Villain Retirement

Chapter 244: Wings Unclipped

Chapter 244: Wings Unclipped

Outside Riley"s house; the prisoners were currently doing things that prisoners usually do.

Freely hanging out and talking to each other; a few fixing their vehicles that they were allowed to ride only within the prison neighborhood. Some were also having fun and drinking alcohol– a very normal prison day in the Super Max"s Top 50 Prisoner division.

As long as they had no plans of escaping or actually going to war against each other, the prison lets them do what they want. As their reputation so claims– except for the freedom to venture outside and knowing the latest news, their life was more grand and luxurious than the normal citizen.

This luxury, however, was slightly downed when Alice"s son arrived. Whenever he walks outside, the only thing they could do was go back inside their homes and hide. They could still remember what happened the first day with Fred, wherever he was now, they wished him peace.

He turned into a mist of blood; killed the very first day Alice"s son arrived. Sure, most of them were considered to be the most dangerous supers in the entire world, capable of ma.s.sacring people without even blinking an eye.

Alice, however, showed them their real place in the world. They could count on one hand the times they tried to harm Alice, only to come back with broken bones or shattered homes. It was good if it was only the perpetrator who pays for messing with her, but no. Alice would flip the entire prison if even just one of them looks at her funny

She complained about everything and anything. She feels a bit cramped? She would rearrange the entire neighborhood even though her house was already too big enough for one person.

Alice was a plague. But even through all of that, however, she never killed anyone.

His son killed 3 people on the very first day; and as far as they know, he has the same powers as her. And so, it almost became a silent promise that no one would mess with him.

But alas, even with that– they noticed that there were fewer and fewer of them as the months pa.s.sed. None of them talked about it, but they all knew that it most likely had something to do with Alice"s son. Of course, lately, these disappearances seemed to have stopped.

It has been almost an entire month without any of them disappearing without a trace. And maybe, just maybe; they could finally be able to live in pea–


"What the f.u.c.k was that!?"

And with a thunderous crack exploding through their ears, the prisoners that were just enjoying their daily lives jolted up; their eyes, all turning towards where the explosion was coming from.

And as soon as their eyes landed on Alice"s son"s house, they all quickly scurried to go back inside their homes. Most of them stopped just short of opening their doors, however, as a trickle of green sparked on the k.n.o.b of their doors as soon as they touched it.

They felt a small sting crawling through their skin, almost like a spider trying to tickle them.

"What… is happening?"

And soon, anything and everything that involved a sort of metal in them started to leave the ground; green webs of electricity serving as their legs as they floated through the air.

"F… f.u.c.k!" A prisoner who was wearing a chain around his neck, quickly snapped his jewelry in half as it tried to choke and tickle him.

The car that was being painstakingly maintained and fixed by one of the prisoners also floated in the air; its cha.s.sis, slowly being separated apart.

All of these, however, were soon ignored by them as they hurried to enter their houses once more. Their curiosities, however, were the hardest to ignore. As soon as they got into their houses, they all quickly leaned their heads in front of their windows; their eyes, reflecting green as lightning danced around Riley"s house.

They all wondered what was happening; soon, however, they heard a howl.

"H… holy s.h.i.t!"-- is what they heard as the spark drowning Riley"s house once again exploded, causing its walls to slightly crumble and letting even a brighter green seep through the cracks created.

"O… oh, fudge!"-- another scream whispered through their ears, this time louder as the cracks around the houses grew deeper and deeper.

"S… something"s wrong! It"s hot!" They all heard,

"Oh, s.h.i.t… oh f.u.c.k! Something… something is happening!" The voice once again whispered through their ears even from afar; the voice was starting to stutter, however, as the howls soon became screeches.

"No… Riley, Riley! Something is– Hnn!"

And with those words, the prisoners all felt their eyes almost melting in their sockets as the green light once again exploded; this time, drowning the entire prison neighborhood with nothing but white– almost like the flash of a camera was directly triggered right in front of them.

Unfortunately for the others that were watching, it was not only the flash of light that hit them straight in the face. The cracks of the wall finally gave up; causing Riley"s house to crumble and explode, shooting some of the debris and gla.s.s to a speed that was enough to create thunder of their own.

And these debris– these projectiles, they went straight through the windows of the prisoners" houses. And at the speed they were going… some of those that were hit died on the spot.

But for those that were not hit, their breaths soon started to calm down as their visions returned to normal.

