from whatever it is that was happening to her, "It"s me, Hannah. We"re here for yo--"


And before Hannah could even finish her words, another crack resounded in the air as… Riley suddenly stomped his foot on Silvie"s head.

"What are you--"

And once again, before she could even say anything, Riley stomped on Silvie"s head.

"Stop that!" Hannah then quickly pushed Riley away, "Why would you even do that!?"

"You used to kick the gaming console when it doesn"t work properly, sister," Riley then let out a small sigh, "I was just doing the same."

"What the… she doesn"t run on batteries, Riley!"

"Are we sure of that?" Riley muttered, squinting his eyes as he looked at Silvie.

"You-- never mind," Hannah could only shake her head as she turned her focus back to Silvie, whose tears were now already seeping through the cracks of the ground; her eyes, now back to normal.

"E… everyone," Silvie then whimpered as she remained lying face-first on the cracked ground, "I"m… I"m sorry… I"m really sorry."

"Silv…" Hannah breathed out, "What… is happening to you?"

"She also became like that earlier," Tomoe mentioned as she approached.

"..." Hannah first thought that Silvie was just acting out due to the stress of everything that has been happening so far. After all, judging from the brief stories she has told them, she… didn"t really have that much freedom due to her father being as strict as a soldier.

But seeing as how she completely turned crazy; unresponsive, even. It would seem that something else was going on with her.

"Hey… it"s alright, Silv," Hannah gently placed her hand on Silvie"s face, causing her to cry out some more. Hannah then looked around; and it would seem that besides the car that was split in two by Silvie"s heat vision, as well as the gangsters that were knocked out, all the other members of the drug group escaped during the confusion.

Still, no one seemed to have died, so this was still one of the better-case scenarios they could have as a result. Soon, however, the police arrived.

As supers, they were obligated to report each and everything that happened during the altercation. But of course, Hannah and Tomoe decided to keep Silvie running amok a secret to the feds.

Everything was cleaned up easily, with even the wrecked car towed away on a truck. Initially, Hannah thought they would be kicked out of the parking lot; but the manager even gave them some more supplies and said they could stay… as their group idling there has actually been bringing in more customers.

And so, with everything slightly resolved, Hannah could only let out a long and loud yawn.

"...s.h.i.t," she then breathed out, "We"ll have a week more of this s.h.i.t? I think we better avoid any drug-related crime from now on."

"That may be for the best, big sister," Tomoe nodded.

"But still… to be brazen enough to attack us even knowing Riley and my ident.i.ty; they are either too stupid or probably have someone strong enough backing them up," Hannah sighed, "We should stick together from now on-- I am sure that"s not the last time we"ll be seeing them."

"I believe that to be the case as well, big sister," Tomoe once again nodded, "Only idiots would attack us while knowing who you and master are."

"Speaking of… how are the others?"

"Gary is still unconscious. As for Silvie," Tomoe let out a small sigh as she turned towards Silvie, who was now sleeping beside the fire, "There"s… something not right with her."

"You think she"s crazy?"

"I… do not want to think so," Tomoe shook her head, "But she… is probably hiding something."

"Hm. We should probably ask her about it as soon as she wakes up. Also…" Hannah then looked around, "...Where"s my brother?"

"Master said he"ll roam around the skies to see if anyone else might attack us."

"...Good for him," Hannah muttered as she walked to the campfire; quickly snuggling herself in a blanket as the ice platform that Tomoe made has become even colder,

"Did you know… that Riley used to not come out of the house?"

"...No," Tomoe shook her head as she quickly sat beside Hannah.

"He would just stay inside his room the whole day for weeks. You know, there was one time that…"

"R… really!?"


"Move out of the way, move!"

Different colors of light flickered everywhere; with the ears of the people frantically dancing around almost deaf from the thundering music that drummed in the air.

Their frenzy was disrupted, however, as the crime leader that Hannah and the others faced earlier pushed them away-- his face completely panicked as he continued to run until he reached a more serene and quiet part of the nightclub.

"Boss!" He then screamed, his words mixing with the m.u.f.fled music that was seeping through the quiet hallway. "I need to see the boss!"

His path, however, was blocked by two guards as soon as he reached a large door.

"The boss is currently busy right now, d.i.c.k," one of the guards said as he slightly pushed the crime leader away.

"This… this is urgent!" d.i.c.k bellowed as he looked the guard straight in the eyes, "I… I need to talk with the boss!"

"..." The guards then looked at each other, before both nodding and opening the door, "Make it quick."

"Just get out of the way!" d.i.c.k then rushed inside the room, only to find numerous naked women dancing inside.

"This…" d.i.c.k quickly took in a small gulp as he fixed his clothes, "B… boss. Something urgent came up," he then said; any previous arrogance in his tone was completely gone as he tried his best to ignore the women dancing on the floor.

"We… attacked supers from the Academy."


...did what?"