"Is… is it over?" One of the prisoners whispered to himself as he rubbed his eyes; his attention, quickly straying towards Riley"s house– or at least what was left of it. Right in the very center, however, was a silhouette… No, were silhouettes that were floating in the air.


"Did you feel good, Victoria?" And through all the chaos they caused, Riley"s voice was calm; almost tranquil as his words whispered through V"s ears– causing her entire body to slightly shiver.

"..." V did not respond. Instead, letting her fetter and gasping breaths to share her thoughts.

"Hn!" She, however, let out a shrieking moan as Riley pulled away; her entire body, curling on its own as she felt… electricity crawling through her flesh for the first time. Her feet, also curling as they trembled.

Her eyes, however, soon widened as they saw the skies above her… as well as the entire neighborhood.

"L… let me down!" V then screamed as the limiter attached to her back once again released a web of electricity– almost like feathers that were finally being torn and replaced by newer ones.

"..." Riley looked around the neighborhood for a few seconds, before their… naked bodies finally descended to the ground. V wanted to run away and hide as soon as her feet met with the floor…

…but realized there was nowhere to hide as the house was now nothing but rubble. Before she could whimper in panic, however, the rubbles began to tremble; causing V to fall to the ground b.u.t.t first. The bits and pieces of the house, once again returning to where they were just moments ago.

And for some reason, some had this red liquid trailing on their surfaces. And so, once again without even a quarter of a minute– the house was whole.

"Did you feel good, Victoria?" Riley then once again asked as he approached V.

V, on the other hand, just looked at him… in all his glory.

"That… that thing… was inside me!?" V then stuttered as she pointed at the thing dangling between Riley"s legs.

"Only half of it, Victoria," Riley then said as he casually turned to look at where V was pointing, "It was your first time and you have a small body, I did not want to–"

And before Riley could finish his words, V"s fading steps entered his ears as she disappeared to her room.



Riley stood there for a few seconds with a blank expression on his face, before once again taking a seat on the sofa– grabbing the remote sitting on the table and turning on the TV so he could continue watching Italian Mafia Reborn.



But alas, the TV was as dead as the other prisoners.


Riley"s eyebrows began to furrow; his head slowly turning towards the surveillance camera attached to his ceiling– but alas, that too, was no longer responding.

Riley"s deep breaths then whispered through the entire room as he floated up; the faucet on the bar, opening and letting out a gush of water that also immediately flew towards Riley and started whirling around him, focusing on the thing between his legs.

And after that, his clothes floated; dressing him swiftly and neatly. And with him fully clothed, he gently descended to the floor. He stood there without a word for a couple of seconds, before finally walking and heading… to V"s room.

"Victoria," Riley said as he knocked on her door.

"Go away!"

"I am joining the Hope Guild since there is nothing to do here anymore, are you coming?"

And with those words, Riley could hear all sorts of rumbling seeping from V"s room. And finally, after what seemed like an entire 5 minutes, the door opened– with V now fully clothed. Her face, however, was still flushed.

"Are we… really going now?" V then stuttered; her eyes, trying their best not to stray away from Riley"s.

"Yes," Riley nodded.

"But… we…" V then muttered,

"What are… we?"

"You"re a human and I am a monster, Victoria."

"No! I mean what are we!?" Victoria repeated as she grabbed Riley"s wrist, "Are we… still going to meet outside? Are we a couple? What"s our label?"

"You…" Riley looked Victoria directly in the eyes as his whispers entered her ears,

"You are mine, Victoria."

And as soon as V heard his words, a small smile crawled on her face; her eyes, slightly cracking in green,

"And…" V then whispered as she embraced Riley; her trickling eyes, as wide as they could be,

"You are mine, Riley… only mine."

"That is–"

And before Riley could finish his words, V suddenly placed her lips on his.

"I will die before I give you to someone else," V then said before running away; her chuckles, whispering in Riley"s ears.

"Now let"s go!" V then said as she hopped filled with joy; once again approaching Riley and grabbing his wrist, "Are we going straight to the base? You need to carry me since I don"t have my mecha suit."

"..." Riley stared at her for a couple of seconds, before shaking his head, "We need to take a small detour first, Victoria."


"Diana Ross, Alice Lane, and Megawoman," Riley then muttered, "This place has answers that I could only hear here. We…

…are visiting the place where the Top 3 are."